The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1956, Page 6, Image 6

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    tfi) Statesman's' HOME .
kVc.-ncn . . . Music . . . Fashions . . . Features
. 6-Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Tues., May 8, '56
) Jt.lTMK
EACH DAT . . . comes jnore
mwi ol Mimmer weddings, with
the June calendar already filling
up with dates . . , Miu Naa Miih
ler and Richard Unruh, whose
engagement was announced at
Chriitmas time, have set Satur-
- day, June fatfceir weddinf . . .
.The bride-elect U the daughter
of Mrs. Orager MUhler of Port
land and her fiance If the son of
' Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Unruh of
Salem . . . The ceremony will
take place in Portland at St.
Michaels and AH Ansel's Episco-'
pal Church with Father Georre
H. Turner officiating at the 4:30
'clock nuptial . t . a reception
Will fallow at the University
Club , . . ..- -Aa
etcltlng , . . yew Is (bead
for the couple as on Angnst 1
they will sail for Copenhagen,
Denmark, where Mr. Larah has
received milbright scholarship
to eeeUaoe his studies la arcbJ.
tectart . . . B will graduate
from Massacbasetts Institute of
Techaelegy la Jane . . Miss
Mlihler, who has beea la Boston
this winter, aad her fiance will
arrive In Oreeoa on J" S . . .
sea afte" tfclr wrrla-e. Mr.
I'arah will leve fo" nnwr
Imlnlng ram at Fart Belevolr,
Vl. t s T 1 i '
A J.U mMmt I J. I. obinned !
for Miss Betty Bishop and Ken
neth C. Moore, whose engage
ment wu also announced this
winter . . , The bride-elect is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Bishop and Mr. Moore Is the son
e-f Mr. and Mrs. J. Carey Moore
. . . The nuptials will be per
formed ob Juna 18 at the Cal
vary Baptist Church at S o'clock
with a reception following ia the
church parlors ... Mr. Moore is
completing his first year st the
University of Oreion I.sw SoM ' .
and will relve his B1 de-ree In
June, rlso his corfT!t'-.n m a
icotid lieutenant In the U. 8.
4 'mI'I- '.'!'
Make this
Discover,. the pleasure of
Packard Clipper performance
etfeel the reserve power of Packard Clipper's 275 h p.
V-8 Engine . . . the luxurious comfort of exclusive
Torsioa-Lerst Ridt. Discover the convenience of full
range Electronic Touch-Button Driving ... the extra
protection of Twin-Traction Safety Differential.
Discover all the other fine-car features you find only
In Packard TJIipper.
Ask us about our Unbeatable
Double Discovery Don!..
. 352 North High St.
Town ...
Air Force . . . later in the sum
mer the couple wil lgo to San An
tonio, Texas, where he will take
his basic training ... Mr. Moore
is a member of Phi Alpha Delta,
law fraternity ...
. Wedding bells ... will ring
Snnday, July 15 for Miss Je
anne Ellis, daughter f Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford K. Ellis, and Ger
ald H. Conrath, son ef Mrs. Ro
berta Cenrath of- Portland and
Earl Cenratb of St Helens . . .
the rouble will exchange their
vows at the Flrt Method
Church with Ihe Rev. B"--H
Moore peformia- the t o'clock
1 rites ... a reception will fellow
la the Can ier. Room
The bride-elect . . . will grad
uate from Lewis and Clark col
lege in June and will be teach
ing in Portland next year . . .
Mr. Conrath, who is presently
stationed fn Germany with the
7th U. S. Army Band, will arrive
in the states June IS and will be
released from active duty . . .
He plans to continue his studies
at Lewis and Clark College in the
fall ...
A are-anpllal .... shower ft
ored MI'S Dt'fle Sue Snenh-rd.
wh will h name in 5-rno
Dimea!U la Jut. Fr cVv ii;t
When Mf. tlarrv Rowe ettertnlied
at her D Street . . . Thirty
relatives aad frieads ef the two
families surprised the bride-t-be
with a gift and recipe shower , . .
May baskets filled with spring
flewers decanted the rooms . . .
Mrs. Rawe waa assisted la serving
by Mrs. E. E. Beriag and a group
ef the bride-elect's friends . . .
A due christealag .... was held
at St. Paul's Episcopal Church re
cently 'for Christopher Earl and
Kitty SneH. ehildrer- of Dr. and
Mr?. William E. 5ne'l of pnrttrml.
