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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1956)
Want Ad Unites Brother. Sister After 30 Vears k Classified Ad placed1 ' in ih F but Journal ia the Spring of 1950 finally resulted it tht J 954 re. inioa of Mr. Louis ' McDoggall, at Blooming Ion, Calif., with hr brolhtr, Kurt Moaer, of Hamburg, Germany, aher a Mparatioa of 30 yean Want Ada Cm Do The "ImaoMlble- II mi. at ,1,11 (U M 4frwS.e m m m,t mmi fv iu. n it. ti. (i mtrM 400 Agriculture 400 Agriculture 404 Poultry ond Robbit404 Poultry ond RobbiU FREE BABY' CHICK DAY May 4th 10 Free Chicks TO EACH ADULT WHILE THEY LAST Farm and Garden Supply Sale 33 OFF . RETAIL PRICE On all the following Items In atork Hudson hand spravers. dint-e-s or preaaiire sprayers, ffarden lools garden sprinklers. pUnt foods, poultry -feeders, wa'erers A supplies, chirk nt t -rie r 50 On The Following Items. Ferto pil flower bed border fence, fruit baskets, and bamboo 'akt?i Free ndr spriver worth 59r with earn quart of weed killer. All nles final GENERAL MILLS PEED STORE 228 Ferry St. Salem Ph 3-6858 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notica BAIfA'I WORLD FAITH Information Fh. 3-6344 312 Lost and Found LOST Blllfi.ld. I.. E Nelson. Ph :i.i'i:i eves LdSI Hli. k Lab. Retriever, straved from Aumsville re vs .ud Devvrv Bnles. Aums- If Ph. 1054 FOUND. Part shepherd A col- iir lulil tan. 7H5 So jrird F'H'ND-ltoys blrvcle Have by identifying sair.t and pay for ail 2-S04I LOST tires Between 4 cor. St Silverton. 2-070x15 recap Fire stone 500 white side wall cas ing, reward. Ph. 2-2459. 314 Troniportotion liniM, South, take 1 tn help dne. New car. 2597 Ptld. Rd 316 Personal $!l RFWARD the heirs of Matin- Mat Moll offer 110 re ward for the name of and lo la'.on of gentleman who paid "Mai Moll approximately $6on ot. or about the Monday be f"ir Thanksgiving da Nov 1154 Cnntart R H Bassett 325 Oregon Bldg. Salem Ore pur. f ull FACTS about the Catholic Church write P O Box 834.1. Ii d.anapnlls Indiana. Informa tion sent under plain cover. No personal follow-up PSYCHIC READER M-iriKn HAZrX. Salem i oideit h '.i.ible render ran help you u ;n success, health and hap pun'sji No bargain price. JtM truthful, reliable ad vie. . 4.' mi Portland Rd at Albany rut off Lonk fur sign ALCOHOLICS Anonymoui7B6 S Cfimmcri iai. 2-2108 A I S BAKERY 10411 MARKET ' Kr.vcn tuna A tn. f imi y 2.r) a do7 l'ii me .it' larffe bread 2 for 4."c f-e.h dougt-nuls everv morn- l-.g by 7 am. Ph 3-7371 1 100 Display Clossified MTTtTS I Auction House AT 4840 CENTER ST., SALEM 1 On Sat, May 5, 10 A.M. & 7 P.M. Anliqur furniture, livestock, selling at I'liblic Auction ;s Hcautiful antiques from several Salem old homes, beinfi otlered at auction. Walnut dresser. 2 buffets." several clocks, spool bed, walnut chair, copper boiler, baskets, runs, old oval glass china closet, pictures & frames, t bras, lamp, china dishes, spinning wheel, round stove. ' round tables, walnut front window stand. Many nice things to make a choice. Also good furniture, two 5 piece chrome V wrought iron sets, tan daveno. rocker, matt. I'hor. Maytag. & M W. washers. 3 wood heaters. 2 refrigerators, power 1 Bin. circular mower, lawn cart : wheelbarrow, garden hose, misc. good tools. 4 piece t Mr. & Mrs. bedroom set, box spring & matt, hide-o-bed . 2 desk's. 2 chests drawers, 10 mattresses, & springs Roofing paper, shrubs flowers. Many nusc items. LIVESTOCK SELL, 2:30 P.M. .: We sell all types of cattle by head or weight, with top mar-;; i ket to you. Also a good selection of baby calves. & weaner pigs, fryers, hens, rabbits, ducks, geese & turkeys. From H years of experience inselling the auclinn way, it many? f good cash troytrs bring you better returns in dollars" & cents to you. t SELL IT AT SCOTTVS ' Every Sat., Everyborly Welcome AUCTIONEER Col. Ernest E. Scott PH. 4-6433 1 Jni- lr " rtLis 5Lfw fturr, MsslO - ?J OFF 300 Personal 316 Personal Serurity Detrctive Agency Pnvatp investigation anywhere n time W(rld wide sffilia- t nm Hm. Kfii Salem Ph day or night 4-2248 Vancouver, Wah Oxford 3-HSi. ALCOHOLICS Anonvmou.Troiij No 1. 2088 N Com'l 3-45.17. PALMIST Palm, cirri A phvsle reader, tells iust. pre;rnt future. $S co'i p'l r r-;i(iing. ft with Jid fib I' Rr. I'h 4-4702 nrsr amps an d Coi ns WILL bur gold coins, any de nomination. Call 2-9M1. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sole Gl'EriNSFY cow A- Hereford veal calf. Ph. 2-7178 TRADF. frch heifer for-beef. H F Christiansen Ft 5 Box W Salem. Ore Arnold Rd. Mi ("Irai Dim 2 SOHItVf mares. 7 yrs od 1 1 beautiful black mare, a yr old : Well trained Gentle ph 2-0686 after S p n. I 50 BAI.. FXTH A good "hav for attic or horses I'h. 4-7882 after fi week das. FOR SALE Leaving for service. I nust si'll r. g Hereford bull. Sller do'nino breeding Big i bored well marked. Would! m;:kf good herd sire Priced i reasonabh Carl r..olev. 2880' Ward Dr I'h 2-2772 ' PROFESSIONAL horseshoer Lee Hanson. 