The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 17, 1956, Page 10, Image 10

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    10-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salein, Ore., Thurs., May 17, "56
Rofanas to Go
To Convention
Fifteen members of Salem Ko-
Una club will be in Portland Sat'
unlay and Sunday for the annual
district Rotana Convention. Regis
tration for the affair will begin it
J: JO p.m. and all sessions will be
held at the Mallory Hotel. A
dinner meeting is on the agenda
for Saturday night. "
' Sunday meetings will include
such subjects as finance, national
objective, classification, and elec
tion of the district governor. Mrs.
DarreO Walker, also of the Salem
club, will present the material on
finance. -
Planning tn attend are: Mrs.
Darrell Walker. Mrs, Henry Matt
son, Mrs. Osesy Chance, Mrs. Vir
gil Six, Mrs. Floyd Matthews, Miss
Vada Hill. Miss . Alice MaUtey.
Miss Helen Songer; Mrs. Lester
Thomas. Mrs. Fannie Douglas,
Miss Irene Thomas, Miss Gertrude
Cheney, Mrs. Nadine Rutledge,
Mrs. James Fair, and Mrs. Grant
Ferris. '
Other clubs that will take part
In the conference are Portland.
Bend. Prinevllle, Medford, and
McMinnville. .
MONMOUTH Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Graham are the great-grandparents
of twin sons born May 1
at the Sacred Heart Hospital, En
gene, to their granddaughter, Mrs.
-Jane Graham JertruccLSha Is a
daughter of Ted Graham, former
ly of Salem, now living in Califor
nia. . :
Secretaries Meet;
For Dinner
- The Cascade Chapter of the Na
tional Secretaries Association met
at the Golden Pheasant Tuesday
evenimt for the regular no host
educational social meeting.
i Chapter member, Helen Ruett
gers, employed at Pacific Tele
phone and Telegraph Company,
gave an interesting and Informa
tive talk entitled -Telephone Cour
Mrs. Wilma Burchell gave a talk
on the National Secretaries Asso
ciation on the national level and
Mrs. J. B. Hansen reviewed the
activities of the local Cascade
Chapter during the past year.
Guests meeting were Mrs. Jackie
Troyer, Mrs. Austin Wilson, Miss
Bonnie Anderson and Miss Carol
At Oregon Statu
Club Calendar
Women's Aaeortation. lint Pre!)-
toriae. Church, 11 IS luncheon, social
Centralis Temnl. Frtnlaa Sister.
Bearer Hail, S p.m.
Ainrworth Chapter, OCS. ScotUah
Rite Temple, I pm.
Merry Mlniler annual tecret pal
party with Mrs. Ernert Sutler, 44SO
Stlverton noaa, I P-m.
Spiritual Sunflower Chih at Flret
Spintuailit Church. 11 a m. to S p m
Bethel 4. Job's Dauihtar's. Scot
Uah Rile Temple, t:jo pm.
Seniors to Be
Honored at
Statesmen Cerrespeadeat
Elementary School
Festival Tonight
The elementary schools of the
Salem Public Schools will hold
their second annual music festi
val, tonight, In the South Salem
High School gymnasium. This
musical event will begin at 8
p.m. and It will Include a varied
program by the Festival Orches
tra. Festival Ctioroi. and Fmtlval
tUKVAixu j ne spring term, Band,
house dances are in the spotlight
this weekend. The annual Miami
Triad Is scheduled for the Mem
orial Union Ballroom. The Triad
is composed of the Sigma Oil's,
Phi Delta, and Beta's. Many wo
men's bouse dances honoring their
seniors are planned for Friday eve
This year we have quite a num
ber of young men planning to at
tend the Triad. From the Phi Delt
house there Is Larry Paulus, Steve
Merchant. George Meyer, and
Twins Peterson. From the Beta
house John Clayton, Dick Rich
ardson. Gary Ramsden and Dave
Socolofsky. Most all Sigma, Chi's
from Salem graduatea last year,
but Jack Beakey will be among
the dancers.
The orchestra will include 150
selected pupils from 24 elemen
tary schools and will be under
the direction of Richard McClin
tic and Victor Palmason.
