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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1956)
450 Merchandise 45t Bulldint Mororioli ELEC. vail Heater. 8 oft. 21" x 33 Mnk coup 143M Garbage Disposal til Fibr pip. 30c fi 34c ft 14-1 Loom ex. 4c ft. Door chimes. Wl off. 12-1 Loomex, 4li ft Light fixtures. 2i oft. Out let boxes. 25c. 3 pc bath eet 1135. 53 gal rlec. water heat er. 165 We threao pip and rent Gelgrr Counter Apex Electric it Plumbing, 1410 Broadway. Ph. 1-1M8 Optn Fn. eve, It Sat. till I 459 Do It Yourself U-Fix-It-Garage Repair your own car 4-521 W.ii N Com ) prion HOW-to-do-lt advice, Planning aid. complete material sup- fily. plumbing, heating, wir n'g, see Judson's 279 N. Com'l. 460 Musicol Instrument! A REAL RARGAIN-Repossessed 40" mahogany ipinet piano. Will tell for balance flue on contract New 1843. NOW full price $545 nn approved credit. 7.0BELS. 811 Court St. Ph. 4-8352. For the Finest In Organs & Pianos ZOBEL'S Sl Court St. ; Ph. 4-8252 STOREY&Cia7k Spinet Piano, like new. Ph. after 6. 4-8361 462 Sport! Equipment 13' Boat A trailer. 7', hp. Mer cury motor, like new. 2915 Sil verton Rd. '55 MARK 20. controla. $280. Ph. 2-56BafterP m. STAND-UP trailer unlf, fits all pickups. Aluminum. slightly used. Termi. 1491. Lana Lane Trailer Plara. CAMERAUteiTLTNHOr Super Techina 4x5. Complete 3 leni outfit. Ph. 3-8440. CASH paid for used guns, mod ern and antique Cascade Mere.. 1230 Broadway. 14 FT boat w-J HP Evlnrude motor See at Balea at Brady Towing Service. KOR SALE or trade. 12' plywuod Skiff. Ph.2-12tl orl-3195. 14 F T "boat ATtraller. 171. Ph. OREGON'S BEST BUYS MOTORS & TRAILERS A No convertible tops, flvlng bridges, ou'bnard repairs. Free tr'al on the river. Many ex tra services, such as moorage, alt prooling. parts. 7 DAYS A WEEK FISHING LICENSES See the new molded boats, these are the host beautiful It prac tical boats on the water. SALEM BOATHOl'SF. inn C'HEMEKETA, PHJ-9303 Ba'rgAIN-iTv glassed boat, Itarht. can be car topped, 19.0. 2-8754 . 2775 S. High. 464 Bicyclet I BOY'S bicycles. 24V 111 ea. Good rnnd. 8!0 Glen Creek Rd. Th. 2-5477. 468 For Rent, Mite. FOR RENT or lease, lie ware house space cement floor, brick bids;., downtown. In quire H L Stiff Furn . 3-III5 470 For Sole, Misc. BRADLEY tractor, plow, disc A cultivator. 175 Ph. 4-2IWI. SMALL SADDLE 3840 MONROE AVE. FORTARLEM W cement TrtnT er without motor. 1 jr. old 140 Ph. 4-7246. RICHT0PS0IL DEL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 TOP SOIL PH. 4-2463 Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Dial 2-I74K Prompt Delivery Keizer Sand Ai Gravel Co. TYPEWRITERS adding ml. chines, rash registers, dupli cators, desks, chairs, tiles, sup plies. Roen's. 456 Court. 3-87 1 J. OREGON Agate, moss At jasper beach agate, tumbled or raw. 5490 Broadway Ph 1-3290 RECAPS 00Tl 870x75 Ixch 18.95. Lytle'i Tire Mart TyPSOIL Phone 2-157S, 2-8.101 Pit Run Gravel TOjSJ)ILPH. 2-4310 i7sEbucktirTj7Lytle'i Tire Mart, 2.705 N Com'l. TOP SOII-FILL DIRT PHONE 2-476.1 CFDAR post bean pot, shed poles, all types It beny wire. Ph 4-3(181. DISC in good condition. Ph. 2-2.74S GAS water beater 20 gal white enamel, nearly new. I.V). Ph 4-i7. topToIlTpit" run gravel. ph. 2-&-53 r-1 ATTVtTM 4 rflamnnrt ,nri- ment & wedding ring set. Sell j for lrs than cost lor niilrk 1 tale. Price 500. Ph. 4-1538 alter 6 p.m. PLYWOOD-P I a n o Fto"xes. f Tallmans. 3113 S 12th. FRESH Do-nuts 29c dor. In quantities for parties Ireezert. .17112 Silverton Rd Ph 4-47.11. D1ARFT1C scales, bargain, call 4-4:511 alter 7 p.m. LADY'S Chicago roller skates 8c case Size V,. $15. Ph. .1-3958. JVFW 2 compartment cement laundry trays. $7.50. 2-8344. powFR lawn mower 155 model. Heavy dutv Srbwiitn Bt v It Soring fork, new tires. Ideal for paper route. Both excel, rood. Gilbert erector set, large si7c. complete with all parts A niotor.Ph. 4-7974. 1 Good hand mow er, 1 miter box A miter saw, ph. 3-5331. 1660 Berry St. 472 Wanted, Miic. WANT vane. second hand weather Ph. 4-6811 dsys .',-.. r.h7,..n ,,rt. .riil.. Ph 3 7751 45833 ' "Zi 5- WANTED of wood, Nights LOGS WANTED - Top prices paid 6-in to 50-ln diameter. In 8-ft or multiples of 6-ft We slso buy stumpage Burk land Lumber Company. Tur ner. Ore. Ph. Turner 1125 Evenings rhnna Turner 210 or Sales 1-T824. 600 Employment 604 Help Wcitfod, Mow FOR THE DEFENSE PROJECTS DIVISION OF IES m HAS OPENINGS IS THE FOLLOWING FIELDS OF ELECTRONIC WORK: COMPUTER APPLICATION COMPUTER PROGRAMMING COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS SYSTEM EVALUATION SYSTEM OPERATION Experienced engineers, recent college graduates, B. S. I E. or M. F , physicists and mathematicians. Or non-graduates who have extensive practical experience In the elee tronlrs field may qualify for field and staff assignments In the test, evaluation and operation of complex electron ic systems as related to radar, communications and digital computers. MAIL RESUME TO: Mr W. M Gesefl WESTERN ELECTRIC CO., INC. DEFENSE PROJECTS DIVISION 220 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK 13, NEW YORK 450 Merchandise 474 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER. Dentist Adolph Blrig. Sute A Com'l SU SALEM PH 3-331) ADDING machines, east) regis Clary, 1879 Fairgrounds 2-637 476 Fuel ANDERSONS alsbwood. 