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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1956)
HjSec IV) Statesman. Salem, Ore., Sim, May 13, 50 Home of the Week Split-Level House Gives You Bonuses High Ceilings, Play Room ' Featured '.' j DAVID C. 1AMUTHE1 A atome that aVmoastratea co Baste advantages of split-level Blanning. M well M tbt gUmar vhicl this style adds ta Interior, b stoowa ia Design HW-1 for The Boom a( Tbt Week. Ia every community, the split level bouse it proving te be the most popular type of dwelling since one-story ranch styles stole the shew from two-story homes. This plaa combines advantages el both ene-story and two-story arrange jnesU. Wbea properly laid out. it adds three boo as features that Its predecessors asuslly lack: L Extra high ceilings la living and dining rooms, ruing Marly " two stories high. ; 1 A sun-lighted and dry recrt atioa room at grde level 1 A garage in the bouse with a short driveway to the road boons to be appreciated in bad weather. . ,,. '-- Beraua H. York, aa authority oa koaae arrkneetare, prepared Design HW-1 partly as aa answer U critics of Ike spltt-leveL Be taHa tkls plaa a logical aaswer to the way people ova. . "We automatically divide our homes Into day and night zones," York says, "Lately a third sone has developed. A lot of factors I television, hi-fi. Increasing concern I ever adolescents, family bobbies, more home conveniences, traffic ; congestion and high prices for public amusement all have com bined to center new interest in the home. "This trend has created the third sone a multi-purpose tone. The family room, recreation room, h$by or game room whatever yea choose te can it is now highly important One of the best ways to fit these three tones into a. bouse on a modest piece of land is to use three levels for the three major uses.? . ,1 Tm good looks. Architect York has ased aa aabrtkea roof Dae over tkls spUt level koase. This, be says la kls aaswer to critics leva! straetares "M like two Who have ceateased that split separata boases lacked la aaertal eettaaL" Bla sweeptaf root Hae kvoMs Am appearaaea of a cottage Blleaei te a two stary koase. ...., . This plan comprises a unity throughout. From ttt front en trance foyer, where you find a con venient coat closet, you can go flowa one step Into a big recreation room which has sliding glass doon to i rear gardes terrace. This big room has space In a corner for a soda bar for the younsters. There also is access to the garage and te private lavatory. U you build thu bouse with a basement under the living room, there are eoly seven steps dowa to aa open cellar of 7N square feet From the foyer, you look up to a. balcony dining room on the Jiving room and kitchen level which Is just four steps up from : the entrance., The living room, I measuring 21 by IS feet, has a glass wall facing an upper garden terrace. The living room ceiling rises nearly two stories high at the fireplace wall. Here you can look up to a balcony den which is easily curtained off to form a studio bedroom for a guest. tZM a-,,- - -" - ' " 1 1 M I 1 ' Some Types Patios Are Inexpensive Time to WatcH For Spittle Bug Home gardeners, as well as com mercial growers are being advised to watch their strawberries for spittle bugs and apnids. The recommended control for the soittle hues ia to dmt with I oer It is patio planning now. Get cent methoxychlor. A second dust. your ideas dowa oa paper, as sum-' two weeks after the first one. mer building weather is almost ! inould ie good control. On new plantings the suggestion is to coo , t itinue to dust at two week inter- lour patios can be modest or i ,is mta tot mMt , July Both elaborate, large or small. Patios old and new plantings should be caa adjoin the home or be com-! dusted in late September and early pletely separate installations. ,,Sood con'ro1 f ,phid . . , , . , had by the use of a 1 per cent Here are a few ideas for jlmple p,, dust or a I per cent and inexpensive patios adjoining mtlilbim , 1 per cent lindane the home: The simples is a terrace $ust . floor of brick, flagstone or fir two-;. by-four just big enough for. a few lounging chairs, a 'bridge table ...... ... J .tl. 114 1 IV I.- ,. , . , . .,v i !NIOV WRJir. II JWI U5C WUUU. Mo chips. Heavy belt sblagles and vertical sMisg wttk panels of flask plywood dMiagaisk the facade. Note r fj " ."