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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1956)
lruide TV Site of Room 222 Holds Memories By EVE STARR HOLLYWOOD ST A R R RE TORT: A minor catastrophe has taken place in the NBC beadquar-' ten at Sunset k Vine, originally built in 1936 and known as Holly wood Radio City. Room 222, on the second floor, was always known as the Conference Room. It was a bis place, furn ished with comfortable leather chairs, sofas and a couple of cof fee tables, and had built-in radio and TV monitors on which you could see and hear shows coming live out of New York three hours belore they were aired, via tape or kinescope, in hot Angeles. It was a favorite hangout for TV editors, of course, because of the three-hour jump they were able to get on reviews. They were also able to see fights and football game that were otherwise blacked out for the Los Angeles area, and Channel Chuckles By BIL Kf ANE 1 I ft I "Here's how your new set operates. This obnay is the annelchay electorsay. . . " it was the room in which NBC in variably screened its new pilot films. It was also a party room, and reminds me o( the time a New York star arrived and wanted to hold a press conference. Les Rad datz, now a producer on Ralph Kdwards' staff but then head of the NBC press department, could round up only oue newspaperman on such short notice and a press conference with only one reporter would have been rather embarras sing. So Les scurried around the var ious offices and recruited about a dozen NBC employees, whom he blandly introduced to the star as "Brown of the Times," "Smith of the Examiner," Jones of the Star News," etc. The star, who was wholly un familiar with the Los Angeles press rsrpi, was flattered by the large turnout and expounded at length. Les then retired to his own office nd hatted out a dozen different stories, sending them In all the papers. He later mailed the clip pings to the star, who had return ed to New York, and the itatBJwrote him a alee letter, fall f rait for Les, for NBC and for the Les Aagelet press corps. T this day be still talks f "that waaderfal NBC preti department," bat Let has always figured that what he doesn't know eaa never hart him. But the Conference Room is no more. Today it is a mass of plaster and new two-by-fours and parti tions as it is being split up to make office space for two new executives, Jcss'Oppenheimer, late of "I l.ove Lucy," and Alan Liv ingston, late of Capitol Records. There is on standing in the way of progress, I suppose, but I hope NBC will understand if 1 drop a small tear or two at the entrance to Room 222. A TV RELIGIOUS show. "Re ligioa ia the News," has Just re reived aa OK U switch to a aew title. It's now railed "Parsoa la Parson." The OK rime from Ed Murraw. Why fight It? PINKY LEE is now in New York discussing the distinct possibility ol his starring in "Mr. Rumple" 01, Broadway next season, being produced by Paula Stone and Mike Sloane. If the deal goes through, of course, he'll do his new weekly children's TV show from New I York. There is aiso a possibility tnat he'll do a "Robert Montgom ery Presents" show some time in the fall. It s called "Mr. Whiskers." a drama rather than a comedy. There never was a comic who did n't yearn to do a dramatic role at least once in his life. Most