Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., May 13, '58 (Sec. 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 850 Automotive 830 Automotive 850 Automotive COO Real Estate 106 Hiiaea ft Sele MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 13TH ?: 1190 Belaire Drive (C lip Glen Creek XI to Belatre, tan rifht M ielalra . M Urst tun is road i .k. kMMiif Iht tant Ttews of iaiem to b hast I An eaitstsnding jr. old hem with verythinf In lip-top shape. Attreetivst wall-to-well carpets and drapes Included, ttovnatalra daylight playroom with fir pi., thru bdrms. os Mia floor. I fireplace. Mle. plumbing. A plMi iujn tor anyone swain tor this prk kem. Only $17,$0. Edith Aadereoa wUl (how Jrou thru, ? NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS tm t. ConuBeretal ; P. MM ' SUNDAY, MAY 13TH, 1956 ' 2:00 TO 5:00 P.M. This hem would be a wonderful preeetit for Mother. r$ew ttedraotn. nvine mm and alnlni combination. 14 X II kitchen . elkplenty airi. eaeinete. braekiast nook. Utility. 1, baths. 1 attached farafe. fa I 131 lot. eitjr water. Paved street. lo , --.a . alii Jane Road ' Brewnlng, turn right te ionea. l-eft to Sign. Price $11,250 00. Dal JUyburn wUJ bow. v. phone 1004$. . ' . RAWLINS REALTY - ' ' MS CHEMEKETA STREET RALZM. OREGON . Olflc Phone 4-a7$ COME SEE 2 New Beautify! Homes SUN., MAY 13TH, 2 TO 5 P.M. 2470 Ferry St SUPREME LIVING Jbedreomi Corner Fireplace. Central Hallway Family room . AT ONLY: $14(950 MR. CRAWFORD WILL SHOW ALSO 397L0RI Co out Liberty Rd. to Boone Rd., turn left to Coloma, turn left to Lort tun right to 397. ITS A DREAM t btdroomi Sep. dining rm FkepUco bricked to -tailing ' TA. oil beat FULL PRICE: $13,500 , WALT JONES WILL SHOW Af Isaak & Co., Realtors SB N. CHURCH ST. . SUN., MAY 13TH, 2 TO 5 P.M. Go Out Market St. or D St to Savage Rd. Watch for Signs Aa extremely wen planned and restricted subdivision. Streets are payed and curbs are in. City sewers. Well constructed homes with an the extras for enjoyable living. Reason- ably priced. Liberal financing. Shopping center to re ' built. Drive out Sunday and Inspect this lovely area . You'll (all in love with it. V Al Isaak & Co., Realtors t 13 y- CHURCH ST. ken omcthino really nici: New S-bedrm. home plul tarn Uy rm. a fireplaces, dbl. g rate, forced air oil heat, elect, dnhwaaher, patio. Price 114. '4MIM. Call Mr. Kllfliu, eve. 4-4i. WAD WANTED : Would you 'like to trader Need more roomf I have 1 dandy trade possibilities. If you have I .Small home at a Sood equity, eell Edna Marfan tor more In- .tomaUon. eve. 4-03S. LOO KINO ton THE BEST? Luxurious comfort ta thla MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C. V. KENT & CO., REALTORS 48$ N. Church ITS HARD TO SAY WHICH IS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE The beautifully arranged 1-bdrm. home OR the lovely landscaped yard, with Its trees and lawn, a perfect place for the fam ily picnic. Call Henry Torvend for appointment to see this attractive home, located South. Priced at $10,508. fc e-AeWU LEI OKMAST CANDALARIA VIEW This to a dande located In tha heart of r.nrf.l.rl. Thl. 1 bdrm. bom la ca one floor , . jwmm maain ii an laeai ismny nome lor gracious llnng and entertaining J bath. dble. garage and ether extraa found nly In th most deluxe homes. first tlma on the market .' f.? Um edverttsed. so ( suras so sc m is oeaumui nome. SUBURBAN AND WELL BUILT A krand new ranrh style. S bdrms.. eest nf town, fine Int. extra - 'c roams, a -ear garage, i waanef, l'i oaths, you are , nm. . nav jouis umtn snow you through today. " ' 'DREAM HOME Xlh on a rlln tbls toeely 1-bdrm. horn In South Salem with view of mountains it valley. Party room In hsmt. larse stt farag. extra large bdims., work. Close to school. Paved streets and walks. See Ralph , - assKwj, sua sa noi. MOTHER'S DAY Cast be every day. If you make her happy In this picturesque , . -ranch style 3-bdrm home South, just outside city limits. . . Just a fears old and located on large lot notable for the right . number of shade giving trees, right on bus line. If you want breathing spec and a well constructed, artistic home call ' Adrtenn SercomDe. Just SHJ0. J. . 471 fXrtJBT TREtT Phone Ive. Henry Torvend l-3a. 1 f-i. JUipa aaaoay i-ese. 800 Real Estate 80 Hmt For Sett Dnv out Bourn commercial io Attractive kitchen . ibathi Double garage Oil beat Vk batha. 