600 Employment 410 Solti Help Wattled PIANO It -Organ Salesmsn, 14 commission guarantee. Wrltt Box IS Statesman-Jour nal atatlng age, experience It tc. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATI 8ALEMAN lor desirable down- , town office. Guaranteed mount of advertising. Best worklnf condltloni. SALEM PROPERTIES MT N High Ph. 4-0331 m Work w.Htarw; RELIABLE family mm wants lawn car at yard work. Ph. i-nn eve. CARPENTER, rmodiTini! n pair, hr. or contract. Painting. Ph. 4-0873. LAWN mowing don by week Ph. 1-4M1, WOOD CUTTING REAS. RATES. PH. 4-1284. ROTOTILLING PH. 4-0538 Some J I UUIIUI1 IBIIIVUCIIIIffi house framinf of anv line of K.ifM.... --m.ut-M,. carpenter work Ph. 4-1271. ROTO-TILLING PH. 4-8253 or 2-2518 CEMENT Work. Ph. 4-6339 Side walks, patios, ret wall, ga rages, bsmts. free estimates. PFESSIwTaL upholstirini reas Guaranteed Free est. Pick-up, delivery. Ph. 2-4200. ROTO-TIIXING. JO-ln, U H P Roto-hoe. ph. aftei ( p ra . 1-91. EXPERT brush or spray paint ing, Hr, or contract. Ph. -39o HOWARD rotovating, new lawns MM or 4-5201. ROTO-TILLING RICHARD RAS, PH. 3-4714 EXPERT carpenter, remodeling 11 kinds Cabinet work reas. go anywhere. Exllne 2-7014. flLUNG- Howard Rotovator Ph. 4-2S23 or 2-3939. No calls Sat please. GARDEN PLOWING It DISC ING PH. 2-SI23. W. A. l.A. FI.EMME 1M1 LANCASTER DR. PAINTING Free Estimates Reasonable, Ph. 2-9551 eves. CARPENTER WORK, day or contract. S-1M2 or 2-1459. LAWN Mowing wanted by Andy . Anderson. Ph. 4-0443 ROTOVATING PH. 2-4761 Painting Ph. 3-7552 PLOWING at dlsiing. Ph. 2-277J Albert Creft 3710 Monroe. HOWARD Rotovating. gardens, new lawns prepared. 3-36M. LAWNmower sharpening, low prices, work guar Ph. 4-MM. LOO'S tre service. Spray, top ping, prune, cabling. 4-1501. ROTORY-' Tilling (Mang tiller I worlds finest Ph. 4-1382 or 4-S4H4. Free estimates. PRUNING, spraying, topping, re moval L W Caudle. 4-1441 TREES expertly removed or topped. Call Mr. Osburne, 1-0335. 614 Work Wonted, Lody LIC. prac. nure capable, reliable wants private duty, live in. Ph. 2-3438. COMPETENT lady to care for elderly bedfast gentleman and help with housework, live In. Ref exchanged. Ph. Gtrvsll 2252. EXPERT child care. My home. 1545 Trade. Ph. 4-5864. WOULD like to room Si board a rhlld from 3 on up by day. week or month. Or it could be an elderly lady. Ph. 4-4277. LOVING eupervteed child ear, So. Salem. Ph. 1-3011. .mt n riflf m. knma II H 25c hr. 4 Comers. Ph. 1-M71. EXCELrENOHlLD CARE My home. W. Salem. Ph. 4-1531 WILL care lor 2 children In my home by month. 4-2:184. TAILOR made slip covers made In my home. Bertha Handley. formerly of Roberts Bros. Ph. 4-0492. 780 Highland MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mrs. Poe. 665 N. lth. Ph. 3-3643. SEWING Dressmaking. In my home, all typs. Ph. 1-0392. WANTED Ironing In my horn, lilt N. 5th. 2-1818. 615 Situations Wanted ROTARY 1illinr anvwhere. Ex perienced careful operator. 1st Clas- 24' Howard Rotavator. 2-3537 eves WANTED- to-haul short logs anywhere. Ph. 4-6072 ' ROTOVATING So. Salem Area. Ph. 4-2302. PLASTERING an d patching. Free estimatesPh. 2-7770. Lawn Mower Sharpened. 3-7847 L. V. Shafer, 1220 N. 21st LAWN MOWING Power Mower. Ph.4-2.101 COUPLE with business exp. will do relief work in summer, ref erence exchanged. Statesman Journal. Box 23 EXPERT Tpray-brush painting paper hanging, your paint or mine Free est Terms. Ph. Nelson 3-8493, 3-8243. BRICK and block work, guar- Ph. 4-6433 LIGHT crawler dorer. leveling grsding. 3-7042 L. Kurth PAINTING, brush A snray. Fre estimates. Ph. 2-8625. DOZING ft LEVELING Ph 1-0952 D PANTOVICH LAWN MOWER SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. tog Edgewater, W Salem. 4-1541 For the best professional popular experts. APPLIANCES WESTINGHOUSE Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So Com'I Ph 4-2111 BEDDING CAPITOL Bedding Mattress re novators New mattreaee 2-40W BULLDOZING Bulldozing, clearing reads, ponds D-4, D-8 tarryall V rluskey Ph 1-1144 CRANK WORK 18-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand 4 Oravel Co. 1-1441 FLOOR COVERING! NORRIS WALKER Paint C. Floor-covering, Division qual ity Installations. Linoleum. As phalt Rubber Tile. Wall tile Fre Estimates 4-227t toCKtRI AND ICE CREAM VisU "Froten Food Locfers 1085 S. Coml Ph 2-737 Lockers Now Available Custom Meat Cutting and Sales -Ic tream ror aii irvion. , Parka toTak Out. MACHINE i WEI.mNO Hobart welders at rod Smith cutting equip Accessories. Globe Machine Works. 1010 N Commercial St Ph. 1-8622. PAPERING PAINTING Painting and paper-hanging It estimate. Ph. 4U lisifiss wmtm 600 Employment (11 Siruoriet WontesJ PAINTINO, papering Free eatt. males. Don Lucero. l-lott. NEW lawns complete, free ast s-se Blum. e-aesi a. ve. BCHARrr BROTHERS Installation, tepslr. Sewers, Septl Tanks, Drain Fields, Power Ditching, Backfill. Ph. 1-4564 or 1-5071 LAND CLEARING D-A Hi. L C. Mitchell Ph. 1-4337. CARPENTER work, any kind. reaa. 4240 Mscieay no. 4.4W1. