tory. ber. l4-(Sec. II) SUtesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., May 8, Bus Boycott May Lead to Court Verdict M0.YTGOMERY, Ala. The t .t. . - . . - lergthfuini Negro boycott of city boset in Montgomery may pro- duct the Brit clear-cut decision ' from the U. S. Supreme Court on bus segregat on. ' i. ii ... .i A suit challenging constitution- amy aiomgomery cuy ana Aia- bama state seg: ation laws will, k. k-..j k k.u ....1 1. v : i7 mn-j"ii federal court Friday. ! The complaint, bearing the . aames of six Negroes and filed as . an outgrowth of the mass boycott , now in its sixth month, seeks declaratory Judgment holding the anti-race mixing laws invalid, and : an injunction to stop the city and . state from enforcing them..' - , Montgomery City Lines, a pri- Tately-ewned carrier which oper ates the city's only bus service, has already abandoned segrega tion. Its drivers have been ordered te refrain from separating White ' . and Negro passengers. .. Owners Sec Supermarket Size Increase CLEVELAND (AP) The super market of tomorrow will be larger and offer a greater va riety of fast-moving goods, the national president of the Super Market Institute said here Sun--day. "I predict that you will see many operator! branching out into more nonfood items of every type," said John P. Mott of East Hartford, Conn., in an interview prior to the opening of the in stitute' 19th annual convention, which drew about 13,000 per sons, .-... At the markets move into such fields as hardware and toys, be said, they will have to add serv ice department to handle com plaints in order to protect their own good name. Mott, who is head of Mott's Super Markets, Inc., (aid market bead "are ootlmlst'c about the future and that super markets re springing up across the country st the rate of about 3, 000 a year.. V "Not only are we keeping pace with the economic growth," be said, "but we are stepping ahead in the full expectation that the nation' potential development will catch np with tu." In addressing the opening din ner of the convention Sunday Bih'L Mott said: "There is no limit to the ' neights we in the food Industry can achieve if we all work to-. g ether. W could, together, give America a good distribution y . fern never known before in his 17-Ycar-Old Arraigned on GRANTS PASS I - Lloyd Eu gene Wahl. accused tlayer of hi lix-year-old cousin, wa arraigned en a first-degree murder charge la Justice Court Monday and re manded to Juvenile court. Wahl. 17, was placed tn custody of Sheriff Loyd Lewis. Dist Atty. . Max McMlUIn laid the (rand turv :n ... u..J.u : win us icviif -TOu 401 Poultry and Rshhits tO hear the tvidenee. Uu7 Fur Besring Anlmsli McMlllin reported that Kathlen j -' Sue Wahl, whose body was found 410 seeds Tnd plants .In barn lat Fridav night, died m Eruit and rarm Produc of strangulation and a broken JJ f'.'rn,X,p,n.nt . . Deck. , , ; 425 Auction Salei Wahl, who lives In Galice, was ; Hted by SUte Police Sgt C R.lJ m Tool. Borgman a admitting, after his 4M Wanted Machinery. arrest, that he carried the chi d off on hi bicycle and then raped ; Car Plunge Kills Three AVERY, Mane !l A rar plunged Into the St. Joe River five mile west of here Monday, and a man, hi wife and daughter 1 drowned. Sheriff's officer identified the dead as Mr. and Mr. William M. Jelvlk, St. Maries, Idaho, and Iheir daughter, Sandra, about 11. Texas Tornado Damages .3 Homes aVnRFW.l Tm I . A small tornado damaged three home and;?"."' r"nfl!hedW"1 caused minor injurie to one per-'W Frms for Rent ... jjm W Wanted to Rent SOB Monday. .... 'Id Wsnted la Rent Uouses ine (nerm ouic aaiu mite homes in the southwest section of the west Teia city tuffered dam met. ' : - Rain and high wind continued In Andrew (or more than two hour. Power in the city was in termittent end the police transmit ter wa out of operation. Tele phone service wa disrupted. Burglary Try Fails " HAMILTON, ' Ont. Otl -Police Mid Monday thieves made an un successful attempt during the weekend to break into the offices of the Hamilton branch of the John Howard society. The society is dedicated to the rehabUiUtioB of freed convict. Shapely Rita Exhausted by Grace's Rites NEW YORK I - Movie actress loct .J,b,.,Sppyiu! RiU Cam it under a doctor care mart. pt. i-ojo. for exhaustion. foDowint the Grace LOST-Biara Lab. Retrsew, . ... Kelly - Prince Rainier weddinf Monaco last month. Her father, Benjamin, J. Cam. ! 314 Tf importation 'said she is suffering "complete; , . j .k.u.i ki.ctiAM COLLEGE student with convert. T""T r'. J! wuhn i. muri huoniu i ter the "trywg" fesUvrties and would like u share hiium or, medical treatment j Wo m Mexico leaving June April X. I " ra MiM tu one of Mia ii .'. . ... . 