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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1956)
15-CSec. HT) Shrtwmtn, SkVm, Ore., Sim. May 13, '56 Xtuic For Today Flagstad Sings CBS; Iturbi to By HXaSt mVtSX Kirsten rUssUl will be tbe BnwAi!d and S Srtnholm the Skffried hi tbe Mtir eecatki act et Wfi "D (eeetterdaemroe. mm" M World Music rtstwals taw anerae; ki a ptrfonnanct re corded la Oala eicluuvety fcr CM Rabe la America. Ova rjeUtad will conduct the ewnbined Osle ftaharwiaic aad NerweglaB Bread eastint; Radia Orchestras. J """ Tt CBS lUtiona alia bavt I mM -Hue rwtavd eaten broadcast ot the PhiladelDBia Or chestra aader Euteae Ormaadj ia Sunday cencerL Monday pra tranu are bow limited to ant daa- aicai procram. the Tetrpnem Hoar, with tba Telecast af The lireatoM Hour living mora coaaideratioa la the trleruma and M M tot crested ia hearinf classical ma lic. - rrtivmL trees Oeln. Normy. Oele Fhilhennoiile ana Htrmflm Bread cwtinf Bedte OiUieelit. mducM t Oixte riAM. tu Catnm irawg. Art n , " rannkiM . Klreen iltaptt awftrw .... Set ."J"!'?' Kihi , Sell Norael ! tpm. M CB-Tti Shltadelphla OrrtMstn wider the dlracttm Bu fen Onnendy. inU Uj fcufi TJS M VBC-A rere4 pw at iHeWril aunc traa ncwat to THE MARK OF A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN ,u aflurinflr ekaa aompizioa.8IUNTAUZ tetiot by AletABdra da Markofl halpi aHmiaaU axeauira alliana, rafraahaa ikla f ,' tba al af claaaliaaaa. $2. $3.50. CAPITAL DRUG STORE - 0S Stata St. (Caraar af Ubarty) , Wa Gt-a JWf Greea Stamaa YOU MIGHT AS WELL WORK IN CoKid ... ' " h v nx Heritage 1 ! V WHenredon I TVrM 3"xSr-Extend to 98". With laOlO threa 15" leaves with aprons.. Side Chairs. w Arm Chairs. Mobile Cart. Buffet T - Again for Play, NBC we tw hHir. Mmdv rrTm hwludt: 1 M M ABC-TK Veer. r rteoe iU Biet end lh r. ceen in mm free Victor Hef eerl rnawr Strew and Souia. t-mmm KBC The Telepheeie How. wiU BU ampitimlc Orrtieetra -rrtr4 T DomM Verti. Jeee IfurM. peentot M fueet eatetel, THe Touch of Your Hind . treat -aorU" : ICtra Orrfceetrl '., Lltta JeyaetH ..... ..Dobur Jow IhirM ria(I1 Cm Mtndalwoha Orrheetn Ana md riiMl from Tenuey" - Iturbi Jow Iturbi and Orrheitre 0 Mrs. Steele Will Head Organ Club Tba Hammond Organ Club will meet at Stone Plana a., 139 State St., Tuesday, May IS at I pjn. Of ncers af the dub arc Mrs. Trevor Steele, president; Jonas Byberg. vie president; Mrs. Elmer Am undsen, secretary; Miss Zora Rke. treasurer. Miss Nora Jordan and Miss Bea trice Spies, who bava tba radio program. "Pleasant Pathway." of Lebanon wiU bava part in the pro gramr also thera will be amateur night. Those playing the organ will be Debra Janicek, Mrs. Del Wy- song, Mrs. E. C. Purvine, Mrs. Ivan Osterman. Misa Zora Rice and Jim Williams will play aa organ and piano duet Hostesses will na airs. Aizaoe Gash, Mrs. Gilbert Klrkman and Mrs. James Stone. AH Hammond owners, or anyone interested In the Hammond organ are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Wilson to Fete Auxiliary The National Association of Let ter Carriers' Auxiliary will bold their May meeting at the borne of Mrs. Charles Wilson, 3M Waldo Avenue, Monday at I p.m., wtth dessert being served before the meeting. Mrs. Thomas Kenagy will be the co-hostess. A bingo game with garden items prites will be held alter the meeting. Mrs. Edgar Amo, Mrs. Robert Garrett, Mrs. Victor Wagers and Mrs. Lea Nieswander will repre sent the auxiliary at the state con vention to be held in Bend May 1MB. Ym Spmtl Mori TkiM k Yotr U5X OiAJX