83-(Sc IV) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun- May 6, 1956 , , 1 , : -, - fJEdtean; Tops Bearcafe nfodfJlest 66 to Records Set Hartman, Dale Greenlee 65 . ' The Salem Shrine Club's nnr ft local sthletes wta jiayed U the 1955 classic, went ever in such good ahaps that the iinit. Is "pacing the ft considerably this year. IUth than Mm, the Ipid to U from Salem, the red let boy, art inviting no fe thaa M players thii trip. The II J r .),, , . talons? with their coaches) wtfl I -4 be the guests of honor at the Sea- Z ator Hotel May M, and It will be I a stag affair. Bernie Donaldson I b chairman of the banquet and ( Will toon hava tickets available la the public. The kida art l- Tale Jonee and LaMoyiw Mapes r of South Salem, Ken Mundt and Bruce RIdinger of Albany, Jim ; Stinnette, Wafly Gehrts and Jim - Lockmaa tt Corrallis. who art ta play la the Clan A Shrine game i , at Portland in August, and Ennis Hawkins of Jefferson, Ted Hub. bard. Harold Wllctw, Wallace ' 'i ANDT GEORGE Basal dMal sear kins. Wood and Del Casteel of " Amity -Gerald Strong, Dick Crook and Lloyd Rosa of Mill City. Jim Os borne and Cecil Bremmer of Che ma. Norm Berhorst of St. Paul . and Larry Reisterer of Sublimity, who art to perform in th Clsss B ' Shrine mix at Pendleton . , . And speaking of prep coaches, there wasn't a happier one alive than South Salem'i Hank Jursn the other dy when hit Saxons finally took a big bitt out of the North Salem -Viks ballcarriers, and Lefty Jack Ley. That one made Springtime, 1356. a happy ant for husky Hank . , . And then there is Let Sparks, Ihj Willamette U tennis coaching man whose net squads have been Undefeated in Northwest Conference dual meets for five years, and 'Have run up a win streak of 34. straight along the way. You can't ; beat that with a hammer . , Royal Moves Fast in Cementing Department It kasa'l takra DarreH Beyal, the aww V ef Wasblagtea last. 'a aaeatar Wag ta atart eementlae: retaUeas and aaread the vew gMpel ef las Baskles, after the awful athletic Mowaa ef :iast wtater. He's erseaally iarlted all high teasel and Juater :Uege coaches la the aelgaheriag state ta attend aa all-free VtseehJae; ellale aj the iversity May If, This gives Royal a goad ekaaet la get at the arep prodneers ajrickly, assariag ;,-them thai all Is well tact again ta the shores ef Lake Washlagtea. ! v la the process Royal will also give field demonstrations of split T iormation bt is introducing to Husky football this year. X' The Husky athletic chieftains made another noticeable move to ?rd conquering the recent Cherberg-Cassili obstacle when they called 4t;basketball coach Tippy Dye the other day and raised his salary. here's nothing like a raise in pay to convince all that things are going along in line snape in any organization . . . ' Hardly a Waters Field baseball aeasaa has by wlthwt t'tacM kind el fistle oe rantlls' brawl belweea spseslag players, .aad before this raa la mi there'll at deabt be see sr mere. la tact : the hall yard has almost tasilfted lor MSI already, darlag Ike Brat week el play. 1U C WWiams, the kasky Negrs lad easae wtta ka a whisker ef vtaltlat the Weaatchet kcaeh when Ed Vaaal's Chiefs were here, lee the kid waa gttrea a rather aasty verbal ' warUag aver ay eertala members at that beach, Then la the " Spokane aeries Aady George and Jet Ressi etme very flese to ' warfare that west alaeea! aaasueed ky the fsas. ; Andy, was It bat, with Ross! catching. Spokane hurler Chuck - Heekina was wild; at George figured he'd park himself aa far away from the plate as possible, in hope of drawing s walk rrora tne kit. Rossi dldn t Uks Andy's stunt, and