Drought-Hit Nebraska Farmers Fail to Display Ike-Revolt Trend CAP Cadets to Visit Foreign Countries OMAHA (I) If farmer- in.fauver (D-Tenn) in drought-disturbed Nebraska are Preference balloting. rebelling against administration Strictly ipeaking. Eisenhower agricultural policies, thejr failed and Kefauver were not running to give the signal in the atatc'i against each other. Each was un- primary election Tuesday A vote "tallying mop-up Wednei- opposed on his own party's ballot, nuking each a sort oi aeiauu to day established President; Eisen-'ner hower (irmly as a near two-to-l The President, besides outdraw one winner over Sen. Estea Ke- inj Kefauver in a style befitting I this predominantly Republican state, also picked up 17 of the state's 1 full-vote GOP conven tion delegates. Kefauver could claim only five of the 12 Demo crrtic delegates named, with the remaining seven still undeclared. Presidential preference results were not binding on the delegates, who run unpledged. Most candi dates make known their prefer ences, however. Apathy Appears Apathy, rather than revolt, ap- Court Disbars Lawyer From Klamath Falls Walter Lamar Townsend, Klam ath Falls lawyer, was permanent presidential I to those Democrat demagogues who .have been promising all things to all men." ' The committee said "apparent ly farmers as well as town and city people in Nebraska have real confidence in the integrity of the Eisenhower administration and staunchly support its major ob jectives." Unofficial returns from 1.087 of 2,127 precincts gave Eisenhower (7.030, Kefauver 52,996. Write-in votes were recorded for I Democrats Adlai Stevenson and Averell Harriman, Republican Vice President Nixon and several others but the totals were too small to claim significance. Percentage-wise, Eisenhower's advantage was calculated at about 65 to 35. In the 1952 primary also. Republican voters outnumbered Democrats about 63-35. Two years wtiwto--rn4 ,h "indwlt plection re'-;a 'ht r"" r,an a7u- State Suoreme Court . 1 nesioes marking presidential The Hiirh Court sa d that a trial Kar les than 200 000 voler'' oa Preference ballots and electing eomnuuef oMtaV&$ SUte ol some 800 eligible turned, convention delegate,, Nebraska n.. k. j k.ii out. Such primary election slug- voters a so named candidate lor converted $12,831 of fund, from'fl.AVjl "S IS1 our congressional seat,, all state-' ,rrn M. .. M. Mr. ni Mri umim in uir lani ao rn . auu iiiui nnnp nit r inn nncr ni mt - - below-200,000 turnout came in the positions. war year of 1944. I Results generally were devoid' Von.l,, .nlt. ..nnffw-lol n. hiirliMt th. ...rt. ..ri th n..h. lu," '"""5- " nvv- rnu weaver y v - - .tween lfio.ono and i63,ooo, inciud- and R.D 111 IS II V UlUllldl T IHIl, Ulll 1.11 an estate to his own use. In finding that the charges are. true, the Supreme Court said: f Y ', -.. ir . Harrison won renomi-1 mn. hnr in .. H,h,r. i , ' absen,ef ballo,s n0 ."" "ation handily as did first-term ii i - , i j ru. i t' vutc LuidJ(."u iio, nid. ijOV. Victor f. all his professional duties. ... .... ,loh. hlrnnllt :,,,. ;l,ov- Old Sea Dog Retires From Navy Service SEATTLE Ul - Oa the da a nev skipper took command of the Coast Guard cutter Klamath, he approached a drinking fountain aboard ship but a seaman inter rupted him: "Sir, do not drink there. That is Max's." That's how the skipper