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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1956)
iHScc. II) Statesman, Salctn, Ore., Thurr, May 101 58 Public Idea Of Parolees Irks Director 'IT FAIT W. HAKVET JR. - AmdiM Freea Writer . ; H. M. RandaH state parole di rector for the part 12 yean, li proud of the state parole system. Pa geta iipset whea he hu to take the rap for crimes committed by torn who aren't oa parole. He believes the public doesnl Inow what parole b, and he sus pects that It doesn't care. . Seventy per cent of the state prison convicts are released at the end of their sentences. Tbey have M supervision after their release. H they commit further crimes, it tnn't the parole board's responsi bility. .- . .The other 30 per cent o out on parole. They stay on parole until their sentences expire. The parole board finds them Jobs, glides them along the straight and nar row path, and counsels them in their family and other problems. aWard Ge4 ' : Since the present parole system . started io 1KB, a total of 4,562 men have been paroled. The pa , role, board hu revoked the pa roles of 284 per cent of these men. .. : : Randall thinks that's s ' good record. But what provokes him Is that (he public blames the board whea men, who are not on parole, com- - mlt serious crimes. He says a lot af people think all ex-convicts are parolees. -Take the case of Billy Junior Kunn, for instsnce. He Is charged witn slaying 14-year-old boy near Hertford.- : i y Nun . wu paroled in 1953. His sentence was csmplsted last March, meaning he no lonrer was under parole supervision. He had completed his time. , 1 j - free Aayway ! "Randan is catching an kinds of, (rouble over this crime but Nunn would have been free even if he kadnl been paroled. Of the men who have had their paroles revoked, half are brought back to prison for violating the terms of parole. Most parolees can t use Bauer, cant marry, caat leave tha state, and are prohibited fom associating with ex-convicts. - The ether half of the parolees no are brought back are m e n wtio have been charged with new Crimea. - There are St field officers for (be parole board. Tbey currently supervise 1.300 cases, including 160 former convicts, plus S3 persons who have been placed on probation by the circuit courts. - Another big chore of tha parole hoard la to make pre sentence investigstlons for tha Judges. Pearest Risk ' -The poorest risks among the pa rolees are tha check forgers. Since im the board hu paroled l.tts ieriera, and hu had to revoke the . Dsrolea of 48 J per cent of them. . ' Paroled sex offenders have good records, but the board doesa t grant many paroles to this type of Convict, ut ue 172 paroies gramea to men who have contrttuted to ' the delinquency of minors, only 14 per cent have been brought back V bile on parole. The figure la 15 per cent for all classes of offend- There have been lit paroled murders since 1939, and only a hive had their paroles revoked. AO S were brought back for tech nical violations or crimes other thai murder. Randall says the biggest prob lem is that of men with sentences p only one year. ' - The men with the short sen tences," he said, "are men that wo cant do anything for. There Just lsnt time to develop a pro gram for them. I'd like to see some of those shorter sentences made a little longer." He says it's much easier to find . fcbs for parolees than it wu 10 tears ago. rtae CeeperalUa '. "fit get fine cooperation from labor unions and employers. They even come to talk to the men at the prison before they go out on parole," Randall says. - "We have many men who make good on parole, but the public doesn't hear about them. It Just heart about the orangutangs who live us trouble." Asked for a few examples of parolees who made good, Randall recalled an habitual criminal who had served four sentences for for gery. He was paroled from a life sentence In 1944, and now is man ager of a truck company. - Then there to the holdup-slayer Kio once had been sentenced to ng. but whose sentence wu re ducer? to life. He's been out two -years nowr and la working hard as waiter. Baadtt Reforms An armed robber, who wu a ring-leader In prison revolts, has been out a year now, making good la the merchant marine as a sea man. And there's the little boy, who came to the prison when he waa only li He had murdered a girl. He's beea out a couple of years now, and is a technician tor business machines, v The parole board meets three