1 tiled Hdwd lira Dougle garage 1344 aq. ft. Brand new PH. 4-J311 OR i-78 PH. 4-3311 OR 3-782(1 TP apaclous deluxe home, beau tlful ww carpet, overslie bedrms Bright, cheery kitch en with lots of bullt-tns. Price SIS.S0O00. Call atesrns Cuih Ing, eve. 1-604$. ONE OP KENT'S BEST BUYS, US Acres, 4 bedrm. modern home, basemt, flowers, shrubs, family fruit, barn 31 x 80, mach. shed, well house, ga rage. SS acres In crop, 8 acres oak trees, bal In pasture. AH crops go with the farm. Priced at only $37,000.00. Terms. Call Mr. Leavens, eve. 3-47J5. Phone 4-2293 RUDY CALABA with lovely entry hall and spacious Call Don Doughton and be the levelv hlreh -kitchen srttn elrth- SURE te like this brand new dble. plumb, with lots of tile 1-411$, 1-4118, t-4117. 1-4111 JUL V 4 Don Doughton 4-1414. Louis Lnreni Aarienn aercomb 4-9083. 80O Real Estate 80A Houses For Solo rOlt RALE, ty owner; J-eOna. houe. SSSM. term. a-ain. 1 nnRM. home. 1 rr. eld. Bo Ne loaa costs. z.uue en., month. Phone owner 4.-43J7 Very attractive modernistic view lot home. uv. cm. paneieo h beam celling. 1 bdrm . 1 in knotty wne. Kitchen with eat ln A mil erea. Carport with Iirfl ettacnea wora-enop. Sll MO. Ul Rlverriew Dr. Ph 4-4204. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY I S P.M. New I Br. home, fireplace, fam ily room, double plumbing, J Car garage, for Only 12.$J0. 5125 HAZEL GREEN RD. Co North en Highway 9t ta Totem Pele. Turn Dul Hazel Greets. Rd. follow the una. Call DON BELLINGER Eve 4-04S2, omce e-uttf Ilili via paVtwaaWaaatal ijiw.Vj ISM Fairgrounds Rd. Dave 4-3394, Eve. 3-NH HAVE S2.3M equity In 1-bdrm home S ml. R E. of Salem that I will trade for car trailer ht. canh or what have you. No real utile. Write Emma Mitch ell. Srtn or Ph. XT. Big Beautiful Yard This 3-bdrm. horn hai l'i bathi, large utility. Mill din ing room, roomy bkfst. Rook, large patio, all on a huge lot. all In lawn, with lots of Urge trees. Excellent for gardener. Ranrh atvle. SI2.00 ve. Marjorte Tannine 4-40M. Of fice 4-TST). Ted Morrison REALTOR Bfl N. HIGH PH. 4-7977 3 BDRMS. PART TRADE Living room, 1SxZ4, flrepl., din rm., lovely ail. ife. family rm. wflrepl., kltnt. bar & tools, den, 1 bdrma. wmiu tve cIomIs At bulltina. l'i baths. Utll. rm. Sewing rm.. dble gar. wlots of bullUn stor age, auto oil turn. Cor. lot 0x 181, bus stop. Beaut shrubs. Patl A fenced back yard. $11, IM. Will take bouse or con uptoJ. 000. Ph. 4-90M. BV OWNER: Nearly new 3 bedrm. ranch type home, dbl. attached garage, full dry base ment with f. A. oil heat, 2 flreplarea. East Enilewood, 4 blks. Hoover school, ) blks. Ebners Market. See after 3 pm Price SIS.500. 1730 Ellis Ave. WILL sell 11,700 equity In 1 bdrm. home, sno an. or trrae for l'i ton LWB truck. 4-S244. $4 500 for this l'i bdrm. house. Attractive Interior, extra lot. 1173 Sth St Ph. 4-S270. For Sale or Trade 1 Bedroom Home Urge bedroom with walk-la closet, living room, kitchen, bath, large utility room, glsss heat wired for washer It dry er Large front yard, 'i acre, Kelrrr District has uwn well $2 500 equity trad for 3 bed room home up to $10,000. See at IS Alder St. or ph. 4-5111. 898 WALDO Ave.. Candalaria Shop, dirt 3 bd , yrs. eta. $9,250. Ph. 3-57S. CROSS OVER THE BRIDGE And we'll show you this mod em 3's bdrm. horn at a very reasonable price . . . and on very good terms. Man trans ferred and must leave Imme diately. It has a Hv. rm., din. rm., delightful kitchen, utility room. 1 bdrms. Ac bath down A l'i bdrms. up. Total price $8,750. Pons. $1,000 dn. to right buyer. Call Tom Fagsn, 4-4494. Eve. 4-1193. REALTORS 817 Court St. Dla 4-4494 Lavender and Old Lace What a placel With an Income of f!H) mo. this old fashioned hotite is Ideal for an older couple. Beautifully decorated, with a fairyland yard, real close to town, shopping cen ter and bus. There's sn spt upstairs, extra bdrm. rrnted out, 2 bdrms. down tone rent ed), bsmt. and modern oil furnace, plus owners quar ters. $14,500. Eve. Cordova Stephenson 4-8149. Office 4-7977. led Morrison REALTOR 250 N. HIGH PH. 4-7177 BIG PRICE CUT Widow must move Will sell for $15,950. It would cost too much to describe this charm ing carpeted, wbdrm.. party room home. Once you see the colorful hack yard you can't resist inis price, pn. z-zsni $3110. 