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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1956)
Valley News Statesman Ntwi Service Road-E-O Event Slated Sunday Polk Tax Reappraisal Plans Heard by Pedee Farm Group lUlfimm Nfl Strvire PKDEE R. Godwin of the state tax office was speaker for the May mooting of the Farmers Union. He told of plana for the reap praisal of property in Oregon and specifically in Polk County. Godwin laid that farm will be tested, buildings measured and, consultations Will be hold with the owners of the property. Timber and farm ad visors are assisting in the effort to equaliie taxes. Polk County is now being mapped and contacts are, " Red Hills An ItalnMi Ntwe Itrrtre WOODBURN Among items of business discussed it the Tuesday night meeting of Woodburn Jay cees wn the Teen-age Road-E-0 to be held Sunday it Lincoln School. On June 6, seven boys from Woodburn Hish School wilt attend the Salem golf tournament sponsor ed by tbe Salem Jayceee. It was announced that Ed Xoskl received in iward in recognition of hi oratorical ability it the state Jaycee convention held May 12 at Gearhart, and Woodburn chapter wai awarded second place for service in tbe division of cities of this size. GETS MUSES CAPS WILLAMINA Susan Johnston ind Jeanne Get of Willamina re ceived their capi it the Univer sity of Oregon School of Nunlntjipectlvely. Bums hi been elect-1 Statesman, Salem, Or, Fit, May IS, 56-($eC. 1T)-W in recent ceremonies. The flrls will graduate in December, 1998, with BA and a BS degree re ed vice president of the clau of '38. being made to have aerial photo graphs made. The work is to be completed in the county by 1959. Junior Kckley of the Blue Lakjj Cannery showed two films. An initiative petition for a constitutional amendment for a lieutenant-governor was signed by most of those present. The Action Group will meet at the Gus Jahn home May 23 and the pasture tour committee will meet with them to map the tour to be held June 9. The group voted $20 to those attending Junior camp to pay 50 per cent of expense or to be divided equally if moie than four attend. The camp will be held June 69 at Silver Falls Baptist Youth Camp. They also voted to conduct the two school meetings to be held soon and to use the money re ceived to pay a 4-H summer school scholarship. Report was made of the seed ing of 18 acres of barley by mem bers on land rented from the Kerbers as a money-raising proj ect of the local. Mrs. C. H. Jackets, assisted by Mrs. Herman A mo: and Mrs. R. H. Pomeroy, served a supper before the meeting to about 30 persons. Club Elects Floyd Bates Xlat?man Nfwi Srrvlrt SUNNYSIDE Floyd Bates was elected president of Red Hills Agriculture Club Tuesday night. Hugh Harris was retained as vice-president and Mrs. Ernest Nouenchwander was chosen secretary-treasurer. J. Ashbnugh of the Marion County juvenile office spoke on juvenile delinquency. Reporting on fruit prospects. Floyd Bates said the' strawberry ! crop was mucn better than previ ously reported predictions but that tree fruits did not look good oespiic tne ideal weather during blossom time and the unusual bloom. Jhe club voted to conduct its annual tour on June 19, followed by a picnic dinner in the .evening. deft WOOD FINISH seals , , . primes finishes . . . all from one can! Quirt 2.37 Vi Pint 89c 'Pint $1.44 Gal. $7.10 Transparent Deft gives a beautiful semi-gloss finish to fur niture, cabinets, natural wool wall paneling, woodwork and floors. Dries in 30 minutes . . . ready for the second coat in two hoursl Deft is a clear wood finish that won't darken . . .hat excellent coverage . . .it an economical and beautiful wood finish for large areas and small areas. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 11 12:13 TO? P.M. Mother days-9:jo a.m. to sao p.m I V " ' (.- Wat ' .''' ' ; J 4 1 -v 1 this regular $79.95 EUREKA ROTO-MATIC for only $59.95 and your old cleaner Your old vacuum cleaner Is worth $2(L when you turn it in on a famous non-tip Roto-Matic cleaner. Complete with all at-' tachmenta. including the Roto-Dolly. Pow erful suction cleans up all the dirt. Model 805. Ask about eur 11-day home trial. Call 8 Mil, ext. ZS VACUUM CLEANERS-SECOND FLOOR Mail and phone orders. Plus shiviHn .cost to areas outside our regular true, delivery routes. X, t 2 k- - v. " j, :-' t r v v-' . CLA-CO-IZ , CAPSULES WiehCmtaninttMl liver, fr v Capper FIGHT HIDDEN HUNGER! f verreae laeae the Cue el "iUm ktu9w"-t) ateMei vttaata itiemcj (hat ssuetf f T "sick", but eialae ewer yeut vitality- M alewtr. M sahadeerir TM deal imIIm whel a