Muffins Major Exhibit at County 4-H Show ar 4 ' ' 1 V v . -mm -., s 4 .8.,. i N'' 4f - -V ' J, -V- f. 8ILVERT0N Biggest ih exhibit at Ike Marioa Ceaaty 4-H Sariag Skew now la session ben at the ar mory If muffins. There are III entries la thla dirbtra. Here Mary Aaa Zleliaskl shows ker mnlfln entry to Unite McMaaU et JeflerMa. (Harold Larsea-Statesaaa Photo) I VV Jr A I LI I i i Rotary Glib Fetes Student At Willamette Daa Dearborn, aenlor economics and political cintce major at Wil lamette University, wa named Ro tariaii of the Month (or May by the vote of the student council this week. Selected for hi work as May Weekend manager,- Dearborn at tended American University In Washington. D.C., in his junior year as part of the Washington Semester exchange program. He is a member of Pbi Eta Sigma, scholastic honorary, and Pi Gam ma Mu. Serving as rush and scholarship chairman (or Beta Theta Pi, Dear born was the recipient of Fresh man Honor, Union Carbide, and Consolidated Ffcightways scholar ships while at Willamette. Voluntary Contribution Plan Appeals to More Employers Children Give Program Here Children from Haven School presented program to the Salem Association for Retarded Chil dren Wednesday evening in May flower Hall. The (irst part titled "We Play Together" presented the children in costumes ind songs. The sec ond section, 'We Help Esch Oth er," included'vocal and piano so los and sn accordionist, closing with a bed-making lesson ss taught to the girls at the school. The third part, "We Work To gether," demonstrated sctusl classroom activity, under the di rection of Ruth Dempsey, teach er at Haven School. These things Included action songs, resding readiness activities, rhythm band and a practical science lesson. Mrs. Dempsey explained about methods used in teaching, their purpose, and a commentary on a display of art work and crafts done by the students of the school. Soil on the slopes of Mt. Etna. Sicilian volcano, enriched by vol canic dust, ranks with the most fertile on earth. Z' tiaaaaitBT, IN -J: 8O.VERT0N It weal U bag aatU Ibees three jular seamstresses win be making entries fa the Teea age Mlii 4-H dotblag projects. Miss Margaret Krag, Marlaa Caaaty extension ageat, 4-H, tells them as she shows them why certain garmeata drew bine libboas (ram Judges at County 4-H show. The three girls are Judy Rasmassen, Conine Stewart (la the hack) aad Marilyn Rasmussea, all Iram Battevllle. (Harold Larsea-SUtesmaa Photo) SCHAEFER'S Diuretic Tonic A combination ( approved remedies which Influence the secretioa of the kidneys, hence useful in cases where the arlae is scanty, high colored, turbid ar unduly concentrated; sass to produce irritations af the urinary passages. If symptoms persist see your Doctor. SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally 7:34 a.m. to I p.m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to S p. m. 115 N. Commercial a Value that says: BUY at a price that says: NOW Take a new look at the low pricw field and ee how much mora Studcbaker gives for your monev! You get more car (up to 120'i" wheelbase)! More power (up to 275 hp., standard in the Golden Hawk)! Afor style (the only really new styling this year) ! Afore sating (from the all-time Mobiles Econ omy champ)! Vlux a big pre-season trade-in if you act! See your Studcbakcr Draler today! $ 1795 00 Champlan S-doer dantit tlvrad locally. frlctt may vary slightly wttlt Individual daaiar'a pricing policy. Champion t-daor Soaanot TUDEBAK ER Craftsmanship with a flair! Pick up ttv4 phon Toll your Studsbnkor Ooalai wnn you'd llko to havo now SJtudoOokor at your deer for demonstration drive. No obligation, of couroa. Bonesteele Sales & Service, Inc. 370 North Church St. More employers than ever before took advantage of the "voluntary contribution" feature of the unem ployment law last winter to obtain reductions on 195 pavroll tax rates. Unemployment Compensa tion Commission officials reported Thursday. Although 4SS firms were affected, the IT1 ,023 they contributed was considerably less than the amount sent in during the 30-day period in 19S2 and 1933. During the seven years that this part of the law has been in operation, 1635.177 has been contributed to the fund. Of these firms. 