.-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thun., May 10, '56 Indiana Primary Fails to Show Signs of Anti -Ike Farm Revolt Ms THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I Republican atate as be and Sea. I (or the Republican tide but still Late returns ia the Indiana Kefanver of Tennessee, runaii counting oa the Democrat aide, prSenffvl,? failed fS fXfZ XuWiSTSSS' ini of a farm revolt against the P' "nl ni 40 Pr rtnt ot th , 10 14,5 in i"". F0"." lJ the count neared aa tod Wedne-! Despite the relatively SiT rStS day nisht tba percenter vol. for senhower rote U the kght voting l "-cm-nartJDrlad the President feU .lightly. in the HoosieT State Weaver art ,prMd Nevertheless Eisenhower still claimed "I great victory" m the ta was tar ahead in the normally Formcr President of Cuba -Ousted, Lands in Florida .'MIAMI, Fie. Carles Prie Sncarras. former president of Cuba, arrived here Wednesday w!th only an extra shirt and pair of shoes and said he was thrown ent of Cuba by tho Natioaai P- fjce. 'Prie arrived at Miami Interna- tWnaf Airport shortly after 1 p.m. ie said Cuban police had seized him at his estate outside Havana, t it him a the plaee and told him to stay eut of Cuba. UJ. Immigratioa authorities, alter detaining him nearly in , hMirs. released the former presi- dent ef Cuba. They said they win Hold a hearing, either here er ia ' Washington, to determine the con ditions eoder which Prie entered the country. Date for the bearing ' ws not set. ; President Fulgeoele Batista ef .- f.. . - i- - ' ft rJSSLr iiln Washinslon formed Prie that it has positive proof that he was supplying moo- i e'y and direction for disorders to " CONN ELL. Was, tit -Flood Cuba and that he was still en-, waters were drained and pumped gaged in buying arma and smug- ol neat ef the maia streets and eling them into Cuba for tnsun business district here Wednesday. rational purpose. leevine behind a "filthy mess of 'i ! "Prie was fiveTiTrrerala debris.- nUndinf trial in the legally con- tiitutee eonrta er tuns or ieav lag (he country. He chose the tot' ter alternative. Prie has beea a Man Held for Armed Theft j .-.. !A hitch hiker allegedly robbed a driver ot his license and car Wednesday afternoon near New nort, but ended up la Lincoln Coun t jail a short time later after wrecking (be vehicle, state police reported. ' Police listed the man u George Andrews, Boring. He we charged -vita aute theft and armed rob Sery, they said. Andrews was ar rested near Sea Line Caves. Daniel Blivens was named as AMrews victim. State police said Andrews sad stolen another car at Ocean Lake earBeJa-the day. Oil Dealers to Gather Here JUmnk 10s) persons will si tend a m)e-day meeting el the Oil Heat 'tatituto ia Salem during June. M. f. Thoraburg af the Salem Fuel HI Dealers AssociaUos said Wed nesday. Preliminary plans for the event tit now underway, Thornburg said. fuel dealers met Wednesday tenlng at Chuck's Steak House. ' Mother planning meeting is sched Vd (or Kit week, Thornburg said. . nie Institute, a state-wide af .. 'air. Is held annually by fuel deal - era In different Oregoa cities. No iste has been set. 'r - - - Window broken Owea MacAdams Jr., tlU Pine St., told Salem police that a plate - .lass window in his home was token about a.m. Wednesday 4. 