Thai h Your ' lory dtdr g NornI TsMM IVMWatalMe tik adjwtabla pactara ckalra ; . IB "All-IAY" W0IXINQ COMfOIT Both have I tba patented Kkes Fixed Floating Seat. Both give restful bodily support whether sitting up at the desk or relaxing. And both have the STYLE that makes you proud to own themt v.. . ' 289.00 89.95 49.95 169.00 319.00 wide, I bidden drawers. Judge V Herbert Renison, who will act at piano adjudicator for the Salem Federated Music Clubs Third Regional Spring Music Festival here May 1 8. Ha is on tha faculty of Shar wood Music School in Chi cago: Spring festiva judicators Are Selected Final plans are being made for the Salem Federated Music Teach ers third Regional Spring Music festival at Willamette University and Sacred Heart Academy Fri day, May 11. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Victor Patmasoa and Mrs. Carlisle Roberts. Herbert Reinson of the Sherwood Music School in Chicago, will be piano adjudicator and George Broughton, of the University of Oregon faculty will be violin judge. Renison, an outstanding musican and teacher, will make his first trip ta the northwest this year. Born in. Argentina of English an cestry, he studied under Lalwicx then head of the Argentine Nation al Conservatory. Renison came to the United States after many suc cessful concerts in South America. He is known aa a concert pianist in tba midwest Bomhton studied In Europe and graduated from the Leiptig Con servatory. He ia now in the violin department of U. of 0. and di rects tha Springfield-Eugene Sym phony. Miss Hogg Will Present Pupils Miss Margaret Hogg will present her piano students in two recitals at the Roberts studio this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock and Monday eve ning at I o'clock. Anyone interest ed is invited to attend. Students who will play Sunday afternoon are Ronald Burr, Martin Steinbock, Jan Thurston, Doran Katka, Jane Elliott, Mary Gay Remine, June Stevenson, Marilyn Burr, Sara Kathrya Lauderback Bill McCormack, Diana Pearcy, Gordon Birrell. The program on Monday will be presented by Warren Reid, Fran ces Reid, Martin Steinbock. Susan Lewis, Gordon Birrell, John Schneider, Judie Reed, Lore King, Ronald Potts, Lynne Higginboth am, Joan Culbertson and Mary Linda Doerfler. Francis Gaskina. a violin student of Muriel Fitta, will assist on tha Sunday program. Sally Tontx, a student of Mra. Frank Burlingham, will sing in tha Monday recital. Mrs. W. J. Bender win be Beaten to members of Chapter CQ, PEO Tuesday afternoon at her home, 1132 Hines St. A 1 o'clock lun cheon will be served and co-hostesses are Mra. Fred Wissenbach and Mrs. Lewis Wiltshire. The group will cerebrate the third an niversary of the chapter. HEART! If aa, write to S Hpesrs Cklrapra id HasniUL Den ua oiniurium sad Hospital, Dea- ver, Colo., for Testimonial Proof af results ia arthritis, cancer, pelle, epilepsy raeamatie fever, altiple sclerosis, eerebal palsy ascuiar dystrophy, stroke heart, liver, skin, stomach, kidnev and scores af ether Mlments TRUE GRAND RAPIDS tJMliiW IMA A?ID48 Mikado to Be Presented Two Nights North Salem High School's an- aual operetta. Gilbert and Sum van's "Mikado." wiU be presented Tuesday and Wednesday, at I p.m. ia the school auditorium. Approxi mately 100 students will take part. Fenton Lockenour as Mikado, Nancy Weeks as Katisha, Jim Rays as Ko-Ko, Larry Goodman as Nanky-Poo and Joyce Mount as Yum-Yum are the major leads. Tte program, under direction of Howard F. Miller, will be supporte by the North Salem Orchestra di