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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1956)
' y i " e; m V " l " w s'sn Mym sj i s syqr Vss trfyT'T' aa-w"W"s .. 7 Business News Am Cyan Am Motors Am Stl Tri Am T T Am Tobaceo, Am Vikom . Anac Copper Armco Armour .. Ateheeon Top Avce Babton Report: Jesus Condemned Depression Cause BABSON PARK, Mass.-Continually I am beini asked: "What could cause the next Business Depression?" It could be overbuilding, too much installment buying, stock market speculation, or the un reasonable demands of union labor; but I forecast tbe next de pression, with its unemployment, may come from worry, fear, and exhaustion. REAL CAUSES OF UNEMPLOYMENT Already worry is causing executives to have heart attacks, causing wageworkers to demand pension security, causing housewives to get divorces, and causing almost everyone so seek more entertainment in order to forget their troubles. If too many people get scared and stop buying, this will surely bring on bad I reiotex business and unemployment. ICvtainteed Most of us hesitate to discuss our personal re- llfftnn fnr fear a! hjtlnn al1H "hvnrArijA " Hut i I at the risk of being so-called myself, I will this week VS I make a confession: My education as a statistician I tattirhf me In sees- thji truth UmM whAA t Winn a Church Member, I naturally sought to learn whit . m skkaa jesus lauem. Atnone wnor mines, i iouna mat ne taught us not to worry. One of his most emphatic om Cr-?'A i.v.iiiga naa iw i.uiu miiik oiiaiuus auvm luilivlluw. i, uicic- fore, have never allowed myself to worry. WHAT THE BIRDS TEACH Admiral Cora Al Chem fc Drt il 'Allied Stn 4'4 AIlM Cham S1' Alcoa IIS Aluminum Ltd Am Atrloti Am Can if Ncw York Closing Stocks Reported by ' Merrill Lynch, Piere Fenner and Beane . as'i - ; - Tl', - 's - JH - T . MH . n - Sfl'i - t. lea, - He Gea Dynamic Gen Wee Cen Foods . Gea Motort Gen Tira .. Cm Pae Ply M Gillette ' ClWden 3S (Ml 9 4.1H ' Goodrich Goodvear . Grace W R Grt No R ... S.1t . 7i, . 44 Grt Want Sua 11 s Greyhound Gull Oil ... Homestake M 11 ia Bendtx Avia S3'i Beat roods Bath Stl 154. Boring Air ., - 87 Borden - SI Bora Warn 4S', Bucynis Int Harvest ..... In. Vil.l K i Int Finer "" . J41 Phelps-Dodge S Philco Corp ' Phil Morrti 451, Phil Petrol inns riiHimrj - I Pro Gam inau Pu 8(1 P fc L Pure OU Prices Drop Most Grain CHICAGO uft-Soybeans scored modest gains and wheat was a H trifle higher but tbe rest of th Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fit, May 11. 58 (Sec XV)-U ) Radio Corp 4S Bayonier Inc J7t Retnib Stl ; Reynolds Met 7i i r,wrr Rnmdi Tob M I Burro Addlnf ..... C Calif Pack Campb Soup Can Pic Ry Caie J I Caterp Tr Celanasa Jnhni-Man Jonei Si M K Katiier Alum Kennerott .... Kern Land Stl Richfield O Royal Dutch I Safeway Stn St Joe Lend SI L SF Ry ... St Rfis Piper . 1J4 i Schenlcr lad scoti raper I Seam Roe ..... inen uii Chat Si 0 Ry Chi M St Chi NW By Chi R Is Ry .... Chrytler Cities Serv Climax Moljr Cluett Pea Coca Cola Colgate P - IS ton Cons Fdion . Container Cont Can ', 122 40 e 34'i Cont Oil .... I Crane Co ... When Jesus held up the birds as an example for us to follow Crown Tell .. I M!tK..- aik HunlM V.rjc IC Ia 9Q Urn aimmA Ih.l ,1.. K... llM i,kij w , vuci i . 