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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1956)
T t, i t 15-(Sec. II)-Statman, SaTern,Ore., Frt.,May 18, '56 ' Valley News I Statttmcm Nwt Servlco 1 - '- . ... . any Riding Clubs to Visit Sheridan Sunday ' ' -.' HtMn Km tmkt t, f, SHERIDAN The ITifl Sheridan Rode Allocation will be host for "(ua day" here Sunday when judges wilf select print eei from the riding groupt for tho annual Phil Rperidaa rodeo, i . Princesses Bust bo unmarried tad between SH of II tad H T7 31 bo Judged oa their horsemanship and appearance. Servinf a the .ir.mtttee oa tho court eelectioa are Jack BtaeeQ of Dallas, Clarence f'-iiukar aid Orie Blankenihie of Vlamina. v.-, PartidpaUnf cube win be Dtv toa Buckaroe Association. UolaDa Rodeo Aeeodation. 81 Paul Rodeo Association, Molafla Saddle Club, Tillamook County SheruTa roue, TJUmook County Saddle Clnb, Washington County Sheriffs Posse, Yamhill County IheruTt Peeoe. Sherwood HoneraaB Association, Beaverton Saddle Club, remit Trove Raaeb Riders, Silverten Saddle Club, Territorial Rideri of Oregon City. Washington county Westerners, ramnio Trav tuners, Konmouth Mounties, Waabiogtoo County Ridert, Vernoab Trail Rid era, Oregon Trail JUdert of ttnay, Pequasus Saddle Club of Aloha, Sairra Saddle Club, Cherry Grove Saddle Club and the Sheridan Cos ier Club. A rodeo qoeen'i dance win be held early In June, when official announcement of tho quern will be made. Items Sought For Benefit Sale Tonight ttatnaua N.wt Itrrk KEIZER Item for an election night benefit auction here are be ing aoJicited by tho Kener Uone Club and its auxiliary, the organi zation! reported Thursday. Proceed! will go into the Keizer Lione building fund. The building will be need for acout meetings. Donated articlet are being re ceived at AJ'i Radio ihop and Cooler 'i Hardware (tore here. The tale will Mart at 7:30 p.m. Friday in front of Keizer Food Lock era. Election returni will be announced during the event. Swegle PTA Hears School .,( - Budget Talk - ; luwuua Nfwi Isrrke .. IWEGLE Walter Snyder spot at the meeting of Swegle PTA Tuesday night, presenting tho Important Issues concerning the school budget' r Snyder Introduced Roger Peter ton, who spoke in behalf of the Citizens Budget Committee, urg ing parents to east their vote at the polls Kay 25. New officer! of Swegle PTA were formally installed by past president W. A, Kirkman. The principal, James Dawes, present ed service pint for "outstanding 1 work' to Mrs. Roland refreshment chairman: ard YarnelL secretary and mem bership chairman; Clayton Gibb, in charge of student activities. Outgoing president, Uoyd La flke, waa honored with a past presiucw put Simulated graduation diplomas wert given to the parents of st seats wno wio be promoted to junior mgn school ' Arthur Bradley was presented a gut upon his resignation as xutu grade teacher to take the position of principal and teacher t Hails Perry next school year. Bradley's room won the attend ance award. Mothers serving re- iresnmentt wort am. K. Cleve land, Mrs. Ronald Nopp, Mrs. Harold Boiler and Un. Robert Hughes. ' . . WORTHINGTON OVERSEAS" UNIONVALE - Floyd Worthing. ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Worthington, who has been station ed at Parti Air Force Bom, Calif., ia now in Okinawa where be will be stationed for II months. Graduation Exercises Set At Hopewell Ktwt srvlc HOPEWELL Graduation ex ercises for Hopewell Grade School will he held at the Hope well Evangelical United Brethren Church Tuesday, May 22, at 8 p n, County Schoo Superintend ent Lynn Gubser will spesk. Graduating are Gary PM EJdon Henna, Barbara Sahnow, La Verne Llnd. Carol Henna, Shar on Robert on and Wanda Irwin. Walter Irwin ia chairman of the School Board. The Rev. and Mrs. Glen Harris snd daughter Susan are being feted with a number of occasions in their honor prior to their de parture for Montana May 2 where be will take a pastorate. A group pf women of the church entertained Mn. Harrie with a handkerchief