The festival choir will Include
choirs from 12 elementary
schools and will total about 350
elementary school pupils. The
massed choir will be under the
direction of Miss Gretchen Kres
mer, the music consultant of
the Salem elementary schools.
The band will include over 200
students from 24 elementary
schools and will be under the
direction of Roy Shelton and
Russell Witlnvr.
This will be the fourth music
festival event to be presented
Rediwlck Woman i Relief Corps.
VTW Hall. 1 p.m.
Put Matron. OES. Golden Pheas
ant; S:M p.m.
Wlllamattt Unl vanity Faculty Wo-
men i Club formal Sinner, Lausanne
Hull. 1 IS n m.
Frlendihlp Shrine, White Shrine of
Jeruaalem, ScotUah HIM Temple. S
Praise "converts" mrybody
te salad enjoyment, according to
koaMDiakera, even those who have
passed up aalads pitvioualy.
Praise is as mOd-ao differ
ent; R bow is used Instead of
mayonnaise or salad drawing in
Many western homes. ,
Western families are aow
taste-testing Praise under a spe
cial cash refund offer which is
friendly to the bwdget, to.
' AO leading food stores are
pertkrpstjnf fas the Introductory
program te launch the all
purpose Praise.
fir Mill.-)
11 I s7! V VI
Ml . J A V I I. v.
m m
... Lr . t n t I I I j
::' :. Mff
t 1 V AfV
it th. W Phi turn there are this yr. Prior to this festival
several Salem girls looking forward! 'her.? WM ,. ."'KhSchooI Choir
to their annual "alona ' oance non-
oring the seniors. The dance is to
be held at the Women's Club and
the decor will be "Hawaiian Par
adise". Caludia and Clarice Waters
will be attending and Nancy Owens
and Betty Burnside have worked
hard on the dance committee. The
decor will be done almost com
pletely with flowers and they have
imported lei's for everyone.
Seniors Hoaered
At the Kappa Alpha Theta house
there is to be a spring formal
honoring the seniors and the theme
will not be disclosed until that eve
ning. Ginger Lively and Patsy
(Snider) Brewer will be attending.
Several men's bouses including the
SAE's and the Sigma Nu's are
having spring formats. At the SAE
house enjoying their last dance will
be Dick Evans and Dick Meyer.
At the Sigma Ntt dance Tom Pick
ens, Don Burk, Terry Salisbury,
Creed Brattain, and Judy Porter
will be seen. '
The Gamma Phi's have decided
te be different and have a costume
dance cuban style. Those attired
in Latin-American costumes will
be Pat Morton, Marilyn Olson.
Roberta Sears, Joan Lewis, Joan
Hamman, Jody Boyer, Doris Ster-
rett, Phoebe Lou Braun, Elaine
Morrow and Kathy Busick. For
favors they are giving their fellows
"floppy hats to fit the Latin-
American atmosphere. The Tri-
Dclts are having a Brunch" for
their seniors this weekend at the
Benton Hotel. Nan Steele, Betty
Zahara and Jane Moorefield are
helping plan the event.
Students Wis Una or
Some more of Salem's students
t.k. th. .nnllloM flonram Cmtnmr
-t"-""" r.. ii dji..j - .
was recently installed as social . r """"".
Festival, a High School Band and
Orchestra Festival, and a Junior
High School Music Festivsl.
These events will be annual af
fairs and will provide an oppor
tunity for the public to see snd
hear the results of the music
program in the Salem Public
Schools at all grade levels.
At the Skating Rink Hnlfman
Merry Wlvea ol Windsor
Overture Mrolal
The Muie Box . William
Amerlran Dance
Medley Wil!ut)
Sonatina Pf"n tolo .. Clemf nti
Our Flyinf Heroei
March . Hoffman
Somewhere Child 1
Singing Dykema
Theme nng of Salem
Elementary Choirs
May Dav Morning
Folk Song Arr. Moron
Sunset Calf . Ciibb
Glory Now to Thee Re Given Bach
Go Tell It en the
Mountain Negro Spiritual
Somebody' Knocking
Negro Spiritual
Nlfht Herding
Song Cowboy Song
Pod Goe the
Weael American Folk Song
Happy Song ... Gainej
Trumpet obbllgato. Ray Krueger
Here Come th Parade
March Weber
Two Little Piece lor
Band EclutHa
Morning Prayer
Land of Nod
The Levee Song
American Folk Song Iiaae
Xlp Van Winkle
Overture Weber
Wait Fettlval Weber
Three Welti Tunea
Four Generations
Fete Mrs. Farwell
Delegates Named
To Convention
Delegates were elected to the
state convention of the Auxiliary
of Veterans of World War 1 at the
last meeting of the group held at
the VFW Hall. They Include Mrs.
