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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1956)
3"! - fe. . . I Treated DINTAl ASSISTANTS tea tood.d NOW -to eVawiis fHicK tat1 ckeics. Thil K teat trantinf will Ml interfere seiHl prettnt -jet er mwmImU eetiet. H.e School edwohea eat mmr. INJOY lAtNINGS p X 170 mUy. Training INDOISED SY ntNTISTS. Get hi dott new) SCHOOL OF DENTAL NURSING Statesman-Journal, Box 47. Salem, Or. : . ' Insurance Against Runaway Nuclear Power Plant Sought Br FRANK CORMIER Itrerric-ly remote." But. h Chair-1 additional government protection WASHINGTON The Atomic j man G. Rogers McCullough of j to companies building nuclear pow Energy Commission (AEO urged lAEC't committee on reactor safe-, er plant under government license Congress Tuesday to provide (or guards noted: and their suppliers. It recom- Inside TV Hollywood Greets Silvers Th is Time PWwg Pstfvl 0llfof OAtHvly WtditvJf vWiffltiAf nt ltatesmaa-Jor-ml. Saleaa. Or. Mir li, Iffii Br EVE STARR ! been signed by NBC to write new HOLLYWOOD STARR RE-1 songs (or that old Broadway hit. insurance against the remote: "Even such well known things as mended two alternative plans: PORT: Phil Silvers has come to "High Button Shoes," which ihe chance of a nuclear power plant railroad rails break, turbine shafts : 1. Authority for AEC to directly 1 Hollywood a second time. The network has just bought and will disaster which it said could cause I shatter, trolley wheels come off issue indemnity agreements to ! first time was some years ago. He turn into a 90-minute spectacu- some 50 deaths and 200 million dol-' and locomotive braking systems such companies and suppliers. had been a hit in a Broadway lar Wonder if they'll go after the lars damage. j fail." ! I Provision for AEC issuance of j musical comedy and moved on to star of the original show a girl AEC. witnesses told the Senate-' AEC Chairman Lewis L. Strauss reinsurance agreements to insur- Hollywood to add to hi fame and by the name of Nanette Fibray. House Atomic Energy Committee said private insurance companies :ance nrms which would take on fortune. Unfortunately, it didnt Statesman, Salem; Ore., Wed., May 16, '56 (Sec. II)t9 WEDNESDAY BROADCASTS i (Ether's Mat: Ta tuimua pakthkee hi h tattk tbt aeetrajaai ana liases at tmMH by Mw d TV mum, baa) beeaase omiaae tk pwm arc ehaaged wttkMt MtlflcaOM that awwspaptr fanned be respaaslblt far Ike winq ketela I WEDNESDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS City end Sow . Occupation . Ntene .. ...... j that the government should insure! will provide up to 85 million dollars the extra riski. against the "mathematical possi- in liability coverage tor eacn com- j Commissioner W. F. Libby drew ; bility" of a nuclear plant running mercial atomic power plan' a a stari; picture of what he termed wild, because the financial burden sum well below the claims that, the "worst posible" reactor acci-j would be too Croat for orivate in- rnuld result from a serious acci- AntVe fnD n.ku of all the fi- surance r.rms. dent. sion