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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1956)
- Statesman's HOME mnorama thzzn .. . Mssic . . Fashiens . . Featvm Elevated to Presidency 6-(Sec. tyStatesmanSalenv Ore, Sat., May 5, '56 Around Town By JLIYNE KM.LISB HAVEL. TALK . Beinf weJ- lsli Mrs. Pearee'e eratber-la-Iaw .omed from a months trip East M sister, Mr. as Mrs. suipa it traia are Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Broadbent. who returned to the capital Friday . . . la wain nitoa. D.C. Mrs. Broadbent at tended the ConUnental CoBfrese l the National Society ot tlx -daughter ef the American Rer Jutioa. . . Mrs. Broadbent is the newly elected regent of Chem-J ita chapter, DAI. . . Also a derate from Cnemeketa chap ,r to Ibe Continental Congress Eggstafl. . . The Egjrsuffs. wae formerly lived la Salem, aceom aated the Pearen to Salem and will visit friends aad relatives here for the tuning tea days, . Au revoir party . . . will honor i Misa Marjorie Becke today when j Mrs. William J. Busies and her daughter, Mrs. James White, en-: tertain at luncheon In the Oregon Room at Meier and Frank's. . . ! Mlal Rrrk .U leavina in turl s Mrs. Homer Coulet Sr. of jUM fa , ,,, i EUrop and . teat i ' . ' Spain. . . The hostesses have in- Eareele East . . . tte Broad- viui , roup 0f neighborhood ata stopped m Ua Aageles and friends to the bon voyage, party. , :ew Orleans to visit their rela ..ves ... an tat tetara trip they Mtti la Oliaalt, Cetereae, Wye iaiag aad Mas frith their broth ers aad sisters. . . Leariag . . . Thursday for the East wart Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Johnson, who art headed for Midland, Mlclt, to visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone Gillespie. . . Ac companying tlx Johnsons will be their ether daughter and her hus- A branch ... aad Uaea show er wUI fete Miss Beverly Mofstet ler this .morning when Mrs. George A. Rhotea catenates at her Smith Cbarch Street home. . . Misa Hef tittter will become the bride of Wayae Rogers oa June U. . . Fifteen of the nride-elert's Meats have been invited to the UJt o'clock party. Celebrating . . . her fifth birth day party on Sunday between II and 1 oclock will be Jill Phillips. K.xl Ur iui Vn Rirhirit II Pale, of Saa Francisco. . . Tb lu!hter Mr- "d Mr- . lMIIItNB Wi.hl.fl fill - .onnsoos arove ta ute oay cuy, "'"T: where they were Joined by the hPP7 birthday will be her sis Pages. ... v i " ,er' J'mt ner eouains, Jennifer" BetaralK . . . Prida from a onnny vunnson. . . June "i f . .. I I V i. 7" . t " I I Mrs. Georae Rossman to HeadlMisSnook E,ecte,, , - Centralis Temple, Pythian Sis- State Federation tor Tvo Years Mrs. George Rossman, wife of I Rossman and her officers. Mrs. Justice Rossman and prominent Marion T. Weatherford, General Oregon clubwoman, waa elected ters elected Miss Elsie Snook ss excellent senior at the Wednrv day night meeting. Mrs. Glen Oatman was in charge of the president of the Oregon Federa tion of Women's Clubs for the ensuing two years on Friday at the closing session ot the 41st state convention at the Multno mah Hotel. Mrs. Rossman waa bora in Portland, is a University of Ore gon graduate and member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. She. is a former member of Portland Woman's club, belongs to Salem Woman's club and served as its president in 1915-46. has been president of 3d district of the Oregon federation, and has ser ved aa president of Salem branch, American Association of Univer sity Women, and president . of Town and Gown. As president of the Oregon federation. Mrs. Rossman will succeed Mrs. Ernest E. Hall. Other officers elected to serve with Mrs.. Rossman are: Mrs. Wal ter Brown. Klamath Falls, first vice president; Mrs. John Dever eax. Bandon second vice presi dent; Mrs. W. A. Burnap, Cor vallis. third vice president; Mrs. Nele Morrison Union, recording secretary; Mrs. Fred C. Gast, Portland, formerly of Salem, financial secretary; Mrs. Vern Van Horn, Portland, treasurer. Formal installation ceremonies ere held Friday night for Mrs. Federation of Women's Clubs j Mother's Day program. Mrs. Rob- oration, was the installing offi- mother present and Mrs. Nora cer. I Pearce the eldest P- Us . Never Before Has it Happened . . . Never Again Will it Happen! WHAT'S GOING 3N AT RAEMARS Watch