growled, "tie, oaci in tne box, busber." . , itreen Peat Can Be Mighty Tough, Too Now Andy George it green pea in pro baseball, and because of it he's apt to bt called a busher by some of the old pros such as Rossi. Especially when he does such non-professional tnings as stana- tig in the extreme portion of the batter's box in in effort to dnw a sse on balls. But at the tame time, Andy only looks like one who fnight meekly blink when assailed In such a manner by a grumpy aid pro. George didn't bllak waea Rossi started at him. Instead, be 'J firmly Invited big Joseph to take off his mask If he waated to psP aft Which la baseball Is ctmparablt to the bar-ream challenge at "step aatslee, yea bam." . Rossi didn't take off the mask, Andy stayed In the back of the batter's box for the next pitch (which was a strike) and then took his normal position for the following 11 pitch. He lined out aharply to fight field. v It wttld have keea mighty Interesting bad Rossi accepted the ' ; lavttatlaa to east aside the bird cage ever his face. Could have . beta Jans ts sarpriaiag It tat Spokaae maaager tea, far kt dldtt . i katw skat ear mUd-maaaertd, retnad pitcher was every lach a ! he-maa during his Willamette Uatverslty days wbea he made the '.All-Ntrthwest Ctnfereaee lestball team wltk maaotoaaas nga VUrtty, lasted la (He Little AU-Aawrleaa selectloas aad kad to bt ;-reprimaadrd ky officials tccashtaally for reagk play. Mr. Rossi might have concluded that he got mixed up with a bear had he accepted Andy'i challenge. Two Willamette records fell Sat urday at Whitman nipped the Bearcats by ant point In a dual track meet at McCulloch Stadium, CMS. Dean Benson, Willamette's NAM high hurdles champion, wss tint handed his first defeat in the lows this year by Whitman's Dave KJicker, who raa up 17 points to lead all point gatherers in the meet Dale Hartman, who already holds the Willamette (N record, raa the mile in 4:77.7 and Dale Greenlee totted the discus 117 feet tH Inches to set new records la those events. Hartman's time bettered Ralph Adams' 4:31 raa la 1952. Green lee's tost erased his own record set earlier this season. Beaaaa Wlaa HI gas Benson captured the high hurdles la a creditable 14.1 with Klicker running second. In the lows. Ben son banged hard into a hurdle and Klicker passed him to defeat the Willamette ace in a time of 24.1 The meet was decided in the mile relay, won by Whitman and Its strong quartet or 440 runners. Whitman took I firsts whUe Wil lamette bad 7. Klicker won the low hurdles and broadjump. Other double winners were Willamette's Hartman in the mile and MM and Whitman's Sid Tate in the twt sprints. The summary: HH : 1st Dir Beiuon (Wi), tnt Kltrkcr (Whl. Ird Rorhntrr (Wh). Mirk: 14 S. 100: 1st Sid Tate Whl. tnd Ander son (Wt), 3rd Grunt (Whi. Mark: lot. Mil: lit Date Hartman (Wll, tnd Parrot! (Wh), 3rd Miller (Wll. Mark: 4:17.7 (naw achool record). 44t: lrt Don Poa (Wh). Ind Tow! tr (Wh), 3rd Scheafer (Wi). Mark: 114. L. H.: lit Dava Klicker (Wh). Ind Benkon (Wi), 3rd Shatter (Wi). Mirk: 1. SO: tat lid Tata (Wh), tnd Ander ton (Wi), 3rd Scheiftr (WI). Mark: a. S80: lit Dale Hartman (Wt), tad Miller (WI), 3rd Green (Wh). Mark: 1:04.1. B. J.: Dava Klicker (Wh), Ind Domasalla (WI), 3rd Nichols (Wi). Mark: 31' Disc : lit Dale Green) (Wi). tad Person IWi), Srd Carlberi IWhl. Mark: 137 t'V (new achool record!. H. J: 1st Ken Toombs IWhl. 2nd (tie) Whitmirc IWI) and Klicker (Wh). Mark: S S . Vault: 1st Larrr Thompson (Wi), Ind (tic) Slsmund (Wi) and Pop- pert (Wi). Mark: 13' o Shot: 1st Jim Person (Wi), Jnd Dent (Wh). 