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tions, retaining walla, cement or pumice block. Fre stl mates. Ph. 1-62M. VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co. Excavating Grading. Ph 1-1688 CARPENTER Jobs; new A re- modellng. reas 4-1421 1-2H58. PLOWING At discing. D. Mar- snail, I-134J. 14. '.i. 4 yd shovel, crane, boa. drg. Una, is-ton mobile cranes. D4, D7 cats, carry all clear ing blade Rental eon tract or unit prices. SALEM SAND k GRAVEL 1405 N Front St Ph 1-2441 ROAD GRADING Roy Hancock. Ph. 4-8333 618 Education AIR CONDITIONING HEATING REFRIGERATION Cash In on tha Big Boom I Jobs galore tor inose quauiiea. Want to hear from reliable men 18 to 55 we can train to overhaul and I n a t a 1 1 this equipment. Must be mechani cally Inclined and willing to sturlv spare time. Wrlta for FREE FACTS. Utilities Inst., Box 3L8tatesman-Joumal. MEN A- WOMEN wanted Im mediately. Train for Motel management. For personal in terview write P.O. Box 5633 Portland. . IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint write for Talent Test (no fee). Give axe and occupa tion. Statesinan-Journul Box. URGENTLY NEEDED Men 18-37 to train as telegraph operators ror railroads. Musi be physically fit. Training does not interfere with pres ent work. G I. aoproved. Average pay 1350 Writ Box 14, Statesmsn-Journa, 700 Rental 703 Sleep. Roomt, Board NICELY furn. room. Close In. 5 N. Winter. MEN. TV, den & pvt. ent 1503 N capltol Ph. 4-4134. T. V. SLEEPING rm. friendly home, man. 120 board 1-7620 HOME away from home. Pack lunches. Men. 1095 N. 5th. CLEAN, warm rms. T V close in 213 S winter 2-1712. REAS. attractive rms. rlos In. prlv. ent 2-7481. 4-7867. 703 Wanted Rmi., Board NICE 4-rm. furn apt. 1431 N. Cottage. Ph. 3-8783. 705 Aportmentt For Rent I RM. turn., pvt. bath, utll. pd. gar. avail, ism bum. 3 RM. furn. apt., prlv. bath Is ent. suitable for cpi. nn win. CLEAN 3-rm. front apt Ground nr., reins, liuvf as Huuun furn., prlv. bath. Ph. 1-7148. 30. Newly decorated small apt, close In, laay preier., utu. 4 Parry. Ph. 3-4617. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicply Furn. Apts. 530 N. Summer. 1-8308 FURNISHED bachelor A 1 bdrm. Arris. 2134 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 1-3138 befor 1 P.M. or 2-9580 after 8 "P.M. DESIRARLE nicely furn.. quiet, steam heated apt Adults. 555 N. Winter. Ph. 3-5533 or 3-5248. CLEAN 3 rm. furn. pvt. bath $37 30. Adults. 818 N. Com'I. 2 RM furn. apt. $35. South. Ph. 2-7943. FURN. apt., steam heat, phona. washing facilities 4-8041. 1 RMS. furn., pvt. bath, near Memorial Hosp. It State Bldgs. 940 Mill. 3(l to f60 furn. 3 rms pvt. baths. Adults. 1071 N Capltol. VERY desirable unfurn. apt. with view. Lsree living room. 2 bedroom, strlcllv modern MO 111 52 S Com'I. Ph. 4-533B TOR 2 hdrm Kirn court apts All util furn Weekly or monthly rates, Ph 3-8713 URGE 3 RM. FURN. APT CLOSE IN SO. PH. 4-3661. CLEAN 2 rm furn . bsm't. utlls . pvt bath. 1115 N imn, j-imi kjrut V l..-.-.t4 1 hdrm mnA em furn court aot 159 W Si 'em. Ph 4-6875 or eve 1-8743. 3 RM. furn. apL for rent 802 N. winter, pTRN. pullman apt. adults. 1545 N Capltol. Ph. 2-9008 UNUSUALLY nice 3 rm. ground fir. furn. apt. tiose in, r ph. 2-7830 I OR 2 furn. apt. all utll. furn. 597 N. Llrieny 3-ibhj ATTRACTIVE clean 2 rm. furn. apt. Pvt. Close In. Garage. 135. Ph. 1-7830. FURN. 3 RM. apt. with bath. Vacant 9tn. M w. aummer. NRTTRM. furn. apt Prlv. ent and bath. Call at 100 S 22r.d aft 6 p m Y0U;LL LIKE THIS ONE 3-rnoni apt rane A refrlg Pri vate entrance. Ph. 3-9021 or 2-1800 alter 5 p m. services, call one of these PAPERINO PAINTINO PERRY PAINTINO Co 1-3113 Brush, sprsy rre Estimates Exp paper-hanging At painting Jerry Johnson rn 4-A334 IAND AND GRAVEL WALUNO SAND AND GRAVEL 1425 McUllchrlst Crushed quarry rocks and grav el. All sizes for roads, drive ways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dosing, shov el and dragline work, a-mw, Vau.IV SAND ai GRAVEL CO Crushed At round gravel Sand at eon mix. i-ooi SALEM SAND at GRAV1L CO Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and top oil. 1405 N. front St. J-Jsol SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Rotn-Rooter. sewers, "eptlc tanks cleaned. 3-5377. MIKES septic service lanks cleaned D rooter cleans sewers drsins Phone 1-4464 flamrl's septic tanks cleaned. line service Guaranteed work Phone 3-7404 or 1-0774. TREE gF.RVICC De Rosia Tree Service Trees, Shrubs, Hedges Insured 1731 N. Liberty St Fh. 1-4441 700 Rf null 70S Aportmenrt For Rent lat FT. f0!l 1 lirft hmm K..W laundry, oulet area, rent ree- vmoii. eya b. jain. I RM., utll, turn, pvt bath. ens, rerrig. la m. mn. Adults CLOSE In, clean, 4 rm. bath. uuuiy rm. u neat grag, ous. a-oaia. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 innu nvniBu 1161 Chmktt It Pa. 8-4630 CLEAN 1 room court apt King- wood usuna, ara at w. na fem Laundry fadlltla. Ph. 4-8814 morn, of eves, after 4 UNFURN. 1 bdrm. court apt Range, refrlg. suburb. 1-2904 1 RMS., bath, Blc clothe cloe- t, close In, Including utll.. 137.50. 404 I. High. Ph. 1-4044. LARGE lst-flr. clean furn. apt. nrepiactt, auio. neat; near Capltol. AdulU, 1-4508; 1-1271. FURN. apt 51 K. High. Ph. 3-3418. QUIET off street. I bdrm, court wgar., stov it refrlg. rum. Ph. 4-8054. SMALL attractive (urn. Also 1 bdrm. bemt. furn. 344 N 11th. sio entrance, pvt bath. utll. j. a-ess, nouywoon nisi. FURN. 1 rms. and bath, cloae In. slngl only. Ph. 1-4004. ATTRACTIVE 1 rm. ground flc. tloa in. 474 N. Church. I-BDRM. apt, rang At refrlg. turn, naivaaor Apia, rn, a-sa41 REDEC. 1 bdrm. furn. apt, no cnnaren. uutsiae ent, as gar den spot good location. Ph. 1-3323 or 4-1410. MS vat ent. 1110 N. 5th Ph CLOSE, small furn. apt, (24, utilities 765 Marlon. 3-5223. CLOSE in.' newly dec.. 1 bdrm. furn. apt 970 union. CLEAN, furn. 1 as 2-rra. apt 33 r erry. VERY nlc furn. 1 rm. apt. 1177 court 3-RM. apt furn. tag S. 12th. Ph. 1-81 50. 1 RM nicely turn. Apt Private nt. Elec. heat Ph. 4-8M0. 1 BDRM. unfurn. apt., utll. furn. 15. 