1 BEDRM. hse Plumbing A wiring roughed In. Interio psrtly finished. Exterior com plete. Easy payment plan. C W. Reeve. Realtor. I860 Mis. Sinn St Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9538 or 1-0091. FOR SALE. 3 bdrm. house, 2095 SChurch. Ph. l-0929. BY OWNER: A rearbsrgTln, 1 houses on one lot live in one and rent the other. Large house, 3 bedrooms with uu stairs partly finlahed. Smal house 4 rooms, rented for $37 50 mo. Both for $$.500 193 S. Liberty St. or see Ralph Mapes M obliges Station, 1095 S. Commercial. 4-BDRM. home. yrs. old, near new sen.. $11,000. Open Sun 1905 N. 20th. Kingwood Heights $10,500. 2-bdrm. home with at tractive large breezrway to farage, roomy view lot, 15x21 Ivlng room, kitchen with nook S years old, approx noo so n. T.v: Ten Morn son S-504. Office 4-7977. Ted Morrison REALTOR ,250 N. HIGH , PH. 4-7877 806 Houses For Solo McGILCHRIST ST. Just completed. I lovely bdrm l. Hy room I fireplace I -car garage. Paved street. U!y sewer Close to all -chools. A very attractive home. Only 14. JO. Terms. CHARLES ST. New S-bflrm home In a new diitrlrt of all nrw hornet. Dble plumbing. 1-rar garage Paved atreela. Large lot Only 113,300. Terms. S. WINTER STi One-year-old 3-hrlrm home. transferred and will sacrifice. Only fin 300. Terms. AT TURNER Two-year-old l-hdrm. home op Is one of the neatest nomes we nava seen in a long time. Very nice arrangement and only IS. 500. Terms. HAGERST. Out of city owner must dispose years old. Nearly t acre, excel, gardrn soil. Nice iawn. will take car in trade or sell with low down payment Only sa.soo. HANSEN AVE. Small cottage on 'i acre Beautiful view tot with abundance of trees. On pavement city Terms. UL 1D1 8. HIGH ST. a$v. Andy Hivorien Pr. 3-71M. Beckett Ph. J-m IT ACRES CLOSE IN SOUTH uood z-bdrm. nome. barn gamge. cnicicen noue. deep wen with ample water. Z acres filberts, family fruit, balance in fermanent pasture all fenced This place has lots of possi ilities, look it over at $11 000 Call Fred Dnerfler. OWNER MUST SELL Says take price ana assume ine loan on mis very nice z-iwrm. nome East. Large living and dining room combined with wall-to-wall carpet, utility, convenient kitchen, extra large attached garage with work space. Large fenced Int. You coutd make a buy here. Call Roy Todd. SI-ACRE f ARM-FOLA HILLS 7 oak and fir. 1001 cords of oak wood to be cut that will more than pay for farm. Ranch stvle 3-bdrm. home. 25 acres of alta fescue all fenced. $12,000. Call Mrs. Graham to see this. JUST BIG ENOUGH EOR TWO buys this nest 1-bdrm with extra sleeping space. Walk-In nice bath. House very well New garage. Call Mr Hicks. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 131 STATE ST. Eve call: Hicks 4-4930: DeSerano Graham 4-4748: Todd 2-1731; 318 N. CHURCH REALTORS BARGAIN Neat 4-rom house, lot, excellent for couple or single person. Electric heat, plus circ. nil heater, l'i blocks to bus. for particulars ask for Mr. Cheatham. Eves. 4-9865. PRICE REDUCED Neat 2-bdrm. with 2 more rooms Liandy nrepiace oil 'lurnare, large Kit chen nd lor'y dining room, attached garage, separate utility, low taxes. For particulars ask for Mis. Woottrn. Eves. 3-80C8. NICE MODERN Well located 3-bdrm home on North Biver Rd Large corner lot. 100x200. Beautiful yard 4 large walnut trees. Covered patio .arie living room with fireplace, extra large kitchen. Terms. $1J.900. Ask for Mrs. Lemm, Eves. 3-719. S 322 N. CHURCH ST. WE PHONE 4-3311 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 1 houses on one lot. Older type 3 Darm. nome. a yr. oia i bdrm. rents for $45 per mo. Walking distance to Engle wood, North Salem High, and Parrtsh Schools. At onlv $7. 500 Call N G. "Dan'' Isaak. Eve. Ph. 4-9953. COME SEE This 3 bdrm. home. Large llv. rm. Fireplace. Sep din. rm. F A. oil heat Hdwd. firs. Dble. garage. Near St. Vin cent's School. Lge. corner Int. Priced at $13,500 Call Walt Jones. Eve. Ph. 4-78.T2. HAYESVILLE DISTRICT S fin serfs Beautiful yurrt. All kinds of fruit, (.nod well. On nav,m,nt. 3 bdrm. hrnnp 13x z living rm. with finrptacf. 12x15 dinini rm, Full br. mht with oil furnace. A won derful home in (h country at 114.500. Call Mr. Crawford. Eve. Ph. 4-5020. EXCEPTIONAL MOTEL Well locatrd in the heart, area Beautifully landscaped Well kept modern units. Nicely fur nished 14 units In alt plus a very nice 2 bdrm. home. Op erated during 1he summer months only Shows high grott-. Full prirc 149,750. Lib eral terms arranged. Call Mr. Woodcock. Eve. Ph. 2-71M. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evenings 4-5020. 4-78.12. 3-4623, 2-8048, 4-9131, 4-9953 If no answer, Dial 4-2248 RAW Mortgage loans for buying or construction t OR. S', BEDROOM HOME NORTH-laige living room with fireplace Larse kllrhfn and hrrirnnim furnace, attached garage large lot with beautiful lawn and shrubs, nlrntv nf rmmi for eardpn Home In perfect condition 3 years old Owner might consider 2 to 5 acres with 3 bed room home tn trade. Full price $11.250 00. Call Henry Rund to see, eve. 4-llitl. COZY SPOT ON THE HIM. --Plenty shade with 2 bedroom home. living room, dining room Patio. 65 x 110 lot. Thi is call Dale Rayhum. 2-2045. VIEW LOT One of the finest for davllght basement home. Restricted area nf nice homes, city water and paved street 108' x 140'. Price $.1,200.00 We have other view lots at various prices To see call Dean Klarr. eve. 2-7IKKI LOVELY 3 BDRM. HOME- large tomatic till heat. Completely furnished, all of nice furniture and garden tools included Wllhin 2 blks of school. On paved atreet. Tn see call R. E. Gillespie, eve. 4-0944. RAWLINS REALTY ACROSS FROM STATESMAN-JOURNAL nj Chemeketa Street Office phone 4-6875 BY OWNER BUILDER SAT. AND SUN., 2-5 P. M. 4844 Firdell Dr. 3-bdrm . larff living room, din in room, birch kitchen, with builtin range, oven and dmhwaher. nook and large paneled family room. Paneled ivuli in living room, wilh fireplace, and built in wood box l1 hath Beautiful se'ttng in trre. with front lawn in Paved itreeti and Salem Heights water Prica 1V1K)0. Out Ubtrty Garden to Boone fld. 106 Houses For Solo 1 complete baths, tarre fm McKinley school dit. Owner 1 lota Nearly ' acre This ol this neat 1-bdrm. home. 6 water a sewer, only x-t.juo. Ph. 4-3001. A. E Helen Lewis, Ph Can be bought on good term. offer on down payment and miles from Salem. 37 acres but a lot for the money. $6750 gla.sed in slrepinc porch for closet, hkfst. nook, utility, constructed, carries good loan. Ph. 1-8591 3-9095: Doerfler 1-3784; Mrs. Vandervorl 4-7602. i PH. 3-9236 completely furnished. Small house plus unfinished upstairs SPECIALIZE IN TRADES OR 3-7820 EVERGREEN AVE. Attractive 4 bedroom home. New roof. Inside utll. Over sired garage. On 80x200 lot. All for $7.5X10. Call Mr. Craw ford. Eve. Ph. 4-5020. STAIR WEARY? 3 bdrms. on one fir. Lge. living rm. Brk. nk Oil heat. Hdwd firs. Tiled bath. Alt. garage I,ge. lot Almost new. Full price onlv $10 500. Call N G. "Dan" Isaak. Eve. Ph. 4-9953. FULL BASEMENT With economical sawdust heat. liv. rm. Sep. din. rm, plus eating area Fireplace. HHwrt firs Ven. blinds Excel rhstrli-t Full price $11,750. Call Mr, Sword. Eve. Ph. 2-8048 HOME & INCOME Very nice home Llv. rm. Din rm. Oil heal. Hdwd. firs. Dble garage. 2 2-bdrm. apts. up stairs! $90 per mo. income. Good location. All at $11. 9V Call Mr. Stewart Eve. Ph. 4-9131. REPAIR GARAGE And service station set up. Ex cellent modern bldg gas pumps. Does large business In parts. Completely equipped shop. 4 cars lor loan, rltgn net income, superb location in good Willamette valley ritv. No phone Information, please. Contact Mr. Woodcock. Eve Ph. 2-710. REALTY all on one floor. Forced air oi kilihen, utllllv, separate garage a little dandy for $7 450 00; to see views in the Salem area. Ideal living room with fireplace, au E ipi 806 House For Solo NEW S bdrm. house, frpl.. P A. neat, no wo. n.. si. or. closets. lots tt. sp . In. seeded, fruit. iv ant., li l man. S.VXJ dn Out Liberty Rd.. ta Regal Gar den to 14S. 3 BDRMS. ON DUFFIELD HEIGHTS Suburban atmosphere, nice set ling quiet neighborhood, large totner lot. paved streets city water, only 3 blka. to trans. A shopping. All this goes with this 3 bdrm. beauty. It has a convenient travel plan o a central hallway, eating area In the kitchen, Sep. din. rm.. frpl A paneling In llv. rm., l'i hatha large utility A an over sire rlhl. gar. Priced M $15,750. Cell Mr. fagaa 4-4484, Eve. 4-8193. REALTORS SIT Court St. Dial 4-494 I'j ACRES north, 3 bdrm . terms to suit. ri'RN. bearh. cottage, windows overlooking ocean, 10x24' liv. rm. wfrpl. Will sell equity of $1,000 Total price S3.500, pym'ts $37 SO mo. Contact Lee Roberts. Lees Union Station. 