Ed DeHaan, Mrs. Fred Birch. Mrs.
j John Jardine. Mrs. Amelia Bolten,
Mrs. Levi Detweller. Mrs. Frank
j Young and Mrs. C. G. Lawrence.
Alternates are Mrs. Solon Shinkle;
Mrs. Roy Hagedorn. Mrs. V. Fish
er, Mrs. C A. Brock. Mrs. George
Hager. Mrs. David Ferguson and
Mrs. Cliff Helgerson. The conven
tion will be held in Baker June
Memorial services will be held
at the First Congregational church
on May 27 at 7:30 and all
I members of the Barricks and auxi
liary are asked to attend in a
body. All wives, widows, mothers
and sisters of World War 1 veter
ans are invited to join the group.
A new member of the auxiliary
is Mrs. Lydia Kiehl.
The auxiliary's social. night will
be held May 23 with a program
and refreshments. Mrs. Amelia
Bolton is chairman of the event
and Solpn Shinkle is arranging a
memorial service for the Barracks.
Mrs. John S. Moore entertained
auxiliary members at a coffee at
her home and co-hostesses were
Mrs. W. H. Stroemcyer, Mrs. Da
vid O'Hara and Mrs. C. A. Brock.
Mrs. Fred Birch will be hostess
for the June meeting.
Kcizer Dance Saturday
The Keizrr Dance Club will hold
their regular monthly dance on
Saturday night, May 19 at the
Four Corners Community Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Rill Braasch and
.Mr. and Mrs. George Gross are
in charge of arrangements for the
Guests Attend
Cbadwick Chapter, O.E.S., held
Its regular stated meeting on Tues
day evening In the Masonic Temple
with Mrs. Edward Williams, wor
thy matron, and Virgil T. Golden,
worthy patron, presiding.
Those honored were Mrs. Paul
Hauser, grand matron, and Her
man Johnston, junior past grand
patron of the Grand Chapter of
Oregon; Mrs, Edna Haines, deputy
instructor of the Grand Chapter of
Washington, and Mrs. Helen Beck,
grand representative of Tennessee
in Oregon. Mrs. Beck reported on
her visitation to the Grand Chap
ter of Tennessee.
Mrs. L. A. Dobson received thei
degrees of the order and Mrs.
Miller Hayden served as courtesy
Visitors were present from Mill
City, Jefferson. Eugene, Cuttska
nie, Canby, and Union City, Wash
Chapter Installs
New Officers
Mrs. Robert Sandstrom's home
was the meeting place for the
Gamma Gamma Chapter of Epsi-
ion Sigma Alpha Monday evening,
with Mrs. Elmer Hensey as co-
hostess. Mrs. George Steinmann,
educational director, conducted the
Installation of officers was per
formed by the outgoing president,
Mrs. Robert Sandstrom. The new
president is Mrs. Ray Houslcy;
vice president, Mrs. Don E.
Wickman; corresponding secre
tary, Mrs. Thure Lindstrom; rec
ording secretary, Mrs. Elmer Hen
sey; and treasurer, Mrs. Walter
Mrs. Don Drees of Beta Mu
chapter in Salem was a guest.
Nile Ceremonial Slated
Invitations were received to visit
Albany Chapter on May 22, Har
risburg on May 26, and to the re
ception honoring officers of the
The spring ceremonial of the
Daughters of the Nile, Nydia Tern- j
pie will be held in Portland on
May 22 in the Sunken Ballroom of
the Masonic Temple at 1:30 p.m.