1 1 to &w . v. j . lie icoiiku mat uic vuua are obliged to hunt their own food. God does not throw tood in their nests for them, God even compels the birds to build their own nests. Unlike most young people today, the birds build their "houses" and pay or them before "getting married" and rasing little birds! Jesus never told us not to THINK about tomorrow, or not to PREPARE for tomorrow. Read Hit parable of the Ten Virgins in the 25th Chapter of Matthew, Verses 1 to 13. It was WORRY which Jesus condemned. Therefore, 1 have constantly fought worry and conquered it when it faced me: First, when I had an attack of tuberculosis and was "'given iif for dead:" then, during the Great Depression when my many clients go; scared and left me: and always when some personal misunderstanding arose with some relative, or friend or businessman. Two thine I have learned to avoid worry and liquor one often leads to the other. DEBT TO MY WIFE Furthermore, I do not give any credit to psychiatrists, or to pills, oi to reading books. I give the credit to my Religion and to Mrs. Babson who, until her recent passing, was my companion and counselor for a half a century. I feel that those readers who worry are ignoring Jesus' teachings. They, moreover, must realize that worry is a vice which will harm them like any other vice or drug. Mrs. Rabson, more than anyone rise, helped me to avoid worry by never talking grief to me after our evening meals. Neitner of us ever "carried our troubles upstairs," so to speak. Wc never discussed anything after going to bed. If ever we had trouble getting to sfeep, instead of "counting sheep," we counted our blessings and the many things for which we have to be thankful.. Moreover, we have both tried to live naturally, pray sensibly, avoid keeping up with the Joneses, and have kept out of debt! IMPORTANCE OF CORRECT DECISIONS Let me guess as to why Jesus believed that worry is so dan gerous. I believe it was because worry prevents a person Irom making correct decisions. Our health, our jobs, our income and our happiness all depend primarily upon making correct decisions saying "No," or "Yes," at the right times. Our present and our future depend upon making correct decisions, and we cannot make them unless we are free from worry. One final thought: I make my important decisions only when I am "alone with God." I may be alone in an "Open Church;" I may be quietly in my home garden; or in the N.H. woods; or by the seashore at Gloucester. But to get the cobwebs of worry from my old brain, I surely must be away from a telephone and from other people! Forgive these personal words of confession and warn ing. I would not give my column this week to such a subject except lor the real possibility that "too much worry" could b the cause of the next bumeMi-oepraMioa, , -- - - Wr D Deere & Co . Dla Match .. Douf Air Dow Chem Du P de Ne . I Eatt Air Li . Eait Kodik . El Paio Gal . Emer Radio . Ex Cello r rairchlld Plinkote Ford Motor .. . . 49', . 40 . 32H P' Libby McN Me Lite Mvera lB3iLor Glass - 4'4 Lockheed Air .... ' ?? v'" ,nc - - 4', Ln, RH A ill1 Lorlllard . 2oTi . 24, M . S4' .Matnavox . M'Mirnh Finld .70 , M & M Wood . 44 1, Merck Co ...... -1J3', I Mont Chem . W j Mont Ward 4fin I Montorola .'. 