New Guardian Council is Installed Miw Patricia Whelan. Honored queen of Bethel 43, Job's Daugh ters presided at the last meeting of her term Monday evening at the Scottish Rite Temple. Honored were Nancy Snider, past queen; Sue Zwicker. Grand Bethel record ' er; Mrs. Vclma Green, junior past grand guardian, Portland; Mrs. Jean Yoe, past grand guardian; Mrs. Norman Fletcher, past guar dian, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boycr, past guardians. The queen announced May 27 as her Go to Church Sunday. All girls are to meet at the Kirst Presby terian Church at 10:35 a.m. to en ter as a group. A council meeting ' is slated for May 24. Klectioni were held and those voted to offices were honored queen. Patli Claggett; senior prin cess, Mary Clark; junior princess, lmogcnc Thomas; guide, Kolette Thomas, and marshal, Janl Baker. Council Installed Installation of the new Guardian Council look place with V e 1 m a Green as acting installing grand guardian; Harry Lucas, acting in stalling associate grand guardian; Kdna Boycr, acting grand secre tary; Idris Fletcher, acting grand chaplain; Jean Yoe, acting grand guide, and Helen Lucas, grand marshal. " Those installed were Mrs. Ray Slringham, guardian; Hussell For rest, associate guardian; Mrs. Hus sell Forrest, secretary; Mrs. Charles Claggett, treasurer; Mrs. Vernon Wiscarson, music; Mrs. Willard Claggett, assistant music; Mrs. Milton G. Thomas, sociabil ity; Ferd Hueneke, finance; Mrs. Walter Spaulding, philanthrophy; Mrs. S. W. Robb, publicity; Wil liam Shrivcr, patrol; Mrs. W. 0. Hammond, junior activities and Mrs. H. K. White, assistant. In troduced were Mrs. Warren Ba ker, paraphernalia chairman; Mrs .1 W. Carr. hospitality; Mrs. K. J. Sickler, assistant; Mrs. Harold F.l hert, merits, and Mrs. George M. Self Jr., epochs. N'nur Be(hel Planned Mrs. Yoe announced, due to the growth of Bethel 43, it was de cided by the Grand Guardian Council that a new bethel should be chartered. All interested mem bers were asked to meet next Tuesday, May 22 at 7;30 p.m. at Kinfwood Hall to makep lans for Bethel 59. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lu cas will be the guardian and asso ciate guardian of the Bethel. Chapter Will Entertain The Beta Mu chapter of Kpsilon Sigma Alpha will honor their spon soring chapter, Beta Sigma at an informal coffee Saturday morning, May 19, at the home of Mrs. Biarne Erickien on Candalaria Blvd. Mrs. John Ericksen is heading the committee for the affair and assisting her preparations are Miss Helen Cdd, Mrs. Kenneth Oliver, and Mrj,. Robert Stevens. Mrs. William Pharman, the retir ing president, and Mrs. Oliver, presdident-elect will serve. The members of Beta Mu re cently reccivd their jeweled pins of the philanthropic sorority complet ing a six months pledge period, and have planned this event in ap preciation of the guidance given them by the Beta Sigma chapter during that time. Mrs. Anunsen to Head Mothers EAST SALEM Mrs. William Seeley was hostess at a tea Thurr. riav afternoon in honor of the newly elected officers of Wash ington School Mothers Cluh. Hon ored were members of the execu tive board, the teachers and prin cipal, Miss Gladys Tipton. New officers are president. Mrs. Fred Anunsen; vice presi dent, Mrs. Carl Komyate; secre tary, Mrs. Herbert Aplington; and treasurer, Mrs. James Dclaney. The final meeting of the school vear will be held Thursday, May ; 17 with installation of officers and a display of the work of vari ous youth organizations of Wash ington school. Miss Weatherholt Wins Oscar Salem Toastmislress cluh held their regular meeting Thurs rlav at the Golden Pheasant. Hostess was Mrs. Agnes dartrell with Mrs. Marion Wooden acting as toastmistrcss. Speakers were Mrs. James Hartley. Mrs. (laud Jorgenson and Miss Myrtle Weatherholt, who won the "Oscar''. In charge of table topics was Mrs. Edna Haaland and general evaluatnr was Mrs, Robert Morrow Guests were Mrs. Doris Ransom and Miss Caroline Matter. Tliotas Mff t at Stones The Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae will be entertained Thursday night at the home of Mrs. .lames (' SI one on Crestview Drive at 8 o'clock. Co-hostess for the dessert supper will be Mrs. William M Smith. Stalcjmnn, Satem, Ore,.VcJ, Majr 16. '58 (Stc. I)-7' "! f.lul Cal-n'lar PHONE 3-3191 155 N. LIBERTY ST. THE FAMILY FABRIC IS. mum.. union 1 LH.