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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1956)
400 Agriculture 414 Form Equipment T-20 FARMALL tractor. 3. D 1-14 plow on rubber, I. D. T . Tandem disk U" J. F. cue m aide rske. Iron. Ph. 1-3521. SELLING out niiic. farm ma chinery. 4780 Silverton Bd. SMALL III irrigation pump, tOO ft o( pip. Ph. 1-2341. 450 Merchandise 451 Mochintry t Tooli USED gas powered chaln-aw. sea at Pioneer Trust Co, 10 N. Com'l. HAVE several ued welders AC It DC. CaU 4-74. 455 Houit Goods for Sot KENMORE Automatic washer with audi saver, 135. Call 2-4920. C E. auto, washer $45. Alio Kenmore auto, roaster like new 422.50. 2587 Portland Rd. Linoleum rugs 13 95 Valley FurnCo., 219 N Com'l. FORCED air floor turn, excel, rond, 4 yrs. old. thermostat. 2-50 gal barrels. 435. 4-66S1. VNFtNISHEb furniture. H.Hl Stiff Furniture. 175 N. High INLAID Lino.. 11 51 per sq. yd. R. U Elfstrom Co.. 260 S Ub erty Used washing machine 155. Used clock radio i:iS, 4-5803 MODERN (as renge St wster prater. Best oiler takes. Ph. 31411 NEW Modern Mr. St Mrs. Bed room sets only $88 at Salem i lowest overhead store. Glen Woodry. 1603 N. Summer. FRIGIDAIRE clothes dryer, no sent type, lata model. Ph. 4-9361. APT. size ranges, $35 to $55 Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. (lGHT grey chrome dinette set with 4 chsirs. opened to 4 ft. excellent condition. Ph. 2-8530 LOVELY new tilt back recliner j chairs. S. 50. oien wooary, 16(15 N. Summer. FOR SaLe Spin dryer washer St Kelvinator refrig. Ph. 2-3160 after 6 p.m.. js'F.W modern 8' hl-grlrie cover daveno-sofas, $119 50 Glen Woodry. 1405 N. Summer. FRFE double laundry tray with Wcstmahouse laundromat. 4 s rs old, good cond. $85. Ph. 2-848(1. A-l 14 cu ft. Coolerator Derp frceje $149 50 Glen Woodry. 1803 N. Summer. INLAID Lino.. $1 59 per sq yd R L. EKstrom Co , 260 S. Lib erty. , - :m nN, ,.. ,' DUvera aww4uhla-. u. (urnltiire and appliances at , Salem's lowest overhead store. Fasy terms. Glen Woodry. 1WJ5 Summer. I LAHC:F Campaigii chair 2 cw-; e's 13. Box rines and mat-1 f essc. $40 L'nlmlsherl chest . and -air $5 each Man'i In-j , v, ,r 5 3-4:i5t sfter 8 pm. L Z - - I M. P ... . I $129.50. terms. l,len v,ooarj. 1H05 N. Summer. SPFCIAL- 30" Electric Ranee $179 95 $10 dow n will hsnrlie. FA.TDORFS HOMF. A- AUTO. 1420 State St. Ph. 3-9582. JIODERN used sppliances are Jrsn at Salmi's lowest over head store. Save! Glen Wood ry, 1605 N. Summer 5aVF.NO At chair excellent rond. $125. Ph. 4-7398 KFW 9x12 tweed russ $28 88 Glen Woodry. 105 N. Summer. l AKE Money, by helping us move. All antiques greatly re duced. Lamberts. 215 So. f umm. NEW Simmons .spare " ers and Hlde-a-hed $lfi8 , (ilen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. in Lino.. $1 !9 per ti Td iftrom Co.. 260 S. Lib- tllNING si7e new chrome din ettes w 72" tahle 8 rub- I her rhairs inr host chair now ! Salem's lowest oerhend store. $''9 50. Glen Woodry. Ifins. NV Summer Jl'ST Received lame shipment of round front rhina closets, i Lamhert s. 215 So. t omm $149 50 New 1 or Rolo-rork daveno group w'end tables lamp1 coffee table at Salem's lowest r' erhead store. Glen Woodry, lfins, N Summer. FOIt"-SALE, Solle) MahofAny r-a!r with rollers r reclining hac k. $15 Ph. 4-4.H8. I TWIN BFDS. springs and mat trr.cs $19 50. (ilen Woodry. 1I10.S N Summer. SIMMONS mattress, almost new (? I'serl Mrrrhamlise Mait. 5',(i S r.ibrrtv Open Fn-I iv 'til 9 N flown payment lOAT I i-l'l". Walnut hrrlmoni set $42 50 rsert Mer' 'laodisp MTrt ?70 S I.ihrr'v (tnrn Fnflv tit . 'j v, (tnAn pavipeut it) A (' i i;yy 'Ain beds, blonde fmiMi, $17 Wi t'.ed Merchandise Mart 2 ,0 S I.ibei ly (ipen Fi .(t.i s ''i! ; tl Nh down p;ninfnt (OA t I j NKW Bunk bed with spnnes. I r -iole finish $49 .VI fsed Verihandise Mart I ?n S I ibertv Open Fr'd.iv ''il 1 9 No down paynient lO A C l ( 456 Wonted House Goods CASH FOR FfRNITlRK VALLEY Fl'RN CO. Th. 2-7172 TOP CASH PRICE - FI'RNI- TITRE. APPLIANCES. FTC VSFD MKRCHANDISF MART 270 S L1BFRTY PH 4.6.171 Need at Once La'e model E - Appliances Pay cash premium for Hi Grade Flectrlc Ranees. Refrigerators. Automatic Washers. Driers St I ate Model used Furniture Ph Glen Woodry 3-5110 rlBht Now for Pleasing Resultsl I I 458 Building Moteriols Overhead steel garage doors with hardware, $39 58 In stalled H9 50 Galvanized eve trough. 12'ic per "epping: lumber ro. 3740 SILVERTON RD. I'll. 4-6123 USED plumbing fut.. sinks, basins -bargains. son's. 279 N . t orn ' I 500.000 EEET tubs, Jud- New. fresh-milled old second g-owlh lumtier xs m n, t" 8 to 24-foo! lengths IVI.vored once. Salem. $.10 ner l.lni minimum I'd Mull-r 5-1 ltd fjivMNDlTIONFIJ a ii t " m atic viatcr beaters. Judson s. 2V8 N (nml KFWve'rt fan for kitcleo or l.ath $-2 95 Judson s. :79 N Coml. EI.FC- wall Heaters 25ri off - 91 srn ettn.H . fiarbage Disposal. 65 fibre nine. ;Jc or .lie ii ii-t 4c ft Door rhinir 20",. tr l"-2 l.ooniex. 4 ft 1 ight fixtures, 25 oft Out let boxes. 25c 3 pc bath set, $135 52 gal elec water heat er $f5 Ws tl'.read pipe and rent Celger Counters Aoex Electric 8t Plumbing, 1410 Broadway, rn 3-innti ui" En ves tattin a Bargain :Buvs at The Co-op Toilet. 1-4 JH.I 3-Si "1,lrl I,",-. year, $88 I.nomex. 4c ft . 2 X. a 1 1 hoxps i1 ea, I-ighl - in. , fix - j tores -M - "11 Al.SO- $0 power mower. 4-cvrie BS. IWV Lawn seed lli.riJare ft suprn" FARMERS I'NION CO-OP Mil SMl-ertnn Rd Ph- 4-178 430 Merchandise 458 Building MorortW h Dry 12" Cedar Boards $120 U Tite-knot 10" spruce siding 1 M 10-" inverted eedar boards and batts $130 M. Good IS" painted cedar hakes at under- course ..