3rd Carlberi. (Wh). Mark: 41' J1'.". Jav : 1st Guv Monlcl (Wt). tad Smith (Wh), Srd Klicker (Whi. Mark: 198 4". S-Mlle: 1st Fdgar Parrott (Wh), Ind Starlf (Wh), 3rd Mix IWI) Relav: 1st Whitman (Klicker. Tata, Poa, rowler). Mark: 3:3S.S. Benson Strains at Tape a. .... r, " : " s t - '..-.' ' V A . , vt . r , i . r ;) LA i Bearcats' 4 Homers Nab Win Coyotes Suffer 8 to 4.Defeat ' Willamette smashed four home runs Saturday to whip College of Idaho, M. in t Northwest Con ference baseball game at McCul loch Stadium. Belting the homers for Willamette, three of which came in the third inning, were Terry Ziegelman, Frank Caruso, Ed Lipscomb and Pete Reed. College of Idaho got the first three runs of the game, two in the first and one in the third off hits by Roger Judd, Dick Pounds, Dick Wilson and Ed Sloan. Their other run in the fourth was the game's fifth homer, hit by pitcher Don NewbiU, the loser Willamette got five runs in the third off the three homers. Ziegel man and Caruso belted theirs over the centerfield fence and Reed lift ed his over the right field barrier. The Bearcats gained another tally in the fonrth when Gary Burdg was squeezed home on a perfectly-placed -bunt by Tom Moore. In the fifth Willamette picked up another run on Lip- Villain I .u i - . , ..'' ' . ' -t , Withoul Ace Milers . . . Ducks Easily Defeat Vandals Track Squad uncmw Idaho ui Oreron. without tht service of act milen Jim Bailey and Bill Defflnget, took 10 firsts Saturday and an easy 7g J-J-5I l-j Northern Division track victory over Idaho. A heavy track, aoaked ny rain me uay oeiore, amn i prevent two mvr rcvurua ucuig uiukcq in run- Evea tbMfh he sports a frteadly mUe la this particular pictare IMs to "Dirty Doag" Deaeras the noted rasslla meaale whs iocs against Heroic Freemaa la Needles Wins Derby Classic Fabius Takes 2nd To Florida Colt (Continued from preceding page) Taesday Bight's maiaer at the! ton, Del. Countermand, who was Armery. Freemaa la undefeated i second in Tuesday's derby trial, here. Cliene Returns To Mat Action Dirty Doug' Faces rung events. Marris Saaps Mark Oregon's Jack Morris topped the low hurdles in 23V seconds, break ing tht :24.1 mark set by Bruct Sweeny of Idaho in 1953. Idaho's milt relay team, which has the fastest times in the ND, finished the event in 3 minutes 23' i seconds Saturday to break the record of 1:26.2 set by Oregon in 1954. Warren Johansson of Idaho won the mile in 4 minutes 33 seconds. finished last. .quae a a.uerence .rom (ne 3:as.t Plate Lea Filth f John Undy in , special mile ,t Pinto Lea, the other half of the Los Angeles. Calumet entry who had been in- Summary: jured several weeks ago and was) shot pgti. j,tk Mode (O); 1. a doubtful Starter until the last, Kramer U); no third. 4S feet is, few days, finished fifth followed j in, m,mn Johlnfon by Career Boy, W. E. Bntt s No seeiy in: 3. Thornton (Op. 4 33. RMrpts Head Man. The Reverie' 4401 Gordon Dalquiest 1O1: 1. Knoll Farm's King O'Swords, Joe Freeman on Tuesday Gavegnano s High King Mrs, "' Lloyd P. Tale s Jean Baptiste, Christensen 10): 3. Talbott (Oi. :M(). 1001. Jark Morris 10); 3. Gary (II; 3. Taylor iOj. :10 1. Javelin 1. Ed Blnjhsm (OI; I Ninwn III- 1 SnltMi Hi U Leapin' Larry Chene, the dy-'Terrang, Hasty House rarms4 inrhes. mic matador from Texas who Black Emperor, Companas . Hijh hurdie-i. Dou B.sh.m .oi; ... . . i aas.t . . . . I , i , en a f ' t. V MUrvn t I f . tUIIlNS Jt, .134. scomo s nomer ana men aaaea me has been out of action lately in , ataoie s oesomer, i. a. unssnms Broad jump i. Denny c.eore iOi; final run in the sixth when Moore J the Armory mat shows, returns ' Invalidate. J. J. Gregory and H.D. I Pedifo toi ; 3. Gary id. jj teet i walked, stole second and romped j to the scene Tuesday night. Match- Maggio's Ben A. Jones, and then 'J!:, w,rrtn Jnhin!lon t home on a double by Terry Zicg; maker Klton Owen has booked the Countermand. Daiqimt (Oi; s. cmmweii io. ):'sss! elman. j popular gladiator in the semiwind-j Needles hauled down a record w,vv"or 's o)'y u'Ui Dan Feller was the winning "P special, against Tommy Phelps, pur,e 0( $123,450, compared with s inches. Ditcher la rmKh and ,unlble nombre from ,he previous high of $108,400 for ,H" Tuehardt ioi; t it.,, Ci...ti...