4-0724or 4-OOM FOR SALE or trade gentle pontes for children also good saddle horses Hob Franke. .105 N Water St . Silverton. I'h 3-8134 Salem Meat Co locker beef Custom kiMinp. i uttirig A wrap ping, trailer loaned free 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buvcr Claude Ed wurds. Kt a Box mat. 4-111.1 I CATTLE at oiir farm EC Md'amliMh. Bt 2. J-6I8 A. K Somn rr, l?iiU H:i:nior.v Dr Ph 4-iH)7 CATTLE Inner 4297 Stale F. It II. S.'iethen. 2-1 H'. 2-IW 1 00 Display Classified 400 Agriculture 404 Poultry and Kobbitt lav rHirve ia tr.tfc ,, choice ol Parmentere, New Hampa., White Rocks and L( horne. Special New Hamp. and White Rock pullets, it. Par reenter red rooster, ge. VALLEY FARM STORE Ph. 4-4824 Salem CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry We buy ribblii Wlri a, UU State. Ph. 4-3I( 408 Pets REG. male Dachshund pup, hots, 131. Call Sat., 100 E. Clevtland, Woodburn. Ph. 8851. PERFECTLY marked Golden Sable male collie. Ph. 4-1860 or 1-0838 afternoon or eve. rOR SALE or Trade: Reg Lah rador Puppies, 1 mo. old. Ph. 1-8241. 14 PUPPIES, reg . Pekingese, ecnttirs, wire (ox ternera. cockers, low prlres. 'Douglaa Kcnnela. Scot' Mill. Ore. turn 5 mi. from Silverton Hwy. 31.1. DACHSHUND ,AKC 6 weeks, exr. pedigree. Ph. Mercury (1X120 Tlgard. Orel. A. E. Skagg. SIAMESE kittens, aeal point ft chocolate point. 4-030.r. MOORE PETS Toy terriers, white rats. Open eves, and Sun. 41109 Slate St. COCKER PUPS 110." Also" Chi huahua puppy. Ph. 2-1241. FOR SAiTe "male black " lab., t mo., permanent shots, reas. Ph. Skyline 1173 Monmouth, 385 W. Ackennon Monmouth. BABY parakeets, rare A nor mal. 3425 Abrauia Ave. 3-7H34 YOUNG parakeetariraitea-feeds MtriteyV 3825 S Com. 1-1755 BIRO Paradise tot Midi, cafes tuppliesll80 Livingston 1-142 fare PARAKEETS-Normai 245 W. Browning Ph 3-2TI9T. 410 Setdi and Plants Named hvbrldt, over 100 vane-, lies, 17 25 up Evergrern A.a lea?. only 5Ur e;trh I om.itors A r.'ihhage. do Ku-hiH. 2ic A 45- Maith.i W.ihing ton Geraniums. Carn, (turns. Tcnstemon A dwarf Uiihlia; ltwery's fireenhoue, 23!5 Chemawa Rd 18.000 CERTIF1KI) Northwest Strawberry Plants Pnred right if all taken. Ph 2-7895 SPKCIAL on Camellias 81V 'also blooming Rhodics 2 A '.I feet tall $2 to $4 Ph. 3-5223 Staabs Nursery, 5052 Joan Dr. PEONIES. Anniinlc Funehiaas Geraniums. Begonias. Hanging Hftfikfts K libera. 715 Salem Heights Ave GLAD bulbs. 5tTforlMiddIe Grovt iNurtery. 4W20 Silverton Rd. TOP QL'ALiTV piantsfnr less at Middle Grove Nurerv 4920 Silverton Hd Wt give S St H Green Stampi MILOGKAN1TE "fertilizer, Sa 1 lem i onlv dealer other gar-1 den Slipplle, ..ri;e selection f our rnoi(f bedilinL' pUnt. ()pen ee . clov-rt Sun Pem berton s Kluwrr Shop A Gteen houses lltm S l.Mh FOR SALE: common rve grass seed I'h. 4-9.161 DAHLIA bll.s $2 (1 mollis aza leas 35c up ger inns fus. h to begon's. fust h. bskts Mtr rill s circenhouse llrooks LARt.K Camellia. 'j prue rhodos. evergreens A blooming A7alrat; Warings Nurserv. Drive So. on 12th st ml. past Mornlngside School. Turn right at Oakhill Ave SCHlZANTHUS from "BulchTrd Gardens. Bedding Plants Hy brid Tomatoes 25c ea. Silke's Greenhouse Rt. 5 Box 806. Salem. 20.000 MARSHALL strawberry plants from certified plantings No. 2 510 per 1 000. Packed. Ph.4-.1MI. DAHLIA fubers. pansies. fuchias A- ivy geranium Wards Gar den 4M0 Cherry Ave PRIMROSES peppers. Hybrid tomatoes. 25 W Salem Heights Ave A Plant Greenhouses A Flori-ts Garden supplies seecLs, plants 1298 S. 13" Ph. 3-4670. Eve. A Sun. 411 LowtvGorden Equipt. RFO power lawn mower Ph .1-9070 1 HAN'D lawn mower Ph. 3-4871 14'i5 N 17th eve FOR SALE Merlon blue grass seed Ph 4-9.181 412 Fruit & Form Produce IT doesn't mst It na f to trfidr at Farnirr Jr--! Rar Ram. galore, closed Mondavs. :t.i.ii Portland Hd OHUER AsparHn :; for freeine or canning NOW Ph 3-7588 r e ASPARAGL'S I Of LB. Kill I'.ARIi Tic I.H Now is the time 1" rvi X- f-ie-e ( , R K E API'I E MKT jiill.i Portland Ril PASTEl'RIZFIJ wole milk. 75c gal '2 gd 4cu- delivered Cleary Dairy 2-.l(ii5 413 Fertilizer ORGANIC FKRTII.IZKR ODORLESS BY SACK OR RULK PHONE 3-3155 ROTTED sawdust for mulching 6 yd load $15, 4 yds $10. 2 yds $6. or $2 a yd or 50c sack at farm. Also Beaver Dam Soil. SI sack. 8 for $5 Phil lips Bros . Rt 5. Box 860, Sa lem. I'h. 4-3081, MANURE: aged rich num no weeds. Real sol) builder for lawns, gardens Ph 2-0331 FRF.SH or rotted manure Rlcn. fire mamne b s:k k it .ud Delivered or st farm f'hillitv-' Bros. Rt. 5 Box 493 I'h 4-3981 For the best professional popular experts. -pi'i.iAM'tn westinghouse" I Woodrv Furniture Co , 474 So Coi.-J I'h 4-211 ; Tmiihng CAPITOl Bedding Mattress re-' nnvators New mattresses 3-4089 j 'It I I IMI.INC,- ' Bulldozing, clearing roads I ponds D-4. D-6 carryaU Huskey Ph 2-3146 CRA.NIWORft 25-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand St Gravel Co 2-2461 FLOOR COVERINGS NORMS" WALKER Paint Co" Floor-covering Division Qual ity Installations I mnleprr. As. phalt A Rubber 'I lie W. ail tiic Free F'tirrate. I Of KERN AMI HE ( HEM Wta Fro, Food I n- kers .Wli S Com I PI- 2-97.17 Lockers Now Available Custom Meat Cutting and Sales Ice Cream for All Oi asmns Packs to Take Out MACHINE A WELDING Hobart welders St rod Smith Cutting equip AWessories Globe Machine Works. 1010 N Commercial St. ph. 1-K22. isiiii Ireotin? 