successful at it recently has been Jackie Glcason. And don't let that Milton Berle fool you, cither. He could be one of the best dramatic actors in the busi ness if he'd put his mind to it. Trouble is, he can never resist the temptation to ad lib a joke. STARRDl'ST: Bea Alexander, wh already owns a couple of mo tels, a gas ttatioa aad a string local TV shows, has aow bought into aa auto dealership. There's a man who knows what to da with his money while he cat still make it . . . Looks aow as though Bob Crosby's aew nighttime .show. planned as aa hour-long sessioa, will follow the Phil Silvers show aa Tuesday night, replacing "Navy Log." Paul Hartman, who never quite made a go of it with his TV film series. "Pride of the Family," is now packing them in at the Hotel Plaza's exclusive Persian Room in New York . . . Also in New York. Nat Wolfe doesn't know whether to be happy or glum over Edna Best's smash success in Noel Coward's "This Happy Breed" for "Ford Star Jubilee." Edna is his wife, you see, but the show was done on CBS and Nat's job is to come up with good new shows for NBS! SHORT SHOTS: Helrne Hawley has gone back to- New York ta da a series of i: nalf-honr films tilled "The Adventures af Miss May field." Production gets under way next month ... Sue Carson, a slow starter. Is now a hit at the Mocambo in Hollywood and has TV producers, especially from the "Comedy Hour," lined ap at her dressing room door . . . The im pending sale of the Warner Broth ers studio, first announced, then denied by the Warners, is now be ing announced again. (CopMipit 1956. General FturfS Corp ) 43-Year-Old Doctor-Lawyer Sues for Release From Army DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS I Brother of Abel B. Epochj . A burst of chaera from a crowd 10. Attica 12. A drama 13. Hurry 14. Goddett Of healing (Norse) 15. Winnowg 16. Virginia (abbr.) 17. Actinium (Sym.) IS. A musical group It. Plead 20. Coin (Rum ) 22. Kind of vase (pi.) 23. Very strong 23. Lose, aa feathers 27. To edit again 30. Roman money 31. Went in heat 32. Mother 33. Belonging to ma 34. Body of water 33. A close friend 31 Summing 38. Immense 39 Lift 40. Buffoon 41. Affirmative votea 42. Java tree DOWN X. Printed cotton cloth (U. l.W'Ingllkt J. A climbing plant 4. Negative reply 5. Antelope (Afr.) 1 Arctic explorer (Brit) 7. Astern 8. Man's name (var.) I. Talk 11: Rough projections' 13. Rut leas long. tal is. Truth 18. Flex 1. Raised 21. De. aerta 22. Em-Ployed 24. Require 23. One of the Philippines 26. Period of fullest strength 28. Semblances 28. Stories 31. Sharp nj JuclcUetJcr 1 Yesterday' inwn 34 Location of the " Lean ing Tower 35. Cougar 37. Perish 38. Ripened fruit of the rate 40. Creek letter 77. VA "4 'A 177 VA m 4 V7. VA V7, VA La 7A ,1 f-17 Lost Jewels Said Located NEW YORK ( -American Air-. lines said Wednesday S100.000 wcrth of jewels reported missing by Albert Warner, a founder of the Warner Bros, movie studio, have been found in the Beverly Hills Ho tel in Los Angeles. V'arnpr hnrl rpnnrtn1 that a tea,,. eling bag containing the jewels had not arrived on a plane he and his wife took from Los Angles in hw York on Sunday. They had been registered at the Beverly Hills Hotel. The airline, which had been con ducting a search for the jewels, said it received word today they had been located. The line had no