' " sp ee sy 'sr O&C Lands Reforestation Fluids Hiked PORTLAND Ul Th 0 k C Advisory Board laid Wednesday that increased funds will b spent on reforestation of the Oregon and California revested timber lands in II Westers Oregon counties. The Assn. of O k C Counties approved a resolution to spent up to a million dollars annually for reweding purposes. Reforestation funds would be appropriated by Congress and re paid from the counties' 7S per cent share of receipts from O&C timber sales. The advisory board, the lt-mem-ber group which advises the Bureau of Land Management on 0 It C problems, met here Tues day to review the matter. Russell E. Getty, BLM range and forestry officer, told the board that some 25,000 acres of O k C lands are harvested annually, about half of which will have to be reseeded. Sales of nearly 446 million board Jeet of 0 k C timber brought more than 17 million dollars in the first 10 months of fiscal 13, Getty said. Charles A. Sprague, Salem pub lisher, was re-elected chairman of the advisory board. David T Industrial Engineers Mcft In U.S. Capital WASHINGTON Url-Th seventh annual aatioul conference of the Americai Institute of Industrial Engineers opens a two-day session here Thursday. Attendance is expected to top 600 with key persons from Industry, universities and government on hand. Stock Prices Drop Slightly Mason, consulting forester from'ver NEW YORK - Stock prices were irregularly lower Wednesday in one of the narrowest markets of the year. The market has been declining snarpiy for the past week. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was off 40 cents at $184.40. dt was down 90 cents Tuesday and $2.20 on Monday.) The industrial component lost 11.00 while the railroads gained 20 cents and utilities fell back 10 cents. Only 1,139 individual issues were j September iraaea, lowest since md-Febru-! uecember ary. Despite the drop in the price average, there were 47 stocks! May rising and 407 railing with 14 new highs and 43 new lows far the Wheat Takes Firm Stand CHICAGO (It-Wheat gave an impressively firm performance on the Board of Trade Wednesday in the face of approach of the harvest in the Southwest.. While new crop futures gained nearly 1 cents, the resf of the grain market mostly had a steady tone. The only exception was new crop soybeans, down more than a cent at the finish. Wheat closed 1H-2H higher, corn M S higher, oats unchanged to 1 ,cent higher, rye unchanged to 1 cent higher, soybeans iy lower to 1 cent higher, lard un- New York Closing Stocks Reported ky Merrill Lvncfe, Pierce, Fanner and Beane Admiral Corp It Al Chem Dy 117'i Allied str Allii Cham Alcoa Aluminum Ltd Am Airline Am Can Gen Dynamics . Gen Elec Gen Foods sin SI', 1491, 84', . SOJ. Bore Warn sail r ranee Dousnt z 34 in mieheie , rmcyrus 4 of wheat; Several other countries i Burro Add'"' reportedly were in the market for the bread grain. a e fl'4 SO', aii. Gen Motors 41' 117'k lltw - ' I P-c Ply r- Am Cyan IP, J "" ': Am otor. .. , goodyear Am T T 1S0, ! Z0y. 44 Am Tobacco 7', fu .... Am Viscose . SrJ"Vnd . " M. ll i HAHiMUh u wr. Int Harvest' M'i ! Int Nickel Mi. Int Paper I Phil Morris Phil Petrol Ptllsbury . 'e J 103 Proc St Gam Pu( Sd P a L Pure Oil 44 ft Radio Corp . Am Tobacco Am Viscoee A nee Copper Armco Armour Atcheton Top 16.1 Avco "... ', Bendix A via Beit Foods- Beth Stl changed to 7 cents a hundred ! !'n' A'r 1 - u:u. .......... ivunus nigner. Chicago Grain CHICAGO, (API- Open WHEAT May July March CORN Portland, was named vice chair man. Central America Gets Television GUATEMALA (JP Central Amer ica's first commercial television station, TG-BOL, went on the air Tuesday night from Guatemala, in augurating a four-hour nightly pro gram. The station is managed by Mario Bolanos, prominent Guatemalan businessman. Volume also was low at 1.080.000 shares as compared with 2,650,000 shares traded Tuesday. Storks ami Bonds Compile by T AssacUtcd Press Mar II BOND AVERAGES SO 14 Salem Quotations (Ai ol late yesterday! Bl'TTERFAT Premium...... No 1 BITTER Wholetale Retail Net chanse Wednesday Prev. day Week o Month aio . Year aio ISM Hiin . 