shower and Chinese upper in Salem Friday evening Attending were Mrs. John Kotka, Mn. Blanch Cooper, Mrs. Minnie Davidson, Mrs. Bethel Kienitz of Clear Lake, Mn. Maril Ogden, Mn. Fenton Galer, Mrs. Krank Henba, Mra. Stephen Tarter, Mn. Frank Weiterhouse, Mn. Clarence Legg and Mn. Marvel Brown. A no-host supper is planned for Saturday evening. May 28 at the Hopewell Evangelical United Brethren Church at 7 p.m. , The Rev. Wilmer Brown, Re gional Director of the National Association of Evangelicals, will be guest speaker at the Hopewell Evangelical United Brethren Church Sunday at 11 a m. Mr. and Mrs. John Alison and daughter1 Shirley who have rec ently sold their farm were the honored guests at a party at Fairview School Monday evening when a large group of neighbors grthered in their honor. Mn. John Fuqua, Mrs. Richard Cran- UN Bound t MT. ANGEL Ruth Wilde. Ml. Aagel. who will make Inlted Natiaaa Youth Pilgrimage to New York In July. The trip is apeasoreg by lOOF lodges or mid-valley. ZM TO GRADUATE ALBANY Commencement exer cises for Jt eighth graders be held June 1 at Albany Junior High School. Principal Ivan Wilson re ported Thursday. Speaker will be Dr. J. W. Sherburne of Oregon State College psychology department. nell and Mn. Carl Wood were the committee in charge. The Alli sons have moved to a new home in Keizer district near Salem. Hopewell Club Elects Officers IinPFWFt.t NpulvWtad of- fleers of Hopewell Community club are president. Mrs. Frank Hersha: vice-president. Mrs. Macil Ogden; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Fenton Galar. The club voted to sponsor a Rnv Scout troon. Announcement was also made of the , Hopewell School oicnie which la annually a community affair and will be held May Jt at Williamson Park. Mr and Mn Charles Stephens era hnxla thli naat week to Mrs. Mvrlln Brisk!! of Sookane. W'ajh. and her son and wife. Mr. ana Mrs. Leslie DriskeU of Arabia who are vacation ne from h i work with an oil company mere. Mrs. uris : kell is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Step ! hens. The Leslie Driskells plan to I return to Arabia bv wav of Ger many where they will visit her parents and to adopt twins, a boy and a girl there. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brubaker and family of Baker have rented the Klrkwood cottage of Mrs. Joe Bea ty and will move there shortly. Officers installed at the Hope well Home Extension Unit meeting held at the home of Mrs. Richard Crannell are chairman. Mrs, Frank; vice-chairman, Mrs. Stanley Ferrell, secretary-treasur er. Mrs. John Geisler. Mrs. John Fuqua was the installing officer. Polk County Court News SUUinua Ntwi ItrvUe DALLAS Th following new complaints were on file Thurs day in Polk County Circuit Court: Ila Jo Plant vs. Harry B. Plant; Seeks divorce, and restoration of former name of Ila Jo Burkland. Married Dee. 3, 1933 at Steven son, Wash. Juanita Shead vs. Thomas Sneadt Seeks divorce, custody of two minor children, $80 monthly support for children. Married on March 29, 1932 at McMinnville. A marriage license wss issued Marion Lakes Roail Saul Free of Snow tutnaua Ntwi Service MARION FORKS -The Marion Lake Road was reported free of snow "all the way" Thursday, with snow encountered at the beginning of the trail into the lakes. There had been no reports as to whether the lakes were still frozen. Soli Conservation snow survey men reported IK inches of snow on the summit with a water con tent of SO per cent. EMBREE ON LEAVE FALLS- CITY - A2C James Embree, son of Mr. ,and Mrs. Chester Embree of Falls City, was home recently for a 10-day leave. Young Embree was t Statesman carrier in Falls City about I yean before he entered the Air Force last September. He is stationed at Travis Air Force Base, CatlL here Tuesday to Erwin R. Frie sen, 21, US. Air Force, snd Ade line Mae Dick, 22,' stenographer, both of Dallas. I Only the best quality Fresh Fish and Shrimp ever gets to wur kitchen. Use than the bast It not jood en ough for OUR customers. Let us prove H todeyl TUT