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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1956)
16-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurc., May 17, 56 High School Track , Season Climax Due j' ' ' . . - I ' r m AiioctATtB rmwi , i The state high school tract Mam reacnea us cumaa uui coming weekend, this Ume wlUi mceti at two dtiea. instead of tha uaual Bieet at CorvaDii only. " CIju 1 Kbooli will ba at Springfield Friday and Saturday 22 Enter NW Net Tourney Competition Starts v .Jriday at Willamette Twenty-two tennis players have entered the Pacific Northwest In tercollegiate Athletic Conference . . hi f tfte U. courU rtiday and Saturday. Tha entriea Include (our playert from CoUega of Idaho: four from iewit and dark: four from JJn eld; two from Whitman, and tour ach from Pacific and WiUameta. lea Beeeraa " . - ! On the basil of team records, 4 .in k. r...4 i. .i lillamette win be favored ta wia Of it a m rnuiua. ' lp both singles and doubles com petition. However, Whitman and College of Idaho did not play in conference competition this year so It Is difficult la Judge what they wilt affer. vc;"; .'Willamette's team record of 64 compares with Lewis and Clark's t; Unfleld'i M, and Pacific's SJ. . - , . .. Drawings Tedajr ill be held today. The meet win start Friday morning at t. Com pete entries: 1 ' From College of Idaho: Don Wilson, Bill Hayes, Doug Oxen and Ia Coyle; from Uwia aod dark: Beb Ellerby, Jim Peterson, Doug Dpnaca and Earl Shinseki; from Lkifield: Hyung-Gln-KIL Fred Ilia Ifje, Cbet Lapp and Art Krohn; from Pacific: Jerry Kalapus, Don Brg, Neil Cays and Tom Car mkhaeL .' from Whitman:. James Young and William Knorp; from WUIanv ette: Bud Mull, Ray Myers, Boa' Batlcr and Ian Mclver. i .. fioyt Ball y to Meet fNteinke'n Class C League base ball team will meet Friday at t pfr. at Barrick Field. Boys t-13 Inclusive livinc north of State StrM between the railroad tracks a ad river are invited to register thn. Meadows ions SiUm at rnUS Mtaiawt ' I. SIIM IrM OVm l nmri pur. , Butr f I. Sa a.lf, cimr Sm(, - riwinf aur. ' t- 4. Kra Prise. Dbr lM, !S. tut QUm, lakf. n. Uf - i - , S. Pfrfnl fut,, Aaal tu lr4 Tcm. 7. Pnr PMfcsr, Fair katkUm, If. TMstei. , a Jnala, UMr, Ba fitlUai. a Raaf k Da4a, atpa aapalj, Vairn Steal. Ittf Caayaa, Court AM, last' bat: laaik BaSa-au fS.Tw y (Continaed from preceding page) tales Milt Martla came eat- af tka latest with a nasty gash d ewe leg. bat we're told ke gat at while sliding an a reatlaa play and that It eaiy helped lead np to tha later pryateehalcs ... ' One of the first questions that was asked the currently visiting Tri-City troupe was, Did Vanni get Into the brawl?" The answer was a ye. Which keeps Edo's record dean. He's yet to give or receive a swine In anv of the Chiefs earanartn Heath 1$ Man of the Hour in Sacramento C ttotaad Tammy Heath, ike easted San Francises Seals skipper at a year age who waa picked np by the Sarrameale PCL eulflt. Is being given aB the credit tor Ike Sacs' earreetly laity awaltiaa ka the league staadlags. Oar Sotsa friends were picked to finish peM tost ta this year's campaign. M aa tar they've keen little ether than a pennant threat. Heath's kaadtiag of Ike pitching luff ta getting tha top accolades treat writers In California. ad Ike reliefers fce's nsed have been aaauag threagh like the tlX mall. Aarieat Mtto Caadlal gave an aaly one earned raa la It appearances nad U kaalaga going Into this week, Rex Jones fielded Measly three tamed rane In 22 Innings and