-TTJ"" ' h , " liailKS 1 111111.111" ! between each one to let hose water drain away VIENNA (Jf Europe's chimney Next step is to add a wooden - ps traditional bearers of louvered screen to keep off sun Iu(- "".B,B ,,hl glare. Four-by-four posts of lir or,!ak" . bl v" f ,n Mure cedar will support a simple screen ! ",r P"''"- They need ap- built up of one-bj-six. or .one-bv"n - eight inch boards. Permanent wood-: Mor ,h 1 000 fpP ,rom en benches with comforable backs ov EurP mwt Ms? '- ran be installed along one or more " congress to do something sides of the patio floor. Portable ,bout ,he manpower shortage, barbecues work well or you mav1 ,t' work- lhfv d"1". have time and money to build your I to1"" ' hp' than ever and own barbecue pit. Study prevailing , W8Rp ,r' "'" winds before you locate it, to keep 1 smoke from blowing into guests' fares. Build it to suit need of the sun cool or hot. Chimney Sweep Answers to. Crossword Puzzle iciHiAiPnci LI AIM, A I Hag NEUL UESgliTiOPiE ad e NiiqAme Q?i ChjAjgUQ'OiS'c M E In! A p El S Qwb'R StrDB E I B A;T iE"iR . ;CuiP EftnTjT(t nrii bETNn1!! AjSiP.EiRna'ulnM EILII lCnA1G;0 RA MOQIAISn3ElA!MPB.PEVlEt Q;WiEtANs?rngi g;i iQjfeg o les spPid i HsTTjTlAfftls ran E;RE CTDEjNTA,ISll SuTjEwA'B'L 'E Hfci Al Lu5tAv0T I iPEtqWR Eg EISIT R EjATED,uriEnfjA;C E L AjMinTto.MltniAlLLj A M AnH'E'EINaPiAPiAip'ElTni fa E TjONG lUjEntrr cngji igde iane-r E'nt!eIrIjs:eil usEIJTuDnf n gry elRpgTo?rJco as't F; TlUITEiLlAiRpC ATpTETpciR EiATlE D m 6RnR"iEiVEWETOfnQiJuE PtqAl lAINiD EnlO BWTl E'RlSiE POLES RAVI AVXR5IO.M UNITED NATIONS (J - fig ures produced by Red Poland tor publication by the V. N. report that H per cent of all Polish work era were employed last year ia socialixcd enterprises. But only 8 per cent of sowa farmland was under socialized cultivation, the. report says, indicating a Polish" aversion to collective farming. J FREE ESTIMATES Oa Floor Coverings NORRIS-WALKER FAINT COMPANY m Frost Phone 4 71 viae treiltts la treat ' I t TE2EACE bbXJCOtVlfjr L,VING CM- - - I DEN 2V.I5 Ancient Egyptians shaved not only their beards, but their heads and they ridiculed long haired and bearded Creeks. VPPER LEVELS, showiag frsat eatraaee at grade with baleoay diniag room, living roam asd kitrhea four steps treat foyer. Bedroom level Is also steps ap from living room. Three fireplaces and gardee terrace are amoag features. T fireplace la the living roam, the big calmaey caa accommodate flies far a baraeeac fireplace aa Ike terrace, a fireplace la tke bal eoay tea, aal tkere Is a goad space far a fireplace la Ike recre- atiea rows. Big enough for a family need ing three or four bedrooms, this house has two complete bath rooms In addition to its extra lavatory. One bathroom serves the master bedroom and has a stall shower. The other is a divided bathroom with a spare lavatory ia its entrance alcove, separated from the other facilities by a slid ing door. A semi-circular breakfast nook is a feature of one corner of the' big kitchen. This room is planned tor a maximum of modern equip ment. There's a place for a wall even, an electric sink under front windows, separate top burners, a broom closet, large refrigerator and ample work counters. This is a plan for comfortable living. Fireplace Screens AND ACCESSORIES Measured sad Installed ELMER THE BUND MAN Everything for the Window Ph. 3732S 3S: Center Dr.f..UmJ.D Or O CSiaJf .B DRS. CHAN and LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS 1'pstairs. 417 Caart St OlflH apta aimrSaf wry It i I I mm.; Itolia CnnlUUal Mm amnrt u rt utta in It mi rharf t PnrttetS riMf 1911 Writ fm MtrarMt tm N BARNYARD MANURE FOR GARDEN EITHER STAW OR SHAVING BASE Pickup or Trailer Load. $1.00 Each. $3.00, we load. A Truckleed, $5.00 or $10.00 if we load. Call Stockyard. CASCADE MEAT, INCORPORATED 3-5935 ' erTthl la Taar WlaSa Carta Maat la Oar Skaa a RLIM MAN AWKING5 Para HaaSi rUa Caaart fraa rtlmUi Daa at NIM Ph. nm (Trraii) 3S7S Cratrr St "All Kinds of INSURANCE and SURETY BONDS" 1 6 VISIT US IN OUt NEW QUARTERS 121 No. HIGH KSS.PH. 4-3333 PRICELESS -COMFORT Anyont Can Afford NATURAL GAS is CLEAN SAFE THRIFTY for Free Estimates Call 4355 Salem Heating I Sheet Metal Co. . rirrm'... m mk Wttk wjpji FIREPLACE WALL of Ihe living roam, showing bak-anv dra abate, Glass