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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1956)
isSec. 11) statesman, &uem, Ofeliiurs May il, b8 U.S. Defense Department Sending Anotlier Shipment of Military Goods to Saudi Arabia : WASHINGTON IfWTbe Defense Department confirmed Wednesday tt i sending Saudi Arabia another ihipment of military foods. It added that sale of the equipment, mainly ammunition and apart parts, was arranged months ago. Vwhile the Pentagon wouldn't dis close tha value ol the shipment, the State Department said leas than oa million dollars was in volved. A Pentagon spokesman told of the shipment when asked about a New York Post story that military cargo (or Saudi Arabia was being loaded aboard the 1.714-ton freight er Monterey at a North Carolina port Officials said the sale to the Arab country was originally ap proved last Aug. , along with- a controversial order (or 11 M-41 Walker Bulldog light tanks. Ship ment of the tanks to Saudi Arabia last February raised aa intern tional furor. As was the case with the tank order, this latest shipment was paid for on Nov. 18, officials said. A State Department press offi cer, Lincoln White, said the items being loaded aboard the Monterey at Sunny Point, N.C.. do not in clude any major weapons such as tanks or Jet planes. White said the cargo was cov ered in a State Department an nouncement last February that 16 million dollars worth of arms or ders from the Middle East had been approved. These included about seven million dollars worth from Saudi Arabia. "Obarara Fori" When a newsman asked why "an obscure port" like Sunny Point was being used for. the shipment. White said he did not know unless it was a matter of "convenience of the shipper.' The Pentagon would not supply specific information on the goods involved but some officials said it would be logical to conclude that they included shells for the 7 mm. guns of the M-41 tanks. A diplomatic storm was raised in February when the then-impend-1 ing tank shipment was disclosed., Israel called it "beyond compre-: hension" and some Democratic! senators denounced it as upsetting the military balance in the Middle East. - I President Eisenhower called off; the shipment, then lifted the em bargo within 48 hours. An official statement said it was decided that the dispatch of the tanks and other items would be in line with U.S. policies of promoting the peace and defensive strength of Israel and the Arab states. Jordan River Pact Likely, Johnston Says By WAUEN ROGERS it. wiirrNRTff im Erie John ston said Wednesday the odds are j-l that Israel and the Aran awes iH agree to Joint development of the Jordan River within the next three or (oar years. There la no substitute, as all who have studied the plan from both sides will tell you," he said h aa interview. : Johnston, President Elsenhower's rial representative on the Mid East, said he was relucwt to 1951 to undertake what looked like nigh Impossible Job. - "Mold the Preiident the odds were thousand to one against IT he recalled "But now the situ ation has so changed that 1 be u k. wm. an s-i la favor of the Arabs and Israelis accepting eur plan or something use k vmn- n the next wree or Five Trips Johnston baa made five trips it the troubled Middle East, talk lag to both aides in an effort to S a Joint development plaa uDched in the Jordan Valley. -Oa his last visit, during the past fall, he was able to announce technical agreement But political considerations israei m m Arabs still are officially at war- caused the Araos to oeiay a unw decision. : As Johnston put It at the time: We are on the one-inch line but nmeone has called time out." lie Million DeBars - The U-S.-fcacked Idea called the johnstna Plan would eost about fti million dollars. The United Nations would put up about 54 millions, the United States the Briefly stated, me wonnsmn Plan would arrest the wasteful! flow of more than billion cubic, meters of precious Jortan River! water each year through the arid poverty-stricken Middle East. It would bring some KO.OpO acres at three crops a year land Into production. ' ;-lt would also lead toward a autloa of the troubled area's w nmhlMn of what to do with . .-mina arah mfueeea - kt providing arable land (or them to resettle on, - . a.n ruiaMtlK PraUesa Tka anfflnaarinf Sounds Ollite ttmple: Two reservoirs, one in Is rael's lea w cauiee, ana one on Ins Upper Yarmuk River, a Jor dan tributary, in Aran lerroory. Two diversion dams, one on the Jordan north of the Sea of Gall- lae In Lebanon to serve Israel and Syria, and one on the lower Yarrruk for Jordan. It would take about five years. ' The political problem la tough. The three Arab states Involved, .I... K. . fltkara which fmiffht brad in ma, still do not recog nize Israel's existence, That means they can have no diplomatic deal ings with Israel. Nor can they agree on the borders of a state whose existence they deny. And resettlement of the Arabs dla pjaced when the V.N. created Is rael would also smae some atos fee tacit recognition of Israel. 1 As Johnston sees K, the problem of borders and refugees plus the htatus of Jerusalem an emotion decked issue centuries old are the fate major political problems In the Arab Israeli dispute. But " water, as he sees tt, is the biggest problem of all, and it is non political. U.S. Army Orders New Jtrench Cars 0) : PARIS W-The U.S. Army said Wednesday It has bought half a million dollars worth of French automobiles to replace the Amer- . fern sedans that nave been In use pr the past five years. ! The Army announcement, re leased through the VS. Embassy, laid the Army bad purchased 411 French Renault sedans. The Army gave no price figures. dmce the transaction involved vari ous interchanges of French francs ami dollars, out the Renault sedan fetalis at about $1,500. With dis counts and such the value of the ears involved m in tne neighbor hood of $500,000. The Army Is also negotiating - wjro tne Renault nrm to purchase tt busses to replace Army busses now wearing out. The automobile purchase marked the first time the U.S. Army has contracted In France for foreign jade vehicles to replace Ameri can made products. :Tbe Army said it was also plan ning to use commercial Renault re pair facilities which are available throughout France, rather than Army-run maintenance shops. -1 The new cart-will be delivered about June first. The Army Is now ftsing Sedans manufactured in 1949 end 1950. , , IRAQ AIR POWER SHOWN : BAGHDAD, Iraq If) Iraq showed off her air strength Tues day in a three-hour demonstra tion marking the 25th anniver sary of tha Royal Iraq Air Force. Modem Jet fighters and indent Tiger Moths took part in flypast before King Faissl. Delegations from other Anb countries and from Iraq's part ners la twa Baghdad Pact at- GRANiTS 507H y&uuea EGO HOMY SME fij fAiiri i 'if, i 5 , a . r I ""rof.ii f i I v iv i.i l t " afl f rr T rri 'T h Yourchanettoavton Tjl Evtryday btst stlltrs at thir rtgular 2.79 pricl III ti LANE' COTTON DRESSES This ii not special purchase . . , but our own diy-in, day-out best sellers st a new sayings-price. These suds-bright cottons boast quality snd style topped with smart detsiling. Sec them in candy-stripes, gay plaids, charming florals. 12-20; I4,-24j; 40-52. a: yiff vjK. y-.-"-' -fy Wt Your chanct to tavt Vi on styles for tvry occasion REGULAR 'I I SIS NYLON HOSIERY t4 SALE o rr r 7- V- LJ PAIR All the popular gauges and deniers ... in first qualify dress-up or daytime sheers, durable 'Kantrun' mesh, true-sized Stretch nylons snd many other styles. Full fashioned or seamless. 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