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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1956)
' . Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., May 15, "56 (Sec. IIJ-1I5'. Massachusetts - Called "Hub of Universe" -! l - - - V i -' - . - .. s' Jk " " t -. 171 - i 1 JI - . '"Yr ' "' i' ' -: -T-u ft If" U ' 'I t'C .' '. ..1'' lit! . i 5.V 'I" '.'T v, '. -- Bay State Serves Huge Area, By Land and Sea; Industrial, Recreational Developments Emphasized BOSTON The tremors from thelAroerica; new industries, natural New uses of the wealth ef the istitutiou like Harvard, kUsfachac-i the Bay State alae it tied together ahot beard 'round the world are outgrowths of Yankee ingenuity; j sea are announced with the rapid- etta Institute of Technology. North-! by mm of the most completely u still vibrating in Massachusetts, jnew theatres, expressing the cul- ity of baseball scores. Massachut- eastern University, Boston CoUege : tegrated railroad Bet works la tat They still vibrate in the blood of ture of centuries; new schools, i etta, the birthplace of the frozen and Boston University, arc carry-1 world. Three major railroads serre her native sons, in her soil that commanding the established insti- foods industry, continues to be a ing on research programs whose , the Slate, providing quick, easy nurtured America, in her indus- tutions ta remaiS young and search leader in the field with newly- j ramifications will not be known I access to Canada, the mid-weft and tries which guided the infant Free-; the Truth with open 'mind; and developed fish sticks. The explor-1 for centuries to come. ' the Atlantic States, dom through her first tottering new hospitals and research centers, ing tourist will find that nearly I Her legislators have for years ' Supplementing the sea, air and steps and now direct her offspring, ; disseminators of the secrets of ever; sea coast village and town been cited by political science stu-;rl11 transportatioa art hundreds at and in her vacation paradises ' mind and body to all mankind, has hidden somewhere ints boun-; dents as among the most active trucking companies operating some where her Inhabitants and guests The pulse of Massachusetts is ad- daries either a frozen foods pack-and flexible governing units in thei2'00 trucks in Maasachusetti and relax ana piay ever inanxiui to venture. tng piani or a researcn cenier tori nation. Him who created this geographical masterpiece. And a geographical masterpiece it is. Within Massachusetts bor ders is located the make-up of the world. M Recreational Areas To the west you will find, framed against the sky, a tiara of solemn hills and mountains which warm their eastward feet in the green- TirsU" are second-nature to the the industry, 1 Contrary to popular belief, Mas- sarhusetts textile industry is not' waning. Only recently, new textile plant construction has been started to cope with the tremendous in crease in demand tor synthetic fabrics, discovered and developed: in Bay Stale laboratories. The new Massachusetts Turnpike THE UNITED STATES Exclusive Series in THE STATESMAN Hage Saee PrednetiM Long recognized as the leader in blanketed valleys of the Connecti- Bay State native, but to the visitor thf ,hof jnau5try( Ba, 54,!, (ac. cut River. The valleys in turn they are signposts of America- (ories tnrou(ih old-fashioned merge themselves with the snowy- all pointing to a progressive fu- Yankee ingenuity, have continued white sands and agitating surf of ture. . (0 jmprovt manufacturing pro- the imposing Atlantic coastline. The Saugus Ironworks Restora- mtn ,e hf w(wrf weu-cisperseo uirougn au pans iwo, huuucu JU tion records stagger the imagina- Boston-Tho famous Statu of tht Man with the Mow (Minvtt msn) located on tho Concord Battleground, Concord, Mass., commemorates tho beginning of tho Revolutionary War. Be Massachusetts Peoulatien i.tHAU ta). Area l,U7 so,. mL (44th). Capital Boston. Bird Chickadee, Tree Elm. Admitted to Union; Cth el original 11 states (Feb. C, 1788). Principal ritiet Boston (M1.444), Worrester CIJ, 48) Springfield (1C2JM); Casabridge i:t,740); rail River (Uli3): New Bedford (109,189); Somerville (1V J41). au. .a.. li.. :il Dn.t 1 1H eMtlat HArtk rJ Hnttn less than 39 separate forest and is the country 'a first successful i , sinse month, Vassachusetts' park recreational areas, aU within ironworks, rebuilt to look as it did shw factoriM producd enough easy reach of one another. 3oo years ago. hike Inr than mn wamm nA BUI ptayianas ana resoru alone ! inausmai growm in me nay hiw,.. mn,. ih.n is ,r m Auworiiy, tne cenirai Aneriai mmnli vrtlnnlnrf.. Hi.tnri, do not make the visitor aware, State has been taking place at the nf ,h. v.itrA c,.(M , , Highway, the Mystic River Bridge Boa, N.nhirkrt Urth.'. Vii. immediately upon arriving, of the rate of more than one new plant. even (of effoint Bay State. tnA ,h reently formed Masse- yu NorU 5hor4 a more than adequate sritrm of bus lines. Closely coupled with Massachus etts' modern transportation sys tems is the tremendous vacation tiavel industry which the state en joys. It has been estimated by the Department el Commerce that the thousands of visitors to the Bay State each year spend well ever $409,000,609 exploring and enjoy log I her lands. Attrartient Preserved As an adjunct to the tremendous highway program, every year mil lions of dollars are appropriated ta promote and preserve Massa chusetts natural attractions which cater to the tourists. ' Besides the 39 state recreational areas, Massachusetts has been fur ther divided into nine distinct and entered the new company, or major plant ex- Mns. ,lrikine .Ay.... in indus. chusctts Department of Commerce. Centrai