t HOUSES AUTHORIZED Seven building permits, including two (or now houses, were issued Monday. They were taken by V. A. Simpson (or a new one-story house and garage at 3225 Balsam St., cost estimated at $13,500; W. E. Beaver, now one-story house and Mrace, 1363 D St.. $10,500; Louie Kong, store ateration, 685 S. 12th St., $1,300; Griffin Building, alter ation, 605 Chemcketa St.. $400; Robert H. Magill, house and ga rage, 340 Tyron Ave., $300; R. W. Langs, garage alteration. 1130 E. Rural St.. $265; amt Mrs. Ellen House, house and garage reroof lng, 310 N. 19th St., $150. Dental plates repaired while you wait at Painless Parker Dentist. 125 N. Liberty. Salem. CHAIR BIRNS AT SCHOOL Fire at the Oregon Deaf School, Locust and Laurel Streets, de stroyed an overstuffed chair and caused smoke-damage to a second door room of a teachers' cottage about p.m. Sunday, Salem fire men reported. Automatic water heaters at lower cost. Judson'i 179 N. Com.l. (adv.) Public Records CIRCl IT COl'RT Awanda Esther Methvin vs. Cur tis L. Methvin: Suit for divorce by plaintiff alleges cruel and inhuman treatment; seeks $300 monthly support and property settlement. Married Sept. 30, 1940, at Van couver, Wash. State vs. Allen LeRoy Luke: Probation revoked and defendant sentenced to Oregon State Peniten tiary for 18 months. State vs. George Albert Bur rouchs: Defendant pleaded guilty to charge of forgery; court order ed pre-sentence investigation. Betty Irene Dennis vs. George Edward Dennis: Suit for divorce by plaintiff alleges cruel and in human treatment; seeks order re storing former name of Betty Irene Bushnell. Married June I, 1951, at Salem. Donald James Tunison vs. Bev- erly A. Tunison: Divorce decree , awarded to plaint iff : defendant's former name of Beverly A. Keske restored Stale vs Pete Benjamin Kombs Defendant waived neht to Rrand j'iry investisatinn and pleaded guil ty to charge of obtaining money by false pretenses: pre-sentence in vestigation ordered Joseph I. and Klsie G. Myers vs. Joe M. and Esther Challender and Merchants Credit Bureau of Salem: Civil suit based on alleged failure of defendants Challender to com plete payments 0 n promissory note; plaintiffs seek judgment of $1,713 and mortgage foreclosure. Patricia Lou Dahlstrom vs. Ron ald Bruce Dahlstrom: Suit for di vorce by plaintiff alleges cruel and Inhuman treatment; seeks divorce decree, custody of and $35 month ly support for child, and property ,n y sa settlement. Married Sept. 14. 1953. Matms Bros revl,lutionarv Johns at Vancouver. Wash. Manville roofing shingles. 4-6831. State vs. Walter S. Lamkin: Do-1 (adv.) fendant pleaded guilty to charge of embezzlement; pre-sentence inves-,' "l BCAPS STOLEN ligation ordered and case continued- The" "fhree hubcaps from a to Mav 21 for sentence rar Parll('d at ms home was r(" George Fredericks vs. Clarence P" ,0 Police Monday morning T r.lnHHrn u-.nMnn f th fvn,,n h.v Norman E. Cooke, Lee Apts. - " slate prison: Writ of habeas corpus Issued to defendant ordering that plaintiff be brought to court May I'RORVTE COl'RT Estate of Sherman I.. Gardner, deceased Order approves estate's final account and authorizes dis tribution Estate of Joseph F. Scherhring. iniij-.ru uiuer approves esiaies final account and authorizes distn- billion. i DISTRICT COt RT Richard R Kidd. Newport, pre liminary hcarins on two charges of unauthorized use of motor ve hicle set for Wednesday, bail con tinued at St.iOO on each charge. Dave Marlow, McMinnville. ; pi t-v pleaded innocent to charge of driv- cllC Ul'lVlll Ing while intoxicated: trial set for- Wednesday: bail set at $250. ... , . Bumper stickers are being flis- MARRIAGE LICENSE tributed as part of a safe driving APPLICATIONS program conducted by Alfred O. Ronald William Hall, 23. legal Quesseth Chapter 305, Military Or- secretary. 3495 Duncan Ave., and der of PurPle ,,part- Dolores June Farmen. 2.1. dicta-' "Three Pals Alcohol, Gasoline phone operator. 2880 Silverton Rd.land Death: Drive Carefully," warn Ml NICIPAL COI RT Warren l.ernv Green, 1595! ll'nlinM Ct f. I -K J- i imni-i .