The ceremonial will be preceded
by a buffet luncheon at 11:45 a.m.
in the Shrine Hall. The luncheon is
arranged in coniDliment to the
general grand chapter to be held! candidates and a program has
in the Masonic Temple in Portland been arranged. Salem Nile mem
on June 3. bers planning to attend are asked
Mr. Golden Hoeored to send their reservations to Mrs. i
Announcement was made that A. W. Sturnson, 2424 Couch St..1
Virgil Golden, worthy patron, has I Portland, by May 21.
been appointed a grand page es
cort to serve at the grand chapter
session to be held in Portland.
Refreshments were served fol-,
Announcement was made of a
coffee and luncheon to be served
lowing the meeting. In charge of rin the dining room of the Masonic
I the dining room were Mrs. Albert Temple on June 12 from 10 30 a.m.
Copenhaver, chairman, assisted by j to 2 p.m.
Mrs. F. D. Vincent, Mrs. Herman
Fiedelson, Mrs. Helen Busch, Mrs.
Mildred Burris, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Pedersen, and Mr. and Mrs. Em
ery Wood.
The next stated meeting of Chad-
wick Chapter will be June 19, as
the officers will be attending the
Grand Chapter session the first
week of June.
Dance Tonight
The Salem Rounders win meet
tonight at g p.m. at the Knights
of Columbus Hall for their semi
monthly dance session. The dance
of the month, "Rose Room," also
"Diane" will be reviewed. Instruc
tions for the "Black and White
Rag'' will be given. Other old and
new round dances will make up
part of the program.
Unit Install Officers
Whittemore and Mrs. Ralph Mer
cer demonstrated flower arranging
before the Extension Unit on
Tuesday. Mrs. Stuart Johns, Mrs.
Pauline Richards, Mrs. John Nub
er, Mrs. Then. F. Ellinger, and
Mrs. William Noyes were luncheon
hostesses. Guests were Mrs. El
wyn Walker, Mrs. Frank Borden,
Mrs. Hilda Beeh, Mrs. Ray Mac
Reynolds, Closing the last meet
ing of the year as installation uf
officers by Mrs. Mercer. Installed i
were chairman. Mrs. A. W. Mor-j
ris; 5vice chairman, Mrs., Glen
Starkry; secretary-treasurer, Mrs.
J. S. Boudreau; publicity, Mrs. E.I
Trachsel: hospitality, Mrs. Lester1
K Smith: and luncheon, Mrs.
Clifford Reynolds. i
Plans Told for Tea
Over sixty attended the month-!
ly meeting of the Salem unit, Re
publican Women's Federation of
Oregon on Monday at the Sens
tor Hotel. Russel Pratt talked
to the group on the proposed
citv measures to sppear on the
ballot Friday. Mrs. M. M. Magee
was named the new chairman of
the Petticoat Politics parties.
Mrs. Roscoe Wilson announced
plans for the membership tea to
be held Mar 24 at the Wallace
Bonesteele home. 1
Modern Etiquette
Q. How long should one stay
when mnkfntf a rait nt Mm1nl..u
at a friend's home?
A. This call should be especially
brief not longer than about tea
or nueen minutes - unless, 01
course, the hereaverf frlanl ,.1,
- - . . ..u
you to stay longer.
Q. Should a woman keep her hat
on when at an afternoon card
A She hnnM nnuw. It II ,k..
party is In a private home. If in
a public place, she may either re
move it or keep it on, as she
Anyont Can Afford
For Free Ittimetet Call
Salem Heating I
Sheet Metal Co.
education chairman for next year
of the Memorial Union council.
Dave Socolofsky and Delores Lor
ing both won honorable mention at
the honors convocation last week.
Dave as the outstanding freshman
man, and Delores as first honor
for sophomore women.
Dennis 6hepard, a pre-med stu
dent here at Oregon State, is leav
ing for Loas, a small Far East
State bordering Indo China, to com'
plete an aid mission he and four
grandmother, was honored at a
reunion of a four generation fam
ily gathering on Mother's Day
with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Parks as
hosts In their home.
Attending were Mrs. Mamie But
ler of Eugene, daughter of Mrs.
