O Statesman's HOME I anorama Wcsm . . Music . . . Fo$hon$ . . . Fwtrrrs 6-(Sfc. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., May 1256 Around Town . . . Mrs. John Tyler Jr. Is Elected Salem Woman's Club President Mrs. John t Ty er Jr. was elected president t Q Sale Wotnu'i Oub lor th ensuing year at Friday1! meeting it tbt clubhouse. Other officers elected taelude Mrs. Harry Sappenfieid. vice-president: Mrs. A. E Ulmaa, recording secretary: Mr. Frances Speerstra, correspond ing aecretary; Mrs. Frank Marshall treasurer: Mrs. Nettie Smith, ft , naocial aecretary; Mrs. Walter Osborne, director; and Mn. Ralph Da- mm, ininn. Mrs. sappcniira ly JLRYME INGUSH Garsta ... at the horn of Gov- Molalla Rebelcahs Visit Salem Lodge has aenred as president the past year. The chib voted to five a Marioo C t u a t y 4-H Kholarship. The Brownie troop, sponsored by the A delefatioa from the Oik ciuo, attendee, ana presemea a Rebekab Lodge, MoUua. visited "a group of . - , .Lu.j... ns- Mrs. Ted Meyers is leader the Salem Rebekab Lodge at group Mondays meeting. Mrs. Gladys; - MHvin H. Geist iavt a PARTY TIME ... A hostess Wed- ', arsday wis Mrs. Calvin Kent. who ernor and Mrs. Elmo Smith for the Djvel, past noble (rind of Jewell ' polp 0f voca aeiectioM, accom- entertained at her home on Spears Mother s Day weekend are their Rebf klh JewflI Ku!li by Mn Geist anew iot me pleasure w nn. 09m uaugmcr, miuit, i ..... .. ..mi k. I C Campbell . . . guests were in-1 St. Helens Hall in Portland, and Iu ' The mw"n fl, tlted to . nnTeoitee and a their con. Dennis, who will be dow. FL club will meet tonight with 1. a.m. with rnember. r fnpng a I shower feted the guest of honor. . . from John Day. . he will gradu- Mri Troy Wood, 435 j, r,0 ; sack lunch J The jmrnrttot wiU the coftee table was centered with ate from the John Day high school rL j serve jdessert Jjdjjkf. The n 1 j 1. i. mnA mm in.ii hi. umti ""rl- board meeting will precede at f.30 ?:JrJ" " "A -I Mrs. Wesley Hunter was hon-iam. ind lU be the last one of ? thTeornir. oi the cloth caught! wl.. . . Ik. Maker s ' th JO""!"' mother t the season. J with pink and blue nosegays. t . 1 Weekend at Weeena Beaek win be j present and Mrs. Mary Nichols Reports on the state convention BsaVrlaf . . . Mrs. Campbell Mr and Mrs. Donald MrCargar honored as the oldest mother held in Portland last week were were Mesdaaaea Richard Laakaw, aad children, EDiaaetb aad Larry present Miss Pauline Wagner -gjven by Mrs. Frank Marshal I Richard Jeaaiaf. Taesdsre Jesuiy. . . . The aeeasiM will afa eele- "ng a Mother's day song, ac- j Mrs. Tyler. Mrs. Walter SpaiuU Ralph Alweea. Fred Jeesau, nai- kntr the birthdays el Elixaaelk, rompaniru or mn. uuw lnJ ana Airs, niniirea reuyjona. '. ri nM Juirrk. James .k. u 1a lrr wka win W Kimble. Mrs. Lucien LeCompte.j , .I.,;-,, I X. Payae, Robert JasM. Wis 1S. . . thry will kare as tkflr nopie grana reia a porni iEd A Unk. presiding at the ; Berry, Wtuiaaa " garsls Mr lae weeaeaa. LiDDy ....... tea urns were Mrs. Carl Chambers - Ward aad Caivto Keat. , . Cram aad David Habbard. .. Jola- Three Links club will meet and Mrg , gstm Brunk. i j A art-akatial . . . party feted 1. (tk McCargars at Ike aearh Friday afternoon it 2 o'clock. L Hiss Helen Booth Friday n;ht iu ke fcer kratker aad sister ia- jhe Mav social committee will ; Whrt Mrs. Lesli Wldsworth and Uw. Mr. aad Mrs. George Law. jncd8 Mr. and Mrs. Clirence . ; ktr daughte.v Mitt a.ta -i--a i- f prtlaid. . . Kimble, Mrs. Weslev Hunter, Mrs. I son, and Mrs. James Manning en- yMiat ... ai the home of Jus- Ida Newton, Mrs. Cecil Fletcher, ; tortained at the Wadsworth home tjce and MrJ William C. Perry Mrs. Jennie Chalmers, Mrs. Ger- ea Norm in ouro . . . miss linli, lh, fir!t (h, Wlli k, trude Alfredson. Mrs. Keith Hen Breakfast to Fete Mothers Sunday i The regular meeting of Eta Chapter, Beta Sigrru Phi was held Booth will be married to Elbert tlh. ..j .,.,.in.u m, derson. Mrs. Guv NeweenL