-ii., niiru 313 Kir driving ' wimp license suspended Daniel EiiEcne Harrison, Srntts.fur benefit of comb.it -wounded vol Mills, pleaded innocent to driv- j erans. announces Verne L. Ostran ing without an operator's license der. chairman of the campaign on his person and without a ! committee. Val .lean Davie is pros muffler; trial set June 22. j ident of the Salem chapter. f WHAT'S -) GOING -I op o o 9 HOLLYWOOD D:r5eff ! MAN'S TRIAL WEDNESDAY Trial was set for Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. for Dave Marlow, 44-year-old McMinnville farm la borer Monday after he pleaded Innocent in Marion County Dis- trict Court to a charge of driv-; they thought of beach and moun ing while intoxicated. Marlow tain retreats. Nowrthejniso think was arrested on the charge by State police Sunday on Hijhway 99E. District Judge Edward O. Stadter set bail at $250 SOMETHING NEW or something old can be advertised and sold through Classified. Ph. 4-6811 for ; the assistance of an ad-writer. BACK HI RT IN FALL Mrs. Billie Francisco, 24, of 1354 Norway St., was taken to Salem Memorial Hospital by Wilamette Ambulance after a fall on stairs about 9 a.m. Mon day at the State Capitol Build ing, where she is employed. She was under observation for pos sible back injuries Monday night, hospital attendants said. Fur storage at Lachelle't assures your furs the quality rare they need in refrigerated vaults. 1348 Ferry. (adv.) ARM BROKEN AT SCHOOL Terry Harrington, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harrington,. 1925 N. Church St., received a fracture of the left forearm in a collision j with another boy while play-in? 1 baseball during the noon hour Monday at Parrish Junior High School, first aidmen said. He was "feeling fine" Monday night in Sa lem General Hospital, his mother said. Are you contemplating re-styling your furs? Consult Ben Wittner at Lachelle't, 1348 Fery. (adv.) LEG GASHED IN FALL Robert Phillips, 2035 N. 4th St., was treated at Salem Me morial Hospital, where he was taken by fellow workmen, for a leg gash received in a fall from a truck about 2:15 p.m. Monday near State and Cottage Streets, where he is employed in con struction at the Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph Co. plant. Attention; All East Salem prop erty owners. Special hearing Wed., May 9, 10:30 a m. at Marion Co. Courthouse to consider water district. (adv.) I CARS DAMAGED Two cars received minor damage in a rear-end collision about 8 ",fl a.m. Monday at Fairgrounds Road and Highland Avenue, police said Drivers were listed as Cora May Wright. 2m Y Church St.. anil John Randolph Fray, Dallas Route I, Box 454. For mother 5x7 framed enlarge ment from your own negative, 59c. McEwan Hollywood Photo shop. (adv.) TRICK WIRING BURNS Fireman put out a blaze under the dashboard of a Northwest Natural Gas company pickup truck about 3:10 p.m. Monday at Commercial and Court streets. Damage was confined to wiring, said. i nsightly facial hair removed safely, permanently Beauty Salon. Ph. 3-5839. Price's ladvi CEREMONY SET Second degree initiation cere monies will be held by Salem Odd Fellows Lodge Wednesday evening following the regular lodge meet- inp at 0()F na A foMow th, f(.remoni(,s. lunch will iBnmper Tajjs Promoting 1 the stickers. Officials say purpose of the drive is to curtail accidents on highways ant streets Money raised from ale of the stickers will he used SOME LUCKY COUPLE WILL WIN! IT COULD BE YOU! Park Facility Demand Said On Increase In earlier years when . Salem area folk thought of recreation, of the city s parks. Park facilities are in increasing demand by outdoor-lovers and picnic groups, according to Walter Wirth. suDerintendenl of citv :parks j i ast vear 17 wouds totalinf 7.11s persons registered with the park department for use of facil-j itics, figures from Wirth's office; show. Not included in the figures! were the countless individuals and familys who made use of such! popular spots as Bush and Engle- wood parks. Moat la Drraaad Largest and most in demand is Bushs Pasture an inviting re treat of woodlands on the city's! south