Business News . . . . Babson Report t Deaths Responsible For Stock Split'Ups Copyright Publishers Financial Bureau, Incorporated BABSON PARK, Mass -So much appean in the ncwipaperi today about -"-k fplit-upj, I believe readen will be interested to know why they occur. LARGE STOCKHOLDERS WILL DIE Most of the iplit-upi are due to the fact that tome very large itockholderi has died and hit stock must be sold to help the executors pay the estate taxes, which may approximate fifty per cent. As investors are much more willing to buy stocks at a low price, the brokers strongly advise split-up in such cases to help the marketing of the stock. There is nothing unethical about this. No stockholder should basically be harmed or helped by such action. If it's a "two (or one" split-up, and if you have ten shares of stock, you arc sent, without cost, ten shares more. The capitalization is doubled, but the assets are the same. Hence, theoretically the value of your shares after the split-up should be only one half what it was before. However, owing to the gullibility of investors and to their desire for low-priced stocks, the sum total of the "split-up" stock for a while is usually worth more than before there was1 any talk of a split. In addition, new Investors In a split-up stock may be misled by the price of the shares. For instance, just before General Klectric was snlil. it sold al about P I' is "ow "tinted at a price of around 80, which 'looks lower to most peopje. However, because the stock was split 3-for-l, this really represent a price of 180. The new lower price misleads investors who did not know of the split-up. WHAT PROMINENT STOCKS HAVE DONE SINCE 1!I2 Without taking any position as to whether you should now buy stork. ir pu' your it - "rtn i -p -ert Inpds -nd '-.v -i. riv h lower stock prices. I submit the following interesting table, using storks which have not been split since 1929. so as not to mislead you. w Parley Draws Salem Group . MEDfORD Betty Haley. Phil lip Schramm, Floyd E. Kenyon and E. H. Miller, aU Salem finance company executives, will attend a May 12 meeting of Oregon's Con sumer Flnaace Association here. Kenyon, Hollywood Finance Com pany head, is a member of the association's trade practices and membership committees; Schramm, of Capital Finance, and Mist Haley, General Finance, are members of the program commit- i Atcheson Top lee. Muter wiir reDresent the Male Finance Company . New York Closing Stocks Reported bjf . Merrill Lyric, i. Pierce. Fenner and Beam A Admiral Corp It's Al Cham fc Or -.Itt Allied Strt 49'1 A Ills Cham 17 'i Akya HS Aluminum Ltd ltt1'. Am Airlines T", Am Can ..i.,45'.t Am Am Am Am Am Cyan . Motors ... Stl fdr . T T Tobacco Am Viscose Anc Copper Armco Armour Portland Produce Bendlx Avla . Best roods Beth SU Boeing Air .J. Borden Hort Warn . Buryrus Burro Adding . . C Calif Pick Campb Soup .74' ...m .. m . 37i 79's S7, ... a .... is sti , .... SI Il. .... . .. . 