products accumulated in a They emphasized that the chance j Twa Plaat 1 100,000 kilowatt reactor, of a serious accident befalling a ; To bridge the gap, AEC sug- WeuM Xxautt 3M .commercial power reactor is "ex- gested that Congress provide fori to causing some 50 i deaths and 200 million dollars oroo-! work out that DON FFDDi:RSONS "The Mil- KPTV WEDNESDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL n: 11:N a.m. NBC Matinee Theater The story of how a "Blind Date," who almost doesn't show up, infuriates a high school girl out ' of her backwardness. - l:N a.m. Kraft Theater "A Prattle ia Cewrage," frata the k4 ay Seaatar Jeha F. Keaaedy. Drama af pressaTea ewdwred ay UmawaVi G. Rass wkase ae rate saved the Impeached President Aadrew Jafcav' - Mi fram being Mated. wav He was, to - , i. .T. '. t r "" KOIN-TV WEDNESDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL : pu, it bluntly, a g" & " ; ".! t:J. p.m.-Armchair The.,er-".Ne:, to": Lowefl TbonW magnificent flop nmrh ,j wmit ' , and Mclburne Stone. and he slunk !. ? .."i1,, I N p.m.-Studio S7-'The Old Lady's Tears": An elderly New Lightweight Champ . .. i ' back to Broa- '. .... ,k ' ... : tries to find a grandson she has never seen. way to lick his , ih W:H i p.m.-Showtime on Six-"ln Old Missouri' wounds. j Alan Ladd. June Stanley. Hall Johnson Choir. reXere nXK , l' .. th. iu .n t tw. rmmrf n,,i t IliM a.m.-Aftemoon Film FestivaU" Another Shore," ttarrini a j . . j.. e.'.! i.. j j .... - .i.- Rnhprt Rvallv Klnlpv Hnllnwa and Moira Lister. .5 ' S dTmaging touTan thy- Ration of CBS brass hat,. He was Thursday night line-up to make ! 1:01 P.-Mid Day Matinee-'lron ler Wolf' rt.mng Piero Ujui I roW alaSr he said ' escorted to the Friars Club, there , wav for the network's new 0- and Mara Frau. A young policeman follows the wolfdog of thep. .. iroia gianas. ne Saia. , i...u-..-. on - i.. l hrrl fnmwt AA .rut Hnrvil a mvt.rv ! ii - . ft ... , i . , iu dc Kui'ni vi imuiii ai unr ui inc , iniuuir i ij mu- tm ox 1 1 a vi .... - - - The Weavers;j New Heavyweight Champa YAW NEW '56 CHEVROLET TASK FORCE TRUCKS! A MODERN V8 FOR EVERY MODEL! A MODERN MODEL FOR EVERY JOBI There ' a new Chevrolet Task-Force truck powered and built to do your job in record time and at rock-bottom costl Champs of every weight class! New Middleweight Champa If a 10,000 kilowatt reactor lost 1 per cent of its fission products, he ! estimated, probably half a square Friars' famous (or infamous, I which is it?) Roastmasters Pin- mile would have to be evacuated i "m Al " and 50 to 100 acres might be un- " i usable for two years. ; ,Vh n "v",,s" . . . . Burns, Jack Benny, George Jes- A larger reactor and a greater .. r;i,i,, d..m d- loss of fission products would j Pkva,,rkll, anli ,n,Ti, Sammy Cahn. It was quite a re turn trip. (Ilia unc I Chuckle B Bll. KEANE It was Jack Benny, just twa , years ago, who had a long talk bring a proportionate increase in these figures, he said. McCullough said that "if a nu clear runaway is once started no human being can respond rapidly enougn to stop