2. V' i jiiu ueiuw im wmouw on ui Jrch, police said. SILVERTON Drive-In Theatre Wei . Tknr. . Frl Sat "THI FAR HORIZONS" Fred MacMurray Pins 7IRI OVI AFIia- M. O'Hara M. Carey Open 4:45, Starts Dvsk NOWI TOP WESTIXN OF THI YIARI if i n rugn roini in fmm- funHhatterini i .TSCNHICOLO) PXED MskMURRAV nM-miv u at DNS ; ; " WAITEK lit NNAIf Fins Tea Fsverite Classic Hits! . TECHNICOLOR 1 S. e. 1 1 I basis of earlier returaa. complete disturbing element' ever since his return to Cuba some momna age, siwougn as as urn wn - turned that he would be welcomed only as long as he ebeyed ine laws at na country." fj' 'to'nP, sniwary aioe, .oi. wn uquruv do. when he arrived. mo was presioem um - til Batista took over in a blood- less coup ia i jtw speni mow of the period since living here in exile. He returned borne several memos age. Flood Leaves 'Filthy Mess' C7 .! "It S oe a misty spring , ma mmjm . . wi ',was an easy winner for pemo- surveyed the soft, slippery mud tsat stood up to six incurs deep on the highwav U Ritrville. The Franklin County tows of SSO was' flooded by up to two feet of muddy water whea an earth dam rolit s m'le te the east Tues- wa,ea ehtl aJlAwae, en aaw wmim rVV'n . ..n, "ov. .."v. the year for Connefl, which was hit Ii February when a coulee, overflowed. Mayor Sears said state officials had wired him Wednesday that Army Engineers from Walla Walla were being asked to send crews and equipment to help in the clean; up. Water still covered some resi dential streets and low-lying lots and tilled basements Wednesday evening, but the ditching, dredging and pumping operations had un covered most of the towa. No damage estimate could be made until undergroend water sad sewer systems could be checked. Sears ssid there was believed ta be no health threat. Many resi dents teak eml-typhoKf shots fol lowing the February flood. Man Found Dead Astride Horse At Grants Pass GRANTS PASS - Clarence Eugene Pullen, 74, ef Bridgerlew was (ouad dead Wednesday, asurKM nis aorse a e-uaner ei a mm iram a name. Coroner Earl Hall, reconstruct- big the death, said this is what happened: ; Pulton tlait Wn rtiltintf an iuA ' log wits a hand eroet saw m ine nw mrmr nome wnm in v. isTmSr1 jDemos Take Lead Pullen then mounted his horse! ROSEBURG w - Democrats and rooe threeuarters of a m.le, ( ho,d , m vote kii over Hfpuh. dumounting twice te open gates. MM Doufia. Cmintv in reris- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, neigh- l saddle dead. uim mm siumpea is ms The coroner said be had rrcon- structed the happenings from the. trail of blood left by Pullen. PERMIT EXTENDED PORTLAND it -The Portland vuy iwncu neunisua; nirnon we nose uiy Traasti ie, s iem-1 -porary operating permit 30 days, KT" to June 10. NOW SHOWINOI .Tkt Sflnrl tmt ttRir ii mw wrs. t ttauca itmwm GREGORY PECK JENNIFER JONES FREDRIC MARCH M CUTun IQi1 -Star' MARISA PAVAIt IH 1 COBB ANN HARDING KENAN WYNft . KNELKKHART w m aa aa ONimaScOP-' PLL Twe Thrilling Short Subjects! "Colorado Holiday" (A trip through beautiful Colorado in Cinemascope.) "TRree Cornered Tweedy" 7""- A for the farm issue, leaden both partier agreed the figure didn't indicate a (ana rebcUioa. Democratic State Chairmae Charles E. KiUea said it was only because the farmers stayed home instead of voting in order to take advantage of the good weather for farnljng j, the New Mesiee primary. qv. Joha T. Simms lurne(j Dack tne nrMt B pjctett and vea rr nomination m the Democratic ticket basis of nearly cwnpleta cial returns. Here was the picture i jdiana - Complete returns lrom ,j 4JM pinet, m the sUle lhowed: Eiiihower 3SJ.I3I. M per cent of the total ele. Lar Daly 1141T. per rent. Kefauver, 241.423, 40 per