1370 Chemeketa. 1 BDRM. furn. apt. 153. 1125 Cross St. FURN. apt. near University. Clean, ground floor. 4-5041. 67.50 Onof Salem's flnesfT bdrm. court apt., stove c re frig. pvt. utll. A gar. 1-3721. 1 RM. nicely furn. Apt. prlv. bath good location, 134. Ph. 4-4020 or 3-8841. 706 DuplexeT" l-BDRM. duplex, furn., 148. 1 bdrm. unfurn., 83250. College Dr.. W. Salem. Ph. 4-4030. 1 BLK. Capltol Bldg. 2-bdrm. unfurn., oil furn., wired dec. rn . redecorated. 15150. Ph. 4-1843. 4 BDRM. furn. duplex. 1489 Court 175 mo. Ph. 3-5834. 1 RMS. furn.. 150. 740 Univer sity. Ph. 3-4801 or 3-7341, SEE this pretty redecorated 1 bdrm. unfurn. duplex, with basm't & gsr. 4-1307. 4 RM. unfurn. fist, garage, base ment, oil heat. Nice-clean. No children. 1871 Court St. $47.50 3 bdrm. unfurn. duplex, gas ranee, oil heat, near shop ping center. Phone 4-1883. I-ROOM unfurn. flat. 1 block P.O. Inq. 656" Ferry. 707 Houtet For Rent LOVELY, clean horn, basement It furnace, 'a blk. St. Vincent Church It Sch. Inquire 1O90 Donna Ave. l-BDRM. home. Inq. 1541 I. Summer. Ph. 1-1534. 4 BDRMS., 1 are furn. Range. refrlg. at water. 1528 Bute. CLEAN 1 bdrm. house, carport. No. Adults, no pets. 4-3181. CLEAN 2-bdrm., (urn or partly turn. 1131 Ruga. 1-8177. 1 It 1 bdrm. houses. Call 1-1134. Pioneer Trust Co. CLEAN 1 bdrm. stoves, garage 047 Mill Ph. 4-4001. 1 BDRMS., 4 Corners, nlc view, 175. Ph. 2-6221. 1 BDRM. house, carpets. TV an tenna, very nice, aquiis, ref erences. Ph. 2-5276 weekends or after I week days. NEW 1 bdrm., Irg. 4-7070. gar. Ph. CLEAN 1 bdrm. home, 150 Ph. 4-2203. Mr. Klggins. NEW 1 bdrm. house No. 840 Ing. Treml. 2101 N. Liberty. GARDEN spot, 1 bdrm. duplex, very neat A clean. (39.50. Ph. 4-1904 or 4-3712. Nelson's Rentals 1 Bedrm. furn. downstairs apt tr5 1 Bedrm. 1 Bedrm. furn. apt. (53 unfurn. court (35 1 Bedrm. unfurn. hse. (35 I Bedrm. furn. he , single (35 3 Bedrm. new hse.. unfurn. lor lease. . 1 Bedrm. unfurn. hse. May 20 (W 1 Bedrm. unfurn. hse. N. 867 We need a good 3 bedrm. rental South for family, gona rei. CALL DOROTHY DEAL, EVE 4-8631 NELSON k NELSON. RLTRS 1590 S Commercial Ph. 2-3669 1 BEDRM. home located 690 S 17th Street, wirea for electric range. Inquire 325 Oregon Building. 2 BDRM house. 1235 8th St. In quire Trust Dept. 1st National Bank. Ph. 4-3371 ext. at. HANDY man can pay tha rent of on bedroom partly fur. nished house with '2 acre of good garden ground, bv apar time wont, rnone AT STATE St. 4-Cornera; 1 bdrm., util. rm.. oak firs., Ve netian blinds, frpl . oil hest garage. 850 mo. Call 4-4798 1 BDRM home. Ph. 4-8253 after 8 30 p m. 2 BEDROOM modern house, at 4150 Chehalls Dr. "Kelrer (55 mo Writ Owner, 212 6th St.. Lebanon. MODERN 2 BDRM. house newly decorated. I ml a.. 01 totem Pole. Rt 1. Box 411. Ph. 4-1033. CLOSE In. 2 bdrm. unfurn. cot- tg 448 N. Church. MOD. home. 6 miles East of Salem out Sllverton Bd.- rn. 4-1989. 1 BDRM. house. MO. Hollywood dlst. Ph. 4-2566. MODERN 8-room house. N. 15th St. Ph. 4-9937. FOR RENT: Clean 1-bdrm. hse., carport. (40. preter aauits. No pets. Ph. 4-1166. HOUSE trsller for rent, sleeps 4. See at 2597 Portland Rd. FOR RENT: Nice 1-bdrm. house. 790 Manbrln Dr. 1-BDRM. unfurn. (60, ' ml. E. of 4-Comers No peti, 44BS Stat. Ph. 4-2461. UNFURN. 1-bdrm. house It fs- isge. Ma. w. salm, -79rt. 4 RM unfurn. flat, garage, base ment oil hest. nice-cieen. no children. 1871 Court St. 707-e Furnithed Houtet l-BDRM. house furn Suitable for couple Inquire 1071 Elm St.. W. Salem. 1 BDRM. hougv faraie. antenna connection. Inq. 250 N. 5th. Ph. 4-1761. 1 BDRM., all elec. heat, bus stop Good neighborhood. (50. Ph. 2-0984. 3-RM. cottage furn. 469 N. Front FURN. 1 bdrm. house, cloa In So. 1-47(4. 800 Real EsUto 104 Houiet For Sola -;-: -:.-',.f - , f m .-, . , 322 N. CHURCH ST. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES PHONE 4-33U OR 1-7120 SUBURBAN SOUTH A truly fin valu in a new I DMroom u 1 plumbed home. Fireplace. Forced air 11 heat Plastered garage. Mc- Klnley School District. And only 810.750. Call Mr. Craw lord. Eve. Ph. 4-4020. A GEM Of deal Sharp home. Lg. lie. rm. urn. nx. rirepiace ana patl In lovely yard. F. A. oil hut Hdwd. firs. Near achooL Built under FHA. Only MM. Call Walt Jooae, Xva. Ph. 4-7U2. MOTHER'S DELIGHT What mora eould "Mom" want for Mother's Day than a new kjv it oarm. nomer 14. family room. Lg. llv. rm. Lovely fireplace, l'i hatha. F.A. ell heat Hdwd. firs. Dble. garage. Lg. lot Superb value at 111.M0. CaU N. G. "Dan" baak. Eva. Ph. 4-9951. SUPER MARKET High net Incom from thla super martlet act-up. Top location on high traffic street. In a boom ing town close to new dam under construction. Lota of parking room. No credit busi ness. 2 bdrm. owner's quar ters. Land, building, and quip included. Priced at 138.000 plus Inventory. Terms arranged. Call Mr. Woodcock. Eve. Ph. 1-7104. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evenings 4-5020. 4-7831. 1-4633. 1-8041. 4-4111, 4-19S3 If no answer, Dial 4-2241 801 BminoH Opportun. FOR SALE by owner. Well established locker plant In A-l location In neighboring town. Over 7O0 lockers, with large meat cutting business. Also chilling, smoking & ice busi ness. Also room for store or expansion. Brick bldg. 33x120. Box 19, Statesman-Journal. FOR SALE: Complete sawmill. 