145 S. E. Coast Highway. New port. Oie. E SUNDAY. MAY 13 BY OWNER: New 3 bdrm.. close to Wash lnston Sch., birch kit. A frpl.. Inside util. 3360 Kathleen St. Ph. 1-.TOB5. RUGGED BUT LIVABLE $150 Dn $40 a Mo. $3,150 2 Rm. House near Salem Heights School. E. A. McGLAUFLIN. RLTR. 335 N. High 3-8611 Sun. 3-8812 YAMHILL COUNTY BARGAINS 1. Beautiful new ranch type home nn 9'j A. nr. Yamhill: Deep well. Some income. See to appreciate. $15,000 terms. 2. 1H8 A. 7 nu. west of Yamhill on Meadow Lake Rd. Modern house, big bam Haskms creek thru the place, itots of fishing.) Several springs, deep well. Considerable tim ber A Xmas tree stock. $16, OiK) onlv $."i.0(K) dn. 3. ON THE WILLAMETTE nr Wilsonville. 40 A, with over B50 ft. river frontage. Fair hides, ?2.00n some term. WRITE FOR OCR "REST BUYS BULLETIN" GEARIN k CO.. REALTORS NEWBERG. OREGON MODERN 2 bdrm. Top condi tion. 1A. Varietv fruit, close in, room for children, a pony or to build. Priced for ouick sale. Ph. Woodburn 2-4U9 S500 DOWN Located North on Highway Ave nue, Close to bus, school and stores. Completely redecorated, 2 bdrms.. bath, living and din ing room comb., kitchen with lots of builtins, laundry room, large garage with shop space. SfiOOO with monthly payments less than rent. SOUTH SALEM HI English type homt on corner lot -with nice shade trees. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, basement, gas furnace, living room, din ing room, kitchen with til counter & breakfast space. Bus by door and onlv 2 blocks to High School. $9,000 with $2, 500 down. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING Real Estate Mortgage Loans Ins$rance PHONE OFFICE 3-9217 EVES.: 2-4709 OR 3-7388 SAT. AND SUN. NEW HOrSE IN NEW NEIGHBORHOOD Plastered 3-bdrm , dining room. birch kitchen, fireplace, p A furnace, oak floors, tile hath, formica top cabinets, lots of builtin storage, large ward robes In each bdrm F H A. appraised. North on River Rd to Manbrin Dr. 1 block south, corner house. BY OWNER BUILDER PH. 4-8285 duett & Kenyon, REALTORS 1980 Fairgroundi Rd. Fh. 2-3551 NAME YOUR LOCATION: ENGLEWOOD? Weil-comtrurted 2-bedroom home; largr living and dining mm.: full base ment; two fireplaces; corner lot with sprinkling aystern. Price $15,500. FOUR CORNERS? Substantial .1 hedroom home with hasement ALSO ideal cottage for Mom. Pop. or Aunt Nellie Roomy jnt Hop-and-a-skin to shops church and hus Trade your Enelewood homt if you need more room. ST. VINCENT'S? Txivelv nx room home on Columbia St Basement. Price $13,730. NAME YOlfn TERMS: Cannery workers see tins 5 bedronm home on Trade SI Newlv redecorated Some fur niture lncl. in reas, price of $4,500. COMPARE for $.2M. 2-hedronm Kairmount Htt home Oil fur nace SO neat I'se your rrni monev to buy. SIt.VEHTON RD acrrage 2 Bedroom home; dole garage, barn. Only $7.50. Kve. Ph. Frfd Rrrnnan 4-7328 or 2 83,37 PKRFKCT CONDITION 2 BEDROOM HOME. VERY Neat and clean. Living rm A dining area nlrely car net ed Attractive fireplace, Modern birch kitchen Utility rm,. att gaiatc Well kept vard Good neighborhood Price $U.S00 f'MJ, MP RRM'I.ICK JOHN J: DANN, REALTOR 405 N High 4-mi-Eve 4-.122D 2-finRM., best offer Located at 770 S. Lancaster. M, M. Sipe, Rt. I. Box LI9, Oregon City, ph. W27. BY OWNER; 2 bdrm. home S years old, plastered Interior, nice floon, utility, pret ty lawn with picket fence, trees, shrubs Ac flowers, at tached garage, paved street, near Super Market, Lot 52x 110, So Good buy at $7,950 Ph. 2-3418. FOR SALE: All furn. I bdrm house, w I extra lota, Ph 3-7011 BUY my equity In Msnbrin Gardens home. 3 bdrms, or 2 bdrms. & dn. F A. beat frnl. a, nattn. $1 150 dn $tl.. 150, $35 Manbrin Dr. Fh. 4-2453 806 Houses For Sole BY OWNER: Will trade equity in nouae azso sunnvstaa Ha for trailer house. Balance on nome IV one at SCO me. See anytime or Ph 3-ot.U. 807 Apt's. Courts for Solo Now Is Your Opportunity To buy good eoast auto court and retire. U units In 1, 1 snd 3 bdrms.. all completely turn. Housekpng. accommodations. 1 more cottages ready ta be finished on inside. Nice 3 bdrm. home, some furnished, all eiectnc equipment. Owner sacrificing for $30,000. Aptirox 'i down, balance easy. Home or in trade Dream-bv-the-Sea Cottages. Long Beach. Wash. 808 Loft For Solo LOT for sale. Englewood dist 1-5322. lOlxUJ.Ph. 0x197 FT lot. on 3rd St , Jef ferson. Ore. Ph. Salem )-33Sl. after 7 p.m. WILL sacrifice my equity for $150. Labtsh Village. Assume contract. Ph. 4-5170. 