cent. Ohio Uaeae Ohio The Tuesday primaries brought about this lineup foe the November elections: For governor Democrat Mich ael V. DiSaile, former Toledo mayor and one time federal prA ,tte'i attorney general For senator. Gov. Frank J. Lausche. Democrat who will be ohio - t fayorjt, KB lt the presi- dentist nominaling convention, anj Republican George H. Bead- er WB0 now j, Ohio's junior sen- - - - Florida - Gov. Leroy Collins ' :Cratjc renominatioa. Sen. George Smathers woa Democratic reaeminatioa without campaigning. West Vixfinii Analher hnl booster of his home state. Gov. William C Mar Laud, held a slim a ,i i . . - " "f rrauc oumuianoa lor me v s. Senate, Amity Driver Hurt in Wreck Nwt Srir AMITY Hart Lmum Chap man, Boa 7, Amity, was treated for shock and bruises at McMinn ville Hospital Wednesday after noon after an auto, accident ap proximately one and one-half miles north of RickreaU, state police reported. Mrs. Chapman was returning from the RickreaU Monmouth baseball game with seven ehil - mivn in nvr car, pwirr aaia. i.om- Ing ever a rise, her ear collided with a ear operated by Richard Fuller. Route 1, Box 115, Mc Miaaville, police reported. Fuller's car struck tri rear-end ot a car operated by Roy Stanley Warnack. Route 1. Box 551. Sa- lem, police reports said. Cars operated by Mrs. Chap- man and Fuller received mod- t. Hni, ii ..in w,P. Mck - , rar reived minor dam lge, th,v Mi(t. No t wer rtporl. (d ' I)oillaS Coiltltv's tration lor the primary election, the first time the Democrats have ' held the advantage In the pnmar- ies. Democrats have led in registra lions at the last three general elections. There are 1J.7U Democrats and 12.177 Republicans, the highest registratioa for the primaries on record. Boy Joins 4-H Cherry Tart Demonstration i 1 e- , ' S3'. I -M :i M primary. , ' II C narrowly ' p V , of Ingram! i ( ' nomination I I V I - . 1 S.SSL W ,: - . j from the " C . "fJ14! y ? SILVERTON Beys are Karce UUs year ia the demoastratiwM Md special eenietia at the aaeeal Mariea Ceaaty Spring shew new aaderway at the armory here. However, ene of la first 4-H demoastratort was a boy, Sterliag Gala (lelt) ef JeffersM, whe, wltk Nui Haekspeler, alu ! Jefferiwa aemoosirai e4 Tuesday aighl hew to make a cherry tart. Their leaders are Mrs. E. R. Ricks aid Mrs. V. E. Gala. (Statesman Farm Photo) Swings Annual Marion County 4 By I.ILLIE L. MADSEN Farm Editor, The Statesman SfLVERTON - Thirteen youngsters Wednesday won the right, at the Marion County 4 H Soring Show, now in session here, to take their exhibits to the Oregon State Fair in Septem ber. More will be added to this list Thursday and Friday. Klthrvn Hiskey, McLaughlin Evens Vallev district near Sil- verton, and Carolya Adams, Jef- frrson. were the winner, in the . " whole wheat bread entry. Sharon Hearing, Gates, will take an angel food cake to the fair, in I luncheon project, and State Fair winners in the child care chus were uiana .nn, l. . Clear Lake: Janice Johnson of ! Kldriedse and Donna Ehert ot Keijer: Nancv Obr.st Union and . Katberin Shepherd. McLaughlin- F.vens Valley, white bread. Clothing Winners State Fair winners In the Teen age Miss Clothing protect were Martha Jean Hatch of Santiam, Linda Benson and Gail Richard ion of Hayesville, Sherrill Hooh ipeier, Jefferson and N a n e y Ebert of Keirer. The show got underway Tues- dav night, with judging and L....t - .Hn. winin intn full force Wednesday morning. The rangements, Janice Boucne, au-4-H youngsters from