2-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Moil, May 14, 56 Atom Sub Nautilus Oiv Public Display . Br C TATCS McDANOX (this was the first cruise that end OX BOARD THE U.ll rUU-! F deliberate design of the TUX'S ID - The submarine Nau- Navy, where tew of thousands lilu emerged from tee secret ld see nuclear power in mo depth of the Atlantic Sunday andjW-' t . . u . ,.L purged proudly into New York New Jerk took Its cue with gui- name u five ute worm a wok at the capital ahip of the future atomic fleet t: . -t.,i- LnJ J Ik. atomic rruUoe hid traveled entered the Hudson River. But ncnitn lirrorfl In Rash of 4 Area Wrecks Five perrons were hospitalized nd minM rJ thm n listed aa critical after a rash of four acci dents Sunday in the mid-Willamette Valley area.-; Three Xeteer area youths were injured in a two -car collision about 4:11 pjn. at the Junction at North kt B A . J 1 ........ about a mile oortb of Kelicr, state Normaa Wargnier, JO, of 4825 Verda Lane, was la critical con dition at Salem General Hospital with bead injuries and a fractured right arm, hospital attendants said. Joanne Low try, 17, of IS Chern awa Road, wu la good condition and Sherriil Nelger, 11 of 4671 Har court St., in fair condition, accord lag to attendant. Model T Ford ' n The three and two other youths who received minor Injuries were tiding in a Model T Ford which MllirUif with a Arivmn hv George Earl Sullivan, SfiOf State St., state police said. The other two ' Injured, Ron Lower?, JO, of J59S Cbemawa Road, and Barbara Pierce, IS. of 1290 Mintura Ave., were treated at Salem General Hospital and re- The Keizer accident wu one of three collisions in the Salem-Wood-burn area Sunday. A two-car collision three miles south of Woodburn about 4 p.m. Sunday caused injuties to five persons, state police reported. Most seriously hurt was Mrs. El lis Bramley, Tlgard. Woodburn General Hospital reported' Mrs. Bramley received multiple frac tures but waa la "satisfactory" - condition. ...... t ; Othera Treated - Others treated and released at the hospital vera tilted aa Elba . Bramley; Mn. May Johnson, Port land; Fred Graber, 4, Tlgard; and Gregory Briggs, 10, Cedar Hills, Beavertoav - . A eolliiion at the junction of North Front North Broadway nd Shangrila Street! about M a.m. Sunday caused moderate damage to two cars, state police aid. Driven were listed as Wif liam H, Shattuc, 883 Sunset Road, nd Jay Rusk Nedry, 227 Mala St., Independence. T" ; Salem first aid men said Janet Sbattue, 18, received abrasions on both legs; Dannie battue, contusions of the bead and right Cheek. r Woman Bart A one-car accident on Knot butte Road two miles east of Al bany about 11:30 p.m. Saturday seriously Injured Mrs. - Grace Lena Gantt, 17, of 2123 E. Front St., Albany, state police report ed. Mr r.antt wu nnnrtM i. covering satisfactorily at Albany General Hospital Sunday. ' Folic said the ear, driven by Tommy Joe Gantt flipped over and rolled approximately 240 feet before halting Chess Champion Retains Title BOXINGS," Mont. U7) -Robert Edberg, Tieton, Wash., Sunday successfully defended his Mon tana chess championship. - He edged Dr. .Warn Smith, Butte, for the title la a repeat performance of the 1955 tourney. DR. J. J. COLTON ' Phone 24337 YOUR TERMS 4 Fare my terms Oa Approved Credit Make Your Owe Term Within Reason Prices Quoted la Advance Plates Repaired While You Wait CREDIT DENTISTRY LIBERTY : Bring " v .' :. : , i- : i- r . J " '. X V ; v in welcoming escort u the world's only known atom powered vend steered count Between motor wa,rlio8 CT,fl ,nd ferr jf" B . Harbor fire boats spurted Jets of water into the air in their tra ditional welcome for new ship. And this is a new thing in naval