Cutty News DrpBeffo FIVE PERMITS ISSCED Building permits issued Friday at city hall included J. Calvert, to alter a two-story house at 1880 N. Winter, $500; Rolland Rasmussen, to alter a woodshed at 1915 Fair mount, $376; Henry Rund, to wreck a two-story house and garage at 130 E. Owens. $400; Hugh V. Har ris, to alter a two-story house at 1183 and 1183 N. Church, $2S; Michael McBride, to alter a one story house at 2105 Oxford St., $150. Court Apts. (Court Cottage of- CAMERA TAKEN A movie camera was stolen from his car sometime between Satur day evening, April a, and Tuesday evening, Harold Evenden, 990 S. 24th St., told Salem police Friday. Evenden said the car was in a Salem garage at the time, police reported. Value of tht camera was placed at $49.95. MOTOR BURNS Armed Forces Add 29 Area Men in April Twenty-nine Salem area men en listed or re-enlisted in one of the four branches of the armed forces during April, according to informa tion from Salem recruiting stations. The U.S. Air Force led the list with nine persons being sworn in, f.1ln.. I u.. ... V..... I t : . . i . . iwuuwcu vy uie navy any murine An automatic alarm set off by e'rm. ....... . k ..j .... burned-out elevator motor brought wVth ' Salem firemen to the Royal Court j SIp .:.. n.:.,mn(. Bechthold, Apartments. 1100 Chemeketa St.. were by RoAw W. for down town auiet apts. from; about 5:30 p.m. rnday, ine fire nm,t. . i rPV w i, nn c urparu r..i rct.'- (High Street; and Roy M. Faria, nau s.amu uci.rrn ...... j..:.. ru 5 Ray E Lcwis M2 King $42.50 to $5. Ph. 3-7440. (Adv.) FALL CAUSES INJIRY Kirby Bodenweiser, 10, son of ; motor, they said, vr. ana Mrs. Lewis Bodenweiser, 1030 Glenview Way, received a severe head injury Friday after noon when he fell from his bicycle while riding on-Glen Creek Road. Salem fircl aiH tnnn cniH Wp wa taken to Salem Memorial Hospital ; MAN,NJ V,yED said. Damage was confined to the Bring new life to your rugs and upholstery: have them Dura Cleaned. Call i 7001, Lee Bros. (adv.) by Willamette Ambulance Service where he was treated for a prob able concussion, hospital attend ants said. PROVED IN VSE! Classified ads Wilbur Wymore, Independence, was taken to Salem General Hos pital by Willamette Ambulance Service Friday after he received a sprain while lifting bundles at a Salem business firm. Wymore was are used by more people than any treated at the hospital and re- s. Commercial St., re-enlisting as a Yeoman first class. Three other recruits were: William Marshall wood Drive, qualified as an avi ation cadet, while Robert J. Kelso of Gervais re-enlisted. Other AF EaUstmeats The four other Air Force en listments were: Jalmer B. Staf ney, Jr. and Howard L. Seaton, both of Woodburn; Robert L. Clem ents. Monmouth; and Morris Davis, Independence. Two Salem men joined the Navy with Everett Allen Carter, 335 Fair view Ave., going ia as a recruit. and Stanley Gordon McNeal, 1415 Two Scholarship Winners fIJ ' 1 I ' ' '- " wr-i-s . i v , j if--- P . - t - . t t .J . J j V J V:. .: .hy ( Jl'DY KELLER RAMONA SALMTNEN Six Salem Students Win "Scholarships WU Teacher To Study at Wisconsin U. Appointments To WU Staffs Announced- Appointment of many of the sen ior scholars and departmental as sistants for next year at Willam ette University was announced Fri day by Dr. G. Herbert Smith. ' Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., May 3, "36 (Six: I) 5 Slrict BiUhoarcl Law Enforcement Starts This Month Strict enforcement of the law regulating billboards on highways State Engineer Lewis Stanley iiU begin this month, State Labor said Friday he and a sub-group I ?i"er NonnM ' NUen Washington, State Border Talks Planned Salem Man Given Helm Of Destroyer Cmdr. John A. Lindbeck. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck. 2205 Englewood Ave., and husband of the former Miss Carolyn M. Brady of Salem, has relieved Cmdr. Rich ard W. Aray, as commanding of ficer of the escort destroyer. U.S.S. RICH, at Norfolk. Va. I The appointees who will serve , m. Washington officials th nrtin ivms t. . Cmdr, Undbecks previous ship in their major departments are m (j , di the ! advertising structure or sigr" Nil command was the destroyer es- Larry Thompson of Hoquiam.l,n,B 1 m,'m' ""J Mid - ?Jl cort, U.S.S. DOUGLAS A. MVN'RO. ' chemistry; Marilyn Isaak of Sa-.'ng of a definite boundary be-, ","" The MUNRO gained national pub- lem. Gayle York and Carole Pfaff.lwcen the states of Oregon and ,XLvetLn 'arm, licity in mi by Climaxing, with of Portland, psychology: Martin Washington. I ""JT" "T T"TJ j, rescue, a thirty hour search for , Burlingame of Vancouver, philoso- Tt,p 0recon Interstate Coooera-'- 5. J.iw , permit a trans-Pacific racing yachtsman, phy; Don Agnew of Salem, physics: tiv, comXU mrt wtt ,or '?M .by lost overboard in stormy mid- Ann Notson of Portland and PauliL"' ,T wtT. , To . id diicSsS . "w.!!? l'f" te of the Oregon Interstate Cooper i "No one now has Uie excuse ( tion Commission would meet with bad WMthw fof ,,-,,., to Bm Pacific waters. Edwards of Woodburn, history In April. 1953. Cdr. Lindbeck was Diane Burkland of Salem. James assigned duty in the Pentagon as head of the Training Branch, Office of Naval Intelligence. Before taking command of the RICH, he spent six months as a student at the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk. Gov. Smith Names Dr. J. Charles Nichol. associate Iprofcssor of chemistry at Willam-1 Knkpr I OlIIllV DA Appointment of Jesse R. Him melabach, Jr., as district attorney of Baker County was announced bv Gov. Elmo Smith Friday. He Two more North Salom High etle university, will work on a pro seniors and four more from South . w . i Salem have been notified that they M0Clate ln V " " are the recipients of scholarships summer at the University of Wis to colleges. consin. Continuing his post-doctoral work Mn Kvoivn koiirr 'n7ii.'im hi A. Albertv. Drofessor succeeds the late Robert F, befji granted the University of Ore-1 of Pjycl chemistry at the Uni- Vaughn and will serve until his iHvJ . " v,':. V": Venn Mothers srholarshio With versiiy ot Wisconsin. Dr. Nichol successor Is elected ana quauueo, , bong ana uary uram iNeuieia, Doth ,hi. ar. ,JW.iMr. .,,, will studv the behavior nf amino : Himmelshach had the unanimous other type of advertising. You can leased. 11CA It Im K,f Ail ini, .COll t kiln When you remodel, start with the Uf .. i WOMAN PITS OUT FIRE ! p.umbing k Heating. Call Judsons. VSTft.SS A (ire at thp home of Duffy 3-4141, for fre planning aids. r' ckuw. Ami rn nilt htirt firpmnn arrived Vr'i. day. Salem fire department re- PAPER DRIVE TODAY b,8. V " ' tuition for her freshman year. acid solutions, the building blocks support of the Baker County Bar ported. Mr. Delbert clumoed a West Salem Cub Scout Pack li i Her manv school activities in- 01 Pons. in an electric field. Association bucket of sand on the small blaze will conduct its annual paper drive Newberg Mei elude cadet teaching, newspaper which was believed lo have start-, today. Residents of West Salem Three Newberg men enlisted in ,laff- Elk outstanding student ed from an oil stove, firemen are asked to have their news- the Marine Corps: Bert he! R. Stor- leader award, Quill and Scroll said. Firemen answered the call : papers securely tied and visible ment, Sterling H. Eide and David ; honor society. about 2 p. m. from the street so that they may.H. Lane. The four other Marine Sociology, Psychology recruits were Dudley H. Kenyon, At the University of Oregon Judy McMinnville; William L. Kirk, wm major in sociology and psy Yamhill; Stanley G. Sumpter, Falls chnlogy, minoring in education. uiy; ana Lesier u. Morns ot Also receivins a Universitv of Oregon Mother's scholarship of Davis of The Dalles, and Margaret Ma gone of St. Helens, English. Arda Lien of Salem, Sally Jones of Longview.f biology; Lou Ann Mergler of Mount Vernon and Sara nuriwtfl hv individuals. the project. j Stanley said it was important! that the boundary lin be esttatb-' HP Tli lished on a permanent and definite X ITC X I basis because of contusion result ing at the present time ia the col- Horton of C.nby. language; Ct; - ""LJL L tchf eld of Newport, home eco-i nomics: Eugene Groves of Eugene.,. 