The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1956, Page 33, Image 33

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    Low, Clear Streams.
The Oregon State Gam Com
mission Thursday issued lti week
ly report on fishing conditioni
In the state, and predicted "good
to excellent" prospects for an
fieri. Most streams particularly
those In the North East area,
are said to be low and clear. The
commission's report:
North coast streams are low
and clear, and water Is beginning
to warm ap so angling prospects
should Improve. Upstream an
gling In Tillamook, Nestucea,
Salmia river area Is expected to
be poor. Lower parts of streams
will be best Tidewater boat an
gling will probably be down from
Senators Halted
By Rain, Leave
For Road Jaunt
Statesman Sports Editor
Rain paid its first convincing visit of the Northwest League base
ball season last night at Waters Field, and washed out the scheduled
ialem Senators-Spokane Indians ball game The day-long showery
.veather, plus the fact that South Salem High's Saxons and the Bend
ava Bears played a doubleheader at the park, rain and all. during
he afternoon, made it impossible to prodrre the final clash of the
North, South
In Oval Clash
Annual Meet Today
At dinger Field
Another North vs. South ath
Ichp biccie in local prep ranks
-(.p forth this afternoon when
Ihe Nmlh Salem Vikin;s play
;,,,vt tn the Smith Salem Saxons
n :h"ir annual dual track and
held meet on Olinjtcr Field. The
rl.ih has a starting time of 3:30
( nach GusUf son's Saxons
and Ken Hunt's Vikings were.op
ponents in a quadrangular ses
sion here earlier in the season,
hut this will be their first and
only dual outing of the campaign.
Saioos Favored
The Saxons are undefeated so
far this year and figure ss favor
les in today's go. Coach Hunt of
the Vikings said last night that'tom and will he available only for
he is banking heavily on Jimmy the home games until summer re-
Norval to "bring home the ba
con" in the 100, 220 and broad
jump events Hunt added that
he is hopeful Jimmy Backstrand
in the javelin contest will have
one of his better days.
In the low hurdles, Hunt will
go with Don Harris who has
shown his heels to several top
runners this season.
Deadly in High Hurdles
The Saxons are expected to be
deadly in the high hurdles what
with Bruce Patterson carrying
the southside colors. The elusive
Bruce is considered to be one of
the top trick prospects in the
state by many and wiJJ draw
much attention today.
Other Saxons carrying Coach
C.ustafson's hopes will be Jack
Scott in the 100 and 220: Ted
Foxley in the javelin; Loren
Blaco in the mile; Ken Loganbiel,
high jump; and Jim Robinson,
shot put.
Sauer Soon
To Come Back
ST WIS - Big Hank Sauer. !
who nearly lost an ear to a flying
hat. is expected to be available
for duty with the St. Louis Cardi
nals in three or four days.
The 37-year-old outfielder was
reported ' in "good'- condition
Thursday a! Jewish Hospital and
in no danger of losing his left
Dr. 1. C. Middleman, club phy
sician, said it look some 50
stitches to patch up Hank's ear
and 12 additional stitches were
needed for a cut inside his upper
lip. There are lacerations of the
ear canal but the ear is expected
to heal properly.
X rays of the skull and jaw were
Sauer was hit by a bat that
slipped out of the hands of veter
an catcher Walker Cooper during
pre-game batting practice Wed
nesday night.
North Marion
Loses Coach
HIGH SCHOOL, Aurora (Special)
Dean Nice, head basketball
coach at North Marion High for
the past few seasons, has taken
a similar post at the new Rey
nolds High in Portland, effective
next term. The former Willam
ette University athlete will also
be assistant baseball coach.
Principal Pat Beal of North
Marion is moving to Reynolds
Hiah also, as principal.
Only recently football coach
Reuben Baisrh resigned here io
lake the erid job at Wondburn
Hiah. Jim Hale, coach at Mill
t ity High, has been hired to
coach football here, but replace
ments will be needed for both
Nice and Beal.