Cleyd Borer Hid area ketter than keta ky doling ant aae earned run In 23 6 alags. With pitching like that a gay decani have to he ether aa sweaent to ke aaeeeasfal ntaaager , . . Dwaine Melbig, tbe burly ex-Oregon Stater who gave up most of his college football career ta play pro baseball is once again the Kperty at the Tri-City Braves. Helbig was purchased by the Brook Dodgers organisation last year, and it looked like a great break for him. But he has since been returned to the Braves . . . It's s fair bet that we've seen tbe last of Bill Whitson this Rill father for four kids, and the family is in San Diego. His wife bas been working, but illness sidelined her. Trying to keep up two residences was quite a load for the guy, and unless he can get . uangs airaigntenea eui sausiactoruy f-''ae'aawaaasaaaM NEW BROAD POLICY . rt IT WIU PAY YOU TO CHECK WITH US IEFORI YOU MNiW.TOm PRESENT POLICY AUTO TRUCK if icuuia Vv. 1 OSKO INSURANCE AGENCY 1445 North Capim St. I In a separata championship meet. while class A t and A-J hold their aeparata meets at Corvallis oa the same days. It will be the first time A-t Khools have competed la a divi sion apart from the larger schools. Among tha A t schools. It Is expected ta be tha same old story Medford si the champion. Tha Southern Oregon track power has Hs usual balance. Eleven Qualified Eleven Medford performers have Qualified for the state meet. In- j.,tAinm AatnAna rhamnlnn VlHnn I 1L - t...r,m TKm fr Francia in the javelin. TDerrTi only one other champion return ing to defend a title. He la Huey flatten, state 100-yard dash king from Jefferson of Portland. Beaverton and South Salem also qualified It men. Fiva schools Qualified eight-Grant, Jefferson - , , n .. j ana wasningion 01 rummiu, m r. -lia Mi, Si- Bave seven qualifiers Roosevelt ana Benson of Portland, Parkrose, Cottage Grove, Grants Pass and Pendleton. Largest Number In claw A-l Redmond has the largest number of entrants 10. Nyssa has nine; Oakridse eight; Canby, Ontario and Prineville seven each. There will be U Khools in the A t meet; t in A-l. Finals will be held in the class A-t pole vault and high Jump Fri day. Tha rest of the day will be in preliminary events for Satur day finals. Eugene, Bears Post Victories (Caa tinned frasi preceding page) offerings of three Spokane pitchers for is. hits In their win to move within a few percentage points of the league leading Eugene Em eralds. The heavy-hitting spree was the fourth wia in a row by Yakima over Spokane, during which the Bears have scored 74 runs against !l by the Indians. Gives Up It Hits Dave Boeoker gave up 12 hits la winning his fourth game of the season against no losses but struck out 11 men. The Indians could score In only the first and last innings, getting two each time. - Herman Lewis performed bis usual hitting chore, getting four for five, including two doubles and five runs batted in. It was the tfth straight game in which the veieraa, righUiclder has hit safe ty. ' 1 rv.-ro ' . Lawittoa J:.