7 ., ... . ... . .ijy $ onaesrnaia at me tin ceremonies April ll-U. On March a she herself was married te Thomas H. bmnxourg, puoiisner. Advertising StatesmanJoaraal Newspapers tM N. Cbnrcb . PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mia. t Maes) Weekdays '. per line I time J 15 per Una times 10 per line ( timet $1 SO It. St per one 1 em. li t (IncL Sun I Classifies: ads will ba run in both papers to lve advertisers the d vantafes of the tremendoua pulling power of 17,014 combined circuit- flora. Whan an ad is otdered tnree or six times and a Sunday issue is in- eluded Ifnr example rr1J StXai day Sundayi llu lower Sundav rale apply because only The Statesman auhluines Sundays. .. Classified ads will start in me n.ormng Oregon Statesman, conclude in the evening Capital Journal -but ads will be acceped for Sunday Statesman only. The deadline tor classiftca ads is I KM p.m. the day before publication ecep (or Sunday whan deadline is I N p.m. Friday. Emersency ada and small Una ads received after 100 p.m. weekdays and unUI 11 noon Saturday (or Sunday may be placed In the ' Too Late to Clasisfy" column. Ads tor Monday . papers must ba in by I p ro. Saturday. The Statesman Journal newspa pers reserve the rlgnt to ra'eot ques tionable advertising It further re serves the rijnt to place nil adver tising under th proper clastlflra- lion. The Stslesmaa Journal Ncwipm pers assume no finani-ial espunsi- bil!tv for arrars which tnsv SDDenr aocvriisrments nunnsncn in columns and tn eases where this pa per Is at fault will reprint that nari of an advertisement In ahlch thr typographical mistake occurs A "Blind" Ad sn ad containing a siaiesman-rfoumai niwspapers oos number for an address is for the protection of the advertisers and mutt therefore ba answered by let ter. Th Sltteiman-Joumsl Newspa pers ara nut at liberty to dlvulie in formation as to the Identity ai advertiser using a "Bund as. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to pro- tecs Its readers agtlnst fraud, de ception, or Inluries Readers ara cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to let a position advertised in the help wanted columns. All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF TH WORK. Sal-i I Mlp wanted ads must Haul If par la in Ihe form of salary, com. missions, guarantee, or include firm name. Bona fide offers ol employment " wllh pay Below to the Help wanted rolurr.nt. Ads in other columns which require investment in siorxs, samples equipmerl or cash bond should be thoroughly Investigated bf e paying out any money Advertisers requiring a cah Inveitm-nt for samples or merchandise, isles aids etc.. must so specify In Iheir ads Kindly report an exception to '.hit rule to tne classified advertising manager. Classified Index Tor Your Convenience" 310 Meeting Notices 312 Lost and Found 314 Transportation 31 Personal 311 Stamps and Coins 4110 AGRICULTURE 4R2 Livestock for Sale 403 Livestock Wsntrd ?! wm Machines 455 House Goods for Ssl 456 Wanted House Goods 431 Radio and Television 43o Buildin Materiala 45 Do It Yourwlf Wl Musical Instruments 462 Sports Equipment 464 Bicycles 466 Trsds Miscellaneous 476 Fuel For Rent. Miscellaneous 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous 4"! Wsntfrt Miscellaneous 474 Ml'ccllmenus sio Money l osn ' Wand i " ,nv",m"" 600 EMPLOYMENT 602 Help Wanted 604 Help Wanted. Msn 60 Help Wanted. Lady 605 Pickers Wanted S10 Sales Helo 611 Work Wanted, M.-n 614 Work Wsnted. Lady 61 Situations Wanted 617 Job Information 61 Education 62 Dsy or Contract m RENTALS 701 Sleepins Rooms. Bnsrd 70.1 W.mted Rooms Rnird mo Apnrtmenti for Rent '01 Duplexes 1 in wanted to Rem Apia 714 Business Rentals n Resort Rentals II! Convalescent Homes is Moving snd Storsgs 00 REAL ESTATE SOI Business Opportunities 03 Business Property (03 Suburban o Houses tor Sale 607 Apts, Courts for Sal to Lots for Rale si Farms for Rale 11 Exchange Real Estat ! Resor Property SIS Wsnted Real Estat 623 Insurance M AUTOMOTIVE 131 New Cars 52 Used Cars tor Rale 13.1 Autn Parts and Repair 54 Trucks, Trailers for Sal (36 Wanted Cars. Trucsa 65 Motorcycles 660 Auto Mtseelleneou MS Hmiis Trailers s4 Heavy Equipment 80 Aircraft 38 '300 Person! 312 Lett f4 LOST: female; Mack Labrador. t m. An. Is uw Zaf Ph. 1-1SJS1. Reward. LOST: Ld s GoM TWeet" au lomatie wrist watcw. Sunday near f. a Reward, ph. 2-M or J-73I. FOUND: Mill j lav Identify Py lor aa rn, i-i hi. .1 sirayisa irnra Aunwuit. r- in! w.rd. Dewey Bniee, Aume- vuic. m, suwa. rwrwwaii Security Detective Aeeney Private investigation anywhere anytime. World wide affllle attofl. Rm. 13. Salem Ph. Oaf or night 4-zzw Vancouver, Waah. Oxford S-I49S. TOO MANY BILLS? Dont let your bills ret you ra trouble. It you're behind In payments, we ran help you. Ho security er cosigners need ed One place to nay all billi "it only what rou can af ford I I Bonded and UVensed for your protection!) CREDIT CONSULTANTS Ss!en 1-M44 for information PSYCHIC READER Madm HAZEL. Salema oldest, reliable render ran help vu win surce.ts. health and nap pinesa No bargain prices. Just truthful, reliable advlci. SM Portland Rd at Albany ul aft . Loot tor lien. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify j I I i SO PONTIAC 4 dr.. hydra, ra- - dl heater, sell or trade, csll j 4-SH02 eves. i j,D ,,.. . " i ? ..i" J-' ' L matched sel, also several as sorted pieces. Ph. 3-721. WM CHEV. 4 dr . clean thruo'ut. price S490. Ph. 4-473. MX Abrams. g-BDRM. unfurn., clean, gar. Ph. 4-3263 yard. J-BDRM. home for rent, 100 mo. So. Vlllag. 3-5194. 2-BDRM. house, view, timber, 10 acres, 17,900 cash, leaving Salem. Ph. 1-11M, Owner. REMINGTON portabTe'typewriu r wrarrylng case. Ilk new, S3. Ph. 4-S07I. SEED potatoes Al Ped, 5230 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-407. SMALL house, couple only, $25 mo, 9231 Portland Rd NEWLY" dec!" furn. 2 rm.. kitch enette, neat & water turn. U85 Saginaw. is laui 10 worn in lurnuure in- - j veniory control o:iicc. short- hand & typing rxp. necessary Permanent position. Apply I Hogg Bros., 2l0 State. i f.RDRM comoletelv (urn.. Inc. water At garbage, ISO. No pets. Ph. 2-M85. 