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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1956)
600 Employment 700 Rcntib 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate BOO Real Estate " 800 Real Estate 800 Real Entatg Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tuesn May 8, "56 (Sec IT-! km worn aiedUtery. TrmHl to Mosei nanasraeni. nr mkmi m Urnw write r.O. Boa Ha Portland. if YOU like to draw, sketch er paint write for Islent Test (ns feel. Give at aadasecuna boo, Statesman-Journal Rex. URGENTLY NEEDED Men 1$-21 to train m telegraph operators for railroads. Mutt be physically fit. ' Trunin dees aot interfere with pres ent work. CL epproved. Ararat PT $3S. Write Box 14, 8tatesmsn-Journl. 700 Rentals 702 SUtp. Rooms, lourd wanted Mu to toom ud ooara. no n. ispitoi WAN TED Man to roan (nd board 28 N. Capitol CLEAN, quiet, near Suit bldg., jhop Dial, hit privet 2-1448, DOWNTOWN, nice front sleep room. Hot at cold water. 44 Center. SLEEPING mi. for 1 or 1 790 N. Church. Ph. 2-4305 KICELY furn. room. Clou in. 838 N. Winter. MEN. TV. den as pvt nil IMS N CapitoL Ph. 4-lJ4. T. V. SLEEPING rm. friendly home, man, $30 board 1-720 HOME away from home. Pack lunchei. Men. 10U N. Ilh. CLEAN, warm rmt T V . riots In 218 3 Winter 2:172S. REAS. attractive rmt. rinse In. priv. ent 1-7481. 4-7867. 703 Wonted Rmi., Boord MCE 4-rm. turn apt. 1U1 N. Cotlai. Ph. 3-8783. 705 AportmnM For Rent I RM. turn., pvt. bath. util. pd., lar. avail. 1543 Slate. S RM. furn. apt., prlv. bath A ent. Suitable for cpl. 1 1 12MIII. CLEAN 3-rm. front apt. Ground fir . refng.. stove tt utilities turn. piiv.bath. Ph 3-7145. $30 Newly decorated small apt.. close in. lady prefer, utll. paid. 843 Ferry, Ph. 3-4537. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apts. , 550 N. Summer. 2-820$ Il'RNISHED barheler A 1 bdrm. ApU. 2138 Falrfroundi Rd. Ph. 2-212 before 8 P.M or 1-8480 after P.M. DESIRABLE nicely fum., quiet, aleam heated apt. Adulta. 559 N. Winter. Ph. 3-5533 or 3-8341, CLEAN 3 rm. furn. pvt. bath 837 50. Adulte81lNCom,l. I RM. furn. apt. 839. SouthTph! 2-7945. FURN. apt., a team heat, phone, washing facilities 4-8081. t RMS. furn., pvt bath, near Memorial Hoep. A SUIe Bldgs 940 Mill. $30 to SH0 furn. 1 rma. pvt. hatha. Adulta. 1878 N Capitol. t'ERY desirable unfurn. apt with view. Lari living room, 2 bedroom, strictly modern, too. 3183 8, Com'!, Ph. 4-8.12. iOR t bdrm. fun, court apta All utU fum. Weekly or monthly rates. Ph. 3-8733. Large s rm.' furn. apt. close in so. ph. 4-3661. CLEAN 1 rm. turn, bem't utlls, pvt bath. 1111 N. 18th. 3-7841. NEWLY decorated 1 bdrm mod ern furn. court apt 981. W Salem. Ph. 4-4171 or it 1-9743. I RM. furn. apt for rent 091 N. Winter. FURN. pullman apt., adulta. 1545 N. Capitol Ph. 1-8008. FURN. rl RM. apt with bath. Vacant $th. 835 N. Summer. NICE 3 RM. furn. apt Prlv. ent. A bath. 300 S. 22nd. FURN. 1 rm. bachelor apt 122J Chemekets. 3-7054 FURN. court. 17 50 wk. or 830 mo. 1344 Lee. 4-8912 1-RM. furn.,vvt bath, ent., utll. pd. 829 1820 Ferry. Ph. 4-8157. BACHELOR apt, all utll. fur nished. 990 Union Ph. 3-8301. BASEMENT turn , blk to Capl tnl. util. pd. 830. 1-8254. XFWLY dec. furn Close to State Bide. 1-8107. 325S.Wlnter1 FURN. ptTVitU. pit Close In" Ph 4-5332 after 8 Pm. COURT Apts. (Court i Cot lace) offer downtown quiet apis., from 842 50 to 858. Ph. .1-7440. IM FLOOR. 3 large rooms, bath, laundry, quiet area, rent rea sonable. S!5 S. 18th. 2 RM Utll.-furn-pvt. bath, ent. refng. 735 S. 13th. Adults. CI.OSF. In. clean. 4 rm. bath, utility rm oil heat, garage bus. 2-5513 CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. 115 Chemeketa St Ph S-8630 CLEAN 3 room court apt. King wood Courts. 3rd St W. Sa lem Laundry facilities Ph. 4-8514 morn, or eves, after 8. 1JNFURN- 1 bdrm. court apt. Range, reMg. suburb 2-2908 2 RMS, bath, nice elothes clos et close In, Including util. 837 50. 404 S. High Ph 2-4048 LARGE lst-flr. clean furn. apt. fireplace, auto, neat; near Capltnl. Adults. 1-4505 : 2-5272 FURNi apt. 853 N. High. Ph 3-3419. QUIF.T off street. 1 bdrm. court w'gar., stove At refng. Furn, Ph. 4-5(159 SMALL attractive furn Also 2 bdrm. bsmt. furn. 34R N Uth COZY 2-hdrm. furn. Aot , out side entrance, pvt bath, util 850 3-6236. Hollywood Dlst. ATTRACTIVE 3 "rm. ground fir Close In. 870 N. Churclv 2-BDRM apt., range Si refrlg. furn. Salvador Apts. Ph. 1-3841 RF.DEC. 2 bdrm. furn. apt., no children. Outside ent. Ai gar den spot, good location. Ph. 3-5323 or 4-1410. 1 RM. & bath nicely furn., pri vate ent. 1110 N. 5th Ph. 4-3788 CLOSEi arnalifurn. apt.. 128. utilities. 765 Marlon. 2-3223. CLOSE In. newly dec.. 1 bdrm. furn. apt. 570 Union. CLEAN, furn. 633 Ferry. li 2-rm. apta VERY nice furn. 3 rm. apt. 1177 Court 1-RM. apt turn. 585 S. 11th. Ph 3-819. 1 BDRM. unfurn. apt, uUl. furn. 865. 1370 Chemeketa. 1 BDRM. furn. apt 955. 1129 Croat St. FURN. apt, near University. Clean, ground floor. 4-5091. $67 50 One of Salem's finest 1 bdrm. court apt. stove ft re fng. pvt. utll. tc gar. 1-3728. l RMnlcely furn. Apt. prlv bath good location. 834. Ph. 4-4020 or 3-8841. 706 Duplexei 1 BDRM. duplex, available May 18. 140 . 2600 No. Front. MODERN furn. all elec. 1 bdrm Leslie Ik Bush School. Garage. Inquire 2210 Breyman St. TbDRM. duplex, turn.. 845. 2 bdrm. unfurn , 85S50. College nr., w, Balem. rn. -iuv. 704 pMolemoi 4 BDRM. funs, duplex 140) win, era me. rn. j-ssm. 1 RMS. furn, 83. 