-.. ws ona t(C-3 S 1 Euaena 008 KM aox S 11 I Aint. Warran. Cox 17) and Dona hue: Hodfat and Gaulhlrr. Spakana ..... ft ono 00 4 11 I Yakima j' .. : r . TIS 0O SOx IS IS I Pasa. Meaklra (l).Uahy (3) and Roarl. Daaauu S: Boankar and Meal The California Department of Fish and Came reports that Cali fornia license agents sold 29,732 Arixona Use Permits for angling in the Colorado River during 1955. for all. be U not ba back . . . FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP FIRE I IK J Phano 1.341 I OCE Whis ' I I'M" I ' i - Vl "i ' " : T - ... r.fy-?7 MONMOUTH Ted Owens, above, stellar right bander for tbe OCE Wolves who posted a S-t record lor the regular seasoa and Included a no-rua, no-hitler against Portland State, will ba tbe Welve's big pitching bape during the Oreraa Colle giate Conference, tournament at LaGrande this weekend. Hutch Thinks Cards Improve NEW YORK Iff Fred Hutch-; LOS ANGELES (ff-Apparently inson Tuesday called the St. Louis thriving on hot weather the Los Cardinals a definite pennant con-1 Angeles Angels cooled off the Sac tender and predicted they would : ramento Solons a-5 Wednesday for be In the thick of the National i the second day in a row before League race to the end. til spectators at Wrigley Field. "The Redbird manager, usually bltl ' errors for which not addicted to rash statements. I 'n "-degree temperature may declared his team was equal imhsv be to blame. The Sacs strength to that of Brooklyn orj Milwaukee, except in pitching. ; And he said there were definite signs of improvement in that de- partment, too. SEATTLE Iff - Bud Podbielan "The trade we made with Phil-! shutout Hollywood with six wide-1 adelphia last week is going to : ly spaced bits Wednesday night ! help us a great deal," Hutchin-1 as the Rainiers moved into the 1 son said. "I know our fans in j Pacific Coast League's second St. Louis are not happy a b o u 1 1 spot with a M baseball win over ' Harvey Haddix leaving the Cardi-1 the Stars. j nals. They've let us know that! Hollywood 'got only two men to already in no uncertain terms. 1 1 third base in the rapidly moving think before long, however, they j contest as Podbielan, a recent Rai will realise we made a good trade 1 nier acquisition, pitched his see in acquiring Murry Dickson and ond straight win. Herman Wehmeier, a pair of sea- The game was a scoreless stand soned righthanders." off until the fourth inning when i Hutchinson said the Cards made . the Rainiers smashed gnosc-egg 1 the oeal tor two reasons, rirsi.row wiin iwo runs. Leo Righetti was the tact that with tne excep- tion of Cincinnati and the Cardi- nals themselves, the National League was predominately right - nanaea. jne otner was wai ttaa- dix simply was not pitching good ball (or St. Louis. , "We figure the teams to beat are Brooklyn and Milwaukee, Hutchinson said. "The strength off botn clubs is righthanded. You don't dare throw southpaws j against them. Dickson and Weh-I meier had proven they can beat; Brooklyn and Milwaukee. Even when Haddix was pitching win-1 ning ball for us we didn't dare! pitch him against those two clubs because he is lefthanded." MOBTHWr.ST LRAGC'S W L Pet. W L Pet. Eugene 11 1.1M Salem 7 II JS Yakima 11 4 7M Wenatch 1U.3H9 Irt-Clty 10 S .SM Spokane 4 ul3 .231 Uwiiton 0 I.42S Wedneadav retulta: At Salem (. Trl-Clty S; at Eugene S. Lewiston 3; at Vaklma 13, Spokane 4. PACIFIC COAST LF.AGII W L Pet. W I. Pet. Lot Ana 23 11.DK S Ditto 17 30. 459 Seattle 23 14 .SI I Portlnd 10 19 .457 Kaoram 19 13 Ml Hollyud 12 21 .34 Sn Fran IS IS .500 Vancvr 12 23 .343 -Wadnaariay reiulU: At Vaacnuvex Portland 1: at Loa Anselea S. Sac ramento S; at San Franrlaco S. San Dieco T; at Seattle S Hollywood 4, AMFniCAN t.F.ACH'K W L Pet W L Pet N York 17 10 M Raltlmor 14 14 300 Clevelnd IS 10 MM Waahatn 11 IS .42:1 Chlcaco 12 S i K City S 15 .3711 ; Brnton 12 11 S!2 Detroit 0 10 .360 WedneKdav results: At Cleveland 1. New York 4; at Detroit 2. Boston I 4: at Chlcaio 3, Washington 1; at Kamaa City S, Baltimore S. NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet Milwkea 11 47 Clnclnn W L Pet. 13 11 .542 St. Lou IS 9,m N.York 11 13 m Broklvn 14 m Phlladel 7 13 311 Plttibfh 12 10 549 ChlcafO S 19 .205 Wednesday results: At Brooklyn !. St. Louis 3; at Ne York S. Chlcaso 3: at Plttaburfh S. Cincinnati 2: at Philadelphia 2. Milwaukee 1. Boxing managers Marv Jensen, Hymie Wollman and Alex Kosko witi are in the fur business. i & Modarn one) Practical Lawn, Patio and Ranch Ftncti , On Display in Full Site Panels tf the Dick Meyer Lumber Co. On Dtsalay 1 Days a Weak tMra Over la Yasjr Ultar Tin art (e! Free Estimates 34 Mot. to Pay Ka Partial Prahless Dick Meyer Lumber Co. (I Hacks North of IXWraaia-Oaa Hack EaW ea Laaa) Paaaa Mt tni Laaa Ato. Former Yank Stops Beavers Jim McDonald Lead Motilities' Win, 8-3 VANCOUVER B. C. Iff - One time New York Yankee pitcher Jim McDonald made his first start for the Vancouver Mounties a successful one, allowing Just six hits in an 1-1 Pacific Coast League baseball victory over the Port land Beavers here Wednesday night. - McDonald, right hander pur chased from Denver this spring, got better as he went along. He struck out six, five of them in tha last four frames. The victory was his first against one loss. George Metkovich and Jim Westlake led the assault on three Portland pitchers. Metkovich batted in three runs with a single and a double and Westlake ac counted for three with a home run in the fourth inning. -I a'eatlake'a-blow. came off Bill Werle. who was charged with the loss, his third against four wins. The victory evened the current series at one apiece, with the rub ber game Thursday. Padres Dawa Seals SAN FRANCISCO I -The San Diego Padres staged a wild th inning rally, on three singles, two walks a hit batter and a booted ball, and defeated the San Fran cisco Seals 7 to 1 here Wednes dsy. The victory tied Pacific Coast League series at one all. rsdre left fielder Bob Usher tied the score with a homer , in the eighth. Aigels Caal Selaas " rors, me Angeis ,nr- Ralaiers Mave I sianeo. it wiin a double to left,! advanced to third on an error and 1 came home on a double by Joe j Taylor. The throw to the plate ii layior reacn third and Art Schult's sacrifice fly brought him in. A Three more runs we're added to the margin in the sixth a Tav. lor and Schult hit successive dou- oies ana Kay Orteig cracked out his third homer of the season, The Rainiers threatened again in tbe eighth with two men on and one out but couldn't push them across. They didn't need to. Portland ,. .Portland n' () vanrouver BHOA BHOA 2 2 0 Qntana 3 0 2 0 JrtninJ 3 1 2 S 2 1 2 2 3 0 2 2 0 1 I s I 12 I 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Mtkvch.l 1 U Pisoni.i f 1 0 S Aujtln.3 0 0 4 Witlak.l 1 2 1 Neal.c 0 4 S Daarea.r 1 1 4 MeOld.p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 TotaU32S24 21 Totala 2D 10 27 14 a-FIId out for Fiedler In 7th j Portland ono 210 Ofio-3 Vancouver loo 310 30x-S I E-Calderone. Westlake. RBI-Met-kovlch 3. Baxea. Calderone, West-1 lake 3. Borkowikl. Plaonl. 28 Met. I knvlrh MR e ........ ...d.,b.c. j d,KriiBvn. SF Metkovich 2. Baxes. DP Jorien en. quintana and Weatlake: Werle, Baalnakl and Mlrkelaon. Left Port land S; Vancouver 2. BB Walhel 2 McDonald 2 SO-Fledler 2. McDon ald 6. HO-Werle S in 4 2-3; Fiedler 0 In I 1-2; Walbe, 2 In 2; R-F.R-Werle S-S Pifilr nn u.,ri i McDonald 3-3. WP-McDonald W MeDunalil 1 1: Limi Week 4-5, V- Mutart. Smith and Steiner T 1 i A-2,017. l'CL Line Scores Sacramento (ill 001 201 3 in 5 Los Anireles 020 100 32- S 3 Harrnt. Candini 181 and Baich: Bri, Anderson 7. rodsa IB) and Hannah. San Diego 000 110 014 7 12 5 San rranclaco . 