430 Merchandise 454 Sowing MacMnti Singer Sewing Machine Co. SINGER PORTABLE ELECTRIC $19.95 Portable sale 10 to choose from. Prices $19.95 to $34.50. Shop & Save SINGER SEWING CENTER Phone 3-3512 130 N. Commercial, Salem 4S1 Machinery t Toolt USED (as powered chain-saw. see at Pioneer Trust Co., lov N. Com'l USF.D Elec. motors 4W) &up Judson's. 27 N. Com I. FO R g A L F Hunter 'tuneTn wheel balancer or will trade for dependable work car. Ph 3-B070 HAVF. several u-ed welders AC DC. Call 4-7W1 4S5 Houm Coeds for Sale INLAID Mno.. 1 M per sq yd n u Iiiitrom Co , 260 s. Lib erty. SOLID (olden oak dining set - 4 chairs, table small buffet. $1V) Glen Woodrj, IdllJ N. Summer FOR SALE-Spln dryer waaber A Kelvinator refn(. I'h. 2-J16U after ( p m. FOR SAL?, Soll aiaho(any chair wito rollers & reclanin( back. 115 Ph. 4-4340. Linoleum rugs $195 ValleyFrnCo., 21$ N Coml 6 r crib. Reasonable. Ph 3-691$ NEARLY new small Quakrroii sioe wpie. $:tf 50 Very new ; Spark oil circulator, soyou. I Glen Woodrv 1805 N. SummeT FORCED air finer turn, excel crnd 4 yrr. old thermostat. 2-50 gal barrels. $35. 4-8651, UNFINISHED furnituie HL Stilf Furniture, lJ5NHlgh. LOVELY" new Biltw-ell daven port sets. tlM.So $21111 50 5 yr guarantee Terms. Glen Wood ry. 1805 N. Summer. USED G F. "older model refrig $35. 3-5130. J MAYTAG used wringer type washer. Ph. 2-0440 LOVELY modern 8' sofas In bl grade covers, tllSSO Glen Woodry, 1805 N. Summer. INLAID "lTno7irfoer"aq " yd R L. Elfstrom Co S Lib erty Used washing machine $55. Used dock radio $;i5 4-mc:i , NEW table lamps $3 49. blonde I step end table, $6 8 Matching I coffee tables $0 88. Glen' Woodry 10ii5 S Summer MODERN gas ranee A water healer. Best offer takes. Ph 3- 0411 NEW maple bunk beds. Com plete wmattri-sses. $78 88. (ilen Woodry. 1805 N Summer. FRIGIDAIRE clothes dryer, no cnt t)pe, late model. I'll 4- 9.161 $:(0 DN bus I'otnplete house hold of nirniture and apiiii ames at Salem s lowest over head store Glen Woodry. 1605 N Summer. 30 ' electric range damaged in shipment Automatic no phone calls. BATDORF'S HOME A AUTO, 1420 StateSt. NEW 9x12 linoleum. 4 80 Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. LIGHT grey chrome dinette set with 4 chairs, opened to 6 ft. excellent condition. Ph. 2-8530. NEW 5 pc. wrought iron di nettes. $55. Terms. Cilen Wood ry. 1805 N. Summer. Good customer returns freezer, reg. nnee $520 9? balance due $394 87 pmts $14 51 mo or $.1.19 wk Need .orne money down BATRORFS HOME A AI'TO. 1120 Slate SI . ph. 3-9:2 I KENMORE automatic washer, w ith suds-saver $100. Matching I dryer $95-See at 60 Evans ( Ave Keirer Dist 4 ONLY new 3 pi' modern Mr t A Mrs Redroom sets. $HB. (.len Woodry 1605 N Summer Vacuum Cleaners j Electrolux like new $29 95 lew vt. slightly used hal $4'i 81 Hoover 19 9.1 Fl'lcx $19 95 Monlenmeiv Ward $19 1)5 Kenmnie $29 95 Eureka 2'i 91 Klrhv $29 95 All makes 1 leaner. I3 50 up VACUUM CLEANERS 132! N Capitol I'h 3-711(17 NEW loielv 7 " pc Roto-rock daveno troop, end talilr lamps -offie table all for on I49 5H (Ilen Woodry 1605 N Sumner 400 Agriculture 414 Form Equipment SELLING out nitsc, farm ma chinery 47811 Silverton Rd FOR SALE .Economy bean trac tor wmounted plow A culti vator Also disc A- sprlngtooth $295 Ph eves. 4-8.127. SMALL gas Irrigation pump. 300 ft nl pipe Th 2-2714 1 TO PLACE AD call 4 6H11 services, call one of these 'PAPKRING A PAINTING Painting and pni-er-rinFins "re eftmiatei Ph PCRRV"ma"I!MTING Cn f-3lT3 Rrtih prav Tree Enttmatet Exp paper-haniing A patntmi lerrv lohrmn Ph 4-rti34 RAMI AND GRAVtX WALLING SAND AND GRAVFL 1625 McCllrhrift Crusher! quarry Toclf! and (trav el All size? fnr rnar).. drtve w av and narkinif Intu READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand hull-dnzinc. nhov- el and dranllne work. 3-9243 VALLEY SAND AGRA VEl"c(J Crushed St round f ravel Stnd ! Ac rnn miK J-4fKi? j SAIFM SAND A (.RAVFl. CO Hf.-'dv ttnv roi" ri te ( nrhrM .ril:r' d grd'-cl .irr! : - tup vjii MUR N Kriifi! St 2-2W j ski lie nmvn r i HOWARDS turs MIKE'S Septic acrvict JlnRi, cleaned D rooter clean ttwtn drains Phone 3-94U Harneli septic tanks r leaned, line service Guaranteed work. Phona 1-7404 or 1-0771 430 Merchandise 434 Stwlng MocMnM 455 Houm Goodi for Sale JUST Received large ahlpment of round front rhlna closets Lamberts, 215 So. Comm. LOVELV."llke newmah hed" sprint mattress, drtain( table, seat. :i-Sli4.'l. "7 SAVE MONEY" Hotnolnt. Bendlx. Kenmore Washers A Dryers. Bedrock prices Reconditioned & (uar anteed. JUDSON'S 279 N. Corrt l. Ph S-4141 INLAID Lino., II 99 per rq yd R L Elfstrom Co.. 280 I. Lib erty MAKE Money, by helping us move. All antiques (really re duced. Lambert's. 215 So Comm. 456 Wanted Houta Goods CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY FURN CO. Ph 2-7472 WILL take in almost anything on trsde on T V. appliances freerers. washers drvers. Call 4-2:71 for Free estimates. HEjDER S.JMIS N High. TOP CASH "HU E - M RNf TUBE, APPLIANCES FTC USED MERCHANDISE MART !70 S LIBERTY PH 4-6371 Need at Once e Late model F. . Appliances Pay cash premium for Hi Grade Electric Ranges. Refrigerators. Automatic Washers. Driers Ar Late Model used Furniture Ph Glen Woodrv .1-5110 right Now for Pleasing Results I 1 1 457 Radio and TV ZENITH TV. radio phono com blnatinn deluxe 17 series, am ,.