rected by Richard McClintic. For tha first time in North s history the production will be viewed by the student body at a special matinee Tuesday aiternoon. Tickets are available from the mu sk department and will also be sold in the main hall. Girl s Glee club members will usher for the evening performances. Two Church Choirs Sing In Concert Two choirs of the First Congre gational and Englewood Evangeli cal United Brethren churches will present a joint concert at the for mer church at 4 o'clock this after noon. Denise Murray Redden di rects the Congregational choir and ner son, Berwia Murray, the En glewood singers. Jean Hobson Rich is the organist. Brother Jim Marati-Jtrob My Priyer Jam.i fit Thou Nur M. Morf.n Mr. Murray, dlroctor Htiv.nly Llfhl. Kapylow-Wtlhouiky My Supplication Gtkhanf.liky-K.orn. Opm Our Byi - McTarlam Mrs. nraaen. airocror Llitcn to the Lamb) ... Dtt St. rrtnela Prar.r ... Olda Fr.d Bradl.y. narrator God lo Loved h. World Stalntr Mr. Murray, director Repent Y. Scott Terry Murray, base eololit For th. BMuty of th. Earth Koeher-Davti Whom Thee Hands Hold Sateren Mr. Murray, director Song of Galilee - Hebrew Work Bone Ge Not Far From Me zenfareiu Mre. Redden, director Program Honors Mother's Day at Cherry Court The regular meeting of Cherry Court, Order of the Amiranth was held Wednesday evening in the Scottish Rite Temple, with Mrs. Paul Shafer, royal matron presiding. Visiting from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. James Smiley of Rose Court in Portland. Mrs. Smiley is Red Cross chairman for the Grand Court and S. K. James Smiley is Grand Repre sentative to Scotland. Honored were Mrs. Charles Me Cabe, grand sssistant lecturer; Mrs. Russell Bright, grand rep resentative to Kansas; James Smiley, grind representative to Scotland; Mrs. Ray T. Johnson, junior psst roysl matron; and Philip MichaeL junior past royal patron. A special Mother's Day degree was presented by the royal ma tron, who ehose as her special mother of the year to represent the Court, Mrs. Carl Guenther, past royal matron. Mrs. A. L. Brewster and Mrs. Leston Howell sang. Tha ladies will meet Tuesday st 10 a.m. for Red Cross Sewing st the home of Mrs. Bernice Wil son, 373 Csndslaria Blvd. The reception committee was headed by Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crabtree, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Colvin, Mr. snd Mrs. LaVern Dalkenberg and Mrs. Christens Davis. St. Mary's Guild W St. Paal's Episcopal Church will meet Mon day afternoon at the Candalaria home of Mrs. Charles W. Mills. M5 Boise St., at 1 p.m. Assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Forrest Bod mer, Mrs. George R. Hoffman and Mrs. Frank Ward. ranged by Mrs. Robert Epeneter and Mr. and Mrs. John Bronson were the hospitality committee. A blend of contemporary and modern Dining Room fur niture with charmingly simple sophistication that will ac cent, yet blend with the designs of yasttrday, today and tomorrow . . . adding lightness and convenience to tha old, and mellowness to tha new. To always-sound construction is added delightful craftsmanship in simple patterned parquetry, and wall scaled wood paneling. Some pieces have natural slate or flagstone tops. Native walnuts are hand-polished to a warm, natural finish, or, if you prefer a refreshingly codl color, these pieces also come in "shell" finish. By Invitation . , , Dealer Member Grand Rapids Furniture Makers Guild Seen and By JEITVE A GALA PAKTT a week ago when the John H. Johnsons enter- tinH