Aragon Whips Carter
gon, 14.i'j, W! Angeles, gave
Jimmy Carter. 139. New York. Robinson's wife gave him 35 featherweight, meets Kid Chestnut 'cwwell. to break a six same lne Richard Gonzales vs. Tony
a bad beating and won the unam- kisses and the hotel where he is in a nationally-televised 10-round conference lrsinit streak In ear- Trabert. will play in Portland
mom decision in 10 rounds before staying, preparing for his title , fight Friday night, beginning at fi her games with Pacific the Cats 'IV 27 Tnp lour promoted by
a turnaway crowd of 10,000 at fight with Bobo Olson May IB. 1 p m. PST NBC will carry (he!h,-oke even in a pair, but then Jack Kramer, will be under spon
the Olympic Auditorium Thursday presented a huge cake, replete bout Hamia is the third-ranking j lost three to Linfield and two,sorship here of the Portland In-,
night. with a boxing ring and gloves. I world featherweight. to the Whitman Missionaries. I door Tennis Club. J
level at opening weekend but
will produce some good catches.
Fly fishing in tidewater may be
good. Tillamook bay chlnook an
gling should Improve. Lake Lytle
and Spring lake may be fair to
good for trout and bass. Jetty
fishing has been spotty. The Sius
law, Alsea, and Silets rivers
should produce good fishing. Ex
cellent results were had from
these streams last week with
many limit catches. Mercer, Mun
sel, Slltcoos, and Tahkenltch
lakes appear to be only fair. Buck
lake should produce good angling.
Salmon angling has been good
on the Willamette river. Angling
In Multnomah channel has been
1 S.iicni Spoknnp scries
Thii ended the first home stay
nr the Senators, as thev today take
lti the road for initial apwntances
abroad villi the Yakima Bears and
Wenaichce Chiefs
Games at Yakima are slated for
tonieht, Saturday and Sunday, and
at Wenatrhee on Monday through
Thursday The Senators then re
turn to Waters Field Fridav. May
11, to play Lewiston and Tri-City
in that order.
Whitson to Hurl
Bill 'Red1 Whitson. jvho Vas
slated to hurl lat right's finale
here, is slated to go tonight against
t'n(;!e Hugh l.uhy will be forced
to make a major change in his
regular lineup while on the road,
for center fielder Jack Dunn will
not be with the club at all, and
second sacker Mel Krause will
play only in the Yakima series.
They have school teaching and
coaching committments in Port
land until the school term is out.
Also, pitcher Andy George will
miss the road trip. He's doing
some teaching in the Salem svs
Rookies to Play
"Not having those men will
hurt," Luby said last night, "but
I've got some untried kids on the
club I want to take a good look
at. and this road trip will give me
the opportunity."
Infielder I,en Costa and outfield
ers Hel Kelley and Bill Martin are
the ones to which Luby refers.
For their first home stand the
Senators won five of six, copping
the five in a row. Attendance was
considered very poor, as the total
reads 5145. Time was when the
residents of Waters Field drew al
most that many for their opening
Tlrkrts Still Available
The club's season tickets and
special ticket books are still on
sale at the ball park, Wicklund
Sporting Goods. Stevens & Son
Jewelry, Mootry Pharmacy and Os
car Knger Insurance. The Sena
tors' big "World Series Prize" an
all-expense paid trip for two to the
1956 World Series will be given
away on Sunday, May 13. between
Karnes of the doubleheader with
Lewiston. Only those season ticket
buyers who have paid for their
tickets will be eligible to win the
valuablf Pr"c
(Prep Baseball)
North Salem at (orvallli, 3 JO
,ll)in al Lebanon. .130
l'auifch Cards i. I.iavs 3 30
Leslie Blues vs. Golds, 1 II
Serri at YVoodbuin. 2:30
Sllvrrton at Stavton, S O0
North Marion at Cascade. 2:30
Gervals at Mt. Ante!. 2 30
Salem Arademy al Sherwood, 2:30!
Yamhill at Hanks. 2 00
Wlllamlna at Sheridan. 2:30
Perrvdale al Dayton 2:lu
Jellerson at Sublimity. 2.1
Chemawa al AniKy, 2 .30
(Prep Trark)
South at North Salem. 3 30
(orallls at Albany, 3:30
Sweet Home at Lebanon. 3:30
Willamette Valley League Meet at
Monmouth. t:Jtl
(Collete Baseball)
Willamette at Pai Ifir t . 3:00
College ol Idaho at I Infli ld. 2 30
IKK at Portland I'msersits. 2 30
Washington at l.ri" n Stale. 3:00
(Colle-i ... i all I
College ol l(l:ilio l i iiiiitl, ":30
l.rwls ii C lark at I infield, 2 30
Waahlncton at (IreRmi ..,!,
(Collere Track I
Whitman at Willamette l I 10
Oretnn State Portland I at Lewis
li Clark. 1:30
(Auto Raelnf)
Hard Tops at Hollvwood Bowl,
time trials 7:30
Oreinn Golf Association Champion
of Champions tnurnev at Salem
Sugar Counts
Birthday 35
weight champion Sugar Ray Rob-
! inson and his family, plus an 18-
member entourage, celebrated his
135th birthday Thursday at his
mountain training camp at San
Reported for Weekend; Conditions
poor because of muddy waters.