$$.9S Sq. Heavy gauge Iron roof ing $10.50 Sq. 4x84" birch "A" grade plywood 42c sq. ft. 4x8V service ply $2 33 sheet 4x8', '" service ply .$3.00 sheet 4x8s," service ply. $3.44 sheet "A" grade birch doors $7.70 each FREE DELIVERY CREDIT GLADLY OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YARD Lancaster and Center Pn Salem 2-154)0 (VERY GOOD CONDITION ALL, NO. 2 i BETTER) 2x4. 28. 2x8 dim . $45 per M 1x8. 1x8, aheathing hoard $45 per M 2x10. 2x12, 4x8. 4x12 $55 per M Used Oak Flooring shorts $45 per M Used Fir Flooring R L $43 per M 1x4 ceiling lc Sin ft. 2x4 shorts lc lln ft. WE ALSO HAVE Windows, plumbing, doors E. S. RIHER & CO. 6740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-8311 4 mi. No. of Salem. i ml No. of Totem Pole on 89E Open sll dav Saturday 12-2 wire, roll at 4',e. Cedar shingles $3 00. 15 . $8. Galv. lion roof'g. CHEAP 3 tab roof., lowest prices. Nails per keg-$8 95 4" cast soil pipe 75c ft. '.i gal pipe 12c, ,"-16 l'i"-29c. I1-," 36c A VIA 9l .11 n tank 8S.1 80. 100 gai. steel sep. tank $39 50 ay $. Btarit sewer pipe 30e. 34c. 9 Do,,r ,mb, ,ooa ones. 82 75 B,d)! r j,) sq. ft. $2.33. Flbl ,SJ bllnk(t. in,u, CHEAP 8) 48 plaster board $140. $140, $1 85 Cellir.g tile. 18x32. 10c sq. ft Snake moid, long lengtn. 10c. t) Garage doors, all sues cheap. a Barb wire 80 rds $5 85 $7 45. a) o aside white paint gal 82.50. 0ak r;r.n. R. i,nth cheap. New window sashes $2 00. W strip crvstal windows. 21x32 ki'chen sinks rhesp. Toilets Wseats 1X8 50 New hath tub complete $63 50. Strictly Cash U-Haul Closed Sundavs 4: Mondayi C. (I. LONG & SONS 1 Ml. N. Kelzer Ph. 4-5051 459 Do It Yourself U-Fix-It-Garaee Renalr vour own car. Phone 4 -Sail. 2095 N Com'l. H()W, ..,, ,dv,, planning .ni.t. mulnrii Ion nlv niumhine. heatinj. wir ing' ice Judson' 279 N. Com'l. 460 Musical Instruments A,CcOnD!ON Rargains, Hohner, with iase $25: Silvertone with rase 150: Galanti with rase $73 Tallmans. 395 S. 12th Near S P. Depot. ijkaI'TIFUL Rosewood grand f.lann. also AntlClie orsan Ijimhert'a. 215 So. Comm. . uaw ml ' ouitar & amplifier. I'h 4-27n; CLEANUP SALE Discontinued models Si floor sanipU-s Also ppveral usid minrt pianos k orfans. One rrpnssps-rrt 4h-m. Iran, sninet fnr hal. of contract See these RF.AL bargains befnrs you nuv. ALWAYS your best buvi st 70HFI S Green Stanpj too' S19 Court St . Salem. Ph. 4-8252 462 Sports Equipment 8 H P. Champii'n outboard mo. ti.r Firtllint condition. 1307 O.ikdale !, hlk. of Fall City lUt'i. Hall. is REMINGTON '20 CS 3 shoo'. ;! ,lm.n auti i 2 nnc ot . vbell- 1715 N. Capitol. Ph. ! :1-J3!I5. LUMBER 'WAITED several thousand cords savare for sale on wnod. all species Ph. 3-7721 Ni-W 3"n tl arte, nifi S 2ath. LIGHT boat ideal for car top 4.i or trade for util. 2 wheel trailer. I'll. 2-5621. SKI I. OR trade 300 Weatherby ral. rifle w-KV scope fnr late nmdcl 10 In 20 HP outhrd. Choice 2 boat trailers. $50. 4-6KII4 14 FT boat w-5 HP Evlnrude motor See at Bales St Brady Towing" Service. ft FT Mahogany hoat, 8!) In. beam I. her flass bottom. wir.d-.hleM 16 111' motor, re mote controls trailer, all new. Ph. 4-43M after 5. ATTENTION FISHERMAN! Cscd Ou'htiards-All sires All Prices SlIKOCK'S Highland k Portland Rd. I'h. 2-1121 rtmi n-oH f,-r ned funs, mod ern and antique Cascade Mere . 1 2.10 Broadway. t l AT 14ft bottom hoat A trailer $75. Ph. 2-3180 after 6 p m. 464 Bicyclei j poV s hike. 21 In. A 28 in. $10 rh 4 -1 fift t t.llll S hlur 1'il-r. etiel. cond tl . in I'h 4-1117 fin SAI V twirls 21" bicycle 468 For Rent, Mite. ron RENT or lease its wars- hou-e space cement floor bririt bldg . downtown In quire H U Stiff Furn J-9185 470 For Sole, Misc. ; SEVERAL albums of classical I operatic records. 18 RPM. P. (I Box 2115 : SMOPSMITH-model E R . like . new. .extras. 3-82.18 silOPSMITH model E R , nPW. Extras. 3-823. like iii' CONTINENTAL Kit removed i from 54 Chrysler. 150. Heavy diiiv trailer axle wneeis. I.'n' Ph. .T-xm.l aller 8 pm. . - - - pi. ATINI'M 34 diamond engage , ment fir weoGirs tins fnr less than cost for quick Real estate loans, "nstructinn sale. Price 1500. Ph. 4-1531 1 it permanent loani HI Cha after 1 pssk I toekete. Pa. 4-4171. 450 Merchandise 470 For Solo, Misc. COMFIITI set dark room equip, for photography inc. enlarger, $50. Ph. 4-M07. BILLIARD table, cues, bells. racks, Kenno board, all in good cend. $129. Ph. 1-17M. LIKE new Welsh baby buggy it teeter-babe. Ph. 4-8635. New solid maple bar stools w backs SS4S-. new kitchen chairs. $2 93. Glen Woodry, 1005 Nc Summer. CLOSEOUTS, Play gym eets. $19.50. Glen Woodry, J60 . Summer. PAINT II gal. Paint $18 gal. Glen Woodry, 180S N. Summer. NEW 9x11 Linoleum. S4.SS. Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. NEW Garbage cans lg $4 8. Glen Woodry. 1805 ft. summer, RICH TOP SOIL DEL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 WEDDING dreae size 10-11. Ph. 4-5271. TOP SOIL PH. 4-2463 1 TENNESSEE red cedar cheat; 11, H. P. single faze motor. 505 Hickory. Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Dial 1-1749 Prompt Delivery Ketzer Sand St Gravel Co. TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, cash registers, dupli cators, desks, chairs, tiles, sup plies. Roen's, 456 Court. 3-4773. OREGON Agate, moss St Jasper, beach aeate. tumbled or raw. 2400 Broadway Ph. 1-3290 RECAPS-600xlS C70xlS Ixch. $6 S3. Lytle'i Tire Mart WEVACATE. Save on antiquea now. LAMBERT'S, 215 So. Comm. TOP SOIL Phone 2-1375. 2-1301 Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 2-4310 USErj truck tires, Lytle's Tire Mart. 2305 N. Com'l. New Opening Specials Johnson 7', h p. motor. Special 129 50. 