-i j , i l ii i Nealev (li; 3. Steen O . 149 feet 3 j the .Southwest. Swaps, and Jockey Krb will col- inrhes . Celine ot Idaho (4) (I) Willamette Tuesday's, mainer will be the lect 10 per cent or $12,345 The: 220-1. Dave Talbott lOl; I. Tay- 3 o i Moore m :i 2 i , challenge affair involving Dirty colt who cost the D. k H. Stable iw hurdiM-l. Jark Morris (Oi s i l Zieg lm'n.s 4 i l Doug" Donovan and Herbie Free- $20,000 in a private transaction 2 Basham io: s". Churrh m. 2ss! J t ic.ru "omi 44 i s man. And tbrty Doug's younger, has now won $3,K0 this ' gjr,n,rntv"'0,t,n Mlbr I 1 0 Mctali l r 1 4 0 0 oroiner, ncu inif, Monovan m jna an Sll lime DanKrOll 01 , H,h lumo-I Terrv Kulllvan lO). i n n ;'orth ln 8:30 0 cloclt Penr' $462 055. jl. Steen and Taylor (01 and Duffy 3 S 1 1 aoainrf Dadiine Dannv O'Rourke. I ..' ...... ... , . .. . I tied. 8 feet S inches. Two mile- ., u u -.- - - - i neea es reiurnea in win. t mui. mih stmn iii l n the Hillsboro smoothie. . , . . ' ,h,rH in Ryan, s-c Judd 1 PoundsJ Wilson, m Berklan.3 Sloan I Maeeard r McGinnis s Cox.r Anderson. r New bill. p Totals 4 0 1 Heed 1 3 0 1) Patton e 10 0 NVlson.2 4 0 0 Holt.n 0 0 0 x-Buidr 4 1 1 Feller. p Data Bettsa, star hardier far Willamette, strain la bis flaal sport tt tht wlrt la tht high knrdles rice at McCalloch Stadium Satur day. Beasst waa tht event la 14.J wltk Whitman's Dave Klicker. at right, placing second. Klicker beat Benson In the lows. Willamette was asset su! by the Whits. CC-C5. la their dual meet. I Seely ill: 2 o Oia.v "CP ' "-r i Fahius rr,urnwj 11R0 and K m Mm Bau5(.hfr ,nd ol,nn N.w 32 1 I ( npne mav lave uniinle duly to wh.ile a $2 show ticket on Come 'ei'""l old record 3 3 2 )v Oreon irMTiorm Tuosday, as he might be nn R(lri . mpmhr nf ,h, mnti.pl ln l9M 1 ft ,I,,1 l renomnn in (ha ,.-,-.-,...,- - ... i L.;, .h. h m0),r; betting field, was good for $6.60. Iliaiilt i wish uiir wiui i anu 'f,ini Huskies Down Beavers, 9-5 Second Place Bailey's Goal Manager Birdie Tebbetts of the Cincinnati Redlegs believes his pitcher Hershell Freeman is the outstanding relief hurler in the National League. 33 4 Totals x Walked for Holt in 4th Collet of Idaho 2M 100 000 Willamette 00 111 00- n...,V.r Full,.. Tnei.i pitcher Newbin. of the Donovans. Doug will no Pitcher id ab ho r so bb ! doubt have his brother in his cor- Newbill a 3 a a j i Holt 4 17 S 4 1 4 Feller 5 16 0 0 4 3 Hit bv pitcher Caruso bv Newhlll. Wild pitches Newbill Errors Zieg elman 12), Ryan. Pounds. Home runs Ziefcelman. Caruso. Lipscomb. Reed, Newbill. Two-base hits-Ziei-elman, Ryan. Wilson. Runt batted in Ziegelman (3). Moore. Lipscomb. Caruso 13). Reed. Pounds." Wilson. Sloan. Newbill Sacrifice Moore. Stolen bases Moore (31. Ziegelman 121. Lipscomb, Caruso. McCallister. Patton. Burdg. Berklan, Sloan. Cox ner, and it he does, i nene win aci as Freeman's second. Last week Red Donovan was up against the undefeated Freeman, and brother Doug was his second. When the Bronx powerhouse ap plied a crushing full nelson for the winning fall, and wouldn't let go National League Brooklyn 000 000 100 1 J 0 St. Louis 400 000 OOx 4 10 0 