V I ,$-(Scc. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fii," May 11, "5fl Georgia's Gov. Talmadge Known as 'White Supremist' ;ir, tf TOM CHASE ' ATLANTA UB-Hermaa Eugene Talmadfe, former governor at r.Hinii and bow candidal for Rpb. Georce's icat in the U. S. fenate, is probably but known arrau the nation as an advocate U "whit supremacy . He makes M bone about this and ia hit announcement lor the Sonat pledged that i( elected be Lould fight for the "survival of Georgia and the South" x on the lational level just aa be fought on Die local level during ail yean governor, tfakea Kad Clear Tabnadne aaya flatly that Net and whitei via never go w ie tame senoo-M in ueoraia u mg at M MS anyining w say mut R. ' v. The state will resist the U. S. ipreme Court decision outlawing -grrgation te lhe Mllon pubbe schools "even a we nana aione, according to thi square Jawed, H;ar-smoklng man with the tailing fcrekx of coal black hair. Now, at a, Talmadge feels that h elected to the Senate be will t hi position "SM more ef" trtively on the national level what J -considers encroachments at" states rights. ' ; - . 'Hi stubborn! la a iight and his devotioa to "white supremacy" both were Inherited from hit lather, the late Gov. Eugene Tal-m.-idje, as wat his -fondness for rd suspenders while campaigning among the "wool bat" rural reg ions of the state., - v l'avteUta lt ratbee Talmadge has proved as ohyleld- Ip( as hi father on the question of racial segregation but unUe his f-tber will not c'tng to a hopelessly '-F' i' ft ' 1 v M II TN'VITI rHEMTEK CAIRO (1 - Egypt's Premier Carnal Abdel Nasser bai invita tions to visit 13 foreign countries. He said recently Jw would first vis it the Soviet Union. The other 12 to be visited, not eecessarily in order, are Poland, Czechoslovakia Hun gary. Romania and Bulgana all U.S. "AsWi Donations For Needy Families WASHINGTON til The U. S. Agriculture' Department has called for offers to supply some 1,642,200 .flouts oci: v ROLL- TORONTO Touring Rus sian 'cellist Mstislav Rostropovich, 29, is gathering up all sorts of mu- - Isle by Canadian and U.S. eompoa. ers to take back to the soviet w ion. Almost all sorts, that is. Hi It leaving behind the sort called rock '' rott, he says. pounds of wheat flour and 4.977,200 1 pounds of cornmeal for donation to I Communist -mlod: Morrorco. Su-needy persons and . tamuies t dan miA JnrHnin th Arh.Vnrth ' thmuehout the nation. . African orbit; and Italy. Greece,! The department said the offers! Spain and Yugoslavia in Europe. 1 should be submitted by way is. deft WOOD FINISH seals . . . primes finishes ,,.all rom one can: Quart 2.37 i n PfS 1 . ! i m sb r .t NEW YORK Herman Kngeae Talmadge. fermer geveraer at Geergia aayleldiag advocate at "white supremacy," the 42 year-ld hi ef the' and mw a caadMata far the U.S. 8eaate seat U be vaeated by Sea. ; late Grergia Gev. Eagrne Talmadge Is ronsidrred Ins stubborn than Walter George, is shewa to three typical pases. Best kaewa as aa kis father, hewever. (AP Wirrphole) In 1338, he managed his father's 'paign. His father won a fourth In 1048, Talmadge was elected bitterly fought campaign against! term but died 23 days before the to serve his father's unexpired George and his father lost. Two ! inaugural. term, defeating Thompson. While years later he m a n a g e d his The legislature elected young the state constitution limits a gov- father's successful campaign for a Talmadge to take his father's ernor to a single four-year term, third term as governor. place. However. Talmadge was ..... r... v.,apnv rimk ml.