with an informal one hmMC y, f sirmount Hill resi dence honoring the Phillip Haw- leys ... mutual friends ot the two couples had been invited ta aay au revoir to the Hawl a y a who, supposed ly were moving to Portland . . . but on arriving were surprised to learn that Mary and Phil are staying ia Salem. . .for John and Phil will be associated in -business together. . .nearly all of the guests surprised to bear the news and congratulations in order all evening for the two couples, . . Sa clever ... the announcement by the fireplace a sketch on the mantel of the interior of the store and all its new departments. . .and below a pen and ink drawing of John and Phil with a proclamation of their new partnership. . . Gorgeaas . . . floral arrange- ments throughout the house. . .dog wood in the entrance hall. . .large fptnlr and red rhododendrons wrthe piano. . On the marble dining room table an exquisite bouquet of pink roses, sweet peas and spring blooms and twin vases on the but fet filled with apple blossoms and lilacs. . . The kestess ... Joy Johnson in a stunning white lace empire sheath gown with blue cummerbund and sash lined in pink and caught in back with a pale pink rose ... or chids in her blonde hair . . . Pret ty, brunette Mary Hawley choosing a becoming green and bhie hori xontal striped pure silk gown . . . with orchids pinned at the waist line. . . Ameag ethers . . . Allan and Eliz abeth Mann down from Portland . . .leaving early to return to Port land in time for a shipwreck party . . .changing their clothes here and looking very nautical in their red, blue and white outfits . . . Mrs. Wil lis Ross striking in a white and black polka dot sheath with black taffeta sash and on leaviag donned a handsome black coat. . . Also aated . . . Mrs. Ronald E. Jones Jr. in a smart oxford grey wool ensemble with white satin jacket lined in the wool . . . Mrs. Robert G. Brady Jr. in a good looking grey laae gown with tiered skirt ... A pretty black print for Mrs. Oscar Specht ... a navy dress with deep white lace bertha for Mrs. Frank Ward ... a becom ing black gown with scalloped lace edging the bodice the choice of Mrs. A. W. Loucks M f Same . Mrs. Robert Gormsen attractive in a white lace sheath with blue satin trim. . . a fetching full-skirted red and white dress for blonde Joan Schnell Mrs. Roger) ... Happy birthday for Mrs. John Kolb and Ernie Mill er . . . both going on to other par ties to celebrate their natal day. . . A HUNDRED . . . Rotanans and their spouses went sboard the S. S. Rotaria Wednesday night at the Marion Hotel for the annual party given by the Rotarian Women ... a gala affair with the nautical motif featured from the minute one entered the ship in the Gold Room until the final singing of seagoing songs ... A gala occasion with entertainment provided every minute one was aboard ship ... Del Milne, the captain of the ship and in tradi tional uniform, was responsible for the smooth sailing and keep ing the guests in a jovial mood and ably assisted by Dave' Hoss . . . Guests . . . entered, tha ship on decorated gangplank after be ing greeted by the first, second and third mates and their spous es . . . the Harry Dormans, Law rence Ballmers and Ralph Coo leys . . . Four attractive daugh ters of Rotarians, Carolyn Milne. Diane Miller, Sara Allen and Kathi Heltzel, presenting color ful leis to the guests as well as kiss for all the men . . . Doiens ... of travel posters decorating the walls . . . clusters of balloons hanging from the ceil ing . . menus