8 h p. motor, $34 50. New students desk. $17.50. New 5-pc. chrome set, $54.50. Barker Furniture, 3794 Silver ton Rd. 8 YR. "Storkllne" crib 8i Inner spring mattress, $27.50. Good as new. Ph. 2-8298 TOP SOIL FILL DIRT PHONE 2-4763 FOR SALE. Good hand lawn mower, reas. 1S5S N. Winter. CEDAR post, bean post, shed poles, all lypea at berry wire .. Ph. aJtilL TOP SOIL & PIT RUN GRAVEL. PH. 2-8553 472 Wonted, Misc. WANTED: A small barrel pipe used concrete mixer without motor. Box 27, Statesman- Journal. WANT second hand weatner vane. Ph. 4-6811 days. STRAW: wheat or oats pre ferred, tall wesi rooas inc.. 3-3155. . LOGS WANTED Top prices paid 8-ln. lo ao-in. aiameier. In 8-ft. or multiples or a-iv We also buy stumpage Bum imH I umber ComDanv. Tur r.r Ore. Ph. Turner 1125 Evenings phone Turner 2501 or Salem 2-7828. WANTED several thousand cords of yvood. all species. Ph. 1-7721. Nights. 4-5631 474 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-Ha SERVICF D4 MOST CASES. DR HARRY SEMLF.R. Dentist Adotph Bldg.. State St Com'l Sta SALEM PH. 1-3311 ADDING mschlnes. cash regis. Clary. 1971 Fairgrounds. 1-5375 Prospecting Supplies Gelger A Scintillator counters, minersllghts Mercury - de tector, free tnfnrmstlon. DECTRONICS INC PH. l-SOSl 890 Lancaster Dr. 4r ruei OLD FIR WOOD, $11 PH. 4-0S53 Spring: Special Mulch Sawdust. Fertilizer Block St Slab Wood West Salem Fuel 1.1?S Fdcrwater Ph 1-4031 ANDERSON'S slabwood. Ph 2-7751 or 4-2654. OREGON FUEL CO. Mulching Sawdust WOOD S A H Green Stamps Ph n-.iS33 3087 Broadway WcsTSalem Fuel Co. Sawdust, blower or mish out Planer and Pond Lillet SPECIAL Seml-Drv Block atd Slab IMS Fdsewater "h. 2-4031 HIGHWAY FUEL CO. CAWnl'ST St WOOD 3-844 Nights. 4-S833. Capitol Fuel Co. SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Choice slsb and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph 3-7771 SAWDUST for sale. 3 unit load, push out, $15. Ph. Gervals 2211. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to loon WE HAVE rash buyers for real estate contracts and 2nd mort gages Ohmart A Calaha. Realtors 477 Court St, Phone2-41H COLONIAL Investment Co Real Property Loana Contracts Purchssed 687 Court 4-278.1 $1500.00 Now you can borrow $1500 from u, on furniture, aulos. trailer hmivi and equipment. We are happy that after 28 year we are able to extend thii additional rrvir to you. VH S. Com'l. Salem. Orrnon General Finance CORPORATION PHONE 3-9161 LOANS $50 00 to $1500 00 Buy What Vou Seed Consolidata your hills. finance inro-ign WILLANfETTE CREDIT rnvtPANV 182 S ChurchSt Ph J-S437 PRIVATE money to loan on Real Eatsta. t Interest Ph. 2-0794. $:s to $2.vx Pacific Industrial Loans ! L1 118 S Liberty Ph 4 - FOR MONEY 2103 I ! T- . I. - KaWHIlS K6alty VO. F" . . . . 500 Bus. & Finance 515 iBvtshwuwtt BUILDER needs el lent partner, $1,000 Investment at ' 15. Guar. $30 mo. Ph. 1-701$. FOR SALE: Several shires Thomas K. Woolen Mill Stock. Box IS Statesman-Journal. 600 Employment 602 Help VrWd GROUP leader to recruit It supervise platoons, mmmni seasonal eropa. Transportation furnished. Good pay for those who qualify. Apply Oregon State Employment Serv, 710 Ferry St., Salem. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ' Phone 1-0616. JM N Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church Free parking In rear. Exclu sive listings oa) all types of em piovment APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesman bicycle routes. Several routes will be open. Applicant must be ac companied by their parents or have their written permls sion Apply at the Circulation Department of the Statesman Journal. . H COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1948 Specialists in Dffire Placements r.Btmr -Slenn . 25-40. Derm. 1240 F-Tvpe., bkpg. perm., w-v F-Type., relc-invotce. Out. $225 F-Expt. cashier. 35-40, perm. $18 F-Clerk-tvpe , 19-25. sharp Open M-Rrteil trainee, we. college preferred open Bent Way to the Best Jobs 494 Ststs St., 411 Oregon Blag. 4-3351 M Help WonttdTMirT DRAFTSMEN. See Parsons ad on Sports Page. IF you like to draw, sketch or paint see Taieni lesi u slrucllon column. NATIONAL ORGANIZATION Has o d n I n I for manager tr. hm in ine saicin Steady employment 8c many other benefits offered to the right man. Neatness is impor tant since this position is in the above average Income bracket. Interview granted by Company executive 10:30 a m. to 12 30 pm. Monday only 143(1 Broadway. MEN Allstate Ins. Co. has an open ing lor a man interested in a career opportunity, II you are married, 27-33. College grad., it have a good gen eral business background, we want to talk to you. Ex perience in Insurance or the Iinance field is helpful. THIS POSITION CALLS FOR A SKLF STARTER & IHt. WILLINGNESS TO WORK. THERE ARE EXCELLENT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. SEE MR. COX- ALL STATE Insurance Co. 198 S. Commercial Ph. 4-6861 BUILDER need rough csrpenter Dsrlner. 35'o Interest, ' quired. Ph. 2-70J6. iveirniNri'. end credit isiec tor wsnted Salem ares. Must have car ana typms Over 21 years. Reply Box 26, Ststesman-Journai. COMPETENT lady from Sllver-ton-Woodburn ares, between age 25 St 35 for dental assist ant. Capable of handling the public. Typing necessary. Will ingness to learn. References. Box 20. Statesmaji-Journal. W ANTED'experienced rug sales man. established volume dept. Apply personnel office, Lip mans. Sslem. EXPERIENCED radio, television technicisn. Keierence. "" RadloitelevjsjonJSMjState WANT "several wood cutters Apple Cspltal Fuel Co., 3900 N. River Rd. 606 Help Wonted, Lotly GIRL for general office work. Please reply to Box 28, Statesman-Journal. GIRL or woman for housekeep ing S, rhlld care. Liv. cond excellent. Salarv good. Must live in. Call4-R943or3-7010 CI ERK tvplst. shorthand not re quirrd.'Ph. between 1-9 or 4-5, 4 -221!". MIDDLE sted woman to Baby Sit A live In. $50 mo. Inq. at 3397 Williams Ave. ajter8p.m. MIDDLEligVd woman as house keeper. 