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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1956)
O Statesman's HOME I anorama Women . . . Music . . . Fashions . . . Features Around Town . . . By JERYME ENGLISH SOCIAL JOTTINGS . . . Invita tions were in the mail this week to the wedding of Miss Jo Ann Claire Ricketts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Gould Rick etts, and Dr. Joseph Gerald Toole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph G. Toole of Klamath falls ... the ceremony will take place on Saturday, June 9 at the First o clock with a reception follow ing .. . Miss Ricketts will gradu ate from Oregon State College in June and her fiance is interning in Oakland, Calif., where the cou ple will live . . . Election parties ... on the agenda for tonight ... Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roth have invited a group of friends to their North 21st Street home to listen to the invited members ef her sewing club to her Fairmount Hall home . . . Mrs. Harry Belt was an ad ditional guest ... Mr. aed Mrs. Robert Elgin will be boats to members of their bridge club Saturday -night ... a late supper will be served bj the hosts . . . A baptismal ... on Sunday for Sonja Lorraine Prink, three Congregational (rarcha1 Tjmontfis oljf daughter oTTStr. arid Mrs. Letfoy E. Prink ... the ceremony was held at St. Mark's Lutheran Church with the Rev. John L. Cauble officiating . . . godparents for the little girl are her parents, her uncle, Robert Carlson of Dallas, and an aunt, Miss Doreen Carlson of Portland t . . A famjly dinner was held at the Prink home following the service . . . guests were the baby's election returns ... A no-host maternal grandparents, Mr. and election party will be held at Mrs. Axel T. Carlson of Dallas, the Wayne Hadley residence on Cross Street, when members of her bridge club and their hus bands gather to hear the returns Shrine Club . . . dance is cal endared for Saturday night in the Capitol Room of the Senator Ho tel .. . this will be the club's annual spring sports dance and a buffet dinner will be served at 6:30 o'clock with dancing fol lowing . . . In Portland . . . Wednesday were Mrs. Robert Joseph and Mrs. Glenn Wilbur, who were guests at a luncheon for which Mrs. Peter Murphy was hostess at the Waverly Country Club in honor of Mrs. Jack Lynch, the former Margaret Wagner . . . Ten of Mrs. '.ynch's Portland friends were biddei. to the party Club hostesses . . . Mrs. Harold dinger entertained at luncheon and bridge Thursday afternoon at her Mission Street home for members of her club and a group of additional guests '. . . The af fair was a hon voyage party for Mrs. Leon Perry, who is leaving in June with her husband and sons on a trip East . . . Entertaining ... at luncheon Tuesday was Mrs, Hall Lusk, who Miss French Will Marry In June Wedding bells will ring on Sat urday, June 18 for Misi Sharyn French, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. French, and Davey Lea Brunkal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Brunkal. The couple'i engagement was announced last yar. The ceremony will take place at the First Methodist Church with Dr. Brooks Moore officiat ing at the 8 o'clock nuptials. A reception will be held in the Carrier Room. The. couple will make their home in Salem following their marriage. Surprise Party Fetes Matron the Rev. and Mrs. Johr Cauble Clifford and Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carlson and David, Miss Doreen and Miss Janet Carl son, Maida, Joyce and Judith Janzcn, Carl Prink and the hosts Newly elected . . . officers of the Marion-Polk County Medical auxiliary are Mrs. Ian D. Macdon aid, president . . . Mrs. Charles Gray, president-elect . . . Mrs. Sidney Stenerodden, vice presi dent ... Mrs. Allan Kerrin, sec retary . . . Mrs. Delbert Reed, Woodburn, treasurer . . . Mrs. Marens Maltby has served as president the past year ... the group's last meeting was a picnic held on the patio at the John Ramages' country home on Croi san Creek Tuesday night . . . Over 40 attended the affair . . . It's a boy . . . for Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wengcr (Leona Strode) of Corvallis ... the lad arrived May 12 and has been named Michael Steven ... he has a brother, John Jr. . . . The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Eari R. Strode of Salem and Os car Wengcr of Pratum . . . The Wcngers are living in Corvallis while he is attending Oregon State College . . . Among . . . those in Portland Mrs. Bernice Whitlock entertain ed with a surprise shower in honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Cr