r : 0-(Sec II) Statesman,' Salem, Ore.;Thurs., May 17, '58 Speaker of House in Wisconsin Charged With Peddling Influence to Convicts MADISON. Wii. UB-State As-lfied sums from-five other pris- embly Speaker Mark Callin Jr. ' Republican candidate for the U S. Senate nomination, Wednea ' day was accused of accepting at least 15.725 from prison inmate '. to us his political influence to win their release. , " Shortly after the charge were made public by the Wisconsin Su preme Court. Cstlln s lather. former atate GOP assemblyman and Olympic athlete, collapsed and died of a heart attack at Appleton. -The elder Catlin apparently didn't know about the allegations against but son. ; Catlin, 46-year-old speaker of the State Assembly ia 195 and an at torney at law, termed the ac- -tsation-by-ttw- WisconslirStste Board ef Bar Commissioners "ab- enlutehjr false." -Cirealattag Paper ' Catlin is a Candidate for the COP nomination for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Sen. Alexander Wiley RWIs, who is circulating nomination papers al though he hasn't ' formally Bounced his intentions. ratlia learned of hi father's death at about the same time the state's highest tribunal released th camolaint against him. The elder Catlin, 74. collapsed in a narking lot at Appleton. about 130 miles northeast of Madison, the state capital, while en hi way to the law office he shared with his son. He was deaa on arrival at an Appleton hospital. The board filed four charges , against the younger Catlin still technically speaker or we lower house even though it is in ad journment alleging that he ac emoted I5.72S from four inmates at Waupun State Prison and unsped- oners or their (amities to use nis influence to gain their freedom. The board said that none of the i .doners was released due to Cat iin's alleged efforts in their be half. The four inmates named in the SEE Phil HITCHCOCK a a.oi a If fl CjkKjaW aiBtiBwYna' re w or aawsww KOIM-TV 4) TMifht 11 f . M. urn 07) TwieM t,u p. M. M. Adv. IMcIkk tW PmI HaW, Cam, It t. W. lehma, :ItV Important ! To You . . That Marion County hcrve a stronoj voico in highway planning and budgeting. As Chairman oi the House Committee on Highways and Vlco-Chairman of th LeaislatiTt Interim Commu te on Highways, EUstrom can glT you iUctife upcoooakrnonl jf ..( Re-elect ROBERT (BOB),. . ELFSTROM ' - "STATE nr.:-;"-J REPRESENTATIVE t. F. Cock Says: ; I wish to take this ausns is thank my aaay friends sad rapperters for their efforts In my behalf, and te furnish as surances that I have made a fhareagh and relentless cam paign. f This baa act Included the ballooning myself p hit rra (he tie eallUcal, prominence by aid presugeatry. AO the Kaey spent ia this effort has :a asy own. I haven't asked Kaay saeney, and noae has offered. ' tr mm alert asa ta reareseat mm ma will kin the SMit ineaewmbered and ancemult- ted represeaUUve possible. X I Isvs foaght a good fight, r kM kn4 tha faith, sad whether or not I have finished my eeurs dependraposrywf tut, i . ' fFor Congress KepabUeaa NessJaatlaa ,, fi.retAdf.aystr.Ceok. eUlmton, Ore. j m o ate-prisMKohlerrir-eatlni7f complaint were Louis Taiio, and John and Jerome Mandella, all of whom were sentenced in 1948 from Kenosha to life for murder; and Americo de Pietto, sentenced in 1954 from Kenosha to from one to 10 years for assault with intent to rob. The indictments mentioned in the complaint were said to have occurred between 1953 and 195S. Returns Fr.ni Tests Gov. Walter Kohler recently re turned from H-bomb tests in the Pacific, said he ordered an investi gation of Catlin's conduct about two months ago after his pardon counsel. Edwin M. Wilkie. sifted rumors making the rounds of the which was turned over to the late i fore it, s atlor- MADISON, Wts.