Marion1 burn: Diane Bye, Central How Countv have made 1,059 entries ell; Richard Burgess, Jefferson; ik,. vr eomnared tn B13 a vear i Nancy Wodtly, Marilyn Walker ago. A parade Saturday at 1 p.m. ' clos thf evfnt- Uore "l3" 800 boys and girls are expected ,0 ,ak Part- LWnil? h silvrtwl Jumnr Vnam" " mm" . sponsoring the show at the Sii- vvrioa Armwj, inu maiming . with exhibits, the Silverton Chamber of Commerce is furnish ins treats for all parade partici pants Saturday afternoon. PHONI 4-4713 0m4:4S Mt NOW riAVINO tnm tf 1 CuK Tkif n4 'Rtw Winw." A try xtwt f titlriflf WMMI, MWtttiwI tVt- mmd Myretrl "Th TroubU With Harry" Th WMMfeMMsi frM H4cImsiI m- Mm 90 Ttf TatMl ActisM C tutor CUwdMH CoRMH - leWry eWMveM "Texas Lady" hstiMtft tod TMkl The METROPOLITAN 136 N. Commercial Still Has a Lot of Stock To Save You Money Don't Fail To Visit Us Every-Type)f5tore Fixture For Sale: Scalti Cash Registers Counter Glass -Counters Showcases Chrome Display Stands and many others - as we Go Out of Business Into High Gear During Blue Ribbons Circe kl.ia KikrvAna gt 4 Va stkjvuf went to Susan Hochspcier and i Linda Arncrt, Macfeay; Petty Sterling Coin of Jefferson, dem- Likes, Stayton. Cartoons, Kath onstrating the making of a cherry ryn Overlund, Bethany; Vern torte. and to Margaret Vnohter I Smith, Macleay; Alma Franz, of St. Paul in "Peter Rabbit Comes to Dinner." Other Wednesday blue ribbon winners, than those already men tioned, are: Bachelor Sewing Project, judged by Mrs. Kermit Roth, Corvallis: Cecil Billie, Jonah Anderson, Fred Kelson Yazzie, Kee Tsosie Elsisi, John Allen Miller, James Tony I.ee, John Etcitty, Jones Chavex, Kee Repay, Henry Jones, Sonny John. Junior William Tsosie. Herbert Benally, Jackson Freeman, Theo- d , o chemaw, Other Winners Mrs. Betty J. Parrett and C-len Robertsolli Salfm jud4( gave blue ribbons in the art division, portraits, to Barbara Schultz and Gene Cox, Keizer; Maribel Starr, Auburn. Scenes and landscapes, Robert Crabtree, Peggy Likes, Claudia Bruder, Merelene Philip pi, Nancy Wodtly, Carta Blum and Mariyn Walker, all of Stay ton: Eva Wyatt, Rebecca Sum mers, Central Howell; Norman Kolhoff. Bethany: Anita Hiller, St. Paul, and Maribel Starr, Au burn. Still life and flower ar- and Carta Blum, Stayton: Janice Johnson, Eldriedge and Gary McNall, Keiier. Animals, Larry Hagner. Barbara Schult7, Keiier; Anita Hitler, St. Paul: Karen Turnidge, Jefferson; R o n d a Hook, Macleay; Arlene Dettwyler GATES OPEN 1:43! SHOW AT DI SK . . . New Playiag . . . A Hilarious Arceual of s 'Summer' Bachelor and the Girl Whe Lives in the Apartment Above! MARILYN MONROE TOM EWEU "7 YEAR ITCH" CO-HIT The Lewis snd Clark Expedition! Fred MacMurray Charlton Heston "FAR HORIZONS'" - H Spring Show land Judith Watson, Central i T4nunl!' harnn k rn n he 1 1 at 1 anA" m Keizer and J a n i e e Johnson, Eldriedge. Mrs. James Turnbull, Salem, judged the cooking classes, Mrs. Scott E. Foster Jr., child care, and Mrs. Oscar White, Salem, the , Teen-Age Clothing project. !- - - Reliability - the kind that comet up with good food all the time - thatt one of our big features. THE SAN SHOP Portland Read et North City limits For Orders to Go-Phone 3479I I We're mad about j MOTHER! f I We're staging a real jlj j CELEBRATION yZ ) 1 all this week in her honor y fif; i I Give Mother the Gift of aLifctime 4 I I I MOTOROLA TV Vi . 