1 acres, bldg., 30x70 steel car riage, dble. -circular, edger, trim saw conveyers, rolls, log haul, unloading winch, pond aaw, loading hoist. All elec tric. Burner, pond. Ready to go. Sacrifice. (7500. Ph. 4-2630. SERVICE station for tease, good mechanic spot, low inventory Ic equipped. Ph. 4-2343. FOR SALE: Gum vending mach. route, cneap. yn. a-ijai. LONG established Salem Hear ing Aid office for sale, fine for man and wife 1955 gross profit over (12.000. Box 17 Statesman-Journal. SALE OR TRADE, grocery store, gas station, 4 rjarm. nuuse. 590 S. Lancaster. Ph. 1-5118. 801 Buiinen Property" GENERAL MERCHANDISE IN small Town near new JET AIR BASE, guaranteed invoice 416.000. Building with good living quarters. Land. Build lna. Stock It fixtures all 10 (or only 138.000 take small (arm or moderate p r 1 c d hous in part exenange. awe. call 4-5917, days 2-6680. Ed Luklnbaal, Realtor, 433 N. High. VALUABLE PROPERTY; A large building & 2 lots, cen trally located, a good business site. Ph. 1-4640 or 3-4434. 803 Suburban 1 ACRE Nice view, modern 2 bdrm. furn. home, school bus by door. dble. garage, chick en house, 18.150. Ph. 4-4121. FOR DISCRIMINATING home owner. Only (5000 buys this 7 A. and wooded sanc tuary with view. 10 mln. from Salem center. Get particulars bout this at 1525 State. 806 Houtet For Sole 1 BDRM. contemporary, beam ceiling, lots of storsse, shop, auto, sprinklers. 113500. 11.500 dn. 410 Chcmawa Rd. 3-4434. BY OWNER 7 yr. old house, A-l cond.. 2 bdrm., finished up stairs. 3 blk. from Leslie Sch. Ph. 3-6091 after 5:30 pm. BY OWNER: Will trade equity In hous (140 Sunnyslde Rd. for trailer house. Balance on home 14.000 at 160 mo. Sea anytime or Ph 2-09J3. BY OWNER: Englewood 2 bd rm.. frpl., elec. heat, insu lated, hdwd. firs., ven. blinds, 8 yrs. old, 54x137 lot. near Sr., Jr.. grade schools. 750 N. 14th. H1GHLAND-ST. VINCENT DIST. 3 bdrms . llv. rm. w fireplace, din. rm.. large kitchen, 2005 Laurel. Ph. 2-6901. HOME on creek, 1 bdrms., flre pl.. basement close to shop ping center, best of cond. 1481 Center. Ph. 1-4947. 1', YEAR-OLD 1-bdrm. home, city water and sewer. North, close to school, bus and stores. Oil heat, attached garage, large lot. Immed poss. Price (10.750 May trade equity for auto. No agents please. 1-4359 alter 4 pm. NEW 3 bedroom home. (350 3120 Edward down, (5 mo Drive Phone owner 2-8148. 700 Rentals 710 Wonted to Rent Hiet PROFESSIONAL man. now real dent, desires 2 or 3 bdrm house nesr S. Salem High. Ph 3-3175, 4-8 1-1697 ev. WANT 1 or 1 bdrm. house vicin Itv of Richmond School, reas. 4-3611 No Sat. calls please. WE SPECIALIZE in RENTALS and PROPERTY MANAGE MENT. We need more eood house rentals. Center St Real ty Rental Service. 1748 Cen ter. Ph. 4-4431. Eve. 2-7112. 1 OR MORE bdrm. woptlnn to buy. Pref. W. Salem. 4-7975. 1 OR 1 bdrm. unfurn. horn. (45, Ph. 4-892). 714 Butineit Rento.lt STORE ROOM for rent 241 N High. Ph. 4-1351 DOWN town of tie apae. stor rms. as warehouse, i-sus. 4-CORNERt Community HsD available. Ph. J-4251. 718 Convoletcent Hornet ELDEREST Nursing Home Prt vste rooms available. 2630 N. Church 2-9614 COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME, 281 N Cottaee 1-7020 780 Moving, t Store 9 1 Ltrmer Transfer k Storage Complete moving service Ala agents tor BEKINS Nation wide Movers Ph 1-3131. LOW COST storage H. U Stiff rural tur Co. Mlti. 800 Real Estate 806 Houtei For Sole ST. VINCENT'S DISTRICT I bedroom horn. Lg. kitchen. Inside utility. Garage. Work ahop. Fenced, yard. Good valu at 17150 Call Mr. Crawford today. Iv. Jh. 4-M24. VALUE PLUS Located In Brooks. Lie. liv. rm. 1 bdrms. Oil heat Fruit, gar den, lawn. Cloa to school. Real buy at only 13980. CaU N. O. "Dan" laaak. Iv. Ph. 4-8033. SELL IT! . Savs the owner, t bdrm. horn for only (700. Lg. llv. rm. Sep. din. rm. Inaul. 1201 aq. ft Very close to schools and transp. CaU Mr. tword. Bv. Ph. 1-4041. BOATMAN'S PARADISE This lovely rrver front property now reduced la 114,7(0. Lg. llv. rm. Sep. din, rm. Brk. nk. I fireplace,. Good landing for boat. Call Mr. Stewart. Iv. Ph. 4-1111. COURT INCOME t new 1 bdrm. bungalows. Each has llv. rm., bdrm., bath, kitchen, single garage. Each rents for (43 per mo. Separate meters. 8! ft. well. Offered at 114.500. Call Mr. Woodcock, ve. Ph. 1-7101. DUTCH COLONIAL LARGE Creek Lot, sprinkling system In lawn, trees, 1 car garage, Basmt. It hot water heat, 14x24 living Rm. 12x13 dining Rm., den. 4 good sited Bedrml. 2 full baths, central location. Ph. 2-6680. Ed Lukin beat. RealtoV, 433 N. High. Monmouth 546 S. Warren 2-bdrm., fireplace, garage, large lot, pavea street, 13,930. OLAF THONSTAD. RLTR Ph 3-7903 041 N. Caoltol 1-BDRM., full bemt.. hdwd. llr. Not listed. Ph. 4-5779. (500 DOWN, 1-bdrm. home w carport on corner lot. a years old. So. in Candalaria. Bus across St. Seller wiU carry contract or buyer can assum state G.I. loan If Qualified. Full prle 17,830, Ph. 4-jl01. 1 BDRM. hous, 1 yr. old. So. No loan costs. 12.000 dn., (74 month. Phone owner 4-4317. Home &v Business Location FINE Mdn. lovely home on 0x 120 choice lot. with trees 4c sprinkling ayatem, larage At shop, home haa 100 dry Basmt, modern oil heating ystem, 1 vary Lg. Bedrms. At den, 38 Ft. carpeted living Rm. with flreplc . roomv handy kitchen. Ph. 1-6680. Ed Lukin- beal. Realtor, 431 N. High BY OWNER: Candalaria horn with cast view. Doubl nr. ge. well landscaped yard with trees. 1 Daren., aoie. bam Birch kit with dishwasher, mahogany paneling In living rm. aMoarat amine rm.. fire. place up and down. Finished daylight basement with large recreation room. Also separate utility, uame room and stor see Ph. 4-8108. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR Let us solve your home need Ts Buy. sail or Rent cau Ph. 4-574: 3 1131 Edrewatar Ph. 4-7874 S710 So Comm'l. BY OWNER Mod. 2-bdrm. home, close in E., off sunny view, frpl., attch gar., fruit room lg. lot garden. Immed. poss. (9000. E-Z terms. Ph. 4-9364. OWNER being transferred, eel! 3 bdrm hous. Reduced to 17.195-1600 down. 130 Ken wood, E of 4 Comers. 3-37M. BY BUILDER NEW 1 bdrm horn nest S Salem schools At park. 1-7071, DREAMLAND THE HOME OF FAIRY TALES k HAPPINESS BABBLING brook, shade trees, peaceful, cute hand rail bridge acroaa the creek, outdoor bar-b-que, nark like setting. Striking 1- bedroom rustic home with pine panel walla, wall to wall carpeting. Garage, fenced, beautiful lawn. THIS OUT STANDING BUY IS WAIT ING FOR YOU. Price 18.900. GOOD TERMS. CALL MRS. WELLS, days 4-4494, eve. 1-3731 REALTORS 517 Court St. Dial 4-4404 $3500 FULL price for real good sound ONE bedrm. home on full ce ment foundation, suburban North. (500 down to right par tv, immediate possession Ph. 2-4680. ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR. 433 N. HIGH. FOR SALE or trade for home In Albany. New 3 bdrm., dble. garage, forced air furnace. Kelrer Dlst. Will sell on eon-trat-t See at 1411 Lawless. Ph. 4-3524 2-BDRM. din. rm., llv. rm., frpl , Enilewood dlst. horns. 1320 N. 18th. (9,280 by owner. After ( At Sat tt Sun. THIS ONE IS TOPS TEN year old fully plastered seml-Kngllsh style home with 1', Bdrms . bath It half, slick ss a whistle, you can move right in. also a real fine sepa rate rental fully Fur. and al ways rented at (60 , better buvs sre hard to find at 112 -700 Eve. call 4-2S05. davs 2-6660 ED LUKINBEAL. RE ALTOR, 433 N. HIGH. HIGHLAND dlst sttractlve nearly new i-bdrm. home Ph. 2-2015. 4 YRS. OLD. 2-bdrm. FHA. hdwd floors, oil heat, at tached gar. (450 down. (7,150. Ph. 4-4310. MR. OWNER! Glen Woodry will Say top pne for your runs t appliances Ph Ml 10 14 500 for this Vk bdrm. house Attractive interior, extra lot 1173 (th St. Ph. 4-5770 BY OWNER: 11.500 dn total price (12 000. 2 new 3 bdrm homes. Included sre 1', bsths playroom, birch kit. wdlnlng area, front rm. wfrpl , all dewd. firs.. F.A oil heat dlil gar wpatto, lot size B2'xl30', city water Loans are on houses, mov right In Houses re I blk out of ritv limits North 3321 Mayfield Place A 2.19 Wllshlre Drive See any timejar phl-0933 BY OWNER: 110 901), across from Bush Park, walkini distance to downtown A school. Lge. llv. rm.. 1-bdrm.. fenced In back lawn. 1U Mutton. 4-5280. 800 Real Estate 805 Houtet For Solo STATE FINANCE 167 I. High St $100 down Neat 1 BR. horn on large lot In suburbs. Good plumbing, wired for range. Thla la vary good for price and terms of (44 per month oa bal. Pull price (4.130, Call A. H. Iteveley, salesman. Eves Dbon 4-1411. (M Down. 1 BR. home a cor ner lot, wired (or rang. Liv ing rm. Kitchen, Br. nook. Elec. water heater Garage. Bal, Rent terms. Pull price (4. 400. CaU W. H. Iteveley. aaleaman. Eve, phone 4-Mlt. I ACRE with t BR. ranch style horn. Fireplace, attached ga rage. Located approx. It m ilea from Salem on caved Rd. Close to school, store, etc. price (U.ooo Terms. Call O. V. Hum. Iva. Phone 1-1204. RAWLINS NEAR CANDALARIA shopping 1 1 sin., Las., un. woveiy nitcnen. oatn. ven. onnos, wan to wall carpels, fireplace, electric heat. 11 BR. rentals. This la a beautiful place. Sal r trade. T ae call X. H. McElroy, 4-4871. It ACRE BERRT FARM CLOSE IN CAST T acne Evergreen and BoysnbrTtea, lot of fruit several walnut and filbert tree, large gardaci space. Remodeled J-bed room horn good con dition, nlc yard, lota of shade Doubl garage, machine shed and barn, full line) farm equipment for berries. Call eve, ': Fred Rom, 4-7471. ONE ACRE WITH 404 RIVER FRONTAGE 1 mite Southwest ( Salem. Lovely spot for boat tovars. Nlc horn. 1 bedrooms with room for two more. Party room hi basement, forced air II hut Double garage. Paved road. T ae cajl Dal Ray bum, eve. s-2441. RAWLINS REALTY 605 CHEMEKETA STREET SALEM. OREGON J MOTEL IN SALEM TRADE In your horn. 4 units. Could be more. Furnished. On 17x143 lot. Spacious quarters for owner. Terma. Ph. 4-2470; 4-13(1. GOOD TERMS ON this 1-bedroom home on tree-shsded lot. Living room. Big kitchen. Garage. Wired for rang. Price 17.100. TERMS OR TRADE GOOD 2-bedroom horn with basement. Oil furnace. Fire place. 111,100. Trad for larg er in Reiser ana. 427 Ferry List With aive.: Mri. LrCnmann i-wwn; Totttn 1-gWI: Jim Hamy 4 - CLOSE TO BUSH PARK Lots A flrepace, hdwd. floors, oil Only 10. 800. HIliEL & FERRIS, REALTORS LOVELY HOME ON CRESTVIEW-l-way view, 1 big bdrmi.. dble, forage. ',, block outsia OVERLOOKING OCEAN, DEFOE Ing rooms, nice apt. plus owners apt. rienty ot spec lor additional cottages overlooking ocean. All for the low price of 125.(00. May Uke Apt. House In Salem to 120,000. FINE ESTABLISHED MOTEL Good net returns approx. 11.000 per month. Finest location, corner, two-way arterial, 11 unite plus owner'. Trade possible. 1048 GRANADA WAY Lovely secluded street, wall-to-wall car peting, 1 baths, dble. garage, oak trees. Reduced In prle. MODERN, TOP OF THE WORLD VIEW Nothing vr built Ilk this before In Salem. Genuine 10x11 beam, natural hem lock calling, marlyto bath, cedar closet, natural wood thmuehout. comolatelv automatic kitchen with all appliances. snen ulrraaa down ta full fireplaces. 1-car garag. To call us now. 4-447. 