148 Cnrear sty. Ph. 3-4801 a 3-7341. SEE thii pretty redecorated 1 ssssms at gar, o-ijpt 4 RM. unfurn. flat garage, baae- mrnv eu neat, nire-eieoa. no children. 1873 Court St $4 $ 1 bdrm. unfurn. duplex, ga range, ail heat. Bear hop ping renter. Phone 4-1883. I ROOM unfurn. flat 1 block P O. Inq. M Fenry. 1 BLK. Capitol Bldg. 8-edrm. uorura.. oU rum,, wired elee. rng. redecorated. 952 58. Ph. 4-153. 707 Hotitos For Rent CLEAN unfurn. 1, bdrm. A gar. 148. W. Balem 3-781. SUBURBAN N. 2 bdrm. nous, partly turn. Adulta only. Ph. 3-5M2. 2 BDR North large lot 3 BDR Duplex Close Is 3 BDR Duplex Cloae in 848 1 BDRM East II. range 96 z BDRM East near hoaoltal 855 3 BDR South 958 1 BDR Eaat furnished $80 i nun cast range, refng. 8M 4 BDR Suburban NX 38 I Rm Turn, apt . (round fl. 958 Center St. Realty Rental Senr. 1748 Center 4-31 Ive. 2-7812 4 BDRM. spacious home. 2 story full bsmt.. auto, heat, 973. No drinkera. Rt. 4, box 8M 1 ml. West Liberty Btora Sky line Rd. Sat, A Eves. LOVEL?, clean home, basement A fumace. blk. St. Vincent Church Sch. Inquire 10W Donna Ave. 2-BDRM. home. Inq. 2549 S. Summer. Ph. 2-1534. 4 BDRMS. 3 are turn. Range. remg. & water. 1525, state. 1 V bdrmThWiCiif l-ilsT Pioneer Trust Co. CI TAN I bdrm. stoves, garage i miii. tn. 2 BDRM. house, carpets. TV an tenna, very nice. Adults, ref erences. Ph. 2-9278 weekend! or after 9 week days. GARDEN spot. 1 bdrm. duplex. very neal ar clean. 831.30. Ph. 4-1998 or 4-3711. Nelson's Rentals 1 Bedrm. furn. downstairs apt. 8K5 1 Bedrm. furn. apt. 853 1 Bedrm. unfurn. court 859 I Bedrm. unfurn hse. 835 1 Bedrm. furn. hae., single 939 3 Bedrm. new hae., unfurn. for lease. ' 2 Bedrm. unfurn. hie. May Ml 90 2 Bedrm. unfurn. hse. N. 887 We need a good 3 bedrm. rental South for family, good ref. CALL DOROTHY DEAL, EVE. 4-832 NELSON it NELSON, RLTRS. 1590 S. Commercial Ph. l-38t 1 BEDRM. home located 890 8. 17th Street wired for electric range. Inquire 329 Oregon Building. 2 BDRM. house. 1255 5th St. In- Suire Trust Dent. 1st National ank. Ph. 4-3371 ext 87. AT STATE St 4-Corners; 1 bdrm.. util. rm.. oak firs., Ve netian blinds, frpl oil heat garage. 950 mo. Call 4-4798. 1 BDRM home. Ph. 1-4253 after 9:30 p.m. MODERN 2 BDRM. house newly decorated. 2 ml. E, of Totem Pole. Rt 1. Box 41. Ph. 4-1033. CLOSE In. J bdrm. unfurn. cot tage MS N. Church. MOD. home. miles East of Salem out tllvertoa Rd. Ph. 4-1980. 3 BDRM. houee. 140. Bollywood dist. Ph. 4-2M4J. MODERN (-room house. N. 13th St Ph. 4-9937. HOUSE trailer tor rent sleeps 4. See at 208T Portland Rd. FOR RENT: Nlr lebdnt, house. 700 Msnbrln Dr. 2-BDRM. unfurn. 988. ' ml. E. of 4-Cornera. No pets. 485 State. Ph. 4-:2. 4 RM unfurn. flat gxrage. base ment, oil heat nice-clean. No children. 1871 Court St 707-O Furnished House l-BDRM. house furn. Suitable for couple. Inquire 1071 Elm St.. W. Salem. 1 BDRM., all elec. heat, but stop Good neighborhood, soo. Ph. 2-0988. FURN. 1 bdrm. house, cloae In So. 2-8758. COST 2 bdrm. house, Market St. Mostly furn. I child, bus by door Ph. 2-8320 eves. FOR RENT r ease 2 bdrm. furn. house on ' acre tract, close In. 3-5918. 710 Wonted to Rent Hies 1 BDRM.. Citv or Sub. $75 to 890 Professional man and fana) il. Ph. 3-.T51L FHOKESSIONAL man. now real dent, desires 2 or 3 bdrm. house near S. Salem High. Ph 3- 3175 8-5. 3-3897 ve. WANT 2ir 3 bdrm. house vicin ity of Richmond School, reas. 4- 3615 No Sat. calls please. 714 Business Rentals STORE ROOM for rent 283 N High. Ph. 4-3331 DOWN town office space, store rms. warehouse. 3-4114. 4-CORNER9 Community Hall available. Ph 3-8291. 718 Convalescent Homes ELDEREST Nurilng Home Pri vate rooms available. ,2630 N Church 2-9618 COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME 252 N Cottage 3-7020 780 Moving t Storage Larmer Transfer ft Storage Complete moving service Also agents for BEK1N3 nation Wide Movert Ph. 3-3131. LOW COST atorage. H U Stiff furniture Co 3-aiu. 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportun. FILLING STATION. Corner lot Bui ding Ecmipment. every thing goes. Good gross. Price 89.y.v0. borne lerms. namsey. Realtor. 427 Ferry Ph. 4-3381 Eve. and Sun. 2-6688, 3-6891: 4-2870; 4-1696. WILL PURCHASE ations or service loca tinna win cons rier aome fi nancing or remodeling to re liable parties on gooa pros pective locations, for full In formation write Box 31 Statesman-Journal. FOR SALE by owner Well established locKer plant in a- locatlon in neighboring town. Over 700 lockers, with large meat cutting business. Also chilling, smoking A Ice busi ness. Also room for store or expansion. Brick bldg. 35x120 Box 29. Statesman-Journal FOR SALE: Complete saw mill. 2 acres, blrle , 30x70 steel car riage. dhle. -circular: edger. trim saw conveyers, rolls, log haul, unloading winch, pond saw, loading hoist. All elec tric. Burner, pond. Ready to go. Sacrifice. 87500 Ph. 4-2830. S.RVICETtaTioiTTor lease, good mechanic spot, low Inventory IV equipped. Ph. 4-2343. FOR SALE: Gum vending mach. rout, cheap. Ph. 2-13(1. 801 Itnlevew Oppofton. LOItQ estabtl shed Salem Hear ing am oroce, for aula, fuse tor uaaa and wtfe. US (roes profit wear 311. tea. Bos 11 state ioTT Property WILL LEASE THIS GOOD JfETGHRORHOOD GROCERY STORE WITH LIV ING QUARTERS. Can be leased to right party far 1121 filut Inventory. Has good De ng auartere. On corner lot. Newly decorated mtriior. Can be purchased for $18 500. small down payment Call Dorothy Deal. Ive. 4-M3L Nelson &' Nelson REALTORS ISM a. Com'L Ph. 2-161 VALUABLE PROPERTY: A large building if S lota, cen trally located, a food bsialn site. Ph. 2-M4e or 1-4434. 