40V v 48' ! Natl Blucuit Natl Canh Rrf . Natl Dalrv Natl Distill Natl Gvpsum Natl Lead Natl Supply NY Central No Am Aria No Pac Ry NW Airlinea grain market turned downward oa me tsoars m Trad murilay. Wheat closed tt-l higher, con 1 to 1 lower, tats to t cents to 1 cents lower. soybeans ltt-3 higher and lard 3 cents lower to M cents a hundred pounds higher. In wheat the May contract was strongest, largely to short cover ing. The International Cooperatioa Administration announced aa it crease in its recent allocation to Finland, which now stands at 3Vi million bushels. i Some hi Eh wlndi vera ntteH sou Pac Ry m fron ctim of the winter wheat Sou Ry ..' tiii I area and that created a little de- Srvrrv Rand 2SH I mniul fnr iun emu arka.l 1ft. IS'. Bid Brand. 4. "r"', " ...."e T s'Vment estimated the winter wheat - " ! croP ' M1.4S2.0OJ bushels. ... 27 i This appeared to bt quite bullish " to trainmen. Only last week C M. WiJ Galvin had estimated the crop at ito. i35,ooo. a monta ago tne Agri culture Department placed pro duction at 7U,477.6M. 51 s; 771 . 108V, . 4 I -, 75a . Sl'i . ', . SS'i . SS'i 71 Sinclair Oil Skelly Oil ni' I Socony-Moh . 491,1 rou ric hj . .. :. 23H 42't . 6S Stn Oil Cl r"', Std Oil Ind , 4 j Std Oil NJ 21 iStude-Pack . SJ !. Sunny Oil I Sunahlne M IS", i Swift Si Co , Sylvania El I T Texaa Co Texas Gulf .. '5'- I Textron ... Sfl'a i Title. Asm ... 4'i Transam ISO .. 41V, S4 .. 7, .211 SO :i, 491, in, 89', 1, 371, SS', Olin Math ... Dtii Elev P Pabco . Pac G & El Pac T Si T . Pan Am Air Penney J C Penn Ry Pepsi Cola . Trana Wo Air .. Twen Cen Fo 471, I M'.'t'nion Carb 21, Union Oil 54 I Union Pac Ry . M, ltni Aircraft 74 I Uni Air Lines .. 4!i, ! Uni Corp 50 Uni Fruit S4'i i Its Plywood I US Rubber US Steel W Warner Pic Waah Water P . West Air Br . Weatrn Air Western Flee ... Western Union . Woolworth 7, Zenith 27 4H 44 7t . lZti, .- 5a . 1W .. .. 29 .. 'a . SI 1 Markets Note Sharp Break sv, SS1 S I 44 4 NEW YORK Uiv-A sharp break in the afternoon sent the stock market Thursday into its worst decline on average since April M. Prices of leading issues skidded from around 1 to S poinst a share. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks fell 50 to $17 J0. The industrial component was off $3.50, the rails $2.M and the utilities M cents. With 1 M I Ik-.. n vestment trusts Western securities ;w advances and m de clines. New highs totaled and ... SS'4 . 431, ... 40'i .. SI'. 1.17 ... is1, ... 894 . 2S'a 2J's 22'i .. 37 . 23U - 20i, . - 2014 . 47', 1201, Graduation Marks Beginning of Next Life ' ' .1 il -': r, r ('.Ilka, Smlther Co. Inc I Bid Affiliated Fund Sit Canadian Fund 19 SS Century Sharei Trust H M Chemical Fund 17.70 Delaware Fund .... 1143 Diver. Invest. Fund SSS Dividend Shares 25 F.aton A H. Bal Fund 22 56 C.aa. end. U 26 Group Tobacco 111 Incorp. Investors 2S Key Cutt. Funds: B-3 ! 22 B-4 1097 K-l M S-2 17 75 S-4 . 10 84 Man. Rond Fund S II Mass. Invest. Trust 35.37 Natl. Sec. Series: Income Series S 42 Stock Series SIS Pref Stock Series . ! Natl. Div. Series 4 91 Natl. Growth 3 I Pioneer Fund 14 27 Tel -Flee Fund 12 05 'Value Line Inc Fund . 20 . Walliniton Fund Wl Asked 21 19 21! 90 19.14 12 V7 10 50 3 13 24 12 15 M 4 7S 21 92 iilxa. Smlther It Co. Inc I These nid and ask quotations rep resent prices at which one or more dealers, memht rs of the National As sociation of Security Dealer's Inc., would trade with the general pub lic at the time the quotations were lathered at 3 p m. yesterday. Bid Asked Calif -Oreon Power Cascade Plywood Consul Freight Iron Fireman Jantzen Inc. Com . Meier Sc Frank Mornson-Knudsen Ore-Port Cement 13 l I Pac. P & L. Com. . U 1 Pope & Talbot Portland Gas ft Coke Port. Gen, Elc BANKS Bank of America Bank of California Chase Manhattan First National First Nat City NY U. S. National 20 97 11 97 10 SS 38 24 33'. .37'a . I, ..U, 22', 15s, ..44i, ..SV, ..', ..28 32i 24', 3S' 4(1 18'i IS 24', 17', 47', 70', 32 31 35', 26', new lows 58. Volume swelled to shares compared with Wednesday. 