It's Automatic: Rain And Solons Hit Town; Local Roster Slashed Br AL L1GHTNER Stateimaa Saarts Editer The town Senators came borne to Waters Field Friday, and so did the rain. Last night's scheduled Northwest League opener with the Lewiston B rones was impossible because of the "light showers," and things were called off as early as 4 p m. The foes will attempt to get the series under way with a single game at 7 45 o'clock tonight. Sunday's doubleheader, at 1:30 o'clock, closes out Lewiston's first visit. I'nclc Hugh Luby welcomed last night's knockout In one way. Per- hips it will give his tobogganing athletes a chance to catch their breath and drop an anchor for the skid that has seen them lose their last eight straight same "'Luby had fhiTto0 say of theT() EdffC YflliS club's horrible road trip: "Our! H pitching was good no complaints! mere. But our hitting, for the most part and especially with runners on the bases, and some times our defense, were awful. We could have turned a lot of Spokes Rally SERIES PRIZE SUNDAY The drawiag far the Senators "Wartd Series Priie'-aa all expense paid trip for twa to the iS'4 World Series is to be held Sunday between) games af the af leriHMin doubleheader with Lewis toa here. All those wna have pur chased seasaa tickets, and have either paid for them la full or are paying for them an the in stallment plan, are eligible far the drawiag. The seasaa tickets will be an sale ap antil the time al the drawing Sunday. A total af S.aA hav u uM anil luhp allirlals are shooting for a 1.000 ! nd held Spokane to two total by Sunday. Simc Cracks World Record in 220 Dash DURHAM, N. C Duke I'aiverslty't aeasatiaaal sprint star, Dave Slme, eressee the finish Un as be rail the KO-yard dash la :tt.l to erack the world reeard la the Atlaatie Caasl Ceafereaee meet trials here Friday. Mel Pattea set former warld reeard la 1MI. Slme also brake existing ACC recards in 100 yard dash aad 8e law bardies. (AP Wlrephata) Chiefs Win Fifth In Row From Braves SPOKANE ( Spokane ral lied with two out in the ninth in ning to break a 3 game losing streak Friday night with a J-l Northwest League baseball vict ory over Yakima. A single by Chuck llamamoto scored Bob Bourbcau with the win ning run. Borbeau, who signed by the Indians earlier in the week. got his first hit in professional ball, a double, to start the last inning rally. The Indians opened the game with two runs in the first inning off Yakima's Dick Young, who apparently hadn't gotten warmed up on the mound in the nippy wealer. Young then settle down hits through the eighth Chuck Meekins. 18 year-old Spok- I'.iose one-run losses into wins if ane rookie, kept the Bears under; we just had a base hit now and control all the way. The Bears then at the right time " pushed across single scores in the The Generalissimo also feels seventh and eighth innings, aided that the return of Mel Krause by an Indian error, sacrifice, a and Jack Dunn to the lineup for blooper single and an infield out. ; the long string of home games In the Other NWL game at 1 "will make a big difference." Wenatchee, the Chiefs stole seven i Little lefty Jerry Cade has bases in posting a 7-2 win over; drawn the opening mound assign- Tri-City. It was the Chief's fifth I merit against Hillis Layne's visit-1 win in a row and their 13th lng outfit. Cade has a 1-1 record. ! stolen base in two nights. Layre Has Holdovers Vikmj . . ooo ooo no-J l.avnp rlnh hie hwn oninff Srxikan. 