-lrji..lS. Lube ...U(Ji,u fcjncml. phono Jilavs 7. 10 or 12" records. Beautiful 2 door mahng ftnsh Sold new. 1595 New $240 99 HOGG BROS. 20 State St 17 SERIES fvons7,ie;aho"f anv llmsh t9 95 HOGG BROS 260 Stale st USED T V sets as lnwl T$49 50 guaranteed to work OK HEI DERS 363 No. High. 458 Building Moteriols Special This Week Ixt. 1x6 No 4 shlplap $25 per M Some 2x4. 1x6 at 115 per M S.i'.vdust. Planer Shavings T LUMBER CO. i, Ml W of Mehama Ph UL-0-2400 Lyons USED plumbing fixt.. tubs. sinks, basin); bargains. Jud- son s, 2.9 N. C om 1. 500.000 FEET New, fresh-milled old A second growth lumber 2x4 to 2x11 in a to 24-roo: lengths. Delivered prices Salem. 130 per thou minimum Ted Muller S-1198 12-2 wtre. roll at 4ir Cedar shingles $.100. $5. St O Galv Iron roof g - CHEAP 3 tab root . lowe.t prices. Nails per keg-$8 95 4" rsst soil pine 75c ft 'i gal pips 12c. " 18c 1 '" 29c. li"-36c 500 ral steel aep tanx $51 50 100 gal steel sep tank $39 50 4" black sewer pipe 30c 34c. 0 Dnnr pirv hs cnori onr s ? 75 Bldg. paper 5O0 sq ft. $2.3J. Fibrt glass blanket Insul - CHEAP 48 plaster board $1 40. $1 60. $1 85 Ceiling tile. 18x32. 10c sq ft S1 skc moid long lenrtn. 10c O Oarage rioorv all sl7es cheap O Barh wire 8U rds $5 93 $7 45 Oitside white painl gal 12 50 Oak Firing R lenRth cheap New window sashes $2 00. W strip crystal windows 21x32 kitchen sinks cheap. Toilets wlseati ta 50 O Netv hath tub complete $6X50"- Rtrlctlv Cash - U-Hsiil Closed Sundnvs St Mondays C. C. LONG & SONS 1 Ml N Ketrer - Ph 4-5051 SAVE! SAV Dry 12" Cedar Boards $120 M O Tilc-knol 10" spruce siding $130 M 0 10- inveited cedar boards and balls Ji;io M a Good 18" painted cedar shakes St under- coiirse $8 95 Sq. a) lleavv gautre Iron roof- ine $10 30 Sq O 481, ' birch "A" crade plywood 4?c sq ft 4flV service plv $2.1.1 sheet I a 4x8' j service plv $.100 sheet 0 4fi V service ply $3 45 sheet 0 A grade birch doors $7 "0 each O ERI E DELIVERY a CREDIT GLADLY Of'EN Al I. DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YARD Lancaste- and Center IS S.,l,',ii 2-I.7O0 IIEIilNDI I TONED a u t n m ato v. -Her heatera Judson s 279 N t oir, I (VKRY (iOOD CONDITION ALL NO 2 tt RRTTKRi 1x4 2x4 2x8 dim $13 pel M 1x6. 1x8. sheathing hoard $4,1 per M 2x10 2x12 4x6 1x12 $55 per M Used Oak Flooring shorts 45 tier M 1'serl Elr Flooring It I 545 i er M ls .riling li cr I' 2x4 hoiK V :.n It WF ALSO HAVK E. S. RITTER & CO. 6740 Portland Rd Ph 4-1111 4 mi No of Rale-n ', n.l No. of loteo' Pole on "IE Open ail day Saluiday LUMBER 430 Merchandise 458 Building, Motorioli Nl W vent fan tor kitchen or bath 122 M Judaon'a, 271 N. Coml. CLFC. wall Heaters. 24 oft II" IT eink con.p 4.19 Garbare Disposal, att6. Fibre pipe. 30c as 34c ft 14-1 Uwm ex. 4c ft. Door chunes. tot oil. It-S Loomex. 4s ft Lnht fixtures, 25 efl. Out lei boxes, 2Sc. 1 pe. bath aet, 131. U laL elec. water heat er, MS. we thread pipe ana rent Getfer Count ere Apex Electric Plumbing. 1410 Broadway. Ph. 1-1M4 Open Frl. evea. Is Bat till I. Overhead steel (a rase with hardware. 3t)M. In. stalled (4lte. Galvanised eve trough. It'tjo per EPPINO LUMBER CO. T40 SILVERTON RD. PH. 4-612) 459 bo It Yourt.lf CHANCl YOUR OWN OIL Bur bulk oil at wholesale Eastern II ,c qt 11 D determent iaac Ot 2 (als. or more In your container We have all welghle PHI.NE OIL COMPANY 32U S Lancaster Dr LJ-Fix-It-Garape Repair your own ear Phone 4-51X1 SOvJ N Com'l 460 Muticol Instruments UPRIGHT piano for sale Ph Skyline 1-2DM. ACCORDION Rargams Hohner. with case $25; nilvsrtona with ras .riO; (ialantl with case 75 Tallmans. 305 S. 12th Near S P Depot BEAUTIFUL RosewoV.d grand piano, also Antique 'organ Lambert s. 211 So Comm HAWAIIAN gul tar amplifier. Ph 4-2711. CLEANUP SALE Discontinued models & floor samples Also several used spinet pianos aV organs. One repossessed 40-ln. man. spinet for bal of contract. Seo these REAL bargains before you buv. I ALWAYS your best buys at IOBEI.S Green Stampi ton': 31 Court St . Salem Ph. 4-8252 I PIANOS tuned and overhauled by the expert Mr. Helm. From Stienway and Knobe grands and some excellent uprights and New Wurlltier organa el so. See Wayne Muesey or anv one at H EIDER'S. Special price during our odds and ends sale. M3No. High PIANOS and organs from t4Sup HEIDERS 363 No. High. 42 SfQf Iqwpfwn SCHOOL Bim mad Into houae trailer. Ideal tor vacationa V huntinf Hat all ronv of trail er travels on own power, alao aluminum boat St 8 hp mo tor. Lou in Jennlfon. d Salem Rd . Dallas, across from li cense bureau. 14 FT boat w-5PEvi"nrude motor, Se at Bales & Brady Towing Servii e 14 FT Mahogany boat. 69 m beam, fiber flass bottom, windshield. 16 HP motor, re mote control trailer, all new. Ph. 4-4259 after ft. 17' CABIN cruiser, forward con trols. Evlnrude A tank trailer. A-l ond. $950 consider pick up as part pay. 1594 3. Lan caster Dr. -MAN rubber boat wmotor mount, pump A oars. Ph. 4-1881 after t p.m. 1-32 V-oort. Lite plant. In very good condition with g-31 volt (lubes. 185 00. 314 7th St. In' dependence, attentjonfIshermani Used Outboards All sires All Prices SHROCKS Highland A Portland Rd. Ph. 1-1413 CASH paid for used guns mod ern ano antique t,ascaae Mere. 1230 Broadway FLAT 14 ft hnttom boat ' St trailer $75. Ph. 2-2160 after 6 p.m. JU1 icyclei GIRL'S 20'- blrvcle. $23. Phone 4-4185. 