D. Whitlock, on Tuesday night at her home on Neef Avenue. A late sup per was served with Mrs. Ivan Royse assisting the hostess. Honoring Mrs. Whitlock were Mrs. Blaine Cline, Mrs. Walter Claus, Mrs. George Bartruff, Mrs. Howard Coe, Mrs. William Wolfe, Mrs. Maitland Carter, Mrs. Ed ward Seaton, Mrs. Harry Bachle, Mrs. Thomas LaDuke, Mrs. Lakin Westphal, Mrs. George Nuss. Miss Carol Whitlock. Mrs. James Loder, Mrs. Claude Tharp and the host-ess,-... r... WILLAMINA Mrs. Ray Mor rison was elected president of the women of the Lutheran church at a meeting Tuesday. Other newly elected officers are: vice president, Mrs. Martin Halseth of Sheridan; secretary, Mrs. Herman Flatau of Willamina: treasurer, Mrs. 'Arvid Simonson. Mrs. Albin Lundeen and Mrs. Halseth were appointed to visit the Manor in Grand Ronde during May. A program was giv en, with Mrs. Harvey Wcstby, Mrs. Ida Sheets, and Mrs. Arvid Rose Princesses tstsstsBsmssssj v.,..,.,,,,,,,,,..... tVf . r :. - . ' :. i ;: ' " t ' U , . jam ' ' '' "N'Ji Candidates for the Rose of Pi Kappa Phi at Oregon State college are Miss Mary Bell, left, and Miss Anne Meeker, right. The coeds are two of five Rose princesses selected by the men to represent the fraternity. The Rose wiil be announced at the annual Rose Ball to be held at the chapter house on the Ore gon State campus Saturday night. Miss Bell is the daughter of the Burton C. Bells of Rickreall and a member Of Delta Delta Delta. Miss Meeker is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meeker of Salem and a member of Delta Gamma. Wednesday to attend the cere mony marking the 50th anniver sary of the ordination to the priesthood of the Most Rev. Ed ward D. Howard, archbishop of Portland were Justice and Mrs. i Hall Lusk . . . Judge Lusk intro- during the distinguished guests j at the evening ceremony at the 1 Portland auditorium . . . Gover jnor and Mrs. Elmo Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs. I Charles E. Wagner and Mr. and 1 Mrs. H. C. Saalfeld . . . Lodge Welcomes Mrs. Rehb Mrs.'Arthur Rehb of Friendship Rebekah Lodge, McMinnville, was received into the Salem Rebekah Lodge by transfer at Monday night's meeting. Margaret Sisk was presented a seal by Mrs. Fred Shafer. The Past Noble Grands Club met at the home of Mrs. Dora Hill Wednesday evening. The LEA will meet Friday evening for a no-hat supper at 6:45 p.m. and a meeting at 8 pjn. The LAPM will practice Friday evening. A majority degree will be given at the Theta Rho meeting Thurs day night. Anniversary Celebrated Mr. and Mrs. Homer McDon ough, former Sale mresidents, ob served their golden wedding anni versary on May 6 at a reception at their Portland home. They were married near Salem in 1906 and moved to Portland in 1941. They have one daughter and five grandchildren. Club Honors Mothers at Breakfast The Salem F. L. Club held its annual Mother's Day .breakfast Sunday morning at the Golden Pheasant Members and guests were wel- combed by the club president, Misi Bette Barnes. The re sponse was given by Mrs. Clyde Jay. A reading wis given by Leanni Schmidt and a violin solo by Misi Shimongle. Special guests were Mrs. Lu den LeCompte, noble grand of the Rebekah Lodge, and Mrs. Gregory Schmidt, vice grand. The tables were decorated with baskets of lavender and yellow flowers. Present were Mrs. Morris Lau dahl, Mrs. Lea Henderson, Mrs. Lois Henderson, Mrs, Helen Mo- Club Calendar Friday Sedgwick Woman's Relict Corpa. Vrw Hall, J p.m. Past Matront, OES, Golden Pheas ant, :30 p.m. Willamette University Faculty Wo men's Club format dinner, Lausanne Hall. :15 c m. SATURDAY Friendship Shrine, White Shrlnt of Jerusalem, Scottish Rita Temple. I p.m. ( lure, Mrs: Walter Hunt, Miss Donna McClure, Mrs. Clyde Jay, Miss - Delores Jay, Mrs. George Settlemier, Mrs. Clyde Bancroft, Mrs. Ed Holmquist, Mrs. Robert Laudahl, Mr. L. E. Mosher, Mrs. Wendell Ewine. Mrs. J. P. Ewine. Mrs. Victor coop, ftrs. Goldia Kyle, Mrs. Gregory Schmidt, Miss Leanna Schmidt, Mrs. Paul Smith, Miss Terry Smith, Miss Dessie McClay, Mrs. R. B. McClay, Mrs. Wesley Hunter, Miss Diane Rich, Miss Claudia Rich, Mrs. E. C. Mennis, Mrs. Colene McLaughlin, of Portland, Mrs. Dorothy Uller man, Mrs. L. LeCompte, Mrs. El ma Henderson, Mrs. Elmer Roth, Miss Margaret Roth, Miss Jeannie Roth, Mrs. Alfred Propp, Miss Evelyn Hamby and daughter, Miss Shimongle, Mrs. Aima Mc Donald and Bette Barnes. The club held its regular meet ing Thursday at the home of Mrs. Troy Wood. Co-hostess was Bette Barnes. The June meet ing will be at the home of Mrs. Robert Laudahl. .' ' The Golden Age Club will meet at the YWCA social room today at 1:30 p.m. Each member is