2U0 000 0U1-J ' i . " . - Younfl and Mwkiin alonr; in good shape during the huxi. ear v Dart of the eamnaien. He k, ..mK.. r Tri-Cltv IMt 000 010 ", " " : Wenatchee 110 000 Hx- na nas aimed some new ones, kmdsiather and l.min Rome of his hold overs are Out- an(l L"sbv fielders Joe Riney and Mac Sci.Tiidt. fleet seenndsacker Joe I) . D11 Jacobs who swiped 62 bases last llPJiTPi.TS 111 I I season and Pitcher Jim Benton. UWIlflW 0111 Then there is Layne himself, who m-vt rfi led the league in hitting last year ; MininAi I AQtYIC with a .391 mark, and Gene Kling-'l 1UI1CC1 1 CalllO ler, the capable center fielder i secured from Tri-City. I The Willamette Bearcat base- ity 27'j; Siletz 23; Falls City 20; "Luby whacked three players off ball and track and field forces St. Paul 19; Gates 18; OSD 15; Col the roster upon arriving Friday. ! will be occupied with the Lewis A: ton 15; Scio 10 and Chemawa 9. Gone are Pitcher Keith Bowman, Clark Pioneers in both sports to- J PetTydale although entering some Outfielder Hal Kclley and Second- day. Coach Johnny Lewis' base-1 events, did not score. sacner Len losta. All did not bailers have a 1:30 o'clock double-1 Qualify lor State Meet I Seattle Hollywd n n :m come up to expectations, and heador wiln the Northwest Con-! Winners of the two top places in s rran " 'J-fi" . vJY ? more may join them shortly as fpronce fnp hpre at Bllsn Kipid, each event will be eligible to com-' " AnAiTsi' the kipper makes moves tn Ml an(j fl, 1lp samp tlme -pj q. pele in the state B tournament ciaro 5: at Sacramento 5. San Dleio un the weak s Dots on the club. dah! s lnincad, wi be in Port- which will be held in Springfield 3- Vancouver t. Hollywood s. rew rieiaer oming , d . . . dual m.,t wjln the t,. nert Saturday. ami ricvn i.kaui'B laxons Lead District Track Tests Braves, Yanks Win on Rally Dodgers Belt Giants 8 to 4 Pirates Top Phils On Grand Slammer By DON WEISS Aaaarialed Presa S parti Writer Albany 2nd in Lini Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat, May 12, '56 (Sec. II)-9 ThTMiUaukee Bra'STand New 2 ElV'ttSemeiltS for BaileY . a . York Yankees used the same for- . ' 1 mula, a late-inning rally, to main Lions High Scorer in 2-B Track Meet Louis Trade 5 Hurlers Harvey Haddix Goes to Cards tain their pace-setting positions in the major league races Friday night. Johnny Logan's' sacrifice fly drove in the run that gave Mil waukee a 9-1 victory in 10 innings ever the Cincinnati Redlegs and kept the well-rested Braves in the National League lead by percent age points over St. Louis. The Yankees held their two- Ducks Again Favored To Capture ND Meet Jimmy Norval Tops Individual Prelims : OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvalia Special' Coach Lea Gustai ton's South Salem Saxooj heU Kt favored role here Friday tn the Dreliminariea of the District .1 A I track and field meet m Bet Field. Souk Salem qualified H men for Saturday's finals, twa belter than the nest twa com pet tors. North Salem and Albany. .' North Salem and Albany each,1 qualified 11 men while Conrallia had six. Bend six. Sweet Horn four and Lebanon twa. ; ' There were no preliminaries held la the pole vault, 180, mile, M relay or the high jump. Saturday'! first and second plica finishers qualify (or the state meet ex$. weekend at Corvalliav Nerval MfeMaal Star -l As predicted, ' Jimmy .Norvac ! Dellinger also will stick to ont Coach Kea Hunt's ace sprint rr ana a race, the two-mile, aiming tor tne broad turn per irom worm sa'em;. (Ptelare an pae aae) El'GKNE iJP - U wiU be asm! aiHt' anl eirraa nvitr riovotonrf newlv ensaaed Jim Bailev run- division record of 9:11.3 mil with a comeback 1 i ' decision ni2 the mile (or the University established by Ken Reiser of Ore- times la both sprints and the broa vBaUimeeabaf-loadfd i k.. d m ci .. Timet t'nnfprpni-e nrthrrn