power, speed and fighting poten tial, as u reporters and photo- grapbori found out during a 34 hour cruise that started at Gro- ton. Conn., Saturday. The newsmen, first private citi- tens ever permitted below decks, were shown all the paces that have convinced the Navy that the Nautilus Is the deadliest weapon afloat ' So secret an many Hems within ber KO-foot long hull that every one of her 100-man crew, down to the lowliest seaman, must have a top-ranking "Q" clearance from the Atomid Energy Commission, CnMed Tow Yet the reporters were guided from stem to stem, from within arm's length of the silent, uraai- nm fueled furnace which gener ates power for every action ot board to the death dealing tor pedo room. And when deep .water ' wu reached, 29 miles south of Block Island, the warning order, "dive, diva," blared over loudspeakers, and down went the submarine. How deep? Military security says only that R was "more than 100 feet" Once down, the steel chambered Nautilus really hit her stride with speeds of more than 20 knots sus tained for hours. No conventional submarine can travel this fast un derwater for mora than a few minutes. Man Found " Dead in Car Charles Milton Newberry, 784 N. Front St., wu found dead In his car about 4:41 p.m. Sunday, Salem police reported. The vehicle was parked la front at the Salem Elks Club, The Marlon County coroner's office uid Newberry apparently died from a heart attack. He wu 4S. . . Newberry wu found by Dr. Mar garet DoweU, 173 I. Cottage, police uid. Dr. Dowen noticed Newberry sitting in the front seat of his car about 1:30 p.m. aa she was on the way to a professional call. When she returned later in the after' noon, Newberry was still la the same position, she said. Newberry Is survived by his wife, Wanda, The body waa taken to Howell- Edwards Funeral Home, police uid. Kefauver Gets i Stuck in Elevator SAN MATEO. Calif. If) - A balky elevator slowed Kefauver'a cam paigning pace Sunday. While reception guests waited for his appearance, Kefauver was trap ped between floors for 20 minutes in the elevator at the hotel Ben jamin Franklin. When the trouble was corrected. the Tennessee Senator emerged from his entrapment smiling calm ly, bit outers were stuck in the elevator with him. CARS COLLIDE A two-car collision about 11:30 a.m. Sunday at Union and North Winter Streets caused minor dam-! age to both cars, Salem police re ported. Police listed the drivers as Jerry Brooks Bray, 777 N. Win ter St., and Larry Stewart Vincent, 11 N. 5th S4 Your Dental loDILCOLTON Consult Me Personally This Is net a chain office, but a PERSONALLY conducted dental practice. After many years ef practice in Portland I am new a resident ef Salem. Coma in and see me Person ally. NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED FOR EXAMINATION. IK be seeking forward to meeting yen. Artlsric and scientifically constructed dental plates can re store that natural expression by removing premature wrin kles and build up drooping and tagging muscles, leek younger and feel better, Come in tomorrow. C!iiZD CwitZ) C jmmmmmmmm. MmmtMmmm. mmmmtrnmsaL DR. J. J. COLTON AND COURT STS. PHONI Proposed Superliner for PacificOcean . . SAN FRANCISCO-Tata la aa artist's ecweeptlM of a saprr-Haer tar Laaea etftcuds said the tuary craft wpue be 12 S feet tsac. with a saeed of 2 knots a ad have -aceoasoaaHeaa lf M'Kagers, The east weald apprexlmate M.M,Os. The ship, srheeaied U be eaastnscted in the near (at are, signea by the suamehip one ana 'Check Rein' Asked on TV News Casts WASHINGTON (JP Sen. Bricker (R-Ohio) said Sunday s government "check rein" may be needed to make sure television networks broadcast unbiased news. Bricker cited this as an addi tional