Supreme Court! Given Lane Jury Dispute Two mandamus proceedings one seeking 'discharge of the cur rent Lane County jury and the otner rcr-iting a new grand jury were filed by Lane County District Attorney Eugene C. Venn in the bMt Supreme Court late Tuesday allernoon. One mandamus proceeding is di rected at Circuit Judge Frank Reid and the other at Harry I.. Chase. Lane County Clerk. The current grand jury was empaneled April IK following discharge of the previous grand jury. Venn, in his mandamus proceed ing against Judge Ktid, charges a complete lack of compliance i:r regard for any or all mandatory statutes dealing with selecting a grand jury. Savi Name Adorer Also charged was willful and de liberate addition to names en the jury list and names on the regular jury list which do not appear on either the lSfi assessment rolls or on the 1956 registration hook. "After this unlawful assemblage f names was finished a selection of names was marie from the March, V.W, jury panel, which also was accomplished in a manner contrary to law," District Attorney Venn said. Venn declared examination ol the present grand jury reviahl that one person thereon was niie of till odd persons whose names were submitted by a private indi idual Not on List The name of a second person. Venn (harped, does not appear in the 19.Vi Lane C'nuntv regular jurv list. A third person, arcording t Venn's complaint, was evidently one o( the names transferred from the i!;.it jury list. In the proceeding against Coun'y Clerk Venn asks that he he directed to prepare and certify .1 new l!l."fi Lane County jury list or how cnuM befoie the Supreme Court why he has not done so. Venn refused to make any state ment at the time of filing the man damns proceedings other than to stress that he has 20 criminal cases now pending grand jury investigation. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., May 10, '53 (Sc IJ-3 WU Professor Pens Article In Publication Featured in the spring issue of Social Science, quarterly publica tion of Pi Gamma Mu, national tocial science honorary, is an ar ticle on education by Dr. Ken neth Lottiek. professor of Edu cation at Willamette University, entitled "New England Leader ship in Ohio Educational Legis lation" The same issue of Social Sci ence mentions Willamette senior Inann Pym of Seattle, one of six Ti Gamma Mil scholarship win ners, who will use her stipend to attend the graduate school of so cial work at the University of Washington. Dr. Chester Kaiser. WU profes sor of history, was appointed dep uty of the fraternity and will install chapters and initiate new members in the Oregon area. 