The Weather rOHtC AfcT (horn 0. I WM ' Bureau. McNary ritld. SaktoO: THt today, tontfhl am! 'nlnr- Star. A tattle warmer, with tlfk " temperature today near IS anal W ' fcwMl toaiht aotr at Temparatuit at Ul a.m. today M, U . Willamette Itlvtr i$ twat - ., salem rtctmTioi " Slat Sort of Wt WI . 1 TaH Teat . ta Tear mm arte -"as mm FOUNDED 1651 6 Miteili A trip eat by rail a week ay revealed that across the nonhe: tier of states winter was still lounr inj, in the Up of spring. S ill ; great deal of snow in the North era Rockies (Glacier park), and farm opcrtions are quite belated. Plowing and seeding were getting urdcr way across Illinois, but east of Chicago the plows hadn't begun to turn the earth. Willow whips on sandbars along the Mississip pi were showing their yellow-green tint which is harbinger of spring. However, on the Atlantic coast the season was farther advanced, the flowering shrubs and daffodils and! tulips being at the peak of their beauty. , The hangover of winter was brok en at the weekend when the tem perature in New York and Chicago jumped to 89. The ousting of win ter, moreover, was accompanied by a twist as windstorms and tor . nadoes struck the Alleghany and Great Lakes section. Returning by air on a night flight we rode above the winds and it certainly was pleasant to land in this valley lush and green in its cover of grass "and foliage.. The eastern errand was to- at tend a meeting of trustees of t' Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in New York. This is one of the oldest (Continued ta editorial page, 4.) lOerh Year 2 SECTIONS-! PAGES The Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday May IS, 19S4 PIICI U No. 4f Admirers Gather Around Stevenson After Salem Speech n I M I Speedy Prosecution of Dam Builders Urged Chiropractor Probe Minus Indictments A Marion County grand jury decided Monday Dr. Paul V. Mossberg, Portland chiropractor, had no criminal intent when he made charges against his Salem colleague, Dr. Forrest I. Goddard, in a petition to have him ousted as chairman of the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners. The jury's report said it found no evidence to substantiate accu sations by Mossberg that Dr. God dard referred four patients to "a certain doctor in Portland . . . for an illegal operation." "Al though the accusations were false", the report read, "we did not indict Dr. Mossberg ... be cause we felt that he published this petition without having a criminal intent to injure or de fame ..." While clearing Mossberg of any possible criminal prosecution, the jury took a sharp slap at John Brady, Portland accountant, who is reported to have furnished the doctor with information for basis of his petition. Wording of the report indicated tht grand jury of two women and five men would have Indicted Brady had his name been attached to the petition. (Add. details an Page J, See. 1) r. m m mv . .4 r- aBW " B I Y . f J! ...IMS- 1 AT fh S VM 11 2ti ,vt wv m Kj.u : J nil"- t. . .f..-.,.ir..!' . Police Search For Body at Area Ranch State police who spent 10 hours Monday digging for a body south west of Salem said they will renew their efforts this morning. The search started after a report i from Marysville, Calif., police that a Salem man told them be had killed a man on the W. G. Hanna Ranch at Roberts Station about 10 days ago and buried the body in a hole which had been dug for aome dead sheep. The man held on a technical charge at Marysville, listed as Floyd Wayne Smith 74, waa em ployed as a farm hand on the Hanna fruit and sheep ranch, Mra. Hanna said. Smith, jailed after an anonymous telephone tip, said he killed the unidentified man with a knife in fight in his quarters at the ranch, according to Associated Press. . police uncovered some dead sheep before darkness set in Moo-day. Rose Princess Choice Begins Adlai Stevenson, Democratic presidential aspirant, greets Sslealfor write-in votes la Friday's primary election. A crowd estimated area party workers and others following his speech Monday from at 300 persons heard the former Illinois governor's brief speech the steps of the courthouse. Stevenson, Democratic standard and the turnout probably included quite a tew curious Salem area bearer in 1952, stopped here in the middle of an Oregon campaign ' Republicans. (Stasman photo). 