details, but s :d the jewels were being sent here. They will be examined by an in surance investigator to make cer tain they are intact and then will be turned over to Warner. SAN ANTONIO. Tex. - Tvt Reldon R. Reap Sr., a doctor and lawyer of Silver Spring. Md., will; appear in federal court here Kri-i day to argue his habeas corpus j writ demanding release from mili tary service. I The 43-year-old private denies he : has any quarrel with the Army but j says his only fuss is with the se lective service system. j "I have not been abused in any sense," Reap said of his treatment at Brooke Army Medical Center: here. "I get along well with the men in the barracks and try to do my assigned medical work to the best of my ability." He works as a doctor although he has no commission as a medi cal officer. "If my country needs me, I would be willing to serve," Reap1 told reporters. He said he realized the Army needed doctors but doubts it needs the number in ducted i Out of Jurisdiction The court action names Maj Gen. William K. Shamhnra. com manding general of Brooke, as de fendant but only because draft board officials in the complicated case are out of the jurisdiction of. the San Antonio court. He contends j he should nave neen assinneu in Maryland where he could have summoned witnesses and draft board members to testify in pend ing legal action. Reap has been a practicing at torney for about 18 years. He was graduated from Georgetown Uni versity Law School in 1938. After entering practice tie gave up a commission in the Coast Guard. ItrrS42 Reap decided to become a doctor. Induction la 1944 He was accepted by Georgetown University Medical School in April 1943. He was inducted into the Army in January, 1944. to study medicine under the army special ized training program. Reap said that he was told at the time of his induction that he would be dralted at the completion of his course unless he was re jected by both the Army and Navy., However, he was discharged Jan. 14. 1MB under the provision provid ing tor the release of fathers with three or more children under the age of 14 Reap completed his work in 1947, interned in a Washington hospital and then worked at several govern ment jobs including duty as a doctor at a Washington induction center. To Legal Work In 1950 Reap again turned his at tention to legal work, studying all phases of the law while located at Silver Spring. The doctors' draft law became ei i ecu ve in nepiemDcr. idu. unuer i the draft act the Silver Spring draft board classified Reap as 4-F because of a peptic ulcer history. He was later reclassified and on July 22, 1953 was ordered to report for induction as a doctor in the Army. He appealed. Reap said that in the next three years he was classified and reclassified 14 dif ferent times belore he was finally ordered to report Feb. 29, 1956 for induction. Reap appealed to federal cmirt and snucht an injunction. The ; appeal was denied on Feb 27 but ', Heap said the fourth circuit court of appeals urged the Army to as sign Heap to Fort Meade, Md., while the case was settled." Chief Justice Earl. Warren of the V. S. Supreme Court refused an appeal on Feb. 28 and Reap was inducted at Alexandria, Va., the next day. He was sent to Brooke Army Medical Center on March 9. This is the Official Penslar Remedy Store For Marion County. You will find thato preparations of highest qualtiy and guaran teed to be exactly for what they are sold and represent ed to be. Schaefer's Drug Store 133 N. Commercial Open Daily 7:30 A.M.