468 For Rent, Mite. FOR RENT or lease ige ware house space cement floor brick bldg, downtown. In quire H. L. Stiff Furn . 3-1185 470 For Sale, Mit-e. USED TV sets, radio, phono graphs Freerers HI FI odds and end sale HEIDERS 363 No Hifjh. 1 WOOD lathe. horse motor. chisels Ar stand. $70. 314 7 111 St. Independence. CF.DAR post, bean post, shed poles, all types ai berry wire hh 4-juai. TOP SOIL & PIT RUN GRAVEL. I'll. 2-8553 1 SEARS 16" rotary elec. lawn mower. $30. 1 7 Coldspot Refng . M Ph 2-0595 STAMP Collection over 1 000 stamps. 3 albums At stamp hmges See at 980 Ratcllff Dr. after 4 30 & Sat. IUCHT0PS0liT DEL. $1 25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 WEDDING dress aire 10-11. Ph 4-5271. 18" I.AWNVIOWER reel type 1 only Must see It to believe It 2 18 vv k , will take tradel BATDORF'S HOME A- AUTO 1420 State St Ph 3-9582 LARGE sale of antiques Includ ing 2 sctlees A matching chairs Chinese oriental rug beautiful cut glass, oil palnt inps 6 prints, electrical ap plances including roaster, mixma-ter. pcriulalor vvalfle lion, broiler. Many miscellan eous articles, cofctume jewelry, lamps, baskets, books 185 S 15th Sale Wed thiough Sat. TOP SOIL I'll. 4-24M HP PAINT SPRAYER ON Dl'UBEH TIRE D WHEELS THIS IS A PROFESIONAL OUTFIT THAT ORIGINALLY SOLD FOR ABOUT $2511. 11 , IS IN A-l CONDITION ATI J125 187" LAN A AVE 1 TENNESSEE red cedar chest; , I'j H I' single fu7e motor Vi5 Hickory Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loan. ')il 2-1749 Prompt Delivery Keizer Sand a. Gravel Co. OPERADIO TABE HF.CORDER IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION $5 1870 LANA AVE. TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, cash registers, dupll cators, deaka, ehaire file sup plies Hoen s 456 Court .1-6773 2 670x15 tuheless tires. BIS , 3-.1M8 after 8. ' FHEE double laundry trav with Westlr.chnuse Isundromat 4 vi- old good cond $85 Ph I'-iilfl'i PRECISION CEICEII COi'NT ERS AT HALE PRICE 1870 LANA AVE OREi.ON Arnte mov. A lasper 1 e.-icli apate or raw 24:m Broadway I'h 3-.12H0 RECAPS"n0xl6 70xl5 Exch $6 $5. Lytle t Tire Mart WE VACATE. Rave'nn antiques now LAMBERT S, 215 So I Comm. ' '430 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Mitt. TOP SOIL Phone 1-1)71, l-nol lit m new Gym Dandy gym sets; large aet wsllds. 2V0. (ilen Woodry. 1006 N gummer. Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 24310 WEAR Cheater Comfort Shoes Geo. Master Work Unltorma. Sports Wear Ph. 4-H772 SALEM'S lowest overhead store Open 'til I Frl. evea. Glen Woodry. If4 N. Summer. USED truck ttres. Lytle'a Tire Mart. 130 N. Coml SELL OR trade 200 Weather by ral. rifle w-KV scope for late model 10 to 20 HP outbrd Choice) 1 boat trailers. gM 4-4M04. MISC. metal ahower stall. 122 M. Portable bar. tits, email ra dios. 110. Firescreen. 4 $ Fireplace tools, 14 M i pc oak dining set $11 $0 Used bunk beds wmattresaes. $44 44 Maple Hl-chalr $4 95 Chrome step stool. $4 as. Washing machines $1100. Wood circulators. $15 IX) And a 1 0O0 other bargains at Salem's lowest store Glen Woodry lairt N Summer USED' TIRES TRUCK PASSENGER Lytle's Tire Mart New Opnini( Spfciali Johrwon 7' h p motor flixtrtail $29 SO I hp mn'or, , V Nw fttutjtnts dttt. !7 !kO. Nw S-p? rhrom t. $M M Bfktf furniturt. J7M Silver ton Rd. PAINT- Ttn A-TTt9"fT. Glen Woodry, 140) N Summer. 3 H pririotor. 3;roy r" htkr 'Jti. Both good cond 3-9T7f tr9, tvp pfiwrr mowr in ooJ ihs.L. MS- Ph.4-34M 4 YR "StorkiiM' rrth At inner ipnrif mattretf, $27 50. Good a new. Ph -1791 DARK room equipment, en larger plus Cirnflrx camera, less than price. Ph. 1-404. 472 Wanted, Mite. WANT second hand weather vane. Ph. 4-8111 days STRAW, wheat or oats pre ferred. Call West Foods Inc . 9-315$. WANTED several thousand cordt of wood, all speclea. Ph. 1-7721 Nights. 4-M31 474 -MUajelloneoug" Broken Furniture Repaired We can repa'r anything that's broken in the furniture line. 4020 State St Ph. 1-7001 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HrV SERVICE IN MOST CAeES OR BARRY SEMLER. Dentist Adolph Bldg. State A ComT Its SALEM PH. 1-M1) ADDING machines, easti regis Clary. 117 Fairgrounds 1-6175 Prospecting Supplies Gelger St Scintillator countera. minerallghta Mercury de tectors, free Information, 0ECTRON1CS INC PH. 1-tOW g90 Lancaster Or. 476 Fuel Spring Special Mulch Sawdust, Fertilizer Block St Slab Wood West Salem Fuel 1529 Edgewater Ph. 1-4031 ANDERSON'S slabwood Ph 1-7751 or 4-2654. OREGON FUEL CO. Mulching Sawdust WOOD S St H Green Stamps Ph 3-5533 3017 Broadway Old Fir Wood. $11 Ph. Silverton 3-8481. West Salem Fuel Co. Sawdust, blower or bush out Planer and Pond LI Ilea. SPECIAL Semi-Dry Block a id Slab 1S25 Edgewater on j.4j HIGHWAY" FUEL CO SAWDUST St WOOD S-4H44 WAITED several thousand cords n. wood, all loeclea Ph 1-7711 Nights. 4-5833 Capitol Fuel Co. SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Choice alab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph 1-7711 SAWDUST for sale. 1 unit load. push out, $15. Ph. Gervala 2211. 