asked to bring a guest There will be a mixed program with games and refreshments will be served during the afternoon. Mothers Entertained Mrs. Max Dolezal and Mrs. Nels Johnson entertained the mothers of Cherry Assembly, Rainbow Girls Tuesday night at the former's home. Twenty moth ers attended and guests were Mrs. James Copeland and Mrs. Marjorie Van Fleet o( McMinn ville, who were visiting Mrs. Ma rie Corniel Mrs. D. M. Eby, mother advisor of the assembly, spoke to the group, . Joyce Stettler to - Be in Recital Miss Joyce Stettler. daughter of Mr and Mrs: Fred Stettler, will be presented in a piano recital by Mrs. J. N. Francis on Sunday afternoon, May 10 at S p.m. She will be assisted by Miss Diane Miller, violinist, and) Miss Lorraine Bagley, pianist. The public is in vited to attend. Her program will include: Penney ' Summer Dm Carnival Features! Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., May 18, 5&-Sec. II) 13 Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Is it correct to send out in formal handwritten invitations to a very simple wedding? A. Yes, such as, "Dear Jane: John and I are being-married at four o'clock Saturday, the' first of next month. The ceremony will be at such and such church. We hope that you will come. Affection ately your, Betty," Q. Is it permissable to sip water while one has food in one's mouth? A. No; this is considered bad manners. Only wbea one has tak- Frieadship Sbriae, White Shritw of Jerusalem will hold a stated meeting Saturday 'night at the Scottish Rite Temple at I p.m. A report will be- given on the Su preme Session and Mothers will be honored. T, . i i en a bite of food" tottf fire mouth that is too hot to handle is a sip of water condoned. Q! What would be the correct way for two unmarried sisters to register at a hotel? . . '-, A. They should register: "Miss Shirley Walton, Miss Sue Wilton, Detroit. Mich." Invention No. 14 .. ... Bach Fantatsie-Impromptu, Op. m. Chopin Sonata Pathetique. ... . Beethoven Op. is Miss Stettler Cavatina ...... Raff Miss Miller Dans Ne(r Scott Nocturne. Op. 23, No. 4 ..Schumann Gltanerlas -... Lecuona Miss StetUar Allfs'ro Brillnnte . .. W. Ten Hava miss miner Hungary Koellinf in a i. nines lempie Garden Reteioey Miss Stettler and Misi Bailer Prelude. Op. S3, No, S Rachmaninoff miss stettler PRATUM A family dinner was held on Mother's Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William deVries. Guests were Mrs. Charles Robin son and daughter, Frances, and Miss Myrtle Hurley, all of Dur ango, Colorado, Mr. and Mrs. Rol and deVries, Lynne, Kathy and Grace of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lilley, Gordon and David of Pratum. Spring Yardage Goods Sale All 100 Wool Fabrics ' Save lO to 20 60-Widms-Many Fabrics Are rrw-Shrunk Fleeces, flannels, coverts, gabardines, sharkskins, tweed and Shetland in plaid and plain. The largest selection of woolens in the Willamette Valley , ' , OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY KAY WOOLEN MILL STORE 260 South 12th Across from Willamette Campus OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:13 TO f. M, - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:10 t. M. SALEM, OREGON SUPER DRESS VALUES for Women... 1 Two Big Groups Group 1: Juniors Misses Half Sixes Many styles to pick from in cottons, rayon butcher weaves, and others . . . wonder ful selection of colors too . . . all new summer styles now repriced for immediate sale . . . sun dresses, jacket dresses, 2 piece dresses ... SECOND FLOOR I Hundreds of Styles to Choose From . . . Group 2: .88 Juniors Misses Half Sizes Terrific group of better cotton prints, gold prints, rayon butcher weaves and others . . . good color choice ... sun dresses, sheaths, jacket dresses, 2 piece dresses, others . . ." now et4h new low, low price. SECOND FLOOR Manufacturers Close-Out Women 's Better Shoes Many Styles, 1.88. and colors. A,uu to DOWNSTAIRS STORE Jf 3.88 In i '':Hr prints I ciedcii nSffl button 'frontt I Jf "fcSjr SSiUj shirtwaist styles I Here's a wonderful chance to pick up a fine batch of these day-long cottons. Bright or muted colors-with white or bright trim I Save plenty on each I Misses'-and hatf-sizesl ' I f it - 1 famous 1. C'Av' t .VWwi-nf (Dreeze reeze Red Cross" $12. 95 Cool, light and airy mesh sandal with marvelous medium heel ... the famous Red Cross fashion shoe with built-in comfort features. White calf or black patent combined with lacy-design in mesh. TitJ product has no connection whatever with the American h'atianal Red Croat WOMEN'S SHOES-STREET FLOOR FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS Ph. 3-9191 550 N. Capitol