F rench Cuisine iVo. 2 European Housewife Saves on Good Meat Br MAXINE Bl'KEN ttilnmii Wttnas's Edit - For all lh f rerirrt chefr reputation for fancy food. th house wife of France it frugal rook, making something very fine from often inexpensive ingredients.. In meat cookery the excels, in both flavor and frugality, for often she uses the less expensive "extra parts' of the animal. Her excellence then depends upon the natural goodness of the specialty meats and her own choice of subtle fla vorings. Kidneys, tongue, brains, liver, tripe all go onto the French table in concoctions that please the gourmet. Beef kidneys for instance take a wine sauce like this: BEEF KIDNEYS MADEIRA SAUCE 1 beef kidney ' ' cup Madeira wine I tablespoons butter 4 cup water 3 tablespoons flour Salt and pepper Split kidney and remove the fatty core. .Cut in small pieces. Melt butter and fry in pieces of kidney, stirring gently so the pieces will brown on all sides. Sprinkle with flour and moisten with wine and water. Season and stir until flour is weft blended. Simmer 10 minutes but do not let sauce boil. Kidneys become tough if over cooked, but should always be served very hot. Then tongue, one of the best flavored of "extra parts" can be cooked thus: BEEF TONGUE PIQUANT 1 fresh tongue 1 teaspoon salt 1 carrot, sliced U teaspoon pepper 2 leeks 2 cloves Bouquet garni Piquant sauce 1 quarts water Cover tongue with cold water and add leeks and carrots, bou quet garni, clover, salt and pepper and simmer 3 hours. Remove tongue from water, take off skin and cut out hard parts. Split the tongue lengthwise. Arrange in a crown around a platter and fill center with piquant sauce. Bouquet garni 3 or 4 sprijjs parsley, sprig of thyme and a small bay leaf. The thyme should be surrounded by the parsley so it won't float away. Tie herbs together so they may be removed. You may substitute teaspoon powdered thyme and I teaspoon parsley flakes if desired, but in that case the sauce should be strained before served. PIQUANT SAUCE 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 teaspoon chopped parsley teaspoon black pepper 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon grated onion 2 tablespoons chopped pickle 2 cups brown sauce Make brown sauce by melting butter, stirring in flour and heat ing until browned, then adding stock or water and heating until smooth. Now mix vinegar, pepper, onion, parsley and butter and heat until butter is melted. Add brown sauce and just before serv ing, add pickle. Brains are a delicate meat, loved by gourmets but too often overlooked by home cooks. BRAINS IN MUSHROOM-ONION SAUCE i pair brains Bouquet garni 1 tablespoon butter 10 small onions 1 tablespoon flour pound mushrooms 1 cup water Salt and pepper n cup red wine Croutons Soak brains for 2 hours in cold water, changing water at least twice. Clean them carefully, remove loose pieces of skin, blood and fibers. Melt butter, add flour, allowing it to brown but not burn. Add water, wine and stir until sauce begins to thicken. Add herbs mushrooms, onions and simmer 30 minutes Remove bouquet garni, add brains, salt, pepper and simmer 15 minulrs longer. Serve on a heated platter and garnish with lung croutons. At Willamette Mr. At Ore mm State Mrs. Thornton Convocation Speaker By JODY RICKETTS Statesman Correspondent "TEftVALLIS One of the big gest events of the year was held i this week at Oregon State. The Associated Women Students Awards and Tappings convocation ; was held in the Home Economics j auditorium. Mrs. Robert Thorn ton of Salem gave a speech "On Being Young in an Old World." ; The presentation of scholarships: and awards were given by vari-i ous people. Some of the awards that were given out were the Al pha Chi Omega Music Award, the were hostesses. Alpha Lambda Delta Scholastic Honorary for women presented a hook to the Senior member with the highest grades Associated Women Students senior award and the Delta Delta Delta scholarships were given and the Phrateres scholarship cup was presented. The Mortar Board scholarships were given out and the tapping of next years members Tuesday