II)-Sttctman. Salem, Ore., Fri. My 18, Plan Meeting on Wills v C?L-i -. ; UJJ imiMiniwiww ill riii I tA 'JLmfa' '' .V-'"' L.,l;4 ! Mrs. Yunker New Auxiliary President Tk Keizer Lion Auxiliary held their monthly meeting at tb bom of Mrs. Gordoa Bress- lcr, with Mm. Ben Higashi at to hostess, Tuesday evening-. High light of tb evening was th an nual election of oIIK-era. Elected to office for the eoro- ing year were Mr. Otto Yunker, president, Mr. John Coomler, vice-president; Mr. Ewald Franz, lecretary, Mrs. Stanley Wation, treuurer; Mr. David Copeland, lion trainer. A report on the Lion auxiliary ipring board meeting in Portland was given by Mr. WaUon, fol lowed by discussion of icveral itate projects. The instillation of officer will be held jointly with the Keirer A Benefit Coffee j; Mrs. Kenneth Torgesbn and Mrs. Orvlll Kannier Jr. will be hostesses for benefit coffee on Saturday at the former's borne on Heather Lane between 10 and 1 o'clock. The affair is being spon cored.by members of Circle No. 2 of the First Congregational Church and proceeds will be used to purchase books for the church school library. All church members and friends are Invited to attend. Trio to Play Mra. Becker Elected Mrs. Edwin Becker is the newly elected president of the Sigma Kappa Alumnae. Officer were named at Wednesday' meeting held at the home of Mrs. Frank Washburn. Other officers are Mr. Eric Carlson, vice-president; Mr. Joseph Franko, secretary; Mrs. Leon Everitt, treasurer; Mis Dar lene O'Brien, historian; Mr. Al lan Johnson, Panhellenic represen tative, and Mrs. B. W. Stacey, alt ernate representative. includes Mr. PlcKell, Thomas W. Churchill, John Heltzel, Roy Har- land. Cecil Quesseth. Reginald Wil liams, all of Salem, and William Gehlen, Staytoa. LYON-Eatertaiaig at loath- eon at her home Tuesday wa Mr. Alex Bodeker, superintendent of the Lyon Methodist Church school. Present were the Rev. and Mr. Richard Scott, Mr. John Prideaux, Mrs. Ralph Downer, Mrs. Clyde Bresler, Mr. Robert Sexton, Mrs. Glenn Julian, Mrs. Ben IntVeld. Mr. E. L. Roye. Mrs. Charles Crusoe. Mr. Leonard Crunon, Mr. Alice Huber and Mr. Bodeker. Past Guardlaa Neighbor will be entertained tonight at the home of Mrs. Russell Winchcomb, 490 N. 17th St., at I p.m. Mr. Jesse McNeil will be the co-hostess. Members with May birthday will be honored during the evening. Committee member planning the seriei, "A look at Wills,'' includes left to right, Thomas W. Churchill, Miss Eermina Fisher of the Marion County Extension Setvice, Richard PicKell and John Heltzel. Tha three attorneys, members of the .Marion County Bar Association, have co operated with the Extension service In sponsoring meetjngs on wills in Salem and throughout m tht county; " ; ' Last in Series Of Meetings On Wills , By ERMINA FISHER Cesnty EiieatlM Agent Hesse EC9tHliCs) The Marion County Bar Associa tion and County Extension Service nave been cooperating a num ber of meetings during recent months on "A Look at Willi." The last twe meetings of the series Will be held Wednesday. May 23 at Mayflower Hall in Salem, and May n at Eugene Field School in Silverton. Both meetings begin at p.m. and the public Is In vited to attend. Less than one fourth of the fam ilies in the extension nnlt have wills. The reason given for. not having made will include: "Ws're young, weH do It later we .don't have enough to bother with, or everything it in joint own ership and we don't seed one;" At each of these tvening meet ings, a representative