4 Perish as IBig Freighter Splits Vessel Votes Added By Harriman In Wyoming By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS New York Gov. Averell Harri man showing signs of becom- Soviet to Cut Armed Forces By 1,200,000 MOSCOW 01 - The Soviet Un-j ion announced Monday night it would cut its armed forces within a year by 1. MO ,000 men and use the manpower in industry and ag- City Plans Parking Areas Near 12th Street Project By ROBERT GANGWARK City EdUer, The Matesmaa The city Is planning to create new parking areas near 12th and Mill streets when parking on 12th Street is prohibited after completion of the big widening and railroad track separation project. This was reported to Salem City Council Monday night by City Manager J. L. Franien who earlier in the day announced that the State Highway Commission would open bids on the 12th Street project at Its June 4-5 meeting. i City officials were reported riculture 1 ""ilm" '""im fa j A government statement said ; wgolinting with Southern I DTOlllCrS "other governments such as those '"' TV"' of the United States, Britain and th SP property on the south side France wishing to contribute to,2 M'11 Street just east of 12th. tlu strenathenina of peace, can-i " wul Pa elm cars 011 I not but follow this example." It i street. made no reference to armed ! Eight Feet forces slashes by Western powers: The city administration was In I since World War II. i structed by the Council to proceed The U.S.S.R. also reported it would put 375 ships of the Soviet with this and with a plan to widen Mill Street by eight feet in the navy into mothballs and disband j entire block west of 12th. so that a number of military training' cars may park along the now- --1 ! - I, I i J .1 IJ ..r. U Irl.ninM t. m llH ing an "act ve" candidate for the -"' " ' " '."' ."v"'" Democratic presidential nomina tion picked up S's of Wyoming's 14 votes to the Democratic na tional convention Monday. For months, the governor has said he is not an active candidate. But he told Wyoming Democrats the New York delegation will put his name in nomination at Chi cago, and that he will not be of fered merely as a "favorite son." And he said at the Wyoming state convention: "I am not making an open bid for Wyoming's delegation, but I'd be very much honored to have their support." no figure. , estimated. The statement, read to corres- Businesses affected include De pondenls at a foreign ministry pot Hotel. Tallman Piano Store news conference, said: and others. The hotel operator. "By undertaking these new re- John Chastain, predicted business ductions the Soviet government is would be hurt even with the sub- striving to contribute to the prac- stitute parking facilities. Close in Tiny Things, Too Adlai Seeking Write-ins; Hits Hard at GOP BY THOMAS G. WRIGHT JR Staff Writer. The Statesman Adlai Mevenson, swinging a heavy verbal club at the foreign and domestic policies of the Eis enhower administration, beat a campaign path through the mid Willamette Valley Monday in quest of Democratic write-in en dorsement for president. In sharply critical language, Stevenson stated the present ad ministration had done nothing for the farmers, nothing for the schools, small business, health, labor or old people. And worst of all, he said, "is loss of stature '! re-. i Jv- - ...," A Action Sous! It Against PGE, Idaho Power tical carrying out of the disarma ment program now under consid eration in the United Nations." Sewer Ditch Cave-in Kills f George Takes Portland Man TwT i ma Tl : PORTLAND UH Joe C. Catlin, iwurost WASHINGTON 0H-Sen iD-Ga' Monday night accepted President Eisenhower's invitation In serve as his personal repre sentative in development of the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza tion into something more than a military unit Another Step In another 12th Street project step, the aldermen passed a bill to extend present one-way direc tion of traffic on Court, Chemck