riivi. a M I aarlier thia -ann He had a lo.l IS Ulf loOaBt DT08 roa with the score tied and one sioi ,rack mttK hp. i,h h'" of the fastest college two- Jumped feet, nine Inches, nearly out in the last of the ninth. Oregon team favored tq repeat for miles of the oeason. a foot better than his nearest Com- In other National League activi- "" j Two other records are In dan- Prti,or- ' . ' , ty, the Brooklyn Dodgers re- Bailey, whose engagement to a t wjth sophomores threatening Bruce Patterson, South Salem s gained their hitting eyes with a PrM,y sophomore was revealed both. i speedy hurdler, also easily postea: return to coxv Ebbets Field and Friday, wiU join Oregon's other i overoowered the New York Giants ace distance runner. Bill Dellin ger, wno runs me iw are given good chances to break Larry Northern Division rec- unnrr, Dili Lemn- ,m ,,. n.rk .r a-4. ser, wno runs tne two-mile, tsoin ..j k- Graad Slam Hamer Rookie catcher Danny Kraviti' existing grand slam homer in the ninth or"i- j mtt-L. l. i- j it .fan! uimri at&A a tliufant at r.u:i.J.l-l.:- p,l:ii:.. .- th,. Iiniv.r.ilv iniMnil h.r an. SOn hii ChanCO 10 Better Wt rniiciueipnia rnuues to meir ........... w. .... eighth straight defeat 6-3. SI Louis and Chicago were lot sched Pulford of . Wwhmgtoni! both the Wk. Friday's track was wet and not - f ..nk mm ai thai a foot aeyona ,, j;.l.M. kih..kai I been exDected. Washington State's Darrel P'r- vtt. namiMU i w leei. iku men, ana ne nas ,, j v ka Ik.. . It " wnn.u - - I, viivr iinnc ssioibi that this season. Phillies, St. .1! Thompson Is vl! Double Winner uled. In the American League. Cleve land turned back Kansas Cily, 4-1, i in a game shortened to five inn- j ings by rain. Effective relief pitch ing by Bob Chakales helped Wash ington edge Boston, 4-3, and Chi- ' cago outslugged Detroit 1-7. I Wes Covington, Milwaukee's Jefferson, which dominated the field events, was high scorer in the District 2-B track meet held at Oregon School for the Deaf field northwest leagc Friday afternoon. The Lions picked up 111 points Other scores were Sublimity 61; Concordia SO'j: Mill City 30; Am By RALPH BF.RNSTEIN PHILADELPHIA - The Phil adelphia Phillies acquired Harvey Haddix from the St. Louis Cardi nals Friday in a five pitcher trade W LPct i" ? -Z w..ieh a VSi ! ciub hopes will end its search LewiMon s 3 625 salem s .Ms : (or a southpaw successor to Curt Tri-City S JS Spokane 3 7 30 , Simmons. rrmaya rrsuni. n i oairni in tern, rain; at Wenatchee 7, Tri-City 2; at Spokane 3. Yakima 2. PACiriC COAST l.EACtl W L Pet W L. Pot. l.Oi Ana IS 10 S55 S Dlflo 15 11 M9 Sai ram 17 10 (:ll Portlnd Righthanders Herman Weh meier and Murray Dickson went to St. Louis for Haddix, Stu Mil ler and Ben Flowers. All will re- 14 is 47 i Prt t0 the'r new club!l lnis week- clutch-hitting rookie outfielder, i utM set W Wah0 Uebowit started the Braves' winning rally , ' ma "eQ WM 'w D V6' with his fourtlj hit In five pinch 1 Unfr- hitting assignments this season a double. He moved to third on a bunt and scored on Logan's sacri fice fly. Four Redlegs were thumbed out during the wild game, manager Birdie Tebbetts Cont. page 10, col. 4 Landv to Try Mile Record In Run Today TVa tmaawi'a. kaftatt timaW Atwf s4iat gagement lo Bailey at a sorority mrj rfcor.d taneea Fridawero .lomtnatc aJf house party. She is from Falls ,n ,he Jyf- 'b"lhf by Ore- (Continued on next ; Creek. Ore. No date was set for on Bro"n ,B 1M0- P' - - the wedding. son h lmst ,h PW 13 (wt ,r,a it tj ; Bailey, an Australian from ,n" Pnn' , r 1KS J:lUHliy Scattered showers fell Friday w, xvr "t : but the rain didn't harm the 10 Wet Weailier track. Improved