evening mem bers of Mortar Board, honorary for senior women, gave their traditional serenade to the houses that have a girl that was tapped Wednesday. Mothers Weekend Mother's weekend on campus officially opened Friday with registration. The speaker for Baccalaureate Service this year will be Dr. Henry H Crane, pastor of Cen tral Methodist Church in Detroit, Michigan. Students Hold Office Seven Oregon State College students from Salem have been elected to leadership positions in their living groups. New secretary of Phi Kappa Tau, national social fraternity, is Mnrrie Raker, and John Bur roughs is house manager of Phi Delta Theta, national social fra ternity. Bill Donaldson is warden oj Pi Kappa Phi, national social fraternity, and Al Haslebacher is house manager and social chair man of I'hi Kappa, national reli gious social fraternity. Shirley Eiell is membership chairman and LeAnna Seal is edi tor of Kappa Delta. Dale Wood is historian of Campus Club, men's cooperative house. Olthoff Elected Npw nfficers eWterl for the county federation club year to i standing senior. Tom Steeves. out serve for Sweele Woman's cluh at ' Ending member, and Willard i r Queen's Ball Event of Tonight By FLOSSY HODGE KUtetrnaa Ctrmptndeai In honor of her Majesty Queen Margaret Huson of Willamette University and Princesses Margie Knochenhauer and Lorraine Land rud, will be the Queen's, Ball tonight from 9 to 12 o'clock. In keeping with the golden anni versary theme of May weekend, a color scheme of yellow and green, will be used. Muriel Miet tunen of Molalla is in charge o( decorations which include the low ered ceiling and yellow flowers. Programs will be a green crown on a gold background. Bob Withers of Woodburn was named president of Phi Delta Theta in elections held Monday evening. Paul-Edwards of Wood-, burn will assist as reporter, and other officers include Bill Neel of Portland, secretary; Dave Poff of St. Helens, warden: Ken Renshaw of Burlingame, Cal., treasurer; Ron Taylor of Corvallis, assistant treasurer; and Duane Baird of Woodburn, alumni secretary. In the recent all-campus elec tions Mark 0. Hatfield, dean of men, and Dr. John Rademaker, head of the sociology department, were both suggested for 1st vice president of the Student Body, while Regina Ewalt. dean of wo men, and Clorinda Topping, voice instructor, were write-ins for May Queen! Sigma Alpha Epsilon announces the addition of two new pledges, Tom Lovell of Salem and George Gray of Ashland. Cap and Gown's annual party for junior women will be held Tuesday, May 8 from 7 to 9 o'clock at the home of Dr. Martha Spring er. Junior women over a 3.0 ac cumulative grade point average will be invited to attend the party where Dean Ewalt will discuss with the group the function of Cap and Gown and its relationship with Mortar Board, senior women's na tional service honorary. , Fran Batchelder was selected as Coed of the Month Monday noon by the AWS cabinet for her leader ship qualities and for services ren- dered during her four years at Willamette. President of Young! Republicans, Mrs. Batchelder !s a member of Cap and Gown and1 senior scholar in Enelish. She has also served as president of Kappa Delta Pi, national education honor ary, and is past treasurer of her social sorority. Chi Omega George Bleile was named out- AM. Ml 37-47 -61 Jt yai I W MAY II liiZTsTAR gazer! O MAY 8 70-75-79-W iunc MAY 23 J- i-lMS uo IUIY U . AUS 33 My 45-52-69 vwoo AUG 2 SffT 25 5C6M6-74 --Br CUT . POLLAN H rwMiikMrCwli H ' Aeeri; h hS Slon. . ' To dewrlop messoge for' Soturdoy, tod words corresponding to numbers ot your 4odioc birth sign seer a OCT 23 U8-76-8MI J Makes. 3 Tml 4 You'f 5 e(ua 4 To 7 Bound I Amon Se 10 Unto I I hnportonl 17 Unt.ptctri 42 CoH 13 VVgh 43 Proper 14 NeooKXa 15 You r. 16 ln,tot.ont 17 Chocktgl 31 Wool 3?Ovj)IxA 33 Stiuotam 34 Sort 35 a 3? O 34 Amp J Will.no 40 ChonoM 41 Invtroftom II A 19 foe 20 To 21 Excellent 22 Spurred 23 Oeoswn 24 Into 25 Ptoo 44 Acton 45 Fee 44 And Al Money el Pxxvwh e2 With 3 Cot 64 Mot 5 Goad 66 lmpiswna 7 Tte 0 CotYwVwttYnfJt P'CtJfO" 70 To 71 And .72 Action 73 Conclude 74 Todoy 75 Rewlvt 76 loom 77 Pmd.no rtl-46-61 V- 44 Sertle"Wnr .74 Droll 49 w.th 79 Problems 50 ft 51 BocV.no. 52 Nr. 53 Ot 54 to 55 loobies. 