4S', 4'i I Kennecott 3D1: later W. Beam mt Present Company Hlh Low PriCe Am. Radiator .55 3 22 Am. Sugar Refining 9i 13 100 Anaconda 174't 3 76 C'-i -s-WriSht r 33 Electric Storage Battery ... lOi'i 12. 37 New York Central 2564 8 43 RCA. . 1I4J 24 46 So. California Edison 92U 15V 49 Olotrx Certamteril Ches A. O Rv C'hl M St P Chi NW RV. ;Chi a in Rv , Chrysler ; CI'IM Scrv 'fllmex Mnlv .. ;Cluett Pen Coca Cola iColeate Com Credit I Comw Frl'on . Conn Edison Container Cont On Con! Oil Cr.ine Co Cro-vn Zrti Curtiss Wr I) Hecre A Co l)ia M-ich Don? Air Dow Chem Du P de Ne . I riFl Air I I Fast Kod 'k r p.,n r, ... Emer R-dlo Ex Cello ".Mrr'ii'd Fllntknte ! ford Motor 40', .. M', I.V, 74', W, . - S1'4 2", SECURITY FOR GOVERNMENT BONDS Manv orominent bankers and businessmen believe that the gov Iran-eat rlebf should "be cut" 'dorr. Thtf -miy1irTTKtit:'.tat-.l- . na- utility. .. 27.00 PORTLAND -Butterfat -Tentative, subject t o immediate change Premium quality, deli vered in Portland, 60-63 lb; first quality 57-60; second quality 52-55. i tan p-c Hy ... d. .it... ivhi...i ' t . u k..tu Cane J I oumci miuivaaic, i.v.u uuis, Caterp Trac cunes to wnoiesa'ers orade AA, ceiem 92 score, 59'a; A grade. 92 score, 58 B grade 90 score 57; C grade 89 score 55. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-4)6 lb; Oregon 5-lb losf, 434-50 Eggs To wholesalers Candled f o b. Portland. A large , 13-45' j: A medium, 41-424; A small, 3" 324. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 41! 49; A large, 4.5-47; AA medium, 42-45: A medium, 42-44; A small. 34. Cartons, 2-3 cents ad ditional. Eggs To consumers AA large, 54-59; A large, 52-57; AA medium; 50-45; A medium, 49-54; A small, 39-44. Live poultry No. 1 quality, fob. Portland Fryers, 2V4 lbs, 23; at (arm. 23; light hens, 18-20 at farm: heavy hens. 21-22 at (arm. old roosters, 11-14. Turkeys To producers L i v e weight fryers, 27. Rabbits Average to growers- Live white, 3V4'3 lbs, 23-26 , 5-6 , lb:. 18-21: colored pelts 4 cents Portland Livestock less: old does. 10-14. (ew h'gher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 54 61; cut up, 62-65. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs. 32.50-35 00; good. 31.00 34 00; commercial. 29.00 - 32 00: 30 00; commercial Cen Dynamics Gen Flee Gen Foods .. Gen Motors . Gen Tira Geo Pae Ply Gillette Glidden .... Goodrich Coodyeer Grace W H Crt No Rv Grt Vet Suf ... Greyhound Gulf Oil H Homestake M ... I Int Harvest lnt Nickel Int Paper J Johns-Man Jones a M SU . K Kaiser Alum . .. Kern Land Llbby McN .. l.l Mvers I.OF Glttw Iockhefd Air's I or Lpr- BH .A Lorlllard M Marsh Field M " W ood VcrcK Co Vont Chem Von' W'a-d . Motorola N N.itl BiH'u t ' N.itl Cah Rr Natl Dun Null tlls'ij) Nat' Gypsum N.itl '.aid N'' Sdno'v NY Centnl I No Am A'.'M " I N" P-- Rv NW Alrlloe . :7, 1 n unn nun Otll Kiev P Paoco Por G S. Fl ... t'ai T A T ... Pun Am Air Penne . J ( Penn Hy Pepsi Col.i P he I pi-1 ted at -. Philco Corp M'i . 1 a 44'4 S4 S M Jt'i ... SS'4 7 a ... 