19N1 Low 3 4 1KB Hl(h M 193 Low Ml It It Rail! Induit t Hi I Fgn Unch Unch Unch Al SSS Ml 4t S4.1 S 951 Ml 97 HI 941 Ml 95 9 911 977 95 8 94S 49 9S i 97 7 914 949 MS 100 1 M4 Ml Ml 144 S4 9 14 7 SSI 3 9 MS 444 ITOCR AVKBAfSBS M II Indjat Rslli Net rhanfe Die Al IGGS-(BuylBf ) I Wholesale prices ranfe from S to 1 cents over buying price) Larg A Medium A ..... Small . POULTRY Wednesday Prev. day Week aso Month no :j Ye ir iso 3" I'M hih , 1 1WWJ Low z: i95j iiiah 195S Im IMS 148 2591 1417 M70 13.1.1 25 147 4 217 8 1.111 273 1 135 1 24 4 0 1 29 0 237 I 1414 20111 1141 M Stk D4 144 1S4I 190 4 1X8 1 July September December March OATS May July September December RYE May July September December SOYBEANS Mav July September November January i2V,. 107,-, 10'2-s J 11',-', 1.11', 1 49 15',-', 152,-i, l.M,-37 l.V, MS ,-, IT,-', 701,-, 1 IT, 1 15-23', 1 24',-. MS',-29 111-M 312-14 175-V7I 15S-M', 150', ClOM !, lOBV's 1 10', 1 13', 1 13', 149",-1! I. '.., 1 52', -53 1.17',-, 1 40', 87-M', M', 71'a 1 24', 1 29',-M 1 25-25', 1 2S', 3 21-21', 320',-21'i ns',-7J 155 1.5 Qiicago Livestock ii inn Dl 711 717 731 737 71 J 161.7 751 191 S CHICAGO. (AP) (USDAI Hofa 7.500: atroni to moitly 29 higher; fnitancea up more; mixed trade lota 1 and 1 190-20 lb. butchers 18 50 17.00: top at 17.7S: hlcheit since July Mth, 1955: 290-320 lb. 18 00-18 50; ows 12 75-15 25 Cattle 11.000: calves 200; steers and hellers strong to 50 higher: cows itronf to 23 rusher; bulls steady to 25 lower: vealers steady to 1 00 low er! Blockers and feeders steady; prime 1.120-1.350 lb. steers 22.75- 24:50; prime steers 21.25-22 50; choice C Calif Pack Campb Soup l. Can Psc Ry Ca, J 1 Calerp Trac ... Celaneie Celolex Certainteed Chei 4 o Rv Chi Mi SI P Chi NW Rv Chi R Is Ry ..... Chrviler Cities Serv Climax Moly .. Cluelt Pea .: Cors Cola Coljate ' Com Credit Comw Ediaon . Cons Edison . Container Cont Can .. Cont Oil . Crane, Co .. Crowii Zell Curtiss Wr D Deere A Co Dia Match Dou Air . Dow Chem Du P de Ne E Fast Air Li East Kodak Fl Paso Gas Emer Radio ... Ex Cello r rairchlld Fllntkole Ford Motor .. 48 39', 32's 1.1 74 ...IS 43 .. 32, 4 ..... 21 .. .. , 0, .... S2'i ..... 8.V, ..... 89', lM'i . 53', - 47', .. 40', 48 ZZ I20"i M's M S3', Rayonier tnc Repub Stl Reynolds Met Reynolds Tob Richfield O ... Royal Dutch - . , 17 44i 7', Ss T7'. 103', Johna-Mani Jones At M Stl . K Kaiser Alum .... Kennecolt Kern Land L Llhby McN LlJS Myers ... .. LOF Glass ... Lockheed Air Loew'a lnc Lone ReU A .... Lnrillard . M Masnavox Mars Field M Si M Wood .. Merck & Co ... Mont Chem ..... Mont Ward Motorola Safeway Str . St Joe Lead SI L A SF Re t ttla OttMV 132 i ftontt Paiur Sears Roe Shell Oil Sinclair Oil Skelly Oil . 52 4i .. 51 , 12 48' j . 15's .. S7', , M .. '. . 14 .. .. Il's ... S7', ... 34", .. 32, . 31', .- 42, Socony-Mob Sou Cal Edl Sou Pac Ry ... Sou Ry S perry Rand Sid Brands . .. Std Oil Cal Sid Oil Ind ... Std Oil NJ Stude-Pack ... Sunray Oil .... Sunshin M Swift & Co .... Sylvania Ki ... Natl Riscuit Natl Cash Ref ... Natl Dairy Natl Dlatlll Natl Gypsum Nail Lead Natl Supply NY central Texas Co Texas Gulf TvrAn T I Tlde-Asto 44'e Transam , Trans Wo Air ... Twen Cen Fox .. 3', .. 48', 39 j . 1S, . 5 . Mi, - 71 .. 42 ... 17 40', .. 1, 71 I 737 87.2 171. S IS1 5 1481 S3 j Dow Jones Averages Colored Hens Leghorn Hens Colored Fryers Colored Roasters . Old Roosters , NEW YORK (API - Dow Jones closing stock averages: JS0 1 High Low Close .11 30 Inds. 497 87 490 97 492 9 .211 I 2(1 RRS. 175 58 173 74 1 20 ' 13 I 111 M 12 65 5 11 ,85 Slks. 179.08 177 01 177 No Am Avia Mi: I No Pac HV 4fli . NW Airlines SI1, ! O . 5, Olin Math . 16 Otis Elev P . V, Pabco .89 , Pac A El .5(1 i Pac T 8c T . 10'i I Pan Am Air . 89', : Pennev J C ... i Penn Rv Pepsi Cola 14', ' jo,; I Phelps-Dodge 4', . 54", I Philco Coro .. V Union Carb 11' Union Oi it. Union Pac Ry IKS', Uni Aircraft 8 l'nl Air Lines 17'1 Uni Corp . S'i l'nl Fruit SO', US Plvwood 43 US Rubber 34'i US Steel MT, Classified 55'; 42', : w ! Warner Pic . .. Jfl I Wash Water P .... " I West Air Br ' ! WMlirn Air IS', 17' 25, 21 Western Elec Western Union . Woolworlh Zenith 23's 37', 33., 20", 54', ', 47', Portland Markets Portland Livestock Portland Produce PORTLAND i-il'SDA-Cattle PORTLAND - Butterfat - heifers is is-21.00; most good to low i salable 300; fed steers active, fully Teatative, subject t o immediate SVoTs'iM ws rather slow; opened change-Premium quality deliv- iicauy, closing weascr; ioaa ino cira m ruiuauu, ou-w ,u, mi couple truck lots choice fed steers ! quality 57-60; second quality 5255. 