0rrf n an a"l"(0nf; religion; Uwis Beatty of Portland l'11-' . n' and Margie WUson of Hebo. eco-i r? nite boundary line can j be established. Frances Tnompwn of Hoquiam! The public In the part legally and Joyce Ambler of Portland. h a'Mh,hS. Wver .k. ii.,iiv,n M.nihn;the middle of the Columbia River IIIU9IV ttrtvi , at a aj v j . r du4 .Mil nrrn Wright nil channel. vi a in saiivi auiu v w- Salem, music literature; Carolyn Burr of Roseburg, music education Departmental assistants for the coming year are Robert Allen of Walla Walla, chemistry; Suzy Piatt of San Francisco, English: James Scott of Salem, biology; Gail Davis of the Dalles, language; Ashley Rose of Dundee, religion; Barbara Morgan of John Day, Bill Wheat of Milton Freewater. and Lewis Beatty of Portland, economics; Helen Allen of Portland and Ray Myers of Salem, education, gradu ate departmental assistants. Try Halted Ronald Russell, manager of Dm Candalaria Shell Service Station;. 2950 S. Commercial St., told city police Friday that four mea at tempted to take two new tires from his station about 12 p.m. Police said the men took the tires while Russell was answering a telephone call and placed them in the trunk of their car. Tbejr. were apparently sees by Russell, who apprehended two of the mett and recovered ( the Urea, poller said. - The two were questioned by city , police and released. , i ..,.M Unsightly facial hair removed f,c" ,p,k , ",u .f .,-..--. i .. n,i-'. I be taken at this time. Beauty Salon. Ph. J-SSM. (adv) BULL RETURNED State police cornered a roving I sett Home. PROWLER REPORTFIi Mrs. Pearl Hill. 447 Shippii JtilV I Army enlistments were in three part tuilin wa, Rlchard Castle. .St., said a prowler was observed h .f, n!ca,er,os Will,am . Savat son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Castle! n h.r knma thnut lam ' M lai, t via, ...... , it. a, , iitiinc luuui A a. Ill, III day, Salem police report. Mrs. Hill said the outdoor electric switch had been turned off. A similar incident occurred about six weeks ago at her horns, Mrs. Hill told police. .Dental plates repaired while you wait at Painless Parker Dentist, 125 N. Liberty. Salem. Center St., who said a bull was roaming through his garden. Patrolmen said the bull merely wandered across the road. Ham dinner, Slayton Catholic Putsh dining room Sunday, May 6. 11:30 to 3 p.m. Adults $1 25, children 75c. (adv.) Public I Itecorcls MAN HOSPITALIZED James L. Fuller, who gave his address as Crescent, Calif., was in "fair condition" Friday at Salem Memorial Hospital after he appar entlv suffered a stroke at a do town hotel about 11 am. Frida Salem first aid men reported CIRCUIT COURT Annie Neat Mitchell vs William imo lottage si., joinea the tun His high school activities include Infantry Division, and Glen E. 1 science club and membership in Nichols. Aumsville. enlisted in the rally squad. He will major in Army Ordinance. Four enlistees pre-medicine. went into Airborne: Ernest P. WU-, state tuition scholarships were hams, Woodburn: Owen Charles awarded to Martin Andic. son of Riddle. Bonania; Hawlcy H Hood, the V. E. Andic s of 1043 S. High Chiloquin; and Gerald B. Howard, ,nd john Anderson, son of Mr. Slsters- and Mrs. Edward H. Anderson, Rt. 4. Box 2M. Pre-Mediclne Major Andic is a member of National Honor Society and Science Club. His major at the University of Oregon will be pre-medicine. Anderson will major in engineer ing or mathematics at Oregon State He is a member of National Miss Dorothy Cornelius, since Honor Society and was a nicmlxT Supreme Court J Employe Quits riD ni'npTi.-n cmi fc'V a 1'ivi n,i,i-ii aiit.imohiU mk n employe of the State Su- of the Mate champiunshio debate Hugh Mitchell: Plaintiff seeks di- f(()rn from nls home aboul t Pn "a resigned team. vorce and restoration of former, m Tk,irH-,v sinurt v h. effective about June 1 to accept a. Larrv Goodman and Ramuna name of Annie Neal. Married May 6. 1955. at Stevenson, Wash Dora Wallace vs Walter Swart out and Vera Swartout: Civil suit dismissed with prejudice and without costs on grounds it has been settled Helen C. Clark vs Joan C. Bar- ardson, 1177 Court St., told Salem police. Mathis Bros, revolutionary Johns Manvillt roofing shingles. 