learned who was top dog on the Klamath. The dog, Maximilian Talisman, chief boatswain's mate, retired Tuesday after six years' service. Officers and crew stood at atten tion on the cutter's deck as the re tirement orders were read. The orders were written by the Coast Guard chief of personnel in WaJilngton. Max, a boxer, Is retiring at seven because he can't clamber up and down ladders as in the old days. He will live at the Seattle home of Donald Haight, boatswain's mate. It'll be the end of a career dur ing which Max crossed the Arctic Circle several times and has vis ited many lands of the Orient. Sam 8. May. Hi N. Mta St.. Is amng 166 Civil tuccessor as mascot is an Air Paltal cadets ketaf seat this summer m toreiga exchange visit to snore than 26 CMBlrtes. May, unpedigreed, unnamed puppy. Max who aae beea assigned t Braxll, la aktared with two otaer eicaaagt sregram, selectees from ta Ore-yawned with bored dignity when goa CAP Wing. Cadet 1st U. George SheaHer, 17, Camas, Wash., aai Cadet 1st U. DavM L. traMree, the puppy WM welcomed aboard 19, PeruaM. Young May, a seaior at rena nairm Higa senaoi, will leave lor oraai iram nmnim, ( . M . rniilHnt nr. Im , n j ni , tl CL..II.. -Ill .1.11 B.l.l.. n..m.rk U Tr.klr.-. AmII... AD 010 COUIQn I "ft OTS. If. I , JUt J 1 inll Will ITIUI nH(, 1. OMIIITI " "I TIM. HUM,U liOTW V ...M. K M. H. Anderson. During recent year, both Bar, cates a .ort of frustration and be-lN0 HENPFCKED HUSBANDS Aufwiatinm nrl th rmirt have i , , .i . . ,i ' "firr.i,ivtu .. - ----- u ni'rmrni nn inp oan mi I nr ni-ii. become increasineiv aware "i u .a i i..i .nnrnn i-r,ni. their duty, not only to deny the ;M '.:' - wet,rasi,a manaeer for ''ty of h'nPec' husbandvTai- TAIPEI, Formosa W The so- high privilege of ministering at g(,n PORTLAND - A pontifical ! mass of thanksgiving Wednesday number ever assembled here pei branch, is no more. Guess opened an observance marking the marched in solemn procession at the altar of justice to applicants; ... ,L,nll ,k.r. ia . n;j .,,. why. Wives complained the soci-iSOth anniversary of the ordination St. Mary s Cathedral who are unable to demonstrate ,here ,ha, may crj.,taj,t before e y causrd ,nern 'ost '" and ' to the priesthood of the Most. Rev. that they possess the requisite w(lv.iM,r henpecked until weary husbands Edward D. Howard, archbishop of qualifications of character, but, .... . . , . disbanded it. ...-ii ...;iu il.i !nrp Krouke . us wen, iu wiiiiuidw uifli. uiivr . ... t..ui: lew Irom those who. h.vii.1, been ..In. Washington, the Republican ,r.nt.A ,. r ih.m..w. . ftstional tommittee put out a saying Ihe returns sharp rebuke 50th Anniversary Of Archbishop's Ordination Feted BAKER. Ore. A body found Catholic prelates, the largest ; V. O'Hara, Kansas City, preached , in the Snake River wai identified Body Identified Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., May 17, '68 (Sec. Illt ifSTAR GAZER AM, MAS. S3, lAuaus AM. It MAY 21 KsJMl-e? MAT a JUNIB rf '36-57-M AAV it Aud a tVr-4Ml4 17374. vsno AUS. Jl KV6TA3-g.90( "tj CLAT Jt POLLAN1 4 Of 5 Vn , Confff t With I Cim Sm to 0 43 Nop. 43 Soy ' 44 On 43 I K TWDV y Go H ' 4fdg I th ilan. To develop mesioge for Thurjdoy, nod words corresponding to numbsn of your i. oo ix birth siga J Somt 3J T J3 for 14 LiMy 15 Mkt M Mwt 3 You 31 MM 34 tani 40 Account! II In(lurl4l Win. I &v 41 Go 13 Nop 43 AhtW 14 Your 44 Socl 15 itmtl 45 It IS Own 44 RflmMhiat4 Mm 17 Thouiht 47 Ua 77 IS St 4 AnOTf 71 I Mum 4 04 74 Of 30 An 50 Somonrt SO CkwS 21 Atxlity CanfMMnrly SI 0 22 ImpruDuiH You 12 CoUKti 23 Okhmm 53 Aitfcti S3 24 Shdunt 54 CouM 25 hnpnM 55 An4 U 54 AnS 27 Th . 