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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1956)
f t 14-(See. II) Statesman, 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise 454 Sewlno Machines 454 Sowing, Machines SINGERS Slant Needle Tan Head , Maple Queen Ann Cabinet . Pick Up Balance Payments ' Slant Needle . . Black Head Walnut' Desk Style . 3 Drawers Zig Zag . ; Portable 455 COURT ST. ; Lite New CABINET ' ELECTRIC WAS $179.50 SEWING CENTER IM N;Com1, .T, lnlrMI, gEWINGMACHINE reooaiesaed Necchl tig-tag oortable. Like no condition. For balance on contract 191 80. tak over for tin - wk. Ph. 4-71M iDlr.l - ROUND ROBIN Portable Electric SEWING CENTER 131 M. Coml. - Ph. 1-2912 455 House Goods of$ila ONE chrome t ft long 42 wide table, I blonde china .cabinet, 1 blond bookcase or china i, cabinet, S foam rubber char. . trauat chain, 2 blonde end , lamp tablet. Ph. 4-gOee. MAYTAG washer, If. rolhm and Rum. $, Guta Woodry. 140S !. Bummer. $30.00 DN. Bays complete household of furniture and appliances it alema loweet overhead ton. Gin Woodry, not H Bummer. ' NEW lxl! ruga, Reg. f7.M, thla week erily-RHg J, pad only gUHI. Used Mdw. Mart 270 - . Liberty, Open Friday 'til . No, down payment to. a. c.i 1 PC , Walnut dining rm. Ml . ... IMS.SS Ueed Mdtt. Mart, 77 I. Llb ' arty. Open Friday 'til I. No aown payment jw. a, ..) BE THRIFTY Buy used furni ture At appliances, THE , T H R I F fx WAY Ml Easy Termi at WOODRY THRIFTY USED . FURN. " 111 I. Com'l Ml. 4-MII ' . $149.50 Ne 1-pr. Roto-rock daverto group, step na laoiea. lamps, olfe table at Salem low . art overheld itore. Glen Woodry, 160$ N. Summer. VSED"chrom dinette iet $lg9T. Used Mdse. Mart, 27 S. Lib erty, Open Friday 'til t. No down payment (O. A. C.I MAHOGANY desk $9.95 Used Mdse. Mart. 27 S. Lib erty, Open Friday 'til $. No down payment u. a. ,. NF.Wrcirib $lf95 Used Vlds. Mart. 270 8 Lib erty, Open Friday 'til 1. No down payment Q. A. C I LARGE Campaign chair 2 cov ert $15. Box torlngt and mat traact $40. Unfinished chest tnd chtlr $8 each. Man's bi cycle $S. 1-4359 after $ f in. Lawn mower . . Used Mdse. Mrrt.. rty, Open Fridav U5l 276 8 Lib-1 till $. No: aown payment (O.A.C ) 45 Wanted House Goodl TOI CASH "RICE - fURNl TURI. APPLIANCES ETC USED MERCHANDISE MAR1 274 S LIBERTY PH 4-6371 WE NEED FURNITURE" Talley Furn Co. 2-7471 Need at One Late medtl E - Appliances Pay cash premium for Hi Grade Electric Range. Refrigerators Automatic Washers Driers A late Model uaed Furniture Ph Glen Wondry 2-81 10 right Now for Pleaaing Results I I 457 Radio and TV CAPEHART HI-FI console 3 peed player, FM-AM. f.M new, tacrlflc $19$. Ph. 4-7431 fief 4. 158 luildinsj Materials USED bullt-lnt. 1 romplett win dowt. 494 E, Lefelle. PAINT $1.81 $al. Palnfjl 19gaT Glen Woodry, 1406 N. Summer U0.0OO KEE1 Nits, fresh-milled old h serona frtrwtn lumbar 1x4 to 2x12 in1 la 24-foot lengths Delivered , price Saiem $.sft ner ih-iu minimum Tea Mmler s-lim : 7Ec7iHTer2$ wi 11" 22' sink cor,.o $4:195 Garbage Unonui ae Fibr Bio 30C A 34c ft 14. u,nis ia. 4 fl Boot emmet to1, ft. 12-2 Loom. 4,$ ft Light fixture. 25' eft Out- - let box, 2a. 1 pc. bath aet. . 9135. U gal. eie water heat r. $45 Wa thread pip and gent Gigr Counter Apex EJectrle Plumbing, 1410 Broadway. I'h. 1-1164 Open Frl. v 4 t till $. Bargalrllur at The Co-op T-siiet. $i4. aUth tub eomp , $42. $::-gl. water heater. 14 sreaf. $64. Isstrex. 4 ft., 2-ln. wall box, rsc . Light fix ture Jt'h ff. lOi $84 nowr mower, 4-cyrle ' n. t. Lawn seed. 75c lb Urdware At fuppllet. 'ARMEHS UNION CO-OP 4 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 4-1744 - OFING Install. Hlght naliry Ht rial applies oy Lioenaed Workman. 14 year Warranty. FREE ESTIMATES. MONfOOMMY ARD CH-2m, tem.Or. NOW $89.50 SINGER $19.95 Salem, Ore., Wed., May 4-5502 458 Building Moterioli (VERY GOOD CONDITI0M ALL NO. J li BETTER) 2x4. 2x4. 2x1 dim ... $4$ per M lx, lxl. sheathing board $45 per M JxlO. 2x12. 4x1 4x12 $59 per M Uted Oak Flooring shorts 149 per M Used Plr Flooring; RL $45 per M 1x4 celling lc lin ft. 2x4 shorU lc tin ft. WF ALSO HAVE Windows, plumbing, doon EMM (74 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-1311 4 ml. No. of Salem. ',t ml. No. of Totem Pole on ME Open all day Saturday Dry IF Cedar Boards f 120 M Tlte-kiri 10" spruce liiing ... lino M 10-' Inverted cedar bo-ird and baits I '.10 M Good l$" painted cedar snaxct under course . tt 91 So Heavy gaug Iron roof- mi 110 90 Sq 4x1-4" birch "A" grade Plywood 42c so 4x1 V service ply $2 33 sheet as exa'i service ply $3 00 sheet 4x8V service ply $3 45 sheet "A" grade birch aoort $7.70 each v rnr.G ULL1VLHY CREDIT GLADLY OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YARD tlnciiter and Center . Ph Salem 2-150$ RECONDITIONED a u t e m ttir water heaters. Judsons. 27$ n. Lom i. 12- wire, roll at a'ie Cedar shingles $300. $5, $6 Galv. Iron mof'e - heap 2 tab rooi . lowest price Nailt Der kef 119ft 4' cast toll dId 75c ft t gal pipe T2c i"-l$e i''4 -c. IV-36C $0$ ft steel Sep tank IM SO WO gal steel tep tank $.1$ 50 4" Black sewer pipe 30c lie O Door )amb 1 oH ones r2 7.1 Bldg. paper 500 so. ft. $2.35. Fibre glass blanket Instil - CHEAT 4x8 plaster board $1 40, $1 60. . K.S.. .. snako'd "n, ie',7 lie ' Garage door., all sire mean j ; O iUlde whe pain. g.T i , Oak Fir ing R length cheap New stinduw sashes $2fi(j. O W ttnp crystal windows 11x32 kitchen sinks rherp. Toilets W.eats $ri $0 O New hath tuh complete 1(3 50 Strictly Cash - U-Hul Closed Sundays & Mondays ; I, Is I.IIN.I. A' l I iV N - 4 Sit S. l t tk i.Snsi Overhead stee. garaee lonrt w"h hardnar $19 5 In- siauea sss so G-lvanlred eve trough If'jt per EPPINC, Ll'MBER CO. 3740 SII.VERT0N RD PH 4-6123 USED plumbing flxl tuns links basins bargains. Jud son s, 279 N. Com'l. NEW vent fan for kitchen "or bath $22 S Judsons. iy N Com'l. 459 Do It Your$clf U-Fix-lt-Uarajre hc pair voor own car I 4-51 .1 M N Com'l Pnone I HOW-to-do-it advice, planning aid complete material sup ply, plumbing, heating, wir ing see Judson't 27S N. Com 1. 