20.50 including a truck lot high Butter Wholesale, f o b. bulk choice 1 207 lb steers: short load 'cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, low choice 1.050 lb fed steers Kr. A grade, 92 score. cutters 10 50-12 50; utility and com merrial bulls 13.50-13 00; most good and choice vealers 22.00-M.OO; cull to commercial vealers 1100-2100; medium and good 825-S40 lb. feeding steers ana yearnngs is.40-ri.79. sneep i.ouu: steady; good to most- .. . . . ,.mu. n - i. u . m.n ly choice No 1 and 2 skin shorn 19 50; lew Utility and Commercial "! -M.yaisHK iambs ioi lb. down 11.50-23.25: mixed I steers 13 50-15 00' truck lot choice Cheese To wholesalers Oregon Stateuaan4airaal Newspapers ZM N. Chartk St PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mia. I bnes) Wsekdays tru per lint I lima . 33 2 per Una I times 9 M per line I Umea II 30 It S pet Una I mo. 16 M Unci Sua I Classified ad will be rua in both papers to give advertisers the ad vantage of the tremendous pulling power o( 81.074 combine circulations. "When an ad is eedered three a 1 llmB anft a SUindBV Imm la m. eluded (for example f'rldiy. Satur day. SUndayl th lower Sunday rates apply because only The Slaieemaa Dubllshe Sunday. Classified ad will start in th morning Oregon Statesman, conclude In the evening Capital Journal but ad will be ecD'ed for Sunday Statesman only. Th deadline for classified ana as IM ojn th day before publication except for Sunday when deadline ts 5 30 pm Friday Emergency ad and small line ads received aner iva Sm weekdays and until 12 noon aturday for Sunday may be placed) In th ' Too Lata to CUsisfy" column Ads for Monday paper must be in by p m Saturday Th Statesman - Journal Newspa pers teserve the right to re;ept o ac tionable advertising: It (urther re serves the right to place rll adver tising under th proper classifica tion , Th atatesmaa . Journal Newspa pers assume no financial -esponat- bil:ty for error which may appear In adevrttsementa published in 'ts columns and In case where thia pa' per la at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs A "Blind" Ad an ad containing s Statesman-Journal Newspapers box number (or an address ii for the protection of the advertisers and must therefore be answerc'j by let ter The Statesman-Journal Newsp pers are not at liberty to d vulge in formation s to the identity of advertiser using, a "Blind" ad Ads in other columns which require investment in stock, sample, equtpmert r cash bond should be thoroughly investigated b e f . e paying out any money Advertisers requiring cash Investment for ample or merchandise. ale ids. etc.. must so speciiv in their ads THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVfS to pro tect Its readers against fraud, de ception, or Inlurie Readere r cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to get a position advertised in the help wanted columns All nelp wanted ads MUST SPECIF? Hl NATURE OF THE WORK Sales help wanted ads must state if 'he pay Is In the form ol sabry com missions, guarantee, or Include firm name Bona fide offer of employment with pay belong to the Help Wanted" column Kindly report ins exception to this rule to the classified advertising manager. T FINAL NOTICI CHFSTFR D ANDERSON, admin l'lrslnr of the estate of JOHN MFR FDITH ANDERSON, defeased, has filed his final account ,i such in the Circuit Court of Marlon County. Oregon, and said Court hn fixed he 4th day of June, ISM, at 1:11 Hock AM, In the Court Room of aid Court, a th time and place for hearing objections thereto. CHESTER D. ANDERSON Administrator of the Estate of JOHN MERE DITH ANDERSON, de ceased WILLIAMS & SKOPIL 412 Pioneer Trust Building Salem. Oregon Atlorneys lor Administrator MsyJ. 10, 17. 14. SI Markets at Glance 74 5 I utility and good ss-99 lb. carrying .fc f keii. M. f,w snnA singles, 41- lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf SjaoiNo. 2 pelts 19.00-20 00; shorn slaugh- " ,ea "fliers IS.W. lew gooa 77.75 'ter ewes 3.50-3 55 heifers 17.00-18.00; canner and cut- ' Uiicago Butter-Eggs NEW YORK (API- Sioi-ki Mixed: prices move lr regulsrly. Bonds Lower: changes narrow. Cotton Steady; trade and New Orleans buying. CHICAGO: Wheat Firm; expect good export business. Corn Steady; light cash grain re ceipts. Oats Steady; earn grain. good demand for Soybeans Old crop firm, new easy. Hogs-Stedy to 21 rents higher; too 117.75 Cattle Steers stesdy to 50 cents up; top 114 3(1 Gasftified Index "For Your Convenience" 310 Meeting Notices ?. 