803 Suburbon BROOKS tt.SOO 8'i acre of good rich oIl 3- oarm. nome. right, in town of orooat, witn ramiiv orchard, grape, good property to own right now. J. E. LeCLERC. RLTR. MM N. Capitol Ph. 3-3251 1 ACRE Nice view, modem I- oarm. rum. nome, rnool bus by door. dble. garage, chick en house, 98.90. Ph. 4-4129. FOR niSTRIMINATIVfl home owner. Only 5O00 buy wie f jt. ana wooacu ssnc tuary with view. It mm. from Salem center. Get particulars about this at 1529 State. 806 Houses For Sole COZY BUNGALOW THIS NEAT 2-BDRM. HOME witn full bsmt. is Ideally lo cated for the working couple. Has economical sawdust heat fireplace. Completely redec orated. Bua bv door. $7,500. Call Echo Yeater. Iv. 3-4872. INCOME PROPERTY COMPLETELY FURN. 1 APTS, rented for $40, $41 and 849 plus Ice 2-bdrm. owner' apt, which could be rented tor $60. Bamt, oil turn. Close to Wil lamette Univ. $11,980 CaU Clyde Foulk. Iv. 1-3S38. S ACRES SOUTH EXCELLENT FOR BUILDER TO BUBuiviuc Ha older 1 bdrm. home with bsmt. Barn, chicken house. Ha nice view lots owner will have builder build new home In trade $8,850. CaU Edith Anderson. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1948 a. CommereiaL Ph. 1-198$ $14.750-Near Park and D.Teau- ttful 3-bdrm. 3-year-old home. Roomy, Dble. garage. Flrepl. Full alnlnf room. Large kit chen with plenty of sauna (pace. Lamrlra wall-to-wall carpeting and drapee Included. Bua on block. Short no traf fic walk to Hoover school. CLYDE PRALU Realtor, 154 S. High. Ph. 4-M91 Iv. 3-T250, 4-8184. 1 BEDRM. bom, t block from McKlnley achooL Carpeted lie. rm. wVmly fireplace and bookshelf. Outdoor fireplace ant gnu. ago wudwlnd Dr. Price $12,900. FOR RALE or trad for acreage oy owner sew i Barm, nome, daylight beaement $11,900. 1-38M. GOOD older type home 1 bdrm. din. room. den. new kitchen, dishwasher, full bsmt Hi bath. $12,900. Ph. ev. 4-4937. $08 WALDO Ave, Candalari Shop, dist I bd., $ yrs. old. $8JM. Ph. 3-8758 4 Bdr. Family Home A lot for little, l'i dory home, north In excel, rond. throughout. Nice kitchen, utility wired for dryer and Jlumbed for washer, nice rees and shrubs on large lot. 88930 Call Ruth Morri son, Ev. Ph. 4-1844. Home With Income A very close-in desirable loca tion, south. Older type home In excellent condition, double plumbing 3-bdr , fireplace, basement down, upstairs aprt. rents for $50 per month. We must show this by appoint ment. Please call Roy Good water, Eve. Ph. 4-0570. 20 Acres South, good 2-bdrm. home, set in an oak grove, barn, chick en house and dble garage. Well and springs. 11 acres Clear, nice pasture all goes for onlv 86950 on good terms. Call Al Roome. Eve. Ph. 4-5416. Joe L. Bourne, Rltr. 1140 N Capitol Ph. 1-8216 FOR SALE by owner: 3 bdrm. home, lg., llv. rm.. din. rm.. kitchen & utility room, wired for range A: dryer, auto, oil furnace, no gar., low down payment. 1-8400. HOMES, $100 to $500 dn. $45 to $5 per month. Why rent when you can buy your own home on these termsf Call Allen C. Jones Realtor. 231 No High 3-5838 Eve. 4-1689, 2-9848 TRADE or SELL 3 bdrm home on No. River Road with lot 70x140 Price 87.950. Extra lot available t 12.000 Will trade for 3 bdrm. home on cre nr more up to $11,500. Call Alien c Jones, Realtor. 2:11 No. High. Ph. 3-5838 Eve. 4-1889. $875 DN. on this this brand new 3 bdrm. home. East in city Forced air furnace. Hsrdwood floors, close to store ic bus. Only $8,750. Ask for Geo Patrny with Allen C. Jones, Realtor, 231 No. High. Ph. 3-5838. Eve. 4-1889. RESTAURANT. 1589 N. Pacific Highway. Woodburn. Drive by and look in the windows Ev erythtng goes for $6,500. 1 Acre ground, building and complete restaurant equip ment as you tee it. CLYDE PR ALL, Realtor. 154 S High 4-3851. Home 3-7250. By the way, the owner will trad for Salem property. $8,500. ONLY $1.5fl0 rsh down and $600 per year. Just 11 miles from downtown Salem. Between Turner and Cascade High School. Good bean and berry ground. Fenced and cross fenced. Lots of irriga tion water. Pump and irriga tion equipment included Also 49 Ford tractor with equip ment. Small, old but livable 4 room house. For the buy of the vear see CLYDE PRAL1, Realtor. 154 S. High St. 4-385L Home 3-7250 A REAL buy in this Salem Heights. 3-bdrm. home, extra large lot wfruit it walnut trees, nesr school, msrket tt churches, furn. or unfurn. Must sell quick Owner going to N. Dakota. Ph. 3-3807. 808 Houom Foe Sole NEW. BEAUTTrVL SALE OR TRADE Leweiy ranch type ksii s with alt OUUty room. I Car garage, large closets aatd stor age throughout Quality fea ture Include fi replace, patio, hardwood finish, mahogany door throughout It separate dining roam. 1 spacious bed room. Lot 80x140 with lovely tree. BUILDER IN HOSPI TAL will SELL or TRADE. $13. 840 Call IRA MANSFIELD Eve- 3-873. Office 4-3304. FAMILY HOME aad apartment SALE OR TRADE SPACIOUS: 3 bdrm doom, t up. 19x21 riving room, fireplace. 9x11 dining room. 10x18 nook. FINEST CONSTRUCTION: Hardwood floors, heavy tim bers, new eomp. roof. IN COME: Excellent basement apartment rents tor $33 so. CONVENIENT: 2 blk. to bus Ic shopping center. Attractive English type home, good neighborhood Out of town owner wtll trade $14,778. Cad DON BELLINGER) 4-441. Of- 180$ Fairground Rd Day 4-3394, Ev. 1-805$ 1 BDRM. contemporary, beam celling, sots of tonga, (hop, uto. sprinkler, $13508. $1,500 dn. $10 Cbemaw Rd. 1-4434. BY OWNER T yr. old house. A-l eontt. 