2 in lamily. sll mod. conveniences, must live in. Ph. 4-6559. fl'I.L-or part time beautician. Call Salem ROOM, board & wages for wnm 2S.40 with or without rhild in exrhanga for help in motherless home. No smoking or drlnWnfJP2iWlJtar4: ELDERLY lady for companion housekeeper for elderly gen tleman In quiet country home. Wages. Keith Allen. Jefferson, Oregon. "YOUNG WOMEN Allstate Insurance Co. Is look ing for young women between ages of 24 St 30. Who are in terested in a position with re sponsibility. Should have Rood office experience. Previous work tilth figures. There are many excellent employee oeii ellts. good startinj salary, good opportunity for advance ment. 5 davs. 38 hours per week. Apply ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. 198 S. Com'l. Ph. 4-68(51 SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Young woman with ability to meet public for personnel de partment. Shorthand ability necessary, some college pre. ferred hut not neefssarv. Must have initiative St he well groomed. W will train In de partment operation Salarv open. F.xrellent employee ben efits 5 davs. 38', hrs. per week. Apply ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. 198 S. Com'l Ph. 4-8881 60Tickeri Wanted STRAWRERRY Platoon organ lilng 40A. Near Keirer. irans portatlon bv bus. sdulls St children over 12. Register by msiling card to lesder Mrs Ken Robinson, 2490 Wooddale. Ph3-8833. STRAWBERRY pickers bus Murnlshed Oak Crest Term. Register now. Phone 4-8288 REGISTER-"now bv mell to Bronksie Rt. 1. Box 115 for strawberry pickers T r s n s. furn STRAWBERRY P'''" now for platoon. Adults rhlldren over 12 Trans, fur nished, clean field, close in I Ph. lira. Jamaa Gardner 1-8501 600 Employment 1600 Employment 610 Soloi Help Wonted THIS -IS -II! BEST SALES OPPORTUNITY IN SALEM Vou can make up to $100 or more per week commission If you can qualify, jor inter view see Anderson. Rm. 448, Senator Hotel, S to 12, 1 to 4. to S. Monday only. We Need 3 Men to round out our organization In the Salem area TO DEMONSTRATE ft SERVICE OUR FARM MACHINERY MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT Our men are making 8137.50 and up per week commission, no investment, limited travel. If you are looking for better man average earnings ami have a successful background, you might qualify. SEE WAYNE LEWMAN 790 Stewart St. 1 blks. N. Sears, 1 blk. right MondayMay 7th PIANO It Organ Salesman. 14 commission ar guaraniee. Write Box 13 Statesman-Journal stating age, experience It etc. Experienced Sewing Machine Salesmen & Serviceman SALARY k COMMISSION With the complete line of sew. ing machines we carry. If you can't earn better than $100 per week neither of us can afford the other. Apply Mon.. Tuea. It Wed. Between S to 10 a.m. 455 Court St. APPLIANCE salesman. Make as much as 14 commission sell ing pianos tc organs. Only top men neea apply. For Informs tion write Box 13 Statesman' Journal, stating age, expert' ence etc. EXPERIENCED man. Fine of fice. Lots of advertising. Ram sey Realty, 427 Ferry. MAN to distribute A pick up Fuller Brush catalogs $100 weekly comm. to start 1-1357 SALESMAN or woman 15 yrs. or older, car necessary, for Salem area. We furnish all leads and know how to train you to make a good living. Generous commission and bonus. Ph. mgr. collect. 4501. MiMinnville, for appointment. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALEMAN (or desirable down town office. Guaranteed amount of advertising. Best working conditions. SALEM PROPERTIES 367 N High Ph. 4-0331 Salesman, Auto Parts High paying permanent position for experienced ira voting salesman. Commission bssis with substantial weekly draw ing account. Opportunities for advancement to diatrict man agership. Earn $300 to $800 a month at atart. Well known manufacturer and national distributor. Over S.000 fast selling repair parte and special kita for all makes of cars. Es tablished accounts. Protected territory open now west cen tral Oregon. 14 counties. Training in field at company expense. Car required. Phone for , appointment Wedneaday or Thursday E. Moffatt. Ben son Hotel, Portland. AT S811 612 Work Wonted, Men RELIABLE family man wants lawn care A yard work. Ph. 4-78D2 eve. CARPENTER, remodeling, re pslr. hr. or contract Painting. Ph. 4-0873. LAWN mowing done by week. Ph. 3-4595. 18 YR. old boy wants summer work June 1st. Ph. 1-3273. TOP Chrysler parte man. ex cellent reference, capable of selling service, making estl mstes. At present parts msn ager in California but wishes to return to home near Wood burn, Box 7 Statesman-Journal. ROTOVATING work eve, week ends. J. Hathaway Ph. 1-3828. WOOD CUTTING REAS RATES. PH. 4-1284. ROTO-TILLWGfc PH. 4-0558 HOME building remodeling. house framing or any line ot carpenter work rn. -sis ROTO-TILLING PH. 4-8253 or 2-2518 CEMENT Work. Ph. 4-339 Side walks, patios, ret. wall, ga rages, bsmts. Erea estimates. PROFESSIONAL upholstering reas Guaranteed. Free est. Pick-up. delivery. Ph. 2-4290. ROTO-TILLING, JO-ln.. 15 HP Roto-hoe, ph. after p m., 2-MI91. EXPERT brush or spray paint ing. Hr. or contract. Ph. 4-3900 HOWARD rotovatlng. new lawns prepared, free estimates. 3-5695 or 4-5261. WANTED: Job on mink or tur key farm. P. 0. Box 741. ROTO-TILLING RICHARD RAS, PH. 1-4718 EXPERT carpenter, remodeling all kinds Cabinet work. reas. go anywhere. Exllne 1-7018. TILLING Howard Rotovstor. Ph. 4-282.1 or 2-3535. Mo cam Sat. please. GARDEN PLOWING St DISC ING PH. 2-5123 W. A. LA. FI.EMME 1585 LANCASTER DR. CUSTOM plowing St disking ressonable. Cell 2-2348 PAINTING Free Estimates' rm. nicely furn. Apt. pnv. Reasonable. Ph. 2-S551 eves. "CARPENTER WORK, day or contract. 