1 2 Lost and Found 314 Transportation CHICAGO. (AP)-lUSDA I Butter steady; wholesale selling prices un changed; AA 93 score 59 25-3 5: A 2 M-59.25; B 57-57.5; C 89 58-5 .5. Eggs about steady; wholeaale sell ing prices ', higher to ' lower; minimum 10 per cent A'l extraa larg 385-40; Extras medium 11.5; stan dards 17J; checks 34 3-35. Chicago Onions CHICAGO, Onions (API Open High Low Close Nov. Inewl 1.73 1 73 1.73 1.75 Nov. i old I 1.5SN Jan. l.Kel I.97B193 1.97B to make a wish is hopeful fun . . . BUT Want Ads get your selling ter cows II 50-10.50: shelly -cows m score 55 down In Sfin- few ulilitv rows Eggs To wholesalers Candled 318 Personal iinn.ti-ji f nili;i k..ll. icon fob Portland A larffp 44-45ii: i tamps and Colrie ai.wv " .rv , it." Uliiilj iUll.i IV.W 50; light cutter bulls down to A medium, eO tO'i; A small. 30 12 00. 30'i. Calves salable 75; market steady ,, E"sZTt r1U!ler-G,e AA lo weak, but moderately active; Ure' A ar A choice vealers 22.00-23.00; couple med .um' A1r A n2liura; a A high choice 24.00; good vealers f,mal C,rtoM- " cnU W.00-21.00; commercial kind 14.00- u 17 00. Fegs To consumers AA larje. Hogs salable 500; market now 54"59: A lrgt, 52-57; AA medium, moderately active, fully steady, 5055: A rnedium, 49-54; A small, Instances strong to 25 higher: sort- ed lots V. S. No. 1-2, lflO-235 lb Uvt poultry No: 1 quality, butchers. 0-M; few sorted No. fob. Portland Fryers, 2'4-4 lbs. 1 lots 19.75; mixed No. 1. 2. and iarm. ; "gr hens, 17-11 butchers 18.50-75: Nn. .1 butchers, at farm: heavy hens, 20-21 at 1SO0; sows salable 12.00-16 00 for farm: old roosters, 11-12. 300-500 lb weights. Turkeys To producers L I v e Sheep salable 230; market only i weight fryers, 27; breeder turkey moderately active, about steady hens, eviscerated, 35; breeder with some unfinished spring lambs !tims, 37. weak to 50 lower; good-choice Rabbits Average to growers slaughter spring lambs 24.00-25.00; Live white, 3-4'j lbs, 23-26 ; 5-6 few utility to low gpod lambs 21.00- lbs, 18-21; old colored pelts 4 cents 22.50; good-choice "So. 3 pelt old less: old docs. 10-14. few higher. rop lambs 18.50: wooled lambs to! Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 58- 19 00 Tuesday: few cull and utility 61; cut up, 62-65. Shorn ewes 200-3.50. i Wholesale Dressed Meals Beef carcasses Steers, choice. "Hope wt sell it, hop w sell it" may be enjoyablt-hoping, but Classified ads bring you that buyerl Is it real estate or car you'd like to dispose of? Merchandise or a business? Whatever it ij-phone 4-6811 for an ad-writerl Sold en 3rd Day MODERN 2-bdrm. home wttich. gar. t patio. Lrg. lot, furniihsd or unfurnished. $60 mo. incl. every thing. Owner trsnsferred mult lelt at once. Willing to make terms on small down payment. Ph. XXXX. Sold en 2nd Day 1951 ENGLISH Ford 2 -dr. 1125. Ph. XXXX after P M. Sold en 3rd Day II FT. Cmt-Cratt cabin ctuiisr, . Vary rasi. Ph, XXXX. 1TATI1MAN-JOUP.NAI Classified Ads Oet TMogs Dml in nvpstmpnt Trim! a1500-700 lbs- 32-50i5M' 310 nLlllirill 1 rllBlS I34.no; commercial, 29.00 - 32.00; '7.11k Smlthrr S Co. Inc I Aflllatrd fund . Csnadlan Fund Century Shares Trust Chemical Fund Defare Fund DKer. Invt Fund Dividend Shares Eaton A H. Bal. Fund 22 31 Gas. Ind. ... 14 30 uroup Tobacco Inrorp. Investors Key Cud. Funds: F-3 B-4 K-l s-: S-4 Man. Bond Fund Mass. Invt. Trust Natl. Sec. Series: Income Series 6 34 Slock Series 111 Pref. Stock S 14 Natl Dlv. Series 4 SI Natl. Growth , 2S Pioneer Fund . .14 14 Tel.-Eler. Fund 11 pm Value Line Inc. Fund I IS Wellington Fund 13.70 utility, 27.00 30.00; commercial . . Jcows, 26.00-30.00; utility, 25.0- si2 ., '28.00; canners and cutters, 22.00- 1S.K1 2.1 S4 17 43 II 23 4 2 81 4 .11 in is is loo 94 12 55 10M SO 34 74 W 97; 25 00. isss! Beef cuts (choice atceri) Hind 12.38 ; quarters, 42.00-46.00; rounds 'J JJ'j 38.00-42.00; full loins, trimmed, 23 85 62.00 -68.00; forequartcrs. 26.00 i'i"29 00; chucks, 28 00-3100; ribs, slJJl 42.00-46.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 810 libs. 47.00-50.00; shoulders, 16 lbs. I down, 26.0029.00; spareribs, 39.00- ! 