side, which caters to bigger; picnic ventures. ' j Expectations are that registered picnic groups, this spring and sum mer will top last year't figures, Wirth says. Wirth points out that picnic tables have to be alloted on a first come, first served basis. He urges groups planning use of facilities to register as early as possible so schedules can be worked out to avoid congestion. Complete Facilities Persons on picnic ventures at city parks this year will find com plete facilities including elec tric hot plates at Bush and Englewood. Other city parks with picnic fa cilities are Pringle, Marion and West Salem. The city also main tains an array of other parks in cluding Willson, Highland, Lee, Mill, Royal, Fairmount and Canda laria. Traffic Toll in State at 35 During April Thirty-five people were killed in Oregon traffic accidents during April. The April toll wiped out the state's previously reported reduc tion in traffic deaths and brought the four-month count to 113, ten more than for the same period in 1955. Last year, only 20 street and highway mishaps were counted in ' the state during April State safety officials warned that the sharp upsurge of deaths in April was "only a forerunner of what might happen during the upcoming months of heavy vaca tion traffic." Oregon's record for April brought the state more in line with a national trend which shows deaths running aooui n per ceniSaiem General Hospital. aneaa oi iasi year. The National Safety Council has1 warned in telegrams to all state governors that to hold the nation's 1956 traffic toll below the all-time i record made in 1941, it is nec- essary to reduce the monthly v- erase y 300 deaths each month for the rest of the year. Probation of Man Violated; Pen Results Failure to comply with the rules of his probation resulted Monday in a Salem man being sentenced to 18 months in the state prison. Allen LeRoy Luke, 20, 1710 N. Capitol St., was arrested on a Marion County warrant lilt Thursday charging violation of the probation on which he had been placed in August, 1954. At that time he had pleaded guilty to a charge of larceny. Luke's probation was revoked by Judge George Duncan when it was found he wrote four checks with insufficient funds, failed to file his monthly reports with parole and probation boards, and neglected to keep his probation officer informed of his activities and employment. Bronze razors were manufactured in several ancient civilizations. DON'T BE A HUMAN GUINEA PIG! NOT YET FOR AWHILE. WHEN IT COMES TO POISON FLUORIDES, LET'S EXPERIMENT ON WHITE RATS. YOU ARE THE COURT OF LAST RESORT Vote: NO-AGAIN On Fluoridation Pd Pol. Adv. by Oregon. Citizen'i Council, Inc. P.O. Box 652 Salem, Ore, Gordon E. Tower. Secretary Vet Chitf Visits Salem if M - et jNatiaaal Cammaafer at the Veteran is abave (right) talkiM with R, J. Baldwia, Salem barracks commander, la fraai ( City Had Moaday afteraaoa. MUlea, from Wateiiswa, N. Y spent the day here visiting state officials and Na tional Guard aad Veterans' offices. (Staleimaa Photo) (Story page 2) Convention of DeMolaytoBe Held in Salem A state convention of DeMolay : is expected to bring 800 youths to saiem next year, saiem tnamDer of Commerce reported Monday. The chamber's convention reser vation bureau received the word from R. L. Rolow, Salem, who re turned from this year's conclave in La Grande of the statewide youths' fraternal organization. Exact dates will be announced later. The conclave probably will be held in May. Births SMOI.EN-To Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Smolen, 230 Delmar Dr., a son, Monday, May 7, at Salem Memor ial Hospital, RVECKER To Mr. and Mrs. Curtis H. Ruecker. 3440 Neef St., a son, Sunday, May (, at Salem General Hospital. ESHLEMAN To Dr. and Mrs. Donald B. Eshleman, 2605 Cherry (Ave., a son, Monday, May 7, at GIESECKE To Mr. and Mrs. Eberhard Giesecke. 2105 University st- a snn' Monday. May 7. at Salem General Hospital. sf Hi LTHESS-To Mr. and Mrs. ,,. . sehnlthP a son. Monday. May 7, at Salem General Hospital. BRADY-To Mr. and Mrs. Ben jamin Brady, 1615 Tierra Dr., a son. Monday, May 7, at Salem General Hospital. I'LLMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Ger aid A. fllman. 