The Per. Cssr-f H. S ift
effirir H at tr cc "Trm- "d
u ed wiler ' ft rM hm the
River crdan by t!ie cltiMuns"
Fashion Modeling
Oregon Room,
Stmt Floor -12:15
to 1:30 P. M.
and thrill to the finest car in the medium-price field
Phont 37802
Enjoy "TV READER'S DIGESTH-7:00 P.M., Mondays KLOR-TV, Channel 12
To Celebrate
On May 13
- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Luti will
celebrste their goldea wedding
anniversary oa Sunday, May 13
at a reception at the Knights of
Columbus Hall between 2 and 3
o'clock. Friends of the couple
J i , ; 1 ..( J IL -k.
the press to call during the aft -
in tne morning me coupie win
be honored at a celebrant mass
at St. Vincent dePaul Catholic
Church at 10:30 a m.
The couple's marriage took
place in Aberdeen, S D. on May
14. 1906 and they came to Ore
gon 48 years ago. They have re
sided in Salem for 20 years.
The goldenweds have four chil
dren. Mrs. William Stalp of Scotts
Mills, Mrs. Theresa La Roche of
Salem, Jerome Lutx of Paris, 111.
and Leonard Lutz of Corvallis.
There are 9 grandchildren and
one great grandchild.
The Intermediate Girl Scouts
will hold a skating party Wednes
day afternoon, May B at 4 p.m. at
Sk&tf land. All troops are- invited
to attend and work on their skat
ing badge.
LINCOLN - The Lincoln Good
Will Club will meet on Thursday,
May 10 for a 1:30 dessert luncheon
at the home of Mrs. Sara A. Hack
ed, 1740 N. 20th Street, Salem.
grandparents .... Folowing the
christening a dinner was held at
the home of the grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry
the occasion abo celebrating the
birthdays Milton L. Meyers.
Mrs. Daniel J Fry Jr.. Dana and ' "e rew im is music smr-
Bili Snt'll ami Mr.;. Willi;im E. "rnp A"ie'ican War Mothers of Airli'or um at 7: 15 pm
Snell '. . . Dr. Sr.eH's mothe . Mrs. Salem will dedicate a silk tree and Thp f(!wing s;udcnts will ap-
Karl Sncll, was also present for bronze plaque in honor ot Mrs p,.ar Sehurn, Linda Bates,
the christening and dinner . . . Mabel A. Lock wood, past national i.inda York. Pamela Kennedy.
Aa reveir parlies .... the president of the American War Robert Schwiesow. Susan McGee,
agenda for Mrs. Elmore H1U aad Mothers, on Thursday afternoon pat stivers, Karen Lee, Jane Ro
Mrs. Richard A. Meyer, who areon ln Pst rflce grounds. Theerts, Ann Haworth, Jayanne Har-
leaving May 14 by plane far Ger
many te visit their daughters . . .
Mrs. Hill will be with her daugh
ter, Shirley, who is employed by
the Stars aad Stripes la Darmstadt
aad Mrs. Meyer will visit her
daughter, Roberta, who is en
gaged ia recreational werh with
the t.S. Government in Slultart
. , . The'crs plna te re rwav
tv..i miillr. visi'me e'lx-r f.
?' i c.l' :': ; . . .
,i ,"ir ... v I'l l;'c
?ic. i n 'i'iiu. sjo- w.'en Mrs
Cano:l Ford and Mrs. Crrl .ai
entertain in the Oregon Room al
Meier ana r rank s . . . maucn to
the bon voyage party for Mrs.
Meyer are Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Claude
Post, Mrs. B. E. Owens, Mrs, L. V.
Benson, Mrs. Henry A. Simmons,
Mrs. Robert Driscoll. Mrs. Hubert
Ashby of Stayton, Mrs. William
J. Braun, Mrs. Bradley Burkland,
and Mrs. C. Lester Newman
vl ..
annul nas inviieu lew ui irt:'wi. v,. ioss, iwaiu.aain , v?
; immediate neighbors to coffee to Jack D. Slides, commander of
say farewell to Mrs. Hill . . . Post 9, American Legion.
A haslets .... Wednesday will The Rev. Julian Keiscr of the
be Mrs. Charles Weeber, whe Is First Congregational Church will
entertaining a (reap ef friends al give the opening prayer and Ron
luneheoa aad bridge at her Hanson ' aid Craven will sing, "Trees".
Avenue home . . . Covers will he Mrs. Prather will unveil the
placed for Mesdamrs Horace Mr- plaque and Mrs. E. E. Bergman
Gee, Charles Campbell, Mayaard will make a few remarks. Mrs
Shlffrr, C. Ranald Hadkins, Mai- Howard Hunsaker will introduce
com Marsh, Charles Cray, S. 1). ' - -
Richard Taggesell, Donald
Beardslry, Edward Vandrrhoef, I
Thad Moreland and George Sehuak j
Entertaining .... her study club '
today will be Mrs. Prince W.
Byrd, who has invited the group
to her Chemeketa Street home for
a t o'clock luncheon ... I
Junior Cooks Will Star
Iv f v. .