42.00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs, 45.00- Western Securities (Zllk. Smtther h Co. Ine I These bid and ask quotations rep resent prices at which one or more dealera, members of the National As sociation of Security Dealer's Inc., would trade with the general public si the time the quotations were gathered at 3 p.m. yesterday Calif -Oregon Power Cascade Plywood Consol. Freight . . Iron Fireman Jsntren Inc. Com Meier A Frank , MnrrlsonlKnudsen Ore.-Uort. Cement , . . Psc. P. A I.. Com. Pope At Talbot Portland Oas ft Coke Port. Gen. Elec. RANKS Bank of America Rank of California .... Chas Manhattan First National First Nat. Cltv NY V. S. National 20 M II M 1052 1.1 M I ii u! 85 .. 37 54, Veal and calves Good-choice, l9Slal; weights, 32.00-47.00; commer- 53 ! rial. 28 00-40.00. "5i Spring lamb Choice-prime, 40 . 50 lbs. 49.00-52.00. 15 371 Lambs-Choice, 4050 lbs, 41.00- 'iS 4YO0; good, 39.0042.00. km Wool Nominal, clean basis, ' blood, 1.00-05; S blood, 1.03-08; 4 blood, 1.12-18; fine, 1.17-23. Country-dressed Meat, f.a.b, Portland: Beef-Cows, utility, 23-25 lb; cutters, 19-21. Veal Top quality, lightweight. 34-36; rough heavies, 20-2$. Hogs Best light blockers, 23-24; lean light sows, 17-20. Lamhs flood yearlings, S4-38; top grade springers, 42-45. Mutton Lightweight ewes and wethers, 12-14; rough heavies 8-10. Fresh Produce Onions Ore. Danvers, No. 1 med, 24SU-50; Texas yellows, lge, 275-3 2 5. Potatoes Central Ore. Russets, 4I AGRICULTURE 402 Livestock (or Sale 403 Livestock Wanted 404 Poultry and Rabbtte 407 Fur Bearing Animals 40 pet 409 Re Food 41 Seeda and rants 411 Fruit and Farm Produo 411 Fertilizer 414 Farm Equipment 421 Auction galea 450 MERCHANDlSt, 451 Machinery and Tools 452 Wanted Machinery. Tool 454 Sewing Machines 459 House Goods lor Sal 45 Wanted House Goods 431 Radio and Television 45 Building Material 451 Do It Yourself 410 Musical Instrument 462 Snorts Equipment 4S4 Bicycles 48 Trd Miscellaneous 47 Fuel 48 For Rent. Miscellaneous 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous 472 Wanted Miscellaneous 474 Miscellaneous 500 BUSINESS AND FINANCE 510 Money to Loan 512 Loans Wanted 51' Investments 600 EMPLOYMENT 802 Help Wanted S04 Help Wanled. Man 808 Kelp Wanted Lady 80S Pickers Wanted 810 Sales Hrlo 812 Work Wanted. Men 814 Work Wanled. Lady 815 Situations Wanled 817 Job Information 618 Education 20 Day or Contract 700 RENTALS 70S Sleeping Rooms, Board 703 WanteeT Rooms. Board 70S Apartments for Rent 708 Duplexes 707 Hruse for Rent 707-A Furnished 708 Farms for Rent 70 Wanted to Rent 710 Wanted to Rent Houses 711 Wanted to Rent Apt. 714 Ruslnes Rental 716 Resort Rentals 711 Convalescent Rome 710 Moving and Storage SO REAL ESTATE 801 Business Opportunities 803 Business Property sos Suburban So House for Bale 107 Apt., Courts (or gal sos Lots for Sale 810 Farms for Sale 811 Exchanre Real Estate 816 Resort Property III Wanted Real Eitste 12) Inaurane Rid Asked 33', 35'i 37 3i., 15', 17'. 13'. 14. 22', 24'. 15. 17", 43', 46 M 2!'i 31"; 27 30 31', 34, 23', 25!, 37 40 7S'i SOU 47 4 33 SJ'i 81'. 83, 75 71,1 850 AUTOMOTIVE 8.M New Cars 851 Used Cars for Sale 833 Auto Parts and fWoalr 154 Trucks. Trailree for Sal 856 Wanted Carl. Trucn 851 Motorcycles S0 Auto Miscellaneous Sfi2 House Trailers 84 Heavy Equipment 80 Aircraft Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., May 17, '56 (Sex; H25 CD Over 115,000 Readers See INT ADS Phone 41811 lor Courteous Ad -laker istance 312 Lax Fo.J LOST Brown alligator key can wllght, Hon. I -M31 afur 8. FOUND Boy wrlat watch la Busn rara. Owner may bare by identifying pay for ad. LOST Chartreuse parakeet child pet Answers to name saipper. rn. -74c LOST A brown women' leather Surse aomeume Sunday ., Ph. SO03. Reward. ' LOST Spaniel Australian Shep- n. uucK wnn orown feet bob tail Reward. Ph. 4-OU61 LOST, Hack It whit torn cat vicinity of Auburn Rd. Wear ing red collar with Barrel Miaaed very much. Reward. rn. a-iio. FOUND Cocker spaniel puppy. mo. OKI. vicinity of Uni versitjr at 11th. Ph. 4-11M. LOST Red billfold. Important Riper. Between Marilyn a and ewberry- (aturday. Ph. )F4 Suyton collect Mrs. Sandburg. Reward. LOST-Whlte leather tote bag. on ureynouna pu me, err, Salem 11 45 am or tn bus depot. Reward. Ph. S'aylon 2F1S. CO CO CO AOS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED ... Too Late to Classify LOST In Middle Grov dist. brown dog. terrier it out). Black faoae, white en cheat, female, nam "Tooti." R. ward. 1-114. LOST: Green Prayer Bonk. Name of Pat Kindel lnaidej rn. j-oisi. LOST ring, Diamond engagement vicinity