reason why he believes Congress should bold hearings on his bill to put networks under federal regulation. ! dont want any censorship," Bricker uid in an interview, "that would be 10 times worse. That's the practice of a mono lithic state." But he said that networks, through news commentary and political broadcasts, have a "po tential power to mold public opinion" that may require some kind of control So far. he said, the networks generally have been fair In news commentary and in giving polit ical parties equal access to tne air But If they wanted to revise their policies, he said, there "is nothing to stop them." Bricker already has presented as one reason for federal regu lation the claim that networks have an unchecked monopoly. Kerby Man Dies In Road Crash GRANTS PASS (II -Two cars collided beadon 33 miles south of here Saturday night and a Kerby man was killed. Jim Reynolds, St, was dead on arrival at a hospital here. He was a passenger in a car driven by his son-in-law,-James Alfred Bridges. 32. Kerby. It collided with one operated by Dale Call, 37, Cave Junction. Call was hospitalized with frac tures but his condition was re ported good Sunday morning. Bridges suffered cuts but was not hospitalized. The accident happened on the Redwood Highway between Kerby and Cave Junction. Woodburn Drive-In Sunday Monday Tuesday In Cinemaaeope lOVf V k MANY SPLENDOREO THIN6" Wm. Holden Jen. Jones Plua "NEW FACET Open 1:45 Start Dusk Dallas Motor-Yu Gates Opea 1:45 Show at Dusk Giant 100 Ft Screen Julie Harris, James Dean In "EAST Of EDEN" Cinemascope and color Second Feature Rosalind Rnwll in "61RL BUSH" Vlita Vision Troubles CREDIT DENTISTRY 24337 q CUL: , waa eae of U new passenger aid tae reaeraJ Maruime Board here. Theatre Time Table CArrrot "BATTLt 8TATIONS": 1M, 101 "TEENAGE CRIME" 123, 11:23 EL8INOU "UAH IN THE GREY FLAN NEL SUIT"; 7:0, 10:11 HOLLYWOOD THEATEB "ALL THAT HEAVEN AL LOWS": 7:00. 10:31 "AN ANNAPOLIS STORY"! sss NORTH SALEM DRIVE IN 'TOREVER DARLING," Dezl Arnai and Luclla Ball "RANSOM." Glen ford, Donna Reed Cleo Burgess Dies at Home Cleo Burgess, 3383 Wills Lane, died at his home Sunday, the Marion County sheriff's office re ported. He was 39. The Marion County coroner's of fice said Burgess apparently com mitted suicide by hanging. He is survived by his widow. Virginia. The body was taken tu the Howell-Edwards funeral home Burgess had been an employee of the Oregon Pulp and Paper company, the sheriff's office said. Mrs. Burgess said he had been in ill health, the sheriff's office re ported. SILVERTON Drive-In Theatre Sunday Monday Tuesday 'jfllE NO ANGELS" ' Humphrey Begart Pins "HEITWttVIMBr Creer Garsea Bob Ryaa Opea :4i Start Dusk UAI fcS OPEN (:45! -SHOW AT DUSI" NOW SHOWING Your I Love Lucy Sweethearts! Lucille Ball Dasi Arnai "Foriver Darling" - CO-HIT - 1 A Suspense Thriller You'll Never Forget GLENN FORD DONNA REED "RANSOM" STARTS TOMORROW! THE MATCHLESS VOICE OF LANZA... THE QUIVERING EXCITEMENT OF JAMES .a JOAN Mbnliif - SARITA M0NTIEL VINCENT A Wonderful Glimpse of the Future "GOLDEN TOMORROW" WORLD NEWS-COLOR CARTOON the Pacific. American Preside at carg a ships embodied 1a ewtract (AF wirepneu) Accident Dims Oregon City OREGON CITY W - A truck crashed into a power pole here Sunday, knocking out electric power to downtown Oregon City for several hours. Police said the truck, driven by Richard Jennings, Richmond. Calif, blew a tire, bounced into two parked cars, knocked down three parking meters and then crashed into the power pole. He was not hurt. I PHONE 144713 SOc Cr tot tn4 Teaift.t i Jmm Wyna Sect H "All That Heaven Allows" Mm Dwak Revla MtCartfcy "An Annapolis Story" Shattuc J NOW OPEN MONDAYS Nowl Top Thrill Hits! nil- , w-e t iU bp Whs Mm Oar DATTLG Johl LDKO - rilSaa BEKOIX Plus Big City Gangs! 