C A II CUftD Th Of9on Homo of Sloppy Joe inCJHIl JllVr A Great Sandwkhl Portland Road at North City limits For Orders to Co - Fhont 2-6798 OPIN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M. . - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. I -TP Cleveland. VW.frt?CJ3TVN. i Mn-Leon-mte25&'$t. V'iw-" I at ju n-T - ,,rj'Tai i . lit lioy Tirui u f V-v r AtH toa twos, S"lOJ0 " lAti ' arIM W7 ; stoiweti imismn. F ,' " "" ii"", ', WATCH ANO JIWIUT IWAII 1 Brothers Return ' To Service Posts ' tuttnua Nsws ttnlce ' FOUR CORNERS - A J Rat! Cartwright, youngest kson of Mr. and Mrs. William Cartwright, who has completed bit basic training at Parka Air Force Base, Calif, left Tuesday for assignment at Klamath Air Fore Radar Station, Klamath, Calif. .. Spi Jack W. Cartwright, who has been home on leave following duty in Korea bat returned to Letterman Hospital at San Fran ; Cisco for re-asslgnment In the Army. Third Cartwright broiher In the -service is SN Gary Cartwright, currently on shore duty at New port Newt, Va. Gary is Just back from two years with the Naval Tar East Command. ' ' Governor's Guard Billed as Sheridan Rodeo Attraction SutwBtaa stews Itrvlce SHERIDAN The mounted Governor'! Guard from Salem will put on an exhibition drill at the Phil Sheridan Rodeo In June, according to Geo Latham, presi dent of the organization. Bus . Youngquist is drillmsster for the Oregon mounted governor's guard. The associstion is having sll of the bucking chutes moved - from their present location to in front of the grsnd stand, so that every teat facet the chutes and gives a good view of the chute activities. New corrals will be constructed in resr of the chutes. The work will be completed by early June. khaefor's RECTAL OINTMENT Soothes, lubrkattt, Aatrinatnt Contain! Chtulmwewrt Oil, Witch Hanoi, KmIM , Roliovtt Ptto Shrink! Htmofrholdi SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE uiuun HOUSE You're holding up the party! Hurry on overt We're holding OPEN HOUSE and we're all , waiting for you. It'a your turn to ait down and try the Hammond Chord Organ. And after you've had the fun of playing ...we htm a free gift recording for you. HURRY , , , and bring a friend. OPEN TILL 9:00 P.M. THIS WEEK! If you do not havw transportation call 2-5281 and we will come and get you . . . feu 'Chard OrfM Cnnmll KOAI S 10 Ivtry tvanlat PIANO COMPANY The Valley's Finest Fiano Store" 12S0 State St. Salem (3MI2 15 Cubic Feet FREEZES LOWEST PRICE WE KNOW OF... ANYWHERE! Stores Over Va TON of Frozen Food COMPARE eXEr MOO09 1010 01 ,Y 4jS, SOHUOt CO. Freezes snd stores 525 lb. froxen food Sepsrste quick-freeze compartment Has 1 bsskets, 2 dividers, automatic light Mm HUGE CARLOAD PURCHASE! YEAR'S GREAT FREEZER VALUE! jmKJ550 N. Capitol 3-9191 ru fj Jin 340 court fttrect 11 esff se(&? DLTQ I he Polo Grounds, Ebbets Field, Yankee Stadium are no farther owoy than your G.E. portable TV.. Enjoy the exciting world of baseball and tht finest entertainment in th cool, cool comfort of your own yard with this sleek portable! Easy to move any where ... it wtighs just 32 pounds, a mere handful to tote around your home inside or out! And what o big hit tht remarkablt low price is . , . just 169.95! "... t ' k ,F J the portable TV with 56 bigger picture si owerful performer , . . assures clear, shorp picture anywhere! Outstanding quality feorurt: 90 aluminlred picture tube with dork safety Jtfindow; dyoopower-speoker with jacasturetMoi flluminiim voice, oil2-way Interference protection; better fringe area reception! Light, well-balanced case in Bermudg Bronze or.Terro Cotto and Ivory with adjustable rear leg to vary viewing ortglt. Rtmtmbtr, too . . . all ports, tubes, picture tub guaranteed one year! NO DOWN FAYMENT en our approved credit t lonf 01 24 months to pay WE GIVE AND REDEEM mSti J il'M. M- mj&x St ; lis pi U V;t V - ' i ' ' f I I ' r TV Dept., downstairs Open Friday 9:30 A.M. To 9 P.M. Open Dally Tit sob. teStJL GREEN STAMPS Sundays, iw .!- 135 N. Commetoai t (VHF.nly..:. 149.95)"'