003 000 000 3 10 1 Erautt and St Claire: Kremmerer. Henry (l, Tlnney (SI, Slack (9) and Sullivan Hollywood . ooo 000 ooo 0 3 Seattle . OOO 203 OOx-9 10 0 Wade, Sawyer Hi and Hall; Pod bielan and Oit-is There have been 88 Smi thisn the major" leagues since 1871. The names Brown and Jones have made the majors 42 times each. 1 SOMETHING NEW! Theyll Do It Every : Y Z3&Z2!JgTHEy AIMAYS tXPECT TO VVTTM ALL TM4T MIW STUFF ' r eST4SMUCMFO TWEOLO HB aUVS Ml PUT IN rT-Wl I m K50 OM A CE-W4GON AS THE NEW-OXWtd KEEP fT WOTMl Bf I TR4DE-IM3 BUT V MODEL COS7Suz S4IP V?4 VPBrrrJZ J AJJJ1Dh. I""' r7rrwAS WMlYnrME60rT4NEW W J .IcOHOm&t-l A SPEEDOMETER 10O- fW s. s 1 bm them tell IXW &: IT, THEY JUST HAD UiUT-- WXT TWE BUS DOME OVER- i v H V k-jirtrsCr '&m 1Mot MO A tip oa 4J Py IKgZ -J? IVUS TMi W4TU5 tut TO ---rw SJSJ r-N 5n oaTooiTuj.Mict Yanks on Top In AL Again (Cea'd from preceding page) for four runs in the first four innings. Brooklyn made the best of five unearned runs in the fourth in ning to thump the St. Louis Cardi- nals 5-J. That threw the NL race into a virtual tie for first place as Milwaukee lost to Philadelphia 2-1. ' St. Lsais Tapped Milwaukee now tops St. Louis by 22 percentage points, and St. Louis nas a slim 16-point edge on the ; Dodgers, who have won six 1 straight The Dodgers contributed five hits to the big fourth, overhauling a St. Louis lead fashioned on Wal-; ly Moon's three-run homer in the third. Solly Hemus, the ex-Card who came to the Phils this week in exchange for Bobby Morgan, lined a bases-loaded single in the ninth 1 to break a 1-all pitching battle between the Phils' Robin Roberts and Milwaukee's Bob Buhl. Boicl erst Set For 1st Round Drawings for the Singles Handi cap duck pin bowling champion ship to be played at B&B courts have been completed with the fol lowing players to compete in the first round: Tom Wood vs. Mel Noack; Paul Hicks vs. George Wiltse; Dave Basque vs. Don Heppner; George Smalley vs. Monte Gust; Marvin Swartwout vs. Hank Lamb; Harold Evenden vs. Jerry Davis; Ira Short vs. Don Swartwout; Francis Miller vs. Frank Duggers. First round matches are due Friday, Saturday and Sunday; sec ond round next Monday or Tues day; third round Thursday or Fri day, May 24. 25; and finals Sun day night. May 27. Meanwhile, next Tuesday night will conclude the city league sea son with Davis Oil playing Dyer Insurance for the championship. The Dalles, Grant Set Baseball Go THE DALLES -The Dalles, defending stale class A huh school haseball chamnion. will meet Grant, the Portland city runner up. here May 25 in the quarter finals of the state playoff. The Dalles will carry a string of 28 straight victories in two seasons into the playOIIS. Oram h a 1-5 reenrrt th usua Sabers to PI ay Academy Outfit Both the Serra Catholic Sabers of the Capital Conference and the Salem Academy Crusaders of the Y wama League are scheduled to close out their baseball seasons today in a game on the Academy's West Salem field. The finale is slated to start 3 p.m. All Ladies' and Uai'e f.Air laisne I'ltll t VVII IIUIIJ UAti'e CaK UAAile t 1611 VUII MVVUawe have two sets of 4 Reg. $90.00 Spalding Golf Irons Men's or Ladies'. GOLF (ARTS A real TENNIS RACKETPECfAtS Wilson Don Budge Tournament Sti22. $9.95 BANCROFT Blue Streak SST $6.95 BANCROFT Collegian $4.95 Howard Wicklund Sporting Goods 372 Srota St. Open Mon. t Fri. Till 9 P.M. Phono 3-4042 Time South Salem Net Squad Victorious McMINNVILLE ( Special )-South Salem's net squsd dumped Mc- Minnvllle here Wednesday. -z. ne-i McMINNVILLE-tSpeciali-Cen-ult8: , , ,. Itral High won the district 3 A-2 Singles-Bill Richter over Jim baseball championship here Wed Bogh, M, 6-2; Ted Marr over El- , d a y, defeating Yamhill, 8-0. liott, a-l, 6-3; John Brown over;winnng p!tchfr Gordon Detiel Ron Brown, 6-3, 6-1; Larry Stein . struck out 10 men while yielding Inst to Phelps. 