810 Forms For Solo 840 ACRES Stock ranrh. 150 acres cultivated along line stream. Balance nil) land mostly seeded to pasture grasses. Fenred. A fine set-up lor sneep or cattle. Located on highway 9 inllcs irom lariie town. Estimated 'a million ft. of fir timber. There are 2 nice modem homes. 3 good barns, alio, large poultry house etc Price including milking equip ment $50,000 00 W0.WSI 00 down. Will consider trade tn Salem area. DIVERSIFIED Livestock grain. A 10 acre bran vard. 124 acres with almti.i s mile river frontage Irrigation rights. M) acres cultivated, bal ance good pasture 2 good modern iiomes. barn. A out buildings Well located. Price including Irrigation cauioment $23 300.00. Consider house in trade. NORTHWEST LAND CO Realtors 174$ Center St. Ph. 3-9312 Eve. 2-1294 1 A. EAST. Close in with Rd. on 2 sides, can be divided Intu 4 lots. 1100 dn. Bal. 125 per month. C, W. Reeve. Realtor, 1860 Mission St. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-U.VI0 or 2-0898. 270 A. 40 TIMBER. 160 perma nent pasture. 10 orchard-vme-ard. 100 tillable. 50 bottom irrigation water springs, streams, good buildings. $42. flno Reserve timber, $.131100. Terms Consider small place as part trade or divide 4 mi N. Drain Hwy. 38. R. L. Bridges. Drain. Ore. 11', ACRES No. lge. hiwav frontage. Excel, soil, good home, barn 8r out bldg, fam ily fruit, crop in nr school JOE NOONCHESTF3t. RL. EST 1595 N.Cnttage Ph 4-3tkil 3 BDRM. hse. & 2'2 A. E. on Center St., ' ml. beyond Frultland Sch. Box 8.17. Salem Good loan Ph. 2-7234. Make offer on equity. 3 BEDROOM house, garaee chicken house, barn on len'f - vica nun Ltiniii'i aim j ra around creek. Ph. 4-1694 NORTH MARION COUNTY RANCH Located outside new Air Base area. 197 Acre stock-grain or dairy ranch. 110 A. cultivated, bal. pasture. 2 barns, other outbuildings. Irrigation sys tem included. Good 4 BR mod ern home. Crops are In. Hur ry on this one. Write or call for price and terms. A. A. LARSEN 191 S High St. Ph. J-8fi29 2-BDRM house, view, timber. 20 acres. 17.500 rash, leaving Salem. Ph. 2-5168, Owner. 812 Exch. Real Estoto BY OWNER. 8 uiJt apt. house, close in. sale-trade 4-.1881. ALBANY business property for sale or trade. Salem property, J 1 5Irry: WILL trade hse. In Portland. 2 lots, fruit, oak trees, land scaped. 5.onn, for I In Salem. 8459 S E. 29th. Zone 22 816 Resort Property MOTEL and cottages, ft units Strictly modern, very good cond, Will trade for valley property. Terms. B. t. Lee, Box 547, Rockaway, Ore. SALE or trade for Salem home. $fl.500. Very desirable 2-bdrm home. Ocean and lake views.. Fireplace, auto, oil heat, dbl garage and work shop, nice garden, lots of strawberries Oceanlakc, Ore. (2093 Mill, Sa lem i. 818 Wonted, Real Estate WILL pav cash for vour equity. V.. A. McGLAUFLIN, RLTR. .1.15 N. High St. J-J611 851 New Cora DRIVE THE BIG Phaeton Tt.t Smartest 4-Door Hard Top on the Road. McKINNEY LLNCOLN - MERCURY 430 N Commercial Salem SEE & DRIVE THE LITTLE ENGLISH BUILT FORD THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST SMALL CAR ON THE ROAD IT Will. AMAE VOU AND SO WILL THE PRICE. $15 io Delivered, frosters. Includes healer, de. turn slsnals. slon htes, white wall tires, twin tender mirrors and a lot more BRITISH CAR SALES 1 2005 N. Capitol Ph. 2-6602 S52 U, Car For Sola ffi POST tlSTOSAin ne s. m. bit 55 Nash Cross Country Radio, heater A hydramatic. $2094. '54 Mrrcury Hardtop Loaded with extras. $1895 $1295 53 Buick Special 53 Cadillac "62" Dr. Radio, beater, power steer ing. A hydramatic. '54 Hudson Hollywood Hardtop, radio, heater' A overdrive. $1793. 52 Nash Station YYgn. . . . $895 '50 Slude. Champion '50 Nash Statesman 2 Dr. $195: $195 '51 Buick Sdn. Radio, heater. dynailnw, new tires. 