it. bucn an event wtn Phil Silvers and told him could culrnjnate in the complete MrnMtiv, "Phil, star out ef TV. melting or vaporiiing of a reactor You don't need IL Yon're Ihe and its structure, Tie said. Lett ex- grMt comedian aa the Broad posed, in that case, would be fis-, Wly age, TV ony nurt you, sion products which he noted are 1 stav awav from it " fron one million to one billion' The ht Silvers won not one, umes more ioxic man ouier ma- Bot ,WOi fcn, three Emmy Awards, tenals used in industry. . him a wire. All it said was, "I laid yon so." Benny followed the wire with a wonderfully insulting letter, the printable part of which read as follows: "Mary and I oth feel that si long as I had to lose, there was no one in show business we would rather see win thn you even though I personally do not think you are as good a comedi- KNOXV1LLE, Tenn. I About an as I am or Bob Hope or ler- lOOSchool Boys Involved InEigFiilit fouiK ( f AUNT 1 j " TEMA l:M a.m Wednesday Night Fights A 10-round non-title bout be-. tween World Welterweight Champion John Saxtoa and middleweight contender Gil Turner. . . . . . , . . 7:M p.m. Disneyland "Survival in Nature." II: M .m Hometown Theater-"Buried Alive" starring Beverly Roberts and Robert Wilcox. ' '. ' WEDNESDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV. IHF n: KOIN-TV. VHP I: UOE. VHP U HOIR M:N :U KPTV Horn IHoma IHema rKama ' . KOLNlPanorama Pat. iPanorama Pae. IPanorama Pae.' IPanntama Pat. svPTVItwui. Emit KOINI Valiant Ladr iTtnn. Irnla !Lo of UI Iftathw Not traathtt Nasi iSrarrh Tomor. IGulOtna UfM KPTV! Ding rjotif Ich. iDInf Dona Sri. itrnla Kovae ftmlt Karat . KOINIjark Paar 'Jack Paar At WorM Turnr At World Turn I A WTVlTodaj (Today IToday IV KOINlRobt Q. Uwti Robt Q. Uwla lUnkktltr KLORI rToday ILtnklttter I Pub. tnaprrrt j KPTVInbC Mat Thea.lNBC Mat Thta.tNBC Mat Thta 'NBC Mat. Ttiaa. KOINI Blf Payoff B1 Payoff I Bob Crosby iBoh Craaby KLORInim Ptirtlval IFlIm FtsMval Ifllm Pwtlval IPilm Pettlvat N KPTV! Date with Ufa IMojI. RomanmlQuMa for Day iQuota for Day' I w KOIN! Brlfhttr Day ISecrit Storm lEdta of Nlafl ICdn of Klahl KLORI Mm Fllvil IPllm rtlvi IEd( of NlfM Itdft of Mfht irilm rntlval film fMtlval "Juki as I thought toe much teltvisioa." High-powered VS'a-standard in heavy-duty jobal You get the big new 322-cu.-in. Loadmaster V8 in 9000 and KKKK) series trucks. The Taskmaster V8 is standard in other L.C.F. and heavy-duty models. In lightweights and most middle weights, V8's are extra-cost options. New. wider range oi models-rated up to 32.000 lbs, G. V.W.I Come in and look 'em over! Pickups, panels, stakes, heavyweights rated up to 50,000 lbs. G.C.W. with new Triple-Torque tandems-the right model for your job with the most modern features money can buyl 100 West High School boys fought it out among themselves Monday night with eggs, toma toes and heads of lettuce on fashionable Cherokee Boulevard. Police broke up the fight. which they said involved mem bers of three social fraternities, by rounding up about a third of the participants. The