1 bdrm, finished up stairs. 1 blk. from Leslie Sch. Ph. 1-OM1 after 1:30 p.m. BY OWNER: Will trade equity in nouse 9zo sunnysid Rd. for trailer house-. Balance on home $4,000 s4 $60 mo. See anytime or Ph 2-0033. WANT A REAL BARGAIN HERE IT IS Large, liveable home with new kitchen cab Ineta. clean throughout, all modern. Would make you an excellent rental for only $3. 200. Call Mr. Hicks. 1 ACRES FOR THE PRICE OF A VIEW LOT Six miles from the center of town. Lots of good building spots with fin view. Small barn on the Elace. Soma marketable tim er. This Is a buy at $1,800. CaU Fred Doerfler. BEAtJTTFTTL SPOT FOR FLOW ERS AND GARDEN and a very neat well-built ham tor retired couple. Located South. Nice creek through the yard, patio, double garage, house has t drma, or one and den, fireplace, everything for convenience. $$.$90. Call Mrs. Graham MANBRIN GARDENS BARGAIN 2 bdrm. home on beautiful corner lot in an excellent neighborhood. 20 ft. living room and dining rm. com bined, F. A. oil furnace. In sulated and weather-stripped House only $ yrs. old. Full price $$.500. Make an offer on the down payment Call Mr. DeSerano, ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 231 SUte St Ph. 1-8881 Eva Call: DeSerano 3-086: Doerfler 2-1714; Mrs. Grahaea 4-478; Todd 2-1731; Harriet Ness 1-3835; Vendervort 4-780; Hick 4-4930. Moomotith 546 S. Warren 1-bdrm, fireplace, garage, large lot. paved street njH. OLAF THONSTAD RLTR Ph. 3-7901 $41 Vt. Csutel 2-BDRM, full bamt. bdwd. fir. not 11 ilea. pn. -77. $900 DOWN, 3-bdrm. home w carport on corner lot 3 years old. So. la CamUlarla. Bua across St Seller will carry contract or Buyer can aasum state G.I. loan U qualified. Full price $750. Ph. 4-310$. 1 BDRM. house. 1 vr. old. 80. wo loan coat. $a.o on., $7 month. Phono owner 4-4357 BY OWNER: Candalaria horn with east view. Double gar age, wen landscaped yard with trees, 1 bdrm., dble. bath. Birch kit with dishwasher. mahogany paneling In living rm. separate dining rm, ri re place up and down. Finished daylight basement with large recreation room. Also separate utility, came room and stor age Ph. 4-110$. Contemporary Modernistic California type home with large picture win dows, view, 3 bdrms, full bsmt. with fireplsce, 2 baths, setting of trees. 1 year old. 219.500. Eve. Msrjorie Fan ning 4-6098. Office 4-7977. REALTOR 250 N. HIGH PH. 4-7977 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR Let us solve your horn need To Buy. sell or Rent cu Ph. 4-5743 131 Edgewstei Ph. 4-7874 1710 So Comml BY OWNER Mod. 2-hdrm home, close In E, off Sunny view, frpl, attrh gar., fruit room lg lot, garden. Immed poss. $0000. E-Z terms. Ph. 4-9354. BY BUILDER NEW 3 bdrm nome neai S Salem schools A: park 2-7071 DREAMLAND THE HOME OF FAIRY TALES k HAPPINESS - BABBLING brook, shade trees, peaceful, cute hand rail bridge across the creek, outdoor bar-b-que park like setting. Striking 2- bedroom rustic home with pine panel walls, wall to wall carpeting. (israge. fenced. Beautiful lawn 1 his out STANDING BUY IS WAIT ING FOR YOU. Price $8 900 GOOD TERMS. CALL MRS WELLS, days 4-4494, eve 2-3738 J REALTORS 511 Court St. Dial 4-4404 $3500 FULL price for resl good sound ONE bedrm. home on full ce ment foundation, suburban lurth. 8500 down to nghl .par ty, immediate possession. Ph. 2-688(1. ED L UK I N B E A L. REALTOR. 3N. HIGH BY OWNER: 31 500 dn total price 1.12 OIKI 2 new 3 bdrm homes, included are Vj baths playroom, birch kit. wdining area, front rm. wfrpl . all drwd firs . F A ml heat dbl gsr wpatio. lot size 82'xl30' city water Loans are on houses, move right in Houses ere I blk out of city limits North. 3325 Mayfield Place i 2.1$ Wllshlrs Drive. See any time or ph. 2-0933. BUY my eauity In Msnbrln Garden home. 3 bdrms. or 2 bdrms. tc den. T A. heat frpl. tc patio. $1,150 dn. $11.. $50, $3$ Msnbrln Dr. Ph. 4-2453 80s, Hetts Foe Sole tern Only t years okt. aae with nowa. floors and 1 bdrms I Thl I aot fancy home, but Is noat and eleaa and in a good location among other good homes. Possible low down payment Eve Ted Morrison 2-904. Office 4-771. Ted Morrison 1 REALTOR ISO N. HIGH PH. 4-7777 BY OWNER: Englewood 1 bd rm, rrpt, elec. heat Insu lated, bdwd. firs, ecu. blind. $ yrs old. 58x137 lot near Sr, Jr.. grade schools. 750 N. 10th. 1 1-bdrm. hving' room, fireplace, aining room, large kitchen, large corner lot. $9790. 9799 own. 85 a me. I 2-hdrm . living room, dining - room, large kitchen, full bamt. auio oil neat, ante garage, late corner lot BILLS 2 2-bdrm, Irving room, fireplace. tuning roam, nice kitchen, uto oil heat gsrsge. excellent corner lot. til 860. 4 new 1-bdrm.. living room, fire place, dining room, kitchen, nook, 2 sets plumb, dble. ga raee. $13250. 1 new 3-bdrm, living room, 1 replaces, dining room, kit chen, family room, 2 seta Plumbing, dbla. garage. $14,- 750 PH. DAY J-8620; 2-2613 EVE. 2-5219 Oscar Sedrrstrom of Del Klebler McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 3098 Liberty Rd, Salem HIGHLAND dist attractive nearly new 2-bdrm. home. Ph. 3-2015. 4 YRS. OLD. 2-bdrm. FHA. nowa noors. oil best, st teched gar. $49$ down, $TJUO Ph. 4-4510. SPARKLING 2-YEAR OLD. 3-BDRM. Owner transferred thl week. Immediate possession. FHA built with extras in, door window screens, Venetian blinds, etc. Spacious 1-bdrm. home with closets galore, fine mahogany woodwork, beauti ful soft colon throughout. Oil furnace heat 80x121 lot with lovely lawn tt fine garden oil. Immaculate. $0.30$. $1,008 down to responsible buyer. Call ZEND CROWE, Iv. 2-5478. Office 4-334. 