26 AdiuslmenK 56 CH 27 CWV 57 rVicmoi 71 Tuns 51 You'- 29 S.ol 59 5.,n) 30 New 60 Choim Gnod Advtr 80 And 81 Crrd.l 82 SporH'OO. 83 Aonthec - 84 And 85 T,me 86 5MI 87 Concr.n 84 Magnetism 89 01 90 Ivrnti Neutral OCT NOV :t SAamjuM 5- 4V b4-27-7? VrH DfC IAN 4 C5-39-54- T1 fc?67-890"J JAN II rti' it rttdt AAA2.n5 mt-xy U9A3-84-87 KVAL TV, VHF 13 riGENE: KVA1.-TV, Channel 11 (Saturday): J:ttstars of th West rn Range presents The Lit Rides Ann:" 1:40 Saturday Matinee Tht- Channel Churklrs By BIL KEANE "Psst! It's facing this wiy now!" the Tuesday meeting were presi dent, Mrs. John Olthoff; vice-president, Mrs George Yost; secretary, Mrs Karl Rowland; and treasurer, Mrs. John Hyke. Mrs. Olthoff was hostess for the meeting with Mrs. Momer Conklin assisting. Members who had attended the county fed eration meeting held at the Child ren's Farm Home were Mrs. Clark McCall, Mrs. Harry Jennings and Mrs. Mary Swingle. JEFFERSON Mrs. Vera Gomez was honor guest Tuesday night at a baby shower in the Christian Church rooms. Twenty five guests enjoyed the evening. Mrs. Marvin Hutchings. Mrs. Frank Chrisman, Mrs. Ernest Powell and Mrs. Virgil Bailes Kunney, outstanding freshman, at the Sigma Alpha Epsilons' annual Parents Day on Sunday, April 29. Dean Robert Gregg, an alumnus of the chapter, spoke at the ban quet. Weavers Entertained Mrs. W. Frank Crawford enter tained members of the Salem Weaver's Guild at her country home on the Wallace Road Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. Hugh Mor row showed slides of variations in twill. Following the program the women viewed the beautiful Craw ford gardens, where over a hun dred lilac trees are now in bloom. Hostesses were Mrs. 0. E. Thomp son, Mrs. A. J. Ullman, Mrs. Lucy Pelly, and Mrs. George Schwarz. Report Given On Projects Salem Altrusa International held its regular dinner meeting at the Marion Hotel and yearly reports of all committees were read. Dr. Ruth Benson, chairman of the projects committee, reported the furnishing of a room at the Salem Memorial Hospital, a $50 Scholarship to a high school graduate, shoes and clothing to students at the Blind School, a hearing aid for a Hillcrest girl, a $20 4-H Scholarship, and Christ mas chanty. Mrs. E. Alexander Tueski, the incoming president, appointed her committees for the coming year. The chairman of the four major committees are Miss Etta Sutter, Mnft Lois Keeney, Miss Peggy PeWrson and Mrs. R. V. Cooley. Initiation of new members will be held at the May 15 meeting. ater with Charlra Bickford and Irrnr Rich in "Qurrn of thr Yukon," 4:0t Watch Muter Wizard: 4:Jt Tur: S:te Tti Movira with "Junfla Bonk:" 4:? Curious Camera: :3t Thr Advtnture of Rin-Ttn-Tin; 7:M The Lawrence Welk Show. : People Are Funny. 4:3t ramoui Plavhoufe: ' :M The Genrse Cohrl Show. tM-Your Hit Taradr: UOt TBA. II TatRequest Plavhmne with Frederick March. Veronica Lake. Rohei t Renrhlrv and Susan Hay ward in 1 Married a Witch " Kl'fiENE: KYAL-TV. Channel 13 (Sunday)T t it Christian Science Heals, 1:43 Industry on Parade: lt:tt Oral Roberta. l't:M Lighted Window; 11 :tt Championship Bowl ing; 12 Ttt Hallmark of Tarn star ring Evelyn Varden and Delrdre Owens in "The Cradle Son" the story of a baby irl who It left at the door of a convent In Spain and raised by the sisters; l:H Your Career: 2:M Sunday Matinee The ater with William Gargan and Nancv Kellv In "Follow That Woman;" 3:11 This Is the Life; 4:0t What One Person Can Do; 4:34 Javcee Spot llfht, S:tt - Meet the Press: with John B. Holllster In a discussion of the United States' foreign aid pro gram: S:Jt Rov Rogers: (tM It's a Great Ufe: 4:341 Spy: 7:tt-Com-edy Hour: 1:44 Famous Playhouse: : waterfront: i:ta Loretta Young Show; t:3t Curtain Call; lt:t Telephone Time with Jonn Nesbltt: lt:3t Sunday Showtime with Barhara Payton In "Four Sided Triangle." SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS (rtlter'i aota: The Statesman nnatlilies In tMd faith tfca nrecrMs sag titua as BrorttWdl T