1-1842 or 1J4I: LAWN Mowing wanted by Andy Anderson. Ph. 4-0443 ROTOVATING TH. 2-4763 PaintinjrPh. 3-7552 PLOWING St disc ing Ph. 2-277S Albert ( reft. 3710 Monroe HOWARD Rotovsting gardens, new Uwns prepared. 3-5895. LAWN-mower sharpening, low prices, work guar Ph. 4-9092. LOU'S tree service. Spray, top- pmg1prune. cabling. 4-8501. ROTORY TilllnglMang tiller! world's finest Ph. 4-1382 or 4-54H8. Free estimates PRUNING, spraying, topping, rs moval L W Caudle. 4 1481 TREES expertly removed or topped. Call Mr. Osburne. 2-0335. &14 Wnrlc Wanted. Lodv pd 130 18M Ferry Ph. 4-8157 1 2RM . part furn. apt. 1251725 Lie. prac nurse capable, reliable I Center St. wants private duty, live in Ph 2-3438 ,Vlderlv bedfsst gentleman At help with house'work. live In. I 1-8158. P"" "L'J":'. Ref exchanged. Ph. Oervan j rM nicely furn. Apt Private CLOSE In JMnn. unfurn. cov 1251. ant Ilea, beat h. 4-MOO. Uga 681 N. Church. 14 Work Wonted, tody EXPERT child care. Mr home. 1541 Trade. Ph. 4-S84S4. WOULD like to room 4V board a child from S on up by day, week or month. Or It could be an elderly lady. Ph. 4-4277. 1 1 LOVING supervised child care. So. Salem. Ph. 2-3818. CHILD CARE my homo SI da, 25c nr. 4 Corners. Ph. -W7$. EXPERIENCED school girl wishes baby sitting jobs eve $30. nings. Jan Msison, ase n Browning At. WANT child care In my home $125 day. l-4g. EXCELLENT CHILD CARE My home. W. Salem. Ph. 4-1538 WILL care for 1 children 1st my home by month, s-jjos. TAILOR made slip covers made in my home. Bertha rianaiey, formerly of Roberta nroa. rn. 4-S4M. 780 Highland. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing. Mrs. Poe. sea n. isth. rn. wm, SEWING - Dressmaking, in my home, an types. Ph. i-roi WANTED Ironing In my home. 111! N. 1th. l-llll. 615 Situations Wonted WILL do typing, my noma. Box 21, Statesman-Journal. ROTOVATING So. Salem Area. Ph. 4-1301. PLASTERING and patching. Free estimates. Ph. i-ino. Lawn Mower Sharpened. 3-7847 L. V. Shafer, 112 iiw LAWN MOWING Power Mower, Ph. 4-1301 COUPLETwlth business exp.'will do relief work in summer, ref erence exchanged. Statesman Journal, Box 23. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Frsmlng, remodeling, founda tions, retaining walls, cement or pumice block. Free estl mstes. Ph. 1-4380. EXPERT spray, brush painting, psper hanging, your paint or mine. Free est Terms. Ph. Nelson 1-84M, 3-8243. BRICK and Block work, guar- Ph. 4-84.13 UGHT crawler doxer, leveling, grading. 3-7041. U Kurth. PAINTING, brush at spray. Free estimates. Ph. 1-182S. DOZING k LEVELING Ph. 1-0S51 D. PANTOVICH PAINTING, papering. Free eaU. mstes. Don Lucero. 1-5842. NEW lawns complete, treo est 3-1445 mom, 4-2141 Eve. IMMEDIATE SERVICK. PLOW ING at DISCING. PH. 3-S3O0. su-HARFF BROTHERS Initsllstion. Repair. Sewers, Septic Tanks. Drain Fields, Power Ditching, BaekflU. Ph. 2-5561 or 1-5071. r.inriEN At lawnwork wanted with rotovator. Vincent Kremer. 1151 Lansing Ave Ph. 2-3180. LAND CLEARING D-S. Hr. C. Mitchell. Ph. 2-S337. r4BprMTF.ll work, an kind. reas. 4240 jaacieay no. VINCENT C NEAL Excavating Co. Excavating Grading. Ph. 1-18 CARPENTER Jobs; new It re modeling, reas. s-m. PLOWING St discing. D. Mar- shsll. 2-1343. EXPERT horns building h re modeling, rnone e-iati. l. ic . vd shoveL crane, nam, D4," D1 eaU, carry all clear ing blade. Rental eontraet or unit prices. SAI.F.M SAND k GRAVEL 1405 N Front St Ph. S-S441 ROAD GRADING Roy Hancock. Ph. 4-8353 ciicfnu ninwine 14 tier hr, acres It up. Ph. 4-15S1 eve. Bruce Gordon, an uyram. 617 Job Informotion JOB INFORMATION-HIGH PAY, an traaes. jni iimu, America. U S.A. Companies psy oversess fare if nireo. Write Section 15H NaUonal, 1020 Broad, Newer, n. 618 Education IT YOU like to draw, akatch or paint write lor raient mi (no f I. oiva age in "i tion, Statesman-Journal Box URGENTLY NEEDED Men H-37 to trsln as telegraph .nriinn tor rai roatta. wiw be phvsirslly fit. Training does not interfere with pres ent work. G.I. approved. Averase nst $350. Wrlta Box 14, Statesmsn-Journal. WEST Coast Driver Training, Ph. J-7431 for lessons. 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Roomi, toord rnmrnnTABLE rm. close In Christian business man. Ph, 2-8835. BOARD AND HOOM"" 830 E St. MEN. TV. den at pvt. ent. 1505 N Capitol. Ph. 4-aus. NICELY furn. front rm. 539 Winter. T V SLEEPING rm. friendly home, man, 120 board 1-7820 HOME away from home. Pack lunches. Men. una it. am. CLEAN, warm rms. T V., clots In 118 S. winter. s-tia REAS. attractive rms. close in, prlv. ent 1-7411, 4-7887. 703 Wonted Rms., Boord NICE 4-rm. furn apt 1431 N. Cottage Ph. 1-17S3. 705 Apartments For Rent BUSINESS dlst . 1 rm comp. turnaptlSS Center St. 87.50-One of Salem's finest 1 bdrm. court apt., slova St re frig. pvt. util. St gar. 2-3728. bath, good locstion. 134. Ph. 4-4020 or ,1-8841 2-HDRM. spl.. rsnga At refrig. furn. Sslvsdor Apts. Ph. 1-3141 REDEC-I hdrm. furn. apt., no children. Outside ent St gar. den spot, good location. Ph. 3-532.1 or 4-1410. 1 RMr'aTbath nlrelv furn. pri vate ent 1 1 10 N Sth I'h. 4-37B8 CLOSE email furn. apt . 828. utilities 78.1 Marion. 2921. CLOSE In. newly dec.. 1 bdrm. furn. apt. 570 union. NICE 2 rm. furn. apt 1225 Chemeketa. Ph. 1-7954. FRM-furn. apt. pvt. bath. 705 N. Llberty.h-IM?. CLE A N. furn, 1 aj 1-rm, apts 8.13 Eerry VERY nice furn. 3 rm. apt. 1177 Court. BASEMENT furn. blk to Capi tol util . pd 130. 