2-773. or 4-2854 Old Kir Wood. $12 Ph. Silver-ton 3-8481. Spring Special Mulch Sawdust, Fertilizer Block A Slab Wood West Salem Fuel 1529 Edgewater fJJLj431 WANTED several thousand cords o; wood, all species Ph. 3-7721 Nights. 4-5633 SAWDUST for ssle. S unit load, push out, 115. Ph. Gervals 2211. Capitol Fuel Co. SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Choice alab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph l-TTtl "HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST It WOOD. J-444 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon Business Loans To $7,000 ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS Loans to Purchase, Repair or Refinance All Types of Equipment Including Crawler Tractors St Trailer Homes PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS Wm. C. K.amer, Manager 118 S. Liberty Ph. 4-2203 $1500.00 Now you can borrow HSO0 from us, on furniture, autos, trailer houses and equipment. We are happy that alter 28 years we are able to extend this additional service to you. 1.17 S. Corn ! Salem, Oregon General Finance CORPORATION PHONE 3-9161 PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy contracts and mortgages. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-8841. WC HAVE Tashbuyers for real estate contracts snd 2nd mort gages Oilman A Calsba, Restore 477 C ourt St Phone 2-4118 COLONIAL Investment Co Real Property Loans - Contracts Purchased M7 Court 4-2283 LOANS 150 00 to 11500 00 Buy Whst You Need Consolidate your hills. Finance throjfh WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S Church St Ph 2-S4S7 PRIVATE money to loan. 6'i interest. Ph. 2-07M. $25 to $2500 Pacific Industrial Loans 118 S. Liberty Ph. 4-2203 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1946 Specialists In Office Plscements F-Bkpr-Steno., 25-40 perm. 1240 F-Tvpe-Bkpg. perm 20-21 ...1210 ! F-Tvpe-calc-lnvolce Out 1225 F-PBX-office, 6 days ll'TlX- '"V,0""1" k4tWHe' Mr'-Clerk 4 daya week 110day I M-Tvpe-bkpg-offlce Open ! M-Pkpr-accl-log Out M-Maintcnance 40-50 M-Rctail trainee. 21-28 lino 1200 college preferred Open Best Wav to the Best Joha 194 SUte St.. 411 Oregon Bldg 4-1111 F0R1NEY 600 Employment 604 Help Wonttd, Mew mm c 602 Help Wonted CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 2-0638 334 N Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church Free parking In rear Exclu ii'i listings en all types of employment APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesman bicycle routes Several routes will be open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parents or have their writtrn permis sion Apply at the Circulation Department of the Stateamaa Journal. 604 Help Wonted, Men MAKE that car look new again. Wash & polish lob. real reas onable. At your home or mine. Ph. 3-8231. ONE man to operate Sani-Vac service truck. A- 3 more men needed to sell Sanl-Vac Serv ices. 1037 S. Commercial. Ap ply in perron Monday ex Tues day before noon. TRUCK driver for wholesale meat rout. 1323 S. 25th St. WANT several wood cutters! Apply Capital Fuel Co., 1900 N. River Rd. 606 Help Wonted, Lody GIRL for general office work. Box 43, Statesman-Journal. WANT EDMiddlMged-lady-to stay nltes with convalescent lady. Ph. 2-1733. RELIABLE woman to care for children. Vista area. 7:30 a m. 3 30 p.m., permanent. Ph. 2-5104 WOMAN, general housework, nice home, companion. 1 lady, live in. 69J N. Liberty, morn. WANTED, beauty operator, top wages. Loveall-Mlllers. Fh. 3-7870. LADY to work In furniture In ventory control olflce, short hand Sc typing exp. necessary. Permanent position. Apply Hogg Jiros , 260 State. ALL around beauty operator, capable to assist in managing. Salary 8c commission. Statesman-Journal. Box 33. 608 Pickers Wanted STRAWBERRY Pickers register now for Goodman Platoon Adults 8c children over 12. Bus trans, to J. A. McDonald Farm.Ph. 2-5710. STRAWBERRY pickers register now for platoon. Adults At children over 12. Excel, pick ing In clean irrig. field. Trans furn. Ph. Shirley Dolan, 2-0726 after a p.m. THE former Partner platoon will be picking strawberries for Allen Welnser. Good fields trans, furn. 2-8093. PLATOON nrganlrlng for straw berry pickers. Adults A chil dren, lrans. turn, call Mrs. Gesner. 2-6985 after 4 phi. STRAWBERRY pickers register for platoon. 2nd veer Irrigated Northwests. Transportation furn. from Macieav c 4 inn nrrs Ac Swegle Call Mrs. Wsl ter Coe. 2-2056 STRAWBERRY pickers for pla toon. Mrs. Huxtable. Ph 2-0694. REGISTER now for a really good field of Northwest Ber ries. Mrs. Bueller, Ph. 2-3893. Strawberry pickers register now for platoon. Adults A children over 12. Trans, furnished. Ph. L. W. Barham 3-9656. STRAWBERRY pickers bus furnished Osk Crest Farm. Register now, Phone 4-6268 WANTED strawberry pickers, 14 acres. Marshalls. 2nd year, rlnae In. Register now at Hoi lywood Apparel or Ph. 3-6507. 610 Solet Help Wonted WOMEN for telephone work, 3 hrs. per day. Choice of-s 3 shifts. Guaranteed salary. Ph. 4-0811. Building Material SALESMAN WANTED MIST BE QUALIFIED C & K LUMBER YARD LANCASTER AND CENTER SALESMAN for wholesale meat route. 1325 S. 25th. BUSr"SEAS0rrAHEATr Young man with car, neat ap pearing, wanted to sell revo lutionary new JM roofing shingles. Csll Mathls Bros. 4-6831 for appointment. MAN to distribute It pick up Fuller Brush catalog! 