Craig. I.ehmsn Si, Lablne (I) and Walker I Poholsky and Sarnl. US tnniniii Pittsburgh 001 OOS 111 a I S t Cincinnati 000 111 031 1- 7 to 1 Law. Llttleflrld (7). race S. King right away, Doug bounded into the j '. McMahon iioi and Shepard. ai- s well (Si: Nuxhall. Freeman (Si, La- ring and teed off on Freeman, I Palme is and Bailey. Riflinger to Replace Stinette in Grid Tilt PORTLAND - Bruce Ridin ger of Albany High School will replace Jim Stinette of Corvallis High in the Shrine all-star high school football game this August. Stinette U leaving the statt squad to compete in the so-called All American high school game in the Fast. The dates conflict. eattle Downs Portland Club In 7-5 Tilt; Angels in First PORTLAND (I) - Tht Seatlte jfainlert turned t five-run fifth 'tuning into Pacific Coast League , baseball victory here Saturday bight, defeating tht Portland Bea vers 7-S to even tht series at one 'game eschv . --i, - Mantle, Boyer Big Clouters Yankees stretched their lead to 1H games as Cleveland moved : iast Chicago into second place. .-.The Indians nipped Baltimore .I, on Jim Regan's double scor fjtg AI Rosen in the ninth Inning .fhile Washington Whipped Chi cago, 4-2. Detroit broke loose for 0 hits to drub Boston, 16-4. I-Little Don Ferrarese of Baltl -fnort lost a heart-breaker to Cleve land and Veteran Bob Lemon. The 37-year-old California!! fanned 13, two short of the major league .'fecord for aflf5l-Omtstartihg Ditcher, and yielded six hits. Bob Feller of Cleveland and Karl 'ppooner of Brooklyn each whiffed IjS in their first starting assignments. U Another Lemon, Jim Lemon of the Washington Senators, clubbed a homer and two doublet In Wash ington's win over Chicago but it !waa Roy Severs' single scoring Ernie Ortveti from second in the Seventh which proved to be the winning run. unuct biodos neia .th wkilo Sot In aix hits, includ- "tnt Minnie Minoso's homer tnd Clarence (Bud) Podbielan, ex major leaguer from Sherwood, Ore., scattered eight Portland hits in pitching his first win of the tetaon. Lint, t lefthander, was the loser. his third defeat of the season. The teams drew 3,303 fans on a cold night to continue Portland's home attendance splurge. In other PCX games, Los An geles moved into first place as Steve Bilko added three home runs to hit league-leading total to pace the Angels to a double win over Vancouver, M and 7-6; Sacramen to beat San Francisco 7-1, and Joe Duhem's grand alam homer gave Hollywood a 7-2 win over San Diego, Seattle (7) (J) ForUant BHOA BHOA Balrui.m 5 4 4 S Saf'ell m 4 1 I Smith. .1 3 0 3 3 M'quei.l I t J 0 Stphns.l 4 1 I S Ror'skl.r 4 S 0 0 Taylor.r 13 10 Baxen.3 3 114 Rchult.l 4 110 Mic'aon.t 4 111 0 Often. c 4 I I Vounf.1 4 1 4 S High'ttl s 3 0 11 Bottler.c 4 1 t 0 LhrKeJ 13 14 Lit rellj 3 113 Pdblln.o 4 1 S 1 Unt.p S 1 t Glynn,! 6 1 0 Darn1).!) 1 t S 1 a-na'skl I i 0 0 b-Mr'mn I I II Totals 14 11711 ToUl 37131710 a Popped out for Llttrell In tth. h Grounded out for Darnell In 9th Seattle loo 050 000-7 Portland 001 12 000-5 E Rlghtett, Marquei! RBI Mar ques, Bottler I. BchulU 1. Podbielan Balcena 1, Sltphena, Orteig. SB Stephen!. HB Schult. SB Balcena. S" Stephens. DP Llttrell. Youns and Mlchekion: Rlghetti. Lohrke and Stephens, Lett Seattle 11. Portland 4. BB-Podblelan 1, Lint 4, Darnell 1 SO Podbielan 1. tint 1, Darnell 1, R-ER-Podblelan S-l, Lint 4-7, uarneu a-o. nu L,ini I in 4 1-3; Darnell 4 In 4 1-3; Podbielan I In S. H BP by Darne l. Podbielan. Biah etti. Wf-Podhlelan t-t. L-Unt 0-3. (Continued from preceding page) yards from the finish. Then Jim made his move and with about 110 yards to go moved into the lead. Landy, the schoolmaster from