of the Mar toa County Bar Association dis cussed the making of a will and answered many questions. Some of the most frequent questions are: What happen if I don't make a will? 1 a win necessary It we have Joint ownership with surviv orship clause? Can 1 make my own will? Does one nave to leave dollar to each of the children? How much does a lawyer charge tor making a will? How can one eelect a lawyer? Yt Hnrfred Attcsrf .. To date, about four hundred men nd women have attended these evening meetings. These are some . of the remans wrucn nave oeen made following the meeting: "I always thought making a will was a good idea, but aomehew my wife and I Just never ua get arouna to it. Now maybe we will get ft (Jdoe"; "If my wife and I were accidentally killed, there's one per son we'd want to be guardian of our children, but we didn't realise a will was the best way to take care of it." "I always figured law- tAei ara Iaa asMtalfti fH ma MWim Will WW wabr-mwitw m how I know they charge accord ing to the services tbey give." Richard PicKell la chairman of the public service committee of the Marion County Bar Associa tion. The committee has made all arrangements for the lawyers who participated la these meetings and f Needlecraft Lions Auxiliary, will be the in stalling officer. The annual plant sale wae held, with Mrs. Otto Yunker acting as auctioneer. Mrs. John Payton, a guest, is a daughter-in-law of a former mem ber, Mrs. Psul Psyton, now living in Mill City. Auxiliary members will assist the Keizer Lions with their auc- Lion on Friday evening. May 23 1 lion jle to i tield tomght- at at 7 p.m. at the Golden Pheasant. 7:30 p.m. in front of the Keizer Mr. and Mr, James Tinaaii, lor-1 r ood UKxeri. rroeeeas wm ne mer district director and preii-1 used to buy material to complete dent of the Hollywood Lion and I the Keizer Lions building. Enjoy Your Family Dinner In Lipman's Cherry Room i Special $1.25 Dinner for Friday, May 11m, 15 Swiss Steak with Brown Gravy I Of CflOOSff Whipped Potatoes Whole Kernel Corn Hot Roll Butter Salad Choice of Dessert Milk, Hot Tea or Coffee From Our Complete Menu wJ,jZ of $1.00 i - ' . " " DRESS CARNIVAL S SALEM, OMGON II f New Shipment Just Received! I j f iiic new j '( T-Shirt Dresses dfSX l I Vv3V THE TOPS IN I : l 1 NEWFASHIO JT- fK I x ' f - eg f Wa8hab,e . 'Sag-Proof A , Resistant J 'Kt Wade of fine quality NS '1 ! v JT. A. A A romrterJ cotton . . . .,. A 5)98 . "rAl&J!kl- Tleu wlnibl pre-shrunk cotton 1 . nt dr"' are crafted of the fin- 1 v , AfTT hi-bulk super combed cotton Xd,- "A y,rn wnlcn Provide a highly crease ' j ... ir. l fesistant, resilient and shape retain- aft- in' 0rmn, Durable to home laurv I "''VVrfCA A; d,rin3 wssh as you would any I v ji, V 'ir fabric. Little ironing needed. ""N ij lJ Severe! styles and colors . . . SICONDHOOH I i :hildren Under 12 Half Price Service Until I P. M. Park Free 2 Hours With Purchase of $1.00 The Faculty Instrumental trio of Willamette University's Col lege of Music will be featured at the fourth annual choir concert of the First Methodist Church in Portland Sunday at 8 p.m. Members of the trio are piano, Ralph Dobba: cello, Allen Gove; and violin. Prof. Willi Gatea. The AimirlUc W.mai's CI ah met at. the home of Mrs. Harry Way on Friday for dessert lunch eon. The nominating committee presented the following names for officer for the coming club year: Mildred Trada, president; Sarah Way, vice-president; Ruth Hotal ing, secretary; Irene -Schaefer, treasurer, which were