-Mark CatUa Jr.. candidate far the COP nomiaa tlaa for the ,UA Senate fram Wiseaasia was accused Wedaes day by the Wiscmsh SUte Board of Bar Commhaltaer ef accept lag maaey tram prisaa lamates tar favors. AP Wirephat) is a Republican. Catlin denied the allegations last month when he appeared be fore the bar commissioners at a closed hearing. The board in its charges in volving Fazio alleged that Catlin "secured for himsell payment of an excessive and extortionate sum of money" from Fazio s brother, Frank, "knowing that it was paid to him with the corrupt intention of influencing official conduct." Soagbt Clemency The charge also said that Catlin "by his words, acts and conduct, induced one Frank Fazio to be lieve that defendant (Catlin) be cause of his prominent standing, acquaintance, and relations With public officials, and his political influence and position could pro cure favorable considerations of a petition of executive clemency for Louis Fazio . . ." The board further alleged that in 1953 Frank Fazio paid Catlin $5,000 in cash, $4,000 of which was retained by him, and $1,000 of A. J. Hedding. the Fazio ney. Catlia waa not the attorney of record in any of the cases. Maay Inmate The other charges against Cat lia were similar to the one in voking Fazio. The board alleged in its fourth count which didn't name inmates that Catlin "re ceived for himself large and ex cessive amounts of money from many Inmates at Wsupin and their families." The board termed the charges neither civil nor . criminal, but a disciplinary : action." State law gives the State Supreme Court the complaint is upheld. the court csn impose disbarment. suspension, a fine or a reprimand. "AbMlately Fab Reached at the State Capitol Catlin said: "1 haven't seen the complaint but from a cursory examination that the charges are' absolutely false." Catlin said he would prepare a complete statement later. His father was a former foot ball, basketball, baseball and track involving legal ethics. . The high tribunal gave Catlin 20 days iq which to reply to the ac cusations. If, after a hearing be- Democrats ELECT AS NATIONAL CCr.7.1TTTEEMJUf C. GIRARD UebbyJ leader fn the fight to SAVE HELLS CANYON it Forme General Counsel, ' IONNEVIUI POWER AOMIN. ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF INTERIOR (IMtVIMO) f ssasTl BBanwBft assaaaf - Idilifcar lawiarlaiaisiei ofVsovvbw sPawaw weow wajeTwot awa earsawsfv owvswsjvaao irtl t wm. CM t P AO. BfMOCIATt Ml SAVWSOlt Ml tM. M-1 IMS - --- - i 'frS: " I ; - ' , . 9' M ELECT PHILIP R. "PETE'' PETERSON Republic" SHERIFF COUNTY Far equality, with justice, with efficiency, to the best of my ability. Pd Pol. Adv. by Philip R. Peterson Sorry, I could not got around - to see everyone, but I here - boon working and fighting for you and your rights; I know you appreciate it. In order to continue, I will need and ap preciate your vote this If you cant find my nam your ballot, simply write md ap-'- ' s Friday. fmm 4?fy'-m into on ' 7 ! V (X) A. M. Vistica or Marion County COMMISSIONS U. Ut. by A. M. ViMka coach at both the University of pic Games at St. Louis, Mo. He Iowa and Lawrence College. One of won the low hurdles in the work) his greatest athletic accomplish- record equalling clocking of 1S.4 ments took place at the 1904 Olynv seconds. The elder Catlin was elected to the State Assembly ia 1921 and served one term. He opened a law office fb Appleton in lsot. SO CONTWUfi NOOtlSSIVt kWATIM AND SAM ADMINISrtATIOH Kt-ucct onravEn young av? -J59Bk i (NCUMHN1) MARION COUNTY SHERIFF SleUSiKAN CANOWATI Hm thrayt MiMMMj m MkMt mm! Mi Mk, law wHU pnmd H Iv. Vote X 101 DENVER YOUNG IXPIRIENCED and EFFICIENT Paid tor bj Dtnvcr roung lor Shfrltl Comm. RE-ELECT Kaaablc ' f ''" ; ' . 