20-Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., May 16, "58 Time for 'Home Work" Need a new roof ? Repiintjob? Want to add another room? A low-cott FHA Home Improvement Loan through l'. S, National is the aner. S dou ftymtnl J months l rtptj. Si'hateer home improvement you plan, tell your contractor or dealer that you nam to pay for the job ith a loan through U. S. National. If yourt il a "do-it-younelf" project, you can arrange the him convenient financing here at U. S. National. "Make "56 your year to fix" ith an economical I M A Home , Improvement Loan. See your contractor, dealer or thi bank a AIT f ATMIKT KMIDUU OH IOMI TTOCAl 10AM AMOUNTS Carta MnMy Pay-wit MomWr far"" MaxiMr Pari Inraaat j2-MUM J4 M.i lnn.1 is-Marta laaa 100 t . I "r t,ooo ar.ri. as.ia t. J.000 114 SJOO I10.J0 114.71 7tl IP STATIWIDI IANK UNI CONYINIINT B RAM CHI I IN fALEM Htvuttrr MMUca . 1111 Stat St KSTSMiM 1117 Graham Loses Ground in Plea For Execution By GORDON G. CAISS DENVER UP- -John Gilbert Gra ham, convicted of committing mur der by Mowing up an airliner, lost jrround Tuesday in his stubborn demand that he be executed as soon as possible. "I don't want any part" of an appeal, declared the stolid Graham before the judge who sentenced him to die in Colorado's gas cham ber during the week of Aug. 26 for dynamiting an airliner whose 44 passengers were killed. But Judge Joseph M. McDonald, who had sentenced the 24-year-old man, ordered the court appointed attorneys to ask the Colorado Su preme Court what should be done, This order, unprecedented in Col orado court history, "amounts to an appeal for all practical pur poses," said Charles S. Vigil, a de fense attorney. Convicted tt Marder Graham, had been convicted of murder for the death of his moth er, Mrs. Daisie E. King, one of 43 who died in the explosion and flaming crash of a United Air Lines plane near Longmont, Colo., last Nov. 1. "I accept the verdict of the jury and desire that it be carried out with convenient speed," Graham said after his conviction 10 days 'ago and he stuck to that line all through today's court appearance for sentencing. Without a change of expression, Graham told the court Tuesday, I "I don't see why I should have to ! make a political rally or some ; thing out of this. I don't see why it ; can't stop right here. ' "I believe I had as fair a trial ! as could he had under the circum stances." he said. Judge McDonald, probing for reasons for the demand for execu tion, asked Graham if his being against an appeal is the result of "consciousness of guilt and feeling! you should have to pay the pen-1 ally?" I Na Expression j "No," answered Graham short ly. His face was expressionless, as it was all during his 17-day trial., Graham had admitted he signed a statement to the Federal Bureau of Investigation saying he put a dynamite bomb in his mother's luggage, but at his trial he said the statement was untrue.- The state charged he killed his mother to collect S37.r00 in insurance. Prrsistent ouestioninf hy Gra ham's attorneys nn the appeal failed to shake his stand. At one point he told the judge. "They're not doing it for me if they are doing it." No Reasna Givra The judge, pointing out that Gra ham had given no reason for not Second Princess Chosen . - -t ml' a ..." 1 t r f 4. .. I V mr v m n. a 4YT T. . 15 Exposed lo Radiation at Atomic Plant WASHINGTON I Fifteen or more persons were exposed to potentially fatal radiation at an atomic power plant project at Ft. Belvoir, Vs., Monday, but the government says the amount was "not serious." "After investigation of the in cident those involved were as sured by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) that the ra diation doses received were nnt serious," AEC said in a state ment. ' "Th ft mnun f nt rAtritn in which the men were exposed was considerably lower than any which could result in an observ- I ble clinical effect. Ah a precau tionary measure all persons ex posed were given a physical ex amination ..." Ft. Belvoir is about 15 miles south of Washington. Th" army is working there on a small-sized atomic power reactor. The radi ation was not from fissi-uiphle material, but from an industrial iridium source. The AEC said the iridium, be ing used in X-raying welds to make sure they were perfect, "was removed from its shielded container and contrary to stand ard practice left unshielded for about three hours." PORTLAND Evelya Cms, U, daughter of Mr. and Mr. C. J. Gross, Portland, named Tuesday as Rose Festival princess at Girls Polytech nic High Srhaol. She's the second la be named, five feet 3 Inches tall, weighs lOS pounds, brawnish-greei eves and is a brunette. (AP Photo) Engineer Lack More 'Apparent Than Actual' LOS ANGELES l-The lament ed shortage of engineers in this country is more apparent man real, a Standard Oil Co. of Cali fornia executive contends. W. L. Collins told the opening session of the West Coast Engi- neering Management conference Monday that the shortage is not in the number of engineers but in the number actually working at engineering. Statistics show, he said, that 20 years after graduation, half of those trained for engineering are working in administration and management. "I am suggesting that we take a look at the reasons hy so large a percentage