Mrs. , v"'" .nd Mrs. Lloyd K, Miller of to- Mry rugn, miss tana juici- i in nu.nc . ... J Forty guests were bidden to the vjM aljf ne KMm have hiney. Mrs. J. M. Lawless, Mrs. on Meadowlawn Drive Wednesday been in The Dalles visiting his Marjetti Anderson, Mrs. raui evening. brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Heath, Mr. ind Mrs. Leston 1 The ,ocial chairman, Mrs. Billy Mrs Luman G. Miller . . . the Howell, Mrs. Dorothy Fnhm, Kelso, announced that the Mothers i.... ..j ..... iimm. .a tam. Mrs. E. E. Gettmin, M'ss Pat nv hraLfat will be held Sundav '!! my. accompanied the California Sch'rv EJ?"r DRoJh ."j5' morning and plans were completed iI-VS visitors to Salem on Thursday, . . . "uh ? dams. Mr-Robert Mc- for the (ormai djnner dance to be til, .nil. III-i .1VV.nimi, mi a. May 19. For Uter Lottn misccllaoeout shower and dessert 7 avmrnwr . , ; : Arrlrlig ... la the eaplUl today mr a sasri visit win be Mis Mar- ; eia Saeketi al Plednraat, '. fsnwerly at Saleaa. wka (Mat af Mr. aad Mrs, James Wat- Mar Mann, Martin. ' Mrs. Charles L. M aad Miss Mabel P. IUbertosa. . It's a girl ... far Dr. aad Mm. Miss (aelteti stopped la Caoa Bay Rowrt Sid loway . . . she arrived far a tew days before romia-; aa Tharsday al the baiem Geue.-al Sa KaUn . . . nmdw Ik. w.'i'a- unllnl mmt Iinv4 the aralta al will ba basts far family diaser eight poinds, aaa aaaee ... the Ria, are Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Girl scout to camp in me summer, at the Mariaa Batel far Miia Sae. Utile iri hai beea aamed Mary Rocque Jr. . . . she was born on A report of the state convention kett. ., Dm TiaUar'i kratker, Joka Jeaa . . . she baa Iwa bratkers, ! Wednesday at the Salem General held at Astoria was made By Mrs The members voted to send Mrs. Gordon Davidson to Parliamentar ian class next year and to send a ; Rackets, a fresh maa at lh tat- Robert aad Richard ... aad her ' malty, aad tba Waltoas' saa. Jeff graadpareata art Mr. and Mrs. j . . others at the diner will It Rsbeit C: Brady f Eageae. terna- Mias Rabtrtoas, Mr. aad Mrs.'erly of Salem, aad Mr. and Mrs. 1 Veraar M. flaeket aad Miss EIUa-!Ray Siddaway. ... Will W.liM. I , . - it..i ft - .... 1 wimuii . . . . unit; Kin. l,ism Hospital there is also a little boy, Marc, in the family ... The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Rocque, Mrs. Harry Crawley and Ralph Dunlap of Van couver, B.C. . . . Herbert Dalke. Guests for the evening were Miss Myra Lou Hamilton and Miss Lila Huntsinger, who is a Beta Sigma Phi and past president of her chap ter in Raymond. Wash. 415 SOUTH HIGH ST. 11 t M r Anniversary Open House SJTM, HAY 12 HOW 111 BLOOM . ... EXEURY AZALEA FROM ENGLAND F II E E One Growing Plant to a Customer! MOTHER'S DAY Specials Geraniums -40' 3 taM.OO NU Sturdy Plants Choice of Calais Showy DHe Petunas 25 Each 5 ,1.00 FREE Ona S9c Pkg. Blue Whits Past Moss with Each Pur chase of Tuberous Begonia Plants. Largs Assortment of Fuchias in Bloom Potted Azaleas Fancy Everoreen Typa from M.25 Each Wrapped and Ready For Mom - ' .' k ROSES ! The Very Finest Gift for MOTHER a , . ,ht '4l Oteen V'rrheth first Love f reef UminA Golfen Sceofer Suiters Golo ffoile de Nollono'e Mojove P. H. "Jock" Drfsn , 15 years' horticultural riper a tenet With Royal Bofnlc Gar dens of Edinburgh and Univer sity af California. Many other varieties to choose from in our outside beds. ALL EXCELLENT NO. 1 STOCK! 