2.150,000 1,550,000 l! J " Salem Obituaries imhm CHrteed HI - Lata resident ef CIS 1. aVHh street, Uleas. al SievenevlLa, Mart tana, Ma S at the at 4 tS. Survived by wife. Mrs. tdna Mao Mill, ueaf nters Bar. Betty Uernns, Da Lias, Ora.( Mrs, saxine s-vrv. awivmi mm sjotw HiU. Stevana villa. Montana. Brothers, Tom HiU. Sr. and WUIw Bill. hoUt W Sates. Sieten. Mrs. Mae Phlllipa, Salsm. rive srandctllklresu Merae bee at Irurlewaod BUB ehurrtw Services will be held ta the HowalW Idwanli Chapel mday. May II a 1 pj. Bee. Uey backer effKiat. tne. CancJudtnf servwea an Belcreai MeiMnal Park. Family aaka that ia beta af Dowers eoatriLuoejs be naatt ta aastasrlai ta s Dlaa4 ta the atactersnwd tkuress. Thee coeHnbuUeaa may be mailed to Mrs, J; C, Kill ae Ure,ly to UM cansrefe. WaMt I. Kit - ' At toeal hospltaL Mar ftb. Lato resident trf Km S. ir.h St, Salem, ' Survived by wife, Mrs, Haael M... Kirk sd Salem; daufhter, Mrs, Jaael , Hofstettee erf Salem: tTandaoa. Hasat Kuk Motatettor also ei Salem. Serv teas wUl ke tieM to tne virtu T. Coldest Chapel Friday, May Utk al t -AS as. Be. Gea, H. Swift will orftrtate. BltuaHstw aarvVes by th i Panne Lexlr Ne. It AT at Casulal Peat Na, t, America a Lefiea. Imarmasit Bekreat Mesnaciai Park. - Baaael Irrttt Pratt ' At total hoswUl Ms Kb, lata resident aaT 304 N. Capitol. Survtveal by wife, Mrs. Cen Pratt, SaJera) ' dsufhUr, Mrs. VlrflnU Matthews, Pitts burch. Pa t toe, BuaseU luteao Pratt, Saa Cranciaca, Cailfj auter, Mrs. Geortt ft. Hard!, Portland, router, sari c rram uea Caldaa Cbapel Frlda; M S a a sYsciito, 1 CHEMAWA Tkirsatary was patlaatSM stay (or stasteita at Caetaawa balaa SckewL Tke rtaaUa testers art shawa abeve letrlac the anUteHtm fallewlag a eerensaay at wkk-k Herbert U Metre, area administrative atTirer, rartlaai, delivered tbe anarlpal address. tsttems raata) 7 02 9 B7 7.1 5 37 6 97 IS M 1.1 13 S 78 15 10 37'b .. 75". .49', S3', ..64', . 75 40' i SO', 51', 57', 79', Police Killer Still Critical PORTLAND IA A Ss-year-old millworker who killed a state po liceman Tuesday night in Bandon remained in critical condition at a hospital here Thursday night. Ralph Pyatt was shot in the head by patrolman Richard F. O'Connor. 32, before the police man died. Pyatt was flown here 38 Indian Youths Graduate At Chemawa School Rites CHEMAWA-Thlrty-elght Indian youths, 22 of them Navajo com pleting the five-year course that is the only formal education they have ever received, were gradu ated by the Chemawa Indian school near here Thursday. Sixteen of the students graduated after a full 12-year course which nave them a high school diploma. These IS are students for whom no adequate education plans were oossible in their own communities. Commencement address at Thurs- by tunities for many occupations. Wear Caartt The Navajo students at Chemawa come to the school sxmetime at the age of II with no previous formal education. They are given a five-year course ia which they lean to speak, read and write English and learn trade. Most of them go Into agricultural