2f TEEC3-I Widmiiiyl Mm WayM "THE CONQUEROR" Ends Today! "Man In The Grey Flannel Suit" M. CArN'S BEST-SELLER! FONTAINE PRICE - wstfH cauim hmdy scuavu 'a in il'JAVE QRi MARIO Train Victim's Rites Tuesday Final rites for Henry Kline, for mer Parker Station fanner who was killed Saturday in a truck train collision in California, will be 3 p.m. Tuesday at It. Crest Abbey Mausoleum Crematorium, the Rev. Melville T. Wire of First Christian Church officiating. W. T. Rigdon s Mortuary will be in charge. Kline, who lived for some years at Parker Station, near Independ ence, recently had farmed near Tulelake, Calif. He was born Feb. I 1903, in Oklahoma. He was a veteran of World War II. He leaves at home at Tulelake, Calif., his widow, the former Fay Lemmon of Albany; daughter. Miss Susan Kline; and son, James Kline; and two brothers, Robert Kline, Portland, and John Kline; three sisters, Mrs. Edith Wolper, Sultan, Wash.; Mrs. CUra Ma ronda, Hermiston; and Mrs. Agnes Anderson, Salenvr and several nieces and nephews. When someone s counting on you you can count on life insurance F (IX v . i to .. , t 1 hi '.'r?. ,-t" - ; ' M rt ' :iva ijlBlllll; ll;Ms j W0zWiyWiSZ Paraguay Cabinet Resigns, Paper Says ASUNCION, Paraguay lav-The pro-government newspaper Patria said Sunday the cabinet of Presi KEEP AS YOUR Be has siimtratsd U0Ctta aat UUKI njOCMEXT Capable . . . sincere . . . energetic in his thinking and firm in his decisions. Governor Smith has demonstrated to the people of Oregon outstanding leadership. a aasirM F1UC CONflDCNCC Oregon likes the genuine friendliness and intimate knowledge of state business which Governor Smith possesses. He knows what he's doing. Hi is a nua ef ACTION The reorganization of the Liquor Commission, rec mmendations for income tax changes, intervention in the Portland vice-rackets are just a few of Gov ernor Smith's ritivi and timely sctions. What are your plans for retirement? Will It be a time to enjoy the trips you always seem to be postponing? Hours to spend with your favorite hobbies? Or perhaps the fun of developing a small business of your own? Whatever your hopes, they require planning ahead for your financial needs when you retire. This is where your present life insurance may help . . . because most policies' offer two forms of protection. First, they protect your family now. Then, when your youngsters are grown, these same policies can add to your own income at retirement Last year more than half of all life Insurance benefits were paid to policyholders themselves . . . including many millions of dollars as monthly income for retired men and women. This is one of the reasons why you can count on life insurance . . . and why it is America's most widely used form of thrift. V v v ' V u A Institute of Life Insurance Central Source of Information about Life Insurance SSS MADISON AVENUE. HEW TOII II, N. I. dent Alfredo Stroessner has re signed. There was no immediate official confirmation. GOVERNOR N. Kti. You may be able to arrange your present life insurance to provide a regular income when you retire. The best person to show you how this may be done is your own life insurance agent You will also find helpful suggestions In the new booklet, Tour lift Insurant and How in L'st It. Your free copy will be mailed promptly; simply send your name and address on a postcard to Dept. L. Jj -i - raw flt "Baaa v m ai? B RANGER REASSIGNED ROSEBURG If) - G. Robert Leavengood, forest ranger in the Mt. Hood National Forest, baa been assigned to Diamond Lake, m Jr.. m M . . m aT JBJ m ...'wty:-jr.-.r ' I I - ( -iuuu'I n tmf Urn klHk.1 t KZTL yours reel Nil f -- V Jiirft