others es caped by car and foot. it. : : : i -A i . iiu injuries wcie iruuiicu. uui i i, me sirrei was a mess. At city jail. Safety : dramatic shows, "Four Star" it in ry Lewis or Red Skelton or Ad- lai Stevenson. In fart. W. C. Fields is a better comic than you ; the position of being wanted by are rifhf aow. Nn. Phil. I saw sponsors but with no tlnw spot you on TV the night of the ' available. Too bad, 'or thii jhow ; awards, and with those thick has consistently comt up with . glasses, bald head at d silly grin, excellent quality in all depart- you looked like an idiot." ments-writing. production, di- . . ,, . ., ,. reeling and performance. In - My spies report that the other ; ,nor, , ,ndout J sneakers SDoke in much the tame i vein, except that M per cent ef STARRDl'ST: D e a 1 1 s D a y printable. Ribaldry in .wants aui oi nit ibi. roniraci n. . , ! the hands of such masters as Jet- nd wont be around ta sign any Director i i d.. I i iLi.,i.. i. . mwn mhn ih nmhiI midm David I Garrison-offered those in fn( mest n mr An(l up. He's disapnolnted that the custody a choice of being charged a( t)f fd thrrr wwf ftr ,n Bflwor, hasn't teen able ta inot ! ai juvenile none or cieaum up p... ... , . . him ,B pythlng in ihe east three the street. They chose cleaning homf j VMrl He M ,he mWortuee, up the street ... . . : four years ago, of having his first If was all in tun, H-year- wiNuwnur.its nut. in ine film riM news this week. Johnny Mercery - whkh it ,hi, ,lnw WM has been elected the new presi-1 ,.,..hi. i. v.i.. . bi. dent of the Academy of TV Arts J ,1,, tna sciences succeemng lion, (CoPvtiw DeFore, and Sammy Cahn has1 cnrai ruturn corp.) KPTVIuatlDM Thf. iMatitvM Thu. IMatinM Tha. iMiIIm TKh ' KOIN! Armchair Tht. 'Armrhalr Tha. KOIN Kitrhca iKOIN Kllrhm KLORI Th Tht Hu1m KH?abelh Ifttlratwth 9 KPTVMaUnt Thta. (Matintt Thta. iWhafs Cooking iWhat's Cooking 'i KOINI Garry Moon ICarry Moor Arthur Godfrey lArthue Codfrty t .' P'tJw'y it HouwlLady of Hout Clamour Clrl J Glamour Girt r ) KPTVJcolorama IColorama XT I Bar V Corral "(Bar IT Corral O KOINlArthur Godlray Arthur Godfrey iSlrikt It Rich iStrikt It Rlrh V1 KLORI Mid-day Mat. JMId-day Mat. I Mid-day Mat iMId-day Mat wrivi Married Joanll Married JoanlHowdv Doody iKowd- SiUiniMr. Moota iCartoon Tlmt lied Pi! lug Bed C . tig KLORI Mid-day Mat. iPurpI Salt IThey Lean rfhty Uar 1: old told a newsman. Another said "Gee, I don't knov what my dad's gonna say." Orin aitk art , . . EVERYWHERE! Euput Anything less is an old-fashioned truck I CAPITOL CHEVROLET CADILLAC, INC. SION. Commercial St. Phone 3-3 175 Wit mam .4 BSC 'Up to $70. While Present Supply lasts rca Victor MAMS YOU! kwn wr MATry am T0M ALANCI aarniNT ra aiNNCi $20 $20 324.95 $30 $30 304.95 $40 $40 2345 $50 $50 264g $60 $60 24495 $70 j $70l22495 2140 S. COMMERCIAL PHONE 3-9201 RADIO AND TELEVISION For the Finest Service Call the "Men From Mam" Argentine Polio Epidemic Fought LONDON A voldMeer par ty of British medical specialists is leaving Wednesday in the liner Alcantara for Buenos Aires to work six months