-I P.M. Sunday 9 A. M. 4 P. M. CM Technical Center Opened In Michigan (Picture aa Wlrephote page.) DETROIT. Mich. Ml - General Motors dedicated its giant new technical center Wednesday with a televised salute from President Eisenhower as a highlight. The President, who spoke from the White House over a closed circuit network, termed the tech nical center a "new adventure and a new frontier." "isenhower expressed the hope, too, that technical progress made at the new center will be shared with other nations end contribute to "More rewarding lives" throughout the world. The television network took the President's message as well as talks by General Motors execu tives to an estimated 15,000 per sons in 61 cities in the United States and Canada. In many of these cities General Motors plants held "open house" programs (or em ployes and their families. At the technical center, built oh a 330-acre site at a cost variously estimated at from 100 million to 17S million dollars, some 5,000 scientists, engineers, educators, in dustrialists and others got a first hand of the dedicatory ceremonies. Basle Research Prior to President Eisenhower's brir' talk. Harlow H. Curtice, GM president, told visitors and, the television audience the technical center was important to national prosperity as well as to national strength. The nation's survival, he said, may depend upon "more emphasis on basic research." Visitors to the center as well as the television audience saw such results of GM research as its new experimental car powered with a "free piston" engine that uses fuels ranging from whale oil to high octane gasoline, the newest gas turbine car, the first success' ful mechanical heart, a new arti ficial lung and numerous other de vices used in industry and in med icine and surgical practice. MOMMY i "-t c x x .y.i i lull wis -J a. I. JTit&2 Jj "According to statistics put out by the Housewives' Protective League, this mokes 3,400 dishes I've washed this month!" KOAC, 550 k.c KOAC (Thursday): le .. The Newt and Weather; I :1S Lx pe nally lor Women; l;J-Calling Hrt. Oreson; 11: The Concert Hall; Hill; Wtae The Newt and Weather; 11:15 a.m. Noon Firm Hour: !: Melody Lane; I :tt Radio BookabeU; KVAL TV, VHF 13 EUGENE: KVAL-TV, Channel I) (Thursday): !:N .Stop. Look and Listen; 1 :1S It a run to Reduce; :3-reaUir Your Neit; ): Mati nee Theater with Edmund Lowe and Jean Parker In "Oh. What a Night" a Jewel thief it out to tnatch game lrom a burlesque queen; 4: IS Mod em Romancei; 4:Jt 4:30 Date; : Big Roundup: MS The Newt: !:M Sportt; 1:55 Weather; : Annie Oakley: :J Weitern Marshal; : You Bet Your Ufa: J:30 Dragnet; l:M Headline with Mark Stevens ta "foreign Correspondent" a newt man it held prisoner by the Chinese Reds; S:e ford TV Theater ttarrtnf Marilyn Ertkin and Macdonald Carey In "The Kill;" S:a Lux Video Theater with "Princess O'Rourke; ll:S Amoe V Andy: IS :Je McKay lor U. 8. Senate; lt:tt Pattt Page Sings; 11 Texas 'Raaalln'. ly THI MOSSIKS Statesman, Salem, Ore, Thurs., May 17, 56 (Sec H23 THURSDAY BROADCASTS ? MHf t Mto: Te Stateewuui rWe la toed fattt, the fjrwr ait tisaes at swevMea ky radte aad TV Matlea, eat feeeaeae eftUaMsf Ike pretrials are ekaafed wtLkevt aatlrkatlea Skat sevsaaaer aaaaei he rctaeaaikla fee the aeesracj hernia.) THURSDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KPTT mUSOAT'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL 17): 11 :M a.m.