Sunday's Oregon Statesman Watch Monday's Capital Journal Mrs. George Rossman, the newly elected president of the Ore gon Federation of Women's Clubs, who Was installed Friday night at the closing banquet of the 41st state convention held in Portland at the Multnomah Hotel. oath's trip were Mr. aad Mrs. Mesa Pearce, .who ,have been trafeliai aad vtslting ta Arkan sas, Mississippi, Lealstoaa aad Texas. . . they eaceaatored beae- HIM WVIURT wm w . . . . Oa their retara (he Pearces stepped la Monrovia, Calif., to Miss Unf red, Mr. Coffelt Married Shinn, Danny and Michael Schnell. Tommy Roberts, But El gin, Dolph and Leslie Taggesell, Timmy Sullivan, Lisa Sleeves. Pamela Brow:, Becky Schick. Johnny Harm, Hal Darst and Johnny Adolpb. A hesPss . . . Thursday night waa Mrs. Walter Phillips, who entertained her club at a des sert bridge at her Kingwood Heighta home. . . Mrs. George A. Arbuckle wss a guest. . . '"T ,he home of her pirtnts vaiverrny , oi uregra The Fol,Rm ,re leavm ram nci mat mm niair irr liarer, dsatrhter af Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Cerl n-er ef Dalle, wss selected member of the Junior Weekend coart at elections held One of Miss Janne Foulger Will Wed Dr. Seeman in Salt Lake City Taking the romantic spotlight today is Miss Janne Foulger, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Foulger, whose engagement and forth coming marriage to Dr. Eugene Seeman of Bountiful, Utah, son of Mrs. G. F. Seeman of Los Angeles, is being announced by her parents. The ceremony will take place on Tuesday, June S at the Mormon Temple In Salt Lake City. A reception will follow at the Victorian House. The couple will come West on their honeymoon and will be JEFFERSON Members of honored at a reception in Salem ,he Jefferson library board ent,,r. on June 8 at the Fairmount Hill ....... , . , .. uinra ior me prrasurr m uan Libby, former librarian, Tuesday. A 1 o'clc?k lunchoon w;s held in tli city hall rooms, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Un fred are announcing the marriage Ik. .... r.,j. 4mb vouch, ie Mipn n7n Coffelt, soa of Mrs. Jack D. Cof felt of Tulsa, Oklahoma, on April 2S. The ceremony waa quietly sol menlxed at the Methodist Church ' In. Stevenson Wash., with the Rev. Mr. Waller officlaUng at the I e'clock rites. Tor her wedding -the bride a- chose " white eyelet embroid ered gown with blue satin belt, white hat and accessories. Her corsage wu ef green orchids. Attending the couple was the bride's brother, John M. Unfred ef Forest Grove, The newlyweds ere ' now at May lit for Salt Lsle Ot- to cism !ete plans for the r dnuhtT's wp' dins Brigham Young I'nlversity in Tro- lhp 1 rary board enter aaeea to rale ever the Junior Weekead festivities May 17-21. . . . The aaeea will he announced at th aaaaal Jaaler Prom oa May It . . Misa Gerllager Is a jaater at Ibe university snd a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. New officers ... of Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae are Mrs. Vern Kltchel, president. . . Mrs. Peter Bennlson, vice-president. . . Miss Mary Ellea DAey, secretary-treasurer i . . and Mrs. (Stan ley Rolfness, Panhelleaic repre sentative. , . Officers were elec ted at the Thursday evening meeting held at the home of Mrs. Estill Brunt . . Mrs. Alvin Bauer vo on June 1. nanaxercnici snowcr ior miss The couple will live in Bountiful, Libby. Attending were former where Dr. Seeman is a physician and present members of the and surgeon. board. home in Dallas at 307 Sheltoo waa welcomed as a new mem- Street . ber. . , During the evening Dr. The bride Is a graduate of Al- Brunk showed colored slides of bany High School and Oreeon heir trip to Southern Utah. . . College of Education at Mon-1 The dessert supper labia was cen mouth. She la presently teach- jtered with an arrangement of 1 macs ana tulips. . . .for the week- inf in the Morrison Elementary School in DaHsa. She formerly lilacs and tulips. Ia Peadletoa , house. taught in Salem and Albany , '' ecboola. ' Warner, Justice and Mrs. Hall Mr. Coffelt is a salesman with LV"""?."