1100 weekly rnmm to start 3-8:i37 SALESLADY department, ment Store. for foundations Millers Depart- EXPERIENCED-man Fine-ot- , (il.e Lot, , invrtislni Ram- sey Realty. 427 Ferry EXCELLENT Sales opportunity open in Salem end surrnuna Ing areas. No Investment Csr essential. Investigate, 1079 Broadway, Salem, Oregon, Electrolux Corp, 600 Employment 610 Soles Help Wonted EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALEMAN for desirable down town office. Guaranteed amount of advertising. Beat working conditions. SALEM PROPERTIES 3T N High Ph. 4-0331 SALESMEN Here's your opportunity to aell a complete quality line of ex terior and interior protective maintenance coatings, varnisn. enamel and specially paint products. These materials are used i very where by industry, commerce, transportation, construction, utilities, farms, property owners, etc. Your age no barrier. Your commissions are liberal and unlimited. Full credit on all repeat and mail orders. Our 40 years experi ence means the finest avail able products, and a perma nent position for you. Write today to The Adams Pat;it Company, Cleveland 3. Ohio. SALESMEN A career In advertising with a AAA-l company. We manu facture a copyrighted line. You sell on open account with commissions paid weekly and yearly bonus. We supply you with $900 samples. Our cal endar, direct mail, premium, and gift lines art unique and apccialized. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY I EXCLUSIVE, LINE' SECURITYl PROMOTIONI WRITE LOUIS F. DOW CO. 2 PINE STREET SAN rRANCISCO, CALIF. 612 Wo,k Wonted, Men WILL build 15 000 home. I or t bdrms. Exline, 1-7108. TOP Chrysler parta man. ex cellent reference, capable of selling service, making esti mates. At present parts man ager fn California but wishes to return to home rear Wood burn. Box 7 Statesman-Jour- HAVE vour house painted by the "House Dobbers," 4-17; ORNAMENTAL FENCE BUILDERS LAWN. PATIO. RANCH TYPE FREE ESTIMATES . Ph. 3-4938 or after I. 3-8701 WANT Job making new lawns & bulldingjences. Ph. 3-6021. CUSTOM rotovatirig. Tord equipment, fields, lawns, or chards, gardens. Ph. 1-8861 or 3-4774. LAWN mowing done by week. Ph. 3-5695. WOOD CUTTING REAS RATES. PH. 4-15M. TREES expertly removed or topped Ph. Mr. Osburne. 2-0333 HOME building remodeling. house framing or any line of rarpenter work Ph 4-8275 ROTO-TILLING PH. 4-8253 or 2-2518 CEMENT Work. Ph 4-6.13 Side walks, patios, ret. wall, ga rages, bsmls. Free estimates. PROFESSIONAL upholstering reas Guaranteed Free est. Pick-up. dellery. Ph. 2-4J90. HOWARD rotovating, new lawns prepared, free estimates. 3-5693 or 4-S261. ROTO-TILLJNG RICHARD RAS. PH. 1-4711 EXPERT carpenter, remodeling all kinds Cabinet work. reaa. go anywhere. Ixllne 1-7016. PRUNING, spraying, topping, re moval LLW caudle. 4-1461 RETIRED Army Master Bgt. de sizes full or part time poet- tlnn of responsibility. Married, hlfh school ed.. personable. non drinker, age 43, excellent health. 22 years experience military intelligence, admin istration, military police, ap titude to learn quickly. Box 37, Statesman-Journal. GARDEN A- lawnwork wanted with rotovator. Vincent Krem er. 2150 Lansing Ave. Ph. 2-3180. EXPERT brush or spray paint ing. Hr. or contract. Ph. 4-3900 TILLING : Howard Rotovator. Ph. 4-28J1 or 2-3533. No calls Sat please GARDEN PLOWING & DISC ING. PH 2-5123. W. A. LA. FLEMME 1565 LANCASTER DR. PAINTING - Free Estimeteg Reasonable. Ph. 2-9551 eves. CARPENTER WORK, day or contract. 2-1842 or 3-1459. LAWN Mowing wanted by Andy Anderson Ph. 4-0443 ROTOVATING PH. 2-4763 Painting Ph. 3-7552 PLOWING A- discing. Ph 2-2775 Albert Creft. 3710 Monroe. HOWARD Rotovating. gardens, new lawns prepared. 3-S89S. LAWN mower sharpening, low prices, work guar Ph. 4-9092. LOU'S-tree service Spray, top ping prune, cabling. 4-8301. HOfORY-Tilling (Mang tiller I world's finest Ph. 4-8383 or 4-5496 Free estimates ROTOVATING Salem Ares. Ph. 4-2.102. So. 614 Work Wonted, Lody WELCOME wee folk who need country home wteacnera family. S. Salem. 1-150. 21 180. 4-04!'4; CHILD care, my home by ex perienced mother. 1.140 N. Wln ter. Ph. 4-0657. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mrs Poe. 665 N 16th Ph 1-3643 SEWING Dressmaking. In my home, all types. Ph 1-9392 WANTED- Ironing In my homt. 1911 N 5th 2-1816 CARE of infants A un to 1 yrs. Wk. ends, nights A day by special arrangement my home. Ph. 1-6628 LET me take your business con tacts by phone, my home. Box 41. Statesman-Journal. DAYTIME ha by sitting. My home. Ref. Ph. 3-8981 EXPERT child care. Mv home 1543 Trade. Ph. 4-6866 WILL care for eldesly person In my home. Ph. 3-5068 EXPERIENCED school girl wiahes baby sitting jobs eve nings. Jan Nelson, 255 W. Brownln? Ave. LOVING supervised child care, my home So. Ph. 2-3916. CHILD CARE miThome 11 da. 2.V hr, 4 Corners Ph. 2-9372. EXCELLENT-CHILD CARE Mv home W Salem Ph 4-83.18 TAILOR made slip covert made in my home Bertha Handlev. formerly .if ffrrher flfe Ph- inn niRiuanu. ... . ... . , 019 SltUOtlOl Wonted CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tions, retaining walls, rement or pumice block. Free esti mates Ph 2-6280 VINCENT C NEAL Excavating Co Excavating - Grading Pn,"'', PLOWING A- discing D. Mar shall. 1-1343. , vd" shovel, ctane foe Art line 2Vton muhlle cranes OS D7 cats pirrv ..II -lear. me blarte Rental -ontrect or unit prices SAI.EV SAND ti GRAVEL 1401 H. Front ft. Ph. 1-1441 600 Employment 615 Situotios Wanted General housework by the hour. PH. 4-0007 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. tot Edgewater. W Salem. 