6-3. 6-1; Ron Cren- hut luin insl and walkini Iwo. hw lost to Larry Lowe. 6-2, 6-4; Fred Caswell over Arnold Nicolai, 7.5, 7 5. i Doubles Richler Caswell over I McKay-Carey, 6-0. 6-2; Brown - Marr over Combs-Crowe, 6-0. 6-2. : Junior Highs Meet Today The Leslie and Parrish Junior High track and field teams are scheduled to collide in their final meet of the season today, a dual session on Olinger Field at 3:30 o'clock. While the Leslies have already won the relays championship bc 'tween the two crosstown foes, by taking two of the three meets now Third Annual Javcee Tennis Tour held, and tieing with the Pioneers nev is Saturday at 4 pm. in the other, the Parrish squad will be afler the dual meet title today. via clean sweep. In. two past dual ouungs nan u-eenei atmt-u-s have come home the winner. They re favored to make it three in a row in ine nnaie. PSC Hires Ticliy For Coaching Joh PORTLAND -Portland State and Frank's, Anderson's, Wick-' ac Davls 1ist t0 Harvey Lems' College Tuesday hired Mike Tichy, ! kind's, Payless Drug, Don Harger, 1 Kpl,n Gregerson, 4-45, -2, 4-. former athletic coach at the Uni-1 Bradley's and the Junior Cham-1 Meanwhile. Larry Johnson de versity of Portland, to a coaching ber. i foaled Glen Durham Tuesday in position. . Prelims will be played at North 'he district singles tourney 7-S, -2. y Joseph Holland, Portland State and South Salem courts, the semi- athletic director, said Tichy's new duties have not yet been deter - mined. At Portland V he coached the tennis and baseball teams and handled freshman basketball. Tichy also filled in as varsity basketball coach part of the 1934 55 season. mm mm. CAPITOL t.ANIS Results Wednesday- Marion Hotel 3. Karrs 1: Jayson's 2. Lana Avenue Service ?; University Bowl 3 Bar clays Broiler 1: Oerllnger Carrier 3. West Salem Machinery 1: Jewel Box 3. Scotty s Stores 1 High team series. University Bowl Bmii ioni;'hih individual series. Don 1001: high team game University l.ehold t l.ana Avenue (MM. high In- i ""'' """" Avenue 233. Other high scores Bob Byan 600 CLl'B FIRES MANAGER 'A ATTT-tlSV-WttiVWi4U telmann. former infielder with the Boston Braves and Pittsburgh Pi- ratos, Tuesday was fired from his player-manager job with the Yu ma Sun Sox of the Class C Arizona-Mexico League. The longest soccer streak in Dart mouth College history was 18 vie- t tories, stretching from mid-season of 1953 through midway in 1955. THURSDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY - MONDAY GOLF SPECIALS Men's Golf Bags From $S.9S We have four sets of 8 Gra Grand Slam Registered Irons, reg. Louisville Grand Slam Woods buy lor a collapsible cart. By Jimmy Hatlo s Central Wins Baseball Title ! Bill Blankenbaker got a single an(j double in three tries to pace ; the Central attack. He batted in three runs. , Central with its win gained a spot in the state high school play offs and will next meet the district 4 A-2 champion to be decided Thursday between Silverton and Canby. Yamhill nno nnn fl A ? 