2 ACRES . ELBOW ROOM Easy spacious living yet close to scnooi at tnopping. Attractive brown shske home. 3 Bed rooms. 11x13, I'sxll',. t'ixU. Separata dining room, in sulated, oil heat, Venetian blinds Carpet tnrluded. $ yrs. old. excellent aolL Low taxes Listed TODAY, wonderful value for $11,909. Call GRANT BOWDKR Ev. 4-3MM, Office WfiB l$O0 Fairground Rd. Days 4-3384, Eve. 3-896 MR. OWNER! Glen Woodry will pay sop price roe your run. 4k astUances. Ph. a-i $11. H$00 for thl 1st bdrm. house Attractive interior, extra lot 1111 0th St Ph. 4-8 17. DeWITT & KRAUS VERY NICE 3 large bdrm. with dble. closet, fireplsce. Large kitchen with eating pace, separate dining room, entrance hallway, large utility, approx. 1819 sq. ft Nicely lo cated lor school V bus. A good buy it $14,008. Will trade for smaller home. Call Ron Kraus, Ev. 3-5668. I PLUS ACRES NORTH Com fortable 2-bdrm. home (ap prox. 1 years old). Could sdd more bdrm. Small barn, food well tt MIL Only $5,80$. Call Ron Kraus. WEST SALEM VTEW LOT 100x178. A two-wsy view, city wster. See Ron Kraus. OWNER NEEDS SMALLER HOME Has $ bdrm. near So. Salem HI. Has full bsmt, dble garage, 2 bath ar sewing room Nesr store it bus. Nice end rlesn. for only 211.500. See Bill Fidler, Eve, Ph. 4-744$. A NEAT 2-BDRM -Has living room, separate dining room, outside fireplace, beautiful trees & shrubs, clesn place. Urge lot 77x142. Reduced to $7,500. See Frsnk Graham. Eve. 4-4748. SEE THIS NEAT. CLEAN HOME A 2-bdrm. home with hdwd. floors. All windows have breathers & ventilators, $8,000. Includes auto, washer Ar dryer A- drapes incl. Wnnts larger home, consider trade N.E. See Frank Graham Ph. 4-4748. 8$ ACRES APPROX -Pasture and cut over land. Good building site on county road, year around spring. 2 year round creeks, all for only $3,100. If you are looking for a bargain, this Is it. REAL ESTATE 318 Ji. Church Ph. 4-6871 BY OWNERi $lb7no. across from Bush Park, walking distance to downtown eV school. Lge llv. rm . 2-hdrm, fenced In back lawn. 555 Mission. 4-5260 Sill'S BEST BUyS CITY FARMER'S PARA DISK 10' i acres. bst of soil 2 mllw from downtown Salem Good cherry and apple orchard. LrOta of shade Good barn 3 bdrm. home with full bsmt. Dble. plumbinn 2-car Karaite. Forred air oil furnace. A ftne property at $2.1,500 Call Mr. Crawford Eve. Ph. 4-M20. AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS m N Church St Ph. 4-3.111 or 3-71120 For Sale or Trade 1 Bedroom Home Large bedroom with wslk-tn closet, living room, kitchen bsth, large utility loom, glass heat, wired for wssher dry er Large front yard, is sere. Ketrer District, ha uwn well $2,500 equity trade for .1 bed room home up to $10,000 See at 1588 Alder St. or Ph 4-8111 IN TURNER Modern S-hdrm, house, furnish, ed. Tool shop, flowers and shrubs. I,ot B0xl0fl-ll . picket fence. 81.950 cash or l 200 down snd terms. Po Box 2.73. Turner, Ore. 3 BDHM. borne nesr Salem Gen eral, bsmt. fireplace, dbl Dllimblnr nice lot JOF NOONCH ESTER RL. FST 155 N. Cottage Ph 4-.T881 FOR SALE RENT OR " LEASE WITH OPTION 4 bdrms 3 baths F A. oil turn, dble garage, large lot Quiet suburban location Nice for large family. Price gld.noo. Terms. Will lease with option CENTER STREET REALTY 174$ Center 4-883I. Eve. 2-7812 104 Htu4H For St STATE FINANCE 1(1 B. High It $108) downNeat 2 BR. bom on large lo la suburbs. Good Plumbing, wired tor rang, his is very good tor price end terms of $4$ per month on bal. FuU price $4.23 Call w. H. aTtevetey, salesman. Eves phono 4-3418. 15 Downs. 1 BR homo on cor ner lot. wired for range Liv ing rm. Kite hew. Br. nook. Elec water beater. Garage. Bal. Rent terms. Pull prtc 84. 8W. Call . Steveley. aslosmaa. Eves, shots e-Jla. $ ACRE wtth 2 BR ranch style horn. Fireplace, sttached ga rage. Located approx 12 miles from Salem on paved Rd. Cloee to school store, etc. Price gllje. Term. Call 0 V. Bum. Eve. Phooe 2-830 THERE'S A DIFFERENCE Drtve by 2S58 Argyle and trtea call Ralph Maddy for appointment to see thK unusual 3-bdrm. born with party room. S sets plumbing (lots of til work) 2 tt replaces, built-in ovea and range. City sewer and bus by door. A really modem home. Owner will take mall bom In trad, 1 ,. f M .41 LEE O KMART DESERVES Youll vots "Yes" for this fine i nose moai-wanuM rewure. I so rms.. fireplace, separate dining room, good bkfst. nook and patl. Wonderful oil hot water heat Just 111 K. Let Adrtcnn Sereombe show It to you. TWO LOTS ON PARK AVENUE 150-ft. frontage, Ideal for duplex or court. $3,300. For lot, acreages or farm call Henry Torvend. ASK TO SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL SOUTH SALEM HOME 3 large bdrms. (master bdrm. fourth norm, in Bsmt. 2-car garage. This nome MUST be seen to be appreciated. $22,500. Call Don Doughton, he 1II be happy to show you through snytlms. BOARD AND BAT REDWOOD SIDING!!! Creek at resr of lot. A most 2 bdrms. Large living room with heatilator fireplace, birch woodwork. FHA or Gl terms. Price $10,$60. See Louis Lorenx. IF YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE SEE US ' OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 4lf COITRT STREET Ph. $-41 U. 2-411$. -4111 Ev. Ralph Maddy 2-348 Adrienn Sereombe 4-90(12. Henry Tonread 2-3832 Don Doughton 4-1414. Louis Loreni 3-5690 MISSION BOTTOM - a ACHES New modem