3-8254 NEWLY dec. furn. 1 rm . klt chenette. nest It wster furn 985 Saginaw. DU n,.l k,th nt util SPARKLING cleani 1 bdrm. tin furn 605 S Summer ,r.d;WM. apt furn. 585 S. llth. Ph 700 RenUlf .1 70S Aportmonts For Kont RM. turn., pvt bath. tttU. pd, gar. avail. ia oiaie, RM. turn, apt, prlv. bath it ent. Suitable for cpi. nil win. CLEAN S-rm, lront apt. Ground fir., refrig, siove m utilities furn.. prtv. bath. Ph. 1-7145. 1 - COURT APTS Haa private A modern Oown Town apia. From Stt to $45. Ph. 1-7440. In. quire IKS Court. Newly decorated small apt. 13S cloaa in. isoy preier., siu. paid. 4)41 Ferry. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Aps. S50 N. Summer. 1-tlOl 4 FURNISHED bachelor at 1 bdrm. Apia. Ii3t ratrgrounos Rd. Ph. 1-3134 before f P.M. or 1-1M0 sfter S P.M. DESIRABLE nicely turn., quiet, steam heated apt. Adults. 555 N. Winter. Ph. 1-55M or 1-5241. 1 CLEAN 1 rm. furn. pvt. bath $37.80. Adults. 'JCom' FRM. furn. apt. 135. South. PtC 1-7041. FURN, newiy decorated. ,s blocs: City Hall. Ph. 1-3844. CLOSE In, cleani 4 rm. bath, utility rm. oil heat, gsrsge. bus. 1-5513. 1st FLOOR, 1 large rooms, bath, laundry, quiet area, rent rea sonable. 0M 8. Uth. 1 RM., util, turn. pvL bath, ent. refrig. 111 S. 13th. Adults. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. 1185 Chemeketa St Ph. 1-8830 CLEAN 1 room court apt King- wood courts. Jra 5L w. ba lem Laundry facilities. Ph 4-1514 morn, or eves, after 4. UNFURN. 1 bdrm. eourt apt Range, refrig. aupurp. i-jmm. FURN. apt., steam heet, phone. washing facilities e-ewi. CLEAN 1 rms. furn. bus, garage 5 S. 12th. RMS. furn- pvt bath, near Memorial nosp. at stats mags. 840 Mill. 130 to too furn. 1 rms.. pvt baths. Adults, una . uapiioi. VERY deslrsbie unfurn. apt with view. Large living room 2 bedroom, strictly modern, $60. 115 S. Com'l. Ph. 4-53M. OR 1 bdrm fun. court apts. All util. furn. weekly monthly rates. Pit. 3-8723. LARGE J RM. FURN. APT. CLOSE IN SO. PH. 4-3661. CLEAN I rm. furn., bsm'L utlls.. pvt. bath. 1118 w. mil, nwi. NEWLY decorated 1 bdrm mod ern turn, court apt, 3. w Salem. Ph. 4-8875 ar eve m 1-11 S3. RM. furn. apt for rent S01 N. Winter. Fl'RN. pullman apt., adulta. 154S N. Capitol. Ph. I-SOW, UNUSUALLY nice 1 rm. ground fir, furn. apt. Close in, teas. ph. 1-7130 OR 1 furn. apt all utU. furn. 597 N. Liberty J-78S9. ATTRACTIVE clean 1 rm. furn, apt. Pvt. Close in. uarage. $35. Ph. 1-7830. FURN. 1 RM. apt. with bath. Vacant Sth. 835 N. Bummer. NICE 1 RM. furn. apt Prlv. ent. and bath, call at zvo at. 22nd after ( p.m. YOU'LL LIKE THIS ONE J-room apt. ranga St rafrlg. Pri vate entrance, rn. a-svat or 2-1800 after 5 p m. 1 bms bath, nica clothes clos et, close in, including utii.. 837.50. 404 8. High, fn. -st, LARGE lst-flr. claan turn. apt.. fireplace, auto, neat; near Capitol. Adulta. 1-4505; S-5271. TURN. apt. I5S N. High. Ph. J-J411. rURN. 1-bdrm. apt. Closa to Capitol. 55. m. j-aiaa. QUIET off street. 1 bdrm. court wgar., stova at resrig. uiu. Ph. 4-50M. FURN. aingla apt. for employed person. Pvt bath ac anu aw n. 13th St. Ph. 1-8705. SMALL attractive furn. Also 1 bdrm. bsmt. furn. 3t n ijn. NICE clean, 3 rm. furn. apt 1st fir. 15 s. 12th. COZY 1-bdrm. furn. Apt., out side entrsnre. pvt. nam. utii. 150. 3-8238. Hollywood Dlst. FURN. 1 rms. and bath, close in, single only. Ph. ATTRACTIVE 1 rm. ground fir. Closa In. 170 N. cnurcn WEBER Court furn. apt, elec. heat, range, refrig. Launary facll. 1880 S. 13th St. Mgr. 4-1881. . COURT Apts. (Court It Cot tage! offer aowntown quiet apts . from $4150 to 154. Ph. 1-7440. 706 Duplexes 1 BLK. Cspltol Bldg. 1-bdrm. unfurn., oil furn., wired eiec. rng . redecorated. 151.50. Ph. 4-1883. 4 BDRM. furn. duplex. lw Court 175 mo. Ph. 3-5834. NEW unfurn. 1 bdrm.. gsrsge, 17S. 420 Madrons. Ph. 3-7841. AVAILABLE May 15th, large turn 1 bdrm. duplex. Ph 2-1775. 1 RMS. furn., 150. 740 Unlver slty. Ph. 3-4801 or i-imi. SFE this pretty redecorated 3 bdrm. unfurn. duplex, with hssm't S, gsr. 4-1307. 4 RM. unfurn. flat, garage, base ment, oil heat. Nice-clean. No children. 1871 Court St. MODERN furn. all elec. 1 bdrm. lslie 4 Bush School. Gar age. Inquire 2210 Breyman St. 147 50 1 bdrm. unfurn. duplex. gas range, oil hes(, near shop ping center. Phone 4-iae.i. 1 ROOM unfurn. flat 1 block P.O. Inq. 858 Ferry. 707 Houses For Rent 1 BDRMS.. 4 Corners, nice view, 175. Ph. 2-8121. 1 BDRM. house, carpels. TV an tenna. very nice. Adults, ref erences. I'h. 2-5278 weekends or after 5 week days. NEW 1 bdrm , lrg. gar. Ph 4-707H. CLEAN 2 bdrm. home. 150 Ph. 4-22U3. Mr. Kiggins. NEW 3 bdrm. house No. 180. Ing. Treml. 1105 N. Liberty 2BDRM.. lg carpeted liv. rm., furnace Ynungstown Kit. range St refrig , 185. Center St Realtv. 1748 Center. Ph. 4-68.11, eve 2-7812 GARDEN-spotTl bdrm duplex. very neat St clean. 139 50. Ph. 4-lfKtt or 4-3712. 2 FfEDRM. home located 6'0 S 17th Street, wired for ele trlr range Inquire 325 Oregon Building 2 BDRM. house. 1255 1th SI In quire Trust Dept. 1st National Bank. Ph. 4-3371 ext. 87, HANDY man ran pay the rent of one bedroom partly fur nished house with 's sere of good garden ground hv spsre time work. Phone 2-44897 MODT hdrm. home choice Inc. 1780 N. 24th. 70 Mo. Ph 4-1746. AT STATE St. 4-Cornera. I bdrm . util. rm, osk firs . Ve netian blinds frpl oil heat garage. M mo. Call 4-4798 1 BDRMhome" Ph7 4-6253 after 5 30 p m. 2 BEDROOM modern house, 5150 Chehalls Dr "Kel7er 55 mo Write Owner, 212 6th St . 1-ebaaon uonrsll i RflRM housa newly decorateo z mi r. "i . .. . k J.lntt 700 Rentals 707 Housot For Ront LOVELY, clean home, basement ar furnace. ', blk. St. Vincent Church St Sen. Inquire low Donna Ave. BDRM. home. Inq. 154 S. Summer, Ph. 1-1534. $4C 30 1 Bdrm, Keller $H 00 1 Bdrm, Keller E A McGlauflin. Agent N. High, 2-8611, Sun. 1-4811 FURN. 1 bdrm., gar., waaher and dryer. Adults. IMS Baker. BDRMS, 1 are furn. Range, refrig. ar water. 