1140 Oxford. GENTLE milk cow, food pro ducer, 1 calves. Ore. re Here ford heifer. Ph. 2-1883, 1140 Oxford. an WANTED: Cleaning by hour, city ref. After p.m. 5-155. HOME-made boat trailer, good axel. ?3. Ph. 2-1707. ACCORDION. ISO bass, like new. reasonable. Cavalllna. 1180 Parkway Dr. Ph. 4-3042. SPECIAL 32 CHEV. 4-door, excel, cond. new paint, low mileage. SS75. See at Z210 Chemeketa. eves. SM. mod. hse gar., fenced gar den. W. Salem. Ph. 2-0.173. BY OWNER: Low down pay ment, easy monthly payments. New 3 bdrm. home wfrpl. It plastered gar. PhMSIJ. Ihe CAPEHART HI-FI console. 3 speed plaver, FM-AM. 1455 new. sacrifice $195. Ph. 4-7431 after ' ALBANY business property for sale nr trade. Salem property. 715 Ferry WANT puppies any kind. Will pay cash. Ph. 2-738H. 20' TRAVELO factory built trailer house, all metal, fully equipped, 10 gal. gas tank, sleeps 4. (473. Hubert Evans. 22S1 Harel Ave. apt. 7. BY OWNER sell or trade csfe ft 3 bdrm. house for mntel or apartment house. 2-0104. FOR SAl.ErioSl CoTumhia traiN er. 23 ft., Besittane stove, oil heat ele-. refrl . bath. Ph 5-1135 eve 5.1 STUDE 2 ton tru.-k ' with stock ratk Also. 51 Chev '. ton pl-kun. JAYHAWK f R AII.FR SALES. 2040 Port land Rd. BABY Sitter wanted 7 30 tn 5 111. Mn thru. Frl. Call 4-1S77 after S .10. CALL 4 6811 Traoe-In Allowance On a Set of New Allstate Cushion Black Wall or White WaU rSears Roebuck & Co. Wl N. CAPITOL ME in mil m I 100 Display Classified j I y-eaay - r y un , j I You Mor' 300 Pf raonal ' lcoikx.cs Anonymoua sss S Ceannerrtal. 1-21 PALMIST Palm, card 4k phytic rreder, tells past, present k future SI complete reading. II with ad. , Portland -, Pk 4-473 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous l roup Na. L KWS N Com I HiJ. 311 Stemps end Coiws WILL buy sole coins, any - smlaitMa. Cau s-Msi. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock foe Sole SORREL reldlnf. possey trained. not a childs horse. Bay geldini possey trained. Sinale horse trailer. Can be seen at 1320 N River Rd. er cell Hl alter I -OR RtNT food 0A sheep K rattle pasture at jtoia.J-!5o IX)R SALE: Fresh milk (oats, some to freshen soon, one mi. south of Marquam. Oscar M. Carlson. ML Anftl, Ore. Rt. 1. Box 41. 11 CHINCHILLAS, food breed. Ins stock. 13 cases, 1 iron racks feed. Must tell by May loth. Best price takes. Ph. 4-SJSS after week days. FOR SALE: Large Palamlno. Nlc parade horse or Posse. Very (en tie for anyone. C. E. Shields. RL 1, Boa 17, Leb anon. Ore. I GAITKD Palamlno Glldini Ph. 4-4S21. 4 WHITE FACE bred It I cow It calf. Ph. 4-520. I SORREL mares. 1 yrs. old. J beaiHiful black mare, s yr. old Well trained. Gentle, ph. 1-0SM after ( pjn PROFESSIONAL horseshoar Lea Hanson. 4-0714 or 4-S0S3 FOR SALE or trade, gentle ponies for children, also good saddle horses Bob Frank. 30J K Water St.. Silyerton. Ph S-S1M. Custom killing, cuttlny it wrap ping, trailer loaned tree. 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buyer Clauds Ed- jards. Rt 3. Box asst. 4-111.1 CATTLE, horses at your farm E. C. McCandllsh. Rt 2. cAffLrTbuyer. aT r"Somnwr. 1280 Harmony Dr. Ph. -90t7 CATTLE buvers 42!7 State E & H Snethen. 2-1345. 2-43M 404Poultry ondRobbifi rOR SALE SO heavy hens liv ing., 11.50 each or 11.75 dressed Rt. 1. box 281 A., Aumsvllle. Ph. 74. aJ .Wald top. CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry. W buy rabbits. Wing's, 3S State, Ph. 4-3811 BABY CHICKS, lie straight run. choice of Parmentert, New Hamps . White Rocks and Leg horns Special New Hamp. and Whit Rock pullets. 19c. Par menter red rooster. Sr VALI FY FARM STORE Ph 4-4824 Sslem 408 Pets MAI r. puppy to give away 4-5.170. GOLDEN retrtver puppies wks. old. 4-9305, 4888 Reiman Rd. SHEPARD month, gentle, 15. with license. 2835 Broom Ave. HAVE country home for lrg. dog good with cntiuren. stay ton 3-2324. A.KC Beg. Shetland sheep dogs I Toy Collie) Blind sen. mcsi dents N. of Administration Building. COCKER PUPS $10. Also Chi huahua puppy. Ph. I-12W. BABY parakeets, rare It nor mal. 3425 Abrams Ave. 3-798. VOUNG parakeets, cage feeds MI3S2Sojn:M755 BIRD Psrastlse for Nrda. cages Supplies 310 Livingston 1-143 Rare PARAKEETS Norma) 245 W Browning Ph 2-207 AKC reg-. black Labrador Re triever pups 9 wccks. sieiu trial champion blood lines. Ph. 163. 1053 Monmouth St., Inde pendence. PERFECTLY marked Golden Sable male collie. Ph. 4-1860 or 2-063 afternoon or eve. FbTTs ALEor f radeTjleg . Lab rador Puppies, 1 mo. old. Ph. 3-6241. 4 10 Seeds end Plo nt BEDDING PLANTS ARE OUR SPECIALTY. DOUBLE PETUNIAS BLOOMING NOW. 5 Ml. N. OF KEIZER SCHOOL ON SALEM ST. PAUL RD ESTHER-Read daisies, geran iums, pink sensation delphin ium! young Russell Lupines, Astilbe's. some chrysanthe mums readv now (others by May 15th 1. Blacks, 2270 Che mawa Rd FUCHSIAS & Ivy Geraniums. baskets in hloom. also uaniia bulbs. Wards Gardens. 4080 Cherry Ave AZALEAS in bloom. Open Sst urrisv At Sunday. Tuesday It Wednesday morning. Sales Yard. 26.10 North 5th Street Slrayer Aialea Gardens. 20O0 MARSHALL strawberry plants from certified plantings No 2 $10 per 1.000. Packed Ph 4-3961. BLOOMING AZALEAS. Furh, sis. Comellias, Rhodos. A ev ergreen shrubs. Waring's Nurs en. Drive S on t?th St mile past Morningside School. Tur.i right at Oakhlll Ave. MOTHERS DAY Fuchsia lovely hanging baskets. 