20 ACRES ROLLING TERRAIN Including highest hilltop South. Year around spring, oak trees, fruit, applea, pears, cherries, prunes and walnut trees. Needs work, but loads of possi bilities. (4,506. TO BELL YOUR HOME IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS Eva. at Sun. Salesmen: H. Peck Ferris 1-6010 Joe Hirrunel 2 134 SOUTH LIBERTY TRIPLEX I Brand New I Ideal location. Two 1-bdrm. units and 1-bdrm. unit, Partly fur nished. This is a good retire- ment Investment. For further Information CALL H. K. LAYMON. HARDWARE BUSINESS Locat ed In two valley cities. Excel, downtown stores, well located. Sood. clean inventory, splen id gross salea. Price 163.000 plus inventory of about (150, 000. For details CALL C. L. GRABENHORST. 1 UNIT APT. HOUSE located elose In All units furnished. Income $287 per mo. Price 12,1.900. CALL O. H. GRABENHORST, JR. MEDICAL CLINIC IN VALLEY TOWN Lot 75' frontage Parking. Brings in (700 per month. Prle (11.500. GRABENHORST 10 N. LIBERTY ST. Evenings A Sundsys csll Sslesmen H. K Lsymon 1-3193. Mrs. Richardson 4-8988. J. I Law 1-1113. I A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR TRADE (8,450 Full price. 10 A. excellent soil. Older modern 4 BR horn. Smsll bsrn. chicken house, on n.sll. milk and school bus route 13 ml N. W. from Salem. Balsm home. LESLIE (12 500 Here Is the answer to lot Let the rental Income clean. Immediate possession. win nanoie. WEST SIDE (10.500. Need more space? 2 bedrooms down. 1 bedrooms up. 1 story home seven years old school and bus line. Better see KEIZER DIST. 11,750. 1 BR home, with unfinished upstairs Circulatlnr fire place. Inside utility Carafe nave a garden. Just off n. McKINLEY 114.506. New 1 CR. home, a bit Large family room. Double nome. 191 S. HIGH ST. Eve : Helen Lewis. Ph 4-3002: A. E Beckett, Ph. 2-4591; Andy Hslvorsen fh 3-7183 Keizer District BIETZ AVE , elose to shopping center, 2 bedrm. home, on 75x 193 lot, lots of room A fine soil for that big garden, ask ing 19.800. PH. 1-0680. ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR N. HIGH. 431 EXTRA well built 3 bdrm. home plastered, frpl oil heat, fenced yd attach, garage lg lot 475 Claremoat near KSLM OWNER Transferred: Must sell ( rm. home, unfinished .ip stairs, fenced yd wplsy equip. Included Make offer P" 4-63. 2270 Broadway. 11', ACRES No, lie ' hlway frontage. Excel, soil, good home, bam A out bid . fsm llv fruit, crop in. Price re duced JOB NOONCH ESTER. RL. EST IMS N. CotUge Ph. 4-3641 800 Real Estate 806 Houtet For Sal CO. REALTORS Phone 1-1151 (1.000. ta A. South on paved road. Year around creek through place. Attractive home with attach, garage Stor bid. that has been operated aa gro cery. Ideal for retired couple. . Call O. V, Hum. Eves, phone 1-1304. (4104. Neat, very clean, mod ern. 1-BR home. Located Mc Klnley and Leslie School Diet. Hardwood floors. Oil floor furnace. Large lot. 1504 down. Call Stanley Brown.. Eves, phon 1-5561. (500 Down. This clean lat built modern 1-BR. home. Four Corner Dlst. Large lot. Black top street Full price (8.950. Call Stanley Brown. Eves, prten 1-1441. REALTY district. Approximately 1 acre. 1 HOUSES ON big lot Possible 1151 to (160 Income. Or hav horn and (88 income. Mostly furnished. Bus at door. (13.500. Terms. Trad. CITY FOR RURAL OWNER of 4-bedroom hous with baseman! will sell tor (6,504, with terms, or will trade. Ph. 4-1470: 4-33(1. WANT A FIREPLACE? THIS 1-bedroom home has on. Also living room. Dining room. Kitchen. Bath. Garage, Trees. (6.550. Terms. Us Office 4-3381 rruiai vihic i-jrou; jnra. KHW. loU of room. 4-bdrmi , bsmt.. heat, dble. garage, quiet street. city. Loviy at sis.oou. BAY 1 dbl. cottages, 1 sleep. bsmt 1 completely different see Salem's Horn of th year 3-5413. - 5122. HAF Bon Cleary 1-9931. Roy PHONE 4-4471 THE OWNERS HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED and must sail their nice 1-bdrm. home. Thar I 1300 aq. ft. and large lot. Very reasonable price. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON. SECLUSION Nativ setting Sweeping view of river and hills, 3 bdrms . 3'. beautifully tiled baths. Llv. room, family room, dining room, kitchen, utility It dble. garage. Large Ratio. 1 fireplaces. Truly a ome with personality plus. CALL J. I. LAW. 1250 DOWN, balance (25 per mo. buys 1, acre building sit located on paved road near Pringl achooL Price (1350. (500 DOWN, balance (.11 per mo. will handle, nearly 3 acres. Fine building site. Price (1500. (750 CASH will buy N sere wooded tract on paved road. A nice place for a country home. CALL G. H. GRABENHORST. BROS., REALTORS PH.l-2471 Widow wants to trade for smsll DIST. your future. Two houses on one make the payments All neat and Some furnishings included (2.500 Lsrge rooms Close to grsde this if you sre crowded. Terma. Extrs lot goes Build a house or ntver ltd. boon terms. SCHOOL DIST. different 2 fireplaces 1 full baths garage. Let us show you this FH. 2-8629 BUSH PARK SPECIAL HERE'S THE HOME WHICH OFFERS REAL FAMILY UVINO AT ITS BEST Large bemt with furnace. 3 bedrooms. 1 tile bathrooms, beautiful, spacious living and dining rooms, kitchen with nook. New paint on the ex terior. LEAVING SAI.EM AND A GOOD Bl'Y (AN BE MADE ON THIS FINF. FAM ILY HOME ASKING (14 900 CALL MRS WELLS. dav 4-4444 eve 1-37311 REALTORS 111 Court St. Disl 4-44M 800 Real Estate SOt Houtet Per Sole SECLUDED RENDEZVOUS A very charming bom tucked away with seclusion yet open to view of the river and hills Spactoua living rm. JOxJO with open beam calling. Lee. fam ily dining rm. Slon fireplace. 