820 N. Front St., a daughter, Monday, May 7, at Salem General Hospital. It's a liis Week! I 1 ' TOR THE BIGGEST I ( 1EAL IN I I 10ME APPLIANCES j J I TELEVISION f WarM Wa I. Harry J. MUlea Nurse Awarded IGA Prize Car Winner of the grand prize of a 1956 Chevrolet station wagon, awarded in conjunction with the 3rd Annual IGA Food Fair and Carnival, was Mrs. Ruth M. Nor A -I coil cir.,i;n rj ciAn. she WM presnted tne kev, , by Ed Klippert, director of ad vertising and promotions for IGA Stores. Mrs. Nordal is a nurse at Salem Memorial Hospital. She has been driving a 1946 automo bile. South Salem Student Wins Scholarship Gary Anderson, son of the Har old L. Anderson's of Salem Route I and student body president of South Salem High School, is the recipient of a three-year term tui tion scholarship to Oregon State College. Anderson's high school activities include membership in National Honor society. Athletic honor so ciety, "S" club and A. A. Stagg. In college Gary will major In liberal arts. Five other South Salem High stu dents received honor certificates for outstanding achievents in their high school years. They were Ca role McFarland, Jerry Carlcton, Carolyn Joyce Johnston, Joan Klienke, Donna Meyer. In 1850 U.S. farms produced one third of the gross national product compared with one-seventeenth to day. (ME1IQ13IS Board to Eye Location for jNew Hospital The State Emergency Board will be called to meet in Salem soon to consider the site for the proposed $14 million State Hos pital at Wilionville. Gov. Elmo Smith said Monday. The Board o( Control approved purchase of the site last Friday, but the deal can't become (inal until the Emergency Board ap proves it. Gov. Smith said that two minor details have to be worked out yet.. One is that the $250,000 pur chase prices must be reduced by $500 to come within the legisla ture's appropriation. The other detail is that the landowners want to harvest the timber on the land. Gov. Smith said the board would give per mission to cut the trees only if it doesn't interfere with the beauty of the site. The hospital will contain 1,500 beds. The 1955 Legislature ap propriated $6,300,000 to build the first unit of 450 beds. W. W. Joslin's Services Set Services for Wallace W, Joslin. 2flB0 Berry St., who died Sunday at the age of 34. will be 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in Clough-Barrick cha pel, John Fankhauser and Oscar Brown officiating. Burial will be in Belcrest Memorial Park. Joslin. who died of a heart at tack while driving on Center Street, leaves his widow, Mrs. Evelyn Joslin. and three sons, Gary, Ran dall and Larry Joslin, all of Salem: mother, Mrs. Elsie Joslin, Wood burn: sister. Mrs. ,'anet Galliher. Woodburn: and niece. Miss Sandra Galliher, Woodburn. Born at Elk, Wash., Aug. IS, 1921, he moved with his parents to Oregon at the age of two. He mov ed to Salem from Woodburn about seven years ago. A Wald War II veteran, he was a member of South Salem Friends Church. Salem WU Alumni To Plan for Picnic Plans for the annual nienir of the Salem alumni groi'p of Willam ette I'niversity will be discussed at a meeting Thursday at I d m. in the recreation room of Doney Hall. Dr. Allen Ferrin. oresident of the club, has invited all Willamette alumni living in the Salem area to attend the meeting, which will also form the group's other plans (or the coming year. We're mad about MOTHER! We're staging a real CELEBRATION all this week in her honor I VJIVV LUUMVI ? MOTOROLA TV I fo show nr you con 365 days a ytarl I This week we'll make you the deal of I a lifetime! i Big Trade-in Allowancet-we need 17" I TVs f I Salem'i easiett credit term! mm COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS All Week Long! MODERN APPLIAM 1141 South Commarcisl Hearing for Arsonist Planned Wednesday A preliminary hearing for Rich-! ard Ray Kidd. Portland arsonist, was set for Wednesday following his appearance Monday in Mar ion County District