-NBC Matinee Theater "To Have and To Hold," itor of a happily rewed "war widow" who first learns that hrt first hus band is alive, then, that be has only few weeks to live. 1:N Matinee Theater "Rocky," starring Roddy McDowell. I:M a.m. Hall of Stars "Harrijan's Ghost," starring Howard Duff. The more questions a detective asks, the more he is certain that he is morally guilty of murder. KOIN-tV THURSDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL Dl I:e p.. Armchair Theater "The Ardent Woodsman": Gilbert Roland, and Phyllis Thaxter. I:M .m. I Search for Adventure "Pack Train": The story 'cf a pack train trip to the Yukon by an Oregon couple. ? U:5 a.m. Showtime oa Six "Strange Holiday"; Cltuide Rains, Barbara Bates, Gloria Molden, and Bobbie Stevens. A man returns from a holiday to find the Naiis in control of the country. KLOR-TV THURSDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL It): II M a.m. Afternoon Film Festival "The Gentle Gunman" star ring John Mills and Dirk Bagarde.' The story of an Irish revolutionist who risks his life to prove his loyalty to his organization. 7:M .m. Ail Star Theater "Turn Back the Clock" starring Loraine Day and Richard Conte. A drama of a returned war Vetera a under treatment for loss of mefiory. I: .m "A Salute to the South"-A portrait of the South as It was. at it is and as it will be. 11:41 a.m. Hometown Theater "Forced Landing' rtarring Rich ard Arlen and Eva Gabor. The story of a pilot forced down oa aa island In the Pacific. ' t:M Eapeeially tot Women The Home Garden Hour: "Plana for tne State Fair Tlower Show;" t: Memory Book of Music; I: Oregon Reporter; 1:1s Music ol the Misters; 4:t University Hour; ; Chil dren 1 Theater; S:Je The Problem Clinic: :-The Newt and Weather; ;1J Dinner Music; t:Jt-Hstdllnes in Chemistry: :4 Martm Chuttle wlt; 7:1S Bveniag Farm Hour; l.-SS-BBC Theater; Muttc That en dures; I:! Evening MeditiUona Canterbury Group; MM-Sign OH a a. m t, ! " . " i SERVICE STATIONS, INC. i Continues This Week at Woodry's Over Two Carloads Bedroom Suites . . . Newest 1956 Styles ... at Dramatic Savings! fo) A IT5 IC n IMl u u I 1 WW Lbo tot Vuf oWt 1 i ...c.-i'""" J A Very Special Event Featuring Today's Smartest Bedroom Furniture at Thrifty Sale Prices - Plus Huge Trade-in Allowance Here's really great news for tired bedrooms! Now you can brighten up your bed room with your choice of fresh naw styles from our magnificent selection. Choose from 'modern and traditional designs in a wida choice af woods and finishes. i If si a I ' I I I rJ W ' iiSiaT NO MONEY DOWN . . LaaaBM U I IM a T ifayr i ' 'eete f r r "M" I V fp - Popular Modern Design ,n your choice of Rich Sea-Mist Mahogany or Ribbon Grained Walnut. Bis rrxvmy double dresser with plate mirror Bookcase bed with sliding panel. (Chest optional.) Sale Priced $159 Less $40 Trade in You Pay Only 119 Shell Mahogany or French Walnut Luxurious styling and design at modest budget prices. This outstanding bedroom suite looks ex pensive in every detail ,has all the teatures of suites twire