iMppealaf. Fif hi thai hidd . eeaf4e wenaHoa that rt wttaiiaHettoteal pmri tw4taf wmm , . . Dbe4 at health. Hakt st with OLA-1CXON-1X the aiaatat aaw eXaala tewaala shit amy aid yea la fata the hllmtmma M kMllh aad hopptBM . . . the nai aaretaf etteUrr that aheaM ha rmrs. Deal aalar ... eat OLA-IEltQN-U tedart wiiK tKt aurcKatt ( a Kn l J CAPITAL DRUG STORE Main Stare: 403 State St., Comae of Liberty Prescription Shop 417 Chemekete VYI OIVI XC CRIEN STAMPS Four-H Fair Due Saturday AtRosedale RUtrimaa Nrwi Srrvlr ROSEDALE - A Rosedale 4-H Fair will be held at 7 p.m. Satur day at the school here' with five 4-H clubs participating. Money raised will be used for a scholarship to the 4-H summer school at Corvallis in June. The fair will feature separate cake baking contests for adults and children. Prizes will be award ed. Everyone attending is encour aged to bring a cake, and they must be at the school by 7:30 p.m. to be elitiihle lor judging, the com mittee reported. Ako scheduled are demonstra tions, games and refreshments Tentative plans call for a guest speaker. Clubs participating and their leaders, all from Rosedale, are the Jolly Seamsters, Mrs. Ronald Martin, Homemakers, Mrs. Edy the Smith; Lucky Cookers, Mrs. Robert Dolezal, Lucky 7 Livestock, Ronald Martin, and Woodworkers. John Dockard. Popcorn School ('crcnionv Slated Tuesday Night Ktainmin N'tws ftervtr ORCHARD HEIGHTS - Gradua tion exercises and a school pro gram will he held at 8 p.m. Tws day at Popcorn School Cheryl Bauman and Terry l.ip pert are the graduates Glen Mur ray, pastor of Summit Methodist Episcopal Church, will speak. A lunch will be served. The school picnic will be held at Bush's Pasture, Salem, next Wednesday. Mrs. Zclma White will return in the fall as teacher for the 10th consecutive year. Willamina VFW Host to District Statpimaa Nrwt Srrvlre WII.LAMINA Willamina Post and Auxiliary 4211, VFW, were hosts for the district 18 meeting Deputy president Pattie Hopkins and other department officers were present, and installed the newly elected district officers Officers from Willamina are: Con ductress, Berniece Soules; patri otic instructor, Georgia Rasmus sen; secretary, Alice Wahus; mu sician, Florence Ullrich. Beatrice Curry of Willamina was elected district president, and will be installed at the depart ment encampment June 30. There were 110 at the meeting. Births At Valley Hospitals lUtetmu News Servic STAYTON - To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Romey, Idanha star route, a son, May 16, at Santiam Memorial Hospital. You Are Invited to Visit Our 'CHARM HOUSE' A Cape Cod cottage furnished with the warmth and friendli ness of early American maple at its best. Where you may shop at your leisure with free decorating help, if -desired Our "Charm House" has just been completely redecorated. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC W Ceart Ph. 1 Mil Opei Msa. ft Fit TU I OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 F. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 F. M. FREE STORE-SIDE rtABisikir cad rwico innA rADt r MftiNiiiw run wet. iv iww v.iw m if i Bltel7's W t7CD GOOD G(o)DD yCsHSF-tSCToS ' " '"'; SHOWN-HERE . Smartest, smallest TV em! ' : : f ?.T '4.,,:; New RCA Victor TW TV go $a cawvenlent in size, so bit in per- J if I , " I ,V H M I J K-1 711 "ll -J - - --, i - I where you go out on the porch .. . formanx:e. The picture is sharp, steady, III 1 r"T" ' " to vour room .. .even to the office I clear. Modern cabinet in ebony, red, ill - -r - " ' ' I You ve got to sea It, lift it and try it gray or ivory textured finishes. M I . r ' ' v 4 ' x l ' 1 to believe it! Imagine! World-famous As present for someone you love, J '4 v ? ' k . ea ja n i - J RCA Victor performance in a TV aef "Personal" TV is ideal it's "The Gift I.T ' , IT'S A I Is Pll TIIPI-I 1 I ' onlv 9K" wide, 8Jg" high (without That Keeps On Giving." Come in I ( : v ' f t -4 A 1 1 V flkb I IV I WIVL-a ; , , . I ' stand), i2Ji" long! today and get t little "PtrsonaL" , : ! ' ySA m.vx ' lv (( ZH i )) J vy" vLC;!?- f Nv 1 i icavktoi -rmtOMAi' TV. W ONLY$130 V XV BiXlP . - ' J I .1 1 liairi : : , ONE FULL YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL PARTS AND -TUBES Guaranteed by RCA Victor and by Meier & Frank's. Buy your television with complete confidence in the set, installa tion and service at Meier & Frank's-the store of integrity. IT PAYS TO BUY AT MEIER & FRANK'S Mail end phone ordert. Tlus shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. RCA Factory Service For 1 Yr. 14.95 TELEVISION HEADQUARTERS SECOND FLOOR . yam