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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1956)
N '"-! v ' 4-(Sec Ip Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs May 17, "58 By CHIC YOUNO Jet Leaves Convent in Ru bbl r . k . i. j St;, - o .i .... g s ! .Jj JLf..a n-.:jvft J J I mmT- it i , fvt s;i ', ti I! . 1 '7-.'.lV '.J B ,4 Kl. V, f ;D . A" f e If ML J OTTAWA, Onl.-ICAI FO Ktnntli C Thorn.., 20, mneu flffl mvljitw, Nltgtra Ftllt, Onf., and FO Wil Rtm J. SchmJdt, 25, pllel, Mtdicin Hat. Alia.. wr killed ft. Rubbla and wrackaga was rtrawn avar 100 yards frm lha bvlldlnf. lady f pHt wat Twaaday night whan their jat aircraft crathtd into tha Villa found ISO feat away. Scara af pffepla ara daad ar mlatlnf. (AP Wlraphan)).' St. Uwlt canvant naar hara. (AP W1rphte). A 1 1 TltM' I Af OTTAWA, Ont.-Thii k afl thafa Uft of Villa St. loult danvant af tha Mil i nor f Leu 6rty Nun( aftar M RCAI CF.,00 , naight f 3Ji000 ai i" S fcf i , K J J -' A & (fMrL WASHINGTON MT . SidnayHatkln went back to work far tha Air force Wednaaday 14 month after Ma avtoamien . on "eecemy" chergea. HV N ' khi, ww prvviowy nanaiao y aocrot material, waa aaiigitao I BLONDII r ,-. " - ; ' : e. . jlliiiapUil' t WELL.TN XXI WONT fU Md PtTHCPS Oiiii'l W THIS HUPfS MS H , rk: jCthts) "1 ),BZlJhZ2i "TS CRtMEMBEP.iM 'morc than it does) SssrL- vw) .iiH NC BARNEY COOGLI . mj rmw utnctb STANOUp I VsS BUT youa HONQP- '"SZ TFN PAYS Oft I 1 1 CAUGHT HIM WEARIN j finq VsA tt. J X - J h I HIS ONOERBfilTCHES IN (QQX S L. A v c'VT?" Vj fv y MICKIY MOUSk ,y WAlT DI$NlY ( WATCH M3UK TEfTH WHAT ICEPT VOU? vX PAKHlNfl ( UX3M WL5MM! ) E5. , R vC5 Ti ON "iS TUFF I ( TIM IS ALA?STUCI ANP y-jT J 7 OU3 .. 0V3 MHHU ! J wBLte m t v.t. i ' v i i i - i m i iii f a v rr aa j hi i rr a i i BUZ7 SAWYtl By joy ANE WUIW,(rM ( ,0,.UTvutUO I rOOTY' V E KKCW THAT CD StG! 1 ' '-J ' lit 'I III Hill I II t I - ,- I ' ' iv.WJ By KINO VSSrSLtA GM Centtr Dedicated Wlropheto). GASOUNI AUIY vzjAii XiJxJkWZJ3XZ?f' b57 That's the last time M&&r K7 I'll be happy to t 1 It went oft A Okay, but we've T "3jl 1,11 ev,er Iid 'P tT'viiJ If out from pehd lT' A StoK" ' AJl MtHie bundle of inlj teen, educatM end ethan, watch dedketio. of Ganorallf . aharing of knowledge. (AP WlrephotoL fV MCJPi A YTMk WVS&m UTnmX tMmf ll.1 r i ' -.-,. vv w ft be jokin: boss.. 1 she Goes ail) eoss?wuy l i 11 (leaving her be' i i ',':' I "iiltJ I . V ssff,( wu cant Re ally A. the way with i pont ' A. J; '" r",?''7n!,J V id talk to -of .rjT ,.; f pf RIP KIRIY By ALEX RAYMOND Pl;,vW IS lfP 39 TH05I Bir0VH FCLX Wi'T Itl'EVi y.C HAvl A CMtMMS Y0UN IWTI05 TOMiLPUt HAVE A tITTU FliN. 5HI8KTE? 10 MKE FKSOKAL AfFEWNCE, ST, s aw I J ff ?? Jane and Babv $AJM0N,cc,li'--AMj,M Den'es chafge 2 f una UIIU OUUy w lbwify Av,, emey, born Feb. lot, at the baby enioyed her Hen Curt U. w. JJTt ' cu . j J firat appearanco kofora em. camera, here thU mernin.. Miu R.w. I Jl! !i V.. w'T.! 5?"." I: Sh f,Vd ". -rr"'w w..w privvw una niviiiiiiHi ithh rivii. wirsi or wmw wmmrnmv mm a .a jti- j . . out. .XKvtfvo, ha. tw.. children by fc marHaga. (AP Wiraph.,. " ZZZJZ ) ... .: 7 ,. y- From Indonesia rr.!IiN iJ 1 .xrTTLrvXt i,.i,i-,,., ..-J , s . i - r SmNS EXCLUSIVE FEATURES man ; YoullFeel 1 m'al !w tharle, A lprut W yl rtv av omrs the Dawn &5j JllXwX W Vv Canria Prn I Mixed I SSN Jtrrm .mUili . SSJ ' lk Nw W when ji chew delkiout M",M IWri.Sp-rmm.Gum.1 Ufrlr,UB( Enjoy it ny lima... any plate. Get tome today. pj DICK TRACY JjZttSZStt Fair Wither !SS i . M WOvVvWi n i vnir,iFV5v i J m. . mm mm VE5.THE BATTERY? ITfe FLAT AS A PClN CAKE? WE LEFT : TV AND TMESTO ON ALL NIGHT. By CHESTER GOULD f COSH, FLATTOP, VOJ ME AN WE r r iifr n iirT iai ti k n knrrr iiuif AjwMri i i utnc in i ato i nwtt . NO POR POLICE aUS?V pi rwORSE THAN THAT WE CAN'T 1 FET" COT TO FlNDACAS 1 m i. Twrwpmn.,. un aM wottora New Tom. it will continue warm on the Pacific coaet. (AP Wirephote). -k News in Pictures Each Day by AP Wirephotos The World at Your Door Each Morning e