00 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan $3,000.000 00 5 Construction Money now available for FHA, Gl or long term Conventional Mortgage Loans anywhere in the Wil lamette Valley Mnnev also easily available for existing home loans Call S-3ISI STATE FINANCE CO.. 167 So High St . Salam. Ore $1500.00 Now you can borrow $1 504) frim uv on furniturt, auto, trllrr houiws ind fquipmnt W are happy that after 21 yrari are able to extend this additional servir to you. 137 S. rnm'l, S-iirni, Orrj"n ral Finance CORPORATION PHONE 3-9161 WE HAVE cash buyers for real estate contracts snd 2nd mort gages Oh mart St Ctlsbs. Resi'ort 477 Court St Phono 2-411J COLONIAL Investment Ce Real Propertv Loam Contracts Purchased 6$7 Court s-g.i LOANS $50 00 to $1500 00 Buy What You Seed Consolidate your hills. Finance tnrojgh WILLA VETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S Church St Ph 14.17 PRIVATE money to loan on Eatate. 8 Interest Ph 2-07S4 J2S to Jl'eOO Pacific Industrial Loans 118 tLlbrr!v Ph 4-an? Rawlins Realty Co. Re h I estate loans con-'ruction A permanent loans ti05 ( he nieketa. I'h 4-617S. nyettmentt FOR SALE Several shares Thomas K Woolen Mill Sloik Box II tlateiman-JournsL TO PLACE AD 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted" CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone t-0834. $54 14 winter Adloining Preabytertan enure free Barking in real Eaclts give baunga ea all type of employment. REG. Pharmacist will be be Stale Institution, foe I mo. beginning about June 15th. Wary Open. Con tart Mr. Dav id aicKeoxm busioeae Mar Oregon Rtate Tuberculosis Hoopital. RL I. Bog U. gaiem, Ph 4-U83 j APPLICATIONS are boss eelog taken for Btatesmaa axcyeie routes) teveral reutee art 11 be aoen. A poll cants must be ae- companied by their pe rents of have their written atermls- aion A poly at the Circulation Iepartmel eg ue vitamsa- Joumai. 604 Help Wantegl, Mew MAN to work on nin farm steads f'.r right man tea Chester Tucker at Stacey Fur Farm any day except Satur day IMMEDIATE Vasenty for Multl- hth ooeratnr Involvtrg 1230 Mul figraph machine Salary within $20 to t-sw range dependent upon quolifira'.tons Contact Geo Sanders, state t-ivu aerv Commission, vntrsir: man wanted foe res taurant work, experience helpful but not nersary ' Must be able to seal with the public. Apply mornings be tween t A f Oak Bartseque rn or ran mm nuoi. e-ew. for appotntment. W ANTED experienced rug aaTee- man. essaoiisneo toiu ovin. Apply personnel office. Lip- mans saiem FURNACE cleaning man. Apply In person Sat. morning 1047 8 Com 1 rVus-Bf rMrrh rulta television technician Reference. Mitchell Radio r Television lamsute WANT-several wood curie's Apply CaplUl Fuel Co, WOO N River Hd. 606 Help Wqntoo', Lady MIDDLE aged woman to Baby Sit It live in. $50 mo Inq at 1397 Williams Ave. after a p in. MIDDLE aged woman as house- Keeper. 2 in lamuy. au moss conveniences, must live In. Ph. 4-55t. FULL or part time beautician. Call Salem i-uag ROOM board It wales for worn en 25-40. with or without . . ttOUU Whngf, 'or,..J),e.lP In motherless nome no srmir. or drinking. Ph. 1-4811 after ' ELDERLY lady for companion housekeeper for elderly gen tleman in quiet country nome Wages Keith Alien. Jefferson. Oregon. WOMEN lt-55 to address and mail our circulars at home on commission. Write GIFT FAIR (Dept. ti Springfield Penna. EXPERIENCED girl for general office work It bookkeeping I day week. References re quired. Ph. 1-SI4S daytime S5t Pickers Wanted REGISTER now by mall to Brooksie. Rt. t. nog lie ror strawberry plcaere. Trent. furn. STRAWBERRY pickers register now for platoon, aquiu at children over u. irane. rur nlshed clean field, rloae In I. Ph. Mrs. Jamea Gardner 1-gsoi STRAWBERRY plckere register now for platoon, adulta St children, transportation furn. 30 Acrea North West Berries Ph. Mra. Helen Shoemaka JsM. REGISTER now for Strawberry platoon. 40 A. N. Weai berries, very clean field In Ketser area. Bua transportation. Chil dren over 11 sauna, r-n Mrs. H. Bsrnett 4-34S1 or 3-883.1. sitpsurVrrv Platoon organ lung 40 A. wear neiier. irana portatinn by but. adulta St children over is. arinwr uj mailing card to leader Mre Ken Robinson. 1400 Wooddale. Ph. l-833. o)0 Un Help Wanted PIANO ft Organ Salesman. 14" commission guarantee. Write Box 1! Statesman-Jour nal stating age. experience a. etc. SALESMAN or woman M yrt or older, car necessary, lor Salem area. Wa furnish all leads and know how to train vou to make a good living Generous commission and bonus Ph mgr. collect. 4501 McMinnville for appointment. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALLMAN for desirable down town office Guaranteed amount of advertising. Best working conditions SALEM PROPERTIES 367 N High Ph 4-0131 Good opportunity for a work er Retirement plan. Insur ance and hospital. Real op portunity for advancement, salary and incentive wage Car, training progrsm. Give full details, schooling and past employment. Apply Box 10. Statesman-Journal. SALESMAN wanted for" Salem territory. Covering four coun ties to represent over thirty factories, selling consumer de mand goods tn all types of re tail stores. Man selerted must have had experience calling on retail stores or had pre viously owned his own busi ness Straight commission. 