weather was, forecast (or Saturday. Bailey, Dellinger and Bill Bow- erman, Oregon's track coach, all Huntsville. New South Wales, de feated his fellow countryman, John Landy, in a brilliant i.Stt mile at Los Angeles last weekend. Saturday Bailey will be aiming at the division record of 4:12.2 min- North Salem High's scheduled district I baseball game with AV bany at Albany Friday was post, poned because of rain. The Kama were honored Friday at a Eugene wl rescheduled for next Monday Chamber of Commerce brum 'also w Albany. FRESNO. Calif. UT. - Australian end. 1 miler John Landv and a host of Roy Harney, general manager Olympic hopefuls assault the rec of the Phillies, announced the deal nrd book Friday In the West Coast and intimated it may be the first Relays, but their efforts could be of several moves to help his spoiled by a predicted 10 to 70 cliimntno rlnh Tha Philliaa haira milp.nn.hnnr winH Expected to join the Solons darks on their athletic acreage, uniy tlouoie winner ot ine nay V, 7 bk! wi,,.tn 10 11 455 lost seven in a row and are merei The weatherman came up with waa uiTi (;c i iiwihbuii in omit Clevlnd At New York 3. t Washington 4.. Boa this weekend is new outfielder Rih Willamette and Lewis L John Warren, a Colored hand- narK are battling to stay out of no tno11 ,ne 10u and 220 dashes. Boaton down from Sacramento. ih0 rnnfpmnre reTlar in the base-' Kims Hawkins, Neil Spencer and . Some of the Senator nlavers tn i .k. i t: James Rohbins. all of Jefferson. I Baltimore 2 are .11 house-hunting, and would j day.. gamPS here will have a ' and Don Ellingson, Mill City, each j ..Virou 7 fc" U y appreciate any tips on available , b(,arjng on nat part of the cham-;nai1 a ''rst and se"nnd- Hawkins j ' filrnii;hoH anartmnnts nr hnilccc . 1 anrl Rnlihinc aicn ran nn the" Aal. i NATIONAL T.FAtiUE c ... ........... n.nnch.n r.ire B,,u . v , Eldon Fix Pioneers are favored "ol" i"- Mitwank 9 3 .750 pjitbKh 910 .474 to defeat the Bearcats in the oval na. ; J ?hffl In w clash, the last Of the season in H ll Kt Ilnn.ild Fllinson iMn.'Broklin 19 9 .521 ChU-ann 4 11 2f.7 j..t f- U'l' Tk,. 2nd l.wreiifi Cuentner (Sub UU.ll lUMl)liuuii 1U ,,k,, ,(ll 4th Kirk i St 12 s (too Baitimr io 13 .435 ; percentage points out of the Na- the forecast late Friday. '2 2 rLn.,Vy l i' ! tional League cellar. I Landy, the 26-year-old world recora noiaer irom Melbourne, Is Such tips can be filed with the ball park office. Lefty Marion C'ow- de'l is one of those in need, and Is looking for either a house or apartment with two bedrooms. Simmon l.otn r arm i Hamey has been touring the thc mam arc. Hell corn league cities in an effort to ac-1 Pf 'n 'P18' mi,e at 7;,B P m' quire a southpaw, since it has be- ,,P?T''. His PP,sltlon includ come obvious that Simmons, the Irf land s R"n, ,Ma"y- 0Ph- onetime fire balling 165.000 bonus rc 81 vnianova university, kid will never be the same. Sim- lid Frtd:iv's results: At Brnoklxn 8. P t. i New York 4; at Pittsburgh (i Phih Jerome Walters and Danny mons. who won 17 games in the . , nnT: ana club s 19.-0 nennant race HpvpI. :vllKe Blanpy 01 8" '0'- - ... . AvmaKer lion, sin mtk isi r t, i fcw ior ; at riusnu-sn n rum- " .mv, ut- , . Northwest ((inference meet is to sh Harry ijefi. 6th Redateer tChemi. deiphia s; at Cincinnati s. Milwaukee ; oped a sore arm last year and y ucian was consiaerea be held here next week. Mark: :17.l. 100: 1st Gcore Thompson (Sill. Zvi F.tnte Fletrhrr ijl, 3rd Palmer iFC'i. 4th iZehert tMCi. 5th Mann (Com, M.irk: ;flfi. Mile- 1st Allan Reese (Com 2nd Rex Herron iGl. 3rd Kee iChemi. 4th Smith tMCi. 5th Hendnrks iSubi. 6th Yazne (Cheml. Mark: 4:53.5. 