1 bdrma. . baaemt. Lovely land etaped yard with many flow era. 114. MM). CaU Chet Nelson, Ev. 1-130. VIEW THE CITY The beet city view of Salem to be had. An outstanding I yr old horn with everything In' tip-top shape Attractive wall-to-wall carpets and drapes In eluded. Downstairs daylight Playroom with firepl., three bdrma on main floor. 1 firepls Double plumbing. A pleasant surprise for anyone looking for thla price home. Only (17, too. Call Edith Anderson. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1500 t Commercial Ph. 1-1648 4 Bedrooms Located n N. 13rd St.. 1 bed room up and 1 down, hard wood floors, bath with tile trim, living room, kitchen and dinette. Lovely landscaped kit with back yard privacy. First class shape with newly paint ed exterior. 110JO0. FHA r GI. $750 Down On "D" Street neer Stat Hos pital. 1 bedrooms, elec. heat fireplace fenced-in yard, large garage, close te bus and Hoov er school. Total price (7.754. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS OFFICE l-MIl EVES : 1-4704 or 3-7384 BY OWNER, new 2 bdrm. ra nlc acre. Terma. 4-7577. I BDRMS. PART TRADE Living room, 15x24, firepl., din. rm., lovely kit lg. family rm. wflrepl.. kitnt bar i tool, den, 1 bdrms. wmsss Iv closets A butltlns. Its baths. Utll. rm. Sewing rm dbl gar. wlota of bulltin stor age, auto oil furn. Cor. lot (Ox Ml. bus (top. Beaut shrubs. Pstlo At fenced back yard. 111. 150. Will take house or coo up to 18.000. Ph. 4-9084. E 1 bdrm. house, older typo horn. walking distance downtown. Price 11,500, For particulars ask for Mrs. Woottcn. Eve nings: 1-1064. INCOME till pen month, 4 unit apt. nouae, i completely fur nished, separste baths, good location. Bus It blk. Reason able terma. Prle (13,900. Ask for Ed Schreder, Evenings 1-7(25. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318 N. Church Ph. 3-9238 Chemawa Road WIST of Kelier Sch.. half acre of good soil, good poultry hse. trees. At real clean 1-bedrm. home, c m n t foundation. close to shopping dial. & bus, 4,050, full price, worth the money. Ph. 4440, Ed. Luk lnbeal. Realtor. 433 N. High. West Salem (11.500. FULL BASMT., oil fur., firepic, aining rm.. it. living rm., music rm. 1 real lovely lg. bedrms., bath at half. EVE. call 3-7744: days 1-44M, ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR, 431 N. HIGH. LOOK CURLVS DAIRY EMPLOYEES RIGHT ACROSS Th Street from the plant sn N Cottage ara 1 nice homes. One Is rented for 140 per ma,, other will rent for 157.50. Price for all 17050 TERMS EASY. Call Fagan Days 4-4494, eve. 4-1113. I! REALTORS 91T Court St. Dial 4-4414 For Sale or Trade 1 Bedroom Home Large bedroom with walk-la closet, Hvlng room, kitchen, bsth, large utility room, glass heat, wired for washer U dry er Large front yard, 'i acre, Kelier District, haa own well. 11.500 equity trade for 1 bed room home up to 110,000. See at 154 Alder St. or Ph. 4-1111. Room for the Kids to Roam l-BEDRM. home, living rm., kitchen, tiled bath, fireplace, unftntahed upstairs, attached Earage. 1 years old. fenced-in sck yard At food arden spot. 11150 down. Intal (8 750, 2111 Vaughn Ave. Ph. 4-K53. IN TURNER Modern S-bdrm. house, furnish ed. Tool shop, flowers snd shrubs. Lot 40xl00-ft., picket fence. (1.050 cash or (I down and terms. Po. Box 133, Turner. Ore. 1 BDRM. home nesr Salem Gen eral, bsmt. fireplace, dbl. plumbing, nice Int. JOE NOONCH ESTER. RL. EST. 1505 N. Cottage. Ph. 4-3441 807 Apt't. Ceurti for Sole 4-PLEX (I. 4 yrs. old w extrs lot, lor expansion. Ph. 1-7330. 808 Lots For Sole i A W 'WATER, off Wallace Rd 11.000 Ph. 4-4091. A LOT for sale. 55x100 oak treea. Ph. 3-0055. Nice 810 Fermi For Sole" LOOKING for a fine building sits? Se owner, meke every selection. Good view, soil, wa ter, drainage. 44 ml. cty cen ter, easy terms, no loan trouble., acres, leas than good city lot. Lee Byers. Rt. 3. Ph. 4-45S1. FOR SALE. 43 sere farm. l'i miles S W. of Turner on Clov erdale school bus route, sjood modern 7-room house with food nut-bulldlnfs. sprinrs and creek and ideal garden plots. 40 seres, crop land, i scrrs. familv orchard, re minder voung timber and pas ture Call Turner 424. SALE nr trade for larger farm hv owner: ( acres, close In. 2 bdrm modern home, barn, room for 5 cows A 1 horse, dhle ear , 1 acres of pasture, l'j arre oats larce garden space On Monroe West of Lancaster Dr la TO Monroe. Salem. Ph. 4-4092. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., 850 Automotive 852 UtesJ Cen For Sale 1955 CHEVROLET Is-too pickup. hatr. defroster, It overdrive. $1595 1953 DODGE la-ton pickup, 1-epd. column snin. neater ana mrosirl long wheal baa. $995 It i rotap Ini hgm CHECK THESE " IK 1L1JES COME IN'AND LOOK THESE OYER. ..j i, We have many more makes and models to choose from. CAP TO ClMtfet Mite TRUCK DEPARTMENT (35 N. COMMERCIAL 851 New Cert DRIVE THE BIG Phaeton Th Imartest 4-Door Bard Ta ao tha Road. McKINNEY LINCOLN - MERCURY 430 M. Commercial aVslem 452 Uteo Cert For Sele LOOK. '14 FORD dr. Custom- lino, sow mue ace, usto turw, only 11041. Ph. 1-0430 11 CHEV. sedan, perfect eondl tlon. till. Ph. 1-4047. 1131 Norway "41 CHEV, Sdn.. good eond. Boater, (115. 3540 Sllverton Rd 14 CHEV. BIckuD. 11 ton. dlx. cab,, prlv. party. See at Brit. Car Sale. Joa! N. Capitol. 