'George says I'm a genius!" t - . ; r3' ''k': imiliiH,1tiennnlliHltfftMiiifli(fffn George is just am.icd at how I manage to keep our house looking immaculate and still have time to enjoy the things I like to do most. Actually, all I've dune is tin J a faster, easier way to do every job around the house. Like my wood flours, ( leaning and waxing them used to He my toughest chore. But now it's really one of my easiest. I just use Bruce Cleaning W?x. That way I clean and wax at the same time. And there's no floor washing at all. I'm through in half the time and no more aching muscles from scrubbing. If you have wood floors, you'll want to try Bruce Cleaning Wax. It's simply wonderful! - Incidentally, 'if fountl other Bniri floor products help me, too. There's Brin e floor ( leaner for cleaning and lighter niie. Brute Paste Hax. Brine Asphalt Tile (leaner, Bruce Asphalt Tile Self-Polishing Hax and the new Bruce Self-Polhhinf Not. rJ, I IB a 'rj nJUJUL" U jlf frcrty street court treet Men's Clothing-Main Floor 40 Ea. Reg. to 1.95, SUMMER JACKETS, Denims, Poplins, linnens, Coeds, S, M, I, XI, Some IR 2.99 29 Ei. 3.95, DRESS SHIRT, Famous Maker, Odd Siztt, Soiled Goods 2.99 188 Pr. 1.50 Pr LONG SOCKS, Nylon i Wool, 10V4-12, Dark Shades, IR .r 44 C Pr. 192 Ea. to 2.50, NECKTIES, Rayons, Silks Asst. Colors ft Patterns 49 39 Ea. to 2.98, SPORTSHIRT, Mostly Flannel, Odd Sizes, Some Short Sleeve 1 ---996 32 Ea. 5.95, RAYON SLACK, Small Check-Brown 1 Tan, Sizes 29, 30,31, 32, 34 1.99 51 Ea. 9.95, DRESS SLACK, Rayon I Dacron, Odd Sizes, Cuffed Free - 5.99 30 Ea. 7.95, DRESS SHIRT, Dacron I Cotton-Blue i Green-Odd Sizes . 2.99 1 Ea. 12.95, COAT SWEATER, 100 Wool, Size 44 4.99 1 Ea. 9.95, TERRY ROBE, White-Medium-Soiled -4.99 1 Ea. 7.75, BEACON ROBE, Medium Size-Soiled.. --3.99 25 Ea. to $10.00, STRADAVARI SPORTSHIRT, Perf. Quality-Mostly Large Size Odd Colors .. . 4.99 11 Ea. to 3.95, SWIMSUIT, Boxer I Brief-Size 29 to 32 1.99 3 Ea. to 7.75, BILLFOLD, Famous Maker-All leather 2.99 15 Ea. to 3.75, WORK SHIRT, Twill, Odd Sizes Green, Tan, White 99 12 Ea. 2.39, WAIST O'ALL, 8 oz.-Odd Sizes, Full Cut 1.59 22 Ea. 3.49, WESTERN O'ALL, 134 oz.-Odd Sizes, Famous Make 2.39 5 Ea. 3.95, BIB O'ALL, Famous Maker-Odd Sizes-Blue 1.99 1 Ea. 6.98, COVERALL, Grey Herringbone-Size 42 1.99 4 Ea. 2.98, DENIM SLACK, lightweight, Odd Sizes 99 6 Ea. 4.75, LOOK JACKET, White, Heavy Duck, Odd Sizes. 1.99 Boys' Wear-Main Floor 16 Ea. 8.95 I 10 95, SPORT COATS, Assort Patterns, Wool, Sizes 6, 8, 10 Only 6.g8 36 Ea. .49, KNIT BRIEFS, White Knit, Sizes 14 1 16 Only 296 21 Ea. 3.98 I 4.98, SWEATERS, 100 Orion V-Neck Sweaters, Pastel Colors, Sizes 6 to 18... 2.49 10 Ea. 2.98, TWILL PANTS, Suntans t Greys Pants, Sizes 14, 16, 18 Only.. 1.29 24 Ea. 1.29, SWEATERS, Davey Crockett, Sizes 10 8. 12 Only 49 20 Ea. 4.95, CORDUROY PANTS, Cords Assort. Colors, Sizes 10 to 18 2.99 18 Ea. 1.19, POLO SHIRTS, Stripe Patterns, Sizes 4 1 10 Only 43 C 24 Pr. .59, STRETCH SOX, Pastel Colors, Sizes 7Vi to I ft Only 29 1 Ea. 1 8.95, JACKET, leather, Fleece lined, Fur Collar, Size 18 1 0.95 18 Ea. 1.69, VEST SWEATER, Sleeveless Vest Sweater, Cotton Check, Size 6 to 12 796 18 Ea. 1.00, TWILL CAPS, Ball Caps, Assort. Sizes, Colors, Green, Navy, t Brown 496 Accessories-Main Floor 35 Ea. 1.00, JEWELRY, Assorted 25C 10 Ea. 1.00, COLLARS, Cottons, White Only 396 36 Ea. 1.00, HEA DSQUARES, Silk Asstd. Prints 50C 1 Ea. 7.98 STOLE Nylon Orange . . 