Massachusetts. The Berk. trial progress, however, may be fact that he has "Cradle of Liberty," the "Hub of pansion per calendar day. nro. however mav be directed by its horizon-searching Mr pioneer Vallev and Cane ine l niverse ana Americas inausiriai giams iuik, amtuugn fnllnj :n ik. i .urtrnnir oninttionrr rrcuvn, r dui r-yi Hometown." nay should be re- Massacnusews nas ns snare 01 Massachusetts today holds the un-01 Massacnuseus answers 10 , Historic Boston, probably the served until a more exacting ex-, them, do not measure uje economic disputeo position s the leader in lne changing conditions. ! best known of MassachuartU vaca- amination is made. I soundness of a geographic area. this excitin4 ncw worW , Kieact-1 Because of her physical location, 1 tion areas, offers unlimited oppor- -Aaveniuret id siore 1 iit-rr . wrii-iuuiiu cvu, . . From ,he huDdrejs f electronic , MassachusetU will ever be pressed tuaities for wonderful and educa- Whether your arrival in the Bay scnooi oi mougm inai possiDiy labs and lans in ,n parts 0 keep pace with the nation and tional holiday. State is by plane, tram, boat or mversilicauon is a oeuer yarasiici. f th . . h .i.rilin the world. Literallv a cross sec- Theaters, museums, musical ran. automobile, it will be marked with Using the yardstick ot diversm- disC()verie, whjch have affected the tion of New England, her Port of I certs, me suacien exnnarating leeung canon, massacnuseus n nui m iim of ,he peopiei 0( the world. I Boston is 200 miles nearer Europe ! lakes, ui mere is auvrniure in store, i j ra vm. nsi u here in this shrine of history. I varied infant and established in Your Massachusetts adventure dustries would require much more will take many forms; it will ! ipace than is available here, challenge the dimension of time, ! Programs Forge Ahead lulling you with the romanticism j The established fish, wool, leath of the past and shocking you with er, textile, paper and shoe indus the utilitarian present. tries are forging ahead, enjoying New buildings, overshadowing : the benefits of the state's many some of the first ever built in I research programs. low, epitomizing; the drama and struggles of America's ear- , lies! days, Faneuil Hall still stands in Boston's teeming Dock 5,, Square market place. It was given to Boston as a Town Hall p. by Peter Fanouil in 1742, and was tho canter of Revolution. L" ary activities. It is still used for public military museum and F library. a ' t' ' I , . r : I. 1 1 4. - !::! !' I;- if Leader la Medicine Besides the envious position Mas sachusetts holds in the industrial and electronic fields, she is also a recognized leader in medical re search programs. Every year, thousands who have devoted their lives to the medical profession, flock to Boston, the medical center of the world. There are 32 colleges, universi ties and technical schools in Mas sachusetts. Universally known in- restaurants aid nearby beaches and amusement than any other major American j centers fill the tourist'a every sec- port it is 400 miles nearer Buenos ond. Aires than is New Orleans and it is 100 miles nearer to Rio de Janeiro than is Baltimore. Served by If Airltaee Supplying freight and passenger service to all parte of the world through 19 airlines, Logan Inter national Airport at Boston can han dle the largest commercial planet built today. The natural marketing area of Areas Easy el Aeeese To tne industrialist, the Bay State'a physical make-up la a fav orable profit and loss item; to the vacationer, it is a unique revela tion. Very shortly he discovert that within a matter of bourt he may reach any one ol the nine vacation landt from any starting point he chooses. Welcome la Massachusetts! " - . s "- - f f; :ZT- . , i ... 1 i' m c- 1 11"S - u ? BeMlvev-Mititojm el Amarkeni art) familiar with tfiia 220-foot, marble eeuk-th Bunker MiH monument an BroeeT t Hill, '; Chariostown, Mats,, cammemoraHng fhe ttsnd ef raw Amatv kan mlllHa agalnat tha cream ef British troope. Erected bo twaan 1125-42, It H vftited by rhentsands of visitors annually.' ! A statue of Col. William Pretcotr ("Donl fire until yow aaa tht ' whites ef their eye") ttands at ttt base, mtlde h mvteuav .... i . Jl if . 6- Boston-High In tho hills It ewoMika Cobble Mt. toserveir l : Blandford, a short but vnforgottabla drive off Route 23 baa - twean WetrfleM and Otlt an tho way from Pionoor Valley toj the lerfcthlres. Sloop rocky hillsides surrounding the reser voir offer treasure trove to tho amateur geologist, several vert. - otiet ef semi-procloui stones boing found there. f ' Mini 'Jit . iii.iwiii in , m Stk-ffPt Boston Massachusorts industrially Is growing tremendously In "r ' I. practically all types of production. Below it the world-famous American Optical plant at Southbndge. r ... .. v 1 , -r .... I ' - - . f I ' v a))wWastBSjBSsasss mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimm. Boston-Thit imposing granite canopy protects one of America's most sacred shrinet, Plymouth Rock. Half a million tourists visit this lovely Massachusetts community which keeps alive the traditions and landmarks of tho hardy Pilgrim Band that made the first permanent settlement in the Bay State. (Photos by Massachusetts Department ef Commerce). '-"'ix 4 Boston-Constructed from meticulous records kept by the original Pilgrims of Gov. WinthrejA day, the replica af the First Fort and Meeting House at Plymouth it one of tho finest oxant pies of living history in Massachusetts. Throughout the summer months, this structure and fho V First House replica, are manned by costumed hostesses and attendants wno daily pose ror osm Jl terlet af vititinjj photographers a few moments walk from Plymouth Reck.