occupations and many are hired by central Oregon ranchers Some of the students go Into Industries, particularly aircraft la the Seattle and Los Angeles areas. They are particularly adept at learning nana skills and art much sought after as skilled workers' by these Industries. Chemawa is one of three remain- ins schools conducted by the B1A in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. At one time there were tl. Tbe Warm Springs reservation has a day school for Its own students at SunnaslM and sun maintains boarding school at Warm Springs. Indian students la the rest of the Pacific Northwest attend public schools under contracts between BIA and the several states. Park. Waah.l I fraridehildren. tea will b held la t) ft. I. P.' Ceulder wUt the VlriU T. May Ilia at Artkar Pruts - At a serai Mspttal. May ern. baa resident at StSl iiactt ai Survived by a brother, Chester rrantt a Rt, 1, Si Part, Ohio; sister, Mr. Charlat SUrkel al Greenvill. Onto. Service anil be held Friday, May II, tt je p.m. la the Cloush-Barriek Chape with Bee, Jultaa Kelsee afneialins, Intarmeat, Beicreat Memorial Park, Jassaa Messed PaasM away stay I tb avian, , Or., lata resident at SM Maswell . read, Saaena. Ore tea. at tb an al ' S3 year. Survived by wife, Rnae Henna, Kuaens; aautnter. Mr. Bobert Day. Beta. Idaho; Mr. Cea. Kelso Salem. Son. Mavnard Net son. Minneapolis, Minn. Four srand- ehlMrea. services win a, new Saturday, May U at t 3 .m. la tha ehapel U th W, T. Btt4oa Ca See. . Harold Grindahl affllcaUnf. Inter Mat bt Itoatlawa Memory Ctroen. Vtetor Vatoee Vaa BraekHa May ta at aiivenoe.. ur., as Vatoee t ta at ath af S4 years. - Lata resident at Bt t Bos U. Sllvertoe), Ore. Hue. band Laura C Van Brack 11 at Sllvertoe. rather el Daniel Van; Brorklla. Mlvertoa. nretner at Clark VanBreckll al wsraer. AW berta. Canada; wuttarn vaa Broca Ua. Omaha. Neb.; Fred VanBrocke lln, Frank VanBrocklm, Crei(hto Neb.l Mr. Flora Hartwlek. Omaha, Nek.) Mrs. SiisaDui voa 'vrwn, Omaha, Neb. On mndehlld atos surviv. Services will be ht'd SsU urda. May It, at lS a.m. la Chapei tha W. T. BUdor. Ca. Oneludint ervlte Bethany Cem etery at Stlvertaa, or. Portland Livestock Slocks and Bonds (emptied by The Sssocisted Press Portland Produce PORTLAND (II Butterfat -Tentative, subject t o immediate change Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland, 60-63 lb; first quality 57-60; second quality 52-55. Butter Wholesale, f o b bulk Salem Quotations (As of Ista yesterday! .2 .59 .321 33 ' BUTTF.RFA1 Premium No. 1 Bl'TTKR I Wholesale .Retail cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, lGCi(Buyll) 92 score, 594; A grade, 92 score, i I Wholesale prices range from I 584; B grade 90 scare 57; C grade buJ"oi 8" score 55. ; Medium A . Choese-To wholesalers Oregon Small singles, 41-46 lb; Oregon 5-Ib '""n'J;"!,,.,,, 434-50. Leghorn Hens '.. LIZITZZII.'. Eggs To wholesalers Candled colored rryers fob. Portland. A large, 4.1-44',; r"' A medium. 40-40',; A small, 30- 30 Kggs-To retailers Grade AA, Dow Joiiea Averages larcc. 48-49; A large, 45-48; AA medium. 42 43, A medium, 42; A small, 32. Cartons, 2-3 cents additional. VafQ To rnntnmers AA larep I 22 RRs ,15 t til 54 59; A large 52-57. AA medium. : stks. 50-55; A medium, 49-54; A small, : 39-44. ' Potatoes Crntral Ore. Russets, Live poultry-No. 1 quality. No. IA, 100 lbs, 5.00-75; No. 2, fob Portland-Fryers, 2'H lbs, SO lbs. 1 75-2.10; bales. No. Is, 5-10 Net chant Thursday Prev. day Week ago Month ago Year ago IBM Hlfh . 