radio u TV MatMna, al teeaan airttls Uit ivogruat art cktagr4 wilkoat MtJflcatlta ttta axtttpaawt ttaa4 kt rMawaaiktt far tka Mttracr keretsi SUNDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KPTV Sl-NDAVS BICHL1GRTS (CHANNEL 17): 14:4t a n. Princeton 'H The History Dept. discusses how and why the U. S. was transformed from isolationism to a nation with eco nomic and military commitments around the globe. UM Hall of Fame "The Cradle Song", starring Evelyn Varden, Judith Anderson and Delrdre Owens with Anthony Franciosa in the story of a baby girl who is left at the door of a convent and raised by the sisters. Eighteen years later' when the girl marries, there 14 a great sense of loss in the convent. 1:44) n.ra. Goodyear Playhouse "The Sentry", a Civil War drama based on a tragic incident in the lives of two brothers, one a Union soldier and the other a soldier of the Confederacy. KOIN-TV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL ): ' 11:44) a.m. Faith for Today A series of real life dramas about ordinary people seeking down-to-earth solutions to every-day problems through practical religion. 1:44) p.m. Armchair Theatre "Don't Trust Your Husband": Fred McMurray, Madeline Carroll. 1:04 p.m. G.E. Theatre "The Shunning": Joan Loring stars in a story of an Amish girl torn between love for an outsider and the doc trines of her church. lt:M p.m. First Run Theatre "The Star": Bette Davis, Sterling Hayden, Warner Anderson. ' KLOR-TV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL II): 1:44) p.m. Transition 'Premier showing ".Design" showing contemporary home interiors planned for indoor-outdoor living. 1:14 p.m. Imperial Theatre "Twelve Hours to Live," starring Jean Gabin and Antonelia Lualdi. The strange story of a successful business man who is killed accidentally by a truck. I:M p.m. Famous Film Festival "The Promoter" starring Alec Guinness with Glynis Johns, Valerie Hobson and Petula Clark. Comedy of a sly, loveable schemer who advances from a position as an im poverished son of a laundress to success. 1:04) p.m. Coronet Theatre "The Scar" starring Paul Henreid and Joan Bennett. The strnnge story of a criminal who murders a doc tor whose only difference in appearance is the scar on his face. SUNDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV. UHF 17; KOIN-TV. VHF f : KLOR, VHF It out N:M 0:1 H:U KOAC, 550 k.c. KOAC (Saturday): It 04 a mThe News and Wealhrr: It:15 - Especially for Women American Medical As sociation: "Superstition or Science." I:3t OSO Associated Women Stu dents: Kl:4i -Stnrv Tune: ll:4t-Tne Comrt Hall: IJ:0 The News and Weather: 1:15 p.m. Noon Farm Houi : 1:04 Voices of France in Chorus: ?:04 - Baseball OSC vs WashlnKton: 41S On the Upbeat: 4:4S Working for Oregon; J:44 Children's Theater Stories 'n' Stuff: 5:30 Over the Back Fence; 4:4J French Press Review; 4:04 The News and Weather: t:15 Lifetime ul Mental Health "PTe-School Prelude to School Success; f:4S The Beat of the Week: 7:15 Grand Opera To night; S:4S The Newt and Weather: :t Evolution of Jazz: t:4J The Off. Newt and Weather; It lgn efmniilwnr 9KPTV KOIN fo I ICh'rch In H me ICh'rch In H ma I I KPTVi Princeton '54 KOlNj IPrinceton "54 1 Person On Do iVour Troublt ? f IPTVIralth Today fMf,01N!ralth Today iralth Today I Faith Today IThls Is Lift JBlll Hlckok IThls It Ufe Bill Hlckok 1 4 KPTV HtU of Fame Hali of Ftmt I Hall of Famt I Hall of Tamt " KOIN Lamp to Tett Ump to Teet Adventure Adventure KLORI Test Pattern Lighted Wind w Mghted Wlnd'w 1 KPTV! Hall of ram Hall of Tama Outlook Outlook KOIN' rice Nation fFace Nation Sunday Newa Sunday Ntwt KLOKI Design t) KPTVlDr. Spork IChrisfn Sc'nct Ploneer Plyhst IPloneer Plyhse Dr. Spock Ext Telec'nt Ext. Telee'm KOINLone Ranger ILone Ranger IThe Way Tht Way KLOKPlneer Playhst Plneer Playhse llmperial Thtat llmperttl Theat. KPTVTBA ITBA TBA TBA KOINlArmchalr Thea.lArmchair Thea.U C Report IJ C Report KLORilmperial Theat. llmperial Theat. llmperial Theat llmnerlal Theat. KPTVlRny Rogers KOINYour Career KLORISuper Circus Roy Rogers TBA ITBA Your Career Teleph'ne Timt ITeleph'ne Tlmt Super Circus iSuper Circus