460 Mu$icol ln$trumcnts ACCORDION 120 bass, like new reasonable Cavalhna. 1180 Parkway Dr. Ph 4-3042 ACCORDION Bargains. Hnhner with case $23; Sllverton with case $."i0; Galantl with i ase $7.V Tallman't. Jtli S. 12th Near S P Denot u. ,.... "AI1AN guitar A amplifier . Hh' ; . "i , j 625ports Equipment . " j on '"' " h p. outboard left. ; e'.s nu, HVeslern Auto Supply 201 N. Commercial HOME-made boat trailer, good axel. $25. Ph. $-3707. Ji.0. MOT0R s.AhE Martin Ilk H P. 7" S mm Firestone It P s..hi i .1 In Scott-Atwater l-.k H P ' wthlft . I Johnson 11 H P. ' $ 99 'kl V&'&M-L; JliSISI NO DOWN PAYMENT OAC SHROCK'S HIGHLAND AT PORTLAND Ph. 2-1422 CASH paid for used guns. mod. rn and antique Cascade Mere.. 1234 Broadway 14 FT boat w-l HP Evlnrud motor. See at Balet 4 Brady Towing Service. LUMBER 9, '50 450 Merchandise 462 Sporti Equipment OREGON'S BEST BUYS MOTORS & TRAILERS A1m convertible topi, flying bridges, outboard repair Free trtal on the river. Many ex tra services, such at moorage alt proofing, parti. 7 DAYS A WEEK FISHING LICENSES See the new molded boats, these are the bolt beautiful A prac tical boatt on tht water. SALEM BOATHOUSE 100 CHEMEKETA. PH. 3 9303 14 FT boat It trailer, $7$. Ph. 2-.T315. . MAN rubber life boat com plete, good cond. 17V. 4-4580 464tic7clei GIRLS full size bicycle. Excel lent condition Ph. 3-078.1. BOY 14" Enfliih racer. Ph 1-3552. 468 For Rent, Misc. FOR RENT or lease, ige ware house .apace cement floor brick blag., downtown In quire H L Stiff Furn . 3-I1U 470 For Sale, Misc. Lawn Swing 11250 Ph. 2-31.1S PAINT, guaranteed SI W gal Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. THREE piece loveseat set. Mar ble top tables. Antique silver chests, wardrobea, Lambert's, 213 S. Comm. USED HEATING EQUIPMENT Mnntag forced air nil fired fur nace. Like new 1225 Montag 18-in. warm air blower unit with cabinet. 170 Sawdust burners, oil heaters. JUDSON'S 27S W. Com'l? ' Ph. 3-4141 CLOSEOUT ALL MISC. ITEMS Poti. pans, vases, figurines, and 1.000 other bargain items. Glen Woodry. 1805 N. Summer. VACUUMCLEANER Repossessed Electrolux. New condition. 129 50. - Assume contract. 11.23 per wk. Ph. 4-7102 (dealer). Used windows, frames tt scree ps: upright piano. Rt 3, Salem. A. L. Oilman. Box 939. I RICH" TOP SOIL DEL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 TOP SOIL PH. 4-2463 Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam TJial 2-1749 Prompt Delivery Kelzer Sand St Gravel C. TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, rath registers, dupll. cators, desks, chair, filet, sup. - pile Roen's. 454 Court 1-4771. OREGON Agate, mo gt jasper, beach agate, tumbled or raw. 1490 Broadway Ph 3-3290 RECAPS 800x11 170x15 Exch. $6 $. Lytle'i Tlr Mart TOP SOIL Phone 2-1575. 2-S301 Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL PH 2-4310 USED truck tires. Lytle's Tire Mart. 2305 N Com'l top" soil-fillTdirt PHONE 2-4763 CEDAR poll, bean pott thed poles, a'l tvpes ai Derry wire Ph 4-.1H81 DISC In good condition. Ph 2-2.148 GAS water heater 20 gal white enamel, nearly new. $50. Ph. 4-en?6 1 2 file cabmen A 2 desks WESTERN AUTO Sl'PPLY 201 N, Commercial VV&ruAr ' m S3M Pnr,,n'1 Bd , .FOR SALE-Luggage. 4 piece: ' matched set. aKo several as- j sorted pieces. Ph. 3-72W ! T . ,t" ni vi-1 " I GRAVEL. PH. 2-8553 PLATINUM 34 diamond "engage- j "' for ir. Ihan 1 . i ost for quick sill I'ri'e $a0(l. Ph. 4-1536 alter 6 pm. 472 Wanted, Misc. WANT vane second hand weather. Ph 4-6811 days I.IMIS WANTED - lop prices paid 8-in to 50-ln diameters in B-ft or multiples of 8-ft We siso buy st.impaee Burk- land Lumber Company Tur- tier. Ore Ph Turner 1I2S Evenings phone Turner 2502 or Snifm2-7!4 WANTED several thousand cords of wood, all soeriet Ph 3-7721 Nights 4-5633 474 Miicello neous PFN'TAI PLATE REPAIR ! 'H" sf.HVii r in most f ASFS nu uiddu cs-vti L-a n.i,. Adoloh Rlrf. Slat. V Tom I 91. SALEM PH 3-1.111 ADDING machines, rash regis Clary, i79 Fairgrounds I-5.17S 476 fuel Old Kir Wood. $12 Ph Sllverton 3-8481. OLD FIR "W00Dr$12 PH 4-0S53 Sprinp Special MuVh S,ii"rliil FrtTi'iirr Block A Slab Wood West S."lrrn Ki el I.1L5 Edgewater Ph 2-4011 A'.DFltSdNS slahwoofl Ph sinhwoou .74 -77b 01 4-2 OREGON EL'El.-a MulchinK Sawdust WOOD S A H Green Stamps Ph. 3-553.1 307 Broadway West Salem Fuel Co. ''. blowr or Bush out I r"nr and Pona Lille SPECIAL Semi-Dry Block a sd Slab ,?,KnPW"" h 1-4031 " HIGHWAYFlfFXC0 lAD,,St. WOOD 1JI4I4 WAVTED several thousand cords wood all tnes-lea Ph 1-77JI ; Nights 4..'6.T3 Canitol Fuel Co. SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Choir slab and block nlxrd 142 Broadway PhTl-TW SAWDUST for sal. I unit load, push ut. 111. Ph, Gervati 221L 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Mowy to Loan PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy contract and mortgages. 