1 I to show htr you tart365 days a year 7 x, j I I This week we'll make you the deal of J&fiC 1 a lifetime! A fStVV H '9 Trade-in Allowances-we need 17" sjiyj 1 Salem's easiest credit terms! I J COFFEE AND b. (41 n in i'i., " ,-wt,.t .tti I 1.1 i-DOUGHNUTS U-gy,1 br n sw w w. as e w s w U, , N m ,,1 ,f , ,1, m , -Sgg!- I All Week Longl f S OPEN EVERY NITE UNTIL 10 P.M. 8 APPLIANCE 1141 SeuthCemmercial CENTER Phone 4-333 J Willamette U. Degrees Real Family Affair, A Salem area family expects to be loaded down with degrees when commencement time comes at Willamette University oa June I There wilt be graduate degrees, too. kin Lora Bates, K. Is sched uled t get her '-Master's la Edu cation, So is a daughter, Mrs. Bloasosn Woods. A loo, David F. Bate. Mil Blrckwoed Dr., ia slated te receive a degree in law. All three previously earned B.A. degrees at Willamette and the son also Holds a B.S. from Oregon State College. Another daughter. Sharon Bates, is la her sophomore year at Willamette and reportedly is a straight-A student. Another son, Phillip, is a freshman at the uni versity this year., . Ttie mother, Lora, a widow, has taught for the past several years at Detroit High School while work ing toward her Master's. She lives with thf children, Sharon and Phillip, on Salem Route, S. The other daughter. Blossom, also lives on Route I with her husband, Gor don Woods. Mrs. Bates began college studies after raising her family and fol lowing the death of her husband. She plans to continue school teaching. MAN COLLAPSES Joseph M Teisl, 5080 Lancaster Dr . was taken to Salem Memorial Hospital about 3 p.m. Wednesday with severe abdominal cramps, ac cording to Willamette Ambulance Service. The service said Teisl col lapsed in an alley behind 546 State j olreet Woodburn Drive-In Wed. Thur. . Frl. . SsL In Cinemascope "Hill AND HIGH WATER" Richard Widmark Plus "WHITS FEATHER" Bob Wagner - Jeff Hunter Open :45 SUrts Dusk Theatre Time Table CAPITOL "YBAIIUNG1-I:SS. "GUM f01NT"-1 S and It BLSINOBI -UAH IN OHCY IXANKB. SUIT' tee and IS IS. HOLLYWOOD TBOUBLI WITH HARRY" 1M and IS 41. TEXAS LADY" OS NOBTI SALEM DBIVR-IN THE COURT MARTIAL OF BILLY MrTCHEtX." THE GIRL IN THS. RED VEL VET WlNG.'' Cttm apta U. Show (I dm. DAVENPORT Bl'RNl Fire partially destroyed a daven port at the home of T. L Kuhns, 1740 Court St., about 10 30 p.m. Wednesday, Salem firemen report ed. ' DALLAS MOTOR-VU SRm.IImi Miffcwtt OeM S-.4S - Skew M Sk lyaa . Sattwt Statk "HOUSE OF BAMBOO" CiwiiiMff tmi Ciw . SMd NaHirt JmI KkCrM "STRANGER ON HORSEBACK" C 1 f 4 VLJ DR. SAM K. HUGHES OPTOMETRIST 1128 (enter Si. Opposite Owl Drug) Phone 4-0767 Complete Optical Service Eye Refractions Lenses Duplicated Fashioa Frames for Both His or Her Collision Damages British Submarine LONDON ttwTne British auk marine Talent Vas damaged slight ly in a coUistoa with aa nident tied Unker off Die Isle of Wight the British Admiralty reported Wednesday. No one aboard the sub was injured. The Talent was cruising Tues day night at periscope depth ia bad visibility when the accident happened, the Admiralty said. Damage was confined to her peri scope and superstructure but the brush was so light that the tanker I continued on her way apparently unaware of the collision. CORNS from Trtf It OIL BtHMI "M" is for the fed you. naay times she's "0" is for the only thing for you to do. "M" That's to take her someplace very special The GOLD ROOM on MOTHER'S DAY May Uth Special Fried Chicken Dinner $1.50 Remember in Salem if s the llotol Marion Phone 3-4123 Just Call 4-9353 We will call at your heme and ap praise your Trade in. Ne wbligatioih