1196 Low S 4 High M S 1955 Low less Mi 5 Hi SS I 916 Ml 3 Mi B0 M3 98 97.7 5I Ml M.4 1 IS 23 . .14 i May It PORTLAND -USDA)-Cattle'"OND avibagss salable 200; market active, fully lnaurt steadv: trucked lots him choice i Net change ... d i a i 1103 lb fed ters 20 75; trucked lots ta lb choice steers 20.25; few mixed utility snd commercial heif- -fors n.M.W;-MUr and cutter cows mostly I.00-11 00; few utility anc low commrcial cows 12.00 14.00; few cutter and utility bulls 14 00-1550. Calves salable 50; scattered : enloc ahnttt slpnrlv hut market not i Net change . D3 5 fully tested; individual low choice prhelv day 2n7 o vealers 25.00; few high choice Week ago .... 270 7 Wednesday 27 00; cull-commercial vealers 9.50-18.00. I ism High us 2 Han salable .TOO: market active. . ISM Low . 244 0 - 10,, . butchers around 50 higher; sows ia steady; sorted lots No. 1 and I, 180-235 lb butchers 17.75-18.25;!.,,. n mixed lots No. 1. 2 and 3 butchers i Ulicago Traill around STOCK AVERAGES 30 IS Indus! Rails D2 9 152.2 1531 152 S H5 2 l:i2.1 1551 1200 142 4 114.9 mi High ! 1955 Low 257 S 20:t 1 10 Utll A 1 S5 0 M ( 95 2 MO 97 I Ml 100.1 WO li Utll D3 72.9 732 73 2 74 4 71 752 71 S 73 7 67 j IS Fgn A 1 S4 1 84.0 S4 2 Hi ass S4.0 SO Stks D2 5 1S7 9 1!1.4 190 9 I8N 3 161.8 i 191 5 181 5 148 8 17.50; No. 3 lots listed 17.00; sows 335-540 lb 11.00-14 50. Sheep salable 200; market ac-! wheat tive, slaughter spring lambs 25-50 J1 higher; old crop lambs and ewes Sept. steady; few lots choice and prime gee spring slaughter lambs weighing corn ft; 04 lh 15.50-26. 00: old (TOD choice May NEW YORK IAP) - Dow Jones j woo)e(j slaushter lambs listed at , closing averagei. do.. H.60: fW lots good to mostly i Dec Ml tnrii SO 44 49 M SOI 96 hnix chnrn lemhs 17 50.1S OO- CHICAGO (API- . Open 2 26', 206 2.07,-i, 2 101,-1, 2 .IP, 1 50', 1 3.1', -34 1 54', lll'r!i 1 41 , ... 181 99 66 71 183.62 177 07 178 00 f,3 !I7 SB 24 179 93 180 66 few cull and utility ewes 2.00-4.50. Portland Grain OATS Mav J'llV Sept. Dec RYE PORTLAND Ml Coarse grains, ; May .. . . J-l:.. July l.voay snipmrm, dui. toast ui-uv 24; at farm, 23; light hens, 17-18 lbs. 2.75-3.00; Klamath district ery: Oats No. 2. 38 lb white 58 50. 'Dec al farm; heavy hens. 20-21 at Russets, No IA. .00-50; Idaho Barley No. 2, 45 lb B. V. 49.00. M farm: old roosters. 11-14. Russets. 100 lbs. 6 00-50. some to Corn No. 2. E. Y shipment 7050 July No wheat transactions. Hay New crop o. z green iar receipis: wneai m; oaneyij.n. alfalfa baled, f.o.b. Portland. 43.00-47.00 ton, some sales higher. Sept. rc SOYBEANS DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Though t simplified I 4 Girls nickname 7 Child bed 1 Incite 10 Marine fish 11 Bulrush 12. Cooked 13 Perform 14 Personal pronoun 16 Sigrj i correct 17 Exclsmi tion of disgust 18 Enemy scout ' 15 Declint'to accept 21 Detest 22 Metallic rock 23 Ma.l 24 Revolve 26 Passed v;ilh the hand 29 Kortify 30 Merry 31 Confederate general 32 Masurium (sym ) 34 Burst open, as s pod 14 Wither 35 Den 37 Desert in Ant 38 Warbled 3 Gemn of lh lily 40 Cereal gram 41. Femsl P'l nos x 1 To thange 2 A Ions walk 3 Fetish I var I 4 Quantity of cookie 5 Touch end to end Chief deity i Baby! ) 7 Strangle Entice 12 June-bug 11 Grow old 15 Organ of sight 17 Employ Turkeys-To producers-Ll v e 7 25: bales, 510 lbs, 3 50-4.00. weight fryers, 27. Rabbits Average to growers Live white. 