4-6831. (adv.) HUBCAP GONE R. D. Woodrow, 1680 Fairmount failure of defendant to complete ""jj, 'rom "his ' 15 payments on several loans made; , April 30, Salem city by the plaintiff who seeks judgment , po,jce M,d rtviity Mae' Hardy vs Thomas G. Hardy: ELBOW INJURED Suit for divorce by plaintiff alleges John Marshall, M71 Market St., cruel and inhuman treatment: was treated for a, possible dislo seeks lump sum alimony of $1.000 : caied elbow Friday afternoon, Sa and confirmation of property stipu- em first aid men reported, lation. Married Oct. 15, 1955, at Vancouver, Wash. position as secretary of the North- Salminen. both North Salem High western College of Law in Port-: School students, were announced land. Miss Cornelius entered the Su preme Court offices as secretary to Arthur Benson, then clerk of the court. In February. 1946, she was appointed deputy clerk and has since held that position. l 1 Births 1 L i PROBATE COURT Estate of Veva G Bennett, de ceased: Order admits will be pro bate and appoints executor and appraisors Estate of Uosa Ahrens, deceased: Order appoints administrators of estate. Estate of A .1 Flint, deceased: Order approves estate's final ac count and directs distribution Death Takes C. H. Johnson as college scholarship winners. Larry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Goodman, 163S N. 19th St., won a year's tuition scholarship to Uni versity of Oregon. The gift came from the Oregon Dads Club. He will study for teaching. Miss Salminen was given a year's tuition scholarship to Lewis and Clark College in Portland She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Salminen, 1035 N. 22nd St fJlv Tnil TVnsfv TENXIMON To Mr. and Mrs. I "V "V Earl Tennimon 1168 7th Si .j'WalkS Off Jol) son, Thursday, May 3, at Salem w Memorial Hospital. WILLEMS-To Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Willemi, Route 1, Box 4520, Dallas, s ion, Friday, May 4, at Salem Memorial Hospital. MACKLIN To Mr. and Mrs. , a son, r rinay. siay i Memorial Hospital. 4, at Salem I.. It ll I'iMI 1 ,,, ... .m,o Wendell Macklin, 2190 Berry St Labish Hd . a resident of the Sa-j .. ,' . . lem area lor the past 35 years, ; i did Friday. He was 75. I Johnson, a retired farmer, was RfifXART-Tn Mr. and Mrs I horn in Redwood Falls. Minn , ' ,n,.nh n.i,rt Rn -n s, pau. rrauest sranled for ore innnarv" oi uie .azurcne vmuicii oi nmn. DISTRICT COURT A city jail trusty walked away while helping to gather money from Salem parking meters, po lice reported Friday. They listed the man as Daniel Eugene Harri son, currently serving a 60 day sentence for driving on a suspend ed driver s license Harrison was assisting an of ficer in emptying parking meters about 10:30 a m. Friday when he disappeared, police said Richard K Kidd. 22. Newport. 1 April 3. m lie was a memoera on Frja,Vi May 4, at Salem, M,mnrUI ll,tcni.!ll hearing on two charges o( unauth- " "s survived by nis wiciow. orued use of an automobile and Pearl Ann; two sons, lyal. of VAN SANTF.N To Mr. and set for Mnndnv: bail on each Eugene, and Arthur C. Corvallis; irs Earl Van Santen, 1037 3rd charge set at $1,500 , three brothers. Roy. Seattle. si , a son, Thursday, May 3, at !. lames, Canada: and Willard, New Sa)em General Hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSE APPI.ICA- Richmond. Wis ; four sisters, Mrs. I TIONS iKate Gould. North Dakota: Mrs. j WALKER To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard William Slemke. 19. Air Oscar Hillman. North Dakota: Mrs. Robert Walker, 820 Hanson Ave., Force. Fair Oaks. Calif., and Jen- Ruby Bisson. Canada; and Mrs. ia son, Friday, May 4, at Salem me Carol llouard. 17, student, Bernice O'Neil. California; lour General Hospital. Fair Oaks. Calif I grandchildren and live, great- Kiley Edgar Bryant. 