1 a.fHMm ' 'II C.BUlll... j I B Harlxri. 1,1 I I !. Cult. j., ip.. a m J . . I f N . J! ; ' ' v - ': V ,v V 1 . 4 " - w.w. 'Bill' Chadwitk REPRESENTATIVE for MARION COUNTY Experienced ond Qualified Who in six Legislative Sessions has worked for the best interest of Mar ion County and the State of Oregon. Also Candidate for the National Republican Convention from the First District tiU Aii CkWwkk to laafMMliv CwmhHm let WtSiwvrtfl, Scy. YOUR FIREMEN WILL APPRECIATE YOUR "YES" VOTE ON BALLOT MEASURE No. Your approval of this Charter AXtgNDMENT will permit the clarification of certain existing provisions pertaining to Firemen's Pensions and establish others, in order to fully protect the Pension Rights of Your Firemen. No cost to city, no cost to taxpayer. 57 VOTE 57 YES (X) Pd. Adv. by Salem Fire Department Ballot Measure Committee C. L. Dill, Chairmaa Ask any lamer about CMD 5. Hush incumbent candidate for position number five on the Supreme Court lawyers will 111 you Judg lusk I . . i .-, i - . ... has beea a Ju f iff J '. .. if-", f ' reetrd ( rVi has aa admirable etawifititas sad able service. ... has beea a the - Spresse trL fr II years k . . . has the respect sad esafideac f law yer ud litigants. . HAUS.IUSK AssmUu Jastiee ef , the Bipreai Caart Pi . K sdv. by Lsk for Supreme Crt Cailtte", Cea. A. Rketta, Chak, irae W. Williaana, See. Sale. Ore. C S taaViSi:. JaT VM V KGAE THURSDAY 6:30 P. M. The man with the experience and ability to get things done Oregon people want a U.S. Senator who will work for them ... a man who is ex perienced and respected in Washington, D C. THAT MAN IS DOUG McKAY. Vote for Doug McKay on May 18th. FJ MrKi, U, Ur,.i Cnmm W L I Kill) eiiilhf. CSn .',25 5 11 . P,lan. I. DOUG McKAY 1 A. ' M7 "My Pledge to the People of Oregon". "The people of Oregon have fiven me man tiilrt that were badges of itrvice. Mayor McKa, Stale Struior McKay, Coventor McKay. If the people at the stale o choote to fire me the title of UNITFD STATES SENATOR McKAY ... I promue you thjt both the name and I he litle will earn the respect . the friend ship . . . and the trust of people both in Oregon and in the national capnol." ' BOB HAZEN Prominent Pornwnal bwtlnsssmon, civic worker ond votoron Mil you "Why Doug May deserves your vote tomorrow" CStKCHASs'o2AYs5p.M. For conscientious, fearleu and experienced service from 'your district attorney .... VOTE 94 (X) HATTIE J. BRATZEL FOR DISTRICT-ATTORNEY MARION COUNTY . 31 Years Experience ia Law HONEST . . . ABLE . . . INDUSTRIOUS P. at. Bratatl far District Atty. Ctnaalttea Ilea T. PtWHt, Chtaa., Ill Or. BM. ELECT... n ALDERMAN WARD 3 A business man, fully aualifitd, for a job that needs th ability o( an experienced business man. Favors long-range planning for a fast growing city. Will work for night bus service. Will work for the development of Wallace Marine Fark and beter boating facilities. Only Candidate in Ward 3 publicly endorsing Fluoridation. Pd. Pl. Adv. by Pat Rodea, Zl N. Cottage, galea. Ore. Mr. Taxpayer- sw . ojsa, Fluoridation Dumps 99.9 Taxpayers' Money Down the Sewer! FLUORIDATION IS A FRAUD 63 HO X --: . Adv. by Oregon Citixons Council, .0. Box 652, Slm, Or. . For over 50 years Salem Title Co. and Union Title Insurance Co. have been vitally interested in the order ly growth and development of Mar ion County. In order to promote and continue this growth, we recom mend that you vote for County Zoning XI. Paid Advertisement by: Union Title Insurance Co. - Salem Title Co. Salem, Oregon N. MctUr tar tm.t U .W-lUlaiMia iMt.m.n if. NwIm S. Cw