in Argentina's J polio epidemic. The Britons, headed by Monica Martin-Jones, senior teacher of physiotherapy at St. Thomas Hos pital, will help in after care of about 2,000 stricken infants. KVAL TV, VI1F 13 EUGENE: KVAL-TV, Channel II (Wtoneiday): I:N p.m. Slop. Look and Listen; 2:11 It Fun to Reduce; J;J Feather Your Nut; J:ta Mati nee Theater with "The Myitery" a reporter trarki down a murderous yans; 4:IS Modern Romances; 4;ja Guest Book; S:a Big Roundup: 5:30 -Politics 5: The News; S:Sa Sports: S:JS Weather; : Super man; :J Break the Bank; 7:t I Led Three Lives; T:MLlfe of Riley; J: Kraft Television Theater with "A Profile of Courase" the story of I e attempted impeachment of Presi dent Andrew Johnson: !: Science Fiction Theater; : - Sherlock Holmes: It: Mv Hero: 1:J This Is Vour Lite: ll:0ln.pector Mark Saber KOAC 550 k.c. KOAf (Wednesday): 1:M a.m. The News and Weather; 1:IJ Espe cially lor Women; 10:30 -OSC School ol Horsje Economics Staff: 11: The Concert Hall: U:0-The News and Weather: 12:15 p.m.-Noon Farm Hour; I :tt Melodv Lsne: 1:3 The Mill on the Floss; t:0-Especially for Women For a Lifetime of Men tal Health : "What Is Commerci il Entertainment;" 2:30 Memory Book of Music: J:l Oreon Reporter: J:IJ Music of the Majtera: 4: Stand By for Music; 4:1S On the Unheal; 4:4J News Commentary. JM Children's Theater; S:3t Lon don Forum; t:M-The News and Weather; :lS-Social Security: S:2 Arross the Desk. !-The Child Pevond; 7:tt Game Commission We Give Green Stamps With nil Carry-home ICE CREAM, SHERBET, And LOW-FAT FROZEN DESSERT Our Delicious let Cream in "Flavors Unlimited," packed In round, window-top half-galloni er hand-packed. Two favorite flavors . . . Fresh Banana Nut and English Almond Toff. DTSflLl PllCHi 138 So. Liberty At Bui Stop We Make Our Own Ice Cream Phone3 6R2R for Pirnir Orders to be ready when yon call for them. Parkers and Dippers Loaned KREE! T WTVlHarptr't iamb. IHarper'a Jamb, I Newt Central iNtwt Central a , KOIN nd Dunning IDouf Edwards iBravt Ea(la (Bravt Cailt , KLORMicky aloutt iMickey Mouse Mickey Meuat atlekey Muaa'; KPTVlDateUnt lur'p. I Dateline Eur'p. I Hitchcock INtwt Caravan-; KOINj weather-Newt Political !lt Carsnn Kit Carson KLORrighta riirhti irightt jBranaMn tj." KPTV'Dlrtet. Plyhs. 'Direct. Plyht. (Dad Kn'wa Best Dad Kn'ws Beat 1 KOIN p.ui winrhell Paul Winchell (Paul Wlnchell iPaul WlneheU, ivLUK Dtsneyland D KPTVi Krart Theat. " K01N Millionaire KLORI Dunnlnrer SKPTVYHr Lilt ROIN stuttlt M KLORlBrk D,nk iDlsneyland v' IDIsntyland I Kraft Theat. IMIlltonalrt IDunnlnier "lYour Ult (Studio tl " IBrtak Bank Disneyland .1 IKrart Theat. Kraft Theat. Il'vt'a Berrel H'vt a Secret f I Maequeradt ' Maqutradt ' "iMr.'D. A. Mr." D. A,1 path Ctntury Wth Century ! 