ISuper Circus 5KPTVlMeet the Press IMeet the Press IDrew Pearson KOINIvnu Are There lYouAreThert ILatsie ITBA ILassie lOrsI Roberts KLORlD'g. Fairbanks ID g Tairbanks IQral Rnbertt KPTVbreat Lift Great Uft irrontler IfronUer KOINjack Benny Jack Benny What's My Lint IWhaft My Lint KLORIu Asked for lit U Asked For It IFtmous Fllma IFamous Fllma 7 KFTVlcomedy Hr. 4 IComedy Hr. Comedy Hr. Comedy Hr. KOINlEd Sullivan ltd Sullivan lEd Sullivan Ed Sullivan KLOKlFamoutFllmt IFamous ninn Famouarm IFamoua FUmt Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., May 5, 06 (Sec I)-7 SATURDAY BROADCASTS (ttlttr'l sMtt- Tkt attittttf pttmktt ( gt4 IkKk tkt fr rust) ill Uaiea as prtrldea ay radio a4 TV statwat, k4 nwu rrdaaM tkt fngraaat art ckaaget) wttlMat MtlfltttiM thlt atwtiwawt taatrt kt rtaptaatkkt Ite tkt Mtancy keituv) SATURDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KPTV SATURDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS CHANNEL Dl 1:44 ..Man to Man "God and Golf, three ways la which a fame of golf can throw light upon tht truth M God. 11:14 p.m. Bowling Tuna Ray Schanen of uuwauket) varsui Ralph Engan of New York. , , KOIN-TV SATVRDAT'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL 1)1 1:U a.m. Kentucky Derby America's great horn racing class). run over a distance of a mi) and a quarter. I:M a.m. Star Jubilee 'This HaDDr Breed: : Starring Nod ' Coward and Edna Best in a story of 20 years In the Uvea of a lower middle-class English family. ' 14:N a.m. Showtime on Six "Ladies Courageoua : LorttU Young, Geraldine FiUgerald, and David Bruce. KLOR-TV SATVRDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL 12):. t;M a m Spotlight Theatre "The Tender Years" starring Jot E. . Brown with Richard Lyon. The story of a father'a understanding andV guidance of his young son's life. , 4:4 a.m. Gardening for Fun Dahlias and tuberous-rooted B gonias can be planted now. Dean Collins show you bow to do H. 1:4 .m Academy Theatre Lucky Nick Cain ' starring Georgt Raft and Colleen Gray. Trie story of an American gambler who bo- comes involved in the hidden dangers of Europe. 14:44 a.m.. Cinema Showcase "The Flaming Urge starring Harold Lloyd, Jr. and Cathy Downs. The story of a stranger la towa caught in a diabolical web of horrible circumstances. SATURDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV. VHP 17; KOIN-TV. VHP I; KLOR, VHP IS HOl'R KPTVI 44:44 44:11 H:N 4:4! (K0INi J iMignty Moutt I Mighty Moutt ) tj S KPTVI Pinky Let I Pinky Let I Married Mm II Married. Jtia KOIWlCtpt. MldnlghtlCtpt. Midnight) RFD 4 IBttebtll f ' j ft KPTV fury iFury (Uncle Joha lUnch Joha IW KOlNj Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball H KPTVI capt. Gallant ICapt CalUnl fWiteh BtrfOo IWaleh - KOIN Baseball IBaseball IBattbtU IBaaebaH 1 9 KPTVI winchell-Mah. Wtnchell-Mah. IChristophen IChrtstophert -' KOlNj Baseball Baseball ISporlt Clutt tTw rVangert 1 KPTVI Man to Man ICountry Camp IBreadbtsktt IBrtadbaakat K0INKy. Derby Ky. Derby IKy. Dtrby IFttturtHt KLOR! Test Pattern ITttt Pattern IRel. Town Hall IReL Town HaB KPTVI MY. Wliard' afr. Wltard llduea. Film ICduca. Film KOIN Youth SpotUtt Youth Spotutt I Youth apetllM lYtuth Spotlit n KLORl Big Picture Big Picture ISpotlttt Thf. IBpotMU That. KPTVI zoo Paradt I loo Ptradt I Buffalo Bill. Jr.lBuffalo Mil. Jf, " KOINlArmchtir Thet.Armchttr Thta.Armehair ThttJArmchttr Thtta KLOKI Spotlittt Thtt. ISpotlltet Thtt. IBpotllttt Thtt. ISpotJItt That. i KPTVIfiky King ' Sky King Bill Hlckok Bill Hlckok t KOINI AetMhaie tliAa lAemehale Tliil lhowtlmtt lfejn.labjMvflHiA IfaM KLOKI Gardening KPTVjciteo Kid KOINkld Crltlct KLORlOiark Jubllet IGtrdenlrig ITBA ITBA Cisco Kid IFetturettt lOzark Jubllet TBA ITBA SUr Jubllet I Star Jukltot I Ethel Albert IKthel at Albert tv M m tk v a mavJ i.',fewrta:i SERVICE STATIONS. INC. TV service A "light meter" test hat prov ed that G-E tubes and a tune up can make your old TV bet ter. Call and See for Yourself MITCHELL'S RADIO TELEVISION 3-7577 For Service Wo Civ H'tf Groon Stamps 1880 Stato Si. .gaaCa j J Allisonl I! -nMllftlftti- mm WW Up to $70. Whilo