doors to apper terrace are la light hackgrenad. Railing at left separates diaiag space from foyer. Patronize tta dealer who displays this seat Hi a socialist la OIL HEATI Furniture Easy To Redo Outside When purchasing chairs be sure the rungs are firm, although a good glue will solidify an other wise sturdy chair. If cane is broken, consider the chair's vslue to you before your purchase it. Recaning Is expensive. Rush seats are jess expensive to replace end you might be able to do them yourself. Summer is sn idcsl time to visit uie usea lurmiure market, -: L I I I 1 iiiaaMi' TEggACE tamml H , - EECMATIOI PM. a I 424 SO. FT. 1 ) '.'J I.'". . UU.I 4 4Vi-w i" ' country auctions, and to brighten i k-' up things you corral. Sanding and LOWER LEVELS inrlude laree rerrratlon ronm with ulldint class doors Yea eaa have three or mare i paint removing may be done easily to lower garden terrace. This room is one step down from foyer, fireplaces. Ia addition te tke mala I and safely outdoor). Optional basement i seven steps lower. THE HOUSE of the WEEK Quality Plaa Selected lfewrfeatiireay Send this coupon for STUDY PLAN your YOU CAN GET a study plan for The House of The Week by filling in the coupon and sending it with 35 cents to this newspaper. This study plan shows each floor together with each of the four elevations, front, rear and sides of the house. It is scaled at Vn inch per foot. It includes a guide on "How to Get Your House Built" You can take this study plan to your bank or other mortgage lender and to your builder and get rough estimates on cost. With this information you will know whether you want to proceed with construction by order ing working blueprints direct from the architect snd asking for bids. The Oregon Statesman Salem, Oregon Building Editor: Enclosed is 35 cents. Vlrae srnd me a copy of the study plan for The House nf the AVeek, Design HW-1. NAME P lease Trint) STREET . CITY STATE Columbia River Levees Built Up EQUPMENT SHOWN ! NKW YORK Ml - New equip- P0RTLAND tit -Armv End- dikes before the flood hit. Tha ment dP bV th- ArmV aeeri reported Friday that they ' gk is exoected In Mav or earlv cncmical corP ,nr predion had completed work on reinlorc- T" y 8 y i against chemical, biological and w"'. rrnllnlnnipal urorlur i luiinfl .v. 11 u.t.w.u.v ... .......... "'f, 1 n hibited at the Coliseum. Ing ten lower Columbia River levees ia anticipation of spring flooding. Work will be completed in an other week on the other ten proj ects, said Col Jackson Graham ef the corps. The Engineers have made $750, ON available for strengthening ' A. O. Smith PERTAAGLAS v The Fmesi in ' Gas Heating by Pay Heating Co. '; "Mr la Oai Haattaf la ... Salaai tatco ttJI" Free Surveys I Estimates MS Division Ph. 34822 RENT A TOOL Oo It Yourself It's Cheaper OPEN SUNDAYS Salem's Oldest Tool Rental HOWSER BROS. I ISO Samk 1 1th St ''T - a ' ' T for Natural Gas Heating Systems and Appliances to CaD Us for FREE Estimates Ji DONKIN GAS & APPLIANCES MT Partbae- U. Pk SSON 1 SOMETHING NEW! Modern onrj Practical town, Patio . and Ranch Fences On Display ia Full Siie Panels et the Dick Meyer Lumber Co. Oa Display 1 Days a Week Drivi Over ia Your Leisure Time and (tee! L litimotH 36 Mos. te Pay Na Parking Praklfw Dick Meyer Lumber Co. (2 RlMki North .f Vaarrpsm One Blork East ei I.ana) Plwne J-4SJS nis tana Avt. 1 wA rii LrvlCrAl 1 1 dsvohj K BEST thesill. V.N . m OIL HEAT IS DEPENDADLC There's plenty of oil for everyone. (Oil reserves are at an all time high.) With oil heat you have your own fuel supply on your own property where it is not subject to pressure drops, industrial loads and brown outs. You get plenty of heat when you need it with dependable oil heat. OIL HEAT IS CLEANEST! No dirt- no muss; n0 dirt' mcssy hasc" ments. No dirty fumes. Oil is cleanest OIL HEAT IS SAFESTI N exPsccl heating elements, fixtures and glass that can cause serious fires and burns. It's free from dangerous fumes. With safe oil heat you can relax, enjoy complete comfort and peace of mind. Your oil furnace i? automatic. Set it and forget it. OIL HEAT IS MOST ECONOMICAL! Penny for penny, auto matic oil heat gives you more real heating comfort at lower cost than any other fuel. Oil leads 7 to II Wort than seven times as many Northwest families prefer oil heat over all of her fvels combined r