43.000 miles, like new, $795. '51 Chcv. Sdn. $795 '51 Chrysler Clb. Cpe. Radio, beater, automatic drive. '52 Mercury Sdn $995 Radio, heater, overdrive. Post Auto Sales OPEN EVES. 1105 So. 12th & '40 CHRYSLER Cpe. . $ 49 '35 INTERNATIONAL P'k'p $ 59 '40 CHEVROLET Sdn. I 89 '48 PONTIAC Sdnt. $ 39 dn $ 79 '48 OLDS. Sdn. $ 44 dn $ 89 '49 KAISER Sdn. I 49 dn J H9 '4 CHEV. Sdn. . $49 dn. $109 '47 PONTIAC Sdnt. $ 59 dn $129 '47 MERCL'RY Sdn. $ 59 dn. $149 '4 FORD Clb Cpe. $ 59 dn. $149 '48 BUICK Sdnet. . $ 89 dn $189 '38 CHEV. Truck ... $89dn $I99 '47 CHEV. Convert. $109 dn $229 '47 CHEV. Sdn $109 dn. $213 '40 CHEV. Pickup $129dn $259 ii) HUDSON Sdn. $169 dn. $199 '51 BUICK Riv. Cpe. $219 dn. $749 51 FORD Victoria $229 dn $759 No Down Payment On Approved Credit AYNBEE MOTORS "540 Union Ph 2-0703 Nile ph. 3-3253 . 4-7587 jj. 41 Chev. coune Ph Monmouth Skyline 7-L'585. '5H BUICKsuper- V8, 4 door 2 tone rsdio, heater, while wsli tires, custom seat covers, Top cond $1295. Ph. 4-5581 4875 Harcourt. 1949 CHEV 4 dr. sdn. $190 cash. Ph. 4-7627. TRADE equity '52 Pontiac 4-dr Station Wagon. All metal body, hydra, new paint, clean, will psy difference. 3-8074, '50 WILLYS Sta. wgn radio, O' drive, 1 heaters, S excel, tires Good shape mech, 225 E. Browning. MCRiriCE immediately '51 Ford V-8 custom 2 door over drive, radio, heater. One own er. $475. Ph. 4-4117. 1950 CHEV. 4 dr.. clean thruout, price $450 Equity & part. Ph. 4-4738. 3230Abrams. 1940 DODGE. R & H. good cond. I See 1415 Napltol ! 'in PI V Hn neur nam! 5 ftOJl mi. on ww tires. RAH. $275 See to appreciate, 1S55 Che meketa. '42 CADILLAC Sdn . good cond all accessories. Pn. 4-0064. 5.1 FORD V-a Convert . radicT. heater, overdrive, in top con dition, will consider trade, ph. $-19U7. SI FORD Convertible! RATI ww tires, Ford-o-matic new top. Huns good. Ph. 3-4677 eve. 6LDSM6BirEsi,7M'H excel, cond. Ph. 4-0903. 1286 Court. '51 FORD 4-dr. tn trade on later model car. 4-2953. Tf CHEVROLET-4-drImmar-ulate cond.. low mileage, orig. paint, excel, tirea. 1254 Edge- wster, W. Salem. Ph. 2-9458. '41 OLDS convert. Excel, shape 271 1 Hulsey Ave. ILLNESS forces sale bv Tuesday 5(1 Chev. Bel Air 4-dr. sdn , equipped, 5.000 mi., new cond $100 for $050 equity Balanre 2-8H for 28 months .1485 Crest view Dr. 1948 DODGE Ph. 2-6987. Convertible $195. FOR SALE. 1953 Packard 300 sdn . power steering, power brakes, white wall tires. 34.000 mi, $1,200. Ph. .1-884)5. EQUITY in"l956l)lds'Sule7884: dr. sedan, premium rubber. For clean '54 Chev. or equival ent, ph. 3-6440 eve. or Sunday. '54 BELAIR ChevTtinted "glass", power glide, onlv 17.000 mi , $.100 cash take over terms. Ph. 2-3986 Woodburn or see 740 Young St; FOR SALE Mercury Sedan by original owner. Poling Motor rebuilt in '53 Brakes, tires, seat rovers, top condition. Very rleant Ijte -48 Excel lent performance. 1250 cash Pnone .1-57.12. except Sunday WANT 51 to '5.1 light car for equity in '56 Ford Fairlane. fnidomatlc, extras. Ph. 3-6442 WII.lT take" $450 frr$r.200eqilltv in '56 Fairlane Ford 4 dr wi'h Fordomatlc A-, Pa ments (59 18 mo. Ph 3-6442 49 CAdT 6247 2tone blue, white wall. radio heater hydra. Ph. 2-1259 or 4-7181. 42 " CHEV. Sdn'. "good" rond". cheap. 2-3429. 2225 Townsend Wav 54 HUDSON super let 2-dr., radio, hester, continental kit. wire wheels, roval red. low ml., $980. PH 3-6482 Sheridan '46 BUICK 3-6711 SPECIAL '52 rilEV. 4-dnor. excel, cond . new paint, low mileage. $675 ce at 3!MV Chemeketa. eves. 5n PLY M Ot TT H Si i b u r ha n 7c lea n, rew paint. $595 M W Brad lev In Aumsville. Ph. 1714. 54 CAdTi7"L A (Tn"nv7rtrbi7. power steering brakes, wire wheels Ph. 3-8557. TO PLACE CLASSIFIED DIAL 4-6811 852 Usd Cor For Solo i m k ftftM YOUR CHOICE $595 '53 Willys Sdn. Overdrive beater, h t white wall tires. I I '52 Ford Sdn. 6 j Heater. i '51 Kaiser, Like new i 3n.000 miles. '51 Chev. Tudor Radio, heater. powerglide. '51 Plymouth Clb. Cpe. Radio, heater. '50 Buick Super Sdn. Radio, heater, dyna. '51 Packard Sdn. Radio, heater. 23.000 miles, automatic drive. '51 Nash Ambassador Heater, makes Into a '43 DrSolo 9 Passenger Like new. bed. TILL 8 P.M. Ph. 4-6211 '54 Chcv 4-dr sdn. Had.o. heater p. $1 I.Mi rirlule. turn signals, 2-tone hi '54 Ply 2-dr sdn. $1,130 Radio, heater, 22.(100 milrs Reallv sharp. '53 Ply Convert. $1 0'i5 Radio, heater. Hvdia. drive. new top. iSharpi '52 Ford V-8 clb $795 Radio. heater. nverdnvr. turn signals, 2-tone. Sliarn. '52 ("hew sdn. V.M Radio, healer, 2-tone hnstr '52 flMC ', ton 7'i5 '51 Hudson Hornet sdn $195 Radio, hea'er, hvdra , turn signals, back-up lights. Like new. '50 Ply 2-dr sdn. JIM Radio, heater, 2-tone beige Perfect- '48 Chev. Panel $.195 50 Ply. 2-49 Fords. '46 Olds. '41 Chev See These Great Buys Soon At: DEWEY'S .1080 Mai ket Ph. S-4M! Equipped With "Hydramatic Heater Cuslom Trim Deluxe Steering Wheel White Wall Tires Vogue Two Tone Paint Oil' Kilter Oil Bath Cleaner Directional Signals $695 Dn. AND $20.15 per week In most rases your present car will more than make the down payment. r? PONTIAC CO. IfifiOV Liberty Ph.2-4113 NEW tt USED Union Ar Commercial Ph S-3175 '49 KORD 2 DM. SKD. Call 3-9772 After 5. 