341 ChmkUi8t. Ph.3-M1. W HAVE raah buyers lor real csia.e com rati I ana ana man ("ges Ohmart A. Calebs, Reai'or 477 Court 8t Phone 2-4115 COLONIAL Investment Co rVal Property Loam - Contract! Purchased M" Cnurt 4-223 LOANS $50 00 to II 3UC M Buy What You Need Consolidate Tout hill, finance Ihrojfli Willamette c'eoit COMPANY lt R Church St Ph 154,11 PRIVATE money to loan on Real Catate 11 interne Ph 2-4794 $25 to $2500 Pacific Industrial Loans HI S Liberty Ph. 4-2103 515 Investment! TOR SALE- . Several eharee Thoma Kay Woolen Mill ilock. Bx IB. Statesman-Jour Contract for Sale 2C. discount on food contract face value 1)4.14. pavible V per mo, Incl. int. at S'i. Ph 4-1671. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted M-Evp. hkpr . account A tax work, nut of town I4U0 mo. M. or F -Exp mult, opr , typing required. 5-dy. wk Open F -Fxn in insur. it real est., good typist. J-dy. wk Open EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 354 N. Winter Ph. 2-0S35 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone I-O'i.K 354 N Winter Adif.ming Presbvterlsn church Free parking In renr Exclu- n.e listings on all type of employment . APPLICATIONS are no nelne taken for Statesrran otcycle routes Several routes will be open Applicants must b ac companied bv their parents or have tlieir written permis sion Anply at the Circulation Department of the Stateaman Journai COMMERCIAL Placement Apenev Since 1948 Specialisti In Office Placements F-Bkpr-Steno.. 2.V-40 perm fjlfl F-Type. bing perm ."fl-40 $200 F-Tvpe ralr-invnlre Out 2"1 F-Fvp cashier. .M-'O nerm $1MI r.rtpr'rf.t- n. 10. 1S lnrn M-R-'ail trainee 21-28. coi:re nrefrrreo. Open MF Multilist, typing, salary will be onen Resi Way to the Best Jobs 494 State St , 411 Oregon Bldg 4-3351 604 Help Wanted, Men BUILDER needt rough carpen ter partner, 4"r Interest. $1,000 required, have work to tecur Investment. Ph. 2-7016 IF you like to draw, sketch or paint see Talent Test ad In In struction Column. EXPERIENCED rsdlo. television technician. Reference. Mitchell Radio At Television. 1880 State WANT several wood cutters Apply Capital Fuel Co., 3900 N River Rd. 606 Help Wanted, Lody CIRL or young woman to care I for 3 girls. Mandrin Garden 1 home, no housework. May live In. Eve. and weekends free Ph. 4-0613 after 5 .10 week days all day Sat. A Sunday. HOUSEKEEPER for elderly man" Modern home. Small wages. Box 34. Statesman-Journal. COMPETENT lady from Sllver"-Inn-Woodhurn area, between age a A- 35 for dental assist- ant Capable of handling the puouc. ivping necessary Will tngnrsa to learn. 9 day week References Box 20. Statesman-Journal. BABY Sitter wanted 7.10 to 5 30. Mon thru. Frl. Call 4-1677 after 5:30. 'nfnrniture ,n- yentnrv control office, short- hnd A- tvpmg exp neces.arv Permanent position Apply H"S Br,,s 2l Slate COMPETENT ladv to . are for elderlv hedfast gentleman and help with housework, live In ex hanged Ph Gervais EXPERIENCED - ready 1o wear sues lartv One with perioral following for sneoialtv shoo Pleasant surroundings State experience A reference. All mform.ition sin. kly confident ial Write box 3d Statesman Journal ALL around beauty oerator. capable to assist in managing Sal.-frv A commission. States-man-Jouinai Box 13 SEt'HETAHY- Receptionist Ex penence in general offue work mandatorv Real estate or insuraiu-e experience ver helpful. Must have bookkeep ing knowledge, shorthand pre-ferrr-d Salarv open 5 week Phone for aonoiiitmect Rawlins RealU 4-6075 IT'LL Call or pari tip-e heautn Salem 2-;2RS M'PT E sited u'-man to Ital Sit A live in fill rno Imj ' .1.197 Williams Ave after 6 pm For the best professional popular experts. AHHI.IA! IS WESTINGHOt'SE Wondrs Furniture Co 474 So Cm.- I Ph 4-2111 1 must; 'AIMTOI Bedding Mattress .e" noval11rsNewmattress 3-41161. II I I llll.INO . Hllcl"lng, Clettlpl roads : ' pondt D-4, D-lT carryalT Huskey Ph 1-314 IRANI WOII 25-ton Lorain nvoto crane Sa lem Band k Gravel Co 2-2441 FLOOR COVERINGS NORRIS-"waTkER" Paint "Co Floor-covering Division Ousl Itv Installations Linoleum. As phalt A Rubber Tile Wtll tile Free Estlmttet 4-2279 l OCKER AND ICE CREAM Vista Froren Food Lockers 3005 S Com'l Ph 2-97.17 Lockers Now Available Custom Meal Cutting and Sales lc Cream tor All Occasions, Parka to Take Out. MACHINg a WELDING Hobart walders tt toi. Smith cutting equip. Accessories. Glob Machine Work. 1010 N Commercial It Ph. 2-1621 600 Employment 606 Help Wanted, Lody SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Young woman with ability to meet public fur personnel de partment. Shorthand ability necetwary. some col If pie f erred but not necessary. Mutt have initiative & be well I loomed. We will train in de partment operation. Salary open Excellent employee ben efit' 5 days, J8 hra. per week. Apply ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. IN SConVl Ph. 4-SflM C1RL nr woman for housekeep- tne A. chile rare mnit excellent Salarv good Muat 1 li. e in. Tall 4-8943 or 3-7010. MIDDLE aged woman as house keeper. 2 In family, all mod. conveniences, must live in. Ph. 4-6559. YOUNG WOMAN" AHtate Iniuranrt Co. la look in; for a younf woman be tween aces of 24 V iTO Who is Interested in a oosition with responsibility. Should have food office experience. Pre vious work with figures. There are many excellent employee benefits, good starting salary, good opportunity for advance ment. 5 days, 384 houra per week. Apply ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. 