6-(Sec I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fit, May 4, U8 South Salem High Student Leaders .... I I 3 -M i 7 s . y- .V - TUl eaartet ef fcela seleai Hlfk leep-af ere wM leae" aiooVat i everameai activities tariif Ike urxt triad Mar. Dtaesjeaiaf their part m eieeiea eraeel teaaers art rrm len la nriiil ta Hidfirt My aretl Oat, Mara Berftraa'; flrat etee eresMeat. MarUra Mer; atrial vice preside!, Marilva piarehy ad eemterr-treatam. Mania Haaipkrev. (Matesmaa Fote) ' SAFE DRIVING BROADENS UIUIV JUVVIIIIC IIICC LUIS NEW YORK - Forty p-r , . v cent of the country high schools To D ia y 125 Pcrso ti s n "automobile - Columbia University's teachers ,Aa estimated US persons from, supervisor; and Dr. Norman M. collfe rrcord sa5" n ' ,h KTOMOregoa will attend the Ore-! Janier. Portland's director of men- est growing program In the edu oi Juvenile Council's annual ' tat bealtb. i cational field. iprinf conference Thursday at MacLarea - School tor Boys at Weodburn . A general morsing session will pea the conference with council president Dr. James Ashbaugh pre siding. Tnis will be followed by several hours of business meetings and penel diwjMtj William G. Long, Juvenile Judge from Seattle will be guest speak, er at a conference luncheon. 1 Subject to be reported on at the business meeting Include legis lation, public relations and studies on the problems of suspended com mitment and the handling of run away children. A panel discussion oa the resources of the community will be participated In by live prominent social workers, and moderated by Judy Keller, South Salem High School senior. The five panel members arc An drew Juras, stale child welfare director; Dr. Richard Wilcox, state 'director of local health services; Mickey Pease, executive director f Portland's Pal Boys' Club; Glea L Weaver, state occupational in formation id guidance service A We Can Save You Money On sum Inquire Today About Our Factory Discount Proaram M MesrV Salts tad Slacks (taken as they are, without alter atioasT. Liberal IHsceaaU are In effert ea our already low ill artre Salts are the latest styles la 1M weal fabrics by Rationally tdvertieed aunnfaetarera. Check today we have a complete stock of sties, fabrics and styles. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Kav Woolen Mill Store 20 Sent f2th Acmes from Willamette Campus mm LI IM Lb Lb 2-WE Set of 6 u.ii i o nunywuuu With Purchase of Mattress i Box Spring HtflfS GEO ID MATTRESS AND BOX SPUING Top Quality Simmons Twin Size Innerspring Mattress and Match ing Box Spring. Durable Stripe Ticking for Long Wearing. Uncon ditionally Guaranteed by Both Hogg Bros, and Simmons. I lUJlaTn TALUT"S uadwg apja13 soi ruufisflm I I SALEM - OREGON CITY I N Down Payment (Oa Approve! Credit) Free Parking Free Delivery ' 260 State Street STOBI HOURS: 1:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. DaHy-l:30 A. M. to P. M. Monday and Friday - . .. N Aim mm A OPGGDAIL UU ATOG SGARS ODAVSS HURRY! LAST 2 BIG SALE DAYS . . . A WlMM ( or FREE Wf?M'i3W t5 I , ... 1 n TUFTED CUT PILE CARPCTMf 3-PLY WOOL WILTON Al wool pile tightly woven for extra wearl TaVe ad vantage of this special low price! Chooie from Green, Beige, Nutria , . . colon that will blend with any ' color scheme! SEC WHAT YOUR ROOM SIZE COSTS 10 DOWN ON SEARS EASY TERMS sin iec. SAii sm kg. sau W3 U0.45 119.11 12x13Vi 221.90 1M.M 9x14 17140 127.88 12x15 245.80 182 JO 9x15 184.35 136.65 IhUVi 269.70 199.74 9x16 196.40 145.42 12x18 293.60 21718 All-Wool Loop-Pile Wilton Room flattering Green, Beige, and Grey colors blend with moit any decorating pattern you want! Good wearing. You'll find it outstanding . . . such high plush pile! SEE WHAT YOUR ROOM SIZE COSTS 10 DOWN ON SEARS EASY TERMS jra tic Hit sin c. jau 9x13 173.45 1 30.68 1 2x12 214.08 161.31 9x14 186.40 140.34 1 2x15 265.80 200.00 9x15 199.35 150.00 1 2x18 317.60 238.64 9x16 212.30 1 59.66 1 2x21 356.45 267.62 POPULAR TWIST FRIEZE Buy at this smashing low price and lave on quality "twitt carpet! Wool and carpet rayon surface pile. Wide assortment of floral, teiturot. and self-tonet! SEE WHAT YOUR ROOM SIZE COSTS 10 DOWN ON SEARS EASY TERMS SIZI REG. SAl! SIZE KG. SAII 9x12 136.50 76.98 1 2x12 1182.00 1 0164 9x15 169.35 94.95 1 2x1 31: 203.90 114.62 9x16 180.30 100.94 12x15 225.80 1 26.60 9x18 202.20 11192 1 2x18 1 269.60 150.56 WE FEATURE moot hedge TACKLESS CARPET INSTALLATION iJ4fsW! sVlV Ukllaii! ft Enamel Surface FLOOR COVERING w M Reg. Tlnck pna-nel surface, etra wide 12-ft. wtdlh Easy to install. Resists spots, grease and stams Wipes' clean easily with a damp cloth. J LINOLEUM TILES Reg. Hit). Beautiful inlaid linoleum tiles in exciting marbelied patterns and many room-accenting colors . . . Cements easily to any wood floor. aataM' ftWfi 550N.C it0, Phone 3-9191