4-1541 BASEMENT leak last winter We'U fik it. Brick work cleaned A waterproofed. Nat ural or color. Perry Lute, Dal las. MA. 3-223S collect. Free estimate. EXPERT home building at re modeling. Phone 4-7577. PLASTERING-and DatTjTTng. Free estimates. Ph. 3-7770. General Masonry Stone Work a Specialtr Fireplaces -' Retaining Walls Plaster Jobbing. Water Proofing Satisfaction' Guaranteed . . . Ph. 2-88)1 ROTARY lining anywhere. t perienced careful operator, let Class 24" Howard Rotavator. 1-3S37 eves. Lawn Mower Sharpened. .3-714! L V. Shafer, 1220 N 21st EXPERT spray, brush painting, paivr hanging, your paint or mine Free est Terms. Ph Nelson 3-84M, 3-8243 .. BRICK and block work, guar Ph 48435 LIGHT crawler dozer, leveling grading. 3-7041 LJturth PAINTING, brush spray Free estimates. Ph. I-M23. DOZING 4 LEVELING Ph 1-0952 D PANTOVICH PAINTING, papering. Free estl mates. Don Lucero. 3-5522. NEW lawns complete, free eat 3-1443 morn.. 4-2941 Eve. SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation. Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks, Drain Fields, Power Pitching. Backfill. Ph 2-35M or 3-5077 LAND CLEARING D-l Hr C Mitchell Ph 3-5331 CARPENTER work, any kind reas. 4240 Macleay Rd. 4-5961 617 Job Informotion JIB INFORMATION-HIGH PAY. All trades. The Islands. So. America. USA. Companies oav overseas fare if hired. Write Section 35E National, 1020 Broad, Newark. N. 4, 618 Education MEN A WOMEN wanted Im mediately. Train for Motel management. For personal In terview write P.O. Box 5633 Portland. 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Boord ROOM 8r board for elderly lady at 266 S. Cottage. 3-6680. REAS, attractive rmi . close in. Pvt. ent. 2-7481, 4-7887. ' , WANTED Man to room and board. 268 N. Capitol. CLEAN, quiet, near State bldg. shop uist.. kit. privei. 2-1449. DOWNTOWN, nice front sleep. room. Hot Ac cold water. 658 Center. NICELY furn room. Close in. 539 N. Winter. MEN. TV, dan pvt. ent 1509 N. Capitol. Ph. 4-4134. T. V. SLEEPING rm. friendly ' home. man. $20 board 3-7620 CLEAN, warm rma. In. 211 S. Winter. TV. close 2-1722. 705 Aportmenti For Rent ATTRACT, furn. 3 rm. Ac bath. pvt. ent.. close In. flap Marlon. FURN. court. $7.50 wk. or 130 mo. 1344 Lee. 4-8912. 2-RM. furn., pvt. bath, ent., util, pd. $251820 Ferry. Ph.J-8157 BASEMENT furn., blk 1o Capi- tol. utll. pd. 30. 3JIZM. NEWLY 'dmv'YuraTcioseloTuie Bldg. 2-6197 . 323 S. Winter. FURN.-apt-util.pd Close in". Ph. 4-5332 after 6 P. m. "CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. 1165 Chemeketa St Ph 3-8830 LARGE 3 RM. FURN. APT CLOSE IN SO. PH. 4-3661. NEWLY decorated 1 bdrm mod ern furn court apt. 159 W Salem. Ph. 4-687 or eve 3-1743. COURT APTS -Has private 8c modern down town apta. From 150 to 165. Ph. 3-7440. In quire 695 Court. NICE 4-rm. furn. apt. 1411 N. Cottage. Ph. 3-1783. CLEAN 3 room court apt. King wood Courts. 3rd St W. Sa lem Laundry facilities. Ph. 4-8514 morn, or eves, after 6 UNFURN- 1 Mrm-court apt. Range, refng. suburb. 1-29U6. SMALlTattractive furn. Also 2 bdrm. bsmt. furn. 348 N 12th iSbRM apt. range A refrig furn. Salvador Apts Ph. 2-3841 APT. lor care of rooms, no drinkers. 411 N. Summer. 98JSAGINAW.'nlcTl rm. kitch enette, heat 8c water furn. BEAUTIFULf rm."fuTn7 api, prlv. ent., 135, South. Ph. 2-7945. N,CE1 , f j rnv ,pt Em. ployed ladies. 666 S. Summer. FURN. 3 rm. apt. Adulta. 1545 N. Capitol. Ph. s06. CHOICE, CLOSE IN 3 RM. UNFURN. YARD. 3-9524. CLOSE In. clean, utility rm., gar 4 nn. b.ith, , bus. 2-551.1. 1st FLOOR lurn. utll.. car port, close in i:iS50 Ph. 3-96.19. Fl'HNlSHF.I) 2 harm, court apt 812 N. 14th 3 RM. furn . pvt. hath. util. pd., gar. avail 1553 State. 3 RM furn. apt. prlv. balh A ent. Suitahle lor cpl HI2 Mill CLEAN 3-rm. front apt Ground fir , refrig., stove A utilities turn . pnv. bath Ph 3-7145. " AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apis. 5.70 N. Summer 2-9206 3 RMS. furn.. pvt. bath, near Memorial Hosp It SUte Bldgs 940 Mill. 130 to 60 furn 3 rmi pvt baths. Adults 1075 N Capitol VERY dralrsFilc unfurn. spt with view. Laige living room. 2 bedroom, sluctlv modern. IliO 2132 S Coin lPh 4-5.W9 I OR J bdrm furn rouii apts All utll furn Weekly or monthly rates Ph 3-872.1 1 REDKC 2 bdmv lurn apt, no chlMren QiiUine ent Ag.v rim spot good Una I ion. CTJ. I'h 3-5323 or 4-1410. 3 I.RG. rm. Apt. furn.. close to Capitol bldg. Th. 4-2729 or 2-37!K5 after 6 p m. 1 BDRM. apt. furn ground fir . ' close to snoppiliR cciuri. ji.ii Bldgs 1232 Center. NEAT as a pin. 2 rm. furn apt., gar . close in. Ph. 2-78.10 EXTRA" NICE I ra" ground fir . beautifully turn apt . TV an tenna. gara?e. right close in. W5Ph 2-78:10 FURN. W." Salem, util. pd , 145. Ph. 4-5072. 1 RM. 1 b1"- v" kitchenette, mimics i only. Ph. 4-1020 ! inr.r i.t.flr clean turn. ant. i ftrenlace auto, heat: near Capitol Adults 2-4505; 3-52,2. CLEAN 1 bdrm. spt , near Stat Hi. UtiL Pd. 4-8721. 700 Rentals 70S Aportmenti For Rent WEBER Court, furn. apt., elec. heat, range, refrig. Laundry facil 1W I. 13th St Mgr. 4-9882. ri'RN, pullman apt., adults. 1545 N. Capllofc PrVl-WOS. CLEAN 2 nn.' apt., unusually auiet spot. Close In. 404 a igh. 8J7 50 Inc. utll. 2-4048. COZY (V CLEAN i-room furn. apt. Ph.2-084. PRIVATE bath, entrance, water! light & beat, U5. 