'Jack O'DanntlllTn aVtcrtt w '- ift KfTViMayor at Twa.l Mayor of TwTvnl(ht ITonlaht , ,;. svUIHisoth Century IMth Century Palt) Pat iShow aw I KLORlMark Hatfield I NEWS Hm, Tw, Thct Home Tw. Thtj . tPTVITonlht ITonlaht IPaul at Ford Paul t, Psrd X 0INshew ail hew I alhaw a t Shew Ml ; KLOR! Home T' The Hm Twn. The Hm. Twa. ThialHom Twa. Th WEDNESDArS RADIO atLM Ut JtOCO I4W KOAI l3t KOIw'tl JK0Wt7t KIXJltT rati M.iacytles -"KOIN HI I; KtX tt.ii OW lTl " t:M HOUR :I5 M:tl 6 I 8 KII.M Vail Farmcait Vail rarmeaat Vail Farmcast Ntwt KAI farm News Brk Nook KOIN World News iKnIN Klurk IKUW Music World Ntwt rKEX iewi-Ke'p Tm .Ke.p runt .KII.S ittmtnfwa BrkfsL Cant iKOCt' Carljf Worm Early Worm m;ai 4rk Nook Brk Nook 1 KOI.N COIN Klock Headl Ntwt MiW Listen Listen REX etwt Keep flmt Brk Nook KOIN Kloet Utten Keep Tim "Brekf Gan( Early Worm iBrk Nook (ioaa Newt I Listen Keep Tlmt "Bible Inst Early Worm Brk Nook t heller tort. Listen Keep flmt Nook-fttvi KOIN Kite Ultra Keep Tlmt Ntwt Farly Wee Nook-Ntwt Babbitt thaw 'Fisher Retort Keep Tlmt "llTblt Instt Early Worts. Nook-New Shellee fee Lliten Keep flmt 9 KII.M llff Entlt Family Altar koto Wally'i Sporta Early Worm KOAI .rk Nook Brk Nook nOIN i.nsum'r NewaValle. Ntwt KGW Listen iLlsten SEX News-Kp TlmeiKeep flmt kSl.M News Newa Paatot Call Bargain (fint't koto News-gportt Early Worm 149 Tune at I4SO Tun Bt. -. KUAt Spider-Hits Spider-Hltl 8pider-Hlta Hits-Newa KOIN Wendr Warrtai Howard Miller (Helen Trent Mid-Mora N'wt Mi Lttten Listen Listen Listen KF.X Brkfst Club Brkfst Oub Srkfst Club Brkfai Club KSLM Ntwt I KOCO Ntwa-Sporta " KGAI OKOIN RfiW RtX Solder-Hits Mra. Burton Weekday Coif -K West rest KOCO Newa-Sporta Tello Teal 14SM rune 81 Coffee Tlmt lAunt Mary Weekday Bob Garred Tunt Test 14M rune St KOAK Dinner Wuintr Dinner Winner "pider-HIU Road of Ult 1KOIN Knw KtX Nordlne Girl Marriee Rulletin: 7:IJ FA'eninf Farm Hour: M- Kevhoarrl Classics; -4.VNws and Weather 9i0-Muslr That F.n rtures S-4S F.vemnf Merlitations C inlerhii' v Grmip. 10 00 Sicn Off WE TAKE BETTER CAPE OF YOUR TV PHONE ANYTIME 4-3397 See Service Calh M Daily 1410 t llth Sunday Service rffe I to a m TEIEVISION e?VICE CO. Mifi i fin St"i i, jttTTs f-'f.rxm-. ;:j.i iMa Ptrklna IDr. Malone IDr. Peale To the Ladles Whlip'nng Stt Ceo, Putnam Top Trades Ishnwtlme Wings of Song Wing el Song 1490 Tunt St I4!J Tune St Kelly Wedding H.ts-Newe. Nnrt Drake . Aunt Jenny .i'. Weekday Weekday M.y True Story My True Story ' Queen a Day Queen t ity . . 1490 IV : rllU-Newi IRulding Light Ta the Lad tee ' IPaul Harvey I4U0 Tune St, N W Newa Showtime KOAK News Lunchin Munch Town Crier KOIN News. Weather Come Ctt II Hmie Party a KSLM Newt I kOCO World Newa a i 7k(iW Fanner Newa Ijwrence WelkPepper Voung IWoman In Haa, Hex Art Baker Hues conraa IHusa conrao irarm Newt Vail Farmcait IShowtlme Lunrh-Newt H'niie Party KSl.M Matinee Matinee Matinee) Matintt News-Sporti Ladies' Lane Clanna CalllngiClarlne Calling' Lunch. Munch Lunchin MuncniLuncn Muncn .unrh-Newt ' Artn Oodlrey Arth Undfrey Arth Cindfrey Arthur Gonfref HapDInata iwidder brown iweekday weekday KCX Newt-Conrad Rust Conrad Rust Conrad Rust Conrad A KtX'O 1 KG AS I KOIN KCX 2 KSl.M KOCO KflAR KOIN KGW 3 tel. n 'inn ewii nrmin fKOt'O T"wt-Sporta Clarln ilkliAl h'at'h Fallot Pat's IkiIIN Kirkhdlli NewtlAlexa ln(, vlus-McAn'lty Mus .KSl.M Matinee I KOCO Newt-Sporta Pat s