the price! Double dresser snd plate glass mir rorBookcase bed with divided compartments for storage with sliding panel rovers. Popular low foot board on bed. (Chest optional.) Sale Priced $129.50 Less $40 Trade-in Yon Pay Only Smartly Styled Modern In beautiful Havana Walnut. Six-drawer double dresser with large plate glass mirror bookcase bed with popular Hollywood low design footboard. fChest optional.) Sale Priced $119 Less $40 Trade-in Yoa Pay Only Early American Maple Six drawer double dresser, plate mirror, full size bed, night stand, authentically styled hardware. (Chest optional.) $159.00 Less $40.00 Trade-in Yon Pay Only Italian Modern Distinguished louvered effect. Double dresser with tilt mirror. Full panel bed. Rich, genuine walnut accented with polished brass. (Chest or night stands optional.) $209.00 Less $40.00 Trade-in You Pay Only.... Casualtone Mahogany Genuine mahogany in new nutmeg shade, shaped front dmihle rirrsser. Plate mirror. Sleigh bed with grill trim. (Chest and night stands optional.) $229.00 Is $40.00 Trade-in You Pay Only ... Blonde Waterfall Modern Six drawer double dresser. Plate mirror. Matching bookcase bed with sliding panel. Modern birch blonde finish. $139.00 Less $40.00 Trade In You Pay Only.... Cherry Provincial Authentic Provincial styling. Rich cherry woods. Swelled front double dresser. Scalloped frame plate mirror. Gooseneck full size bed. Picture frame de sign. (Chest and night stands optional.) $239.00 Less $40.00 Trade in You Pay Only Far East Modern Nine drawer triple dresser. Picture frame styling. Bar bed with built-in night stands. Exotic sea shell mahogany. Pewter hardware. (Chest optional.) $7000 119 $ 00 $ 169 00 00 $189 00 $OQ00 $ 99 199 $ $389.00 Less $40.W TriaeTn-You PayWyT 149 00 00 m m m m r sssa g950 Come to Woedry's for These Exciting Values! and Many More Equally Good, But Not Advertised Store Hours: Daily 9.30 to s P.M. Friday and Monday Noon Till I THURSDAY'S TELEVISION KTTV. LHF t7i KOIN-TV. VHF f : KLOR, VHF It HOUR es:et : M:M H.ii KPTVIhmm (Home Homt IHome KOINj Panorama Pee, IPanorema Pee , IPtnoraroa Pec, ntnwama Fae. KM V Tana. Emit Tnn. Kmle IPeathtr Neat iretther Neat KOINlVallant Lady Lay ef ty, yrrh Temor Guldln tlfM I sUTT Din Don SctUDtne Done Sch.lErni Xavae I Em It Kava - K01Jx-" Pr H"' Paar I As WbtW mnlAt Warld TWte H stPTVI Today IToday Toda ITmday -I SV KOINlRobt Q. UwittRobt Q. LawUIUnkletter lUnkltttte ' KLOKI J J Pub. Interest ' HIPTVInBC Mat Th, INBC Mat Ta. NBC Mat The. INBC Mat ThtT" KOINIVUiUn' Time (VltiUn' Time I Bob Crosby I Bob Crosby . KLOK! film resUral ttlm restlrat rilm TeatWat I film festival, laKPTYIrjato with Life Vod. HomancttlQuata for DaylQueta tar Day JOIN Brighter Day Secret Storm Idt af Nlbttdft at Jtlfht mORInim Pesthral Tllm fettlTal ITIlm festival irilm rtsllval 1 !!lSM,'t Th,tor lM- Theater Mal Theat I Mat. Theater a EOINlArmeh. Thea. Armch; Tha. IKOIN Kltehaa IXOW Kitchen KLOR ! sub. Inlereat jpub. Intereti gliabeth Ulliabeth I 0 KPTYlMatlnte Tbeat.lMaUnaa The. IWhat's CooktnflWaar. Cooker " KOI! Garry Moor I Carry Moore lArih. Codfray lArth. Godfrey EsLORLady ef HouttlLady of HouealOlamour Ctrl IGlsmourOIrl KPTVIcolorama IT (Colorant ST Bar IT Corral IBar IT Corral KOINlArth. Godfrey Arlh. Godfrey iFtrlke It Kicb istrlka It Kin auuMia-pay nay Mia-Pty arat Mid-Day