houss, double garage, lrg chicken and brooder house, machine shed. $ A blackcaos. good lrrlsstlon well. Newburg Chehsll soil, good airawDeme. wui eonaioer nous in town, call Lucas. Eve. Ph. 3-838. WILL TRADE FOR LIVESTOCK OR MACHINERY Owner have purchased small their 3 bedroom suburban home. Double gsarage. Double lot. Price $7808. They have $1300 squtty. Will consider stock, machinery or anything of farm us plu om cash for equity. Call Johnson. Ev. Ph. 3-383. I ACRES - S. RIVER ROAD Will consider trad tor (mail soeunoum or Biivsrmss, nas basement, good land-last out ment Cs bs purchased Ask for Hick. Eve. Ph. 8-4408. $3900 $500 DOWN I bdrm. suburbs hk bom. pos. utm taxes, asasaac on REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Street I BDRMS. PART TRADE Living room, 18x34, frrepL, din. rm, lovely klk lg. tasnlly rm. wflrepL, kitnt. bar h atooks. den. $ bdrms. wmsss- lve closets gs builUns, Its bath. Utll. rm. Sewmg rm. dbl gar. wlots of bolltin tor- go, auto oil turn. cor. ios sox M2. bu top. Beaut shrubs. Patio A fenced back yard. $2L 80. Will Uk houss or con up to $8,800, Ph. 4-8088, CLOSE IN 1 bdrm. houss, older type horn. Walking distance downtown. Price $8,500. For particular ask for Mrs. Wosttea. Eve nings: $-$08$. INCOME $21$ per month. 4 unit apt. houss, 2 completely fur nished, sepsrat baths, good location. Bus li blk. reason able terms. Price $U.00. Ask for Ed Schroder, Evening 2-7825. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318 N. Church Ph. $-9238 Chemawa Road WEST of Keher Sch, half sere of good soil, good poultry hse. trees. A resi clesn 2-bedrm. home, cement foundstlon, close to shopping dist. A bus. $8,950, full price, worth the money. Ph: 2-801)0, Ed. Luk inbeal, Realtor. 433 N. High. i NO LOAN COSTS $80 mo. Includes principal. Int., taxes end fire Ins, on this brsnd new 3-bdrm. home with dhls. gsrsge, fireplsce. P, bsth, hdwd. floors snd cabinets, large corner lot. All for $14,700. 4490 State St. Ph. 4X844 S Blocks to McKinlry Rsnch style. $ bdrm. horns In good locstlon smong other homes of Its type. 8 yesrs old. fenced ysrd, oil furnsce, fireplace, large utility room. Hard to find in this price brscket 81S.950. Eve. Cor dovs Stephenson 4-8149. Of fice 4-7977. T RKALTOR 250 N. HIGH PH. 4-7977 Ph. 4-7977 FOR SALE or trsde for borne In Albany. New 2 bdrm , dble. garsge. forced air furnsce. Keltar Dlst. Will sell on con tract See at 141$ Lawless. Ph. 4-3328. T! f D. McCARGAR. RLTR. MOVE RIGHT IN-Cute It clean furnished 2-bdrm. home. So, on corner lot. paved street, close to store A bus. A real huv for onlv $R3no fall Mar tha Thiescn. eve. .1-5497. i $fi:i.V) buys this 2-bdrm home on j North 171h On nice laree i lot 5flxl84 Immed poss Isoo I down 150 per mo Csll Tul ' liuv eve 4-5088 HOME that anyone csn enjoy with s great desl of pride. Close to Capitol Shopping tt State Bides. Room for gar den, nice lawn, shrubs tt trees. Onlv $10,900. Csll Faye Seal, eve 4-5834 702 N. High St Ph. 4-4441 104 H4M8434H Ft Se)W CO.- REALTORS Ptwa 2-2181 $3.80$. A. South ea road. Tear around creek through plac. Attractive borne with attach, garage. Star bad. that ha been operated aa gro cery. Ideal for retired couple. Cell O. V. Hume. Eves, phone 2-530. $ 50$. Neat, very dean, mod ern. 2-BR. home. Located Mc Klnley sod Leslie School Diet Hsrdwood floors. Oil floor furnace. Largo lot. $50 down. CaU Stanley Brown. Ere, phone 2-8381. $508 Down. This cleaa 1st built modern 3-BR. home. Four Corners Dist Large sot. Black top street Pull arte $8 5. Call- Stanley Brown. Eva, phone 1-551. BUDT CALAJVA YOUR VOTE new listing In Englewood. tTai with complete bath), finished attractive ranch styls home with ground for truck garden or farm and ar anxious to sell house In Delia, Independence, nice J sea room nouse, tun deep of city. Possible small down dsv- either furnished or unfurnished Modern. Gsrsge. Good garden reav t-au us looay. r n. 3-no3. Ph. $-$202 BUSH PARK SPECIAL HERE'S THE HOME WHICH OFFERS REAL FAMILY LIVING AT ITS BEST. Large bsmt with furnsce, 3 bedrooms, f tile bathrooms, beautiful, spacious living and dining rooms, kitchen with noox. new psint on the ex terlor. LEAVING SALEM AND A GOOD BUY CAN BE MAUI ON THIS FINE FAM ILY HOME. ASKING $14,800. CALL MRS. WELLS, days 4-4484. eve. 1-2738. REALTORS 811 Court Bt. Dial 4-4484 OWNER Transferred: Must sell s rm. nome, untinisneo up stairs, fenced- yd. wply equip. Included. Make offer. in. T-uAAj. 44 ill nroaowsy Furn. House It 2 Lots" FH. 3-7018 T MODERN UP TO DATE LADIES READY TO WEAR SHOP Located in outstanding Valley town, i.ooci nusiness. Good lease. If you want s business of your own, this Is s bar ' gain. GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 180 SOUTH LIRFRTY ST. Phone 2-S471 HIGHLAND-ST . VINCENT DIST i norms., iiv. rm wfirepisr. din. rm, Isrge kitchen, 2005 Laurel. Ph. 2-8901 OPEN DAILY 3435 CENTER J-hdrm pins den ceramic ttl bath plus extra half hslh l.args living room with fire, piste. 1S50 sq ft space on one floor. Covered patio, dble gsrsge Hi school. Jr HI snd city buses by door 3 blocks to grsde school Just outside city We are anxious to leave Salem, so will consider a reasonshle offers Good losn can be sssumed. Consider trsde for property near Tulss. Okla, or Wichita, Kansas. Fur niture available Ph. 4-1871. four hdrros. 