! f 1 , " ,
f ' - ;
for Mom . . . the litile girl's blender is an exact duplicate of
Mom's and comes with the large one as a special gift gimmick
for Mother's Day. The small blender is battery operated and
is just the thing for youngsters to use in making cookies and
corn bread for mother.
War Mothers
To Dedicate
CjlL TrgaO
ceremony is scneauiea ior 2 p.m.
on the south side of the building
with members of Salem Chapter 1,
Mrs. Martin Viesko, president, in
charge. The public is invited to
attend the service.
Mrs. Lockwood has been an ac-
five member of the War Mothers
tor 31 years, serving as cnapter
pre ic-l in IW9. sla.e presife-!t
1 1 ! 3, . and ra ennl pre' den!
" .
PriivT. a pr t
it,-' i!e-: n,' le S:i!im War Mo
thers, is in charge ol arran
mt,ni, (or the ceremony. The
scriplion on the bronze plaque is
"This tree dedicated to Mabel A
Lockwood, national president,
1952-53, by American War Mothers,
Chapter 1, Salem.
SeaaUr Hatfield Will Speak
State Senator Mark O. Hatfield
will make the dedication address.
iTk. k. tj i.'pwi". uirKuus vjarurn. .iirs.
LT7n:: 1
hw i n v
Discover... the deal that can
put you in a Packard Clipper
Come in now -while we arc going- all-cnt on trade-in
allowances, the highest in our history! You'll see how
easily you can move up to the car your famijy will lie
proud to own'. . . value leader of the line that is increas
ing in resale value faster than any other.
Packard Clipper
i'Y y v' -
r i . ft. W. . 'J
Final in Series of
Recitals Tonight
! The last in a series of monthly
recitals will be preeritef1 tonight
hv the Salem Frdcralrd Music
vey, Catherine Schnelker, Patricia
Aman. Jude Neilson, Gordon Bir
rell, Peter Jepsen, Larry Grime's,
Karen Linn, Lewie Davies, Kar
lene Quistad, Sharon Muller, Jona
than West, Arthur McEldownew,
Carol Stettler, Patricia Whelan.
Teachers are Baptist Youlh
choiri j0js P. Schmidt. Lu-tll
W;ait, Mrs V. B. Palmason. Vic
almayn. Klir.-'-c'h .lep-
nv. M.- fy(!f ('! it.. S..T-! y
V.v.:h . .Mrs. Ca-l'sV Ro rrs.
Uir'la Tra; i . S.k.i;! lu-sr.
Acsdemy, Margaret liny:. Dal
hert Jepsen. (icneviexe Micken-
ham, Ruth Robinson. Irene J By
ers, Jean H. Rich. Frederick Wil
son, Wallace Graham, Feme Cra
ven and Ruth Bedford.
the guests and Mrs. Mary Addie
Curtis, a longtime member of the
War Mothers will read an original
' will also make a few
remarks and the Rev. George II
Swift of St. Paul's F.piscopal
Church will give the benediction
Ol Ail Rinds. Trusses.
Abdominal Supports.
Elastic Hosierv Eipert
Fitters Private Fitting
"Ask four Doctor"
Capital Drug Store
405 State Street
Corner of l.ibertv
Z'W tireen Stamps
Salem, Oregon
Mrs. Tartar1 Elected President
Garden Club for Ensuing Year
Garden Editor, The Stateunaa
Mrs. A. R. Tartar, who has served as secretary this past year,
was elected president of the Salem Garden Club at its annual busi
ness meeting held Monday afternoon at the Salem Woman's Club
House. Mrs. Kerby E. Johnson is the retiring president.
Miss EdUh Schryver is the new first vice-president: Mrs. Chester
Chase, second vice-president; Mrs. Martin, secretary: and Mrs.
Richard Upjohn, treasurer. i
Mrs. Johnson announced the' ' ,
garden visit Wednesday afternoon rriniltv T NO
from 2 to S o'clock, when Mrs. 1 . 1 ,yj
P. L. Brown will open, her gar-
dens at 312 McClaine Street, Sil-
verton. The Sflverton members of.
the Salem club will assist Mrs.
Brown as hostesses in the garden
and are also olannine a Dlant sale!
for the benefit of the club. All
club members were asked to bring
plants for the sale.
Mrs. Brown, in her Garden
Chatter, which has been a favorite
part of each month's program this
winter, talked on wild flowers
An unusual arrangement of pink
dogwood, bronze tulips and bronze
foliage, in an antique copper cof-
fee pot. won first prize for Mrs.