Farwell and mother of Mrs. Parks,
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dickinson of
Portland, Mrs. Max Hanson of
Salem and the great-grandchildren,
Elmer, Ronnie. Billy, Patty
and Jimmy, sons and daughter of
other men started while in theirs. Parks. This was the first
Navy. The mission the five men
were on was to help 600.000 Viet
Nam refugee s escape to free ter
ritory. Dr. Thomas A. Dooley wrote
of the men's experiences in a book,
"Deliver Us From Evil".
Accepted la Dealal Schaoi
11.V tr e-rw in ' Hteaa uvnvwi mi .
Among those accepted into Dental j "
time the entire family had met
House guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Pruett are his brother's
family, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pru
ett and Miss Ruth Kay PrUett of
school were two Salem men, Ray
Terhune and Don Burk.
Seven students from Salem were
among 131 students selected for
membership in Phi Kappa Phi, na
tional all-school scholastic honor
society. They are John David Bur-
troughs, Gordon Edward Fletcher.
Miss Sharon Vohland spent the
weekend In Portland as a guest
of Miss Dianne Mawhinney.
Merle L. Griebenow. Joan Isabelle
Hamman. Gary Lee Messing. Doris
Louise Starrett, and Royal An
thony Wenig.
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For Candidate for Nominatioif for Pfcsidcnruf ihe
United States VOTE FOR ONE
tntmt n aft f
i at-
Wall to Wall or Room-fit Rugs No Money Down-2 Years to Pay
Now! Y$, right now it the time to lavt important monty on your carpot purchait. If you'vo boon wishing your
rooms had carpet, if you'ro building or romodoltng, or if you'rt planning to "ipruco up" your rooms this Spring,
r . . . .. i e . . i , . I t k 1 I I!
than thii carpet sale it taiior-maae tor youi loaayi moon popular carpvT nyiwi rrm vntin pnemu
maken-ot exciting savings.
Famoui Bigelow Tuftloop
Cotton Broadloom
At the lowet price ever! This wonder
ful tight loop carpet is literally stuffed
with rich thick ysrns that keep their
beauty through countless elesnings and
washings. Tuftloop has a wear-record
that's equal to that of carpet costing
three times this price. Tuftloop Is "st
home" in living rooms, bedrooms, din
ing rooms, dens or halls perfectly
keyed to today's modern living. See this
outstsnding carpet vslue todsy! ...
you'll be tempted to csrpet the whole
m.. .
X -
tfwnWS I
I So. Yir I
Textured Tweed
Rere's a complet change of pace In
carpet textures so versatile you tan
use it in anv room in the house, with
any decor! Sturdy vlscoss low loop pile
defies footprints and soil. Laytex cushion-grip
bsck locks in tufts tightly. Nub
by tweed textures sre making carpet
fashion news sll over the country snd
here's the greatest tweed vslus yet! (in
hand In four room flattering colors:
Gneen Beige, Blsck k White, snd Earth--tons...-
Carpet for 3
Average Rooms
We to Well With lifelew's
Talk about I carpet bargain! This one
stacks up with the greatest of them.
Enough csrpet for three average rooms
at about the pries of a room size rug!
Carpeting for your rooms miy be less
or slightly more depending on site.
Padding and installation is extra.
4J Jaaaw
Stairway Carpet Special!
We'll carpet 15 stairs and one
landing . .
f? V
Roses' en Room Sixes
in Diejrem
Total 38 sj. yds.
Bigelow'i New All-Wool
Textured Loop
When you get all wool twist carpet st
this price with deep texture Interest sdd
ed you've really got s value! Tims and
again wise hfmemskcr r'nnosp this won
derful carpet It dramat!7rs the whnle
appearance of any room. Practical, ton,
for scuff marks don't show snd it resists
soil snd is s resl bear for wesr. Five
colors Beige, Grey, Nutria, Light
Green, Dark Green.
No Money Down
All 27-inch carpet
All feddinf
All instolletion
Choose from fine Velvet
weaves in smart mcresque
Modern Floral Broadloom
Corpet beauty tho brings the fresh look of blooming flowers to your room
all year long. This floral boasts a handsome nutmeg background over
laid with modem leaf pattern in rich outumn colors ot oreens,
Browm, Beige ond Coral. Perfect for living room, dining room
or bedroom.
m aVaaaV- m Jaiaiaaaaaw