Mat. Mld-Day Mat,; IPTVjt Married Joaa UMarrMJoan IRowdy Doady (Howdy Doody KOIN Mr. Moon Cartoon Time I Red Dunnicf Bed Dunnrctft BXOI(Mtd-Dy Mat (Purple Safe Cowbay G-men 'Cowboy O-meti KPTVHarpra Jainb.tHarper't JamblNewt Cahtral Newt Central. KOINed Dunning Douf Edwards ISft. Prettoa 18(1. Presto) " KLOR Mickey Mouse tMtekey Mouse iMIrkey Mouse iMIfkey Mouaa KPTVItbA (Polltict IDinah Shoo Ntwt Caravaaj , KOINI Weather. Newt Newt Parade Ifeaturett IPslltiri) , KLORUunfl Jim IJungVt Jim I Lone Banger ILont Range I 7KPTVlBet Tour UttlBet Your Lit I Dragnet IDregnet 4-t KOINI Balk Cum'nee IBnh Cun'sss lAhAttwr.Rtara s KLORl All-War Tbea.l All-Star Thea.lSiop the MutlclStoo the Muafe SKPTViiuu of SUrs Wall ef Start Iford Theater irbrd Theatef ' KOINI Shewer-Stara Bhower-SUrt 4 SUr Piaynt. Star PlayhtL UAIKIfMar Tonight (SUr Tonight I Down Yoa ColDowa Tou O 9KPTV!Lu Theater Lux Theater ILui Theater tux Theatee .(, KOINIlllwaw Palral IHIns Patrol irnn(Mntll lr.nlll.ll.l , . 10 11 KOINI Hlway Patrol IHIway Patrol IConlldentlal KLURI Dr. Hudson Dr. Hudson I Polltict IKLOR PreMnkS ' KPTVIgherL Holme ISherl. Holmet IPolltict IPolltict :; KOINlMaa Called OC'IMaa Called X'IShowt n S ISOowLoeH a-; - KLOR! Politic N I.W.I Nl.W.tV IH melown The. WTVItba TBA TBA TBA KOIN Showtim en S IShowtlm on I I '! KLORlHometwn The.Homefwa Th.Homefwn The.iHomefwa Th THURSDAY'S RADIO SSLM US KOCO IsM BOAS 1130 KOIN WS SOW t!t ItX USaV f M: Megacyele KOIN 11 lj BS .; BOW iee. HOUR M:N M:M M:M M.-tt . KSLM f KGAS KOIN SOW KSX VaL rarmcatt Farm New World Nw Mutlc Keep Tim Val Farmcaat Brk. Nook (KOIN Klnrk World New Keep rimt Val firmcaat Brk. Nook KOIN Klock Listen Keep rime Newt Nook-New KOIN Klock Listen Keep Time KSLM KOCO SCAB KOIN SOW KSX Hemingway Early VVona Brk. Nook KOIN Klock Lhrtea New 8 KSLM KOCO KOAB KOIN SOW KSX Cliff Ingle WaUy't Sports Brk. Nook Consumer N'w Listen Keep Tim Break. Gang brly Worne Brk. Nook , Head Una ttJtten Keep nmet Break. Gang Early Worm Brk. Nook frank Go Clsten Keep Time Newt , Itrlr Woraa ' Nook-New Hsrrf Babbitt . kTlsher Report " i Bob Hsten famlle Alter Early Worm Brk. Nook nDave VaUla Listen Keep Tim Haven of Boat Early Worm Brk. Nook Shelley Ser'nd BJsten Keep Ttmo Have t Baal Iarlg Worm f' Nook New Shelley Bare. OUtten ? Keep Tim 9 KSLM New KOCO News-Srorta KOAB Bpidetr-Hll KOIN Wendy warm SOW Listen KSX Brkltt Club Newt Early Worm 8plor-Hlt Howard Miller Listen Brkfst Club ipsstor' Call '14S0 Tbno St Spider-Hlte . . Helen Trent -l-ltten Brkfst Club Bargain C'nfr Am Tun it Hltt-New Midmora Nerwa ILislen Brklst. Club KSLM koco KOAB . KOIN I SOW ' XIX Newt Nw-Bporta Backfenc Mat Mr. Burton Weekday Coffee-K Weat Tello Test HSO Tun Bt Coffee Tim (Aunt Mary Weekday Bob Garred Wlnjs of Bong iim Tun Bt Kelly Wedding INorah Drak Weekday (My True Story IWIngiof Sons I4K Tun St, Hlti-Mew Aunt Jenny , Weekday . ' Mf True Story KSLM KOCO KOAB KOIN SOW KSX Tun Teat Newt-Sport Dinner Winner Road of Lit Nordin Girl Marrle Tun Test 11490 Tun Bt Dinner Winner iMa Perkins IIr. peaia Queen or Day I4M Tuna Bt Bplder-rttt (Dr. Malon 'To the Ladle Whlsp'rlng Sts.iOeo. Putnam Queen far Day I4M Tuna It Hits-New - Guiding Light .. fa the Udiea jPaul Harvey KSLM Newa 'Newt Top Tradca Vsll's farmcul KOCO World Naw Showtim Showtim IShowtlm KOAB NooaNew Lunchn Mncha Town CneT Lnchin. New. KOIN