3.98 4 Ea. 1.98 SCUFFIES Plastic Med. Size pr. 99. 50 Ea. 39c HANKIES Cottons Hand Rolled Edge Floral 19 1 15 Ea. 50c FLOWERS Asst. 256 6 Ea. 2.98 PURSES Pastel Plastic -1.99 Pl Tax 20 Ea. 1.98 PURSES Clutch Asstd. Colors (Plastic) 1.00 P'" Tax 4 Ea. 59c LOTION Popular Brand . 256 Pl Tax 10 Ea. 1.00 COLOGNE Popular Brand (asstd.) 596 P' Tax 8 Ea. 1.98 GLOVES Nylon Asstd. Broken Sizes pr. 1.00 4 Ea. 1.00 BUBBLE BATH Popular Brand 59c Plus Tax 25 Ea. 2.98 UMBRELLAS 16 Rich Steel Frame 1 .99 8 Ea. 2.98 BELTS Asstd. Colors Broken Sizes 1.99 15 Ea. 5.00 WALLETS High Colors French Purses 3.79 Plus Tax Fabrics-Mezzanine 300 Yds. 98c RAYON LINEN Printed 45" 59 350 Yds. 1.59 FLOCKED NYLON Asst. Colors 45" 88C 500 Yds. 98c POLISHED COTTON Washable Everglaze Prints 59 50 Yds. 3.95 WOOL, NYLON COATING Asst. Short lengths 1.99 240 Yds. 89c-1.29 yd. NYLON PRINTS Plain Crepes 36", 45" 66t 150 Yds. 1.39 TOP SAILCLOTH PRINTS for Sportswear . 79 800 Yds. 79c-98c ASST. PRINTS, Plain Indian Head, Striped Sailcloth ... 49 100 Yds. 89c TAFETA Chromspun, Rayon .. 506 300 Yds. 1.95 CHIFFON PRINTS Dressy Types 45" 986 500 Yds. 59c CHAMBRAY Asst. Colors in Striped 206 280 Yds. 49c PERCALE Prints 36" 29c 80 Yds. 3.95 WOOL BLEND Plain, Plaids 54" 2.66 300 Yds. 1.19 CORDUROY Asst. Colors 36" 99c 400 Yds. 79c NYLON NET Asst. Colors 72" 49 e Lingerie-Hosiery-Main Floor 12 Ea. 3.95 TAFFETA PETTYCOAT Dark Colors 2.00 60 Ea. 1.00 NYLON BRIEFS Pastel Colors-Red 5-6-7 696 3 'or 2!oO 15 Ea. 5.95 NYLON GOWNS Pastel Colors Broken Sizes 40 l4lar3.99XOTTON BOUFFANT SttPS White-S-Med.-lirar ---tt2!oO 80 Pr. 1.50 HOSE Broken Sizes - 496 120 Pr. 1.65 STRETCH HOSE Beige to Tan Colors 97C 4 Pr. 3.95 SUPPERS Soft Sole Slippers 1 --1.00 60 Pr. 89c ANKLETS One Size Fits All 5Q 100 Et. 3.95 SUPS Rayon and Nylons 2.00 Children's-Downstairs 2 Ea. 7.98 GIRLS SUITS Navy Blue Size 10 and 14 IS Ea. GIRLS DRESSES Cotton Print-Assfd. Colo's 4 to 14 Reg. 1 Ea. 5.98 GIRLS DRESSES Rayon (Pink) Size 10 ...y.. 4 Ea. 79c BOYS SWIM TRUNKS latex Asstd. Colors Size 6 ... 60 Ea. 39c GIRLS ANKLETS Asstd. Colors Size 4 to 10 2 Ea. 3.98 GIRLS SWEATERS Slip on, Red and Green Size 3 ... 4 Ea. 3.98 GIRLS CORDUROY JACKETS Aqua and Red Size 4 and 6 . 13 Ea. 4.98 GIRLS DRESSES Cotton Print Asstd. Colors 3 to 14 ..... 