49 FORD 1 DR. 6ED. Call 1-9771 After 1 (4 ENGLISH FORD 2nd aeries, nT Eecl ma ear, ooox vaiu asking SIM, . arrsnee is, consider trad. Ph. 4-4074. .1401 So. Summer St. Evea. of Sunday. Si CADILLAC convertible. power fleering, brakes, wlr wneeis. rn. a-oaoi. II CHEV. Good cond., on own- r, nuai earoureior ax exaauu. Ph. 4-10M. 41 MERCERY eonvrtlbl, lee. windows, seats at o ar. gjee. 4144 Hager St Ph. 1-453. BOO Real Estate 810 Fermi Fer Sele ONCE IN A BI.U1 MOON-W are luckyi This nni vai LEY STOCK LAY-OUT, 154 rich rolling aero uua euii.i, spacious older horn (1 baths, firaol.l. food barn bldrs . ex- cell, loc.. front highway It BEAUTIFUL stream (deer it trout on ranch I. WORLD of grass, spring water, mostly fenced sheep-tleht. Low tax, A REAL HOMEY place t HONEY of buy gXIJOO. SEC THIS TOUAYl HIGGINBOTH AM REAL ESTATE Hleelnbotham Real Estate HI Ut St., Downtown Woodbura PH. 7711 EVE. 8151 CHOICE FARM WILLAMETTE at Chehalls Silt eolts. over 150 A. under plow, fina modern buildings. (12.000. Irrigation system At free water for all Included In the price ot 170.000, terma If desired, If you want a good farm A know value, look thla one over he fore you buy anything. EVE. CALL 1-K3.T0. davs 1-0440 Ed I.UCKINiilAL, Realtor, 431 n. High. BY OWNER: I acres, close In, snrincs. creek and pond. 1 BR. older home, basement, fur nace, deep freeie, reft., wash er and dryer, good barn. Ml deliveries by door. 111.750. good terms. Ph. 1-3711 eves 812 Ech. Reel f store CALLING Aa NOMADS! Trad your TRAILER HOME for thla beautifully furnished I Bdrm home with unfinished up. WW csrpet. fireplace, aul. heat, nicely decorated Inte rior Large fenced yard with hundreds of dollars in shrubs and flowers Bal. on loan (33O0. 145 payments Trsller must be st lesst 39'. late mod el, clear and In good shape Someone l loss Is your gain See Mrs. Wells. Ev. Ph. 1-3734 COL 517 COURT ST. P. 4-4494 WOULD like to trad equity In nice 1-bdrm. home on Elec tric St or lots located N Sa lem for good late model car Prefer M or better. Ford or Chev ( all State Finance Co Ph 3-3151 L'NIMPROVED acreage near good coast town, Mos'ly Otvan Vle Sell or trade for Salem propertv 1-4174. 818 Wonted", Reel Eitote WANTED to buy house A M or acreage or your equity In house Private party. Box 21, Statesmen-Journal. May 7, "56 (Sec, Ip 13 850 Automotive 852 UteaJ Cera For Sole 1954 CHEVROLET li-toa Delux sob. pickup, rs dio. heater, directional sio aaia. unle guses. 700X14 tlre $1345 1952 G.M.C. Is-tefl pickup hydrscmatl e suxweao, naesee aa osuioeteao. A real buy at only $845. PH. 14171 13 BU1CK Riviera coupe). Ra. oi as neater, tiavtutv um Sllverton Rd. 11 CHEV.. atandard shift, vert good cond. Ph. 1-rOM. SELL on or both, oonsidee? trad; 1(14 Plymouth 1-door, radio, hesterr seel covers, w- washers, feeder skirts, back up lite. 1-tono paint, new wew tu bales tlroa. Battery, hitch and muffler stew 1 mot, ' ago. Motor and body xosr lent, low mllean. lut at lint. Also 144 Plymouth ton. verttblo (lata aerie I. Radio. heater. Good body, paint, tnotor. WtW. tu betes tires, (14. Phono 4-1144 afternoon or evening. FORD delux S-dr.a orlg. paint, Immaculate, Ph. 1-145! or ae at 11H tdgewster, W. Salem. ' 47 FORD convert., whit side wan, radio, boater, new ton, goodly buy at flit. Ph. Iv. Oregon'! Oldest Dtitor BEST BUY " Used Cart Commercial as Chwithatt , Ph.4-1711 NICE clean '4 Hudson psaV CP. Ph. I-42M. 1054 BUICK Supr 4 dr. grees) with whit top, tinted glass, wsw Urea, power steering, RAH, clean, xcL eood. 1-0451. v- j 11 PONTIAC 4-door ate clots wagon. 1250 or older car for ouity. Ph. 1-4404. 'M FORD CONVERT. Radio, heater Is t'drtv. white wsu iiraa. new top last win ter, Car Is In top ahapa, full price fija. rn. l-iwt, 1M1 KAISER Manhattan 4-dr. Radio, heater, ovardriv. xa, tire, motor and body perfect, 111! Norway, Ph. a-40tf. IMT PONTIAC, good cond. Ph. 4-J514... 'M CHEV. Bel Air 4 -dr. V-4, pow, giio, rtatn. ana extraa. e4t equity or tilt. bsl. 4t,H tor tt mo. Ph. 1-1717. SELL or trada (1 Ford I pa seen. Fir Country Sdn., 1,001 snuea. h. 4-tSM. 1054 PLY. 4-dr., radio, neater, s-iono. esre. esiw. a-eeaa. 14 CHEV. II! powergllde, 4-dr. an., nester, good cond., ls.oo ml. On owner. Ph. t-0294 eve, or Mill day. ISA W.nfd,Cer4,Tr7Tt WANT to buy '47 to 14 Chev gmc ',-ton 4-speed pickup, Ph. 1-7111. WE'RE PAY1NO TOP CASH - ror Clean Used Cue - -Paid For or Not Bob k Bill's Used Can Union Higb sts. 838 Motorcyclei IMS B8A tM ce twin. Good condition.. I3H, (Ot East Jef ferson St., Steyton. 41 MOTORCYCLE Anil 10" M slngl cams Good condition, tl. 1374 Trad. Ph. 1-4744. 160 Auto Mitcolioneetis 41 PLYMOUTH motor ts 1.000 ml. (71. Ph. 4-tMO. B62 House Troilert ATTENTION sportsman Vac. tlon .-Fleetwood bouw trailer 14 model, sleep 4. Bargain, 1-7104. VACATION sis trailer house for sale or rent See hrl Malm. 4030 Sllverton Bd. 4-7111 NEW vacation sire house trail- er, ae at 177! N. Front. t-7US. 1141 "BURDETTE" 11-ft. xcC eond. Ph. ftilverton 1-4534. VACATION sir trsller houe. 54 model, 1450 equity for lane cash or trsde for panel, pick, up nr car of equal valu. Ph. I-tUS. FIR CREST Trailer Park under new management restricted spaces for rent. 34)14 N. River Rd. Ph 1-4313. 20 FT. TRAILER hous, (JM. Turn left en No. aid of Brook Nook. Brooks. Ore , 1 bouse on right, C. M Earls. SLEEPING trailer for aala. lot I. "rd. FOR A CLEAN. Quiet Modern place to park your trailer douea. It's th new 4-Corner Trailer Court 1 block east ot th 4-Corners on State St. Ph 1-7705 TRAILER TOWING IAYRAWK TRAILER SALES 1444 Portland Rd Ph 1-4041 DFSIRARt.E trailer space no avail at Salem's new mod. reetdentlsl Court Center St Trsilsr Court 41M Canter. 864 Heovy tquipmtrtr BUCYRUS Erie I0B shovel, I booms, trsller, K-7 Inter. t yd D Doing good business, here 1 vrs. B. D Ecksteus, Ph. 1-4343, aVlvertoa, Or. Hsu's