Proton! Supply Lasts rcaVictor MARKS TOU4 SOWN a,,., wmt 10M ,tMe4 taratINT smtci with () ,,MAMI J20 $20 324.95 $30 $30 304.95 $40 $40 284s $50 $50 64 $60 $60 24495 $70 "W22495' 2140 S. COMMERCIAL PHONE 3 9201 RADIO AND TELEVISION For the Finest Service Call the "Men From Mam" SKPTVlGoody'r PlyhselGoody r Plyhsel Gbody r PlyhaelGoody r Plyhat' KOING E Theater G E Theater Alf. Hitchcock 1AU Hltchcockl KLORlTed Mack's Hr. ITed Mack's Hr. ITcd Mack's Hr.JTed Mack's Hr. 9 KPTVI Lorettt Youni Lontf Young MonteCriato MontCrltt KOIN! 164.000 ChTl'rujt S44.000 ChU nft (City Detective Clty Detectlv. KLORI Coronet Thett ICorontt Thttt ICoronet Theat. gorontt Thetl. 10 IKPTVItba 1 KOINhftltun Thett KLOK Coronet Theat. TBA IBowltnf Bowlln( jlst Run Thett list But ThtwL list Bu Tktat ICoronet Thttt Ituropt Cruc. Europe Crue. 11 KPTVIp.ul AFord KLOKlchrlstophers I I I IChristophen IChristophert IChrlstophert SUNDAY'S RADIO KSLM US KOCO 14M EGAS 1414 KOIN 474 KOW 424 KSX 1144 FM: Mtiacyclea - KOIN 141 I; KEX 12.3: KOW 144.1 HOL'R H:44 M:1S N:M M:4i KCW 4:14 Cktrtk Hymt KOIN 4:34 Church tf tht Air KSLM Melody Journ'ylMelody Journ'yIMualt I KOIN Inv. to Learn lnv. to Learn Sall i iao. IOW Badlo Pulpit Haoio t-uipn eternal u EX Same Com. .merican Leg n lusm at me KSI.M Com' BapUit Salem Acad. Back to God KOCO Never Know 4-H Club Nazartnt ser. PKCAI Waffit Club wanit t-luo wauie nun kiniN Mnlc IF.xplorer IFor. Af. Rept. Ikp.w Mm for Sua. Mus for Sua. Mus for Sun KOI KG1 KEX 9!c KEX Rible KSI.M Blblt Bible Study Study Class Blblt Class KOCO Mus for Sun. Mus for Sun. KGAK Roberta Ori!a Roberts Oman OIN Jewish Faith lop or wee GW Scandlnav Hr. Scandinav. Hr. KEX busker Hour Quakrr Hour Christian Set Presbyterian KGAI Hit Revue Hit teve KOIN Music- Frst. Music rest KSLM Newt I KOCO Presbyterian KGW KFX Music for Sun Muir for Sun. Music for Church Btllt ISalt Lake Tab. I Eternal Lltt LIiM & Life Bark to God Mus for im. Waffle Club IGrowinc Palm Mus for Hut U of O ForumlU of O Forum Voire of ProphlVolce of Proph. Orgfn latl Organ Loft Waffle Club Waffit Cluh IPleasure News Scandinav. Hr. Scandlnav. Mr. Chosen Peoplt Home Dom'at'r FrankoTFrrsTrPaul 7" Ford Manh Mel. Songs to Kara. Hit Revue Hit Review IMiijir Frst I Music Fest lews-Branrh Branch Branch Sun Music for Branch Sua. 1KSLM Join Navy SOPO First Baptist roin Music rest GW Church Serv. EX lews-Branch If Concert Mln'tr First Baptist Calvary Bspt IWusir Fest ( l u'r'i Srrv. Branch First Methodlstirirst Methodist First Baptist First Baptist Calvary Hant Calvarv Bapt iSun Aftern'n ISun. Aftern'n 1'iiiirrh Serv Churrh Serv. Branch Branch 1 KSI.M News Well at Work Mennnnites Mennonltea KOCO World Newa Sn. Matinee Sun Matinee Sun Matlnt KGAE News Sun Serenade Sun Serenade Seren Newt 2 KOIN Perrv Faith Hr. IPercv Faith Hr. IPerry Faith Hr. IPerry Faith Hr. KGW News-Mnnilor Monitor Monitor Monitor KEX Revival Hr IRrvlval Hr IRrvival Hr IRevlval Hr KSLM Well at Work KOCO Sun Matinee KGAI Serenade KOIN News KGW Monitor KEX Prophecy KSLM Sun. Serenade KOCO Sun Matinee rkOAK Sun Sereiude Kilts Phila nrrh. KGW Vrct Pm REX Hr. nf Dei islnn KSI.M Sun S niih nv Pun S niph nv Sun S mpri'nv 'Sun S'mph'nv IKOCO Teenajre Tunes Teennge Tunes Trenare Timet Teenage Tunet r K AE Sun Serensrle nn srenafl 'sun crensne ''im .FrvnBfj IKOIN Friear Bergen Frtgar llcrgcn Fdear Hergrn ifdnar Bergen " KGW Monitor IMunltor IMonltnr IMnnilor . REX Hi. Fi Time Hi-Fi Time Hi-Fi Time IIIJFH Time" "KSI.M-British Music I BrllfshMilTlr I British Music British Muslr IKOCO Teenage Tunes Teenaee Tunes Teenage Tunes Teenage Tunet KGAK Puhl Service Sen Morse Sundown Sere ISundim-n Sere. KOIN Music Hall Vu-lr Hall 'CBS Ne ICBS News KGW Mnn'tor Mon'tor Shirley Thomaa iShlrlev Thomaa KF.X Boh Scott Show 'Boh Scott Show Boh Sonlt Show IBob Scott Show t" I "K K K 3i s K 41 K i 5 K 6i 1 . KSI i so ISun. Serenade ISun. Serenade ISun. Serenadt Sun Mattnee Sun Matinee Sun. Matlnet Sun Serenadt Sun Serenade Seren Newt 'Science World Affairs World Affalrt Monitor Monitor Monitor IPrnphecv IGrealest Story 'Greatest Story 'Sun. Serenade ISun. Serrnant ISun. herenaflt Sun Matinee Sun