3.98 3.98 1.00 --.98 rr.396 106 1.00 1.98 1.98 Shoes-Downstairs 23 Pr. 6.95 THRIILMATES Red end Black Two-strap 5 to 10 5.00 30 Pr. 4 95 WOMENS OXFORDS Grey-Red-Blue Canvas 414 to 10 2.99 26 Pr. 5.95 MENS OXFORDS Cloth Blue-Brown- to 10VI 2.99 31 Pr. 3.45 SANDALS Pink-White-Brown 9 to 3 2.99 Furniture-Rugs-Court Street 4 Ea. 39.95 OCCASIONAL TABLES Marble Top Black Iron Base 10.00 1 Ea. 99.95 SOFA Modern Black IronXoral 59.95 1 la. 59.95 CHAIR Modern Black Iron Coral 39.95 1 Ea. 119.95 SOFA Turquoise Cover Black Iron 89.95 1 Ea. 79.95 CHAIR Turquoise Cover Black Iron 49.95 1 Ea. 259.95 HIDEBED Pink and Black Cover Foam Rubber 199.95 1 Ea. 269.95 SOFA Black and Violet Tweed Foam Rubber 1 99.95 12 Ea. 19.95 RUGS 27x54 Discontinued Samples 5.0 2 Ea. 129.95 CHAIRS Custom Built Gold Matlesso 89.95 1 Ea. 98.95 LOUNGE CHAIR Red and Black Tweed 69.88 1 Ea. 481.80 2-Pc. SECTIONAL and OTTOMAN Contemporary Tweed . 299.88 1 Ea. 259.95 2 Pc. SECTIONAL Valentine Seaver. Green and Gold! 69.88 2- Pc. 219.95 Bookcase Headboard and Chest Oak 179.95 3- Pc. 289.95 BEDROOM SIT Curly Mople Modern 199.88 4 Ea. 99.95 HOOKED RUGS 9x12 Blend Wool and Rayon -49.88 Domestics-Downstairs K Ea. 59c PILLOWCASES 180 Thread Percale ,a. 47i 172 Ea. 50c Ea. TEA TOWELS Spun Rayon, Absorbent ea. 35 15 Ea. 98c PIASTIC TABLE CLOTHS 54x54. fruit Design ..ea. 39t) 6 Ea. 12.95 BEDSPREADS Rayon Chromspun. Twin Only. Green Blue and Yellow 4.88 6 Pr. 6.95 DRAPES Rayon Chromspun Lt. Green, Dk. Green and Rose. pr. 3.98 10 Ea. 4.98 DUST RUFFLE Cotton Dlb. Only. Red, Yellow and Green 3.50 7 Ea. 9.95 BEDSPREADS Denim Dbl. Only. Blue, Green and Maroon 5.95 9 Ea. 9.95 BEDSPREADS Cotton, Twin Only, Floral and Childrens Pattern 4.99 12 Ea. 5.95 TABLECLOTH California Hand Prints 54x72 3.P8 1 Eo. 3.98 TOTEBAG With Cannon Towel Set 2.39 19 Ea. 98e BATH TOWELS Connon Striped 22x44 88 1 58 Ea. 65c HAND TOWELS Cannon Striped 15x24 58t 100 Ea. 39c WASH CLOTHS Cannon Striped . 256 52 Ea. 1.49 BATH TOWELS Gingham Rose 20x40 100 Ea. 98c HAND TOWELS Gingham Rose 35 18 Ea. 14.95 BEDSPREADS Cannon Homestead. White Scalloped -7.88 28 Ea. 3.19 SHEETS Cannon Percale 72x108 - 2.50 10 Ea. 1.49 BOXED TOWELS Davy Crockett 1 Bath and Cloth 79 1 4 Ea. 1.00 BUN BASKET Woven 49$ Draperies-Court Street, Third Floor 10-Pe. to 9.98 UPHOLSTERY ENDS Some Pieces to 2 yds ea. pc. 2.00 7 Pr. 16.98 LINED DRAPES 1 Width x81 Patterns pr. 12.00 14 Pr. 9.95 UNUNED DRAPES 1 width x81 Plain pr. 5.95 3 Pr. Only 31.95 SARAN PRISCIILA 132x84 Lovely No-Iron Fabric . pr. 18.99 8 Pr. 5.95 pr. NOVELTY CURTAIN Dacron With Colorful Trim pr. 3.00 50 Yds. to 98c yd. VALANCING Prints and Plains yd. 506 7 Only 17.50 BEDSPREADS Colorful Corduroy Throws ea. 12.00 6 Only 5.95 PILLOW SHAMS Nylon and Taffetas ea. 1.00 10 Only 3.39 PANELS lovely Chromspun Flounce ea. 2.00 8 Only 2.98 SHOWER CURTAINS Plastic Patterns 66 ea. 1.00 14 Only 6.98 SHOWER CURTAINS Taffeta Patterns ea. 4.98 10 Only 6.98 WINDOW CURTAINS 27x45 Taffeta Bathroom ea. 4.98 18 Only 1.49 PANELS 58x81 Chromspun Colors ea. 1.00 250 Yds. 98c LAMPSHADE TRIM Taffeta Ruffling yd. 106 300 Yds. 1.79 DRAPERY MTl Plain Colors, Gold Stripes yd. 1.00 1,000 Yds. to 1.98 CHINTZ Patterns and Plain . . . . yd. 1.00 Sportswear-Second Floor 24 Ea. 2.98 T SHIRTS Cotton Stripe and Solid I.59 5 Ea. 7.98 RAYON JUMPER Solid Colors Size 10 thru 16 5,00 20 Ea. 5.98 DACRON BLOUSES Lace Trim, V-Neck 3.00 6 Ea. 6.98 PEDALPUSHER SET Multi-Color Blouses and Slim Pants 5.00 lOTEa. 