The Tnalatia river and tributa
ries aro low and clear; angling is
expected to be peer to fair. The
Sandy, Clackamas, and Molalla
riven are clear, but the cold
waters are expected to provide
only alow angling. Detroit reser
voir should Improve as water
warms up. but prospects are only
fair for the weekend. Trolling or
still fishing with ball Is probably
best bet North Ssntiam is still
high and murky with prospects
poor. Fair possibilities may be
found in the lower Santlam for
native cutthroat Abiqua creek Is
in good condition but prospects
only fair. Rivers In the southern
'Wow! What a Mess o' Whoppers!'
So beams Monte Adams, 12-year-old of 4181 Bluff St, Salem, while admiring limit catch of Odell
lake's famed landlocked salmon (bluebacks) bagged and brought home this week by Curt Fer
guson, one of the Salem Senators baseball directors. The fish measured around 18 inches in length
and amount to one of the finest catches of the young season. They've been on display at Wicklund
Sporting Goods Store. (Statesman photo).
Ducks Hand Cougars
Oregon Stars
In Top. Shape
dy's opposition for the most part
is on the scene Thursday, set to
give the Australian world record
holder a run for a mile in his
attempt to break four minutes or
better in Memorial Coliseum Sat
urday. Here are Ron Delany, Villano-
va's unbeaten miler; Jim Bailey
and Bill Dellinger from the Uni-
v ere it v nf Orppfin
I U to and
I '
1 national LuurKim: nun
champions. respectively
C. .......... Ik unrA Vif mlla rat
ord holder, and two Los Angeles,
State College runners, Jerome j
Walters and Danny Schweikart.
In Top Shape
All were reported in top shape
and ready to go in a race that
will be nationally televised, with
the Los Angeles area blacked out,
' p. ,,f nl"jn,di'
over the Columbia Broadcasting
System network.
., ,, . r.
Calling the race will be H U.
Thoreau. track expcit and publici -
ty director at the University of
Southern California.
I'SC is the host of the day. and
r,ln,i forooltnn ic tho fict thil
national Champion Trojans
will meet UCLA in a regular Pa
cific Coast Conference meet for
the mythical dual meet title of
the nation.
Added Attraction
The mile added attraction will
he sandwiched in between events
and is slated to be run between
2 4.i and 3pm. Pacific daylight
l.andy holds the world record at
3n. set at Turku, f inland, in
IQU TiiMee this VMr in Australia
he has hit 3:586.
Dolanv has a best time of 4 04.9,
and while he declined to make
any predictions, an associate de-
clared Landy would have to run
3:59 to beat the 20-year-old stu -
dent from Dublin, Ireland.
Hamia Fights Tonight
NEW YOKK1 Special1 Cherif
Hamia, sparkling young French
end of the Willamette valley are
slightly high but clear. The Mc
Kcnile and tributaries are ex
pected to provide good catches
for the weekend. The Willamette
river above Oakridge should be
fslr, and the section of the-Willamette
between Oakridge and
Lookout Point reservoir should
be good. A few nice .catches are
being made on the Long Tom
river both above and below Fern
Ridge reservoir. Row river Imme
diately above and below Dsrena
reservoir is providing some good
catches. Dftrena reservoir is ex
pected to be fair. Cottage Grove
reservoir Is fair to poor. Dexter
and Lookout Point reservoirs are
Set 'to
j northwest i.eagi e
w L Pet. w l Pet
Salem s i i?3 Spokane 2 4 .333
J J ? Ir'-C!,v ? I
Lewiston 2 1 .667 Venalcti u 6 .UW)
Yakima 4 2 667
Thursday results: At Salem-Spo-
Kane, rain; al tugene-weraicnee.
; rain,
it Yaklma-Tn-City, rain.
rnl,r,v v l"lnl . r. r.