25!H) Fisher Rd PRIMROSES peppers. Hybrid tomatoes. 723 W Sslem Heights Ave A Plant Greenhouses It Florists Garden supplies, seeds, plants. :s. At 129 S. 13 Ph. J-4610. Sun PEONIES. Annuals. Fuschlas. Geraniums, Begonias. Hanging Baskets. Kilbers. 71 Salem Heights Ave DAHLIA bibs. $2 dr.., mollis ara less 35c up. ger'ums. fusch. tu heeon's. lunch, bskti. Mer rill's Greenhouse Brooks. ., . - - . 411 Lown-Gorden Equipt. GRASS beelns to stow II Ume to mow. Lawn mower conditioning. Chel Willard Sharpening Shop. Ph. 4-0464 (ft Fruit 4 Form Produce PASTEURIZED whole milk. 75e 1 gsl 'i gal. 40c. delivered Clesry Dairy. 1-3031 413 Fertiliier ORGANIC FERTILIZER ODORLESS VY JACK OR BULK PHONE S-3I55 ROTTED sawdust for mulching, t yd. load SIS. 4 yds $10. 2 yds or $2 a vd or 50c sack a I farm Also Brave' Dam Soil. $1 sack, for $.". Phil lips Bros , Rt $ Box HO. Sa lem. Ph. 4-301 MANURE, aged rich numu- weeds Real soli builder lot lawns, gardens Ph 1-0331 fRESH or rotted manure RicrT, fin manure by sack or yard Delivered or at farm Phillips Broa. Jit, I Bos 4U. Ph. -J0l. 400 Agriculture 414 Feir.N Eouipment I - ALUS Chalmers model C. like new. for sale. Ph4-1. FA KM ALL tractor i D 1-14 plow on ruhher. J. D V Tandem disk II ' J t case side rake Iron. Ph. 1-MJ2. sFLLING out misc. farm mar chinery. -7o Silverton Bd. 525 Auction Soles AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITE CENTER STREET SALEM 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery Tool FOR SALE: DeWalt power saw it stand with standard attach ments. Phl-7445. USED gas powered chain-saw. see at Pioneer Trust Co., 10V N. Com-l. AVI several used welders AC Jj DC. Call 4-1M4 454 Sewing Machine CABINET ELECTRIC WAS $179.50 SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-3512 ROUND ROBIN Porta:0'' Vfctric 1J.JJ SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-3312 455 House Goods for Sale $30.00 DN Buvs comnlete household of furniture and appliances at Salem's lowest overhead store Glen Woodry, 1803 N. Summer Law n mower 8 !15 Used Mdse. Mart . 270 S. Lib erty. Open Friday till 9. No : down payment 1OAC1 NEW Simmons Rnllaways SI'.'BH. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer HOTPOINT 4B- comb. auto. M A.Al.nL,,l'Q SON'S. 279 N. Com'l. NICE walnut china cabinet $75; Gov. Wlnthrop desks S55 S75. Save at Salems Lowest over head store. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. MAYTAG washer, Ig. rollers and Rump $65. Glen Woodry, 1605 . Summer. VACUUM CLEANER Kirby cleaner, like new. $33. Ph. Sundays it eves 4-5864 NEW brass fireplace screens 1295. Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. BRAND new deep fry. need cash . Ph. 2-9:n. NEW2 pc. pt. size Biltwell sec tionals $129 50 Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. MAPLE bunk beds wmatresse $44 44. Glen Woodry, 1605 ' Summer. - A - - It vuu neea a sins.e 1 ;.' 17 !,,. Vr ann anreV Buv now on our easy terms. Woodry s Thrifty Used Furniture 315 So. Com'l St Ph. 4-1.119 1 block So of Paper Mill NF.W gym Dandy play sets clnseouts $19 80. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. FORCED sir floor furn. excel rond.. 4 yrs. old. thermostat. 2-50 gal barrels. $35. 4-6651 NEW4' door mirrors $3 49 Glen Woodry. 1605 N. SummerJ WANTED Used wood dinette reeardless of condition, will gi' e $25. Trade in on new Del.uxe 7-pc. chrome dinettes. 72-in. table, foam rubber chairs, incl. host chair. Reg $119 50 You pay only $94 50 at Salem's lowest overhead store Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. APT. OWNERS-New Simmons studio couches $t)8. uifn Woodry. 105 N. Summer. FROM THE ATTIC Unusual antique chair, must be restored.As Is. $20. 4-2326. LOVELY new 3 pc. 90" carved sectionals $288. Save at Sa lem's lowest overhead store Glen Woodry. 1605J. Summer. LARGE-Campaign chair 2 cov ers $15. Box springs and mat tresses $40. Unfinished chest and chair $3 each. Man's bi cycle $5. 3-4359 after 6 p m. 4 Beautiful suits, new style St top condition, size 40 Also top coat St 1 hats. 2 sport lafkets liW N 16th DO IT - YOURSELF. Loveseat Secretary desk. St I hrrr chest, cheap Lambert's. 215 1 S. Comm FNLAID Lino, $139 per fq yd R L Elf-strom Co.. 260 S. Lib erty TAKING-lessons In uphnlstry? We have a beautiful loveseat. l.amhert's, 215 S. Comm VISIT LAMBERT'S movlng sale 215 S. Comm. FOR SALs Solid Mahogany chslr with rollers It reclining bsck, $13 Ph. 4-4346 I NEW 9x12 rugs. Reg. $79 93. this week only-Hug St pad only ' $19 95. Used Mdse Marl. 270 s Liberti. Open Friday til 9 ! Nn down payment if) A C i PC. Walnut dining rm. set 1101 tin Usrd Mdse Mart. 270 S Lib erty Open Fndi y til 9 No down payment lO. A. C.I BE THRIFTY Buy used furni ture It appliance s. THE THRIFTY WAY on Eai.) Terms at WOODRY S THRIFTY USED FURN7 $15 S Corn ! Ph. 4-331 $149.50 New 7-pc. Roto-rock daveno group, step end tables, lamps, colfee table at Salem's low er! overhead store. Glen Woodry. UO.i N. Summer. USED chrome dinette set $19 Used Mdse Mart 2711 S. I ertv. Oieu F'ld-v til 9 No down payment iO. A C i MAHOGANY desk $9 95 Used Mdse. Mart 270 s Lib erty, Open Fridav til 9. No down payment iO. A. C.t NEW Vy rer I b $17 TO Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S Lib erty. OpennFriday 'til No down payment (O. A. C.) UMT'JbWm8lSL Author-Explorer And. Future Wife Met Yia Want Ad ' ADWMI Sl-LOUVG e.ienn( . ISaal S has I 1 1 viwl. liilM sev. Meelvl -lH swticaws ' Aasis a Cuuwifise M It s ViaM HfIJ elacW r soles asSior-ltcSiret km Ehf yest aiskr' Jsee DeKsaw froa ker roslisa effice fffc te imgt, mi sdSeMsr. Its m,im jsBglts, slaaiateKt led to ker ttriuii Mrs. Krissess, ass gave km watenal te wits ! rscisllr aaslisae' kool, -Tkt M' b s lom. Sal Ads J DesUay 't Daara n-4 450 Merchandise 455 House Good for Sale Linoleum rugs 13 95 Valley Turn Co . 