13B $. Coml. Ph. 4-MBl 608 Pickers Wanted Strawberry pickers register now for platoon. Adults A children over 12. Trans, furnished. Ph. L. W. Barham 3-B850. REGISTER now lor a really good field of Northwest Ber ries. Mra. Burlier. Ph2-ri!W3 STRAWBERRY "pickers "bus furnished Oak Crest Farm. Register now. Phone 4-R268. REGISTER now hv mail to Rrooksle Rt 1. Box 115 for strawberry plckrri. Trans furn. I WANTED strawberry oicker. 14 ! seres Marshalls, 2nd , year. I close In ' Register now at Hoi- j lywnnd Apparel or Ph. 2-6507. j - jt - ; D rr; r 1 610 Soles Help Wanted MAN to distribute A pick up Fuller Brush catalogs SIihj weekly comm to start 3-8357 EXPERIENCKD nian. FiriePof fice Lots of advertising Ram sey Realty, 427 Ferry. EXCELLENTSalMnpp"crrtUTrrty open in Salem and surround ing areas. No Investment. Car essential. Investigate. 1079 Broadway. Salem, Oregon, Electrolux Corp. PIANO At Organ Salesman. 14 commission A- guarantee. Write Box 13 Statesman-Journal stating age. experience & etc. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SA1.EMAN for desirar.le down town office. Guaranteed mtunt of advertising Best orking conditions SA1.KM PROPERTIES 1 N llien Ph 4-0.111 FAST crow mg Motor Club needs salesman to sell memberships 111 local territory, also other territories open throughout Oregon. Hieh commission, ex clusive territory. Experience desired hut not necessary Pa cific Auto Assoc. Box 34 Statesman-Journal. REAL Estate Salesman wanted E. A. McGlauflin. 335 N. High 2-8611. Salesman, Auto Parts High paying permanent position for experienced traveling saietman. Commission basis with substantial weekly draw ing account, Opportunities for advancement to district man agership Earn $500 to (800 a month at start. Well known manufacturer and national distributor Over 5 000 fast I ft.''o HWrvf fahh."","'';,,0' PrnVecd I territory open nou wet cen tral Oregon 14 counties Training in field at cooinanv expense Car reouneri Phone, for appointment Wertrresiv or Thursda' E Moffatt Bn- son Hotel. Portland. AT 9S1I. 1 1 1 1 i ITYTj iiTT 111a, orei rronrca, men 16 YR. old bnv wants summer work June 1st Ph. 2-1273. ROTOVATING work eve . week ends .T Haihau-av Ph. t-rji?fl Howard Rotovator Work Call Bill Bovons. Ph. 4-2526 CARPENTERrernodeling. re pair hr. or contract. Painting. Ph. 4-OR73 LAWN mowing done by week Ph. 3-5605. WOOD CUTTING RE AS RATES PH 4-1294 TREES experltv removed or toonerl Ph Mr Oshvirne 2-01.1S, I 7-lvns. I - HOME building remodeling .,;ry pr ;:sr BUILDER MIS MAT Fill A I. tn l.mlrl artditloT-s r 1 2-ifln lui.isf -ver) tcasonalile EaIi 3-7106 KOTO-TILLING I'll 4-82.1.1 or 2 2.118 CEMENT Work Ph 4-t::i.19 Side walks, palms, ret wall, ea- CARPENTER Jobs: new A re rages bsm's free estimates ; modeling, reas 4-1424. 2-2958 PROFFSSIONAI. upholstering PLOWING discing D.-Ma7 rea. Guaranteed Free est 1 shall 2-1H1 I'lck-up delivery Ph, Z-479U HIITO-TII LING, 3(1-in 15 H P , Roto hoe, ph. after 6 p m 2-i i.'U. IKIWAHO Yotovatlng. new- lawns piinari-ri. t-ee estimate ! ; .1-.Vi9.1 or 4-.V'i;l ROTO-TILLINC, j RK HARD RAS PH 3-4716 j FX'T m '-a.-.e- trf rrnn.deling a1: kit rt ( ahoiet work reas g" an where F.xllhe 2-7016 wmMy services, call one of these l PAPERING A PAINTING I'ainting and parer -narglnr rree evlHti.ites Ph i o.M:, Prfixr hancini A, i.aintm terrv If.hrsor Ph 4 ft;. 14 SAND AND tiRAVEI." WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL ., , M' Gilchrist Crushed quarn rocks and grav- el All lr r,,t. Jm,. ways and narkine READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand hull-dozing, thov- el and dragline work. 3-9249. VALLEY SAND A gaVlTo Crushed A round gravel Sand k con mix 1-4002 SA rM SAf A GRAVEL CO Heady mix concrete rrushed and round gravel, sand and top anil. 1405 N Front St 2-2461 SEPTIC SERVICE liuw Mil Itnto. Rooter se"-ers septic tanks rleaned 3-3.1:7 ..' . .tIKr -seoiu servie isoxp- ,;"",",.!, t,; .leans vwer, oiein. rnone 4-tw H..mei septit tanks rleaned line service Guaranteed work Phone 2-7404 or 1-0774 TREE JlERVIt'l De Rostt Tree Service Tree. Shrubs. Hedges Insured 1731 N. Liberty St. Ph. 1-461 600 Employment 613 Work Wonted, Man EXPERT brush or nrav nalnt ing. Hr. or contract Ph; 4-J800 TILLING: Howard Rotovator Ph 4-2023 or 2-3535 No calli mi Please. GARDEN PLOWING & DISC ING PH. 1-5123 W. A. LA. FLEMME 1565 LANCASTER OR PAINTING - Free Estimates Reasonable. Ph. 2-9551 evea. "CARPENTER WORKdiiyr contract. 1-1S42 or 2-1459. LAWN Mowing" wntedbyAndy Anderson Ph. 4-0443 ROTOVATINO PH. 2-4J763 Painting Ph. 3-7552 PLOWING Ar discing Ph. 2-2775 Albert Creft. J" in Monroe. HOWARD Potovatini garrfenk. new lkna prepared. 3-5595 LAWN mower sharpening, low prices, work guar Ph. 4-9092. fOU'S tre aervlce Sorav. top ping prune, cabling 4-S50I. ROTORYTilling-iMang" flllefi world's flneat Ph. 4-g.lSl or 4-54M Free estimates PRUNING, spraying, topping, re moval L W Caudle 4J4I TEACHER wants summer work In Salem, Dallas area. Experi ence: Mfgr. Hepresentatlve to lumberyards and hardware re tailers. Some carpentry- cabi net work. Chaimaw repair and operation, have own. No com mission sales, 'possible con tract. 34. married. Have 'S panel. Hef a exch. Ph. 2-SOU0 ' eves. I MARRIED man .13. accounting trsinee desires work near Salem Rrferen'-ea furn ished Ph. 4-9790. 21M Berry St. PAINTING 4-3150. Joe Ostrom. Ph d.4 Work Wonted, Lody EXPERIENCED lady wants iron ing. IWc hr Baby sitting 35c hr. Ph. J-94I9I WANTED city ref Cleaning bv hour. After 5 p m. :-Mi5 LADY accustomed to meeting public, full or part time, as telenhone receptionist. Ph. 2-74S CHILD care In mj horn any time. ph. 2-6712. 