W L Pel W L Pet
Sacram M 7 .667 S n,n ll l.l 45B
Z O.n'vr'iM :5S
618 Pnrtind s 14 .364
Seattle 19 B
Los An 1.1 S
3 K
Anies. rain: at Vancouver 6 San
wru i, en. ntiuj wtmu i-o. ami r i n -
claco 0-7; at Seattle 2. Sacramento 5
W I. Pet W I. Pel
i Nw York it s 643 Boston 6 6 son
Chlcaeo 9 3 625 Kn ( llv 5 7 .417
cieveind s 5 fits Detmn 5 b m
Wshnittnn 7 .53.1 Biimnte ski 333
Thursd;,v r,.,ul),; A) New vrk ,
Kansas Cltv . at Boston 3. Detroit
:, at Baltimore i. Cleveland 7. at
v.0shinetc,n 7. ihi...i,. 4
national l.KAiifK
1 ii-.i, X , 1h,,i,'? V 'm
si umis 7 .win Yik 7 6 sss
Brooklyn 8
371 Phlbd.l 5 7 417
3 250
Thursday results At St Louis .'I.
Brooklyn 7: at Milwaukee-New York,
rain; at ( ineinnatl 1. Pittsburgh 5,
only games scheduled
Bearcats Play
Pacific Club
Coach John Lewis and his Wil.,average to 603 in six games. Mad-
lam.ttl. Roar-col. ht.elr inin.doX' Wi,h tnrrf f"r foUr- nad the
Northwest Conference baseball
'play todav, in a 3 p.m. game at
Forest Grove with the Pacific
University Badgers.
The Bearcats have a Bush
1 Field game set for Saturday here.
with the College nf Idaho Covotes
at 2 30 o'clock. The Coyotes are
at Linfield today, and Linfield
plays host to Lewis & Clark on
,.,. ,..., .,r,,. i ,u u,,.l
good to excellent. Triangle lake
should be fair.
Striped bass fishing Coos
river is fair to good; shrimp, kelp
worms, and crab-backs best bait
Perch and flounder fishing off
Charleston dock continues good.
Trout anrling In Mllliroma river
system will be poor to fair. South
fork of Coos river, Tioga creek.
and Williams river should be fslr
to good. The east and middle
forks of Coouille river should be
good, north fork of Coquille poor
to fair, and south fork of Co
quille fair. Flies have produced
bert results particularly in the:
east, middle and south forks of
1st Loss
Ties 'Em Up
EUGENE, Ore. Oregon re-
: lief pitcher Stan Dmochowsky
, shut out Washington State College
, for seven innings Thursday as the
1 niversuy oi uregon nanueu me
Cougars their first loss of the
1956 Northern Division base ball
.M M , .
campaign, 13-9, on a rain-soaked
field here.
WSC remains in first place with
seven wins and one loss.
Dmnrhniikv renlneerl Terrv
umocno:ky repiaeea lerry
Maddox after two men were out
'he second inning and after
WSC had taken a 9-3 lead. He
, jf hfd oreless ball the res. of
; I" "ay. allowing only two hits,
M 1 ilMllg Ultl l Mice dilU Wdllklll);
our. Dmohowsky retired the last
1 15 Cougar batters in a row.
I Both Start Fast
Both teams started fast, each
i. r;.
ning, all on home runs. Joe Trem-
hv hit a lhroe.rlin homer for the
,.- , .. M jjH ,h
i ougars and .Matwox ma ine same
for the Wehfoots
' With the scored lied 9-9 in the
sixth inning. Omochowskv as the
10th Oregon baiter in that inning
. singled through the box to drive
in Maddox and George Simpson
with the winning runs Maddox
had gone to left field after
Dmochowsky replaced him on the
j mound.
I Leading Hitters
; Third baseman Bill Mashbitrn
:;is Washington Slate's leading
hitter with two fur five, including
: a double and two runs batted in.
I Shortstop John Keller was the
'Oregon slugger. Kelting three hi's
in five trips to fatten his batting
home run and ,wo smlcs wlln
flve RB,S Jlm Plfhpr hai two
doubles and drove in three runs,
Wash. State W) 000 000 9 '3
0rpKn 300 026 20x 13 11 1
Bartow, Plummcr 5i. Freeman
"'"f" ana nicer .viaaaox,
dmochowsky 2 and Bowen.