2.98 BLOUSES Rayon Seersucker Short Sleeve . . 1.00 25 Ea. 2.98 BLOUSES Cotton Assorted Styles 1.00 10 Ea. 5.98 ORLON CARDIGANS Assorted Colors Sizes 34-40 3.99 4 Ea. 10.98 COTTON KNIT DRESS White Navy 10-16 7.99 15 Ea. 5.98 PEDALPUSHER Corduroy Toreador leg 10 thru 16 . 3.99 Ladies' Fashions-Second Floor 25 E. 10.95 DRESSES Nylon Jerseys, Suitings, Rayons ...5.59 20 Ea. 24.95 DRESSES Crepes, Nylon Jerseys .......8.59 50 Ea. 2.98 MILLINERY New Straws, All Color .. 1.98 35 Ea. 12.95 DUSTERS 6-ply Faille, Navy, Black 8.00 15 Ea. 39.95 COATS RAINCOATS 100 Wool Odds and Ends . ..15.00 20 Ea. 49.95 COATS Cashmere Blends, Tweeds 25.00 12 Ea. 19.95 SHORT COATS Fleere Boucle 11.00 17 Ea. 12.95 SUMMER SUITS Coconut Cloth, linen 9.00 25 Ea. 8.98 ROBES Nylon Embossed 6.00 25 Ea. 5.98 COTTON DRESSES Plaids, Prints -2i29 19 Ea. 8.98 BETTER COTTONS Pima Cotton end Orion 5.98 20 Ea. 14.98 JIGGER COATS Orion Fleece 10.00 40 Ea. 5.98 DUSTERS Cotton, Nylon , 3.98 6 Ea. 5.98 GIRDLES Nylon, Set, Broken Sizes -2.00 30 Ea. 2.S0 BRAS Nylon Famous Nam 1.00 14 Ea. 2.50 GARTER BELTS Black Nylon lac 1.99 Notions-Mezzanine 12 Ea. 2.95 BARBER SHEARS "Foremost" Finest Steel .-1.49 12 Ea. 3.9S PINKING SHEARS Hand Set for Smoother Curfin. .... 1 .99 20 Ea. 2.95 GARMENT BAG Moth Pak Included. Embossed Plastl . Dress and Suit Size ... 1.99 100 Yds. 10c to 70c yd. REMNANTS lace-Embroidery and Ribbon .. Price S 10.95 LEED'S BAGS 2 Suit 42" 3 Pullman 26x29" ..........7.88 Major Appliances-Downstairs, Court St. 2 Ea. 249.95 G.E. REFRIGERATOR 8-u. It. Deluxe 199.95 2 Ea. 269.95 G.E. REFRIGERATOR 10-cu. ft. Full Width Freezer 219.95 1 Ea. 269.95 PHIICO REFRIGERATOR 10-eu. ft. Door Shelve .. .198.00 2 Ea. 249.95 PHILCO REFRIGERATOR 8-cu. ft. Fully Automatic ......229.95 1 Ea. 229.95 WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR 7-cu. ft. Deluxe Modal .174.00 1 Ea. 379.95 WESTINGHOUSE REFRIO. lUu. ft. Push Button Dofrost. .279.95 2 Ea. 169.95 G.E. RANGE Apt. Size large Oven 149.95 2 Eo. 229.95 G.E. RANGE Fully Automatic Dolus. 199.95 1 Ea. 279,95 WESTINGHOUSE RANGE Fully Automatic Deluxe . 199.95 1 369.95 WESTINGHOUSE RANGE Deluz New Typ. Elements .264.95 1 Ea. 249.95 TAPPEN RANGE Fully Automatic 30" Typ 189.95 1 Eo. 369.9S TAPPAN RANGE Doubt Oren Deluxe 269.95 1 Ea. 249.95 G.E. DISHWASHER Portable Needs No Plumbing . 188.00 2 Ea. 159.95 G.E. DRYER Fully Automatic . 133.00 1 Ea. 169.95 FOWLER DRYER Now Top loading 99.00 1 Ea. 179.95 WESTINGHOUSE DRYER Humidity Controlled 139.95 1 Ea. 309.95 WESTINGHOUSE WASHER Deluxe Model 249.95 2 Ea. 249.95 G.E. WASHER Fully Automatic Water Contol 219.95 Television-Downstairs-Court Street 1 Ea. 199.95 WESTINGHOUSE 21" Series Table Model ....159.95 1 Ea. 199.95 G.E. TV 21" Serle Tabl Model 149.95 1 Ea. 249.95 WESTINGHOUSE 21" Series Console Model 159.95 1 Ea. 249.95 G.E. TV 21" Series Table Model 179.95 1 Ea. 99.95 G.E. TV 14" Series Table Model VHF ... 