Matinee Sun Matlnet Sun Srrrade un Scrrrade Son Serenadt 'Phila Oirh Phila nrrh 'Phlla Orrh M-cl Pre Mfinilor Monitor Hr of Decision illerald of Trulh IHerald of Truth KSI.M Basonall It' Never Know I utheran Hour 1 utheran Hour KOCO Teenage Tunes Teenage Tunes 'Teenaite Tunes Teensre Ttmet lSGAg Sundown Sere Sundnun Sere Sundown Sere Sundown Sere IKOIN Our Miss Brit s Our Mis Brk s T n for Money Two for Money 'KGW Neu-s-Mnnl'nr Mnnllnr Monitor 'Monitor KEX Bob Scott Show'Boh Scott Show' Boh Scotl Show'Boh Scott Show "KSI.M-Watl- WlnrheHFrcmT Paire Boh fonOdlne News co Teenaee Tunn Teenape Tunes Teenaite Tunes Teenae Tunea KGAE Sundown Sere. SiKn Off IkoIN f;eneAutrv f'.i nc Aulrv (lui'nu,Ve 'Ounsmnke JKGW Ring, in Sound Biog. In Sound Bine in Sound Bln In Sound KFX, Drew Pearson Jlmrnv ridler Manr Things Industry KSI.M Memory Room Memory Room Pearson Baseball IKOfO Teenaee Tunes 'Teenage Tunes Tm.ic Tunes 'Teenaee Tunes I KOIN Master's MeTdy Master Mel rly Juke Boy Jury1 Juke Box Jury KGW Opinions Opinions Mus FfittvaT 'Mus Festival KF.X Mon. Headlines Faith Our Time Growing Pains Crowing Paint KSI.M Baseball IBasehall 'Basrhall IKOCO Teenare Tunes Teerape Tunes Teenage Tut KOIN Juke Bok Jury Juke Box Jury Youne Ideas IKGW S'usie Fest , r Frst F' KFX Town Meeting Town Meeting Tn M KSI M News Dave Hoss IN .omhardo Time t ntnl.arri" Tin.i W Music ret Mumi Fest KFX Kath Kuhlmsn Kath KuMman !R I! Recap Mus Memor. Vets News F!'est Music Peace In I a. e N.il rarl 1 KSI.M R H Recap I KOIN Sun Nile Fin KGW KFX Rich Final Reporter Edition ' R R R. r ip Church nf Air ("all' Hour Revival Time nasrhall Teenage Tunea Young Ideas "us Fest ' ting Town Meeting Vsllev'Peare In Valley Face Nation -r Press Message Israel Message rip ' R R Rerap Church of Air Ceth Hour Revival Tlmt I KOIN Music Miisic KGW News Nightcap City Council 1 KEX Billy Grsham Billy Graham Music City Council l a il Ctraon IMusic flty Council Psul Carao ' KPTVI TBA ITBA I Big lurprttt B1 Surprlat ' KOIN Star Jubllet SUr Jubiltt ISttrJuMto ISUriubttet KLORI Academy Thea I Academy Thet Academy Thtt I Academy Tttea. ? KPTVI Perry Como IPerry Coma IPerry Corns IPerry Com I KOINIjtcklt GleasonlJtckle GleasonlSUgt Show llttgt thew ' KLOR Academy Thtt lActdemy Thea I Academy ThttlAcademy The. ) KPTVI Waterfront IWattrfront IJlmmr Durtnttl JlmmF Durtnttr - KOINI Two for Money I Two for Money I TBA TBA KLORI Ltwrtnet WtlhlLtwrtnct WtftlLtwrtne WelklLairrenct Weill ) KPTVI ceo. Gobtl I Geo. Gobtl Hlt Ptrt'dt Hlt Ptrtdt KOINI Bant tht ClockBMt tht Clock! Art Godfrey Art OodfrtT KLOKI Llft-Chtnct ILlft-Chtnct Clntm hw. tClntrnt Oow. i A KPTVI Death Valley Death Valley TBA ITBA IV KOIN Diamond Jubll. I Diamond JubtLIhowUmt t 4. Showtlmt to KLORI Llfetl't Chtnt Llfetl't Chtnct Flnemt Show pltwot Ihtw : H KPTVI champ, Bowrf rChasna. Bowl'f (Champ. Bwrf Champ BttrUaa KOINt thowrlmt o Whtwtlttt a IShowtlmt o 4 ashewtlmt to I SATURDAY'S RADIO KSLM ISO KOCO 1440 KOAI I4S4 KOIN 4T KOW 010 KII IM FMl MtgaeyetM KOIN 141 1; KIX 44.1: KOW 14 1 HOUR 44:40 44:11 M:M M:tt .KSLM Ntwa FKOCO KOAI Othit tt tat Salute tt Stt KOIN Newa-Amer. KOIN KJock 'KOW Monitor Monitor KSX Ntwt-Kp Tim Keep flat Mu Tbakpr Mut, Ttmkpr. iNtwt Sthitt tt Sat. iSahitt Newt KOIN KlMk KOIN Kltek Monitor IMonltor Bkl-Ktt TlmtlKeep Ttsst KSLM Hemingway KOCO Go to Towa CGAI Salutt to Stt, KOIN KOIN Klock SOW Monitor KSS Newt Brttk Gang Early Worm Salutt t Sal Ntwt Monitor Keep Tlmt Breakf Gang Xarly Worm SaluU to Sat Goat Newt Wthr-Monltt Keep Tlmt Ntwt Early Worst Ixtta Serv. Conaum. Mtsj Monitor Keep Tlmt KSLM Bible Hour SOCO Sport Shots K talute to Ml (OIN Story Master KGW Monitor KIX Keep Tlmt KSI.M -H Show MOCO Newl-Sporta Ikoai uiutt to Stt IKOIN Ntwi 'KGW Monitor KSX No School E.U.B. Tlmt Local Ntwt Salutt to Stt Guest Start Monitor Keep Tlmt Ftrm r Romt Pastor'a fHsven of Rati Ravea of Rest IF-trly Worm Early Warm Salutt to Stt Salutt New IGunsmokt Guntmokt Monitor Monitor Keep Tim Keep Tim Early Worm Salutt t Stt I Muale Monitor No School Call Early Worm Salutt to Sat I Galen Drtkt Monitor No School KSLM Ntwt I KOCO Ntwt-Sportt" Bargain C'tf? - Early