Noon New Com Gel It Hous Party House Party ' KOW fenner Newt Lawrence WtlklPepper Young Woman In Has, ' KSX Art Baker Butt Conrad I Bust Conrad fsran Newt KSLM Matinee Matinet) Matine Mttine KOCO Newt-Sport Clarln Call'nglCiarln Call'ngiClarlnt Catl'nfl KOAB uunchn Mneha Luncnn Mncha Lunchn Mnchn Lunch a Ntwa KOIN Godfrey Tim Ondfrev Time Ondfrev Tim C.odfrev Ttmo KOW Happiness Wldder Brown Weekday 'Weekday KEX News. Conrad Bust Conrad Buss Conrad Buss Conrad 2 3 KSI.M Matine (Matinee Newa KOCO News-Sport Citrine Calling Clarlne Calling KRAK Pats Parlor Pats Parlor Pat's Parlor KOIN C.odfrev lime Oorlfrev Itm Rood New KOW Miit. MrAnultylMua. McAnultyiMus. McAnulty! KSX Newt, Conrtd Russ Conrad Ruts Conrad Wlllam. Mat. iWilltam Mat Clarln Call'nglClarlne CaU'ng Pat't Parlor Pat I Parlor Our Gal Sund vi .'ske Thirty Mut McAnultylMu.-ycAnitT KSLM Matinee KOCO Newt-Soorti KOAK Pat't Parlor KOIN Ruth Asnton KOW Mua MrAnuItT KKX Newt. Conrtd Rust Conrtd 4 KSI.M KOi-o KOAB KOIN KOW KSX Fulton Lewis Newe-Sporit Pat't Parlor , Art Kirknam Mua-McAn'lty Bob Blackburn Hemingway Clarlne Call g Pst's Parlor Eddie fisher Mus-McAnlly Rob Blackburn Rust Conrad Here't Antwer Clsnne Call g Pat't Parlor Nespaper Mut-MrAn'lty Bob Black bura Mttine Citrine Calling Psrlor-Nw Mskt Up Mind) Listening I Huts lonrao iTelio felt Clsrlne Call"tV( ptrior-wewa , Tslie Thlrtv ' Min.McAnlty ' iRusi Conrad Sam Hire ClaHn Call's Parlor-Newe . Newspaper Mut-MeAn'lty. Bob Blackburn. 5 SSLM Bob Si Ray Bob St Bay Newt-Green KOCO News-SporU Slow Drive Slow Driv KOAB rrffl Jamb'r Traffl Jamb-r Traffic jamor KOIN Ed B. Murrow Newa lorn narmon sr. Miia.MrAn'ltv Local New Jess Mason KSX Boh Blackburn Bob Blackburn Boh Blackb'rn 5 KSLM rtOCO KOIN KOW KEX 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KSX Gabriel Heater Eddie flthet Dinner New Newt-Sports Candlelight Candlelight Sports Newt 'Lowell Thomat Amo n Andy Chet Huntley (Stock Report Lone Ranger Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn ip.ob Blackburn Music Detective Newa-Sport Melody I Star Xtra Bill Stern KSLM KO KOIN KOW KfX KSLM KOCO KOIN ROW KfX KSI.M KOCO KOIN I KOW I KfX IVtectlve Rhyth. Si Blues Rhyth. Blues Melody IBlng Croaby I Man to Go I Adventure IBob Garred (Bob Adkin Baseball Bill Bnindlg , Walley't Sport Sifn Off t frtnk Got tlmtr PKereoe, IBob Blackb'rn Mm Hayea Ctndlehght Amos n AndT Rsnrr-ln Taa Bob Blackburh Dut-Out Dope ' Rnyth. Si BlueS Johnny Dollar Adventure IBob Adkin nacehall I Baseball News-Spot Bhyth -Blue Ahylh -Blue Jack Carton Jack Carson list Precinct World Newa 1 Mans famllyiDance Tim Adklna Show lAdklnt Show lAdklnt snoer Bthall I Rhjth.-Blu- J gist Precinct I t)l nre Tim a lAdklnt Show I Baeeball News-Sport Son Jeep Cunversatloa Boh Adklnt Music Newt-Sportt i btar final I Baseball I Baseball rTrack 1490 fTrack M0 (Treasury Dept Leding Wue. Conversation nsnawaaon Bob Adklhi Jimmy Tidier Mime Track 1490 Hunt g-fun'g Bsseball fTrack 140 Usdin Que. Rtndwagoa ifd P. Morgan ' Ricnfield Peptr Dance Time Newt - Dance lime Music 'Track 1490 Good Evening Dance Tim Dtnce Tim lllk KOCO 1 KOIN I ROW I KSX Mid-nite mVl IMId-nlt Mel. IMid-nlt MeL Newt-Sportt Bllent I Dance Tim Dsnee ' Ttm Dance Time Dance Tune Music Dance Tim Dance Ttm Music (Track 14SO IC.oott Eventrul Dsnre Time Dsnre Time . jMid-nlt MelT" Musi l Dine Tim Dane