?, r' Hogf Bros. Appliance Co. in Sa- mV.lTpJrrv the . lem. He formerly served in tte'.' tBBU .VJutS U.S. Air Force and was a pro-, '1.m'1 fessionai ice skater. He skated'"' " HL ttM with the Sonj. Heinle Ice Re- l, , ! . ? ' .lew aiiu whii iiiv n'niufj.T un nc Company, which- recently com pleted a European tour. i Alumnae Hear Travel Talk Dennis Clark, assistt'nt director of travel Information for the Ore gon State Highway Commission, showed movies on vacation spots in Oregon to the Alpha XI Delta alumnae at their Wednesday eve nine meeting held at the home of Mrs, E. R. Derflingcr. Miss . Verna Keppinger was the co- hostess. New members welcomed were Mrs. Ted Carlson, who recently moved here from Corvsllir, snd Mrs. J. J. Doerfler. Mrs. William Galloway report ed on her paiticipation in the child guldanee division at the Oregon State Hospital onen house. The child guidsnre cliric is tne alumnae vrcuo philan thropic project. Mrs. Llovd Dnrl Ing told of the Founder's Dav luncheon held in Portland and Mrs, Orville Knnnier Jr. reportrd on the province convention held in Eugene. Plans were made for the an nual picnic to be held in Bush's Pasture in June. Salem Women to Attend Conference The Pacific Northwest Confer ence of B'Nai B'Rith women will . be held at the Multnomah Hotel Portland, May S and 6. Delegates from the Salem chap ' ter -will be Mrs. Sydney P. Levene and Mrs. Harry Mervin; and Mrs - Louie Epstein, , alternate. Other: will also attend from Salem, - Mrs. Sydney Levene wUI lead a discussion on Lesdersmp bat urdaf evening. Mrs. Helen Greenj. past president of Port land, now residing in Salem, will lead a discussion on otner aciivi ties of B'NM B'R'th on Sunday afternoon. TODAY Hair Stylists demonstrating Robert Curly Hair Styling Kit Toilet ries Department, Street Floor. Nellie Don Mother's Day Fashion Show Lownsdale Shop, Street Floor 2:00 P. M. Salem 4-H Club Fashion Show Oregon Room, Street Floor 3.30 P. M. LOOK! BRYDON'S M Y DA Y SPECIALS Hardy Evergreen Azaleas Geraniums In Bloom Beautiful Blooming Plants From 75' 40 ta, 3 foi T " - " - SS, I I FREE N ftw SPREADERS With Each Sale of Plants i. Bedding Plants 1' , . , 9 1 Pansy in Bloom h& Each From & Select Your Potted Roses From Our Outside Beds 60 Varieties-More Than 1500 Plants Available QUEEN ELIZABETH TIFFANY CONFIDENCE VOGUE SUTTERS GOLD FIRST LOVE FRED EDMUNDS For Everything in the Garden See UJ free Parking OPEN SUNDAYS 10 A. M. 2 P. M. 415 S. High Free Delivery OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 1115 TO FJi - OTHER DAYS :30 A.M. TO 5:30 tM. for Mother enduring and endearing GIFTS to add taauty to her home and a smile to her face oa her day May 13th. Metal Planl Stand $6.95 Wrought iron or white finish stand with places for 5 potted plants. For use on patios, sunporch or living room. Folding Tables set $19.95 Set of 4 TV or snack tables with tops of black and gold veined marlite-with storage rack. kA MWl'gSSS riM tthMtn' 0f i"s rak aMrts '" VsKnrM Trtr a .? ELMER bu.ndTan pa timi TtM Jwia rHr t OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M.-OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. Needlepoint Tray Table $3.95 Charming pastel colors, brass finish legs. Use for snac'ns, informal dining, folds for stacking when ' no' in use. fPA feffi WWP' 5$mm' Pink Vogue Dotted Hose Old lose Ivy I VV I. 3ti.vrs S ! tCTl f5 1 Fibcrnhs Planters tog t?nf trTr 9-95 L, - 'fiTL'-' Tf I '"-' 1 I ' irOlaW I 'iA &Vk4V!s I Decorative contemporary accessory for inside or !'Ld lyVW Si'' ' ' ) fw. I Kt- ijmm- '' Ct. " I out. White, black, beige, turquoise, yellow, ' rAl V" JSlSl f J7 V-( i'-s2 I green, pink on 16" black stand. l . "" ' " C - p Indian Tree Spring Glory Rote tow Pink Delight J!aMS Meier & Frsnk's-Salem, Salem. Oregon j '"" " ' ' W' ' VM" ' ' ' if, jj UK Please send me the following: : ' VJ -'"-lr $1.99 ENGLISH BONE CHINA J Name TTT-.T. 3 I ::::::::::::: I Roman Bench plus shippim eost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes tA P" I U.J I I We show just 8 desicins from our brand new imported shinment. A wide choice ot lovely, delicate bone china cup and sauces to add to Mother tollec'on oi ' s'art her on a fascinating hobby. Selection includes love'y new shapes, da nty floral deiigni, piquant scenes in beautiful colors. At rhis special price buy several sets to give . . . several sets for yourself. (When ordering by mail please stale 2nd and 3rd choice ) CHINA-SECOND FLOOR Maple or maiiogdit finish with fiber seat. Stur dy, handsome. 18' 2" high, 12V xl9'j" seat. Mail nud plwiir orders' GIFT SHOP-SECOND FLOOR