1m mediste earnings. Home every night Earnings over (10. 000 00 per year. Accounts already es tablished Call Mr S. A Sed lo k at Marlon Hotel May 4th 5th for interview Experienced Sewinf? Machine Salesmen & Serviceman SALARY It COMMISSION With Ihe mmplete line of sew ing rtiflchine. we rarry ' If vou rani earn hetler han ilofl prr 'a eek neither of m r,tn aff 1 1 d the other Applv M-.n Tiien A Wed Between 8 to Id a ti 455 Court St APPLY TODAY!" FnfiT'nr, open Tt? siTeJtrnan fn o ir Se rf Mat hint and VrH-uur" Clean Dept Must b'- neat in appearanre be willing to work "titslde-car net raT- nr'ri not he expert- pji'rd t..n fiipifMPP nene f ; i ! Prrionnel Dept 2-l SEARS ROEBUCK & CO, 'jM N f'apilol AI'I'I.IAM F salesn an Make as n. :i h a. It', commission aell li t pianos K organs. Only, top nien need spply. For Informa tion v rite Box 13 Statesman Journal, stating age, experi ence etc. Statesman, Salrm, Org., Frl.. 600 Employment 410 Sates Help Wanted I MORE melt to leant heating ousineaa. Aseurea ruture. We train you, guaranteed salary If Sou qualify. Apply In person at. morning only, 1007 I Coml. EXPERIENCED man. Fine of fie. Lota of advertising. Ram sey Realty, 417 Ferry. MAN to distribute 4s 4ta1 up ruiier airuaii eauo " ! tnanm. aa atarL t-tVJai 611 W.rfc WantqJ, Utm ROTO-TILLING WORK t4$ pee tseur. ftv t-74g. It YR old boy wants rrmmer srorg June 1st. P. S-W71. ROT OVA TING work tree, seeek ends. J Hathaway Ph t-xa WOOD CUTTING REAI. RATES PH 4-1B4 ROTO-TILLING PH. 05.-4 HOME building remodeling noua framing ar any lire of earpsmter nek pit, 4t27S ROTOTILUNO PH. Vt233 or 1-2211 CEM1NT Work. PV 4-ttu SKte- waika, petto, ret wall, fa rages, hernia. Free estimates PROFESSIONAL uph'.lsterlng rets Guaranteed Free est. $tck-us, delivery. Ph. 2-4204. SoTO-TU-UNG. Ifl-'n. lUTf. Roto-hoe. ph. after g p ra., l-aL MARRIED man wants brooder house work. sxp. Boa 11. Ststeeman-Journal. , EXPERT brush or apray point Ing. Hr. or contract Ph. 4-1011 MAN. snechaalcl. tools. "drive truck nr will take anything Ph 1-1M aw for John Antifa YARD WORK, lawn mowing spading, etc. Ph. 1-14(0 after II pa. HOWARD ratanrsung, new lawns prroarea. ire eatunatea. J-yfcS or 4-tML WANTED: Job oa mink at tur key farm. Pooa 741. ROTOTIIJJNO RICHARD RAS. PR. t-tTlt EXPERT carpenter, resnodellng all kind Cabinet work, re go anywhere. ExUno 1-7411 TILLING' Howard Rotovator. Ph. 4-M2J or I-U34. Mat eiK Sat pie. CUSTOM PLOWING tV discing. es so per nr. rn. s-liu. GARDEN PLOWING DISC- ING PH. 1-1 1 21 W. A. LA. FI.EMMI 1S41 tANCAJTIB DR. CUSTOM plowing It dlaking. israaonaose. v.ail a-aJS. PAINTING - FretT Estlmatet Rejeonabla.Ph: 1 6t$"eveai' CARPENTER WORK, day ar contract 1-141 or 1-14M LAWN Mowing wanted by Andy Anderson. "Ti. 4-0441. ROTOVATING PH. VM76S Painting Ph. 3-7552 PLOWING A- discing. Ph 1-177$ Albert trert ni Monro. HOWARD Rotovstlng, garden, new lawn prepared. l-aM. CUSTOM ROTOVATLNG- NO. SALEM ARIA. PH. 4-477$ LAWN mower sharpening, low prices, work guar Ph. 4-4081. tree service Spray, top ping, prune, cabling. 4-1501. ROTOR Y Tilling I Viang tlUer) world finest Ph. 4-4UU ar 4-S444. Free estimate PRUNING, (praying, topping, re- movaL u w. cauat. t-itai. 614 Work Wantodl, lady EXPERT child care. My dame. 1545 Trade. Ph. 4-S084. WOULD like to room It board child from 1 on u by day. week or month, or it could at an elderly lady. Ph. 4-4177 LOVING supervised child cam, Bo. Salem, rn. i-aai. HOUSEWORK, t day week. Ph. 4-8358. CHILD CARE In my horn. Keiier Dlst. 1-4104. CHILD CARE my horn tl da. He hr. 4 Corners. Ph. 1-1572 EXPERT child car, my home Ages 1 tn 4, 1 da wit Near Capitol. Ph. 4-1171. EXPERIENCED achool girl wishes baby sitting )ona eve ninga. Jan Ntlaon. 155 W Browning Ave. WANT child care In my home 1119 day. 1-248. BOOKKEEPER, yeara of experl ence. will handle private or small firm accounts In my home Pay roll, atatements etc Ph. 3-0804. EXCELLENT CHILD CARE My home. W. Salem. Ph. 4-1524 WILL cars for 1 children In my home by month. 4-234. TAILOR made slip rovera mad In my home. Bertha Handicy, formerly of Roberts Bros. Ph 4-6482. 780 Highland. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mra Poe. 641 N. 16th. Ph 1-1641 SEWING - Dressmaking. In my nome, all types, fit. l-aaai WANTED Ironing In my horns ion N. (tn. i-isia. 615 Situations Wanted ROTOVATING So. Salem Area. Ph4-1.T02. PI AST THING and patching Free estimates. Phl-7770 Lawn Mower Sharpened. 3-7847 U V. Sharer. 1210 N. list CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tions, retaining wails, cement or pumice block. Fres estl matea Ph. MJS0 EXI'F.RT spray, brush painting paper hanging your paint or mine Free est Terms. Ph Nelson .1-8401. 2-8243 BRICK and block work, guar- Ph 4-64.15 LIGHT crawler dorer, leveling grading. 3-7042 L. Kurlh PAfNTING. brush ft spray Fres estimates Ph. 1-B25. DOZING- LEVELING Ph l-(52 D PANTOV1CH PAINTINC, papering Free esti mates Don Lurero. 