45 YEARS EXPERIENCE MOW IN PARTNERSHIP To Better Aid You With Tour Gardening Needs .1 uh. Jt'.m Thrm?i 10 years' horticultural exper ience with Northrup King Seed Co. and Chas. H. Lilly Co.. and a graduate of Oregon Slate Col lege. HAVING GARDEN PROBLEMS? To aid you and answer your questions, the following companies will bt represented: MILLER PRODUCTS CO. ACME PEAT PRODUCTS CO. NORTHRUP KING 1 CO. 0. M. SCOTT I SONS FERRY MORSE SEED CO. I Phono 4-5671 RAIN OR SHINE-WE'LL TREAT YOU FINE So . . . Sea You Saturday at 41 S SOUTH HIGH ST. Fret Porkina Froo Doliviry Phone 4-5671 Some Variations for Cooking Liver Given By MAXCS'E Bl'REN Statesataa Waaua's Editar There art Ms of folks who love liver, and always servo it fried to a crispness, perhaps conceding only occasionally ts the revolu tionary addition of an onion or two. Those cooks and diners certain ly lack imagination but perhaps they are satisfied with just plain liver. However a change occasionally does no one harm, so we offer some suggestions here for varying the liver fare to spark the in spiration of the lukewarm liver eaters and give pleasant respite to those who like a change. The French call this fpie de veau a la bourgeoise or CALF'S LIVER FAMILY STYLE 2 or 3 pounds calf s liver Bouquet garni 12 small pieces salt pork 2 cloves 2 tablespoons butter l teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons flour Dash of pepper h cup white wine I carrots, cut up i cup water 12 small onions With a sharp knife insert small pieces of salt pork into the liver. Heat butter in a heavy heat-proof dish, sear liver on both sides and remove meat from pan. Add flour, stir in liquids. When sauce is smooth, add bouquet garni made from sprigs of parsley, thyme, and a bay leaf tied together. Season. Parboil onions and carrots 10 minutes. Add liver and the vegetables to the sauce. Co ver dish and place in a 300-degree oven. Bake 1 hour. Place the liver on a heated platter. Surround with onions and carrots. Strain and thicken sauce with cornstarch and pour over meat and vege tables. Garnish with parsley. Calf's liver in paper will give the family something to talk about, it's not new, but unusual in our circles. CALF'S LIVER AN PAPILLOTES ( slices liver 12 thin slices salt pork 2 tablespoons butter 2 teaspoons chopped parsley 6 pieces unglazed brown paper 2 teaspoons chopped chives Salad oil Salt and pepper Brown liver in sizzling hot butter, 2 minutes on each side. Cut pieces of unglazed paper in pieces about twice the size of the liver. Oil and place a paper-thin pork on each, then a sprinkling of herbs, salt and pepper. Place liver on paper, then more herbs and cover with a slice of pork. Wrap, folding in edges of paper so juices will not escape. Bake 20 minutes at 350 degrees. Serve with paper still on. The Italians have a way of cooking liver that would be less un usual than the above idea5, but different from regular fried liver. LIVER MILITARY STYLE Chop an onion and fry it in olive oil or butter until dark brown. Add thin slices of liver and when it is half dnne, salt and pepper it and add a pinch of chopped parsley. Allow it to cook until done. Serve "th its own gravy to which the juice of half a lemon has Deen added. Or they might suggest that you fry the liver with pieces of bacon until done, then drain off fat, add a piece of butter and con tinue to fry, gradually pouring on tomato sauce or tomato paste diluted in soup stock. Season with salt and pepper. Here's a Spanish version of a liver dish: CHANFAINA A few mint leaves Mother-Daughter Banquet Given By Auxiliary The West Salem Lions Auxil iary bold their annual mother daughter banquet Wednesday night at the West Salem City HalL Mrs. Wallace Carlson pre sided at the banquet, which was attended by 1 number C guests. Mrs. Dais Taylor gave the in vocation, Mrs. W. L. Scheele was presented a gift tor the old est mother present, Mrs. Dolores Monroe tor the youngest mother, and Mrs. Charles Smoch for the mother of the largest family. Table decorations were in charge of Mrs. Richard Smith. Mrs. Dean Tucker was program chairman, and introduced Gene De Bauer of the Don Allen school of dance. Several Up and spec ialty numbers were given by the students, Tbe regular business meeting oi the group will be Tuesday evening. May 22, at the home of Mrs. Seward Kelicut, 380 College Drive, at 8 p m. Junior CDA Rally Well Attended Over 300 girls attended the Junior Catholic Daughters Rally Day Sunday at St. Joseph's hall. The guest speakers