1141 N. Com'l St.. ph. 1-6411. FURN. newly decorated, it bik. City Hall. Ph. 3-3844. 1 RM. Ac bath nicely turn., pri- ."" i-J 1 10 N-ttn ph- 4-i7w CLOSE, small furn. apt.. $28" utilities. "63 Marion. 2-5223. CLEAN, furn, 1 It t-rm. apt 833 Ferry 1 BDRM unfurn. sot., util. furn. WJ. 1370Chemeketa. 1 BDRM. furn. apt.-53. 1125 Cross St. FURNISHED apt . Hollywood district. Ph. 2-9758. t RM., util.. furn. pvt. bath, ent.refng. 733S. 13th. Adults. 3-RM. court apt., furn.. garage, wateri, garbage. 2-43D5. FURN 3" RM. apt withbath. Vacant 9th. 633 N. Summer. NICK 3 RM. furn. apt Prlv. ent. A bath. 200 S. 22nd. FURN. 2rmrbache!or ipt I22S Chemeketa. 3-7954 CL6sErin'furn"r3 rm.'Apt-Adults. 270 S.14th. FURNISHED barhTiVr 1 bdrm. Apis. 21.18 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph 3-31.14 before or 2-950 after 8 P.M. 706 Duplexes FURN. 1 bdrm. duplex and 1 bdrm. apt., garage V laundry facilities available. Adults only.763 N. Capital. Ph. 1-8231. i RMS. unfurn. with bsm't. ga rage, neat, close In. Call 4-1307. CLEAN nicely furnished 1 bdrm duplex. TV antenna Ph. 4-4310 after 4 2-BDRM. unfurn., clean, yard, gar. Ph. 4-3253. 1 BDRM. duplex, available May la, 4. mn no. front. MODF.RNf urn-allTlecTTbdrm. Leslie Ac Bush School. Garage. Inquire 2210 Breyman St. 4 BDRM furn. duplex. 149 Court. 171 mo. Ph. 3-5834. 1 RMS. furn., ISO. 140-Unlver sity. PrL3-480i or 1-7341. ROOM unfurn. flat-1" block P.O. Inq. 154 Ferry. 707 Houses For Rent 2 BR. mod. sub., clean, beautiful view. Ph. 2-1227. 3 Bdrm.. full bsmt. nil furn., frpl., garage, close to sch. A Hollywood ctr. Snlc-n-span. Avail. May 15. 3-3161. CLEAN I bdrm. stoves, garage 947 Mill Ph. 4-4O09. 5-RM. house 4 blks. from Marion Hotel. Inq. 585 S. Com'l. SMALL 4-rm, house. 127. 1042 3rd. Ph4-7750. 1-BDRM. house wgarage. stove It refrig. 1236 Allen Court. Ph. 4-5058. 4 BDRMS.. clean. 160. Ph. 3-8311 2290 Fairgrounds Rd. 2-BDRM. house In suburbs. north, also 2 attle bdrms, 'dJ?r rZ!''iJ,hJ4"'M04' NEW 2-bdrm. house. Highland dlit . to. 1-1297. 4-BDRM., elec. range It hot wa ter. 4 Iota to garden. E. Pos ter, 4850 Rtrkman Rd. SMALL house, couple only, 123 mo. S230 Portland Rd. 2 BDRM. house. 155. Lease with option to buy. Ph. 2-3486. CLEAN unfurii-I'a bdrm. it gar, 143. W. Salem 3-7987. AT STATE St 4-Corners; 1 bdrm., utll. rm.. oak firs., Ve netian blinds, frpl. oil heat garage:li0 mo. Call 4-47981 1 BDRM. house. 850. Hollywood dirt. Ph. 4-2566. COZY 4 rm. in country adults preferred, also someone ex- periencru 01111 nurr. orici- ences. Ph. 2-1240. Salem. I to 9 a m. or 7 to 1 p. m rBDRMgar-excTforchlid-145 2016 Highway Ave. 3-BDRM. home-for rent. 190 mo. So. Village,3jlI94. MODERN 5-room house. N. 15th St. Ph. 4-9937. f BDRM. home, 135 mo, at Tur ner. Chester Stewart Turner, Ph. 23IX. SMALL clean unfurn. house, 145 per nio. Ph. 3-3793. uT bdfmThousesrcU " J-3136. Pioneer Trust Co. 1 BDRM.. 140. 2240 Lee. Stuller, Rltr. 2-5557 or 4-5782. 2 BDRM. house, carpets. TV an tenna. very nice. Adults, ref erences. Ph. 2-5276 weekends or after 5 week days. GARDEN spot, 1 bdrm duplex, verv neat It clean. 139 50. Ph. 4-1996 or 4-3712 157 00 3 Bdrm. Kelier M2 50 2 Bdrm. Keizer E. A. McGLAUFLIN, AGENT 335 N, High 2-8611 $20 00 RF.NTS this 4 room house at .1540 Brooks Ave E. A. McGLAUFLIN 338 N. High 2-8611 707-O Furnished Houses BDRM . or .1-7i9' close In. Ph. 3-4332 CLEAN 1 bdrm. furn. house, rege. sdults, nu pets. Ph" 4-5155. N E W I. Y redeem alrd, water furn 137 50 1H45 N. Com I, ph. 3-8411 FOR leave. 1 twlrni house, furn No children. Ph. 4-5IH2. 1 BDRM . Iirrplacr antenna, all utll. furn , $55 40111 S Pacific Hwy. Plv 2-tiHWI LBDRM cnmpletelv furn , Inc. watrr A garhafe. 50, No pets. Ph. 2-8H83. 1710 Oxford. f BDRM. sll elec neat, hus stop Good neighborhood. 150 Ph. 2-0!iS6. sunrnnAN "n Timrm. house. nartlv furn. Adults only. Nice yd. A- gar Ph 3-38)12. 710 Wonted to Rent Htet RFI.I ABLE psrty wants clean 2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. house. So. 150 to S65. by June 4. Ph. 2-8710 PROFESSIONAL man now resi dent, desires 2 or 3 bdrm. house near S Salem High. i'h. 3-3173. 8-5. 3-.WI7 eve. 714 Butineit Rentolt DOWNTOWN Ground Floor desk spare Willi desk, 117 50 X N. High 2-8611 FOR RENT" Hwy. grocerv known as Harel (ircen Maiket. 1 mi. F. of Totem Pole. Kt. 2. Ilox 413 DI'SINKSS space. 615 Wallace Rd. In Shopping t'cntei. Will be available lor rent June 1-t. Ph 3-7432 or 3-5(177. BI.DC: 14x50 faces alley. 854 S Com'l. IJh. 3-66.11. STORE ROOM tor rent 265 N HiehPh 4-5.151 POW N 'own office tore rms It wsrehouse 3-4114. 718 Conyoleieent Homei ' EL.DFRFST Nursinf Home Pri i va'e rooms available. 2830 N Church 2-l COT T A O E CONVAI.ESCFNT HOME. 153 N. Cottage. 1-7020. '00 Rentals 780 Moving t Storetje LESTER DeLAPP LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Moving & Storage PH. 2-1750 OR H9C6 LOW. COST storage R L Stiff rurniiure to j-iias tes Ml MAYFLOWER Movine and Storage FUEL OILS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER Urmer Transfer It Storage Complete moving service Also agenta tor BEK1NS Nation wide Moven. Ph. 1-3131. 