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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1956)
Subversive "... Control Board Member Bitter Statesman, SaTcm.'Ore; Fri, May 18. Z&-($ec. II) 17 DENVER W - Harry P. Cain, bitterly critical ot the Elsenhower administration security program, laid Thursday night he believes he is on the way out from his lovernment Job. Cain, whose term on the Sub versives Activities Control Board expires in August, said: "My usefulness to the President, who appointed me to my present pos' some years ago, is, I be lieve, rapidly drawing to a close." And, in what' sounded even more like a burn-the-bridges farewell Cain picked up the derisive Dem ocratic nickname of "Numbers Came" for Republican claims to ridding the government of secur ity risks. Cain said President Eisenhower Is "The Champ" to the American people. But, Cain suggested, Ei senhower should be wary of the security number claims, since "any champion can be made to look like a chump if he leaves himself open for a sucker punch." Cain made his remarks in a ipoeeh 'or the Colorado branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, meeting at Denver Univer sity. Speaks Convictions He said that from time to time a man must speak his convic tions, and: "I am so moved to peak out tonight, not for the first time but perhaps, in my present capacity, for about the last time." Cain, 50 years old, was a Re publican member of the U.S. Sen ale from Washington from 1947 until 1953. As a senator he was a vehement battler against what he denounced as leftism. When he was defeated for re-election in 1952 he was named to the $15,000- a-year subversive board post and ' little was heard from him for bout a year and a half. Altacki Increase Then in January 1955 he began a series of attacks, increasing in intensity, against the handling of . the program that was set up to keep security risks out of the gov-1 ernment. j Thursday night, as he had In ; a New York speech May 5, Cain f charged that presidential advisers i are keeping Eisenhower unin-1 formed or misinformed on what Cain called the great damage done to individuals in the work- , ings of the security system. i Specifically, he charged that the ! system is so unconcerned with in dividual rights and civil liberties that it lets accusations dangle for months before disposing of them by firings or clearances. j Nobody Cares Much" He said many innocent people ' re thus terminated needlessly, ' and nobody seems to care very much. But, Cain said: "Our peacetime internal secur ity administration would be inef fective and self-defeating in war time. Citizens by the thousands would simply disappear." One wartime difference, he add ed would be the use of concen tration centers for those suspect ed or charged with being security risks. Numbers' Yardstick On the "numbers game" ques tion, Cain said. "In this month's issue of the i official publication of the party to which I belong, security risk num bers are offered as being a re liable standard or yardstick for an achievement since 1953 . . . "Party members like myself are encouraged to commit the numbers to heart and then em ploy them on the street corners, in speeches, in debates on radio and TV' and over the backyard fence. 1,700 Parks Gone j "The numbers relate that 3.700 1 security Tisk,s have been sep arated from the government and that 6.000 additional employes have resigned. " Cain said many of the 9,700 did not deserve the government's con- fidence or employment, but many others were only vaguely charged nd were not provided with a rea- i sonable chance to defend them-1 selves. I 'Suffer for Months' j These others, he said were j "left to suffer for agonizing months before being told whether they were found to be guilty or Innocent." "These numbers should be , marked POISON and employed with the greatest cae. Anvone i who employs the numbers with-1 A subject to a large margin of error is totally without knowledge or ought to have his head examined." Private