Tcilllits Star DllP
' '
it tit t i.'Vsii r ine touring
professional tennis troupe
J A v- Aj
'Good' for
the Coquille river and the south
fork of Coos river. Trout angling
should be good on Garrison and
Floras lakes and Elk and Chetr
river. Angling on Sites rivrr
thoold be fair. Pistol, Hunters
creek, and Winchuck poor. Salm
on fishing on the lower Rogue
Is improving and should be fair
to rood. Water conditions are lm-1
proving steadily. Prospects for1
trout anding on the upper and
middle Rogue river are oncer-:
tain far this coming weekend, but
with continued warm days the
fishing will probably remain slow.'1
The lower Apple gate may show
Creek reservoir and Fish lake I
Jackson county may slack off!
Mantle Bashes
7th Over Fence
The New York Yankees backed into first place in the American
League Thursday, even though they dropped an 8-7 decision to the
Kansas City Athletics, when Jim Lemon's home run gave the Wash
ington Senators 7-t victory over the Chicago White Sox, erstwhile
league leaders.
Sourd confusing? Well, it's
White Sox have played only 8
games to 14 for the Yanks. Until!
Lemon unloaded his blast against
lefty Billy Pierce, Chicago had
led the circuit even though they
trailed the Yanks in games won
and lost. Now the New Yorkers
lead in the percentage table as
well as won and lost.
Plenty of Help
Big Mike Garcia of the Cleve
land Indians had plenty of hitting
help from outfielder Jim Busby
as he pitched the Tribe to a 7-1 hits in a rain-drenched double
victory over Baltimore. Busby header yesterday against the Bend
walloped a homer, double and Lava Bears at Waters Park, and
single tor three runs batted in, a
figure matched by Al Rosen witn
one single.
The Brooklyn Dodgers snapped
a four-game losing streak by belt
ing the St. Louis Cardinals 7-3,
with the aid of a spectacular third
inning batting whow in which Roy
Campanella, Gil Hodges and Carl
W Ml L.I. - J I
rurnio Deiiea nome runs.
" L
beneficiary of the slugging as he
recorded his third victory of the
.Aainii 11a nttoAnA hnln Irnm Cmm
r:r:: ,:: . ,z ;.v;
ci uiik , i iu r v v i , iii iti 1 1 1 v vuiwa
(font on next page)
Sacs Leading
PCL Standings
SEATTLE I The Sacramento
Solons defeated Seattle, 5-2, jn a
Pacific Coast League baseball
game Thursday night, taking over
first place from the Rainiers in
league standings.
The win gave Sacramento a 2-1 1
edge in the series which conclud
ed Thursday night.
The two teams battled scoreless
ly for five innings before Sacra
mento finally crashed through
with two runs on the strength of
some hits and two Seattle errors.
The Portland-Los Angeles game !
was rained out Thursday night. In ;
other PCL action, Hollywood split i
with San Francisco, winning 1-0,
and losing 7-6; and San Diego
downed Vancouver, 7-6.
First same:
San Francisco 00ft onn 0 0 1 2
Hollywood 000 oin 1 3 l
Okborn and Sullivan: Wade and
Onuska. j
Second (tame:
San Francisco . 310 300 (KlO-7 1.1 0
Hollywood 001 000 4M--6 It 3 1
R. G Smith. Slack 7i. Grba 9 j
and Sullivan; Dangleit. Green U,
Murray ill. Nelson tl, O'Donnell
(8) and Naton I
San Diego , 000 411 OOt-T 13 0
Vancouver 000 000 060 10 1
Carmlchael. Peterton 181, Herrera
IBl, Gettel (9). and St. Claire; Bam,
bcrfer. Funk (81 and Neat.
Sacramento ooo 6ns 012 9 11 0
Seattle 000 000 110 2 JO t
Harriot, Ross 7I. R Jones (Si and
iBlicht McNamar isi: sinlton.
, Birkhoter isi Jansen 1 si and Orten.
Fly Rods
Wright-McGill and
Other Famous Makes
Imported Flies
'1 root Approved" A
local patterns. I J .
Orange Adult
Life Jackets
Coast Guard approved. Vinyl
plastic inner liners.
Regular $8.25 dL95
Special U
Nothing Down on
Approvad Credit
237 N. High St.
from a good opening weekend.