eta, Center and Marion Streets as far east as 13th and to otherwise effect the traffic-circulating plan that will be possible when 12th is widened on the west side of the tracks and when the street is ex tended north on a curve into Capi tol Street. The big project has been in about .15, was killed in a sewer varlou Planning stages ever since ditch cave-in Mondav at the new I Salem voters authorized it with a city zoo construction site in the 1 1200,000 bond issue just two years Kenneth snd Robert Brondel seem to be always crossing trails. Even for brothers, they seem to have a closeness that is unusual. Both are construction workers. From Wyoming, both found their way to Salem. Kenneth moved here with his parents, Mr. and iu3 uivmiiii, imtui . Oregon, made three Salem ap- ago; Robert followed when he got pearances in the middle of a out of the Army about five years busv dav's tour which also in- ago. eluded talks at Portland, Wood- Robert, the elder brother, mar- burn, Lebanon and Hillsboro. (Picture Wlrrehata Page) MONTEREY, Calif. 01 A big ocean ireighier cut In two and sank a small lumber ship oft tht California coast early Monday. Four men, all from the 29-man crew of th lumber earner. How ard Olson, lost their lives. One other man from the Olson waa Injured. The second ship, the Ma rine Leopard, reported no Injuries. Bodies recovered were those of Frsnk Krohn, second assistant en gineer from San Francisco; An drew Scheib, third mate from Los Angeles; and Richard McHugh, first assistant engineer from Port land, Ore. Still missing and presumed drowned is Cyrus Kalen, a stew ard from Oakland, Calif. No one seemed able to explain the collision. The night was clear and only small swells stirred the ocean. Calif., was standing watch on the i "Vaticf Pll ft! mi bridge. He saw the lights of the VUIiai.l ULilUll freighter Marine Leopard and he said she seemed to be right on By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Criminal prosecution wal proposed - again Monday '. against two private power companies which are bu'ldinf " power da,ms without approval . from the state of Oregon. , - Opponents of the Idaho Power ... Co. in the Hells Canyon case de , manded to know whether the firm will be prosecuted for starting coastructioa of Us dam without Oregon license. ( .. Bella by Taeniae . . - - la the other dispute, Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Thornton ruled that tht Jefferson County district attorney ,' should bring criminal proceedings . tt force Portland General Electric Co. to halt construction of Pettoa Dam oa the Deschutes River. ' . . C. Girard Davidson, represent ing groups favoring high federal dam la Hells Canyon, wrote '' letter to Jess Hlmmesbach, acting , district attorney tt Baker County. "We would like to know." David-' son wrote, "whether yo) are going to enforce tht laws of tht stats of Oregoa It Baker County by instituting criminal proceedings , against the Idaho Power Co., and , If so, when?" , - , CeastraeilM Started ' Idaho Power, after obtaining t Federal Power Commission H PORTLAND Pat Harita, pretty ll-year-eld seaUr at FraaUin cense, began constrwetion of High School, was naased Monday aa the dry's first Rest Festival Brownlee Dam at the Snake River rutceet of 154. She it tht daaghtef at Mr. aad Mrs. Edward earlier this year. Horita, Portland. Btadeato at the tight aabUt high acheels will Davidson's letter aaid Thornton choose their princesses la tht next two weeks, aad tat of them had .ruled Feb. a that Idaho will be ratten to rait next asonth's festival. (AP Photo). Road Budget Far Short Of Need, Hartley States JOHNSON. of the United States throughout course." the world." "Then she seemed to turn right Salem Talks into us. . ." he said. "It was too Stevenson, who is battling Sen. big a ship moving too fast. AH I Estes Kefauver for write-in votes 'could do was sound the alarm." i in rndays Primary election in ried Bernice Wagner, whom he met while stationed in South Da kota, about 11 years ago. Ken- Getting a friendly hand from the weatherman, Stevenson was greeted by over 500 persons who Mercury Hits Month's