I or four times a month to Inter view prisoners. Even with skilled help, the board has to be pretty sharp la deciding which convicts might make good on the outside. Members of the board are Charles H. Muggins, Salem Insur anre man, chairman; Harry V. uuuns, retired saiem telephone company manager; and L. W. Mallett, executive director of the Portland Rose Festival Assn. California to Lead Vegetable Production : . - - ... "BERKELEY, Calif. W-CaUfornia fanners till only is per cent of the total vegetable land in the country ; but produce about one third the UUl vegetable crop and take home ' 34 per cent of the nation's vege table dollar. . The May issue of California Agri culture reports the .195) value at f4S4.U9.000 including melons andj potatoes. 1 N. E. Shaw, owner of M.K.N. Furniture retires after Al years in the retail furniture business; therefore, entire stock of Furniture and Fixtures - Must and Will Be Sold for whatever they will bring. PLEASE NOTE, This Big Beautiful Store in WEST SALEM is FOR SALE or LEASE. This large West Salem Furniture Store - Carrying America's Finest- Furniture - offers Tremendous Savings in Every Department during this Quitting Business Sale. Super Values. Shop Today - Save Today. $67,000 FMJITK ' STOCK MUST mn Mil SOLDI. J , f iv" THIS-BUILDIN6-FOR.SALE-OR LEASE Contact Your Broker or Sea Mr. Benson at Store naaaaaae BBJ Important Statement on Credit Terms Our uual itortwldt liberal credit policy wiir remain in effect during this Going Out of Business Sale. Buy your furniture needs NOW and take as long as you like to pay the BILL. Do not let money stand in your way of these savings-remember, this store will be open every night till 9 o'clock. SHOP EARLY, SHOP TODAY WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE. See for yourself that we mean business. This Inventory must be sold for whatever It will bring. . . " . SALE CONTINUES DAILY 9 A.M. TILL 9 P.M. 4 So that we may better serve you during our great Quitting Sale, we will be open every night till 9 o'clock. Sunday store hours, 12 till 6 p.m. We want to give you, Mr. and Mrs. Homemaker, an opportunity tlj shop together and buy together during this unusual sale-come in today and see for yourself. Stand face to face with our price tickets and then and only then, will you realize that QUALITY AND PRICE can walk hand in hand. tm , sy:. . .-T. ... lJTt3- Conpleti living Room Group $ H 1)0 davene eefa eofivorts Into camfartabla bod for twol Matching man't-siia club chalrl fhak af ralan In madmnt fabrics. Throa . accasional tablesf Two modern table lampsi .$a a MONTH 2nd floor. - - ' ii fjfl Ilk Ensemble $ fl Complete ! . A complete ensemble at an economy pricel Giant Mr. and Mrs. double dresser, with plat glass mirror, 6 commodious drawers and f ull-sisa bod with bookcase headboard. All in blond oak finish. II Famous Sectional Suite Supremo seating comfort with deluxe FOAM RUBBER cushions! Popular 2-pioco sectional sofa in brilliant now fabrics. Giant modern corner table, complemented with your choke of a big tablo lamp. 11.00 A MONTH 1.00 A WEEK 5 rTnV e)0e)f9V9tj ajfeelK Virtue Viluo-Pricoi 6-Pc. Set Meet. MIS', itelseilitett skreme oiteeilsa teUe . . . eta tear ilnMkH skreae ' skein, sbeliHrtS' la cliltf Seres. Ckelcei rW, orey 1.00 A WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Bedroom Suite High value and high style, at low, low pricel Favorite big Mr. and Mrs. doubla dresser with plate glass mirror, and full-size book case headboard bed. Includes one night stand, all in blond oak, plus 2 dresser lamps O.SO A MONTH I .radii Wrought Iron Dinette Set ttriki.f Mw a.ilf. Ik. will t.n.l.iM.t y.r kMl Dar.kle itatl.a l.kl. itk ftvr ntttkl.f tkt Iri, Twt ph.lit.ry, ..Sr.i4 Mli.lil f.f. Ck.lct ef c.l.ri. 1.00 A WEEK Tim Famous 7-Picce Suite Famous "Cushionizod" sofa with matching club chair ... in chocio of now decora tor colors. Wonderfully soft FOAM RUB BER cushions. Throe smart tables, plus choice of two deluxe tablo lamps. 2nd floor. Ill 11.50 A MONTH 6-Piece Bedroom Group A Mrtm k.y . w't t. pnt as! l.r l.t S.kl, wlta s'a't mttr, h k.4i.m. .i.lit, fall-iii. k.akc.M k4 , , . a4 tw M.S.ra e.c.rat.r laaipi. Tke laltt It flalik.4 I itrlklaf m4 ..k. til' e.t A MONTH Virtue Duncan Phyfe Suite Dvncaa Pky. ttyliaf tb4i alw.yi im.H, f r.cafil, Mlctlit. las la fr.a, fray, r.S r ytllaw aa.rl Sila. wltk fa.r natthlaf ck.lrt .ik.Ut.r.S la 4rt kl Dar.a. 79 1.00 A WEEK mm tamo 1 jafflfTiircii ROOM GROUPS (2 and up