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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1956)
I2-(Sec. I)-Statesman, Salem, Ore!, Frl., May 18, '56 SEE THE CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT ON TV IN OUR AUDITORIUM - 6 P. M. TONIGHT! Missile Range Over Pacific Considered V m WASHINGTON IU. The Navy aid ThnnAav It k nuuiderlnff etablishment of a new guided mis sile range extending thousands ot miles from California out into the Pacific Ocean. The range would match one now operated by the Air Force lor all the services. It extendi from Cape rnvrl FU. 2.000 mllfS through the Caribbean, and ulti mately will extend beyond Ascen sion Island, permitting missile flights of more than 1.000 miles out over the tout Atlantic. A spokesman said the Navy pur chasing office at Los Angeles is about to award study contract, to determine whether a range southwest from southern Califor nia would be practical Mo Islands ' Since there are no islands in that vast area, presumably picket ships would be used to track, ob serve and possibly help control the experimental missile flights. - The plans were disclosed by Rear Adm. C. 8. Cooper, acting chief of the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics. In a letter responding to a query by Rep. Wilson (R-Calif). Cooper said the Navy tor several years has been considering a coun terpart to the Florida Caribbean "aifslmt the time when our requirements for missile testing might exceed the capabil ities of the Air Force missile test center." furls ttndlea , Cooper added that, with the re cently increased emphasis on long niiiu miiiilM MDeeililV Of the ballistic type. It has "become de sirable to make lunner suiuies the Droblems Involved. He said that, if the need for : missile testing facilities continues to develop as expected, the Bureau mt samnantin will recommend es tablishment of a southern Califor nia facility. . . A kImm lnota! would reauire approval of the secretary of de fense and the secretary of Navy, he said. . Black Admits Espionage ForRussia WASHINGTON Iff - Thomas L Mack, the Newark. N.J., chemist who allegedly r e e r a 1 1 e d Harry Cold into atomic spying, confessed publicly Thursday to bis own ca reer of espionage lor tuissia. Black swore ha spied first be cause be wanted to, and for nearly 10 years afterward "because of fear" that he would be killed it he didn't He told of having ducked a Communist assignment to partici pate in the 1940 assassination of Leon Trotzky In Mexico. Black said be still fears be may meet a fate similar to that of Carlo Treses, a radical he said was slain In an office building in New York City in January IMS. He said Tres es was "tried In Moscow,", found to be an "enemy of the working class" and was "executed" by So viet agents: , The portly, sandy-haired Black was the only witness at a public bearing before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee. The subcommittee, however, placed in evidence the transcript of testimony by another witness who told of having helped to handle in Moscow "thousands" of secret U.S. documents delivered to him by Soviet secret pollen during World War IL This witness, a Russian whose Identity was discussed under the false name of "E. Andriyve," tes tified behind closed doors yester day. He said the secret police had told him it was none w his bust ness how they obtained the "great numbers" of documents, some ap parently coming from the army's . Ft. Monmouth radar laboratories. Shifty Earth, Sun Hamper Radio Use NEW YORK I - Rsdio commu nication between America and Northern Europe was reported much Improved by some com panies Thursday after two days of intermittent blackouts attributed to sun spots. Conditions on some circuits were very poor last night. In addition, some cables between this country and northern Europe had periodic Interruptions for three days, mostly between the United States and Northers Europe. Tho cable trouble, which also - was reported cleared np this morn ini. was laid to earth currents around Newfoundland. fchatfer'i . NERVE TO.IIC far Mllef of sleeplessness and restlessness, nervous tension. en-oas aeadacaa ana irrita bility. 1G0 w SCIIAEFER'S DW STORE Open Dally, 7:30 A. M. I I P. M. , Sundays, t to I .nu US N. Commercial WW 11 rri 53.90 IV ASH AD LE COTTON KNIT SHEATH DRESSES SPORTS SH6P-STREET FLOOR EXAMPLE ' - V 1 At j'-1- - "V v iff y. . . iiilliiiiHIIM-r-.iatttr Otf LLJ-UHITCr ' Bl JUttlflMBIU :r TllssnsnnssWMBlsi. N Jf . It , 4 . w jm)&tf$m s3.95 MEN'S WASH AND WEAR LONG SLEEVES SPORTSHIRTS MEN'S FURNISHINGS-STREET FLOOR No mail, phone or C.O.D. orders. Wo reserve the right to limit quantities. On isle while quantities aro available. No sales to dealers. mom rri . Lod s Mm! V "imm m J $4.98 SPRING AND SUMMER PLASTIC HANDBAGS LEATHER GOODS-STREET FLOOR EXAMPLE 1 1 1 if 4 ft "A ' ft WW $8.95 GREEN OR BLUE 48"x81" FIBERGLAS PRISCILLAS CURTAINS-SECOND i tifA'siVviMit uvMo tM.4 r ill At? FLOOR lU'i -r, iH' iV2 IIJG, -i FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS 0 0