of engineers feel they have to go this route," he said. Los Angeles Mercury Hits Record 95 Point LOS ANGELES I The tem perature ' hit 9S degrn? tj D.m. Tuesday, setuox a acw re ord for tb date. The old record was 92 on Ala IS, 1905. i It was the hottest, day of tht year, easily besting the 86 last ! April 20. TB DEATH RATE CUT OTTAWA l -Canada's TB death rate dropped last year to S I per 100.000 population. It has de clined from 52 4 in 1943 and was 10.3 in 1954. EDITORS TO MEET FLORENCE. Italy - A thou sand editors and publishers from 18 nations are expected in Flor ence June. 4 for the 14th congress of the international tinior. of edi tors. The congress net for the first time in Milan in 1906. EAT ANYTHING WITH FALSE TEETH! J Hit trotsbtt wick plate tkat Vjfj liP. rotk ciom sort gum? Try MnaiMt lliti-Lir! On api.tcaho MlLra pUlcf .ill tmrnfly uitktmi fivudr r pm, bHuM Bnmmi Ptasii-Lncr bat-dent perma MAily to your plaw. It rtliact ud retm loot plates ia nifK powder or pm ran do. No need to pass vp your favorite foods. With plates held tartnlr by Plasti-Ltoer, Yv CAN CAT AMTTMiM I Simply lay soft strip of Platti-Lntt oa troubletom upper or lower. But and k molds perfectly. Istj to mm, ustt-less, odof lets, harmless to you sad your plates. Remote able at directed. Money back guarantee At your drug counter. Only British I-abor Oiief Ilfad.H for U.S. Visit LONDON ( Laborite Leader Hugh Gaitskell and his wife left by air Tuesday night for a nine-day visit in the United States. Gaitskell said he makes the trip as guest of the International La dies Garment Workers I'nion and will address their convention in At lantic City Thursday He added: "I am also looking forward to meeting President Eisenhower." wanting an appeal, said. "It is clear the people of the state of Col orado have an interest in the ap- peal." It was after a conference that the judge orderel the defense coun sel to ask the supreme court what to do. Court attaches said the papers would be ready for filing in a lew days. If the supreme court accepts jurisdiction, then it could order an appeal and issue a stay of execu tion. If not. then the execution would go ahead as scheduled. Under Colorado law it is nut mandatory that the supreme court review death sentences, but it al ways has been done. I Fores YMP i i 1 U as wf For detailed information, see or phone UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FRF I) I.IXGENFFI.DFK General Passenger Agent 751 Pittock Block Phone ( Apitol 7 771 Pnrthml 5, Oregon r . ; " a . TfrHTtfX ( typical rates from Salem VLA Station to station nUJ. "ot including In, for 31 I J l ill LL yr I ",inu,M ,,m - whl"y, ,Bd i,f Swit1 33-r JniMl Co by number-if 'l fasfr I il V. ta,,w", ""'" w" ) mi Here's Where the New Ideas Come From... it General Motors' new Tnchnic.nl Center largwt of its kind in tha world employs 4,000 engineers, scientists and stylists. Then vast reaouroan combine with Pontine s own ultramodern engineering fncilitien to bring you America's greatest automobile value Pontiae, a Ganera Motor Masterpieoa. Mk "TASt, Mist W-K-r, imn, Hmi -ttfMt at M'i now TwUul luti. 1 . If mm f and Here's Where they GO! II II II ... Jf IT " . V "" Is'" You'll know the engineers have been up to something special the first time you auk thin long, low beauty for action, for here's "go" you can't get anywhere else. Tlia "go" of the newest in high-compresBion, high-torque engines Pontiac'g Strato-Streak jojidyanced and ao efficient it delivered -Can rou sft. steer. STor SAHirr.., CMKk YOUI CAI-CHKIC ACCIDENTS. more actual miles per gallon than any other "eight" in the Mobilgas Economy Run! The "go" of the newest in automatic transmissiona Pontiac's Strato-Flight Hydra Matic, epecially engineered for Strato-Streak power and smooth as silk at any speed! Come on in and bring yourself up to date f ast! . luxwm,,, "' ""'"' " '"i ere's the ride tlie whole automotive industry envies! TAGGESELL P0HT1AC CO. A YOU'RE poinp to discover the most amazing ride X any truck or car ever gave you. For our Blue ChipGMC equipped w ith Road Shock Damper Suspension smothers every jplt and bounce the worst road offers blots up even short, sharp vibrations Irom road joints. - You can drive at normal speed over a washboard road where other vchiiles must trawl. There's no slewing no steering wheel wrenching no punishment to truck or driver. Part of this eye-opening ride, too, is the surging response vovi'll get from GMC's iXo-hp VS engine. Ynu'll like the wide-angle safetv vision of (iMC's panoramic windshield the amazing economv of GMC's fast-ratio cruising axle-the time-, moncv and driver-saving advantages of 1 1 ydra-Matic Drive. Drop in at our showroom tomorrow and learn fifslhaTjo1mTNtilueTiiplcadership 1 StnJrd tn llu Suburb; ifn.mti i mtJrrmU iMrt nil n til iher m.tltli. "Oftitnml tl ixtr aa. SEE THE DIFFERENCE USD MAKES I 111 I1F it.ill.lij With ordinary suspension wbcli nop and boanca vMcady aa rough roadi ai inowa by actual oicillognph rtcorda. , With RSD Suspension (on thr same rondl nrtry wbI bonnet -itantlv roiintrncicH, nmnntned out to mm flutter aa the oaciilotnpa. IN MOTOR TRANSPORTERS. LEADS THE WAY See us, too, for Triple-Checked used trucks Truck Sales & Service Co. Salem, Ore. 660 N. Liberty St. Salem, Or. 555 N. Front St.