direct from one of the large liners and steamship nags representing the various countries providing the table de cor . . . even the menu featuring me nautical theme . . . A variety ... of entertainment during the evening ... the South Salem Pep band in their colorful Henry Meyer Furniture & Interior $ JdMsiL THIRD FLOOR Heard . . . ENGLISH red and white uniforms playing throughout . . . later the guests taking part ia a cake walk with the proceeds going to the band to help pay for their uniforms . . . the Rotarian women baking the cakes ... A grand mixer during the evening was a balloon stunt and dance with the men finding their partners at various decks aboard ship ... the winners were Muriel Heltzel (Mrs. Charles) and Robert Fischer Jr. . . . Don Woodry even demonstrating how to use a life preserver ... Aad baaqaeta ... to the cruise directors, Mrs. Palmer Sather, the chairman, Mrs. Robert Eber sole, who was responsible for the clever invitations, menus and signs, Mrs. Del Milne, Mrs. Rey nolds Allen, Mrs. Harry Dorms n, Mrs. Don Woodry snd Mrs.' John Craigen, for a wonderful eve ning . . . A DELIGHTFUL . . . informal reception was given Wednesday night by Mrs. Alfred A. Schramm and Mrs. Clorinda Topping at the former's home folowing the concert given by the Willamette University faculty trio . . . the honor guests were Prof. Ralph Dobtr Dr." WHis-Gatea,-Allen-j Gove and their Wives ... a group of the music faculty and friends of the hostesses invited to greet the artists ... Beautiful . . . bouquets of pink dogwood centering the reception table snd buffet . . . another stunning arrangement on the mantel ... the dogwood from Mrs. Schramm's tree, which can be seen from her library win dow ... so picturesque and in a perfect setting . . . Presiding at the coffee urn and punch bowl were Mrs. G. Herbert Smith and Mrs. Melvin Geist ... Dr. Cam eron Paulin ' busy assisting the hostesses snd greeting the guests as they arrived . . . Among those calling . . . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Putnam ... the former still receiving congratula tions on his wonderful produc tion of "Kiss Me Kate" a week ago . . . Dr. and Mrs. Howard Runkel, Dr. and Mrs. Ivan Lov- ell and Dean and Mrs. Robert Gregg chatting over the coffee cups ... Mr. and Mrs. Del Milne coming in after the Rotary party . . . Mrs. J H. Ryan and Mn H. H. Brooks a duo . . . Music faculty members and their spouses commenting on the grand concert ... the Maurice Bren nens, Prof, and Mrs. Josef Schnel ger. Prof, and Mrs. Stanley But ler and the Donald deckers . . . Highland Mothers Install Officers, Name Chairmen Mrs. Eugene Ertsgaard was In stalled as president of the High land Mother's Club at Thursday's meeting. Other officers are Mrs. Joe Haley, secretary, and Mrs. Frank James, treasurer. Committee chairmen for the en suing year were announced by the president and are as follows: Mrs. Elwin Klein, legislative; Mrs. Wal ter Wright, year book; Mrs. Lyle Hadley, hospitality; Mrs. Wayne Flowers, publicity; Mrs. Evelyn Earley, room mothers: Mrs. K. L. Pugh, health and welfare: Mrs. Stanley Ness, program, and Mrs. Lyle Urban, finance. Dr. Walter Snyder spoke to the group and the second grade moth ers served refreshments. I I T V- I 1 1 LV -ri fe .fel1.;' f i .Qgl. asML! OiiflnvM Fleara Rrlmhenre bK fl.f t ttM 44wM ere, erlin tWw SiM-U O Me Recital to Be Monday Night Two-piano and sola numbers will be included ia a recital by junior and high school pupils of Jean Hob son Rich on Monday night at 7:10 at her residence-studio. Those taking part are Alexandria Bradfield. Nancy Colburn. Eloine Herbst, Karleoe Quistad and Vicki Ward, a pupil of Joseph Bye of Oregon State College. CENTRAL B0WEI.L Mrs. John Tweed of Silverton was hostess for a luncheon in honor of members of the Nemo Club. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Walter Haverson, Mrs. Earl Schar and Mrs. Don Kuenzi. Officers elected include Mrs. M. F. Kephart, presi dent; Mra. Leonard Roth, vice president; and Mrs. W. A. Roth, secretary. Mrs. Edith Gutscher was a guest . New fflcers wUI he elected at the meeting of the Salem Memor ial Hospital Auxiliary Monday morning at the hospital at 10 a.m. Mrs. Charles Heltzel has served as president the past year. Salens Retaaa Club members are planning an informal drop-in ! luncheon at the Golden Pheasant Monday between 12 and 1 o'clock, j All members are invited to at- ! ten '0Wf'?J'W',!eWWiaipwsfe)oe GO LIGHT LOVELY IN YOUR INEW SUMMER STYLE FOUNDATION BY YOUTHLINE ... be comfortably stylish in your nev Yo'uthline Summer style foundation. Th sketch at right how new vertical itretc front and back panels with : pragm control and beautiful broidered nylon. . . . sizes 36 to 4 Priced $20 Other models from . . . remember, too, AAilli staff of qualified corseti around ... not just on Qnrlqur Vrm Toilet Water with Alomiirr "A ImmMW el my. Ieu4 Spi-1J7J plw ). Sin-S).M etM Me "vscii Mu Phi Dinner Mu Phi Epsiloa alumnae are meeting Monday evening for a buffet dinner at the home of the president, Mrs. Paul A. Hale, 737 Center St.. at 7 o'clock. Mrs. For rest Seamster will be the co-host ess. This will be the last regular meeting of the group until fall. A,ane Armpriest, Linda Berry, Chris guest from Eugene will be Mrs.!ljne Brandon Pau! Brandon. Judy " ""7. are invited to attend and may can the hostess for reservations. , . .. . ; Golden, Lorene Heater. Billy Hoi- The annual mother-daufhler baa- ,,.., . , t quet will be held at St. Mark's ,mpr Jonn Hudkins, Patty John Lutheran Church Tuesday night at son. Diane Martin, Barbara and 1:30 p.m. The Womea's Guild is I Martha Mills. Dale Morrow, Janet sponsoring the affair am l a pro-; Petpr Knstj p , frim will h nrpntvl AH mnlh. i ' ers and daughters of the church : are invited to attend. llefel(S3fS (Home Made) 1272 Stat Wa Feature High Quality low Prices Everyday 12 Gallon, 80c 2 (or $1.49 All Flavors for Tour Favor - Also Diabetica Frozen Dessert , pecialrdertJo The Best Place to AND occas FLOWER SEEDS AND FOR YOUR OWN ;a ; f e j-. , r l h lit n :Cj ipeciai oia- vt Ay ' i b""m' m f S12.S0 V aintain a v .'' " ? the vear Vl .iM QUELQUES FLEURS WITH THESE Crow your own authentic French Garden with three packets of gift seeds and the easy dia grams and instructions by a rioted garden authority. Packaged with lively, lovely Quelquew Fleurs toiletries. 0"pt?iie Fleum Pfffnrfle AJ latitat bevquet te , ytKtn. yo wee,. f,ty purt.iu container. I '. ew J 30 fm Piano Pupils in Recital Today Mrs. Josef Schnelker will pre sent her piano pupils in a recital Sunday evening at the Roberta Studio at 7:30 o'clock. Students taking part will be Di- Rnnn. Mrret Boone, Peggy - Xook, Michael Daggett, Sharon ro01'- Eleanor Rchb, Marilyn Sav. age, Nancy Wiles and Judy Wright. Street Shop . . . After All 0 PLANTING PLANS FRENCH GARDEN TOILETRIES BY HOUBIGANT ,iiflqtiw Hurs llmd Latifti with (ti.penrr Cantawi ata.1. Allonlain haalin. inafedieae. ie-I.JO all M Just Say "Charge IC OPEN MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 9:30 TO 9:00