89.95 House wares-Downstairs-Court Street 25 Ea. 6.95 l'i ft. SAUCEPAN Stainless Steel . . 3.$$ 19 Ea. 98c COPPER MOLD Large Aluminum .. 596 36 Ea. 59c PYREX PIE PLATE 8'4-inch Size ., 44 17 Ea. 2.35 STEEL GRIDDLE Large 11 -inch 1.33 8 Ea. 14.95 KITCHEN STEP STOOL Padded Seat -6.88 11 Ea. 3.49 DUST MOP New Disposable Typ 1.00 5 Ea. 8.95 STEPLADDER 5-ft Asst. Colors 3.77 12 Ea. 3.69 CLOSET SHELF Metal Utility Rack 1.00 60 Ea. 3.98 RUBBER RUG Oval Braided ,. 1.49 48 Ea. 89e FLASHLIGHT 2-cell 266 6 Ea. 2.49 DEltAY Prevent Carpet Soilage ...-.,506- 30 Ea. 2.95 KEROSENE LAMP Miniture Size 886 8 Ea. 6.95 CHAFING DISH 2-o.t. Size 2.99 24 Ea. 1.98 IAZY SUSAN Asst. Colors, Plastic 496 20 Ea. 98c JUMBO CUP and SAUCER Hand Painted 506 6 Ea. 14.50 CLOTHES DRYER 110 ft. Outdoor ----9.88 36 Ea. 2.50 GIFTWARE One Group 456 50 Ea. 89c PLANTERS Small Bird Design 256 10 Ea. 1.25 FOOD WARMER STAND With Candle -886 48 Ea. 2.95 POTTERY VASE Asst. Colors 1.29 20 Ea. 1.25 3-Pc. GREASE SET Aluminum 886 3 Ea. 3.95 STEAK KNIFE SET 6-Pc. Stainless Steel 1.88 12 Ea. 2.89 WOOD CANNISTER BOX Asst. Sizes 996 6 Ea. 69c GLASS CLEANER Liquid luster 96 9 Ea. 16.50 LUGGAGE 14-inch Train Case -9.88 Small Appliances-Downstairs, Court St. 3 Ea. 21.95 ELECTRIC DRYER Deluxe Chrome -14.95 2 Ea. 29.95 ELECTRIC HEATER 1620 Watts Automatic 21.77 3 Ea. 44.95 ELECTRIC BLENDER Mixes, Grinds 28.77 4 Ea. 54.95 ELECTRIC ROTISSERIE Deluxe Chrom 39.88 6 Ea. 39.95 DEEP FRYER Jumbo Size 8.88 8 Ea. 27.50 ELECTRIC TOASTER Super Deluxe 21.55 16 Ea. 39.95 ELECTRIC MIXER Powerful Hamilton Beach --29.77 3 Ea. 29.95 GRILl and WAFFLE BAKER Thermostat Control 19.88 8 Ea. 26.95 UNIVERSAL PERCOLATOR 8-cup 19.88 Used Refrigerators-Downstairs, Court St. 1 Ea. 89.95 HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR Apt. Size . 59.95 1 Ea. 89.95 FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR 10-cu. ft. Double Doors 69.95 1 Ea. 79.95 WARDS REFRIGERATOR 7-cu. ft. Quiet Running . . 49.95 1 Ea. 89.95 WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR 7-cu. ft. Good Condition . 49.95 1 Ea. 79 95 WARDS REFRIGERATO R7-cu. ft. Quiet Running . 34.95 1 Ea. 149.95 PHIICO REFRIGERATOR ll-cu. ft. Full Width Freezer 99.95 Used Ranges 1 Ea. 89.95 FRIGIDAIRE RANGE Double Oven 1 Ea. 79.95 HOTPOINT RANGE Good Condition 1 Ea. 134.95 KENMORE RANGE Fully Automatic . 1 Ea. 89.95 HOTPOINT RANGE Deluxe Model 59.95 49.95 89.95 49.95 Used Washers 1 Ea. 89.95 MAYTAG WRINGER-WASHER Good Condition . . . 59.95 1 Ea. 69.95 DEXTER Double Tub Deluxe Model . 3995 1 Ea. 59.95 KENMCRE WASHER Quiet Running . 29.95 1 Ea. 59.95 EASY SPINNER Spin Rinse 24.95 for rloorf It's Bruce! WE GIVE AND REDEEMflGREEN STAMPS