Citizen' j Here again, Cain said "I shall ' probably be just another private Citizen several months from now." ; But, he said he thought he had ' "more knowledge about the num bers game than do most persons" ; and will persist in declaring that the bare number 9,700 "is the most erroneous, dangerous and misleading government statistic ever made public." , i Cain has previously told of be ing bawled out by presidential aide Sherman Adams for his at tacks on the security program. His prepared text Thursday night did not mention Adams only Brownell. He said: Discusses Replacement "Someone who has a facility for getting through to those advisers and through them to the Presi dent can be appointed to take my place in August. "Perhaps such a person can make the unpleasant facts of life more digestible to those in higher authority. I pray that some such talented but aggressive and more dipl.oma.tie person will replace The Family Stora 260 N. liberty St. STEAIIBURGER Our Famous Va Pound Steakburger on Toasted Bun with Potatoes, Sliced Toma toes, Pickle Chips. 5 FREE ICE CREAM FRIDAY Reg. 7.95, ne-Jren Cotton Plisse Bedspreads rc.7 num. Limited quantity Twin and double, Pink, green end blue. Bedding 2nd floor HARTMAN BROS. JEWELERS Corner State end liberty Salem, Oregon USED WATCHES All Condition FOR MEN and BOYS 17 Jewels Most All Nationally Advertised Models Valves (o $50 Tike few Choice $00 llmH 2 h) I (vitamer ' COAST TO COAST STORES 233 North Commercial St. - Phone 3-7957 Open I A.M. to 4 P.M. Friday, I A.M. to 9 P.M. ECKO STAINLESS STEEL FLINT WARE SAUCE PANS l'i Quart Reg. 6.9S 4.89 2 Quart Reg. 7.9S $5.89 3 Quart Reg. S.95 6.89 etoaott ILLEH 1.00 Down Balance 50c Per Wk. 236 N. Commercial Buy Now For Father1! Day . S3 Pieces in Penny Saver Stamps Wrench and Socket Set Not 49.95 Not 39.95 BUT ONLY 16" WEISFIELD'S 305 N. liberty St.-Salem FOLDING ALUMINUM CHAIRS Heavy Gauge Frame k Weather Resistant Saran Cloth Seat Wide Hardwood Arms Reg. 9.95 $$9 SALEM, OREGON Fabulous Value! Vomen's 30-Inch POPPIT JEWELRY While md Pastels . . . Tremendous Value . . . Buy Several Now . . . Main Floor 2.1 Plus In 7 PHILLIPS APPLIANCE CO. APPLIANCES 355 Center St. TELEVISION LAST 2 DAYS! HURRY! ABSOLUTELY FREE! ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP TO RENO WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY MAJOR APPLIANCE or TV METROPOLITAN 136 N. Commercial Phone 2-1002 CONTINUES ITS QUIT-BUSINESS SALE Lots of Stock Left Save Up to 75 Store Fixtures and Equipment Also on Sale 241 N. Liberty LUNCHEON SPECIAL BREADED PORK CUTLETS Creamy Whipped Potatoes, Buttered Vegetable, Rich Gravy, Salad, Hot Roll and Butter. STRAWBERRY PIE 20c 7 Yeater TV fir Appliance Co. "Just Across from Lipman's" 375 Chemcketa St. Ph. 4-6835 WESTINGHOUSE DELUXE LAUNDRY TWINS SAVE $130 -jV Laundromat Dryer fr $239M W5 Two Years to Pay! We Give and Redeem Trading Stamps The Family Stort 260 N. Liberty St. Imported 26" Bicycle 88 Hand Broke, 3-Speed Gear Shift, Sturdy Construction, Blue or Red. Boy's or Girl's. 155 N. Liberty fkoeeUUl REMNANTS Miscellaneous Odds end Bolt Ends, Solids & Prints, Your Choice. SO JAYSON'S Comer liberty and Court Its. 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'' Children's Plastic Leatherette. . , ' ;t ; JACKETS Sites "' Values 4 to Si to S3.M -, "I Western Styles . $g49 COAST TO COAST STORES 233 North Commercial St. Phone 3-7957 Open 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Fridey, t A.M. to 9 P.M. Car Wash and Polish Kit 1 Bottle Turtle Wox. . . .2.00 1 Cen3Min. Car Wash. .1. 1 Large Sponge 3 1 Chomois 49c I $198 TOTAL .- 3.84 Vacuum Cleaner Clinic AND SEWING CENTER 435 Court Street Phone 4-5502 SINGER SLANT NEEDLE SEWING MACHINE 2 ONLY LIKE NEW ' SAVE 100.00 1 Qaeea Aaa Cab.-Maple I t-erawer Desk Walaot SALEM HARDWARE 120 North Commercial 14 in. Rotary POWER MOWER U-H.P. Electric Reg. $46.50 BISHOP'S DOWNSTAIRS DEPT. CLOSEOUT SLACKS Royon Gabardine end Blends. All Populer Shedes. 1 .95 2 , 'S2" H-Ia ionsore fatal Ik Mwcitouf 1