2065 Harel EXPERT child care Mv home 1545 Trade. Ph. 4-5860 WOULD like to room ev tx.ara , a child from 3 on up by dav.i u -l nr mnnlh Or It could be . an elderlv ladv. Ph 4-4277 LOVING supervised rhlld care. my home. So. Ph. 2-3914. CHILD C ARE my "home $1 da. 25c hr. 4 Corners. Ph. 2-9572 EXCELLENT-CHILD CARE My home. W. Salem. Ph. 4-85M WIU, care for 2 children in my home by month. 4-2364. TAILOR made slip covers made In my home Bertha Handley. formerly of Roberts Bros Ph 4-6492 . 780 Highland. MIMEOGRAPHING tyoing Mra I'oe. 665 N 16th Ph 3-3641 SFW1NG Dressmaking in my home, all types PH 2-9.192 WANTED Ironing In mv home l!9 N 5'h 2-l16 615 Situotios Wanted LAWN MOWER SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. $04 Id$ewtr. W. Salem. 4-1541 ROTARYTllllngninywhere. Ex" perlenced careful operator. 1st Class 24 " Howard Rotavator. 2-3537 evet. WANTED to haul short logs snywhere. Ph. 4-6072. ROTOVATING So. Salem Area.Ph. 4-2302. Lawn Mower Sharpened. 3-7847 L V. Shafer. 1220 N 21st business "exp. will " ' ST."J" erence exchanged. Statesman- Journal. Box 23 EXPKRT spray, brush painting, paper hanging. our paint or mice Free est Terms Ph Nelson 3-8493. 3-8243 7.- -j- , . 3HICK and biock work guar- Ph 4-fi4r,5 LIGHT crawler dorer. leveling trading 3-7042 LKurth PAINTING-brush-- imray. Free estimates Ph. 2-8625. DOZING & LEVELING Ph 2-0952 D PANTOV1CH PAINTING, papering Free esti mates. Don Lucero, 3-5522. NEW lawns complete, fr t 3-8445 morn. 4-2941 Eve. " SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation. Repair Sewers. Septic Tanks, Drain Fields Power Ditching. Backfill. Ph 2-5SS8 or 3-5072 LAND CLEARING D-8 Hr C Mltctlell Ph 3-5337 CARPENTER work, any kind reas 4:140 Macleav Rd 4-3961 carpenter contractor r r iming rcrndeling, rounda-lion- ret.uriog walls, cement in f .mii'e block Free esti mates. Ph. 2-W80 VINCENT C. NEAL Fxcavatlnj Co Excavating - Grading. Ph 2-ir.Bft . la 3. d shovel, crane, hoe drg line. 2Vton mobile cranes. Ing blade Rental contract or un;t prices SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 14(15 N Front SI I'h 2 2411 ROAD GRADING Rnv Hancock. Ph. 4-8353 618 Education IF YOU like to draw sKetch or paint write for Talent lest Inn fee- Give ate and occupa tion Statesmsn-Journul Box. URGENTLY NEEDED Men tn tram as telegraph nperatnrs fnr railroad. Must bp TthvMoallv f;t Training rites rrnt intprtere with pre nit work C, I spnroved Arr;.;e P-'V Write Box 14. Si t!'Hirnal :)( RentaU 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board WA.NIEU Man 1o room and hoard. 266 N Capitol CLEAN.-quiet, near State-bldgT shop Dist , kit. prlvel. 2-1449. DOWNTOWNnlce front sleeo" room. Hot A cold water. 658 Center SLEEPING rm for 1 or 2 790 N Church Ph. 3-4335 NICELY furn room Close in 5.19 N Winter MFN TV den A pvt ent 1503 ,N Capitol Ph 4-61D4 neoini unnn n r-.r. .,a " , ,,1 Bedrm furn he. s.ngle $33 IT V SLEEPING rm friendly 3 Bedrm new hse. unfurn. for home, man $20 board 2-.620 , irrfPP 1 ft . . j Bedrm. unfurn hse Mav , ., -- - ; -'- - -. Ll.tAcs warm rms 1 v close In 215 S Winter 2-I72S. 703 Wanted Rms., Boo"r3 NICE 4-rm. turn apt 1431 N Cottage. Ph. 1-1783. 700 Rentals 705 A port menu For Rent lit FLOOR furo. utll., car port, cloeln. taM Ph. -3. rURNISKElo 2bdrm. court apt. tl2 N. I4th. 1 RM. turn., pvt. bath. utll. pd.. Jtar. avail. 1853 State. t RM. turn. apt., prlv. bath A e ntSuita ble for cpl. 1112 Mill. CLEAN 3-rm. front apt. Ground fir, refrlg., stove A utilities turn., ptiv. bath Ph. 3-7145. 30 Newly decorated small apt., cloae In. lady prefer . utlt paid. S4J Ferry. Ph. 3-4527. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apts. 550, N. Summer. 2-920 DESIRABLE nicely furn.. quiet. steam heated apt. Adults. 555 N. Winter. Ph. 3-55.13 or3-524. CLEAN 3 rm furn. pvt. bath 37 .50". Adults. (11 N. Com'l. 2"RMfurn. apt. 35."South. Ph. 2-7945. FURN apt . steam heat, pnone washing facilities 4-5061. 3 RMS. furn. pvt bath, near Memorial Hosp. at State Bldga. 940 Mill. 30 to flirt fufn. 3 rms . pvt baths. Adults 1075 N Capitol V'F.RY desirable unfurn. apt. with view. Large living' room, 2 bedroom. Mrictlv modern. S60. 2152 S. Com l. Ph. 4-5339 I OR 2 Mm turn court apta. All utii rurn weemy or monthly rates. Ph. 3-5723 LARGE 3 RM. FURN. APT CLOSE IN SO. PH. 4-3661 CLEAN 2 rm. furn . hsmH utlli.. pvt bath.JlJS N 19th. 3-7tl NEWLY decorated I bdrm mirfl- ern furn court ant f-59 W Sa'em. . Ph 4-657 or eve S-74J FURN. pullman apt., adults. IM5 N. Capitol. Ph. 2-9005. FURN. 3 RM eptwrtlT hath. Vacant 9th. .15 N. Summer. NIC E 3 R M. turn, apt-Prlv" ent. fc hath. 200 S. 22nd. FUR NT 2 rm"bachelor"a pt. 1223 Chemeketa 3-7954 FURN. court-$7 50 wk orlTO mo.J344JLee.4-llfll2. 2-RM. furn , pvt. bath, ent , utll. pd. 125 120 Ferry. Ph. 4-1137. BACHELOR apt. all utll. fur nished 590 Union Ph. 3-5.191. BASEMENT "furnT biktn Capi toi. util. pd $.10. 3-62S4 NFWLY dec furn Clnse 1oState Bldg. 2-6197 . 325 S. Winter. ntRN apt. util. pd. Close in Ph 4.53,(2 ,(ter a. m - - list FLOOR. 3 large rooms, bath. laundry, quiet area, rent rea sonable. 695 S. Uth. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. 1163 Chemeketa St Ph. 3-8630 CLEAN 3 room court apt. King wood Court. 3rd St. W. Sa lem Laundry facilities. Ph. 4-8514 morn, or evet. after 4 UNFURN. 1 bdrm. court apt. Range, refng. suburb 2-2901. 2 RMS., bath, nice clothes clot et. close in, including util., $37 50. 