ol Caoitol A Hood Sta. -Ph. 1-S243. STRAYED Friday from Roaedale Dist A little old black rocker spaniel. Answer to "Curly. Collar V license. Ph. H. ft Jones J-315J. 314 Trowaporrolo 41 DeSOTO. (U. Eve. Call I-J4JS BY OWNER, 1 acres oa Dallas Hwy. near school, bus service, neatly new 1 bdrm. home, 1' baths, attached dbkt. garage, family orchard, chicken hae. I1S.O00. good terms. MM Dal las GO Rd. Ph. 4-115. WANT I or 1 bdrm. house. vl clnity of Salem Helghu School by June lit a- aner . FURN. 1 rm. apt., gar, water at garbage service inc. 1105 N Liberty. Ph. J-M77 or Mr. Young 4-4401, ext. 14. OPERATOR ef small business want eve. work. Capable, honest, nard working, rn J-4511 after . ' NEED 4 aggressive experi enced salesmen or salesladies that wish to earn 140 to Sao per month selling on of th world finest product aV services. Ph. 1-13 ask for Al Brown. NRT.D 1 paeaenerrs to Ban Dt ega n. i-eve, ni. i, bos its. oaiem. JTtTT rsoiMl 400 Apriculturg 40J UvettaKk WasttteJ Lr,rtsTOrK ujrer Claud te warda. Rt. I. Box ml 4-1 111. CATTub. noesea. at your farm. C. MeCandliah. Rt t Mis. CIT11 uye. A. f SomrW! turanooF Dt. Ph. -Mf. 404 PoMltTT r).bTlr JAMESWAY antomatle feeders. v-.V. ""' feeder. Your Jsmcewav headquarter. VALLEY FARM STORE - lb. Your chotc. St. I3M Alder oeph. 4-7747. Cl'STOM DRE&SlNfT"" P """SL Wt u; rabntta. Wlni s, J8M Sute. pb. 4-Uui ABY CHICKS, lie itraight rual i-armentajr. New Hampa . Whit Rocks and Leg. horn Special New Ham) art) White Rock pullet) lie Par, menter red enoeter, lr VALLEY FARM STORK Ph 4-4SM j, 401 P.H AlS BAKERY 104 MARKET rrmen tuna, chicken at beef plea. 11 19 dot. pin pie. We. large bread 1 for 41c fresh froaen atrawbeme anal Rhubarb pies. Ph. S-737L Security Detectlvo Agency Private Investlgstlon anywhere anytime. World wide atfllla- aUon. Rm. 13. Salem Ph day or mgni s-z2sa vi Wash. Oxford S-14M. CHIHUAHUA res corkers. Fes rriora, neaa. sti. l-la. I puppies to give away I mo. oniiany aeuer. a mo. lonf haired terrier Ph. 4-ani.. WANTED good homes by J nut .iiirna. rn. COON hound. Bart UbradorTl mo, oia mate. l. house krw ken Ph. l-aa. COCKATIILS a. love birdaTTlJ wn. inoian ring neck para keets. Ill Uvlngrton. rOUNO parakeet, eagea teed. Mickey' 1BJ U Com 1-rSaV IRD Paradise for Hra,. rageel .uviirs iios uivings'on 14 a rOR SALE Puppies, all kindZ t-om see afternoon at iM Livingston or call 17M Will buy puppies any kind. Rar-PARAKEETNoTrnaT 145 W Brawming Pk t-liJ1. eUAOHOLica Anonymou group No. I MM N Com 1-4537. STRAWBERRY picker. Trans portation, ckir in, rvgi.icr now Ph. 4-U3. Ed lproed. RECi8TERfor strawberry p4c Ing 5 week' work, 1 mile West ft North of Keller School. Jar a aien Evan Berry Farm. Ph. 4-101. REGISTERING now for Mar shall I Ind yearl A Northwest it year I. Congenial patch boss, bus transportation. Pierre Saucy. 565 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-407. ELEC. range, dining set. Bed room act. Beauiyreai matireaa, S Club Chairs. DeW.lt type table saw, I electromod heat ers, many other article. Ph. 1-601, 74 N. Church. TOO MANY BILLS? Dont let your bill ret you h) trouble. ' If yau'r behind la payment, we cm help sou. no security a cosigners need ed On niece la na all hills Pay onlv wat you can if. ford I (Bonded end Licensed or yvur proiMuoaii CREDIT CONSULTANTS S'lem 144 tor tn formatter 410 Sw4rh mnj H,,,, EC A. Plant for complete lino i quality Bedding plant at reaa. prlcaj. Hanging basket Fuchsias, IN., alao gardet eupplle. A. Plant Green houaa. lay , lath. Ph. S-4?. Open T day week It eve. GERANIUMS, fuachata, tub, be fonia awi. clad bulb 1 aoa. I. Fuchela baskeU 81 Mere rills Creenhouae. Brook. BLOOMING AZALEAS Fuch- siss. Camellia. Rhode. aV ev ergreen ahruba. Waring Nure ry. Dtve S. on nth St ' mis past Mornlne.lde School, Turn tight at Oakhlll Ave PSYCHIC READER MMI. HAZEL Reveal D, ea help you obtain th one you love, and succvn In all sf. lairs, special reading ft. 4JM roriiena na. ALCOHOUCS AsMMymanaa, 8 Commercial. 