18. student, 1 grandchildren. I.AYMON - To Mr and Mrs. lfiS S. 15th Street, and Dixie Ruth Funeral services will be conduct- William Lsymon, 6025 Mclleay Luna. IV student. Corvallis. Tuesday. May 8, at 1 30 p m in Rd , a son, Friday, May 4, at Sa- Hans Herman George Doerities, the Rigdon funeral home chapel 1cm General Hospital. (13, farm laborer, 280 Hrubetz by the Rev. Robert Emerich, Nai Road, and Monnie May Mercer, arene Church of Keizer Interment 65, housewife, 280 Hrubetz Road, will be at Restlawn Memory Gar w,.v.,n., dens William O. Doughty, Route 1, Salem, found guilty on a charge of driving while intoxicated, fined $250, appealed conviction to the Marion County Circuit Court Ravniond P McGranahan. 1750 S. 22nd St., fined $100 and 30 riav s lail on a charge nl d.ivin ELDEREST NURSING HOME (Non-Sectarian) Now receiving patients. 2, S and 4 bed wards. Private rooms available. Recreation and TV Room. All On One Floor REGISTERED NURSE Cor. N. Church and Locust Phone 2-96K l,:t28 Industrial Mishaps Reported A tola! nf U28 industrial ac cident'. 18 chums lor occupa tional disease, and four fatalities: with suspended license plates, ere reported to the Stale Indus-1 fined $5 for driving with no oper ator s license Joseph Matajeck, 1535 S. Com mercial St , lined $5 on a charge of driving the wrong wav on a trial Accident Commission here Friday for the veek ended May 3 The fatalities involved William D. Sweider. Dorena Loader; Wil liam E. Carlson. Turner truck dri one way street: charge of failure ver: Clifford A. Hill. Reedsport to remain at the scene of an ac- 'choker setter, and Archie W Knee cident continued until June 7. I land. Portland electrician .1 i'-i Let Us Put Your PERMANENT ROOF on NOW OR DO IT YOURSELF with our easy instructions. Equipment for installing furnished. FREE Estimates on Installing and Special Colors Roofing Prices at Plant: Gray, a square $20.00 Red, a square $23.00 SALEM BARTILE ROOFING Phono 2-7500 I' 1 1 Jiff ' W ' '" "'irtr ' -v-- PEOPLE OVER WHO UKE FUN AND GOOD TIMES Arthur Murray's starting a tptciat "Over 40" Class at special rates D on't 1 it dancing give away your age. Look vounger, feel younger by doing all the popular new steps. It's quick, effortless, and fun with Arthur Murray's expert instructors. Every lesson is like s party, and you'll find your self dancing with ease snd confidence in just one lesson. So why not come in now, for a free dsnce analysis... sign up before this spe cial low-rate class is filled? Air Condi ionW ARTHUR MURRAY 445 Ferry Street Phone 4-6891 1 1 '' " " ' i 111 mi if .m I OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. i OTHER DAYS 9 30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. j FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS , I . -T7 -v iffe () fypXifi -fV r-. ;?iill Regular $2945 to $50.00 value? Over 50 different styles here jt Every one a fine 17-jewel watch Featuring shockproof staffs t Featuring never-breuk mainspring$ Cases are hy famous designers 1 PHWlt BUY FOR MOTHER BUY FOR GRADUATES BUY FOR FATHER plus 10 lax BUY FOR YOURSELF Women's shies: A' 1. Wondarful rhintitone-trimmsd wafch with da'nfy cord bracelet 2. 14 Karat gold waich with cord bracelet 3. Silver color cat, itainleis steel back, expansion bracelet 4. Tht ever-popular bangle watch complets with safety chain 5. Beautifully sty lad drtss watch, gold color case, stainless steel back, expans'on bracelet 6. Rolled gold pUtt case, stainless itel back, metal expansion bracelet 7. Fancy stone-trimmed watch with pastel blue lutde bracelet 1 urses Miivncs: 12 Sweep second hand, water-resistant, metal expansion bracelet M styles: Meier & Frank's -Salem, Salem, Ore. Pleate sertdme -the -feJIewng yvth t $l9 94eti-T- plus 10"o tax. j Style No Style No j Style No, Style No j Name ! yreet . . j C 'ty Zone S'ate : -h,,qe COD. Remit. End j Thn .vii';iiiiit' iml lt (inns outsidr iur rrrulnr Innk rn mulct. ! , .......M.rf en s 8. Waterproof and shocltproof, luminous dial, sweep second hand, metal expansion bracelet 9. Yellow gold plate case, stainlsss steel back, water-resistant, shock proof, sweep second hand, leather bracelet Gold color case, metal expansion braclet Drtu watch with combination leather and metal bracelet 10. I I. WATCHES-STREET FLOOR v :'. Wayne Stondley