Squaw lake In Jackien county may
show .. slight Improvement Trout
angling at Tenmlle and Eel lakes
very good. Trout angling fair
to good at Tahkenltch lake, and
a few black base are being tak
en. Elbow and Perkins lakes
trout angling excellent No boats
are available at Elbow and Per
kins lakes, but there is a limited
lodging area along Highway 101.
Trout angling has been poor on
the L'mpqoa river system, but
with clearing water and wanner
days prospects may Improve over
the weekend. A few salmon are
(Coat on page , col 1.)
all due to percentages, since the
Saxons Drop
Southaiders Get
Rut 3 Hits Off Bend
South Salem could get but three
as a result lost both games.
In the first game, Bend hurler
Kevin Midlam limited the Saxons
to one hit and the Southsiders
bowed, 4-1. In the fiveinning
nightcap, Bend's Stan Williams
held the Saxons to two hits for an
8-3 Bend win.
South Salem's Bud Chappelle
.k.H r..A .hi. iu-
Frederick in the first tilt. Chap-
pelle gave up six hits in six in
nings, and Frederick two in his
"l '
wiow.uP stint
Catcher Jerome GoerUen got the
only single off Midlam who show -
ed plenty of stuff with the wet
norsemae. ine nig Lava Bear , practice run. His Wolcott Spe
struck out four and walked eight. ciai gpun around IH times and
Only Run for Salens
The Saxons picked up their only
run in the sixth frame on a two
base error by Bend third baseman
Denny Lenaburg, a paseed ball
and a wild pitch. South Salem's
Dale Jones scored.
Bend picked up three runs io
(Continued oa next page)
Don't end your vacation in the
hospital . . . Get ready now to
enjoy trouble-free tire perform
ance by taking advantage of our
Feiring General Tire Service
710 State St. (Across
mm mi
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., May 4, '56 (Sec. IV)-33
Florida Colt
In Derby Go
LOUISVILLE. Ky. W-Owners of 18 horses handed over $250 each
Thursday to enter the 82nd and richest Kentucky Derby, but Lady Lock
eliminated Reaping Right event before the entry box was slammed
shut. .
Needles, the rambunctious Florida colt who hates to train In tho
morning but runs with authority in the afternoon, remained the 2-t
Close Call
i yi
above, narrowly escaped seri
ous Injury hero Thursday when
his race car went out of control
and crashed In trial spin for
the 'SOO Memorial Day race.
Sutton has raced, many timet
at Hollybowl in Salem, Ore.
Sutton Crashes
In '500' Spin
ton, a new driver from Portland.
Ore., escaped Injury Thursday la
the first mishap of (he year al
the Indiaaapalls motor speedway.
f. ,k tnn .n. u- i.t
1 D race on,y Wednesday, lost
control on the southwest turn in
stopped against the inside guard
rail. The car was only slightly
Sutton said he got onto an un-
traveled portion of the newly
paved track while passing Ray
Crawford of Pasadena, Calif. His
spin and skid covered 621 feet.
Rookie Bob Christie of Grankj
Pass, Ore., was clocked In the
day's second fastest lap of 14I.S.
" kaMsiailiwmis? "
High Warehouse Costs Force
must go at once!
wm m
'4.00 s U
from Elks Lodge)
favorite in the confusion torn
hours before America's most co
orful racing classic.
Reaping Right and his stable
mate Invalidate, both owned by
Detroit auto man T. A. Grissom,
minutes after the box opened at
7 a m. At almost that exact mo
ment Reaping Right was out oa
the sloppy track for a gallop, and
suffered a slight injury.
No Chances Takea '
V. R. (Tennessee) Wright, the
trainer, immediately called the
racing secretary's office and sa d
he would have to withdraw the
Louisiana Derby winner "because
I don't want to take any chance
with him."
But the entry had been made.
and the $230 stays in the kitty.
This means that if all 17 who
remain healthy go pottwsrd at
1:30 p.m., PST Saturday, the
great S year-old classic will be
worth $187,630 and the winner
gets a cool $12330.
No Surprise V ' '
However, a lot of things have
been happening,, and nobody
would be a bit surprised if some,
of the other hones didn't come
out before it cornel time to kkk -(Continued
acxt fage) t 1
Fishing Is RtdHot
at Dotroit 1
Reservoir . -
Latest Information aii
Boat Reoemtloaa
Available Here
Let's All Ge nshlaf