1-110 MULCH . Pest with mushroom tertlllaat. irine toe musco, pa. a-aji. FLOW in vegetable plant. Bulk park aeeds. Valley Faraa Store. SEED potato Al Ped. UK) roniana na. m. e-esia PRIMROSES, peppers. Hybrid tomato, 72 W ialam Halght Ave CO CD PALMIST Palm, card physic reader. telle peat, present It future 15 complete reading, II with ad 1741 Portland Rr Ph 4-4701. PANSIIS 11c do. Dr. ph. 4-1221. Midway 311 Sump,' nd Coins NOTICE OF INTENTION TO LAY WATER MAIN ALONG EAST PARK AVENUE FROM MOODY STREET TO NORTH END OF EAST PARK AVENUE NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN ths the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares its Intention to construct, insta and lay a water main six Inches In dlsmeter in and along EAST PARK A VFNITE from Mnnriv Street to north end nf East Park Avenue, In the Cltv of Salem. Ornn No. 1A, 100 lbs, 5 00-75; No. 1, 50 In accora'nee with the plans, speclfl. lh 1 10' hairs No. Is. 5-10 ! cations, and enttmatea for such water CD CO CO BEAUTIFUL late modal O.I. auto, rant At washer, use very little, bargain. Call 4-4251 after i pm LATE model Admiral TV eon sol. 14 . very new. bargain wentenna at 1250. Call 1-llSO alter 7 p.m. WAR SURPLUS. Shelter, halt Rup tent wpolea at stakes, ew, ONLY 17. SB. ARMY It NAVY STORE, 223 N. Com'l. 3-4341. SLEEPING BAGS. Good selec tion in wool & dacron, from W5 up. ABMY It NAVY STORE, 123 N. ComX Ph. l-4343. BY OWNER - J HOMES I new 1 bdrm. homes, firepl., dble. garage, birch kit., plas tered, large lot. restricted. Priced reaa. Terms, trades. Open house daily. See I blk. N. Clearlake store on Wheat land Rd CUSTOM DISCING A PLOWING REAS. PH. :-48 T6vDisply Clossifiatj CD CO CD WILL buy gold coin, any ae- wmieM . van a-MMI. 400 Apiculture 402 Llvistock for Salt AZALEAS In bloom. Open SaU urday p.m. aV Sunday, Tuesday at weonesaay morning. Batea Yard, Mvto North Ith Rtree. ' Strayer Atalee Garden. - GERANIUMS, Pink Sensation delphinium, young Rueaalt Lupine. Aelllbee, soma chry nthmum ready now. Blacks. ITI4) Chemswa Rd FUCHSIAS It Ivy Geranium. baskata In bloom, also Dahli bulb.' Ward Garden. . 4JM) Cherry Ave. ' I YR. old black fitly. Green Drone so no and drive. 1131. mo rmrrn Ave. rn. I-ll. PROFESSIONAL (torsos hoer Lee saneon, -7z or -soej Salem Meat Co. irv-ker Wf Custom killing, ruttlnf wrap pins;, trailer waneri rree FOR SALE or trad, genlle ItntllM fait awkflawMast salaaaa, aiuul e- - - - mvm vmuiiaii, mimv inu addle horses Bob Frank. SOB n water ot. auverton Pb 1-1134. SADDLES. 4 new. I used. I really good junior. 121. to 1134. 137 Sllverton Rd. MILOGRANITI fertillrar. Sa lem s only dealer other gsr den aupplle, larg aeioctlon of our choic bedding plants. Open eve., closed Sun. Pern .per Ion ' Flower Shon A Greene house lo 8. 11th, Annuals, Fuschiaa, Geranium. BegnnlM. Hanging flaskets. Kllhers. Til Salens Helghia Av ( 41 1'Loww'-GaVtjgn'ttiuipr. 1 t ! ELEC. lawn mower, very good '. com), fja. rh. 4-7111 after , 412 FruitY.rmroluci : ' In M ' 1 S$T w' GivJ You Moral W 1 Than 1 nolo II FOR SALE aberdeen angus cow iwiin cam heifers and bull. A C Ranch I mile east on Abiqua Road. Rt 1. Box 104 Sllverton IF YOU love your animals, (VOTE NO-43). Tex Shlvtly. Horse sh oer. Ph. 1-435, FOR BALE: Fresh milk oat7 some to freshen oon, one ml. south of Marquam. Oscar M Carlson. ML Angel, Ore. Rt I. Box 41. 403 Livestock WtjwT CATTLE buyers 427 Slat. - E. It H. anelhen. 1-134, S-43M WILL TRADE 1(47 Ford for beef cow ana calf. Ph. 1-1111. j fO(lleMtlgif sr Trade-in Allowance On a Set of New Allstate Cushions Black Walls or While Walls Sears Roebuck & Co. KM N. CAPITOL Nationally rimmji HO MART LIGHTING Fixtures M OFF! Pull downs bedroom wall brackets colling futures. SEARS ROEBUCK jjj at i.u. RHUBARB 5C LB. Now Is the time to can A frees. uitirn apple MKT. Boos Portland Rd. MILK: State Inspected, 14a. Fresh egga. Wilson Dairy, H ml. E. of 4 -Corners on State. Ph. 4-UIl. , . . . PASTEURIZED whole milk. Tie) Sal. Homogenised, 7c gal. e live red. Cleary Dairy, l-KW. Clrary Dairy l-lol '3 413FHilizr AGRICULTURE Mm for Uwd It garden. 10 lbs. for 1. . . VALLEY FARM STORE FRESH or rotted ataur Ileal, lino manure by seek oe ye rat. Delivered er at farm Phillip Bra. Rt a Boa 41 Pk 4-1041. MULCHING material, straw for a good ergaele mulch. Call for prlf . Pb. 4-101. ORGANIC FERTILIZER ODORLESS art iACK or a true PHONE Ultt ROTTED sawdusl tee mulching. yd. load lit. 4 yd II. 1 yd . Sf. or 11 yd or H sack at farm. AIM Bearer Da Soil tl tack, t tor IB. Phil. Hp Bra.. Rt I Sox Mt. Urn. Ph. 4-301. Save time -Save money For the Best Professional Services CI AN EMSt re- Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! Ft. (llalsop Study As Monument Ordered in Bill lbs, 3 00-25; Klamath district Rus sets, No. 1A, 6.00-50; Idaho Rus sets, 