4 Central 150 011 x-6 9 Detiel and :sewton, taffey i7. Jaycee Tennis Deadline Set Participants are reminded that the deadline for registering for the Forms mav be picked up at both cjiy high schools and junior high !Chonls The tourney itself will get underway next Monday and preli minary matches will continue un til Friday, May 2S. with finals and semi-finals due Saturday and Sun day, May 26 and 27. T. a.. u.,11 u. u.:n . uiviniunn win irr v'iiuriiiiK finals and finals at Willamette I', 1 Tourney officials added that 27 lads registered Wednesday. Sport Short ... . . . Michigan State cross country teams coached by Karl Schlade- mm Kb... ..... I Vfl I aA h.r V Chi.. n,l t. - iu..i-,i' a iV: ..a three IC4A titles. " mi, "irr liaiiuimi nn- . ailU The Ocala Chamber of Commerce made Neelles an honorary mem - ber even before he won the Ken-; tucky Derby. The cold was foaled in Ocala. Fla. Willie Mays leads the active New . York Giants in the single season records. He hit 51 homers last year, drove home 127 runs and ; stole 24 bases. In 1954 he batted' to lead the Giants and the , National League. , Of the active Brooklyn Dodgers, ' Duke Snider and Gil Hodges have i season. Snider hit 42 in 1953 and I again in 1955. Hodges hit 42 inj George Ratterman and Vito Par ilia are listed as quarerbacks for the Cleveland Browns now that Otto Graham has left the sport. Manager Bobby Bragan of the Pittsburgh Pirates wears the num- i ber two on his uniform. 33 Oil Now $59.50 up. $125.04 . $59.50 $4.95 $8.95 .Now with division 1 including boys ID ; ' ... . . D and under and division 2 those 15 , Doubles-Ue Weaver-Jack Bry and under !on over ran't Schoenborn-Frank Pri7M win h H,,ni4 k M.i, i Knipicka, -3, 7-5; Jack Bowman- Boxer's Handler Named in Brawl SPOKANE iff The state attorney general's office was asked Wednesday to investigate an alleged attack On a sports writer by tha manager of lightweight boxer after a fight card here Tuesday night. Louis V. August, a member of the State Athletic Commission, Saxons Kayo Stayton, 13-0 Bud Chappelle Hurls 1-Hitter for Victors STAYTON (Special i-South Sa lem slaughtered Stayton High in a baseball game here Wednesday night, 13-6. The Saxons got a total of 10 hits and their pitcher, Bud Chappelle, yielded but one hit while striking out 14 and walking none. Leading the Saxon attack were Roger Heyden with two Singles in two tries, and shortstop Ron Ba ker, who socked a bases-loaded triple in the first inning. Roger tarda followed Baker's blast with a double. Stayton's only hit came in the third frame when catcher Bob Smith socked a single. The Saxons exploded with five runs in the first frame; two in the second; three in the third; two in the fourth, and one in the sixth. South Saltai (II) IHH ) Stayton rint.l Hrydrn 1 Goerttn.c Jones m Beali.l Baker. I Carda r DaHman.3 Chappell.p JohnaonJ tvam 1 Coon 1 Wulf.r Smith! 1 1 Humphrt.l 10 0 S I Shtllon.m 1 1 Wtddlcl 0 Tranen.i 0 Stevem.r 1 I Rodrick.3 S 1 gpamol.l I I Smith c 1 I Hendrlki p 0 1 Perkina.p 0 0 Carrack p S 0 DttUJi S 1 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 ( s s Total? 2S 13 10 South Saltm .. Stavton Totall 22 0 1 S23 2oi 01.1 io s 000 OHO 0 0 13 ab h r er ao bb 22 1 0 0 14 0 S 2 S S 0 2 Pitcher 0Xck. Perkina 2'i IS 4 5 3 1 2 IB 2 3 1 3 S Carrlek 4 Wild pltciiea Hendrleks. Carrlek (21. Errora Carrlek. Sheldon. Hum phrlaa. Three-baae hit Baker. Two baae hit Carda. Sacrifice! : Fly Jonea and Tine. Stolen baet Dall tnin, Chappelle. Double plav Wed dle to Smith Time 1.07. Umpirei Pott and Taylor North Salem Netters Win ; Nrh downed Molalla Highs net men , yesterday. 