800 Real Estate 801 luiineM Opportun. less OPPORTUNITY NEW automatic 3-ln-l Hot Drink Unit handling the world famous nationally advertised Maxwell House coffee. Bakers Chocolate. Tenderleaf Tea. You must he honesl, reliable, have a sincere desire and am billon to own a permanent highly profitable but mess which can be operated from your home in spare or full time. Thorough training. Lo cations obtained and equip ment placed In operation by our experts Immediate un believable Income. 16 units doing the national average would give you an income of 11.361 monthly. 118.XH yearly. Only 11.296 starts you. Up to 73", of the equipment coat ran be financed. For further Information, write giving phone and address to Box 820, Statesman-Journal. SELL or trade cafe It 1 bdrm. house for motel or apartment house. 1-1104. HERSHEY TOPS IN CHOCOLATE Offers best small business op portunity In country for cap able man to own and man age Hershey Distributorship to established retail outlets on direct wholesale basis under exclusive franchise. Age not Important. Man selected muat he resident with good refer ences. 12.000 to 14.000 required depending on territory select ed In Salem. Corvallls. Albany areas. Thereafter compan assista fn expansion financin up to S.20.00U Unusually at tractive income starts at once. For interview write Statesman-Journal Box 42. TRADE YOUR HOUSE ON ONE OF THESE: I unit Motel, furnished, good re turn, only 135.000. Garage A living quarters, fully equipped, only 116.000. Variety It Hardware It Cafe plus small collage, only )!,- 000. I unit court plug 1 bdrm. house Jc trailer park oiny lio.oos. Heat market. lockeri tc groc ery, excellent opportunity, only 24,8O0. Call Stearns Cushlnf , ere. 1-1041 C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 458 N. Church Ph. 4-2291 OWNER MANAGER WANTED Immediate unbelievable Income. Full or apare time. Well es- Ublished national company offers owner supervisor dis tributorship for sensational new product, that re pea la daily Year round buslnesa. No selling or experience nec essary. Following qualifica tions: 1- Honesty It Reliability 2 Desire to own permanent buslnesa 111295 nun. cash required which Is secured 4 FOR LARGER OPERATION financial asalsunce avail able. If you have the above qualifi cations write or wire giving age. address, phone number so personal interview can oe ar ranged. SUtesman Journal Box 44. SUBURBANRbCERY- Well located grocery and gas business. Ideal for couple. Large lot. Good store building with living quarters in real. 2 gas pumps, all fixtures and stock included in price of 113 -5001)0 M 5O0.00 cash, balance good terms. Business shows good Income and could be ex panded. Older couple In poor health reason for selling. Will consider house in or near Salem NORTHWEST LAND CO. Realtors 1748 Center St. Phone 1-1312 Pie 2-1294 You Can Realize YOUR DREAM A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN DISTRIBUTING AM) A Business of jour own will give you the chance to livt v.ell tc work under favor able conditions to earn aub alantlal weekly Income and most important of all, help give you the peace of mind and security you desire lor vourself and family. THE SALES record of KODAK and ANSCO film, leaden ir the field, assure you the sue cess of this method of riis- tributliig film There is aio provided a PHOTO DKVKI. OPINC, SERVICE. This dis tributorship should provide better TtTan irventite weekly income from the start. We de sire men who are anxious to exoand and aspire to earnincs In excess of 111! 000 annually NO EXPERIENCE or knowledge of photography is neee.sarv Nn liurclensome overhead oti need not stav av.av from home. We supplv a snecialis' to secure the available ac counts HOTELS MOTFIS Bt'S STATIONS TOURIST ATTRACTIONS. ETC. We alo train, heln and guide vou step hv .tep to-assure vou s icrcs AN IMMEDIATE cash invest ment of 12.950 Is all that is required to enter intn this multi-million dollar mduativ Write shout vourself In detail iate territorv desired refer, enees and tele.ihnee A cori panv evecuttxe s I M ar' an appointment for an Inter view Box 35, Statesman-Journal, 800 Real Estate 801 RtitiwoM Opportun. A fond straepect for a one party management. Well located In good location In downtown Sa lem. Full price. 12308. ITS nio. rent If you want to get Into business for youraeli, this Is IL Call "Pop" Lacy. C. W. REEVE, REALTOR I860 MISSION STREET Ph. 3-4590. eve, 1-9120. 1-Otfll CHILI BowL Drive Inn restau- ant In Gates, Ore. on Hwy 22. 9 ml. west of Detroit take. MODERN 1-unlt Salem motel. $:tW0. Terms. Writ Boa . Statesman-Journal. SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT Here's a restaurant specializing In chicken At slesk dinners. Well established for aver 14 years. Easy 1 person opera tion. Owner reports 14,400 yr. income. Working hrs. I p.m. to 10 p m. daily 1 dsr week, total price 13.504. I1.M8 down, balance 1M ma. Ideal High way location. Good lease at 150 per mo. REALTOR ' !T Cfmrt Dl' -m WILL. PURCHASE Service stations or service loca tion! Will consider soma fi nancing or remodeling to re liable parties on good 'pros pective loce'lons, tor full In formation write Box IS, Statesman-Journal. 802 Buiinen Property FOR SALE Restaurant, food steady business. All equipped seats. 23. 11400.80, good lease at 134 per ma. Will take part down. Might lease to right party. Mary's Cafe, Willa mine, Ore VALUABLE PROPtRTti A large building It 1 lots, cen trally located, a good business site. Ph. 1-8440 er 1-4414. 