57 aecH , 21 l SI An, 24 Mann 54 Fool 30 EutHont 40 Oon'l itrr a OCT. 21 tl 47 44-43fl 1 77174 47 44 Orioppoini 4 Ml 70 No. 71 For 72 Soma 71 Now 74 low 73 A scoarja 0CT.14t7A mov. a bJ-17-7051 4.i..2i9i t 44 No 43 S.ikl 44 roml p 544-pi, 41 SocaMv -(9 OmH 0 Thirioj IcMial ."41 NOW. osc! Mis-irn b?4&i-r; 4 ok. a jam! as 7MJWI VAN. II m. uii ii rv J. IV-V, Engineer Named At Haystack Dam I Portland. James Francis Cardinal Mcln- tyre of Los Angeles presided at the mass, and Archbishop Edwin the -sermon. -Archbishop O'Hara Tuesday as that of Robert Friend, a seminary classmate of Arch- M, of Nyssa, who was drowned bishop Howard. Bishop Francis P. Leipzig of Baker spoke at a luncheon follow ing the mass. March 10 near Robinette. Coroner Thad Beatty told statt police he had identified the man from effects found on the body. mer on the Haystack project Th earth fill dam will b located oft : stream from the mala canal t unions (M t4 ojokk Uot Lira s 11)1 in iii. ii a Imm, oiiliiii 4. Aaktorli PORTLAND - John P. Vertrees has been appointed con struction engineer for Haystack nam nn tKas TtAohut s ieviri alinaa project in Central Oregon, th norin " ul "m , . Bureau of Reclamation said project. Wednesday. H. T. Nelson, regional director, said Vertrees also will continue his present assignment as con struction engineer on the Crescent Lake dam project, now nearing completion. Vertrees win main tain offices at Culver, Ort. Construction will begin this sum- A r crantaH il nrnva t homml v nn. - unrtk nf'tLir ini.t statement ....'...,,,. i.',k. "Prent another in iii ituii a.v in mi: luuii i office that of punishment. In both t it is vindication of ethical stand-! If 0 .1COi! Mlirrll aids and protection of the legal ' IVclIIStlS 111111 profession and the public' School Reporter In Allotment For Wheat WASHINGTON W - Kansrs, being the nation's top producing i state, eets the larzest acreaee fll- Nortll Salem llijfll JJutment for wheat under the 1957 Tcderal wheat control program Orin Ciilbcrtson, senior, has 10BIVIft8 acres, been awarded the Standard Oil The national allotment is 53 mil Co. scholarship to Linlit-Irl Col- lion acres, the same as last year, lege which -is the only one in hut minor changed were made in Orecon. The same scholarship Ihe breakdown of Ihe natnn.V al ls also awarded in Washington, lotmrnt among states, reflecting The scholarship is for one year, changes in production trends. The Orin is going to major in phvs- slate allotments were announced ics and plans to be a nuclear0 lhe agriculture department physicist. At present he is tak- Wednesday. V ing math, physics, public speak- The s'al tnnents ' be sp in. .r,,n A.mri,,n hi.m. portioned among counties and and English. "J rower15 '"gely o the bass I Ul tilt II pi IA1UI IIUII IlllUl I. iMil!avd;i!Aaif wiiate t n4f mitit wiiwin 1 1 "i m sitirfi MwiiiMtiiii firm USE SEARS IASV PAYMENT PIAN, OR NO MONEY DOWN ON F.H.A. WITH 34 MONTHS TO PAT! . .