404 S. High Ph. 2-4046 LARGE lst-flr7clean"furn. apt", fireplace, auto, heat; near Capitol. Adults, 2-4505: 2-5272. FURS'" apt. 653 N. High. Ph. I .1-1419 QUIET off street 1 bdrm. court j w 'gar . stove A refrig. Furn. Ph 4-5050 SMALL attractive furn. Also 2 hdrm. bsmt. furn. 348 N 12th COZY -hdrrn. furn. Apt , out side entrance, pvt. hath. utll. $30 3-6236. Hollywood Dist. 2-RDRM. apt., range A refrlg furn. Salvador Aptt. Ph. 2-3841 REDEC. 1 bdrm. furn. apt., no children. Outsid ent. As far den tpot good location. Ph. 3-5323 or 4-1410. 3 RM. k bath nicely furn., pri vate ent. 1110 N. 5th Ph. 4-37M CLOSE, amall furn. apt., S2S. utilities. 765 Marlon. 2-322S. CLEAN, furn. 1 At 2-rm. apt. A13 Ferry. VERY nice furn. 1 rm. apt. 1177 Court. 3-RM. apt. furn. $85 S. 12th. Ph. .1-8136. 1 BDRM, unfurn. apt . utll. furn. $65. 1370Chcineketa 1 BDRM furn. ' apt. $5$. 1125 Cross St. FURN apt. near University. Clean, ground floor. 4-5991. entrance and bath." 1855 N. Winter Ph.2-8774 FURNISHED apt Hollywood district. Ph:2-9721 2 util., furn. pvt. bath, ent. refrig. 735 S. 13th. Adults. FURNISHED b a c h e l"o"r Ari hdrm. Apts. 21.18 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3136 before 6p.m. or 2-9580 after 6 P.M. NEWLY dec turn 2 rm . kitch enette, heat A- water furn 985 Saginaw. $67.50 One of Salem's finest 1 bdrm court apt., stove 8t re trig pv t. util Agar. J-3728 3 RM. nicely furn. Apt priv. hath good location. $34. Ph. 4-4020 or 3-8841. 706 Duplexes CLEAN nicelv furnished 2 hdrm. duplex. TV antenna Ph. 4-6310 after 6. 2-BDRM unfurn , clean, yard, gar. Ph. 4-3253. 1 BDRM. duplex, available May 18, $40, 2600 No. Front. MODERN furn7a.ll elec. 1 bdrm. Leslie A Bush School. Garage. Inquire 2210 Breyman St. 4 BDRM furn." duplex 1469 Court1$75mo. Ph. 3-58.14 3 RMS furn.. $50. 74o"Unlver nty. Ph. 3-4801 or 3-7341. 50 2 bdrm unfurn. duplex. gas range, oil heal, near shop- ping center. Phone 4-umu. jT ROOM "unfurn-flat-1 block P O Inq. 656 Ferry. 707 Houses For Rent 1 2 BDR North large lot $45 1.1 BDR Duplex Close in $45 ! 1 BDRM East El. range $55 2 HDRM East near hospital $55 3 BDR South $55 1 BDR East furnished $60 2 BDR East range refrig. $65 4 BDR Suburban N E WI 3 Rm Furn. apt . ground ft $53 Center St. Realtv Rental Serv 1748 Center 4-66.11 Eve 2-7812 4 BDRM. spacious home. 2 story full hsm't., auto. heat. $75. No drinkers Rt 4. box 698 1 ml. West of Liberty Store Skyline Rd Sat A Eves 4 BDR MS . 3 are furn. Range. refriR K water 1525 State. 1 A- 2 hdrm. hou-es Call 3-3136 Pioneer Trust Co CI, FAN I bdrm 'loves, garage 947 Mill Ph 4-41109 2 RDHM house carpets, TV an- tenna. very nice. Adults ref erences. Ph. 2-527$ weekends' or after 3 week days. GARDEN spot, I hdrm. duplex, very neat A clean. $39 50. Ph. 4-1996 or 4-3712 Nelson's Rentals 1 Bedrm. furn. downstairs apt 1 Herlrm furn. apt $58 ' I Herlrm unfurn rnuit $55 , rn 2 Bedrm. unfurn. hse. N. $67 We need a good 3 bedrm. rental South for familv. good ref. CALL DOROTHY DEAL. EVE. 4-8632 NELSON & NELSON, RLTRS 1590 S. Commercial Ph. 2-369 700 Rentals 707 Houses Foe Rent S BDRM. home, email room In back for extra bdrm. Partly uralshed $55LPh;2-1505. X BDRM. house. $55. Lease with option to buy. Ph. 2-148. CLEAN unfurn. l'i bdrm. A gar. $45. W. Salem 3-7M7. SUBURBAN N. 2 bdrm. house. partly furn. Adults only. i'h. 3-3M2. 2 BEDRM. home located 590 S. 17th Street, wired for electric range. Inquire 325 Oregon Building. . 2 BDRM. house. 1255 3th St. In- aulre Trust Dept. 1st National ank. Ph. 4-3371 ext.67. AT STATE St. 4-Corners; 1 bdrm., util. rm.. oak firs., Ve netian blinds, frpl.. oil heat Karaite U0 mo. Call 4-4791. MODERN 2 BDRM. house ne'vly decorated 2 ini E. of To:rm Pole. Rt2. Box 419. Ph. 4-1033 CLOSE In. 2 bdrm unfurn. cot tage 685 N Church. MOD. home 1 miles Et of Salem out Sllverton Rd. Ph 4-l!W9. 3 BDRMhouse. $60. Hollywood dist. Ph 4-25B6. $57 00 3 Bdrm. $42.50 2 Bdrm. Keirer. E A. McGLAl'FI.LN AGENT 335 N. Hish 2-II311 Eve. 3-6611 CLEAN 3 bdrm A den. firepl. 2 baths. Jnq.1596 S. 13th. COZY 4 rm. In country adults preferred, also someone ex perienced with horses. Refer ences. Ph. 2-1240. Saiem. 1 to 9 am. or 7 to 8 p. in 2 BDRM gar exc for child $45, 2016 Highway Ave CLEAN, neat 2 bdrtr. unfur with T V antenna, small yard, walking distance to state iapitol $60 See Joe L. Bourne Rllr at 1140 N. Capitol Ph 3-8216. 3-BDRM home for rent, mo. So. Village. 3-5134. $100 MODERN 15th St. 5-room house. Ph. 4-9937. 2-BDRM. unfurn. $60. 'i ml T. of 4-Cornert. No pets. 4593 Stale. Ph. 4-rM2. 707-a Furnished Houses CLEAN 1 bdrm. furn court 1760 Evergreen. Ph. 2-5069 1-BDRM completely furn.. Inc water A garbage. $Sfl No pets. Ph. 2-6885. 1740 Oxford 1 BDRM. all elec. heat, bus ttop Good neighborhood. $50 Ph. 1-0986 FURN. 1 bdrm. house, close in So 2-67a8. COST 2 bdrm. house. Market St. Mostly furn 1 child, bus by door. h.2-6529eves. FOR RENT or lease 2 bdrm. furn. house on ', acre tract, close in. 3-5911. 710 Wanted to Rent Hses WANT clean 3 bedrm. home with basement, adults, good ref. Call John J. Dann, Real tor. 4-1543. DESIRE to rent or lease a good 3 bdrm. house, prefer So. Salem. Best of references. Ph. 2-II14. 3 BDRM . City or Suh. $75 to $90. Professional man and fam ily. Ph. 3-3511. PROFESSIONAL man now resi dent, desires 2 or 3 bdrm. house near S Salem High. Ph 3-3173. $-5. 3-3697 eve 714 Business Rentols OFFICE space with desk $17 50 E A. McGlauflin. 335 N. High Ph. 2-8611. BLDG. 24x50 faces alley. 154 S. Com'l. Ph. 1-6631. STORE ROOM for rant 26$ N High. Ph. 4-5351 DOWN town office space, store rms. it wtrehous. 