included Fath er Hildebrand, O.S.B.. of Mt. An gel. Sister Jean Eloise, S.N.J.M., of Sacred Heart Academy, Mrs. Rose Bell, national director, and Mrs. Oscar Strand. Hillsboro, state junior chairman. Skits were put on by Mt. Angel. Canby, Molalla, VYoodburn, and Portland Junior Courts. Presiding officer was Miss Rosa lie Kerr, president of the Salem Court. All eleven troops from Sa- j lem were well represented The ; Salem Court was hostess at the tea which concluded the day's activi ties. Mrs. Dale Riley, a Salem coun selor, was the general chairman for the rally day. Peacock plumes often were used as helmet ornaments during the Middle Ages. Girl Scout Board in Session Too regular meeting of the Saa tiara. Area Girl Council board was held at the homo of Mrs. Charles Mills Thursday afternoon. It was reported that tbe open bouse at Smith Camp on Sunday, May ( bad beea successful with many girls and parents visiting the camp in the Silver Creek Falls area. The board discussed plans tor the outdoor summer camp which is open to non-scouts as well as Girl Scouts. The dates of the camp art July 1 through August 20. Reg istrations art still being taken by airs. n. m. nana, 913 S. ltth. Cor-vallis. Mrs. Ben Cava at Salem. mhD chairman of the new troop organi zation committee, presented plans and activities of this committee. A wieaer ras was beM bv asras- bers of Gamma Gamma chapter of Ensiloa S.sma Alnh -. day night 00 the Willamette River. ine at lair was arranged to ac quaint the new members and their husbands with the other members. ti& TODAY-SATURDAY f Hnir stiilixti demonstrating Robert Curly Hair I Sfiiiig Kit TOILETRIES DEPARTMENT, lm STREET FLOOR Career Fashion Slum -"Time Off to rhy" , AL D1TOR1 L M-SECOND FLOOR-lOO P.M. 1 pound liver 3 tablespoons olive oil 4 onions 4 doves Pinch of cinnamon Freru'lmmbs Blanch cut up pieces of 3 sprigs parsley 2 pimientos Pinch of cumin Pinch of cinnamon B'ark pepper liver in salted water. Put all other in gredients except breadcrumbs into oil and cook a minute or two, then add liver and a little of the water in which cooked. Let sim mer a few minutes then stir in the breadcrumbs. Tour into a dish and serve cold. Reports Given on Conference The B'nai B'rith Women, Wil lamette Valley Chapter meeting was held Tuesday evening. Presi dent, Mrs. Sydney P. Levene, pre sided and Mrs. Stanley Friedman was a guest. Reports of the Northwest confer ence of the B'nai B'rith Women which was held in Portland were given by Mrs. Helen Green. Fruitlind Mrs. Ivan Cooler is the new chairman of the Fruit land Home Extension Unit; Mrs. Myrtle Harmon, vice-chairman; and Mrs. William Clay, secretary- treasurer. The officers were in stalled by Mrs. John Shamberger, a past chairman, at Tuesdav s meeting at the home of Mrs. D. W. Reedy. A paper of the work of the B'nai B'rith, which was founded 113 years ago, was given by Mrs. David W. Flaks. The B'nai B'rith Grand Lodge is now holding a na tional convention in Washington, DC. Mrs. Bernard Brown read a paper on the question "What Rights Do the Jews Have to Israel?" by Edgar Mowrer. DRAPERIES STSSf rm Ritlautn Dav or Nlfht tornlrt Boirdi ) Slip Cvrn Vilancci Tnrrrie Rodi SEE e s ELMER THE BLIND MAN Ph. 3H2I (Tfrmi) 3i;i Centpr SI. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. ' -SJ-ft' 1 i 'e-x, 'k.2r ? ;xi ' V - - i " r- , HOLLYWOOD Turn-of-the-Cenutry charm in a tiny, pretty little lace-intricately patterned, yet immaculately simple-you'll love this cool summer frosting. Mail and phone orders' HAT COUNTER-STREET FLOOR 'Plus shiptin cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes "one touch of gold'1 . . . prettiest look of the season! Sparkling white calf with golden buttons or buckles ... for that Midas touchl 1. Three-button flat with stacked leather heel. Gold or all-white buttons. 2. With gold kid strap and metal buckles, white calf with stacked leather heel. Mail and phone orders' WOMEN'S SHOES STREET FLOOR