211 N Com'l NEW xl2 linoleums 14 . Glen Woodry, 1WI5 N. Summer. UNFINISHED lurnitnre H L Stiff furn,tuie.175 N.Hi.-v SAVE on modern, appliances st Salem s lowest overhead store. Clen Woodry. loS N. Summer. INLAID Llno7 l M per sqryit R L. EUstrom Co.. MO 8 Lib erty TRAILER house refrigerstor 155. Glen Woodry. 1)5 N. Summer. MODERN gss range Ai wster heater. Best offer takes. Ph. 3-8411 NEW Biltwell swing rockers. (33.1. Trades Terms Glen Woodry. 18(15 N. Summer. LIGHT grey chrome dinette set with 4 chairs, opened to 6 ft. excellent condition Ph. 2-8530 APT. size ranees (35. (55. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. INLAID I.ino 1159 per sq yd R L Elfstrom Co . 260 S Lib erty S A V E on new M sT M rsroedT room sets (88 at Salem's Low est Overhead store. Glen Woodry ,1605N.Summer: USED refrigerators. 119 25 ti up. Al Laue. App. 2350 State St. 456 Wanted House Good CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY TURN. CO. Ph. 2-7472 IOP CASH PRICt - 'IJR.N1 i AH-Luim.f.s. r.i". U'SED MERCHANDISE Vf ART. ' :70 5 LIBERTY PHJ 6J17J I Need at Once Late moaei r, - Appliances ry cash premium for Hi tirade Electric Ranees Hcfriseraiois Automatic Washers Driers A Lata Model used Furniture Ph Clen Woodry 3-5110 right Now for Pleasing ResulHI I ' 458 Building Moteriol Bargain Buys at The Co-op Toilet, 124. Bath tube comp. 163 52-gal. water heater 10 year. S65. Loomex. 4c ft.. 2-ln. wall boxes. 25c ea. Light fix tures 23 off ALSO: $80 power mower, 4-cycle BS $69 95. Lawn seed. 75c lb. Hardware it supplies FARMERS UNION CO-OP 3615 Silverton Rd. Ph 4-3766 1 VERY GOOD CONDITION ALL NO. 2 & BETTER! ! 2x4. 2x6, 2x6 dim $15 per M i lx6 hthlnf hoard $45 per M 2x10 2x12, 4x6. 4x12 $.'i5 per M Used Oak Flooring shorts $45 per M Used Fir Flooring R L $15 per M 1x4 ceiling 1c lin ft. 2x4 shorts lr lin ft. WE ALSO HAVE Windows. plumbln((. doors E. S. RITTER & CO. 67411 Portland Rd Ph, 4-6111 4 mi No of Salem '2 mi No. of Totem Pole nn riE Open all dav SaUirdav E! i Drv 1: Cedar Boards $120 M Tite-kr.ot 10 sprues tiding 1131 M 0 10-' inverted cedar hoards and batts $i:io M Good 18" painted cedar shakes At under- course $8 95 Sq. Heavy gauge iron Tool ing $10.50 Sq. 4x8V birch "A" grade plywood .. 42c sq ft. t 4x8V service plv $2.13 sheet 4x8'," service plv $30(1 sheet O 4x8V service ply $3 45 sheet O A grade birch doors $7 70 each O FRF.E DELIVERY O TRKDIT GLADLY OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YARD Lancaster and Crnter Pn Salem 2-l.jOO PAINT $188 gal Paint $1 9gai. Glen Woodry. 1605 N Summer 0 12-2 wire, roll at 4'jr O Cedar shingles $3 00. 13. 6 Galv Iron roof g - CHEAP 3 tah rooi inw'cvi prices O Nslls per keg-$8!5 4 east soil pine l.'ir ft 'j gal pine I2c V-I6c I'," -29c 1'," 3Sc O 500 'al teel sen l.inK $51 50 KM gal steel ep Link $:19 .Ml m i" nlack sewer pine JOc 34c O Di'or laniii. mi'td miis 2 "!i O Rldg. paper 500 sq ft. $2 33 O Fibre glass blanket Invul - CHEAP 4x plaster board 1140. $160. $1 83 Celling tile. 16x32. 10c sq. ft O Shake mold, song length, 10c. Oarage doors, all s4ee-ehep Barb wire to rdi $5 95 $7 45. O jtstde white paint gal $2 50 Oak Firing R. length cheap O New window sashes $2 00. W strip crystal windows 21x32 kitchen sinks cheap. O Toilets W seats C8 30 O New hath tub cnmnlele $63 50 O Strictly Cash - It-Haul Closed Sundays St Mondays 05 I ( l l ( I', ortVC lb - ; V 1 'K -X ' ' V'A. I Ml N Keier Ph 4-S03I ROOFING Installed - HlpHesI Quality Material applied In Licensid Workman 10 Warranty FREE ESTIMATED MONTGOMFRY WARD Call 3-3191 Salem Or" NEW vent fan for kitchen bith $22 95 Judsom, 279 Com! LUMBER TTT Ill i II K tM IMS llaiH ' ip" JU U iisiw iMk mn t WMts I u s Ih m a. a si iw 450 Merchandise 458 Building Moteriol Overhead steel faraee with harduare. I3SM In toned ajoia Galvanised eve trough 12'ie per ft Em.NG LL'MBKR CO. 3740 SILVERTON RD. j PH 4-6123 USED plumbing fixt.. tubs, sinks, basins bargains. Jud son s. 27 N. Com'l. 500,000 FEET New, fresh-milled old Si second frowth lumber 2x4 to 2x12 In to 24-foot lengths Delivered prices Salem, 130 per thou minimum. Ted Muller S-1188 RECONDITIONED a u t o m atlc water heaters. Judson's, 279 N. Com'l. ELF.C wall Heaters. 21 off 21' x 32 sink con.p (4395 Garbage Disposal, to Fibre pipe 30c Si 34c ft 14-2 Umm ex 4c ft Dooi chimes. 20 off 12-2 Loomex. 41, ft Light fixtures. 25'. ott Out let boxes. 25c 3 pc. bath set (135 52 gal elec water heat er. (63 We thread pipe and rent Gelger Counters. Apex Electric It Plumbing, 1410 Broadway. Ph. 2-1868 Open Fri. eves Si Sat till 5. 459 Do It Yourself U-Fix-It-Garage Repair your own car. Phone 4-331 20V5 N Com'l. HOW-to-do-it advice, planning aid. complete material sup ply, plumbing, heating, wir ing, see Judson's 279 N. Com'l. 460 Musical Instrument ACCORDION Bargains Hohner with case $25; Sitvertone with case S.iO: (lalanti with case $75. Tallnians. 395 S. 12th. Near S .P. Depot. HAWAilANguitar4t amplifier. Ph. 4-2711. 