-t ' ,1 Orin played varsity football and was manager for basketball. He is now oir the varsity base ball team. He is a momber of National Honor Sci'ety, S-C'lub, Civics Club and is president o! National Athletic Honor Society. Banquet Planned by state and county agriculture stabilization and conservation committee offices. Stales having allotments of 25, 000 acres or less were designated as non-commercial wheat areas. Federal marketing quotas if approved by growers voting in a The Clarion-Vikins. North's referendum juiy 20 and in- paper ana year dook. annual han- a,vjm,a arm allotments will not quet will be held next Thursday, appv jn such areas. May 24. at 6 p.m. in the cafeteria - The 1957 and 1958 state allot During the banquet the names of ments. respectively, for states in iiext year's staffs will be an- the commercial area include: Id nounced. The Clarion is also aho 1.156,438 and 1.159.816; Ore planning a coast trip Sunday, gon 891.060 and 891.522 and Wash May 20, for its staff members. ;ington 1,994,450 and 2,009.033. mil Everybody Says We're Just Because We're Giving Away VACATION TRIP To Fabulous Reno, Nevada WITH EVERY SYLVANIA TV Purchased Within the Next 6 Doyi! Jim Phillips lrdy hM 31 htppy pMpU aN Mf t tfcir Fill SyUfii VKlin trip, but k wanH Mft ptpW H Mpy All cruy ftraali ! Kit, m k it mah iiif a twrific 4al avaiUbJt? ct imrt wh want tka watt la tvary pwrckitar wiH racaiva HckaH antitlainf aim ta air trantparfaraa via a btjuttful daluit airlinar fa Ian ana rafwra . . . Flut accama- datont at naw, flamaraua hottl! SPECIAL FREE DRAWINGS for 2 Extra Trips PLUS 35 Other Prizes No Obligation Reg. $273.90 Reg. $303.90 Reg. $373.90 SYLVANIA TELEVISION SPECIALS FOR THIS EVENT! 21" C0NSOLETTE Only n" rAucnicTTC with 1 IVrUULLIIl Halolite Halolite Opea Monday and Friday Nights 'til I $209.95 $239.95 $279.95 il7 i 355 Center St. Phone 3-3139 Striking New Patterns! Colors For Every Room! HEAVYWEIGHT ENAMEL SURFACE 9 & 12-Fi Widths I 1 ' SQUARE. YARD Thick enamel surface for extra wear, beauty for your home. Easy to install enamel surface floor covering resists spots, grease and stains. Wipes clean easily with wet cloth. Army. " Gat Custom-Looking Floors in Taxturad Gaomotrk Inlaid Linoleum 18 A Rt. 2.06 lin. ft. Economy priced ot Seort Resists dirt and grtoso .1 lin. ft. Vft. wide Cover your floors with eosy to cleon inlaid linoleum floorcovering now! Choose from 4 striking decorator colors. Colors go through to felt bocking. Buy now ot Sears and save! , " WilA Install it Easily Yourself Save More Flexible Wallcovering Reg. 56c lin. ft. Satin smooth surface 4'i-fet wide Beautiful, procticol, eosy to install; just pa&te it to Decorator Magic With Harmony House "Treasure Lin" Compare! Save 38c at Sears 1 j Colors can't wear, wash off I I Paste direct to your floors U Vft your woll. smooth sotm surtoce cleans easily, resists moisture, grease, soil and never needs refinishing. Many patterns, colors for any room, 36" wide Wall Covering 19c lin. ft. Glittering inlaid linoleum in 10 vibront colors. Lab oratory tested, proved unsurpassed in wear. No finer standard weight inlaid linoleum mode at any price. Patented felt back, no extra felt needed. Save! f ;fer?i!i! '"j."", "" fyw niiii)i ihmm . : j inlaid linoleum tileK raoularly loc-NOW a1 fS&TH H A vr. 9x10 ft. room II IflC eCJ. WSTH H Ctrton (, Til Only $1.00 A About $,. Utf aV'V, ? ? TJlf I 'mkx. Ufa . ii ' T ' ' 1 . .. .-5: : . I III lM 1111 K 9 ot pom money tat 550 N. CAPITOL PH. 3-9191