440: 1st Monty Brown (Sc). 2nd : Lewis Eilers (Con). 3rd Frith (SPl, MILWAl'KEE ' -Shortstop Alhus iSubi 5th Wood iosdi. ,, , l n . ifith Thompson tSlll. Mark: :57 1. Harvey Kuenn of the Detroit Ti-, , H. lst LeRov Dmhow icon). Kucnn Takes Physical Exam Leonard Gains Tie for Lead ST LOUIS -Stan Leonard, 40-year-old Canadian veteran who hit the tournament circuit jut a Vear aen. foucht his wav into a ncr underwent a new ohwica 2nd James Robhtns J . .Irrl Guen first place tie with Dow' Finster- examination Friday on orders of 'f,';, f,a'r'r'yr ,'m'Ma wd'ii rnuay at ine mioway point ins (trait nnara nut win not Know 22 until Mondav. al the earne(. 220- u c.enree Thomnsnn istii.' fl. only names scheduled Major League Leaders of the $25,000 St Louis open Both had 1.16, eicht under par. Leonard, home pro at Vancou ver, B C , for 17 yenrs who now plays out of '.a Chute, piled up six birdies and 11 pars for a 33 34 -67 Friday after an opening round 69. t insterwald, 26-year-old pro morning NATIONAL LEAGUE G ABR H Pet Repulskl. St. L. 15 45 13 19 .422 Long. Pltlsb'h 10 76 14 31 .408 Bailev, Cincinctl 16 47 9 19 .404 Bover. St. L 19 72 14 29 .403 Moon, St I 19 72 14 2ft .19 Walls.. PlttsbKh 19 57 8 20 .351 McMillan, CllK'i . .. 21 71 5 24 333 Da:k. N. Y 20 85 9 28 .339 i Robinson. Cmcl 0 76 16 25 jtl Home runs Post, ( tncinnHtl 9: ; Banks Oii- arv dutv SP ' Mark- lli . .raao 6. Rohmsjon. Cincinnati ; Jab- , . , ., . ... . 1 SPl. Mark-. .23.5. I lonjkl. Cincinnati : Kluawskl. Cln- Kuenn, twice classified in WW 1st Rex Herron iCI 2nd ea dnnatl 6:. Long Pittsburgh 6 previous examinations because of I.ei iSubl. 3rd Hurklev cOSUl. Huns batted in- J?nlonski Oni'ln- t. n,r.t M as looked nenr hu 4,h Knbcrson 1MC1. 5th Colman t SP p . natl 18: Mutlal. St Louis 18: Bnj,-i. knee iniuries. was looked over ny ,h Ktc lCntlnl, Mark: 2.16. st. Louis 18: Tltoinas. P.ttabulih if, a medical officer at the armed r J M James Rnhhins ijl. 2nd Post, Cincinnati 15 Inrces induction center Friday i Neil Spencer iJi. 3rd Tioutm.m Thon hn mnvnH ovae MConl. 41h AXmSKer I nil, am .Sini 1 .... .la O.. ,i I ........ Ds4.. I LTi Dalmai- whether he is accepted tor mill- ;FC,;h zle,. Imci, 5th H.iier Th.nn'-Dp',.'s.bu.r8'I1 iSubl, 6th Lenipke iMCi. Mark: 19 3 Disc : lst Frank Marl.itt IJi. 2nd James Lewis iSubp. 3rd Thompson AMERICAN IE At; IF. Mantle N Y. Bocl. Baltimore Maxwell, Detroit Kisp'j, 4th Koch (SPl. 5th (Jrceorv j '?c,,n,;rl; "s'"n IMCi. Bth Gamble (J). Mark: Mi' 1 H J : lst Nell Spencer iJi. 2nd VnnPo HniAjIrlns 1 .1 1 3rrl list iConi. A basehall game 4th Lempke (MCI and Hendrlck: from Bedford Heights, Ohio, came the office of an orthopedic sur home with a one-under-par 71. He gcon. a civilian, for a further opened with a red-hot 65, seven check. under par. Only two strokes off the pace DUCKS. EMERALDS HALTED for the JS 000 first nriTo mnnnv FITFVP i i i. 'h ' U. . .' ".. . . , i.c.i..' ..... ai'u v..ii.r ii.i Runnels. Wash art- lung-oaii-mtting t.eorge nay- Deiween tne university 01 uregon r", .:, " "M ";'.",. j Goodman. Boston er, 240-pound former football play-1 and the Eugene Emeralds of the v"" er,,t i iih"rt .'ca"ei ' Ami. : Howard. N. Y , .ill, ll,A t';. r nt L . t -..uj..i..j r. c..,.pinri p, u.nHi Lolln'. Cllicacrp . . . .. J.V, Or.,11.. . Am! arA 7ihn. CO'irinPY, IS a.SIl inCTIfin dnfl Kllrt lln cphar ,mn h. ' C.iHno mnh nn, nnn.J i i.