100 lbs. 6 00-50, some to 7.25; hales, 5-10 lbs, 3 50-4 00. main approved by the Common Coun cil April M, IM. and which are now on file and may be examined In the office of ths city recorder at the city hall and whtrh shall he deemed part of Ihiit notice CO CD oo APPLIANCtl WEST1NGHOUSE Woodry furniture c. 474 So Corr1! Ph 4-1111 SEDDINO WASHINGTON UP - The House Interior Affairs Committee Tues day approved a bill directing the secretary of interior to investi gate the advisibility of making Ft. Clatsop, Ore., a national monument. The fort is the site at which the 'Soft white 219: Soft white (exclud explorers Lewis and Clark in 1804 ling Rex) 219: White club 119 Hay New crop, No. 2 green The cost of layin such water main alfalfa, baled, f o b. Portland, "T ... T TTr, T'. " ! 43 00-46.00 ton, SOme Sales higher, j ". property . the council deemlni ihe same benetiled by the laying of such water main, to-wlt' Those five unplatted Jots lylne. on the west side of E. Park Streel and north nf a line which la ftllfl mrlh-jit snd parallel lo the north Portland Grain PORTLAND I - Coarse grains, 15-day shipment, bulk, coast deliv ery: Oats No. 2. 38 lb white 58.50. Barley No. 2, 45 lb B. W. 49.50. Corn No. 2 E. Y. shipment 70 75- 71.00. CAPITOL Bedding Mstlrsss re novators New mattresses S-404W CRAM W'URS duiii me lirst habitation ever established by Americans on the Pacific Coast. It is owned by the Oregon His torical Society. line of Moody Street and deeded tn Roy E. and Irene Rose Hough. Ronald E. and Madge B Jnnei Leslie E and Mamie Msy Packard and Joe R. and Bessie E. Zallr The Comnn Council will, at 7 in o'clock pm, May IS. IBM. in the Wheat bid to' arrive market, 1 council chambers of the city hall . , . L..H. jii,,--j ..I near inn cons ner nnjecttnns ir snv basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: uhp , ... nrnnort lmnrnv,. ment. Ihe sire of the proposed wsler main, or to the Inclusion nf any ol said property in ttie lienettled dis trict By Order of the Common Council this 13rd day nf April. 1DM. ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder Mle.i;.lt Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.19; 10 per cent 2 20: 11 per cent 2.23; 12 per cent 2.25. Car receipts: Wheat 4; barley 7; flour 3; com 25; oats 4. IS-ton Lorain mot cram Sa lem Sand Ai Gravel Co 1-141 DRY CLEANING SERVICE Foreman's Cleaners A Dyers Eur Slorage: Complete Dry fining A Lndry Srv. free pick, up A Diver, 1070 S. Com'l. ph. 3-H4SB. ajy n ureen stamps FLOOR COVERINOI NORRIS WALKER Paint Co Eloor-covenng Division Qual ity installations Linoleum. As phalt V Ruhbet Tile Wall tile Tree EHimatee 4-117 HOME PLANNING EXPERT home building It re modeling. Phone -777. LAWN MOWING SAND AND GRAVEL LAWN MOWINO. POWER MOWER. PHONE 4-1:101 LOCKER ICE CREAM LOCKER met cut A wrapped, quick frore, 1710 Sllverton Rd. Vista Froren Food Lockers Jons S. Com'l Ph 1-I73T Lockers Now Available Custom Meat Cutting end Sale Ira Cream for All occasion. Pcks to Tak Out inHlNaELWNO MACHINING A Welding: Nlitht service iviiuanr.-Trirf-oosJ; Globe Machine Work. 101 N. Commercial St Ph. 1-M11. Fapf.rino aTpaintino SALEM SAND as GRAVEL C5. Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and tog. soil. 1403 N Front SL 1-141. GRADING A DOZING paper-hanging A painting Ph t-KiM VALLEY kAND A GRAVEL CO. Crushed It roun gravel land It con mi 1-4003 WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 125 McGllchrlst Crushed quarry rocks and fray- si. aii sizes or roads, flriv. way and parking lota, RKADY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-doting, shoe. I and dragline work. J-iJ4. atPTic scavici HOWARD S RolQ-Rnoter. sewer. septi unki eieanea a-KSi. rxiZING k LEVELING Pn l-ffflSJ D PANTtVI( H BULLDOZING clearing roads. Eondi D-4, D- carryall V. u.skey ph 1-114. ROAD GRADING Rm Hancock Ph 4 Xl,' Painting and paper-hanging rree estimates Ph I-M1I Exp Jem Inhnsnn ROTOV AT1NG ROTOVATING VeorTTTv-" eek ends J Hathawsy Ph lota Howard Riilovator Work Call Bill Bevens. Th. 4-2526 MIKE'S Septte service ranks cleaned O rooter clean sewera drama Phone S-D4M Hamel s septic tank cleanest, line service Guaranteed svorfeu Phone 1-7404 or 1-0774 !TREE SERVICE De Rosia Tree Service Tteis. Shrubs. Hedges Insurer 1731 N. Liberty SI Pb. l 4l Tn place classified sds .e7RU TRICKING MAULING WANTED ts haul shprt t Pb. e'TS 3 at. a I i V i