unanimous ly elected. Miss Coralie Doughton is Prom Queen MONMOUTH Coralie Doughton. senior, Salem, reigned over the "South Sea Heaven" Junior Prom which was held at Oregon College of Education on Saturday night. She was crowned by Edie Nlelson, 19SS Junior Prom Queen. Other members of the royal To Attend Conference The Southern Conference of the United Lutheran Church Women of the Pacific Synod will meet at St. James Lutheran Church. Port land, on Saturdav, May IS. Mrs. 0. W. Ebright, Mi's. Louis Ander son and Mrs. C. K. Folkestad of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church will attend as delegates. party were Donna reterson, fresh man. Troutdale; Bev Bluhm, soph omore, Milwaukie. and Glenda'Ha ntar. junior, Toledo. Escorts were Stan Kenyon, freshman. Junction City; Ron Martin, sophomore, Hon olulu, T.H.; Glen Brostrora. junior, Monmouth, and Dale Harp, senior, Salem. Paun tree, orchid, a rock gar den, and a pink clamshell throne were features of the "Kana Ka Lani" decoration. Bernadino Berg trom. Port Orford, headed the decorations committee. In accord ance with the Hawaiian theme, Evelyn Tanaka. freshman, Lahai na. Hawaii, presented a dance. Muclr wan furnished hv Lvle Glazier and hi band from Salem. Lionel Millrr, junior clas presi dent and dance chairman, ierved as master of ceremonies. Patrons and patronesses for the evening were Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Edling, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Yost, Mr. and Mr. Robert Livings ton and Mr. and Mr. E. F. Bar MONMOUTH Mr. R. D. Elliott entertained her cousin, Mrs. Helen T. Wynne of Colorado Spring, Colo., over the weekend. Mrs. Wynne flew out to San Francisco on a business trip, and came north through the Redwood. It was the first meeting of the cousins in 32 years. They apent some time in Portland with Mrs. Elliott's son, Warren T. Elliott, and his family. Ill North LibrrtV Open from 9:30a.m.-9 p.m. i I B m mm - You'd have to pay a king's ran aom for a cloth ilk this-but it's eaiy to crochet! It's pineapple de sign and spider-web stitch I rauen am; wuicvwui aaia Inches ia 4-ply aaerceriied crochet cotton, larger in straw yarn, small- r ia nedpread cottorc- - SMa twiNTT-rrvi cimts i la fw this -xtfra nnu far Mch Htra M-lM mMI inf. an4 t The Ortfrm luinmin. J It Milter ft Dpt, P. 0. Box w. Old Ch.lwa tlttim, Nw York n. M Y, Print Sl.lnly MTTINN HUM. fen, ywr hah a, adds tat tOHM. -' ' ' LOOK tor emart ft Mm In tatira WhMlOT t'iTI!Sfif Yy thUI wr. Delta, trae-tm. . . . imagine getting a "power net girdle for only 3.95 li. , s 1 attention, JUNIORS! a size, that is, not an age Here ore four girdles . . . featuring odept de signing, perfection in detailing, that do beauti ful things for the unior-fype figure! One is sure to appeal to you . . . give the easy lift you need' TOP LEFT: Lnng-lcg panlie of Kirlde power net with vertical stretch elastic front and back panls. Elastic band at top and bottom. TOP RIGHT Cut away front panel for waist ease, and eliminates top rolling. Satin front and back panels; rayon power net sides. LEFT. Zig-zag design of blue polka dots on elastic net mesh; rayon satin elastic front and back panels; light blue feather stitching RIGHT: Step-in of lace latex. Vertical stretch nylon satin elastic panel front and shaped back panel. FOUNDATIONS SECOND FLOOR We 6ive and Redeem ;u. ty re WHITE F each SMALL MEDIUM LARGE STin.lnlB.nd SS mil tot yMir fT iSTMrlil KOWI Y will w.nt II Green Stamps S erM v7 OMia to iv