-U"i. t.,, ....... ful pro from Apple Valley, Calif, i Saturday night. Salcllter. K. C Olson, Wash. Lemon, Wash. Berra. N Y. 1 hasn't been able- to regain his (Continued on next page) Oregon State Nips Vandals MOSCOW, Idaho I - Oregon Stale combined a walk with a sin gle and a double to score two runs in the ninth inning for a 7-5 northern division Pacific Coast Conference baseball win over Ida ho Friday. The Beavers got away to a 5-run lead in thc first two innings of the game, played in a chill wind. The margin, piled up on four hits Ct anH nnmhnr f ,n.n lnl I 1 1 - 22 61 24 34 .420' uuuiuri ui naia.i, idMl'U ine 21 44 n !::8e! winners until their rallv in a final 'i 55 'r! 21 :S frame. I I it'' if iV .At 1 14 42 9 15 :51 22 60 12 26 350 threat. G AB R H Pet 20 70 14 24 .343 22 85 19 29 .341 North Marion Huskies Pace 3-A-2 Track, est MONMOUTH (Special) North I for third: Leroy-Foltz, Slayton, Marion High school jumped to I fifth, and Jerry Nyberg, North n early lead on the basis of two j Marion and Dave Wheelhnuse, events completed nd on the Stayton, tied for sixth, basis of more men qualified than , Th hil,h jlirnr) wfnt tn nav Jl Itiel Mam: 1(1 Shot lst Fniis Hawkins i.ll. 2nd Don Ellingson 1MC1. 3rd Grejory IMCI 4th Gamble 1J1, 5th Jones (Sill. th Collev 1OSD1 Mirk- 42' W't". Jav : rVmnv Sims 1J1. 2nd Law rence Wolfe iSubl. Gamble 1J1. 4th Marlatt 1J1. 5th Benfhhi 1C0I1. 6th, Hood 1C0I1 Mark: 151'. 8" Relav-lsl Amitv (Dehert Castrel. Wally 'Wood. Dennis Butke and Dick Fuller); 2nd Jefferson I F.nnls Hawk- Ins. Jim Rohbins. Jerry Curie and Rnnnv Sim i: 3rd Sublimity. th Mill City. 5th Sileti. 6th St. Paul, i Mark: 1 4.1.9. I Kell, Chicaso any of the other schools ruled as favorite to take the District 3-A-2 track crown. Qualifications for all events were completed here Friday with the exception of the high jump and pole vault, which weje de cided on the first day. Finals will be held today for all other events. At the end of the two events North Marion had 13 points, Stayton, 10H, Salem Academy and Sherwood each 10: Central 8'n and dervais, Sheridan and Serra all 1 16. Williamson. Edstrom Star Wayne Williamson, Salem Academy, with a 11-foot fi'i-inch nwV took the pole vault. Bob Roy. Stavton, with an 11-foot vault will also go to the state tournament. Others placing were Boyd Myers, Sherwood, and Em ail Coleman, North Marion, tied i Edstrom. Sherwood, with a jump Rocky's Wife Enters Hospital for Illness NWC Game j FOREST GROVE. Ore.' field and Pacific played four in ; nings of the first game of a sched 1 iilerl Northwest Conference base ball doubleheader Fridav before RnsTflM in Mrs Rirhura : 1 1 . '. r f 11" ...k;i v Dinktn - - rHm iiirccu misipmicmrni o ine of 5 11 , while Ken Richter, .,..:,, i,.r,,H . hosnii d ir -a ' v v.j . m 1. "" - - Lonie.v. checkup Friday and her husband, xne score was iwi 2-2. when retired heavyweight boxing cham- thP game was halted in the top jpion Rocky Marciano, said "her f the fifth. Since it was no con- I illness had a lot to do with my test the doubleheader was re scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Saturday. Idaho whittled away at thc lead in thc middle innings. After scor ing three runs in the third I ho 20 71 s 24 .33; Vandals added another in the 16 5 6 is jm : four,h and UP the game with 16 51 7 17 "xa .a score in the sixth. 'I,4' ' ,. Idaho threatened in both the 12 45 5 i. j.1,1 , . , ., , Home runi Mantle. New Yoik II; "'vi-iiui anu cigllin innings, nut nr Ma. New York iO; Rauer. Nev (he Beavers held them in check York 7: Gernert. Boston (i, Mixwell. anj (hon mil nn n u,;nl - 11.. Detroit ; Lemon, washinxmn 6 ana ihen put on a winning rally Runs halted in: Mantle New York Of their Own. The Walk, a single 25: nerra York 24. Lemon, by Tom Hunt and a double by Washington 20; Rauer. New York li;, . .. . ,, Wert? Cleveland l(i; Kaline. Detroit Van LOVCJoy provided the Winning 16: Simpson, Kansas Citv 16 