&i II K77V VA'.SH - V Jir 1 I 1 slacks. ode $g- Ml. rA lSe0 'Or 1 II S.I I 1 1 Urrin.sday Wnmrn Assonatinn, Flrnt Prrshy tenan Church, 12:15 luncheon, .mial rraTr"TempTf. -P.vlhlan Sister--Beaver Hall. P" Amsworlh Chapter, OES, Scottish Kile Temple. ! pm Thursday Merry Mirnlers annual secret pal party with Mrs Ernest Butler 4450 SiKerton Road. 1 pn Spiritual Sunflower Club it First Spiritualist Church. 11 to J p m. Bethel 4H. Job's Dauhter i. Scot tih' Rite Temple " '' P m. rrlitain Sedgwick Woman's Belief Corp "Zr&OT. Ooloen The.,- "w' yn.verM.yr.ctmy Wo iren " Cluh f jm.l dinner. Lausanne i'i. NEWEST FADED SHADES MAKE SUN-TIME FUN-TIME AT PLAY OR AT WORK FOR DAD - Faded denim slacks In a wide A IQ choice of colon. 0li FOR MOM-Pedal Pushers in pink, gold, black or n A0 turquoii. At TOPPED OFF with sleeveless blouse in striped QA chambray. 17 V FOR BOYS - sizes 4-18. Your choice of jackets or n QA slacks. 3 colors. Z70 FOR BOYS - sixes 2-6x.Youi choice of jackets or I AO 1.7 SAVE! Reg. 1.79 RUGGED Blue Jeans for Boys . . . washfast, Sanforized Durable 10-oz. blue denim jeent with Viple main seams, reinfor ced strain points, zip fly. Sizes 6-16. Reg. 1.49 Shirt, 6-18 1.28 .48 Usual 1.19-1.39 Mix or Match Mates Gay, easy-care "Ruffie" Cotton FOR GIRlS-siies 7-1 4. Pedal pushers In black, I QA aqua, pink. FOR GIRLS - siies 2-6x. Cute boxer leans v elastic back. boxer leans with an I A 1.17 Guaranteed Washfast Blouses, shorts, pedal pushers . . . each at one low price! Quick and easy to launder, need or no -ironing. 3-6x. Hand-Screen design coverlet-blanket 99 Usually 12.95 Luxurious 90 rayon, 10 Orion; machine washable! 4 sides satin bound. 72x90". Usual 69c Cotton Prints 38i 36" Width All first quality. Color and washfast, crease resistant. Bolds, pastels'. Jr. Boys' 2.69 Oxford Sturdy fabric - takes ' lots of abuse. Bumper Q ID guard. 12'3-3. Ael7 Usual 98c Stretch Nylons 78V 15 -denier 60 -gauge "Brent Maid" Sheers. Dark or self seams. Naw Tones Girls' Reg. 2.98 Ballet So light and lovely looking in supple white Q A A leather, 4-9. Attt i, nwi I- " ' ' ' nnwiiiifin iiiiMn-iiniwmMWiBiitTwwiiiiiBiw "" '' IMMM""""M""i Mm mm Ft y Regular 89.95 Water Heater 79.88 Only $5 down on terms. 40-gal. electric model. Covered by 5-yr. Pro tection Plan. Automatic. 5U-GAL. SIZE 92.88 Reg. 72.95 16-in. Rotary Power Mower 88 On Terms 10 Down 59 Recessed wheels allow close trim. Special muf fler reduces engine noise. 1.6 h.p. 2-cycle engine. 3.29 Plastic Hose, 50' Guaranteed 5 Years 2.77 7 16" I D. For lawn or garden use. Won't crack or peel in any weather, full flow brass couplings. i i in m -i I. , . J-""ffWPJ".1"1' Reg. 148.34 3-Pc. White Bath Outfit Buy on Wards No-Meney-Down Plan Increase the value ot your home a at this special saving. 5' tub, Q J Q0 lavatory and closet. WITH 4":' TUB 118.00 M MM ENOUGH MATERIALS TO PAINT 24x40l HOME 1 1 jj"sE P'jj M JjpSOWHITE 0f ' 1 1. -4' v ilil 00 KG. 3 1.80 OR BUY SEPARATELY Regular 6.2V Wardwhite Gallon 5.41 79c Scraper 67c REG. 53c Putty Knife 47t Bf n 3.10 Trim and Shutter Qt. 1.84 Reg 1.27 Nu-Purpose Thinner Gal. 1.12 Req 3 09 hieoceta 4-in. Brush 2.77 Kcq 7Jc V.i. can Linseea runy ic ' vVa.dwhite TEST PROVEN if i'hp be'-t houe nant on n-arket ; for 1 .r-jl teiamtinq I i J Cvrf surface in good cond don SALE! Reg. 2.98 Sleeveless Blouses in most-wanted WASHABLE fabrics Top fabrics and ityles! Spring maid's "Dazzle" cottons. Silk-and-cottons. DuPonl Dacron ba tistes! 32 to 38, some to sizes 44, 2.58 nyi IIP'" ' l',W'j 30" Electric Range 23" Oven Reg. 209.95 179se "Waist-high' Smokeless Broiler. Oven is big enough to cook whole meal at one time. Push button heat controls G E. clock timer. $5 down. ll Sir "9t it " 4 V TRU-C0LD 1 6rft7UPRIGHrf REEZEIT stores 560 lbs. -Reg. 369.95 88 Only $10 Down, Terms Quick t-reee unit on top 2 slide out baskets, slide-out shelf. Shelves, Uice rack in door. 319 f.l- , , . :