1955 FORD Ranrh Waenn for sale or trade. Ph. 4-5092 Oregon'a Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Care Commercial r Chem.aeta Ph. 4-57U B53 Auto Porta t Repeira ANCKLIA Ford parts, win dows, fenders, rear end. trans mission radiator Ar so forth Real reasonable Dandy front end for boat trailer. Ph. 2-8;31 B54 Trucka, Troil. lor $ole 39 CHEV panel Sell any part or all Tires 650x20. finod car Ph. 2-279fl . . 112 WILLYS Jeep pickup, 4 wheel drive, pit 4-1461. 1931 MODEL A Pickup. Good condillon. Ph. 3-9798 '49 CHEV. panel, excel, cond. R E. Ladd. Rt. 4. Box 309. Rose- dale Sch. dist. TRADE Better than new, two wheel trailer for milk cow beef or what have you See at 170 Kenwood. Ph. 3-8800 B56Wonted. CoriTtrcka WE'RE PAYING TOP CASH For Clean Used Cars Paid pm or Not Bob k Bill's Used Cars Union V High Sta. DELIVERY ON 1956 P0NT1ACS Will Chevrolet Cadillac SI 852 Ud Cora For Sott SUGGEST . Thai you support the Senators every home game if you can't gu, be Lodcr's guest over radio, Salem KSLM 1390 on your dial. TRANSPORTATION Sl'RE! We have what vou need lor dependable travel- anywhere. 1955 BUICK CENTURY HARDTOP CPE. Fully equipped readv ta t -.$2491 1955 OLDS. "88" HOLIDAY CPE. Exolic red with standard trans. $2fiq 1954 MERCURY SUN VALLEY The car with the vista dome a marvelous vaca tion car, full power 2iM 1955 CHEVROLET "210" 4 DR. SDN. Ixw equipment High Value $159$ 1953 OLDS. "88" 4 DR. SDN. Radio, heater, straight stick . 8I39S 1951 OLDS. "98" 4 DR. SDN. Grove gteen. fully equipped . $891 1950 OLDS. "98" 4 DR. SDN. 2 tone grey, full equipment $A9I 1951 MERCURY 4 DR. SDN. Real clean, radio, heater, new paint I69S 19.-il CHEV. DI.X. 4 DR. Almost perfect, a real buy $691 REMEMBER! Fullow the Senators in One ol These Safety Tested Cars 858 Motorcycles Gas 6c Per Gal. That's what its like when you ride a Motorcycle or Scooter from n At the corner of Highland It Portland Hd NO MONEY DOWN ON APPROVED CREDIT The monev you save in gas will make the payments, you'll have a lot of fun ndineind the wife can have the car. B62 House Troilera YES You ran take it with you If you buy one of our mobile hemes. jaVhawk trailer saux "VACATION trailers See Them At Jayhawk Trailer Sales 240 Portland Rd Ph 3-8041 To Match Your New Car SHASTA VACATION TRAILERS LANA LANE 19-tn Lans Ave Ph. 2-l0 12 FT Vacation Special Ready In CO-S2II5 JAYHAWK TRAII.ER SALES DFI.ltXE lM422-ft. hfetime flipper trailer w twin beds As bath, J22.W 1191 N. Capitol. 25-FT trailer, '56 mod w'tub. $2 475. Una Lane, 1940 I.sns Ave TRADE '54 Pontiac 4-dr. serl. for late mdl house trailer, or sell l.ana Lane. 1940 l.ina Ae Ph 2-9160 MODERN 27 ft. all aluminum birrh lined trailer house. 1685 S Llhcrtv, ph. 3-905(1 951 EASTERN built 35 ft. Royal Spsrtanette t r a 1 1 e r house, modern, automatic gas heat ing 1 mile S E Stavton on Kingston Mr! Rt. 1. Box 20-A, Stavton, Ore. FOR SALE: 1951 Columbia trail er, 23 ft.. Beautane stove, oil heat eler. refng., hath. Ph. 2-1935 eve. FIR CREST Trailer Psrk under new mansgement. restricted spaces for rent. 3910 N. River Rd. Ph. 2-6.113. CASH FOR TRAILERS UNA LIE 1940 Lana Ave. Th. 2 51M FOR A CLEAN, Quiet. Modem place tn park your trailer house It's the new 4-Cnrner Trailer Cnurt. 1 block east nf the 4-rnrners on Stats 8L Ph 2-7705 TRAILER TOWING IAVHAWK TRAILER SALES JM0 Portland Rd Ph 1-804$ from Salem's oldest and larg est Trailer Dealer ... 10 years in same location, ABC, Schtilt. Vagabond, Nashua, Siesta, Richardson, Kit, Great Lakes, Terry and Transi-Home. TERMS UP TO 5 YEARS Wc take cars, pickups, furni ture and livestock in trade on new trailers. FREE DELIVERY See us for the Best Deal Two locations to serve you. n nn n TRAILER SALES 2640 PORTLAND RD., SALEM Fhone 2-6011 LIIEB 461 NO. 1IICIH PH. 2 7971 Beigie 3-M.i8 Cell 4-5341 I is.i- j m.m.ML i i.jL j. A. js. Sfca aa. a Im JLjA ailaT -at' wse js-a