462 Sport Equipment OUTBOARD MOTOR SALE Johnson 4 H P $ 10 00 Martin 7', H P $ 49.50 Firestone 5 H P wshlft ....$ 87 0 Scott-Atwater 7't HP. wshlft 82 50 Johnson 16 H P $ 99 M Evinrude 7'i HP $113 00 Mercury 6 H P.. like new $189 00 NO DOWN PAYMENT O A C. SHROCKS HIGHLAND AT PORTLAND RD Ph. 2-1423 CASH paid for used guns, mod ern and antique Cascade Merc. 1210 Broadway 14 FT boat w-5 HP Evinrude motor See at Bales It Brady Towing Service. SELL OR trad" 300 Weatherby cal. rifle w-KV scope for late model 10 to 20 HP outhrd. Choice 2 boat trailers. $50 4-6604 14 FT. Mahogany boat. 69 in. beam. fiber class bottom, windshield 16 HP motor, re mote controls trailer, all new Ph 4-4259 after 3. 14 FT boat St traUer$75. PhT 2-3515 464 Bicycles BOY 24" 3-.1552. English racer. Ph. 468 For Rent, Mic. FOR RENT or lease ire ware house space cement floor brick bldg . downtown In. quire H L Stiff Furn 3-8115 470 For Sole, Misc. Lawn Swing Ph 2-3135 guaranteed $1 89 gal. $12 50 PAINT Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. THREE piece loveseat set. Mar ble top tables. Antique silver chests, wardrobes, Lambert's, 215 S. Comm. EQUIPMENT Montag forced air oil fired fur nace. Like new $225. ' Montag 18-ln. warm air blower unit with cabinet. $70 I Sawdust burners, oil heaters. JUDSON'S 279 N Com'l Ph 3-l!4t Cl.OSKOl'T ALL MISC. ITEMS Po's. pans,, figurines, and 1 iioo nthc- bargain items. Glen Woodry, IH05 N. Summer. VACUUM ("LEANER Repossessed Electrolux. New condition. $29.50. Assume contract $125 per wk. Th. 4-7102 idealerl. Used windows, frames St screens: upright piano. Rt. 3, Box 959, Salem. A. L. Oilman. RICH TOP SOIL DEL. $125 A YARD PH. 4-2-103 TOP SOIL PH. 4-2463 Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loan, "Dial 2-1749 Prompt Delivery Kelzer Sand At Gravel Co. TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, cash registers, dupll- eslorS; desks, chiirs, files, sup plies Roen's. 456 Court 3-6773 OREGON Agate, moss At Jasper beach agate, tumbled or raw. 2490 Broadway Ph 3-3290 RECAPS-600x16 670x15 Exch $695 Lytle's Tire Mart top son, Phone 2-1375, 2-8S01 P;t Pun Cravrl TOP SOIL PH 24310 I'SFD Inick tires. Lytle's Tire Mart, :'.05 N Com'l " TOP SOIIFILL DIRT PHONE 2-4763 or 1 CEDAR post, bean post, shed N.I poles, sll type 4s berry wua. Ph. 4-3081. tint vw v 1 irw 1 I Oil I450 Mfrch'ndbc 470 Fee Sole, Misc. TOP SOIL k PIT RUN GRAVEL. PH. 2-S551 PLATINUM 34 diamond engage ment At weddinf ring set. Sell tor less than cost for quirk sale. Price SM. Ph. 4-153 after ( pjn. 472 Wanted. Misc. WANT vane. second hand weather Ph. 4-SSU days WANTED several thousand cords of wood, all specie. Ph. 1-1721 Nights 4-5833 47Tm iscelloneous DFNTAI. PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER Dentist Adotph Bldg. State At Com ) Sts SALEM PH 3-3311 ADDING machines, cash regis Clary. 19.4 Fairgrounds 1-5375 476 Fuel Old Kir Wood. $1J Ph Silverton 3-8481. OLD FIR WOO Dl 1 2 PH. 4-OS53 Spring Special Mulch Sawdust, Fertilizer Block It Slab Wood West Salem Fuel lHJEdf ewater Ph J-40J1 ANDERSON'S slabwood Ph 2-7751 or 4-2654 OREGON FUEL CO. Mulching Sawdust WOOD SUH Green Stamps Ph 3-35.13 3087 Broadway West Salem Fuel Co. Sawatist blower or Dash out Planer and Pond Llliea SPECIAL Semi-Dry Block asd Slab. 1525 Edgrwater "h 2-4031 HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST Sj WOOD 3-4H44 WANTED several thousand cords o.- wood, all sneclea Ph. 3-7721 Nights. 4-533. Capitol Fuel Co. SAW.DUST FOR MULCHING Choice tltb and block mixed l0Broadway Ph 3-7721 SA'WDIIST fir "sale SniriMd push out, 115 Ph. Gervals 2:il 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon WE RAVE cash buyers for real estate contracts and 2nd mort gages. Ohmart It Calaba. Realtors 477 Court St. Phone 2-4115 COLONIAL Investment Co. Real Property Loans Contracts Purchased. 67 Court 4-22M LOANS 150 00 to 11500 00 Buy What You Need Consolidate, your hills. Finance tnrojgh WILLAWTTF CREDIT COMPANY 182 S Church St Ph ? 1457 PRIVATE monev to loan on Real Estate 6T. in'erest Ph 2-0794 $25 to $2300 Pacific Industrial Loans 11 I. Liberty Ph. 4-U03 515 Inveitment FOR SALE: Several shares Thomas Ksy Woolen Mill stock. Box IS, Statesman-Jour. Contract for Sale 20 discount on good contract Face value $1434, payable $50 per mo. incl. int. at 5"V. Ph 4-1671. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted COMMERCIAL Placement Aeency Since 1946 Specialists In Office Placements 49 State St (411 Ore. Bldg I 4-3351 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 2-0636 354 N Winter Adjoining Presbyterran church Free parking In rear Exclu sive listings on all types of employment. APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesman bicycle routes Several routes will be open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parents or have their written permis sion Apply at the . Circulation Department of the Statesman. Journal 6"04 Help Wonted, Men BUILDER needs rough carpen ter partner. 