2 and bsth on esch floor. Dining room, fireplace. sntennR Near schools In excellent condition 814.500 J. B. YOUNG. REALTOR 43.1 N. High St. Ph :-S8fl HOME on creek, 2 bdrms , flre pl., basement. clo!e to shop ping center, best of cond. 1485 Center. Ph. 3-8H67 4 Bedrooms Located on N 23rd St , 2 bed rooms up and 2 down, hsrd wood floors bath with tile trim, living room, kitchen and dinette. Lovely landscaped lot with back ysrd privacy First rlssir urtarie- with -ncwv -fn- ed exterior. 110,500. FHA or Gl $750 Down On 'D" Slrptt nrnr State Hn- P.ital. 2 herinMrTm rtpr 'if )t. ftrrplflri fpncPrl-m ;ir(1 larfe garfiK. rlo. to bus and Hoov er srhnol. prwr $7,750. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS OFFICE 3-9217 EVES: 2-4709 or 3-7388 9j 800 Real Estate 804 Hoh84h Ff StiU LOOK CURLYTt DAIRY EMPLOYEES RIGHT ACROSS Th Street trom the plant on is cottage ar g nice borne. On SB rented for $4 per mo, other will rest foe $57 J. Prtc for H $793 TERMS EASY. Call Fana Day 4 444, ev. 4-813. COLBATH LAND CO- REALTORS ill Court SL Dial 4-444 07 Apt's. Cifts for Uli $125 DN. est this 3 wnlt apt. bouse. Knglesroea auMnrt, $108 mo. Income. A real vahat t $730, Allen C. Jones. Real, toe. 231 No. High, Ph. 3-4SJ41 Eve. 4-1 13 UNIT COURT APT. All ea one floor. Approx. 8 years old. Gross Income per month average appras. $. Will take home or property in trade 84 0. Call Fred Raw . Una, 3-413. RAWLINS REALTY 605 CHEMEKETA STREET Salem. Ore. Of. Ph. 4-4171 14-PLEX S E, yrs. old w extra I 1. tm EM 4k T . v siui or gjsigeaaiwg3. II. at- ) 808 LoH For SiU WtlL sacrifice) my equity for $15. Labtsh village, contract. Ph. 4-4270. 75x138 N.E. Suburban, good Va cation with water system. $780. Terms. Mornlngsid diet, W-ft. front age, from $123, Eaay term. S 12th St. bargain, business sot, cloee lo new shopping center. Onlv $4450. 2 large lota. West tide of Ftr mont Hill. City water. $325. $S6 down. B. M. Mason, Rltr. 341 Chemeketa. Ph. 24(41 Pn. $-3841, 2-30M k A. W WATER, off Wall Rd. $1,000. Ph. 4-8091. 810 Farms Ftw Sola FARM BUY Look, see what w hsvs to offer. 42 seres, large bom, barn, cows, hogs and equipment. Plenty wster for Irrigation, good land, consider some terms call isrpenter. L. E. KLUMPP, RLTR, 3081 Portland Rd. Ph. $-14)42 TOR BALE, $5 acrs farm, 3', mile I. W. of Turner Ctov erdsle achool bu route, good modem 1-room house with good out-buildings, springs and creek and Ideal garden plots, 40 scree, crop land, I acres, lamuy orcnara, re minder young timber and pas ture. Csll Turner 43$. IP, ACRES No. lge. htwsy frontsge. Excel, soil, good home, barn as out bldg., sa lly fruit, crop In. JOB NOONCH ESTER, RL. EST. 1505 N. Cottage Ph. 4-381 t ONCE IN A BLUE MOON-Wa are lurkvl This IUII VAL LEY STOCK LAY-OUT. 258 rich rolling acre (100 eult.l. spacious older home (1 oains fireol.l. good barn bldg.. cell, loe, front highway A BEAUTIFUL strum (doer A trout on ranch). WORLD of grass, spring water, mostly fenced sneep-ngna. Lew tut. A REAL HOMEY place wish or our anjos. as THIS TODAYI HIGOINBOTHAM REAL ESTATE Higgiabotham Real Istats 232 1st St, Downtown Woodbum PH. 7711 EVE. 8191 BY OWNER: 8 acre, closs In, springs, creek and pond. S BR. older home, basement, fur nace, deep freeie. refr, wash er snd dryer, good barn, all deliveries by door. $11,750, good term. Ph. 3-3788 31 ACRES. DO YOU WANT TO GET AHEAD'.. Or wilt you just read thl sd snd forget about it? Not often and we mean it. You'll find a great opportunity In thl 21 acres located on the Osk Knoll road. Excellent returns from the wonderful cherry orchard on this farm. Haa 1$ acre cultivated, 2 acres wooded. The home la large with 4 bdrms, bsmt. (Does need bathroom). Very clesn snd wvll kept YOU'LL WON DER WHY IT IS FOR SALE? I Only reason the owner Is psrt his eighties snd would like to retire. We'll show you the in come for th put $ year. Price $17,000. Low down pay ment terms to right farmer. Call T. T. ANDERSON, days 4-4484, v. 4-2714. T REALTORS 917 Court St. Dial LOOKING tor s fins building site? See owner. mke esrly selection. Good view, soil, wa ter, drainage, 10 ml city cen ter, easy terms, no lean trouble, seres, leas thsn good city lot. Lea Dyers. Rt. 2. Ph. 4-4582. 10-acre tract. East, sll irTcult. 800 ft of rosd frontsge, per fect to subdivide. $1950. Low down payment. sere tract. Hayesvill dlst . late built 5-room home, fire place, extra closet space, fam ily fruit, deep well, fine lawn and shrubbery $8850 Low down payment. 10 acre larm, all In cult . fine black land, comfortable 2 bdnn. home, barn, close to bus line. $5650. Quick posses sion. B. M. Mason, Rltr. 341 Chemeketa. Ph. 2-8841 Ph 3-3068. 3-3542 812 Eich. Real E$tar WOULD like to trade equity In nice z-norm home on Xlec ' tnc St. or lots loested N. Sa lem for good late model car Prefer M or better Ford or t hev CaU State Finance Co. I'h 3-3151. UNIMPROVED acreage near good coast tuwn. Mostly Ocean view. Sell or trsde for Salem property. 