margin. Oregon State 230 000 002-7 7 2 Idaho 003 101 0005 10 0 Guidotti and Lovejoy; Randall and Howard. Rain Calls Halt to It's Important To You . . . That Marion County have a strong voice In highway planning and budgeting. As Chairman of the House Committee on Highways and Vire-Chairman ol the Legislative Interim Commit tee on Highways, Elistrom can give you efiectlTe repreaentatton! Re-elect ROBERT (BOB) ELFSTROM STATE REPRESENTATIVE IttpubUcat Pd. Pol. Adv. Ktfltrta fM Rapraiciitallft : tttaa KT Harltftrl. ftaWs, Chair-mm. North Marion, had a 5' 10 mark. Roy Peterson, Central, was third. Tied for fourth were Jack Boyle, Central: Darrell McCall, C.ervais: , 1 r. 1 . . I. l. T .. I 1 h 11 opuriccs, msraur: J " " 1 retirement iNeison, central: 1 an Atinaugn, 1 Sheridan and Bruce McKay, Serra. Roy Makes Good Marks In the qualifying events Friday Roy of Stavton led both the disc us and shot with a food perform ances. He had .1 MS' 10 mark in the discos and 47' 1V4 in the shot. In adri'tion to waning h high iumn Edstrom l"d a 13 4 time in the hirh hurdles and a 21.4 time In lows. Another creditable qualifying time was made by Don Friesen, Salem Academv, who did the 220 in 23.3. 5nAf nn n o MEAT AT WHOLESALE PRICES For Heme Freezer lB 21c SALEM MEAT CO. 1325 S. 25th St. COMPLETE FACILITIES FOI SERVING INVESTORS IN THE SALEM AREA t WESTERN SECURITIES STOCI EXCHANGE SECURITIES INVESTMENT STOCK Serving Oregoa for Over ZS Years Donald (. Sloan & Co. CiKidt Bld(., Porfltnd HOWARD A. MADER Salem Representative 633 Brenner Ph. 4-3593 B D n 1983 P N. CAPITOL STREET ill in 1 e ii n! n OPEN SUNDAY From 9 to 6 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9 TO 9 1983 N. Capitol Hollywood District Phone 4 5007 D D n a a aaannaDDDODDaDaDDDODDDDi ADDED TO OUR WATER SUPPLY! The following Salem Physicians PUBLICLY ENDORSE Fluoridation and RECOMMEND it as a proved, practical, safe, effective public health measure. K. K. Adamt David R. Copeland Rollin E. Saker Felix I. Dilger Gordon V. Bickler John A. Dyko R. D. Blatchford D. I. Ithleman Forrest Bodmer Don E. Foster t Gerald J. Bowarly landy J. Frant Estill I. Brunk John J. Griffith Frad W. Burger W. C. Haringar Paul E. Burger Clifford F. Hill Wm. H. Burrall George T. Hilt Lewis F. Campbell Jr. Roland J. Hothhalter Chas. B. Carey Harold R. Hutchinson John W. Cams Edwin A. Johnson L. R. Clark Marvin D. Mattson Jamas W. Conner Robert Moa Gordon H. Cooley Robert H. Niemeyer, Jr. Cyril Olrlon H. M. dinger O. A. Olson , Data 0. Parkae . Murray M. khof ield Robert R. Siddowty Richard Springer J. P. Stagias R. C. Synowski C.W. Utter F. D. Voigt K.H. Waters I. E. Watson S. D. Wiles Johan E. Wold John R. Wood Wiley N. Young FLUORIDATION IS ALSO ENDORSED BY EVERY MAJOR NATIONAL MEDICAL, DENTAL AND HEALTH ORGANIZATION IN THE UNITED STATES! American Medical Association American Dental Association United States Public Health Service The Dental Societies of All 46 Slates AND the District of Columbia The American Academy of Pediatrics Tha American Hospital Association Tha Commission on Chronic Illness American Nurses Association American Public Health Association American Public Welfare Association The Dental Section of tha American Assn. for tha Advancement of Science American Research Council American Water Works Association American College of Dentists Association of State and Territorial Health Officers American Society of Dentistry for Children State and Territorial Dental Directors - Hundreds of State and Community Health Groups and State and County Medical Societies VOTE 63 YES! X MAY 18 Po" AoV by Cilifni Commit!.. FO BfTTfS UftH. J. B Monrtt, Slm, Or., CiW. i