45'. interest. $1,000 required, have work to secure Investment, Ph 2-7016 B UI L DE R H A SM A T E R I AL to build additions or 1 2-bdrm house, very reasonable. Exline 2-7106. IF you like to draw, sketch or paint see Talent Test ad In In struction Column MEN Allslale Ins. Co. has an open- ins lor a man interested in I a career opportunity. If you! are married, 27-33. Collepr Krad , i have a Rood gen eral business background, we want to talk tn you Ex perience in Insurance or the finance field is helpful. THIS POSITION CALLS FOR A SELF STARTER k THE WILLINGNESS TO WORK THERE ARE EXCELLENT EMPLOYEE RENEFITS & GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. SEE MR COX - ALL STATE Insurance Co. 198 S. Commercial Ph. 4-6861 EXPERIENCED radio, television technician. Reference. Mitchell Radio St Television. 1880 State. WANT several wSotl EUtteTl. Apply Capital Tuel Co., 3900 N. River Rd. 606 Help Wonted, Lody COMPETENT lady to care for elderly bedfast gentleman and help with housework, live In Ref exchanged Ph. Gervais 2252. EXPERIENCED ready to wear sales lady One with personal following for specially shop. Pleasant surroundings. State experience A- reference All Information strlcklv confident ial Write box 30 Statesman Journal GIRL for general olcework Please reply to Box 2S, Statesman-Journal. 600 Employment 606 Help Wonted, Lody ELDERLY lady for companion housekeeper for elderly gen tleman in quiet country home. Wages Keith Allen. Jefferson. Oregon. ALL around beauty operator. -.-capa. . to assist in managing. Salary At commission. Statesman-Journal. Box 33. WOMAN to assist young semi invalid woman St do house work, hours 9 to I. good sal ary. Ph. 3-5S4S after S p m. SECRETARY- Receptionist T.x perience in general office work mandatory. Real estate or insurance experience very helpful. Must have bookkeep ing knowledge, shorthand pre ferred. Salary open 3 day week. Phone for aonointment. Rawlins Realty 4-W75. YOUNG woman 1 18-331 for Sat wk Inq. in person no ph. rails. Launderette. 1255 Ferry St SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST You rid woman with ability to meet public for periiinrwl de partment. Shitrthand ability necessary, some (allege pr tr ier red but mil necesuiy. Must have initiative V be well groomed. We will train tn de partment operation. Salary open. Excellent emplovee ben efits 5 dati, 364 hn. per week. Apply ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. m S Com'l Ph. 4-t;81l GIRL or unman fnr housekeep ing rhild care rond eviellrnt Salarv g'tod Must live in. Call or 3-7010. MIDDLE apred woman to Baby Sit A- live in, $S) mn. Inq. at 3.Tr7 Williams Ave. after 6 pm. MIDDLE aged woman as house keeper. 2 in family, all mod. convenience!, must live In. Ph. 4-6559. YOUNG WOMAN Allstate Insurance Co it look- inf for a younf woman b twern affes of 24 & 30 Who Ii Interested in a position with responsibility. Should have food office experience. Pre vious work with figures. There are many excellent employee benefits, good startmg sa;try, giKKi. opportunity fur advance- ment i dis, :18' hours per week Appl - ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. 19BSComl Ph. 4-6661 FlTLL or part time beautician. Call Salem 2-228S. ROOM, board At wages for wom en. 15-40. with or without child in exchange for help in motherless home. No smoking or drinking. Ph. 2-461 after 4. 608 Picker Wonted Strawberry pickers register now for platoon. Adults A children over 12. Trans, furnished. Ph. I.. W. Barham 3-!Ki.r,6 REGISTER now for a "really good lleld of Northwest Ber ries. Mrs. Bueller, Ph. 2-.1i:l REGISTER for strawberries Transp. furn Bus goes to So Salem, also N. Adults welcome. Good picking. Ph. 2-7051. n, STRAWBERRY Platoon organ izing. 40A. Near Kener. Trans portation by bus. adults It children over 1L Register by mailing" card to leader Mrs Ken Robinson, (490 Wooddale, Ph. l-633. STRAWBERRY pickers bus furnished Osk Crest Farm. Register now, Phone 4-6266. REGISTER now by mail to Brooksie. Rt. I. Box 115 for strawberry pickers. Trans. furn. STRAWBERRY pickers register now fnr platoon. Adults At children over 12. Trans, fur nished, clean field, close In E. Ph. Mrs. James Gardner 2-6501 610 Sole Help Wonted MAN to distribute St pick up Fuller Brush catalogs $100 weekly comm to start 3-8357 APPLIANCE salesman. Make as much as 14' 0 commission sell ing pianos A- organs. Only top men need apply. For informa tion write Box 13 Statesman Journal, stating age, experi ence etc. EXPERIENCED man Fine of fice Lots of advertising. Ram sey Realty. 427 Ferry. EXCELLENT Sales opportunity open in Salem and surround ing areas. No Investment. Car essential. Investigate, 1079 Broadway. Salem, Oregon, Electrnlux Corp, PIANO St Organ Salesman. 14' i commission St guarantee. Write Box 13 Statesman-Journal stating age, experience A etc. EXPErtlENCED REAL ESTATE SAI.EMAN for desirable down town office Guaranteed amount ol .idvertislng. Best working conditions SALEM PROPERTIES 367 N High Ph. 4-0331 612 Work Wanted, Men 16 YR. old boy wants summer work June 1st. Ph. 2-3273. rtOTOVATINcTwork Tve.rweek ends. J Hathaway Ph. 3-3836 Ho-ward Rotovator Work Call Bill Bovens, Ph. 4 2326 RELIABLE family man wants lawn care It yard work. Pn. 4-7892 eve. CARPENTER, remodeling, re pair, hr or contract. Painting. Ph 4-0873 p.'"1 dnn' hy VoorTcurnNO ratfs.' ph. 4-124. ROTO-TILLING PH. 4-0558 For the best professional popular experts. APPLIANCES WESTINGHOUSE Woodrv Furniture Co 474 So Cm.