1525' State. CLEAN 1 bdrm. house, carport, No. Adults, no pets. 4-5151. CLEAN 2-hdrm . (urn or partly turn. 1138 Huge. 1-5177, BDRM. cottage, clean, oil heat, gas cooking. $00. 114 N. 17th. BDRM. house. $51. Lease with option to buy. rn. i-wi. 1 it 1 bdrm. houses. Call 1-3134 Pioneer Trust Co. 250 CLEAN 1 bdrm. stoves, garage. 47 Mill. Ph. 4-400. CLEAN 1-bdrm. South. Ph. 4-1787. 1-BDRM. unfurn. $80, , mi. E of 4-Corners. No pets, 4581 State. Ph. 4-2862. UNFURN 1-bdrm. house St ga- age, 141 w. 8aiem. 3-ivti. 4 RM unfurn. flat, garage, base ment, oil heat, nice-clean. No children. 1873 Court St. 707-e Furnished Houses 1 BDRM. mod. sub. rtdee. beau tiful inc. view. Ph. 1-1227, t BDRM. house garage, antenna connection. Inq. Z580 . 1th. Ph. 4-l7l. OUR home for rent, completely furn. 3 bedrooms, basement, double garage. Nica yard. Call 4-9587. BDRMH ail alee, heat, bus stop. Good neighborhood. $50. Ph. 2-0988. J-RM. cottage furn. 889 N. Front, TURN. 1 bdrm. housa, cloaa in la. Z-S758, 710 Wanted to Rent Hses NEEDED by June 1st 4 bdrm. house, preferably wnaam I.. approx. w. m. J-4'i. PROFESSIONAL man. now resi dent desires a or a bdrm house near S. Salem High. Ph. 3-3175. 8-5. 3-3497 eve. WANT I or 3 bdrm. housa vicin ity nf Richmond School, reas. 4-3813 No Sat, cans please. WE SPECIALIZE In RENTALS and PROPERTY MANAGE MENT, wa neea mora gooa house rentals. Center St. Real, ty Rental Servlca, 174J Can ter, Ph. 4-S831. Eve. l-7iU, 1 OR MORE bdrm. woptlon to buy. Pref, W, Salem. 4-77, 1 OR 3 bdrm. unfurn. noma. 885 Ph. 4-8921. TYTJ usiness Rentals STORK ROOM for rant. 281 N. High. Ph. 4-5351. SOWN town of flea space, store rms. St warehouse. 3-4114. 4-CORNERS Community Hall available- Ph. I-825L 716 Resort Rentals Nin 4-rm. mod. cottaga wired for ranee. 150 rt. on Aisea nay At Hiway priv. dock, 8.50 S350 dn. 840 me. or trada or take good car aa part. (Crab boat avail.) S4I7 Roberts Ava. S-4361. 718 Convoleseent Homes ELDEREST Nursing Home. Prl vata rooms avatlabla. 2830 N. Church. 2-9818. COTTAGE CONVALESCENT Hume; isi N. cotiaga. a-nu. 780 Moving eV Storage MAYFLOWER Movinp and Storage FUEL OILS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER Larmer Tranifer It Storage Complete moving service. Also agents for lws nation wide Movan. Ph. Mill. LOW COST storsge. H. L. fltiff rurnltura Co. i-iaa LESTEI LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Moving & Storage PH. 2 1750 OR 3-4968 801 Business OpportunT OPPORTUNITY NEW automatic 3-ln-l Hot Drink Unit handling tne world nationally advertised Maxwell House coffee. Baiters Chocolate. Tenderlesl Tea. You must be honest, reliable, hsve a sincere desire and am bition to own a permanent highly profitable business which can be operated from your home In spare or full time Thorough training Lo cstlons obtained and equip ment placed in operation by our experts. Immediate un believable Income 10 units rinine the nationsl average would give vou an income ot 11.381 monthly. 1163.12 yearlv Only 11.290 starts you. Up to 75'. of the equipment rosl cen be financed. Kor further Information. write giving Shone and address to Box 120, talesman-Journal. FHEE I Buyers- Report helps you find businesses, larms. income properties Specify w n a t. where REPORT. 5410 Wilshire. Los Angeles FILLING STATION. Corner lot Building Equipment every thing goes. Good gross. Price 10 MO Some terms Ramsey. Realtor. 427 Ferry Ph. 4-3381. Eve and Sun. 2-6888; 1-6891; 4-2870; 4-1896 Unusual Opportunity Wanted -Man or woman to han dle cigarette St canny venoms mute in Salem jnd surrnund- ir,, Irrnlinv To he owned. end set up for vou Part or (,,ll.ll,e NO SFJ.LING. Per manent wreKlv income WHO rash rcnuMt-d For inlervl-'A BUf limine nmti-tfi Sin,s-TV(n : Bnx l! Siatpsntetn-Jfiurnai OWNER MANAGER WANTED Immediate unbelievable Income Full or snare time, nrn Ruts Pratt fnl.TTsherl national company (iffi-rs owner suH-rvinr iis trihutorship f'" sensational new prtiuct. that repeals daily Year round business. Nc, sellinc or experience nec essjry. Following qualifica tions 1 Honesty & Reliability 2 - Desire to own permenent business 3 -I12II5 mln. cash requited whirh is secured 4- KOR l.ARCEH OPERA TION financial assisianre aallahle st, If ton have the shove quali fications write or r l'i mfr. address nhone niiot-r persona ntrrview can r ioni: ed. Slateaaun-Jouioal Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., May 6,1936 (See, II)-13 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole 806 SUNDAY 1 TO I TM. 545 NORTH 23RD Beautiful Cape Cod Home The house of your dreams. A true Cape Cod with shutters, gables and planter boxes. The living room is 15x21 will colonial fireplace, there are 1 bedrooms, full basement, 2-car garage. This Is one of Salem's finest neifihborboodt, and the home is Immaculate. . WALNUT PARK PRICE $15,500 Ted Morrison, Realtor ' N. HIGH OPEN FOR YOUR Sun., May 6th, Go Out Market St or Watch for Area carefully guarded and planned to make ft the finest Excellent quality homes liberal financing City Sewers ' Paved Curbed Stl Near Hoover School Shoppln, Center to We invite you to Inspect he built anytime Be sure to see this Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 321 N. CHURCH ST. SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1956 2 to 5 p.m. Now l-bedroom plus den, doubts) garage, doubt flrtrplaco. AoV arrets 120 Chase Avenue. Drtva out Liberty Road ana btoea south of Browning Av. Chat Rawlins will thenar, v. p, i-tiM. . ' RAWLINS REALTY ' ; 60S Chemeketa Street, Salem, Oregon Office phone 44(71 801 luiiness Opportun. SERVICE station for laasa, good mechenlc spot, low Inventory It equipped. Ph. 4-2343, FOR SALE: Cum vending mach. route, cneap. rn. i-ii. LONG etUbllshad Salem Hear- ins Aid office for asia. fine for man and wife. 1058 gross profit avar 111.000. Box II Statesman-Journal, Sill OR TRADE, grorery stora, gas station. barm, nousa. IM S. Lancaster. Ph. 1-8128. 