Court on two charges of unauthorized use of motor vehicles. The 12-year-old Kidd was arrest State Boards Vital, Says Gov. Smith Oregon's various state boards and commissions play a vital role in government, Gov. Elmo Smith said Monday in a talk be-' fore Salem Chamber of Com merce. Nearly 500 . citizens are ap pointed to such boards by the governor and all but three of the 101 commissions and boards serve without pay. Gov. Smith said the paid ones are the Tax Commission, Industrial Accident Commission and Unemployment Compensation Commission. Citizen participation in gov ernment through all these boards contribute greatly to Oregon's reputation for political integrity in its state government, the gov ernor iverred. He Mid the state wouldn't be able to obtain on a full-time basis men of such high caliber as those who serve on the voluntary boards part-time, because of their own earning power. The state boards in general serve to help form official pol icy and administer laws. Gov. Smith told his audience of nearly 200 at a Marion Hotel luncheon that in a sense he ap peared before -the business group at "manager of Salem's bigeest Industry." He reminded the group that the state employs 6,430 people in Salem, among its 20,654 employ es over the state. Monthly pay roll for Salem Is about $1,700, 000. Service Station l0e $50 Sum to Burglar Theft of $.10 to $15 in silver from lvie's Richfield Service Station, $76 S. Commercial St., was report ed to police Monday morning by Charlej H. Ivie, owner. The front door to the station had been Jimmied and padlocked cup board doors forced to get at the money, apparently between 4 and 7 a.m., police Mid. IIIU JU IUI UIjU mmsm VXJf?. OPEN EVERY NITE UNTIL (ENTER Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., May 8, "56 (Sec I)-5 ed on the charge by state police last Friday after he was declared) sane and released by stale hospital authorities. Kidd was committed to the hos pital as insane in 19."4 following his arrest and confession to des troy, ng more than $500,030 worth of property that be kindled. The Marion County car charges involve two automobiles he illegal ly drove after escaping from the hospital s criminally insane ward March 9 of this year. District Judge Edward O. Stadter contin ued bail at $1,500 on each charge. FBIProhes Two Men in Cheek Counts Circuit Judge George Duncan1 Monday delayed sentencing two, men who confessed their guilt in-i volving check charges, oendlngj a pre-sentence investigation and; report from the FBI. George Albert Burroughs, 44, 3456 Abrims St., pleaded guilty to a charge of forgery, while 34-year-old Pele Benjamin Kombs, Twin Falls, Idaho,' gave a similar plea concerning obtaining money by false pretenses.. Burroughs was arrested on the charge April 25. Kombs was ex tradited here May 1, following his arrest in Idaho on a Marion County warrant. ROTHWEILER SERVICE Funeral services for Charles W. Rottweiler, 46S S. 20th St., who died Sunday at the age of 71, will be 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in Clough Barrick chapel, the Rev. Louis White officiating. Burial will be in Belcrest Memorial Tark. APPLIANCES . SSI Cafttar St. OPEN MONDAY AND i - o L'lllllU V PS'. TV fi,,. .n,T wm luj&s Tj "2 10 P.M. Phon. 4-9353 Mrs. Howlarid r H i - Word was received hen of th4 death Saturday in Newport of Mrs: . (1 1 I f e.lu, aai ' Salem Heignu renaenx. ne re portedly had beta uder medical care since a hert attack ia March. -Mrs. Rowland grew ue ia Salem . and was graduated from East Salem School in 183$' She moved to Seattle, Wash., but returned la live ia the Salem Heights District -I A , t -IVJna mJ I. B, Huwtand. she was employed at a clerk in the Secretary at State ofiice. sn movea w Newport ll. Services win be I p.m. Wednes day in Newport, with burial ia Portland. Avthmztd PEN REPAIR p.,, nsiMwf ; AU HN$ by , . w . Mf writing b1 - NEEDHAM'S 8 tall aery Offke Supaliet 465 Sum Street, 8a teat, Oregaa . . TELEVISION ' f MW TODAY lAJLTOIFJt for- - : Ju$t Call 4-9353 W will call at your hema and ap praisa your Trsda in. No abligstian.