3H lbs. 23 -26, S-C lbs. 18-21; colored pelts 4 censt less: old does, 10-14, few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 58 61; cut up, 62-65. Wholesale Dresied Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, MO-700 lbs, 32.50-35 00; good, 31 00 J4 00; commercial, 29 00 - 32.00; utility, 27.00 -30.0; commercial 28.00; canner and cutters, 2200 25 00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 4200-46.00; rounds 38 00-42.00; full loins, trimmed, 62.00 - 68 00; forequarters, 26.00 2900; chucks, 28.00-31 0; ribs, 42 00-4fi(IO Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-10 lbs, 46.00-48 00; shoulders, 16 lbs, down, 26.00-28 00; spareribs, 38.00 42.00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs, 45.00 50.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 33.00-4t.OO; commer cial. 28.00-41.00. Spring lamb Choice-prime, 40- 50 lbs. 47 00-52.00. Lambs-Choice, 40-50 lbs. 41.00- 45 00; good, 38.00-42.00. Wool Nominal, clean basis, V, blood, 1.00-05 lb; blood, 1.03-08 lbO h blood, T.lJ-IoT Tihe, T.I7-2T Country-dressed Meats, f.s.k.j Portland: Beef-Cows, utility. 23-25 lb; cutters, 19-21. Veal Top quality, lightweight, J4 36; rough heavies, 20-25. Hogs-Best light blockers, 23-24; lean light sows, 17-20. Lambs-Top grade springers 42-45; good yearlings, 34-38. Mutton-Lightweight ewes and wethers, 1214; rough heavies, 8-10. Freih Pradaee Onions Ore, Danvers, No. 1 med, 1.7S-1.25; Texai yellows, lge, M6-I.00. Car receipts: Wheat 34 6; flour 5; corn 4; oats 1; mill! feed 4. 7,-, 72'. 1 27', 1 ',-', 1 211'.-', 1 34i 3 10-11', .1 H-I23, 171 ',-72 !',', 23.1)1,. 0 Close 2 27', 2 03i,-, 2 07-07', 2 10',.', 2 11', 1 48', -4S 1 42-52', 1 M 1 40 1 ', M! 7s, 70', I 2 1 27 1 27 1 .11 , 3 12-11', 3 12-12', 2 7H, 2 Ml', -58 for treatment at Emanuel Hospi- ? 7 J 'SZl Vi'. r".,. 'aL i,,endr 'aid Th"rsd!Ji officer for' the Portland area oil n ffnt his mnnitinn Wat nnrlianeeH . L .... ., . i -.ui-.r the Bureau w inaian Aitairs. ne urge' the students to seek more education and to strive (or what ever nalr thev wish to attain. "Now you are ending a period in your life during which you have had constant guidance, aavrc help, encouragement, and even some control. Yow-every mova was guided by someone else de cision," Moore said. New PerM "You are entering! a new period nf life when you must make your own decisions, tell yourself when to get up and go to bed, plan your own destiny, decide on your friends and associates, and lay out your own course without someone prod-1 ding you or at your elbow to see that yo i don't make any mistakes. "The road is not a smooth one it is full of temptations, pitfalls, detours, rebuffs, and even personal hurts such as discrimination by unthinking people. Moore pointed out to the gradu ates that they have opportunities for higher education offered by many tribal councils, or oppor- lill critical. O'Connor, father of three chil dren, had knocked on Pyatt's door, .intending to serve a warrant for a minor traffic violation. Pyatt opened the door and started shoot ing i .22 caliber rifle he held in his hands. O'Connor was mortally wounded. Police In Coos County said Py att's brother, John, told them later that Pyatt had been re leased from a Missouri insane asylum in 1952, when he came to Oregon. DENTIST NUMBER TOLD CHICAGO 1 -The United States has 97,528 dentists one for each 1,667 persons the Ameri can Dental Assn. estimated Thursday. Chicago Onions CHICAGO ( API-Onions: Open High Lew Close Nov. (old) .... Nnv(nw .... 