High Salem ares temperature jumped to 76 Monday, the highest so far this month and the warmest since April 20. Forecast is for continued fair to day and Wednesday and a little warmer, McNary Field weather men said. The hi eh todav is ex- their ' second child, an ciKht txrnaway audience of over 200 peeled to be around 711 and the low Dound. seven-ounce girl: for n"""M "'"" .tonignt aoout 40. neth married Bernice s sister, gathered on the Marion County Arlle Wagner, about eight years : Courthouse lawn to see and hear ago. I him. Following a brief talk he Monday, Robert and Kenneth literally made his way handshake probably felt as close as thev lover handshake from there to ever have as they paced the floor i the speakers table at the Senator at Salem Memorial Hospital. The I hotel where he gave his major r..ii- fnr Kpnnpih nii Arlip ! address of the day before a By CALVIN D, Staff Writer, The Statesman County needs are being met in every respect except la the matter of roads. County Judge Ret Hartley said Monday during the first day's session of the committee examining the 1HC-1957 Marlon County budget. "If we could, we would multiply by It our present road budget,' Hartley said, referring both to the necessity of holding expenses down on a preliminary budget that Is already t9t,$00 over the I per cent annual increase permitted county budgets, and the relatively small ($23,245) increase tor general road maintenance and construction that Commissioner Roy Rice's $431,32 request represents. Wllhia Umitattea Concerning the total preliminary budget of W.235.M5, Judge Hartley earlier said, "1 am sure wt will balance the coming budget within the I per cent limitation and still provide most of the services neces sary to the county." In subsequent interviews with some 11 department heads, how ever, there was no indication how the 196.500 excess would be made. "Cuts in requested hinds will not be announced until after all branches of county government are heard," Hartley explained. Tax Levy Totalled If passed as it stands the budget would have to be approved by Marion County voters before be coming effective. This would in volve authorizing a tax levy of $1,623,105, which would include the $M.SO0 figure. Power was violating Oregon law . aad that tht attorney general hat t tastrwettd tht Baker County dis trict attorney to prosecute. Nt proceedings hart boon started. . The Ortgaa Hydroelectric Cans .-. mission has not yet announced a decision ta Idabt Power's appUca ttoa for l preliminary fermtl -Davidson said this meant "the company has no permission to la . vestigste the site, let alone pre- ; ceed with construction." Expressway Moves Swiftly Construction on the Portland Salem expressway is proceeding rapidly, and completion of the route is expected by Aug. 1, As sistant State Highway Engineer G. S. Paxson said Monday. The southern half of the route, between Wilsonville and Salem, was closed 12 days sgo to per mit completion. Paxson said the highway com mission has received many com plaints about the closure, which has made it necessary to divert traffic over Route ME between Salem snd a point north of Hubbard. "We took a long time to de The levy Is determined by sub- tion to the Storer plan. ert and Bernice their fourth iiniicai oi uur i iwinern uregon Deacnes win De cine wneiner io ciose me express- child, s six pound. 15-ounce boy. ln D0,n n was sharply critical a little cooler, according to sso-:way, but we decided we had to. of trip RrDllhlican administration ; riateri Prpce A hish InHav f nun II wnnlH h vtrmlv hTarrfnii 'which he said had detoured from 'is expected:' low tonicht. 