105 were classi fied as manufacturers, It retail ers, 86 in service line. 44 con struction, 34 transportation and utilities, 31 financial, realty and insurance and the remainder in mining, lishing or farming. Indus tries contributed 143,514 which was more than half of the total. Lumber and logging were well in the lead. Tabulations Told Tabulation of voluntary contri butions since the amendment was enacted shows 189 concerns paying $19,017 in 1949 ; 368 paying $64,709 in 1950; 170 paying $55,856 in J951; 338 paying $136,584 in 1952; 375 paying $213,372 in 1953; and 337 paying $68,616 in 1954. The period for voluntary contri butions usually comes between Nov. .13 and Dec. 15 each year following announcement of the new experience rates based on tax pay ments and unemployment benefit charges against firm accounts up to June 30. Average tax rates this year are ex;ected to be around 1.34 per cent, highest since 1951, following three successive rises from the low in 1953 of 1.14 per cent. Pay ments to the unemployed reach- ling nearly $12,000,000 the first four months of 1956, however, have re Iduced reserves to around 150.000,- 000 which is about $5,000,000 below a year ago. HlYber Receipts Tax receipts on first quarter pay- rolls, still being tabulated, were ! expected to pass $4,200,000 highest collected for this period. Coverage extended to firms with two and 1 three employes this year already . has added nearly 4,000 to the form er 17,000 employers and the ad ditions may reach 8.000 before the end of 1956, officials said. State Traffic Safety Unit Adds Films - Two new films have been added to the state traffic safety division's library for showings to schools, civic and service clubs throughout the state. Ths library, which contains 44 16mm films, covers such subjects as driver education, school and child safety, and dramatic presen tations of the traffic accident prob lem. Last year the films were viewed Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., May 11,38 (Sec. TV-43 by S2.54I people. The new films are "Drive Your Bike" and 'The Perfect Crime", the latter a presentation of a driv- i era resportjioiuiy iot rraucing highway deaths. k A catalog listing all titles la the library can be secured upon re quest to the safety office In Salem. MODERNIZE f oar Bath wtrh DURATILE Mttfll Wall Tilt 1249$. Com! Ph. 4-3292 CHAMIF CIIAU CMINFS: iVIDICTNl AND HEM CO. . LOCATION SO KTH AND LKSUt " 1195 IXSUI ' omcf houis tats, and Sat ' Onf a S p.mL Phana 1-1140 t, I, FONCL tU&BIST During the Revolutionary War, Irish soldiers probably made up about 38 per cent of the V. S. Continental Army, says the Na tional Geographic Society. GAMES Indoor and Outdoor Shuffleboard Tabla Tannls Croquet Horseshoes Badminton Darts We Give and Redeem Penny Savers CITY IFCnTUi:D to CHICAGO R Lrtri fatt Your trtval cornptnlon tti thai famous Onto Pacific trio Comfort, Relaxation and Ptact a Mind ... and vou'B anjoy them ia coach wi Pullman Meals! No Inar sywtwra.' Hit ! I .' U . i .;),,( UNION PACIFIC FRED LINGENFELDER, General rassenger Agent 751 PitUck Block Phoas CApitol 7 7711 Portland 5, Oregon mm ' i miiil iim extiii m gr T) I- Y 1 plus tan trnd racoppabla hVa dXIOxUsixa Dn'l taka chances! It's dangerous to drivs oo wort tires! Da tsia ad vantage of our sale prices on Super-Cushloni bj Goodyear. They feature 3-T Triple-Tem pared Cord Bodies for extra strength. Famoua Stop-Notch Tread means quick-action traction. Act now on these money-saving price. Ik Here or your UUUUfcAU DEALER... $100 DOWN pvfi any brand now goodyeah TIRE on yevr cor right now I PAY IAUNCE WEEKLY "wv, a I - mst.Cuo)Moii Wo nidwwalla uaeCiiaill WnHs MwlW athH SAUMUa m SAUNKI tsut la wtfSJ kodo4a wH mmn rn..' tfdo.m, Ttal tta avai 7.10x15 21.70 1 7.45 7.60 a5 29.10lglTr 8.00x 13 26.10 31.30 000 a 6 ?'5?- l7Aj 6.00x16 17.33 13.93 630x16 28.53 2V1 6.56x16 "W UQZ 670 x 16 JJi T$,7$ Tta Ton Mi w-ynMa MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR WWW Your rocappablt tirt t art your down paymtnll As low as 1 " wttkly puts a pcif on your carl TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND HO MONEY DOWN ... PAY ONLY '1.25 WEEK We Give Green Stamps Center and Commercial Marion and Liberty Court and Capitol Center and Liberty Keizer District Exclusive! Coast Weather Dial 2-4191 A new sorvlc. for lalam brought to yow ly Maatar Strvica dial night or day snothar 24 hour sarvlct. Salem, Oregon