-H that Durinif World War II Talmadee n.n ihr k . c.. c. Att 0in f-uene ( rultrt ,nal ---n is- i it i tin t iiiiunn uuj uj a oiuiv ju- Negroes benefited more while he was governor than during any other administration in the state. Nearly one billion dollars worth ot permanent improvements were made in Georgia while he was in office. Some of his detractors have i served in the Navy in the Pacific Drcm. Court decision and U Gov Talmadge was eligible for re-clec- unrenaMe position, especially railed him a "demogocue." Claims i and was discharged in 1945 with u l- Thnmnin indniiorf tinn. and he won a full term in Lera he has lost public saoport. 1 were made while he was governor the rank of lieutenantommander. ' aC(jng governor. IfjO. again defeating Thompson. jl political ugww wno anrw oran, mat ne was irying io sn up nnen nr rrsurira civumn mr. Va Pint 89c Pint $1.44 Gal. $7.10 .rsnspsrent Deft gives a beautiful semi-gloss finish to fur niture, cabinets, natural wool wall paneling, woodwork jnd floors. Dries in 30 minutes . . . ready for the second ;oat in two hours! Deft is a clear wood finish that won't darken . . -has excellent coverage . . .is an economical and beautiful wood finish for large areas and small areas PTT 133 A ir-i ACf mm ACCURACY... in the filling of every order Yon can rely upon the professional skill and ethics of our registered pharmacists. Never a substitute; always top quality. Capital Drug Store t Locations to Better Serve Yon Main Store: 405 State, Corner af ' Liberty Prescription Shop: (17 Chemrkrta, - Griffin Bldg WE GIVE frC GREEN STAMPS ' t 9 II I 1 9- m I ' ? 1 it o o o ee TV rnaa said, "old Gem would fight fof conviction, and once con viuired he was right, no power on earth could change him. But Her nial is more pliable, more amen aMe - to public opinion and will change if K is against him. dictatorship" and a political dy- his father gave him a l.oon-acre nastv in Georgia along the lines farm near Lovejoy. Ga , in rural of the late Huey Long's regime in Henry County. He lives there with Louisiana. , his second wife. Elizabeth Shinder In reply to this' Talmadge simply : Talmadge, and their sons Gene points to his record as governor, and Robert Shingler. They were During his administration he kept married Dec. 24. 194t, shortly after Itl public lite Talmadge fan speak his promise to bu'ld 10.000 miles Talmadge was called to active islly well in the dignified tones of roads and provided more money service, and while Elizabeth was a fo. equal of, a governor or in the rustic for education than all previous co-ed at the University of Georgia vernacular of his "wool hat' lowers on the farms. He calls himself a champion of the little man in the belief that "th big folks can look after them selves1 and lays be has 10,000 friends in the state knows to him by aame. v-:.- 1 .Talmadge denies, however, that he It anti-Negro or has practiced administrations combined. Ta'madge and his first wife were Father's Heme Barned j divorced in 1940 aftr three years Talmadge was born Aug. 9. 1913, of marriage, at McRae, Ga.. and attended pub- Wife Does Ham Curing he school in Telfair County until' Talmadge operates a dairy and his father's home burned in 1930. ; raises beef cattle and Mrs. Tal Then the family moved to Atlanta. madge runs a ham curing plant. After graduating from the Uni-; But even the Joys of rural life versity of Georgia he began law ; could not keep Talmadge away practice with his father in Atlanta from politics for long. In 1946 he racial discrimination and says that; and got his firrt taste of politics. a"ain manage-.! his father's cam- ly,'iiiil.ilii'lTniiwl-ii)ir,''ijiii . ft ' I' I - I II 1 i !, I WITH THE KISSAMIN I KE35A?!!'f: pun, thi 1 TeiT. ( ONLY THING , . '2lJi YOU IOS8 IS WIIOHTI . jfAT USI MUOITOH l f 1 414 tTATI II. i . SAUM,OUOON 1 - j tMM Mud UK IS-Jiy tummif tf MeKm Knttm'i IMtt. Inchr4 y$ will find $5 4 tm r MM. 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