Worm Salute Ntwt IGtltn Drak ' ' Senate Kept I No School -j Mudt H. S. HI -Spot H. I. Rl-Spott Road Shew Road Show Road Show (GAB Ctmtra Cluh School Salutt Stlutt to Sit Salutt New OgOIN Ntwt Amtr. Music Danct Orrh. Dtnct Orch. , KGW McAnulty Mut.iMcAauhy MutMcAnurtv Mut.rAniitv ara. mmW mtmrm Tlh.u,.ll,.H Tm1 D , f I ' 1(LM (OCO (GAB IKOIN KGW (SX 1KSLM KOCO (GAB 2 (OIN (GW (SX Teen Tune T'mTtt Tune Tml Home Show Hotnt Show Ntwt-Sporn Road Show Rood Show Road Show Salute to Sat Salut to Sat Saluto to Sat Salutt tt Sat Newt-ScL Boot. Q. Lewis! Robt. Q. LewislRobt. Q. Uwa McAnulty Miat.iMcAnulty Mus McAnulty atu McAnultf Mu. Festival Festival IFeatlval IFestlval 1 Seott's Blko Ntwt World Ntwt Stt Msttnet Stwt-Hitt Stt Hltt Noon Newt Weath r-Fsrm Farm Homo Farm k Horn Featlval IFestlvsl (SLM Record Go-Rd. Merry-Round Top Tradea Rat Matlnt Sat Hltt Garden Gatt Monitor IFestival Record Go-B'4) Sat Matlnet Sat HltfNtw Finn Facia Monitor (Festival KOCO (GAB (OIN KGW KIX News-Sporta Sat Hits Ntwa of Alt Monitor Rusi Conrad Sat Matlnet Sit. Hits Ky. Derby Monitor IRuss Conrad Merry-Round Sat Matlnt Sat. Hlta Ky. Derby Monitor I Rusi Conrad Booattr Show Sat Matlnt INtwt-Hlto Wty for Youth Monitor IRuss Conrad 2 (SLM Merry-Round Merry-Round IMerry-Round Booster Show r iOCO Nrws-Sportt Sat Matlnet sat Matlnet Sat. Matintt (GAS -Sat Hits Sat Hits Sat Hlta Hltt A Newt KOIN Sat. Chase Sat. Chase Kiood Newt U Never Know KGW McAnulty Mut. McAnulty Mut. McAnulty Mut.MeAauliy Mu. KIX News-Conrad Russ Conrad Ruse Conrtd Ruts Conrtd TsLM Trenag'rt USA Teenag'rs USA leenag'rt USA Booster Show nlioro Newi-Sporti Sat. Matlnet Sat Matlnet Sat Matlnt fgOAI Sat Hits Sat Hits Sat Hlta HI la-News KOIN Man Bites Ree Man Biles Rec Man Bites Ree.Mn BitH Re.- "KGW McAnulty Mua McAnulty Mua. Monitor Monitor (IX Newl-Conrad Ruts Conrad Russ Conrad Run Conrtd KSLM Cucat Star Newt Bob Crosby Booster Show o o w -Sport Jrny Intt Jass Jmy into jaa jrny init turn KGAI Sat Hlta Sat Hltt Sat Hit! Sit. Hltt IS.OIN Klrkham Ntwa Dinger Ahead Feature Feature KGW News. Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor KIX Niwt-Blkbrn Bob Blackburn (Bob Blackburn IBob Blackburn 4 i 5 Will frsi wki 7KSLI or 01l (Gtl SI Dm (SLM 'KOCO (GAB KOIN (GW (EX .(SLM ' KOCO KOIN KGW (IX News Snortt Bat Hlta Newi-Wetlhir Monitor News-Blkb'rn Country Style Jack Kliilah Jack Klidah Pop Tunea Pop Tunet Willy's Sport Sat. Hits Sat. Hits Sign Off Round A Rd Harmon Sou. Ciosa News Monitor Monte Ballou IMor.te Halloa Bob Blackburn Washington JAs We See It Hawaii Calls Western Sere. Western Sera. I.M KOCO IOIN (GW KIX Is S LM IKOCO (OIN (GW aii.ii HO CO MIIN IGW (IX Hawll Calla News Poo Tunes Rhvthmairet Rhythmalr' Indictment Indlctment IJimmy WakelylJImmy Wakily Monitor Monitor Or Oil Opry Gr Ole Opry Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Bob blackhurn Bob Blackburn "Wea'n SertntdtiWes'n Sereivte IWes n SertnadtlWtt n Serenadt, Rhythmairta Mitch Miller Heck Harpor Adkini Show "Mullc Newa-Sportt Rock A Roll Today-Tomor. Adkina Show Rhythmalres iMitrh Miller Heck Harper Adkina Show Dance Party IMitrh Miller Heck Harper Bob Adkina Oanra Party IMitrh Millar Heck Hsrptr Bob Adklns Boieball IBasehall Baseball Danct Party Danrt Party Dane Party - I Rock It Roll IRasin 81, JaizlBaaln St. Jstnt Today-Tomor. Truth or C'naq.iTruth tr Can.. Adklns Show Adkini Show lAdklns Show Baseball News-Sport Ft Laramli X Minus Ont Bob Adkina IBasehall Dsnrt Party IFt. Laramie X Minus One Bob Adklns IBasehall Dance t'arty city Hospital Danrt Tlmt Mankind W ay jRasrball Danct ICtiy Hospital Danct Tlmt Mankind W ay (SLM (oro (OIN Baseball i Baseball News-Sport Dane Psr'.y Sat. rinal Good Evening Dance Tim Dance Time Dancing Party Danreland IK II. M Woody Show Woody Show KOCO Newi-Sporti Dance Party KOIN Newa-Mutte Mua. Midnight 1 KGW Dance Tlmt Danct Tlmt I KII 1 ft G W(SX Baseball IBasehall Jince Hart Danct Ptrtt Good Evening iGood Evening Dance Tlmt Dane Tim D.nceland Daneeland Danceland Danctland Woody Show iWoody Show ' Dane Party Dane Party Mua Midnight Mua Midnight . Danrt Tlmt Dance Tlmt Danreland Daneeland " ' e