4-1. Results: Singles Larry Johnson over Warren Wade, -2, 6-0; Glen Dur - ham over Larry Schoeborn, 6-2. 6-4; Dick Buchanan over Bob n . . - . Inland Empire Net Go Due : SPOKANE t The Inland Km- , ip, hioh ,rW, ,.nni, ,nlirn.m..r 1 r " -"" " I starts here Thursday with a total of 67 matches scheduled on three , , "T" . , . uae DroutTi ui opuaanr win oe - I fend his boys' singles title. Gloria ! Burns. Spokane, is seeded No. 1 in girl s singles. The weatherman predicts clear skies and temperatures ranging into the 80s during the tourney. la addition to being a former major league outfield star, Texas, baseball coach Bibb Falk was an ...,njinB ..-n. i- ithn Fastest service to SAN FRANCISCO r hru SEATTLE CHICAGO 4 kn. NEW YORK UNITEDf r 1 AaVnof Hrmimml. Im StWaM tMal said he made the request after Chronicle writer Bob Johnson said he was punched in the nose by Chuck Woods. Johnson's glasses were smashed and he said his nose may be broken. Woods is the uncle and man ager of lightweight Bobby Woods who lost a unanimous 10-round de cision Tuesday night to Russ Ta gue of Davenport, Iowa, before a slim crowd of about 1.500. Passible Actlaa August said he wants, to know whether the incident Involves pos sible commission action. Johnson, who showed up for work Wednesday with a swollen nose and cuts and bruises on tha face, said Woods struck him in the dressing room after complain ing that Johnson's pre-fight stories hurt the crowd. Woods contended that Johnson threw the first punch. The writer denied he threw any at all. Johnson said the elder Woods' refused to let a Chronicle photo grapher take a picture of Bobby's cut eye after the fight and com plained to Johnson of Chronicle stories when he entered the dress ing room. Stories Writtea Before the fight, Johnson had written stories recalling Woods' last Spokane appearance in which he dropped a 10-round decision to Jimmy Carter, then the light weight champion, in January, 1935. Woods backpedaled, danced away and clinched frequently against Carter and his perform ance was booed by ringsiders at the time and panned later in the papers. Johnson called it "a running ; race. Woods, who calls Spokane his home, was expected to win Tuesday night and the crowd was figured to be better. Forgot Abeat It Johnson said Chuck Woods told him after the fight that people here bad forgotten about the Car ter match and he shouldn't have brought it up. Johnson said Woods told him to leave the dressing room but that he replied, "It is part of my duty to be here." He said Woods hit him and knocked him against a table after a few more words. August said he made the re quest oi me auorney general s n,r,i.i m ...m I'nujai man niiwiiui u , ill icr Mwf o fxac whal fc j pf no(j i sheriffs deputies talked with a UsM ,rajnfr and two arnatfur w-r. hn u.r. in ih. rm .i ( - - ... .vv, the time. Boxer Woods was stretched out on a table with a towel over his swollen eye and was not involved in the incident. Academy JVs Dump Dallas DALLAS - (Special) Salem Academy JVs defeated the Dallas High frosh here Wednesday in a baseball game. 5-4. Pacing the Academy '9' at the plate was Larry Dvck. who smacked a double in the sixth 1 ....i t i.j u.i ton. who aave ud eight hits and iiiiiiiuiii nuiii'i I.IUIU iianiii- struck out nine. I a- l a J sua ana - a I S8',?" Acaacmy f ! 1 uauas uiu liu i a a a ; Hamilton and Biggins; Phillips 1 and Wall. FREE ESTIMATES On Floor Coverings NORRIS-WALKER PAINT COMPANY 1711 Front Phone 4 2271 W hru ill I t i