43-4R: ! to ' have trsffie on the route I fwting estimated revenues of the party of Lincoln to the "party north winds 5 to 15 miles an hour I while construction is under wav " i I.W,740. plus an anticipated sur- of Lincolns and Cadillacs." Para-1 Protests Due In Shifting Of Salem TV WASHINGTON ID - Three Port land, Ore., broadcasters Monday notified the Communications Com mission they will oppose vigorous ly the proposed allocation of VHP TV channel I to Portland. The protesting stations, KGW. KLOR. and KOIN-TV. aU very high frequency stations, filed their protest jointly, u was a result of plan submitted to tht commit . sion last week by Storer Broad casting Co., operating Portland UHP channel V station KPTV. Storer asked to purchase tht outstanding construction permits (or proposed channel I ststloa KSLM-TV at Salem, Ore., and that channel 3 be shifted to Portland and KPTV be permitted to tper ato ta It. Storer cited difficulties la com peting with the existing Portland VHP outlets. These outlets Mon day asked for additional time, to the end of this month, tt file a detailed statement of their opposi- George West Hills. Catlin, helping dig a deep trench, was standing in a It font hole when the unsupported side caved in. Alone In the excavation, he was covered with dirt and clay. Fellow workmen atarted digging ago this month. (Add. ran sell news pg. 2, sec. 1.) PARENT KILLER GUILTY EATON, Ohio Two sen tences of life imprisonment were given to Kenneth Bowman, 17. a B ei- I l lJ . .!.. ! Monaay iiitr ne pieiara guiny lO-Ycar-OId Girl's Bod v Recovered HOOD RIVER - The body The White House announced with shovels and mechanical ditch ' ,h7ond degree murders of .loseDhine Sedgwick George's acceptance sfter the 78 year-old chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who had conferred with the President an hour. digger also was used. Catlin was pronounced dead at a hospital. WILBERT i I II as I, 'I I ! 2 le III ill1 Armed Forces Events Today; Week Includes 4 Conventions t phrasing an historic adage in a bid to restore the nation to "posi tive" leadership, Stevenson said , the Republicans "were quirk to rush in, but feared to tread." Leveling criticism at Eisen hower foreign policy, Stevenson sUted the U. S. had "lost confi- ,u'dence of uncommitted nations of me won a ana oi mira 01 nur most devoted friends." Stevenson said "we are falling behind in guided missiles, but not in misguided missiles; the Politics on Parade.... WW Running for What Office plus of 9415.000, from the total budget presented to the committee. Hartley commented that revenue may be slightly higher then esti mated because the figure was based on information received two months ago. (Add. Details Page S. See. 1.) Maj. Gen. William P. Dean will be Armed Forces Dsy spesker here today to highlight an event filled week that will bring more than 1.000 persons to Sslem. The agenda includes four conventions. Gen. Desn, medsl of honor wi UariM anI M.uht1a ttnu'man hi. drowned Sunday while fishing in foster parents. ' Ho01 Rivtr- WM recovered Mon- day evening. It was located earlier in the day - ; L L . J . nM ... , , , greatest misguided missile is nur some distance downstream from ?' " f ..... the scene of the accident. The body slipped from the grac ing hooks however, and went over the dam. Later the body was cpn frntn an air aaarrh nlana anH Church. The league is comprised recovered. of persons from Oregon, washing-; Tne liri the daughter of Mr.' (tdllor'i NH: Tht Oran etatiaan I aclattva "PnllHtai ParaSr rl H wriltra or far th raiullSatrt thamnWri Tht material Ii prrtrntat aa 1 paaht lr1c. wtlhanl cm! ar naHiatlaa Sa layn, aa iay ar a aol at la artari wit tht tSHarlal aallrln af thli awt pfr ) Ex-Boxer Held in Portland Murder secretary of state. (Add. detaili aa Page S, Sec. I) M&F Bomber ton, Idaho, Northern California and and Mri j L. Sedgwick, TheifTI O 1 r II ICS OU1CIUC Alaska. Fun -day programs are Daiel; was fishing with her father aiait-a own neunesudy ana inurs- whfB ,n( (eU j tni drowned. day. A convention ot the .Oregon. "Wilborti Put ettrwn . . . . my Wwlin. a-halir ner and Korean war hero, win, special wiucation iracners asso speak at a noon luncheon at the ciation is scheduled Friday and Armory. Present will be repre- Saturday at the Hotel Senator, with sentatives of Salem military units. 