3-5522. NEW lawns complete, free set I 3-8445 morn., 4-2H41 uv immedTatesfrvice pi ow ING ft DISCING PH. 1-9.100 SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation. Repsir Sewsrs, Septic Tanks. Drain Fields. Power Ditching, Backfill Ph 2-35i or3-5072 I CARDEN ft lawnwork wanted with rotovator Vincent Kramer 1154 Lansing Ave Ph S-3IM LAND CLEARING D-l Hr. L C Mitchell Ph. 1-5.137 CARPENTER work, any kind ress 4140 Mscfssv Rd 4-5l VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co Excavating Grading Ph 1-168$ CARPENTER Jobs new A re modelln( reas 4-14-4 2-2958 PLflWING s. discing D Mar" shall 2-1.14.1 EXPrRT-homenilld!ni"Are"-modeling Phone 4-75T7 'j. vd shovel, crane, hoe. drg. line 25-ton mobile ersnes. D4. D7 cats carry all elesr Ing blade Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND t GRAVEL 1401 N, front St Ph. 11441 hy 4, '56 (Sec. IV)-CT 600 Employment 415 Sitwotiot Wantesi ROAD C HADING Roy Hancock, ph. 44351 CUSTOM plowing 14 per hr. I f-res It up. Ph. 4-1541 eve. Bntr Gordoa. MT Byrm TRKES apertly mnisssdi? Urttax4 Call Mr. Osburee, 1-OU4. ill 'liiKotiaat' WTST Coast DrtveT TrainiaX Sk . I " 700 Rentals 702 Sleeo. lm; tea raj COMFORTABLE rm. do ha. BOAiD AND KOOl tN I St CLEAN lijM houa keepinf ra L'-Z? MEN. TV. den a. pvt. ml ISO N Capitol. Ph. 4-41 K NICELY turn, troat ran. tit JC Winter. T. VTSLIIPINO rm. frtendly rrtrn. man. $J bord 1-laaa HOME away (rem horn. Pad lunehaa. Man. la M an. sJLtAN. warm rma. T.V, tlaae n. aia m. winter. g-lTn, WANTtxr-TM,, to room Si board, tm H, Capttoi REAS. attractive rm. eloaa to. pri. nt. 1-741L 4-7147. 703 WantedT Rms., Soarti NICE 4-rm. turn. apt. 1411 It, Cottage, n. HmT 70S Asrtmawts Foe Kont FURNISHED kaekelar as I Mrm. Apt 1114 Fetrfroundg Bd. PH. 1-JU4 before r i-toao srtsT DESIRABLE nicely furn, quiet" ' neeieo apt. Adult, tfif w. winter, fh. 1-ttM oe t-114. CLEAN 1 em e., . ZZl r-r? : r- wis "' iett MOUll (1 H, Coml. MOD. nice 1 rm tura e. fi . Utll. M aia b I. Com'l. rUW.. newly decora tl. I block City Mall. Ph. l-3au CLOSB tn. clean. 4 rm-'batiC Mtiiitsg. .... . a y srt rwin i.L'"' "CuC laundry, quiet area, rent ra aonabl. tut 1 1th M.. utU., fur, pvt bath, ' nt. rxefrle na IMS, l,.i,7 i"RM fttrn: abt twtri7l4erB1 Cottage, 1-47. - CAPITOL PLAZA t ansu tTmattBkixi m Chemektta St Ph. IMMt CLEAN t roeai court apt King wsnw Lourn. are Bt w. Be let Laundry tacllltle. Ph, v-sBis morn, or eve, aner a. UNFURN. I bdrm. court snt stange. remg. auBun, I-wot. FURN apt. sUsm hstat. ph. wasning taciiiuea a-aoai. CLEAN t rm. funs. bu. (raa. wry a. lain. RMS. furn.. pvt bath, near Memorial Hoe. At auM Bld(& 40 MUL HO to rure. I rm. pvt. oarns. Aouin. itrr n c a pi tot. VERY desirable unfurn. apt. wttn view. Large living room, t bedroom, strictly modern, v. sins . turn i. rn. -, COR I bdrm. rum. court apta. mi uui rum. weexiy monthly nit, P. 1-172 DSGE 1 RM. FURN. APT'. CLOSE LN SO. PH. 44ML VERY ttrctlv akaii 4 furn. ground fir, ant I biks t state bid. A Capitol abopping. Ph. Mt3. , . CLEAN t rm. furn, bsm't utlla- " pvt. oath, lilt K. lth. 1-7441. VERY desirable completely turn, ateam neatea apt Near MAP (tor. Adult. Sundbtrd . Apt. Ph. 1-5241 or MUl NEWLY decorated I bdrm mode era turn, eourt aet, Ht w, Salem. PK 4-4(71 ae ev. 1-471. 1 RM. furn. apt. for rent 401 ft. winter, FURN. pullman apt., adult. IMS w, tapitoi. rn. i-tam. Ut FLOOR turn uuX. cloaa la. $.11 50. Ph. 1-ttat. FURN. apU, Utll pd. except gag. tio up. 17 N. cora t PR. 4-tseo 1 RM. furn. apt. utll. tura. 141.10. 4-1441, iai Marion. UNUSUALLY nice 1 rm. (round fir. furn apt Cloaa in. rea Ph. 1-7130. 1 RM. apt. all utll. furn ftl union, m. -gji. 1 OR 1 furn. apt. all utll. fur. S97 N. Liberty g-74a. 1 RMS. with pvt bath, ph front 1 to t. 1-1583 or 3-5833. ATTRACTIVE clean 1 rm. turn, apt. Pvt. Close In. Garag. tM. Ph. 1-7830. FURN. 1 RM apt. with bath. Vacant lib. (31 N. summer. ATTRACTIVE 1 rm. ground fir. Close In. $70N. Church. FITRN. 1 rms. and bath, close In. single only. Ph. 1-40B4. NICE 1 RM. furn. apt Prlv. ent and bath. Call at 10 g. 12nd after 4pm. WEBER Court turn. apt. elee. hest, range refng. Launory fsril 1680 S. 11th Bt. Mgr. 4-94M CLEAN 1 rm. apt. Private bath. children accepted. 134 10. PH. 4-4020 or 3-141 2-PDRM. apt, range A refng, furn Salvador Apta Ph. 1-14 WII l7 shtre mr "flat w-wnrklng mother w-ehild or single lady. 180 N llth betcire 1 p m. Apt 4 REDKC 2 bdr-: furn ant, n children Outside eci A gar den spot (vidd ksctlon. Ph. .1.5,12.1 or 4-!i; J RM ft bsth nice y furn., ftC vat ent. me V. Ph. 4-17$t CLOSE srcsll rum. apt . lit, utilities 765 M anon. 1-5121 CLOSaTln" nwty"dc- I bdrm, furn apt 570 Union NICE f rm. furn ant llH Chemeketa Ph. 1-TOS4 J RM "furn." apt. pvt tath. T0B N. Liberty Ph 2-s47 CLE A lutaTl A 1-rm. aptA 833 Ferry VERY nice furr, 1 rm. apt. IITf Court FURN apt at MsV Mahrt Asa. $30 per mo Ph 1-444 FURN 4-rm spt with ovt bstiC women or.'; as N H'gh BASEMENT fur- M TtoCapl tol utll rd He .1-4154 NEWl Y dc f ir- I -Tl ktt chere'i- "eat A wster fjrn. J-RM furr est bath ent. utiL pd $J0 183CFer-TPh 4-4157. J-RM pert furr. apt $23 :'St Center S- SPARKl INC, clean' 1 bdrm us furn aoj S srrmer l"R apt furn" ttt'S. 12th. p 3-HI5 3RI r:cr rum Apt. Prlvst ent r ev hest, Pi. 4-5900 J RM furn pvt bath. uul. pd, (sr av ail 1JAJS tattr J RM furn apt pnv bath ft ent. Suitable for cpl 1111 Mill. CL.EANl-rm. front apt GrounS fir . refni, stove utilitie furn.. pnv. bath. Ph. t-714t , ' t, t i '55 8