1-4114. -CORNERS Community vallable. Ph. 1-8251. Hall 718 Convalescent Homes ELDEREST Nursing Home. Pri vate rooms available. 2630 N Church 2-9616 COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME. 232 N Cottage 3-7020 780 Moviri9cVtoroge Larmer Transfer & Storage omp.ete moving service aisoi. K ". ps itil LOW COST ttorage H L, Stiff Furniture Co 2-185 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportuw. BAKERY-Located in thriving community with 1 million dol lar payroll monthly. Price $6500 including inventory. Lease $75 per month. Excel lent equip. C. W. Reeve Real tor. 1860 Mission St. Ph. 34590 Eve. 20898. WILL PURCHASE Service stations or service loca tions. Will consider nome fi nancing or remodeling to re liable parties on good pros pect ve loce-iont, for full in - ;,,.: u.rtiai Rnv 1" S"m0.n.Jorrn.V "X " FOR SALE hy owner Well established locker plant in A-l location in neighboring town Over 700 lockers, with large meal cutting business. Also chilling, smoking A ice busi ness. Also room for store or expansion Brick bldg. 35x120 Box 29. Statesman-Journal. FOB SALE: Complete sawmill. 2 acres, bldg , 30x70 steel car riage, dble. -circular, edger. trim saw conveyers, rolls, log haul, unloading winch, pond saw. loading hoist. Al) elec tric. Burner, pond. Ready to go. Sacrifice. $7500 Ph. jl-!8.10 SERVICE station for lease, good mechanic spot low inventory A equipped. Ph 4-2143. FOR SALE: Gum vending mach route, cheap. Ph. 2-1361. LONG established Salem Hear ing Aid office for sale, fine for man ard wife 1916 gross profit over $12 000. Box 17 Statesman-Journal. S03 Suburban BROOKS - $8,500 $', acres of good rich soil. 3 bdrm home, right in town of Brooks, with family orchard, grapes, good property to own right now. .1. E. LeCLERC, RLTR 1696 N Caoitol Ph. 3-325S 1 ACRE Nice view, modern 2 bdrni. furn home, schorl hns hv door, dble garage, chick en house. $8 1(50 Ph 4-4125 - FOR DISCRIMINATING home owners. Only finoo huvs this I A. and wooded sanc tuary with view. 10 mm from Salem Renter. OM particulars aboiiT this at 1.V3 Slale. ATTENTION! SEE OUR DAIRY-STOCK A TRUCK FARMS - 2 TO 200 A( RES AT PRE-AIR BASE PRICES. A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! j ALSO 2 SMALL At'TlV COURTS. A R?ST HOMF 1 1ST CLASS THEATKR A CCFRV - ALL SAFE IN VESTMENTS. COME TO WOODBI'RN - THF HOT TEST SPOT IN THE VAL LEY. 1IIGGINB0THAM REAL ESTATE 331 1ST ST. "DOWNTOWN" WOODBURN PH. Ttll - IVE. 6131 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole KENT'S NEW LISTING. Very clean Yr. old 3 Bedrm. Home. f, Floors. Fireplace. Oil Heat, Located Northeast, Only $8 000g$. See this today. Call Mr. Kiggins eve. 4-5494, LOOKING FOR ROOM? This la It! with acre suburban setting, Nice Lawn. Shrubs Good garden spot, Lois of room In trill new ranch style home. Call Stearns Cushing eve. 2-5041 $1,500 00 DOWN. Attractive ranch stvle 3 Yr. old home. FA. Furn, Fireplace, Birch Kit WBar. DR. Covered Patio. Paved St Sewer A Water. A buy at $11.45000. Call Edna Morgan eve, 4-603$. NO BUILDINGS: This 40 Acre tract air In grasa. All year Creek. Fenced. Small Barn. Priced at $7.300 00 Also 9 Arret close In, Subdivision possibilities. Priced at $8,000.00. Call Mr. Leaverss. eve. 3-4735 MORTGAGE LOANS. CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C. V. KENT & CO. MORS 406 N. Church TAKE MOTHER OUT FOR DINNER and then show her this at tractive familv home located lust off Glen Creek Road If she likes a separate dining room, a large convenient kitchen with breakfast nook, living rnoni with fireplace and view win dow, this house has them. Two bedrooms and bath on ftmt floor, two bedrooms up Work shop in the big basement, plui a beautiful yard with pr.tto and fireplace. Even quarters for your ring Included In price of $21 IKXI are two extra lots. Call GilDerl&on for further details. Eve. 'phone 4-9140. if MOTHER HAS A GREEN nnie now on acre on ri&ner noaa. oreennouse, lots of rare flowers and shrubherv A dandy hnbhv one.bedrnom home, and price is $6,850, with terms. Call Burt Picha. Ev. 'phone 4-3152., A HOME OF HER OWN SmaH home, small lot. but It rtn mean independence to Mother-in-law 9x13 ft. living room with fireplace, compart kitchen with dining space, 1 bedroom, bath, utility room and car port $4,150 total price, and down payment of only $100 will handle Balance $33 monthly. Ask for Kelly Owens. Eve. 'phone 3-6954. IF MOTHER IS THRIFTY and most mothers are ah win appre ciate this $7,500 home hish on a-. hill. The view is terrific and there is an exlra lot for future expansion or Investment Thli is an older 2 bedroom home. 1', hstns. basement, and lots of possiblhtes. Ask for Burt Plchs, Eve. 'phone 4-3152. 379 N. HIGH ST Ill & EERRIS, REAEIORS , CLOSE IN LOCATION -Attractive English style 2 bedrm horn. Ig llv. A din. rms . fireplace, hdw floors, full basement. Double garage, top condition. TWO -2 BEDROOM RENTALS -on a large lot at the edge of Town. Live in one and have a nice Income now rented for $130 per month. Can be bought for $12,600 Hollywood district - Late 1.410 ft. or noor spare z diks. to st. Vincent ?cnooi Excel lent residential location. Price reduced to $13,250 MODERN. YET NOT EXTREME New large brick front home slate entry hall, beam celling, open staircase down, natural woods, familv room on main floor 2 baths plus full bases ment dble. garage. This is a real buy. EREATH TAKING Drive bv 3810 N I-anraster to see this out landing 2 br home situated on approx 1 acre of trees he.tutifol shrubs Fine I.r. A Din rms . fireplace, new w to w carpet, kit ut'i eaMog sp.u-e Well kept vard 111 heal'h reason for selling May trade for home in Town. Price $14 500. TO SELL VOI R HOME IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS Eve A Sun Salesmen Bon Clears- 3-9939. H. Peck 3-5413. Ferris 2-8010. Jue Hlmmel 2-5122. 