Walter Smith in the day's arrange-
mcnts. Mrs. Howard Hunsaker's
arrangement won second, and
able Sr5 Mr,HS
ard I'pjohn, Mrs. H. M. Borad
bent and Mes. 11. G. Carl. There
were 28 arrangements made for
the day.
Surprise Table for a Bride
The surprise table, by Mrs.
George Glisar, arranged for a
bridal shower featured a three-
tier wedding cake, made of paper, -Irwin, a sophomore history
and hollow inside, to receive the major, was last seen in Noel Cow
Kil;s White lilv-of-the-vallev and ard's "Fumed Oak." He is the son
white tapers completed the decor-
ation on a white linen cloth.
Miss Ellen Quail announced Sa
lem's first Bejjonia and Fuchsia
show for August 11 and 12 at the
South Salem High School patio.
Mrs. Ray Claggett will be chair
man. Mrs. Charles Cole was named
delegate to the state garden club
federation meeting at Ontario in
June. One of the officers will also
represent the Salem club,
Mrs. Phil Brady. Portland ama
teur fuchsia gardener, spoke on
fuchsia culture She also showed
.many of the n;'w varieties. hi h
she h:id picked from- h: r own c
trriv e c- lie t.'in.
I'o'.irms .at the tea tahle. i en
tered with an arrangement n! li
lacs and lilac-shaded and pink
tapers, were Mrs. Charles Cole
and Mrs. Morrell Crary.
A 1 1 r
' .
I PpfltTI
"I lv?LIIU
i The Willamette University Fac
julty trio, including Willis Gates,
violin, C. Allen Gove, celo and
Ralph Dobbs, piano, wil appear in
recital at the Fine Arts Building
auditorium on Wednesday night at
ofjMS o'clock. The program is free,
1 and the public is invited to at-
The following program will be
.Conrto in t Major TtWm.nn
Tno in e .vrnior k sis vtomrt
ln10f Ma)nr' Schubfrl
LcHg Role
PORTLAND Joe Irwin, Salem,
will play a leading role in "The
Romance of the Willow Pattern,"
to be presented in Fir Acres thea
ter on the Lewis and Clark College
campus May 11. The final play of
the spring, it will be a benefit for
new equipment for the college the-
nl nl Mrs. Earle P. Irwin,
879 N. Cottage Street.
A. O. Smith
The Finest in
Grs Heating by
C jy Keat'ng Co.
"First in Gas Heating in
Salrm Since 1935"
Free Surveys and Estimates
225 Division St. Ph. 3-4822
Hgjggl he feels good
...he's got money
in the
V; J??
Mrs. Lusthoff to
! LIBERTY Mrs. Carl Bell en
tertained the Liberty Woman's
Club at a dessert luncheon on
Thursday at her home on W.
Browning Ave. Mrs. Ben Graves
was the assisting hostess.
Mrs. William Lusthoff was
elected president of the group,
Mrs. Nina Browning, vice-president,
and Mrs. Florence Toler,
Mrs. Harold Rosebraugh re
ported on the meeting of the
Marion County Federation. Mrs.
The Salem Federated Mule
clubs will hold their monthly
meeting at the Wills Music Co. on
Wednesday, May 9 at 10 a m.
The Mary aad Martha Guild will
meet Thursday at St. John's Luth
eran Church for a 12:30 dessert
luncheon with a meeting following.
k iff .
FIGHT HIDDEN HUNGER) tntjont Iqcm the threat of "hidden
hungei" the partial vitamin dtficiency that saraly 9tt you
"nek", but drains away youi vitality to slowly, ao ralnt!itly
you don't iali2 whal'i happening. Fight this hiddta. ctMplng
nervation that loavoi vitamin-doliewnt pooplo flina worn out
. . . robbod ol htalth. Fight it with OlA-BF.RON-12. lh amazing
new vitamin formula that may aid you to gain the lull mtaturt
ol health and happiness ... the teal surging vitality that should
be yours. Don 1 delay. . get OLA BERON-12 today!
with th purchase) ef
boHle ef IOO
Main Store: 405 State St., Corner of liberty
Prescription Shop: 617 Chemeketa
'ou'll feel pond, too, with a savings account
at First National Bank, Orgon'sifavorite
place to save. Try it. Just set aside a little
each paulay, and watch those savings
grow! Remember, there's no substitute
for a bank savings account.
mn suns oircoN rocirHii"
Head Club
Howard Gardner aooke on th
parking area fund for the Salem
' U.i.kl. . J It B-l
nciKliu, auu urs. nuiana aeager
on the proposed bond issue for
the Liberty-Salem Heights fire
district fire house.
Plans were made for the club
picnic to be held on May 24 at
the home of Mrs. Wilbert Kurth.
There will be an installation of
fop-speed relief for
sour stomach, (as.
cid indigestion
With Gvsbllina Ml
Liver, Irai