Melbourne, had nt excuses. He admitted he was surprised with the race of the man from Sydney. I didn t think hed run better than 4:02," said Landy and that was a good assumption since Jim's previous best this year was 4:10. That 4:10 time was run in The Oregon Statesman Invitational Mile in the Willamette Relays at Salem, Ore., on March 31. But Bailey finished second in that race. He was beaten by Oregon team mate Bill Dellinger, who finished fourth in Saturday's race. John had run 3:58 6 on two oc casions. Then Landy added: Bailey is the strongest runner I've ever run against. He's tre mendously strong. I've never seen him beaten in a tight finish." Beat Laedy la IN The last time they raced at a mile incidentally, was in 1954 in Australia when Bailey ran only 4:1s and Landy won In 4:02. Bailey had beaten his fellow Australian over the half-mile route. Landy said he ran the first half- mile rather slow, 2:02.3 Saturday in order to finish witn speed. "I wanted to run fast over the last half, and I did," he said. "But I didn't run fast enough." Landy s second and final outing in the United States comes next Saturday at Fresno. Bailey will skip that one to compete in the Pacific Coast Conference North ern Division meet but Landy be lieves he can run a better race next week. Nt Exeaaes ffered About Saturday's race, he said: "I haven't an excuse in the book. The weather was fine. The track was good, it had to be or we wouldn't have run those times." Bailey plans lo return lo Aus tralia In August to practice for the Olympic tryouts there. "I wanted to be number three on the team (for the 1,500 meters or metric mile)," he said. "Now maybe I'll do better." Bailey said he was amazed at his final lab n 5S.S seconds, saying, "it's amaz ing. I've had trouble hitting 56 V4 for the quarter In workouts." CORVALLIS, Ore.. - The University of Washington jumped back into the win column Satur day with a 9-5 victory over Ore gon State in a iNorinern Division baseball game nere. ine teams split a two-game series. John Zaepfel, Washington's sophomore second baseman, drove in six of his team's first seven runs to provide the winning margin. He singled in Jack Brady in the second inning, snd nu a bases-loaded double in the fourth to score three more. In the sixth Zaepfel singled home another run and in the ninth he drove in an other with a sacrifice fly. Jack Lowry tripled to score Washington's last two runs in the ninth, and Brady stole home in the seventh. Oregon State's Jack B 0 w e n smashed a home run to deep cen ter field in the third inning alter Tom Hunt had singled. Hunt, was the leading OSC batter with three hits. Bob Reimer was the winning pitcher, although he needed help from Bill Parker in the seventh. Dick Wilson, the loser, was hurt by four OSC errors. Washington 010 301 103-9 8 1 Oregon State 012 101 0005 8 4 Reimer, Parker '7) and Brady) Wilson, Zaniker (8), Johnson (91 and Lovejoy. Meadows Results l I I 1 Jisr I SI ...i r say" a .. gr.-.- - m -m wjxvn 1 5c 11 2-Door livia Modal 461 1st race-5 furlongs. Ski Pole S65 SO. Id 00 ( 90. Bon Ton S.1.70. 3 30. Thrifty S4 M. Time 1:00 35, qulnlela S60. 40. 2nd 9 rurlonga. uoidspinner 118. S SO, 4.10; Good Joe S4 .00. l.M; George Did S3.S0. Time 1:01; qulnlela S32.50. 3rd SI furlongs. Gay Roost $.15 80, S 70, 4 00; No War S4 40, 3 40; Bether for you 30.40. Time 1:07; qulmela S39 00. 4th S', furlonga. No Boots SS SO. 4 40, 3.20; Hippy Lancer 118 20. S 80 Gold Stone S4 00. Time 1:07 19 qulnlela 17150 5th 5lj furlongs. Prune-Picker 17.60. 4.50, 300; Well Bred 16.20. 3 00 Lone Oats $3 10. Time 1 M 45; qui nieia ynw 6th 5'2 (urlongs. Love Her $8,160. 