803 Suburben COUNTRY LIVING AT TTS BFST, lovely 1 bedrm. hse.. landscaped yd., P acre all In ferm. pasture, close In only 10.500.00 and worth it. LAWRENCE REAL ESTATE 422 S. HIGH, PHONE 24048 A Haven for Min k Bent Ranch style home with large rooms It 3 fireplaces, I bdrms A S full baths, set In 1 acres of beautiful trees A flowers, w ith 1 acres of lush Raatuie, At I box stalls for orses, 14 minutes East of Jown. Ph. 1-5981 Owner. 1 A south, new 2-bdrm. hse., unfinished up, dishwasher, steel kit. trpl, 19.934. Ph. 1-2337. 1 ACRE Nice view, modern 2 bdrm. furn. home, school bus bv door. dble. garage, chick en house, 11,150. Ph. 4-4121. 806 Houses For Sole NEW 1 bedroom, 1250 down Ph. 4-1217 after 4 pjn. 3174 Hollywood Ave. MR OWNER! Glen Woodrr will Say top price for your turn i appliances Ph 1-1110 FOR 8ALR 1 bedrm. houses day lite basements. Klngwood Height, Ph. 1-8181. 1-1641, 1-1511. FOR SALE or trad for acreage by owner new l bdrm. home, daylight basement, 11J.JO0 1-3084. By Owner 3 Homes New three, 1 bdrm. homes, Irrl, dbl. gar., T. A. heat, plastered, lrg. lots, restrict ed dlst Price reaa. Terms, trades. Open house dally See 1 block No. Clear Lake Store on Wheatland Rd. HOME on creek, 1 bdrms., fire pi., basement, close to shop ping center, best of cond. 1481 Center. Ph. 1-8H67. Furn. House k 2 Loti PH. 3-7018 BY OWNER: 11.100 dn total Erie 113.000. 1 new 1 bdrm omea. Included are l1 baths, playroom, birch kit. wdlnlng area, front rm. wfrpl., all dewd. firs . F A ell heat. dbl. far. wpatlo, lot size 82 x130'. city water. Loans are on house, move right In. Houses are 1 blk. out of city limits North 33:8 Mayfteld Place At 1.13 Wllahire Drive, See any time or ph 2-0(133. COOD older type horn 1 bdrm. din. room, den, new kitchen, dishwasher, full bsmt. I'i baths. 812.500. Ph. eve. 4-4837. OPKN HOUSE By owner. North, new 3-bdrm home. 2WI Mgewood. 113,. 500 Also 2-bdrm. house So. 24:10 Adams 18.000. 4-3459 BY BUILDER NEW 1 bdrm nome nest 8, Salem schools A park 1-7071 BY OWNER: Low down pay ment, easy monthly payments. New 3 bdrm. home wfrpl. A plastered gar. Ph. 4-4t)lJ. BY OWNER. 1650 down, I yr. old 1 bdrm. nome. plastered. Insulated, nil furnace, auto matic washer Included, Beauti ful yard completely fenced. Ph. 4-3824. SM mod. hse., gar . fenced gar den. W. Salem. Ph. 2-0373. MOD. clean 3-bdrm. Silverton . Make offer, call 4-8337. horn FOR "SALE or trade for home in Albany, new 3 bdrm., dble. garage, forced air furnace. Kelcr Hist Will aell on con tract See at 1415 Lawless. Ph 4-3528. MY OWNER. 4 Cornera 3 yrs old. like new Will trade equi ty for auto., or ItsiO down pay ment. Terms mav be arranged, full b.iment, F. A. furnace, w tarpet. drapea, 2 bdrms., laree lot. IH.WMI I'h. 4-1481. 1-BDRM. din. rm.. Iiv. rm , frpl., Englewood dlst home. 1320 N. 18th 1H.250 hv owner. After 1 A Sat. A Sun. OUT of town owner wants buy- er for older well built 2-bdrm. home nesr Gen. Hosp. Beautl- fuly landscaped, patio, frpl.. dhle. gar., lrg. lot FHA. Easy terms Ph. 4-47'J. Box 40, Statesman-Journal. ENGLEWOODDtstrirt:-4bdrms. 2 baths, dln'ng rm.. Iiv. rm , elec dlshwssher. Newly deco rated 7 yrt. old. Ph. 4-2703. OWNER being transferred, sell 3 hdrm house Reduced to 17 "I'lS-tnoo down. 230 Ken vood. E. of 4 Corners. 1-3788. FOR SALE 3 bdrm houses rn firrth SI . W. Salem. Phone - Mfrfti, SfrttT Mttir- iTbEDBM honie. l blocksfrom McKlnley sr-hool. Carpeted liv rm wlovely fireplace and bookshelf. Outdoor fireplace and grill SM Wlldwlnd Dr Price II2.5IHI 1750 DOWN on contiaet, K0 mo 2 hr possible 3 hr F A. heat, fireplace, basement, lrg yd . g.iirjen. wattach. ga rage 5 walnut trees north new can plant, shopping cen'er all fenced manv other lcaturesCan 3-7493 BY owner. 4 brirm house on Shipping St.. 14 Oflfl. Terms Inquire 2350 Laurel Ave. FOR SALE by owner: 1 bd7m. home. If. Iiv rm . din. rm . kitchen A,- mility room, wired tor range A dryer, auto oil furnace, no gar low down pa) meet. 1-1400, II) Statesman, Salem, 800 Real Estate 806 House For Sole Sunday, May 13, 1 5 p.m. Two Lovely Homes MS Vinyard Ave., I bdrm, family room, bath ami fcstt, double garage dining room, utility, lot 71 x 148. A real ferae lly home for fltJOO. 1471 Vlryard. 1 lg. bdrms, dining room, cathedral etrlHeifL Urge kitchen and nook, single garage. Urge lab AO ejwel lent buy at lll.ooa. Drive out D St. to Glen Hamilton, Builder 248 STATS IT. ' . Evee, I-lJfsJ. 4-sjrTl Ph. 4-7844 OPEN HOUSE 2 TO 5 P.M. . MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 13TH 1095 Greenwood - ' (G out North River Hd. to Berg'a Mkt, turn rlfht 4 Greenwood Or.) . . lover home on a beautiful ttraet. Thla attractive, wen ranged horn la open for your Inspection. Hae 1.237 q. ft, floor area, lge. baeemt with party are. Many convenience throughout house dishwasher fireplace, til bath. Outdoor fireplace and patio, sprinkling tvstem. 116.750. Clyde Foull will show you through. Eve Ph. I-M3I.' NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS IMP t. Commercial St - Ph. l-.KMO 3 to 5 pm 1-748 E. Ewald Modern I year old 1-bedraem Horn a wen rerpeung eeparai utility room, large kitchen, eB established. LAWN IN. fenced In rear yard. Low FRA ttewft payment i'i oiocaa easi oi 2-3040 Edward Drive Let ui show you thla new spacious l-hedroom homt, W knew you u nxe in it nas e fully puttered double garage, large living room with attractive corner fireplace, extra wide balk way to tha "Dormitory Wlnf," the master bedroom haa 4x1 walk-In closet, the bath la large with a dressing table. There is a breakfast nook as well as a dining ream, separate utility room and half bath. More I haa 1.300 aquare feet plua garage, Ge east on Strong Road Itrem Mornlneitde School 1, 1 blocks past Prlngle Road to Edward Drive House la ea the corner). 