2-6178. SFI.L or trarle duplex on beau tiful lot Mix .TOO with small year 'round creek. Esch unit has 2 hrlrms. Approxlmstely 3 vrs old Price $15,000, Will -lake In. use to 27.800 in- trade. Allen C Jones. Healtor, 2.11 No High. Ph. 3-38.H Fve. 4-lr,A RKTIREMKNT HOME H3.SO0 1 2 1 j arrpn of b?atitifu1 frnnt.tue on Sstnlia n riv$r In Jtfffron. Or$ Tmt .l-hrtrm" hmist. I yats old Ciomi hu Rrrvicr to nv pl-K'f vou wih tn fr, ! block to Murkt-l. Churrb posl if f ir Thi$i in really a finf place for retlr$?mnl. Farntlv orrhard. nrap?. !tr?iwht-rrif rapbtFrr,M Would tak horn or mll in conie property in trade. J. E. toCLERC, RLTR. 189$ N. Capitol Ph. J-J2M 800 Real Ettal 112 lick. M Ijtwt. CALLING ALL NOMADS! Trad yowr TRAILER ErOkfE fwr vits besMUfutly ttarsushad 1 p, WW eerwet, flrsplau. aus. rase. Large gvsiced yard wtth hundred of dollar us shrubs and flowers. BaL ea loast $320$. $W mtysaeot. Trallev must be at feast '. Itrkt sod eL clear, and la good ahao Someone's Ids Is your gsm See Mr. Well. Eve. Pa, 3-373 COLBATH LAND CO. S17 COURT ST. P. 4L44M 850 AatomotiTe 8S1 NtwCan DRIVE THE BIG ton Th Sssartert 4-Doer mrd Tsp oa th Road. McKINNEY LINCOLN - MERCURY $ ft. Cwnsawlal IS2 J-iCnhtU LOOK, 4 FORD 4 dr. Custom hn. low mileage, Uk new, wniy eiess. rn. ess. II CHEV mimn mtl Uost, $838. m$ l?orwy, 'si rUIV Sta Hsster. $12$. 358 Silvertoa Rd. 84 CHXV. pickup, tosw dlx. cao, one. peny. see ai suit. Car Sal. 204 N, Capitol. '49 FORD 1 DR. SED. CaU 3-9771 After sV $4 ENGLISH FORD 2nd term. peneci ana ear, book value WOO, asking $$$. arrange 4-8074. 10$ - tumaiir $).' Eve. e Sunday, $4 CADILLAC eonvertlble. wm7nTn$$"" 'II CHEV. Good cond, ease ooTsU r, dual earburetor gs exhaust. rn. a-ause. t MERCURY convertible, elee. window. Mat ts O'dr. $34. 4143 Hager St Ph. 3-4535. '50 CHEV. COUPE. Beet of cond, 88.000 ml First us uses, no trad. Pa. 4-123$ mora. A svee. 1053 PLY. special achaxa. radio oesier, wmt wall urea, very good cond. $884. CaU 4-471 aiier . 14 MERCURY Monterey eun v si ley, Maasa, will sk be ar ear in trade, rt, 6-471. U BUICK euoer V-a. 4 done I ton radio, hooter, whit wall tires, euetom seat covers. Ton cond. $12$$, Pa. 6-4461. 7 nareewrv CAD. $1 4 dr. I tone bT whit w0, radio, heeler, hydra. Ph. I-lss oe 4-116L sa win t ve ji C drive. 8 heaters. asrceL nres. good anapa snecn. r -m 14$ DODGE Ph. 8-4M7. Cenvertlkio $18. $1 MERCURY 4 dr. very good cond. On owner. 1188 nines St. day Urn, ev. 8 2 to 1:38, 2088 University. Ns deslers. 181 KAISER Manhattan 4-dr. Rcdl. hetr, overdrive, eeo. tires, motor aad body perfoct 138 Norway. . ill U$w Cin For 1955 CHEVROLET ts-to pickup, aeter, iefrostsr, overdrive. $1595 1953 DODGE U-ton pickup, 2-epd. aahima It's IFttip TSKlpi CHECK THESE I K MLB shin, heater and oetrosier, luxe cab. ntt tk dsnesnei long wheel base. A real buy at only $995 $845 COME IN AND LOOK THESE OVER We have many more makes and models to choose from. CAPITOL .iisrifef elite TRUCK DEPARTMENT 635 N. COMMERCIAL 856 Wontod, Coirs, Trck$ WE'RE PAYING TOP CASH For Clean Used Car Psld kor or Not Bob k Bill's Used Cars Union A High St. B60 Auto Mi$ellanou$ 'W Pt.YifOtlTH irmtor-A trsns 5.000 mi. $7$. Ph. 4-J0. 162 Houm Trailers ATTENTION sportsman Vscs tmn Fleetwood bouse trsllsr '54 model, sleeps 4. Bargain. 2-711)8. VACATION sle'Yrailer houses for sale or rent. See Earl 4820 Sllverton Rd. 4-7121 NEW vacation alts house trail er, se at 1770 N. Front 2-7828. VACATION sire trsllsr houss. '58 model, $454 equity for $300 rssh of trad tor panel, pick up nr car. of equal value. Ph. 2-882$. 850 AntomotiT. . 132 Us. Cart Fat SaW S11YIES1 USED CARS ARE BETTER NOTHING DOWN AND NO HTttstnt i$r M tlTt ti appnni erttlit will fat ycaj la ta aa) tsf these LODERs SPEOALS H$te4 DESOTO 4 DR. SDN. 4 new Urea, runs good $14$) 41 DODGE 1 TON 4 SF. ptekun, a Bttia rough Wy 44 PONTIAC 1 1 DR. SDN. rve seen woesa. gd kj at $14 OLDS M 4 DR. Tew aidaa. kurry, Uy $31 S4 OLDS M 4 DR. SDN. fulry SI OLDS M 4 DR. w hva had M ts WasJ. scruV fits 11 CHEV. DIX 4 DR. SDN. new trait aaar ond. real barf) $U M CHEV STYLELINI 4DS. Doot m to tk r rn faiiiriot fjoita ed See Btrtlt GetL 41 N. HIGH PH. J-TI7I CLEAR '41 Ovev. coupe. Pa. Moassouta dkyuao 1-308, ELL an or both, seaside ' trade: 104 PlymeuU $ aeac. radio, heater, seal covers, w-4 washers, tondar skirt, back ap tit, 2-toa paint, nesg wsw tube less tin. Battery, clutch and msrffler new $ sxsa, -ago. Molar and body xosl lent, low tnllesg. Buy al lllti AkM 14 PlymMth OSSM verokea (.lata aartss). Iladiek heater. Good body, paint, motor. WSW tubslssa Urea, $18. Phono 4-115 altera sea lllWJ. 80 ' FORD deluxe Mr., ong. paint, immaruiat. rn, s-asaa or see si 124 Edgewstse, W. Salem. Ortgea's Oldest DtaMr BESTBUY" Csod Ctra Kta) At Cat PH. 4111 184 BUICK Super 4 dr. greoA wtth white top, tinted glaea, wsw r " ea BAH, tttaaa, uses, ooad. a-wsa. Ill PONTIAC 4-ooor ataUott wagosv 83s ar old M tag eauity. Ph. 2-4088. ax piiiuj uunvuki. Rsdlo, heater tt drtvo. whtt wall tiros, aew top sset w us tST. es r t la top snap, raa price $13N. Ph. $-11 SVT. 1841 PONTIAC, good ( 4-1814. M CHEV. Bel Air Ut. V-K new. eltAsL RAH. (tt equity foe $38. baL atH for 2 ano. Ph. $41$1. . . U.J tr$ rf Uli" 1954 GHEVR0LET is-tsst Dehix cab, pitlrup, rr dlo, hoaUr, directional slf sals, tinted glass,' 704x1$ Una, $1345 1953 G.M.C. t-ton pickup kydramats d PH. WI7I $62 Houtd Trdilt rt FIR CREST Trailer Park under new msnsgsmsnt restricted space for rent. 3818 N Rival ltd. Ph. 2-kij 20 FT. TRAILER house. $2So". Turn left on No. tid of Brook .Nook. Brook, Ore., 2 bouse on right. C. M. larls. FOR A CLEAN, Quiet. Uodora Disc ta Dark tout trailer houss. It' th new 4-Cornor ThiU f-ftii-, f mmmt md the 4-CorTnrs en state Ph 2-170$ TRAILER TOWING IAYTMWK TRAIIER SALES $84$ Portland Rd Pk e-gma DESIRABLE trailer space nesr avsll at Salens new mod, residential Court Center St. Trailer Court 4159 Center. 864 Hddvy Iquipmtwr BUCYRUS Erie 10B shovel, I booms, trsllsr, K-7 InUr 8 yd D. Doing good business, hers $ yrs. B D. XckstsuaW Ph, $-4JU, aiKtrtoa. Ore. Illll'S