200 persons expected. Also due religious and patriotic organiza- here Friday and Saturday is an tions and civic and fraternal clubs, nual meeting of Northwest Athletic After the luncheon Gen. Dean and Conference coaches and officials, other military leaders will inspect to be held in conjunction with the, Armed Forces exhibits and demon- conference's spring sports tourna strations at the Capitol Mall. I ments. About 300 athletes, coaches An expected 400 persons will and officials are expected, start registering this evening for! State convention of the Reserve the Northwest District Lutheran Officers Associstion will draw Women's Missionary League con- approximately ISO to the Hotel ferenco at St. John's Lutheran 1 Marion oa Saturday. I PORTLAND UP - William Clar Peddicord. Seeing ao-year prison term for a department ,.,,m. store bombing here, attempted rnrliini' EARL DICKSON (R) t'and'datr for Governor of Oregon My interest has been to culti vate grass roots if possible. Pub lic sentiment and public apathy ruled this nation by reason of the preparation by "elective hired hands." Either are fine dishes and full of vitamins, the same cooks dish up and serve both. The most of preparation wilt be devoted to that best to keep the happily. complicated and not cay to see The farmers or producers raw product price as compared to the finished goods retail price is not easily pin pointed. Foreign aid, national security, gross production figures, gross national income, gross sales, gross costs, gross this and that have need to be better under stood by more of us snd espec ially grocers. which Big- events call-tor big dint public and that calls for big promotions, 1 hie advertising hie nk.. hie in- PORTLAND - Edgar Allen Piivne .V-veai -nM former Pnii. land prise fighter, was charged M' la,f Monday on the kitchen Boy Slays Mother Over Family Car CHICAGO - Police Monday night quoted s t.Vyear-old boy as saying he fatally stabbed his mother because he assumed sht wouldn't let him use the family car. Her husband found the body of Mrs Johnnie Louise McKiernan. with second-degree murder Mon day after a man was found dead in his room Sunday night. The dead man was Wayne Wood row Allton. 3, Portland. Today's Statesman XORTHWrST I.EAGl'F Al Salm 0 Tn-Cllv S At Euacn 5. Lawiilnn 4 At Yakima IS. Spokana 1 PACIFIC COAST tr.AGiir At Vanrnuvar 4, Hollywood 1 (Only jama achedultd.) AMERICAN LEAGUE At Cltvtland i. Nrw York I (Only sama arhttfultdi NATIONAL t.EAnt'r (Na famas aehadulad) suicide Mondav morning and said Rein" onlv a arorer a 'ent vestments and hie results to sur Inter he would try again without benefit of security from me Peddicord. IS year -old b 1 i n d, Ihe "Big-uns" whom we serve, I do not brlieie America can chemist, tried to hang himself in by way of sickness, vacation, or survive as we have known and his jail cell, using a piece of rope other fringes except the dubious loved it il we allow anyone, eilh from his bunk. A Jailer found him benefits of self employment. I er at home or abroad; to replace unconscious, but he responded to, have given some thought to the! the word Big in sll these things artificial respiration. Peddicord's; differences in the take-home psy land sll our business with a word condition was described as good 'as compared to the amount that will be read by most all of at a hospital, where he made his earned before taxes. us h "Slick" rather than "Big threat of additions! suicide at- I have wondered end looked i or Just ." tempts. to find the reasons. They are I (Tomorrow Elms Smith) Classified Comics : Crossword Editorials Home Panorama Markets Massachusetts fg Obituaries Radio, TV Sports Star Caxer Valley News Page H,lSr 11 16 Sec. II II II floor with a six-inch butcher knife thrust in her ctest. The son, John L. McKiernan, was arrested about two hours aft er the discovery of the body at he was observed walking through a nearby elementary school yard. In his pockets, police said, were found the car k-ys. ideotificstioa papers for the vehicle and his : mother's driver's license. The csr wis missing fiom in front of the McKlenan home and was found several blocks av av. --' The Weather . .. . n ii 14 II ....12 II 9, 10 II 3 1 7 1 Salfm Portland Bakrr M ad ford North Btnd Rmaburs San Francisco I .os Antlft Max. Mia. rrarla. tb a 71 40 sa U . is sa . SO 4f . 7S 42 .as M .as .09 Wirephoto Page ....II II Chlraio 'Nw York IS - . IS .OS .0 M