-'l Ph 4-2111 APITOI Bedding Mattress re novators New mattresses 3-4069 j tlll.l IMl.IMl Bulldozing, clearing roads, ponds 0-4. D-6 carryall V Huskey Ph 2-314 CRANE WORK 15-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand A Gravel Co 1-2461. FLOOR COVERINGS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co. Floor-covering, Division Qual ity Installations. Linoleum, As phalt St Rubber Tile. Wall tile Free Estimates 4-2279 ToCKERSAND ICE CREAM Vista Frozen Food Lockers 3095 S. Com'l Ph 2-9737 lackers Now Available Custom Meat Cutting and Sales Ire i'ream for All Occasions, Packs lo Take Out. MACHINE It WFI.DINO Hohart welders It rod Smith cutting equip Accessories. Globe Machine Works, loin N Commercial St. Ph 2-9S22 PAPERINQPAIVriNO Painting . snd paper-hanging: rr eitlmatea. Ph. 1-S51J. 600 Employment 412 Work Wonted, Men HOME building remodeling, house framing or any line of carpenter work Pa 4-437$ ROTO-TILLING PH4-25J or : 25U CEMENTWors:-rVTeaMSIdei walks, patios, ret wall, ga rages, bsmta free estimate. PROFESSIONAL uphoTstent.i reas Guaranteed Free esL Pick-up. delivery Ph. 2-42SO RoTo-TILUN730'rnTljrH W. Rotn-hoe. ph. after p ns., 2Jsl. EXPERT brush or sprsy paint. Ing Hr. or contract. Ph. 4-3SO0 HOWARD rotovating, new lawna prepared. free estimates. 3-5B95 or 4-S261. ROTO-TILLING RICHARD RAS. PH. 1-471 EXPERT carpenter, remodeling all kinds Cabinet work reaa. go anywhere. Exline 3-701 ni.U.NC: Howard Rntovatc.7. Ph 4-2623 or 2-3533. No calls Sat. pleas. GARDEN PLOWING It DISC ING PH. 2-5123. W A LA FI.EMME- 1565 LANCASTER DR. PAINTING Free Estimatea Reasonable. Ph. 1-9551 eves H:aYpnTER WORIt-day-o contract 2-142 or 1-143M. LAWN Mowing wanted by Andy Anderson. Ph. 4-0443. ROTOVATING PH. 2-4763 Painting Ph.:J-7552 PLOWINC. A- discing. Ph 2-277 Albert Creft. 3710 Monroe . HOWARD Rotovatmg gardens, 3-569S. new lawns prepared. LAWN tnow'cr sharpening, low prices., work guar Ph. 4-9092. LOU'S tree service Spray, top ping, prune, cabling. 4-8501. ROTORY-Tilling I Man-tillerT worlds finest Ph. 4-8382 or 4-5496. Free estimates. PRUNING, spraying, topping, re moval. L W Caudle. 4-1461 TREES expertly removed of topped. Call Mr. Osbume, 1-0335. 614 Work Wanted, Lady LADY accustomed to meetln public, full or part time a tcienhone receptinnUt Ph. 2-M74H. ClMl.D care In niv home any time. ph. 2-6712. 2085 Hazel. LIC. prac. nurse capable, rellabla wants private duty, live In. Ph. 2-343. EXPERT child care. Mv home. 1545 Trade. Ph. 4-5868. WOULD like to room & board a child from 3 on up by day, week or month. Or It could b an elderly lady. Ph. 4-4277. LOVING supervised child care, my home. So. Ph. 2-391. CHILD CARE my home $1 da, 25c hr. 4 Corners.Ph. 29571. excelTentchild care My home. W Salem. Ph. -53 WILL care for 2 children In my home by month. 4-2364. TAILOR made slip covers mad in my home. Bertha Handley, formerly of Roberts Bros. Ph. 4-6492. 70 Highland. MIMEOGRAPHING, typlni Mrs. Poe, 663 N. 16th Ph 3-343 SEWING - Dressmaking. In my home, all types. Ph. 1-9391 WANTED Ironing In any bom. 191 N. Sth. 1-111. 615 Situation Wanted ROTARY tlllln anywhere. Ex perienced careful operator. 1st Claw 2H" Howard Rotavator. 1-3337 eves WANTED to haul short log anywhere. Ph. 4-072; ROTOVATING SoSalem X rea. Ph.4-130. PLASTERING and patchln. .Free estimates. Ph. 1-7770. Lawn Mower Sharpened. LVLShafer11220J:llst COUPLE with business exp. will do relief work In summer, ref erence exchanged. Statesman Journal. Box 23. EXPERT spray, brush painting, paper hanging, your paint or mine. Free est Terms. Ph. Nelson 3-8493. 3-8243 BRIckndblock work, guar- Ph 4-6433 LIGHT crawler doier. leveling. grading 3-7042 L Kurth PAINTINGbrush St spray Fre estimates Ph. 2-8625. DOZING k LEVELING Ph 2-0952 D PANTOV1CH PAINTING, papering. Free esti mates. Don Lucero. 3-5522 NEW-!a"wnscornplete, free esC 3-445 morn . 4-241Eve SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation, Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks. Drain Fields, Power Ditchirg, Backfill Ph. 2-5M8 or 3-5072 LAND CLEARING -D- Hr U C Mitchell Ph 3-5337 CARPENTER work, any kind. reas 4240 Macleay Rd4-5961. CARPENTER-CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, fnunds tlons, retaining walls, cement or pumlre block Free estl mates. Ph. 2-6260 VINCENT C. NEAL Exravatlnf Co. Ixcavatln - Gradln. Ph. 1-168 CARPENTER Jobs; new At re odellngjess 4-1424. 1-195S. PLOWING At discing. D. Mar shall, 2-1343. Js 's. 's yd shovel, crane, hoe, drg line. 25-ton mobile cranes. D4, D7 cats, carry all clear ing blade Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 140S N Front St Ph J;!4l ROAD GRADING Roy Hancock. Th. 4-8353 ervices, call one of these PAPERING It PAINTING PERRY PAINTING Co 2-3111 Brush snray Free Estlmstes. Exn paper-hanging St painting, r- Jefrv Johnson Ph 4-634 SAND AND IIRAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1625 McGilchnst Crushed quarry rocks and grav el. All sires for roads, drive ways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dozing, shov el and dragline work. 3-9249. VALLEY SAND At GRAVEL CO. Crushed It round gravel Sand It con. trilx. 1-4001. SALEM SAND At GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and top soil. 14115 N. Front St. 2-2461. SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Rnto-Rnnter sewers, septic tanks cleaned. 3-5327. MIKE'S septic service lanxs cleaned D rooter cleans sewers drains Phone 3-g468 Hnmel's septic tanks cleaned, line service Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404 or 1-0774 TREE SERVICE De Rnsls Tree Servlre Trees. Shrubs. Hedges Insured 173 N, Liberty SL Pb. 1-6661 i V