Parlor Arth Unnirey McAn. Music KK News-Conraa KSLM Malinee KOCO News-Sporlt KOAK Pat l Parlor KOIN R'Kh As lion KGW KtX Matinee News Matinee Clarlne Calling Citrine Calling Clanne Calling Pat s Parlor Pat s Parlor Parlor-News Arth Godfrey CKid Newt Make Up Mind McAn. Music. McAn. Muslt Prescription Rusi Conrad Kuss Conrad Rust Conrad TsiorrrTmi" WoTvviilam'tt Tello Teit Clarlne Calling1 Clarint CalllngiClarlne Calling Pal l Parlor Pat a Parlor Parlor-Newt Our Gai bund iTake Thirty Take Thirty wcAnulty Mu.iMcAnulty Mual'' McAn Ity Ntwt-Conrad Run Conrad Butt Conrad Mus-McAn He Rust Conrad KSl.M 'ton lwis Hemingway Here s Answer Sam Hayes 1 1 . .Willi- .!.( ,Mll..r .Blip Parlor Pat s Parlor Ptrkr-Newi . xannert Newspa. of AlrlNewspa. of Alt- MrAn'ity Mua McAnultv Mus McAnuity - News-Blackh rniBoh Blackburn Roh Blackb'rn t'oh Blackburn.'' SEE PHIL HITCHCOCK RepublicM I Of U.S. Senator KOIN-TV (4) Tonight 10 SO M KPTV (17)Teaitht t JS t M. ti. Adv. Hitckcacli ler U. S. Senator Comm. Pawl Hebe, Chm, Sit S. W. Salmon, Portland KM M Hnb A Rav Hob it RftV Dob Grn Slow Dnvt Trtifflr JHmhf Tnni Harmon Bill Rrunrtat vV llv'l Sports ? tn on Frank (him 'it YOU'LL IMPROVE ANY RECIPE THAT CALLS FOR TL0UR WITIt KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR f WBlirfrl hr tilt, cieint, caktl. Iriilt, In I i -- t',' t ' i i SAFEWAY STORE ! aaKI)(() Sews-Spnrtt Slim Drive aVM.AP rraflic Jamnr Traffir Jam 4 BSOIN t:d H Murrow l.m-al Newt 1 saTRtitsy vlui-MrAn'lty laical News I'11 Mason Flmef Peter'i.' hl X News-lllsrkb rnlHoh tllackb rn Bob Blarkh rn Bob niarKb rn. Hai7rafT.aih lieatter Memory Time News Sam Hayes ?' Kilt O News-Sporia Candleilsnt V.inrllelnht Candlelnht Q iOIN Sports News laywell Thomat Amoa n Andy Amiil n Andy O KtiW C"hit Huntley Slock Report Lone Ran-I Ranger KtX Fights iFights IFighls IFights S 7 KSl.M fi-ue netectlve T-.te IVterlive Baseball Baseball KIK'O Sews-Sporta hyth. at Blues Rhyth. Si BluttiRhjrth. dr Blue. KOIN Melodv M'-lodv Bing Crosby Johnny Dollar.5 Kt.W 3 Slr Xtra Man on rio !()ld Dusty Old Dusty r. KKX Bill Stern 1 Bnh Garred .Bob Aflkins !Bsb Adkint KSl.M Baseball IBasehall IB.isehall iBaseball t. Hiiro News-Sports Rhyth -Blues Rhvth -Bluet Bhyth -Bluet O KOIf Jaiir rsTrrrr trk- varsun 1 til t bi ; KGW World Newt 1 Man's Fam. Dance Time Dance Tlmt KF.X Adkins Shoe Adkint Show Adklns Show Adkint Show . Baseball 1 Baseball BaVeball iBaseball Kot o lewi-Sportt Track 1490 Track 1490 Track I4SS KOIN Mv Son Jeep Treasury Show Waahtn. D. C. IrVashtn. D. C. KGW Groucho Mara Croucho Marx B,ndwnn Bandwagon . KCX Hob Adkins Boh Adklns Jimmy Fidler Edw P. Morgan 1 KSl.M Baseball IBaseball INewa IMusIc KOCO Sewt-Sporls Track 1490 14tfi Tune St 1490 Tune St aimv 1 e.t, rini lavree Ren'ta Javree Remirta Good Cvenina Rchf'.d Rep. Dance Time fiance Time Dance Tlmt KTX Newt Danceland nanreland Danceland Akgw IK SIM Music Vusle KIKfl es-Sportl silent KOIN Nes-I"iil Or Mus Tonile 1KGW Pance Time Oanie fimt KKX Danreland Danretand I Music Toni'e Dance T mt 'Danreland Music vTui Tonitt Dance Tlmt Danceland