35.111. H40; Repp Stipplv $ 20 . 5 4 0. Copai-etlc $3.70. Time, t OH; quinieU $140 80 7th - 6 furlongs. Vinorlen $.17,70, 13.10. 20, Balcrest S3 30. 2 60; Imagi nation $3 30. Time 1:13 25; qulnlela $50 20. Sth S furlongs. Count Recess $11 70. S 40. 4.00; Rippling Sea $2,120. 10 70; Junto $4.10. Time 1:13 35; quiniela $163 50. Sth - 6 furlongs. Myrtle A $2 00, 10 60, S.M; Cruise Along $6 50, S 20; Tulton Rose S3. 10, Time 1:11 4S; quiniela $1011.70. 10th 1 mile. Clearawav $12 30 5 20. 4 30. Tenino $3 00. 3.40: Wise Worda $6 00 Time 1:41. qulnlela $25 10. Atten : 7.137: handle $2:10.464. M Bigger m Motit of'em I, -but its price makes it one of Americas 3 best sellers! UAt TaMr f idea tar tart, Oregu (Compiled by U S Coast and Geodetic Survey. Portland. Ore I High Waters Low Waters Time Height Time Height May S 26 am 4t 3:33 a.m. OS S..1S pm, 6 0 J: pm. 1 A 1 10:24 a.m. 4 3 4:19 a.m. 0 2 10 0i p m. 6 4 3 .37 p.m. I S ( 11:17 a.m. 41 801 a.m. O S H;4lpjn. 18 4:38 p.m. 1.4 Election Set For SBC Meet The Salem Breakfast Club will elect officers for next year at its meeting Monday morning In the Senator Hotel. The meeting starts at 7:30 a.m. The SBC will also present its basketball trophy award, given an nually to the team which wins the series between North and South Salem High. Because the two teams split the past year's scries, each will hold the trophy for half a year. A film on recreation will also be r's as simple as this: Only two cars in all creation outsell Buick. And thry are two of the well known smaller cars So maybe it will pay yon to ask how come Bukk lias zoomed to the No. 3 tpot with siieli fast-selling company, Well, one answer is the beautiful and brawny Buick Spkcial you see pictured here -and the low price it carries. It's the biggest bundle of high-powered performance and high-fashion luxury ever offered in Buick's lowest-priced Series. And that means more people want it and can afford it, because it's priced only a few dollars more than its two smaller-c-ar rivals - even (V.m than some models of those very same cars. lint the big answer comes from a sure fact more folks have discovered: you get more pure automobile for your money in Buick than you get ekeu lirre. Here, you get the extra wallop of big new Buick power raised to a new high -and pouring in smooth whisper from a brand new 322-cubic-inch V8 engine of true high compression. Here, you get the matchless buoyancy of Buick's great new ride - the etra-safe feeling of Buick's new handling ease-the extra stretch-out comfort of Buick roomi-ness-the extra solidity and strength of Buick structure-the extra pride and prestige of Buick's new styling and dash. Here, too and nowhere else -you can get the silk-smooth performance and flash-last response of Buick'i advanced new Variable Pitch Dynaflow-the world's only transmission with the gaj saving mileage and switch-pitch action of the modern airplane propeller. J his week-this very day, if you wish yoii can sample all these Buick blessing! to your heart's content and your pocket'g joy. Why not drop in on us and do just that? .'i AHvnrcd Variahk Pitch fVwfW it tht ony DynalUw Btiirk buiMt iniiny. It it Xtmdard on Hnartmaxtrr, Super and Century-optional at t rmwf.rt extra cost on tht Special AIRCONDITIONINO at a - - COOL NEW LOW PRICB It coolv, nitars. dahumidifiet, Ca4 4-Seeten Comlon.ia yow ew uie, wirtl 0nuint FRtOIDAIRB CONDITION! NO 3& , w. .' JKHIWIASON ! : on re IWv iswasssts Fssssssj a ' WHIN UTTER AUTOMOIIliS AU BUILT SUICK wlU IUIL0 THIM- CHECK YOU CAL CHECK ACCIDENTS 00 JL VTJdDs tii (, 388 N. Commerciol St. Salem, Ore. ..two ainflet, . , u nomera. orr and Krr. T-l:lt. shown.