1 71 1 71 1.71 1.77 Ji 1 95 3.01 1 SS 101 I t t ID UYS THIS QUALITY 21 SERIES Chicago Livestock IS Part nf a sadrilt 20 Vast with a pedestal 21 Chines dynasty 21 Method 24 Head rove nne 25 Mountains i Russ I IS Oianre 27 Weird 28 River ' Knr ) s ll Yeelrrda'e Aa,er 30 Peep ravine 31 Pinelike 34 Perform by nnesrlf 36 Rurr i Swiss) 37 Fuel li li il 1" 1: ,1 i"pipii milium ia it yy' '" ' n 777. u 77 22; 1 3r W 1 m CHICAGO (API - (USDA1 Hots 7.JO0; 25-75 hijher; 80 head No. I and 2 200-210 lb. sorted tor grade at low, a new man here since Sep tember ID.VI; several selected nils No. 1 and 2 190-220 lb 16 25-40; hulk mixed eracle lots 2 and 200-270 lb butrhers at U.Ofl-16 00; 2H0-.110 lh. IS 00-S0; 310-375 lb. 13.75-15 0O; 170 Wll lb. 14 75-15.75; sows 12.00-14 50 Cattle 2 0O0: calves nt); ateers and heifeis sttady; cows strnne to fully 25 highci. bulls fully 25 lowei. veal ers steady lt strong. Blockers and feeders steady; a packaee choice and prime l ino lb. steers 22 50. choice steers 20 00-50; a few mixed eoixl and choice 1R75-1H50 most good grade steers 17O0-1S50; aood and choice heifers and mixed vearlincs 17 00-20 ."0; utility and commercial row! 1150-14 00- canners and cutters 10.O0-I2.OU; bulls 13.75-l(i.on. good and choice vealers 22.00-20.00; medium and Rnod yearling stock steeis IB 00 1800 Sheep 300; steady to I 00 Inwrr; good to prime sprine, lambs 25 00 21 Ofi; cull and utility lambs 12 0(1 21 00; shorn slaughter ewes 4 (10-6 00 Chicago Butter-Eggs CHICAGO I API - lUSDAl-Mutter steadv; wholesale selling prices un changed; A A score 5!l 25-50 5. A 92 59-59.5; B !K) 57-57.5; C R 5B-5B 5 FgKs steadv to firm; wholesale st II Ins prices unchanged to ', higher minimum fiO ner cent A's exlia laree w-ttsr' fxTss meaniiri M-ntsr standards 3!i. checks 35.5-.W Markets at Clanre NEW YORK (API- Storks Lower; some w ide lossri Bonds Mixed; governments up. Cotton Higher: trade hm ing. Chicago. Wheat Firm; trade light Corn Weak; cash arrivals again large Oats Weak, liquidation Soybeans Firm; trading less ac live Hons - Rutcheri up 25 to 75 cen's. top S1S 50 Cattle Steers, heilera steady, top 122 W. LISTEN! TO THE NEW RADIO SHOW "Building Oregon Together" ON KSLM FRIDAYS 6:15 p. m. FEATURING THIS WEEK Fins THE SALEM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1ALIM MANCM iTMJaiOMALBaUlK. ; ; ; - ; ; -.. ' I vv tl o J- .,."HjUe" rlffw.; 17 TI Dill t TNI MU KIITa 21 Series Mark It chsssli ami Raw I tecs km, alwalalieS sitlws-t lti wtai, Matcnlni ligl (sits. KINl lis astlltbls I slsni. turn tl situs tfl tq. Inch vttwin( tra-eet lntht thortor ll cabinet iptlu NIW tUCK UNI Uu og enjoy t brlM pacturo vtn in ajaylifht . . . euti fftct f room lif ht by 7. MARK 10 CNASSII with extra-quility feature! -cold chassis design, hard tub rectifier, and Sync-Lek contrl for best reception in any area, CALIFORNIA ITVUN0 with "new profile" appearance and convenient top tuninf , . in mir-reiiitanl metal cabinet. TERMS At Uw Ai (3.Q0 Per Wtok COME SEE! THERE'S NO TV VALUE LIKE HOFFMAN I NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT SALEM'S LARGEST TELEVISION RETAILER OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. TONIGHT saavi