801 Business Property GENERAL MERCHANDISE JN small Town near new JET AIR BASE, guaranteed invoice J 18.000. atuuainf wiui gooa ivlng quarters. Land, Build ing, Stock fixtures all go .. for only $35,000 lake small farm or moaarata prices housa m part axenanga. acva. csll 4-Sn, days 1-4W80. Ed LuklnbeaL Kaaltor, 431 N. High. VALUABLE PROPERTY! A large building It 1 lots, cen trally located, a good buslnaai site. Ph. 1-8840 or 1-4434. 803 Suburban ATTENTION! SET" OUR DAIRY-STOCK TRUCK FAnMS I lu i ACRES AT PRE-AIR BASE PRICES A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! ALSO - I SMALL AUTO COURTS. A RriST HUMS.. 1ST CLASS THEATER, A GROCERY - ALL SAFE IN VESTMENTS. COME TO WOODBURN THE HOT TEST SPOT IN THII VAL LEY. HIGGINBOTHAM REAL ESTATE 131 1ST ST. "DOWNTOWN" WOODBURN PH. 7711 IVE, 1111 t irt-Nica view, modern 1 bdrm, furn. nome, scnooi ous hv door. dhle. garage, chirk- enJiouseLll.S501Ph. 4-4115. KOR DISCRIMINATING horns owners. Only 1MO0 buys Ihn 7 A. and wooded sanc tusry with view. 10 mln. from Salem center. Get particulars shout this at 1525 State. 806 Houses For Sale SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1956 J 00 TO 5:00 P M. 171 Csscsde Drive. Lovely home, brand new. cjverlooxing tne rity F.xcellent construction, spacious rooms. 1,550 sq. ft. Has living room, with flre- Elare. dining room. latest itchen with bulltln ranga end Llmba Wood cabinets, break fsst room. 3 flreplsces, 1 bsths Full bssement with f-milv rnnm. One of Sslem s finer homes Dean Klsrr will show. rn. eve. s-nmu. RAWLINS REALTY 605 CHKMKKKTA STREET SALEM. OREGON OFFICE PHONE 4-8878 E m SEE ALMOST 'i ACRE OF SPRING BEAUTY SURROUNDING OUR LOVELY SUBURBAN HOME. Spacious lawns, choice shrubs, flowers, shade trees, fruit orchard. Fine neighbor hood Over 1500 sq ft living suace.pllis two-rer garare, on one floor ncaunrui "u In excel, condition inrougn out Special features of house Charming entrance hall, sep srste dining room, cheery fsmlly siied kitchen with pretty bkfst. nopk. Isrge' util ity room, den which msy he used as third hdrm. with built-in book esses, covered pstlo for outdoor living Gar den house, spprox 12x10 ft fnr storsge or children's plsr nouse. Close tn transn., shop ping, schools MUST SELL SINCE WE'RE LEAVING Oregon PRICE 118.300 1910 prk Ave. PHONE OWNER 4-I8H3 . 2BDRM. house, frpl . gsr, nica nelghborbaod. 4-6474, Houses For Sale PHONE 4-787T INSPECTION 2 to 5 D St to Savage Ed. Signs PH. 44311 OR m H 504 (or this Its bdrm. houaa. Attractive Interior, extra Ml. 1171 1th St Ph. 4-4170. OWNER Tranaiarrad: MusTaei a rm. noma, uniinianao up atalra, tented yd. wplsy aqulp. Included. Itaka attar. Ph. 4-4211. M7 Broadway. EOR SALE by ownar svawl bdrm. home, daylight base-' ment, ui.soo. smau uaoa coat sldered. 1-30M. BUT this lovely rural 1 bdrm. noma train ownar at save ra altor'i (ea. Garaga work shop, Eerden plot variety of fruit, ively neighborhood, cloaa to achooL Priced to tall tw good terms. Ph. 1-S041. 1 BDRM. eontamDorar. calling, lota of atorage, shop auto, sprinklers. 113500. 11. M dn. 610 Chemawa Rd. 1-4434. TO BE moved or torn down. Mod. plb. hdwd. firs. Sea al 173 E. Salem Helghta Ava. Ph, 3-9903 after S wk days, BY OWNER T yr. old housa, A-l cond., 1 bdrm, finished up stairs. 1 blk. from Lasile Sea. Ph. 1-6091 sfter S:20 a m. DALLAS HOME 4-bdrm. on corner lot wadjolrt Ing lot dhle. garaga. V plumb, S 7,500. 13.000 down. Ph. MA 3131. 11 to I pjn. SELL OR TRADE Xlngwood Dr. S big bdrms., I baths, living rm. llstlf. Fam ily room I4x24-ft. Nica bsmt, besutiful grounds as view. 123,500. Call awaar 3-7191. SM. mod. hse., gar., fenced jar oen. w. gaiem. rn. s-oju. BY OWNER: Will Uads equity in housa H4t aunnysna aa. for trailer houaa. Bale nee oa home HON s 60 mo. Bea anytime or Ph 1-0033. BY OWNER: Englawood t bd rm, frpl.. elec. neat, insu lated, hdwd. lira., van. bllnda, yrs. eld, 86x117 lot (Mar Br, Jr.. grade schools. 750 N. llth. HIGHLAND-ST. VINCINT bisf. 1 bdrms- liv. rm. w fireplace. din. rm.. largo kitchen, XX Uurel, Ph. 1-6001. EXTRA well built 1 bdrm. homo plastered, trpL oil beat fenced id. attach, garaga. lg. lot, trf Claramont near KSLM. FOR SALE: By ownar. 1 bdrm. home, unfinished UDStSlrs. lrg. liv. rm., din. rm. lr kitchen. I'h" arage attch. HTO oroaowsy. 4-8223. , Family Room A good buy In South Salem, new, with 1 bdrma., dhle. ga rage, utility room. I's batha. roomy family room with ear ner fireplace and paneled walL lots of birch and natural wood. 114100 Ph. 4-7177. Eva. Cor dova Stephenson 4-818, TED MORRISON REALTOR 250 N. HIGH PH. 4-757T Sunday, May 6th 2:00 to 5:00. 4-138 Glenwood Drive LINCOLN PARK 3-bdrms, l't baths, living room, fsmlly mom with ceder pen- eling. 2 fireplaces, birch kit chen with bkfst space, utility room. 2-rar garage with over head storsge. forced a' furnare Driva out So Lan caster to Glenwood Driva. turn east 1 blocks tn Lincoln Park Paved streets with curbs, sidewalks and central water system. The price of this house is 114.000 with 11. BOO down and 0 years on tha ail - Xbrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING INSURANCE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS Of 3-9217 Eves. 1-4701 or 1-7301 TO PLACE AD To pltee elitilfled ids iQ 44S1L lBBaVBBaVaB,aBABtBWaaBW