580 MARINO 2 TO 5 MOTHER'S DAY Thli MOTHER'S DAY you ahow vmi wun uirpiace, ta w ai.e living room, nice Sllrnen, roomy bedrooms, forced air heat with new lawn and shrubs, 1 block to school. I block to city bus. Paved street, curb, sidewalks, water and sewer. Com out Ne. River Road to Manbna Drlv near Klrer. turn right olf Manbrln Dr. to Marine, Price $11,500. FHA term with lljM down, Walt De Puy will ahow, - ' , ; AL WATTS, REALTOR 441 N. River Rd. - 4 OH. Phn 4-401t $13,000 Homes lor Only $11,500. These bdrm. home- with 1200 kj. ft. llvinf ipace canoot be duplicated anywhere at this price. Drive out Stale St. to 45th St. and tee for yourself. ONLY $700 DOWN NO FINANCE CHARGES $70 Monthly Payment Like Rent . PROGRESSIVE BUILDERS 4510 STATE ST. PH. 4-8844 NORTH SALEM Run back te river. 2 lge. bdrms., basement with oil heal. Variety of fruit It nuts Small greenhouse It workshop. Ill 000 CALL W ALT SOCOLOFSKY CANDAI.ARIA-3 bdrm. ranch style hoirfe Approx. 1.400 sq. ft. of floor space. Fenced back yard with patio. A very neat home In excellent repair. Price 115,500. CALL H. K. LAYMON DAIRY QUEEN FRANCHISE Vsocdburn and Hubbard area oltered at sacrifice price of 8,500. A true opportunity It offered here. CALL C. L. GRABENHORST GRABENHORST 180 S. LIBERTY ST. PH l-MTt Evenings A Sundays call Salesmen H K. Laymon 1-1183. Mr. Richardson 4-8DM, Walt Socolofsky 1-88.11 1. I. Law 1-81 li OPEN HOUSE By owner new 3-bdrm. home. near achool. bus, shopping center. FA. heat. dble. plumb, family room. Beamed celling, targe fireplace, reas. down payment. 5087 Kened street, 1 blocks E. of Keizer School 3 BEDROOM WBASEMENT Attractive, modern home, party room in nsmL, nwdw. firs.. fireplace, noie. plumb., r mrrous hiulttns A; stnrage space. Must he seen Inside In appreciate Well kept yard A shrubs Fruit trees. 80x100 corner lot. city bus service, close to sll school. 113 850. See at10IOElectrle. NEW 3 hdrm. view home. Day light bsmt . near Salem Acad emy 35 Sloneway on Dallas Hwy 1 BEDROOM house, garsge Close in. 1140 S. Liberty, ph 2-4ll3. FOR SALE South : 1 hr bath liv. rm , nice kit., util.. and acre, chicken houses, cabin started Low fin. pint. Price 14.8O0. Ph 4-1979 4 YRS OLD. 2-bdrm. FHA. hdwd floors, oil heat, st tached gar. MM down. 17,150. Ph. 4-8510. 2240 Electric. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR Let us solve vour nome needs To Buy Sell or Rent Csll Ph. 4-374.7 1131 Edgewater Ph 4-7874 3710 So r m'l HIOHI.AND St, Vincents Dlst Attractive new 5-hdrm home owner leaving Slate, Sell at FTf A 8pprHaT."?l W. 4lh. 2-5015. 10 acres-'Esst on Center St. S mi Will clav loim well drained with new bldgs. 2 aiis new fruit A berries Bal. closer. 114.000. On terms 2D acres - N E W'hcatland Ferrv Ril Productive well drained land 8-room house, ham 50x 50 poultry house tV, farrllv fruit 24 aces ci. ip tin 112HOO dnvsn Enr specials on acre age A farms see PF.ARCY VI.I.MAN. RI.TR 42'l Oregon Bldg Ph. 3-8IH12 BY O W N E R New 3-bdm home near sch . bus, shopping center. F A. heat, dhle plumb, famllv room, beamed celling. 1 firenl Real, down pymt. Ph. 3-W71 Ore., Sun., May '58 800 Real Estate 806 Houtt-e For Set Ave. Between D & Center St. SUNDAY separate dtalng mom, wall commercial street ea Iweld. RON JONES, Realtor Mother thla I month eld 1-bedrm. I 173 ACRES IN CANDALARIA True fin family heme 1 at , acre with many trees. bdrms , den, I'i baths. 1 fir, places A BEAUTIFUL LI BRARY JS x 14. For apnt. to see this lovely home. CALL HRS, RICHARDSON ACREAGE You may like tha conveniences of modern city home or prtfer the space, fresh air. low taxes and oth. er advantage of the country. Here la a modern 1 bdrm. heme with 1 acre of ground. Covered patio with fireplace. 1o look at thla fin auburbea home CALL J. I. LAW BROS., REALTORS 565 S. 18TH ST. Sunday 1 SO p m. to 4 p m. BUY THIS HOME FOR MOTHER Brand new 1 bdrm. plastered home, hardwd. fir., farced alt ell furnare Only 1871 down. Prtr 18.758, George Pstrny will show. ALLEN C. JONES REALTOR 231 N High Eva. 4-1881 1-5831 -MM TURNER HOME Good older mod. home, t bdrm. dn . 2 up, not finished. 1-car attach, gar. on 2 nice iota, paved St., city water, nice . shade, close in Only $4,850. f.ood terms. ALSO . . smaller 1 bdrm. mod. home, only 3 yrs old on paved st 84 250. Ask for Anderson. 4-2714 MCE 1 ftDRM. Mod home. Hv rm , kit. It bath, small lot lust right for couple or .elderly couple. Close to park A school, paved st. In W Salem Cash price 13.300. Ask for Anderson. 4-2714. REALTORS 317 Court St. Dial 4-4414 BY OWNER: Candatarla home with east view Double gsr age. well landscaped yard with trees. 1 bdrm.. dble. bath. Birch kit. with dishwasher, mahogany paneling in living rm Separate dining rm., lire place up and down Finished daylight basement with large recreation room. Also separate utility Game room and stor age Ph 4-8108. CASH OFFER WANTED ? nnn vl hnuae 1100 N. 17th. Please call Mv agent. Art Madsnn, Rltr. 1324 Slat. Pts. 1-iiW er 1-UiX jt t J. ir---' i at, w s,iai V i at a