1.14 SOUTH LIBERTY 4 BEDROOM SPECIAL Edge of city northeast. Large 76x210 lot with attractive hedg. New furnace Dining room. Inside utility room. Outside fire place. Good double garage Near school. Lots of house for $8,450. Will trad for acreage. Call Johnson. Eve. ph. 1-3834. LARGE I BEDROOM - WEST SALEM Very tpaclout home with large living room, separate dining room, huge kitchen with breakfast nook, unfinished upstairs. fuD basement with finished room, tawdust furnace Very well landscaped yard Near bua and school. Asking $8,950. Ask for Hickt. Eve. ph. 3-6405. MISSION BOTTOM - 32 ACRES New modern house, double garage, large chicken and brooder house, machine shed. 5 A blackcaps, good irrigation well. New-burg Chehalis soil, good ground for truck garden or strawberries. Will consider house in town. Call Lucas. Eve. ph. 3-9JA8 .h,iehin shake home T spot. Low taxes Balance like REIMANN REAL ESTATE 21)1 South Hijh Street Ph 3-920.1 Sell or Trade Two-bdrm. home north, just right fof a couple, low taxes, naved street, nice lawn, flow ers and garden, $7250. Will trade for small suburban acre age Call Al Roome Eve. Ph 4-5416. Lots N.E. $625 125 x 80 near new Junior high NoTth just a few left A good huv Call Boy Goodwater Eve Ph. 4-9570. Income Properties , No I. 4 separate home, , very ii rf rondit on. in env north, exceptional nice and a one owner property loeai mr some one wanting home and income No 2 9-unit furn. court, plus modern 3-bdrm. home. Has 1485 per mo income plus home for owner. Some trade POSsi Eve. issihle. Call Ruth Morrison Ph. 4-1614 Joe L. Bourne, Rltr. 1140 N. CaDltoI Ph. 3-8216 $11,950 ENGLEWOOD You can't afford to ioiss this IZnV' Yhe eerfuT p'k kitchen 1 with eat ing sp.lcel and the separate dining room are ideal for a growing fam ilv Patio, with harneque and lots of room lor children to nt... T nL-.ll neighborhood Priced right to sen quicKiv Phone June Mason, Eves 2-9581. Salem Properties! ' itlltJi ign rrt REALTORS I 367 N. High St. Ph. 2-15.1.1. 4-0.131 BY OWNER - Mod 2-bdrm hom. rinse m E off Sunnv- view frpl . sttch gar . fruil room le 'ot Bard"" immed po,- $9(10(1. E-Z teims. Ph 4-1I154 MR OWNER' Glen Woodry will pay top price for your furn A appliances Ph 1-5110 i7jlbRJiiin1 -r- old S" No loan costs $2,000- dn , t16 month. Phone owner 4-4357. BY OWNER: Candalarla home with east view. Double gar age, well landscaped yard with trees. 3 bdrm.. dble. bath Birch kit. with dishwxsher. mahogany paneling in living rm. Separate dining rm . fireplace- up and down Finished d.ivlieht basement with large recreation room Also separate I utility Game mom and stor- j are Ph 4-HICI8 J BY BUI.DKR NF.W 3 bdrm home neai S Salem schools A park 2-7071 802 Business Property VALUABLE PROPERTY: A large building. A- 2 lota, cen trally located, good bustnest lit. Ph. l-$640 or 3-4434. 800 Real Estats 806 Houses For Salt Phone 4-22M THUMB she will be happy in thit TEL. 4-6837 $13,000 will buy. bum s bedrm & den Home Rnj HA F PHONE 4-447S Modern Garage Good garden rent. Call us loday. Ph. 3-9201. LOOK CVRLY'S DAIRY EMPLOYEES RIGHT ACROSS , The Street from the plant oa N Cottage are 2 nice hornet. One is rented for $40 per mo., other will rent for $57 50 Prie for all $7950 TERMS EASY. Call Fatan Days 4-4494. eve. 4-8193. I! REALTORS rourl s, i ; SM mod. h. Dial 4-4494 gar . fenced gar den W. Salem. Ph. 2-0373 BY OWNER Low down pay- ment. easy monthly payments. New 3 bdrm. home wfrpi. At plastered gar. Ph. 4-4912 BY OWNER, $C50down5yr, old 2 hdrm. home, plastered. Insulated, oil furnace, auto matic washer included. Beauti ful yard completely fenced. Ph. 4-3824. 'BY OWNErT Nearly new 2 bedrm. ranch type home. dbl. attached garage, full drv base ment with F. A oil heat, 2 fireplaces. East Englewood. 4 b'ks Hoover school, 3 hlkt. Ehners Market See after $ p m Price $16 500 2730 Elllt Ave DN BRANDWW hse. Excellent workmanship. Birch kitchen. F.A. Heat. Why pav rent. C. W. Reeve Real tor. I860 Mission St. Ph. 34594 Eve. .19536 or 20898. ifjwiMr.n neing iransierreo. ss-u 3 bdrm house. Heoucea to $7.995-$600 down. 230 Ken wood. E of 4 corners, j-.wm. 700 equity in 1 . loOO dn. or trad LWB truck. 4-1244. $.1150. $150 Down $40 a mo. S Rm. House. South Salem. E. A McGlauflin. Rltr. .135 N. I tliah 7.RAI1 Fv 1-66.2 1 - HOME on creek, 2 bdrms, fire- pi . basement, close to shop ping center, best ot cono. una Center Ph 3-8'i7 3 BDRM. contemporary, beam celling, lots of storage, shop, auto, sprinklers, $1X50(1. $1 500 dn. 610 Chemawa Rd. 3-44.14. BY OWNER 7 yr. old house. A-l cond, 2 bdrm . finished up- stalrsr 3 blk. from Leslie Sen. Ph. 3-8091 after 5:30 p m. 4 YRS. OLD. 2-bdrm. FHA, hdwd. floors, oil heat, at tached gar. $450 down. $7,850. Ph. 4-6510. tTsoO for this 'i bdrm. house. Attractive Interior, extra lot. 1173 8th St. Ph. 4-5270 hic7hland-st."vincent"dist7 3 hdrms., hv. rm w 'fireplace din rm large kitchen, 2005 Laurel Ph 2-6WI $500 DOWN ?-hrlrm home w carport on corn r lot .1 yeart old So in Candalarla But aeioss St Seller will carry contract or buyer can assufri state G 1. loan if qualified. Full price $7.850. Ph 4-3101. 70E-HUTCHISON realtor" Let ut tolve vour home need. T Buy. Sell or Rent Call Ph. 4-5743 1131 Edgewater Ph. 4-7414 no So. Comm'L