44'j, ... II', . IS ... lJ2i ... JS'i . M, Mr, m", . a . JO'i fii'i . S0' IX SS'i S1', 41)', "l'4 13'. 38' Phil Petrol Pillshury Proe tr Gam Pug Sd P It Pure. Oil inn'i .s 4t L ... Radio Corp Rayonler Inc Repub Stl ..... Reynolda Met ... Reynold! Tob Richfield O Royal Dutch .. Safeway Sirs St Joe Lead st l if sr Rv St Ri4i Paper Schrnley Ind . Scott Paper .... Sean Roe Shell Oil Sinclair Oil Skellv Oil Soconv-Mob Sou Cal F.dl Sou Pac Ry Sou Ry Soirry Rand Std Brands Std Oil Cai Strt Oil Ind Std Oil NJ Studr-Pai k Surr.iv Oil ipshlne- f Swift H, Co anu F.I . 41'. SS', . 9'4 'I'. 4S'i l-, M 48. 41', 4T, . BS 47i 111', 40', ST, I S'a , sn', 0 1, M', , 10", H2 .. IV, 43'! 1 , . . 3SV- &.VIV ?ll 1 x Texas Co '. iTexa, Gulf . Textron itide-Auo I Trunnam 3S',- Trans Wo A if 44', Twen Cen Fox 1, Union Carb I"", ; t:nion Oil 71 I'nion Vac Ry 44''4 i Cm Aircraft . t'n: Air Lines .. Uri Corp Onlo Fruit t'S I'lvwood t'S Rubber I'S Steel .v45, IV, .. 47",, -. SO', ... ST ' 10T'a .. ST'4 .. 4S', .. , ...-S3 ... 10 .. 74 ... 314 ... n . in, ... M'i . SI .. 4S', .. M'i 1J0 .. 41 111", S4 an", 117' 31'. 47 4.T Tl 2S', Western Securities Chicago Grain (ZlUa. Sinllber V Co. inc. I These bid and ask quotations rep resent prices it which one or mora dealers, members of the National As sociation of Security Dealer's Inc., would trad with the feneral public at the time tht Quotations war Sathcred at 1 p.m. yesterday: Bid Asked Calif. -Orefon Power Jl', 34', Umcad Plywood 3T, 39', Contol Preisht ... ..-..17, IS , Iron Fiieman 131. 14'. Jar.tien lnr Com. .,. 1.T, IS', Meier A Frank ...1J', 17 Mnrrlion-Knudsen -.44', 47', Ore.Port. Cement S', Pac P. ft I. Com. M', Pop ft Talbot 31 Portland Gas ft Coke . 32', 3J'fc Port Gen Dec. J4, M, RANKS Bank of America 3S' 41', Bank of California ....75', Tf, Chase. Manhattan 4(W, St1, First National . '. . , M', ST, nrst Nat City NY M', V. National 78', Tin, Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., May 4, '56 (Sec, III31 Storks and Bonds ' Compiled y The Aspoeuted Press May 1 BOND AYERAC.IS 0 ID Rms Indus! . I'nch D 1 Net chanfr 'liuirrd.i.v Pre. day . Week a(o Mnnlri Ago . Ve,.r afi'i . I!5S Hun . l:58 Low .. l(tS5 lllfh .. 1H55 Low . . 95 . Vit . 5 7 97 U MS lUt 3 M i B7 36 4'-'i S7', I Phil Morrn an', 52 ri7', is !fl !7, 23', . AS', . 27', 43', Warner Pic Wash Water P . West Air Br I WesleTi Air Western Elec Western Union Woolworth f- 'Zenith 127', Ifl'l', .. 70 . 4J'', 31s, SS 8P, 37 31. W't 3fl 48', STO( R i Net change Thursday Piev div Week ko Mont.i aw ' Yesf-' aco I IBM Huh . I I KM Low . . I'.ti.i HlRll I I'li'i Low AVI.RAORS 30 Indus! A 170 7 '70 1 1 272 S 220 1 27S1 H40 237 S 710 I WO sm I !I3 7 M 3 H 7 S7 7 S SS s W 4 IS . FjiI, Al It 152 3 130 6 I.VI n I4C 2 114 4 151 4 120 142 4 1141 10 tltll D.I 95 2 US II 05 0 9S 2 97 9 IIS II H3 0 IIS) 1 M 0 13 Ulil A I 73 2 7J I 72 S 74 4 72 2 73 2 7I.S 75 7 S7 2 IS Fm D I S42 St 3 S44 S4 9 Stl S3 2 S42 MS M0 CHICAGO WHEAT May July I Sept. Dec. Mar. ' CORN Msy July Sept. Dec. Mar. OATS May July Sept. Dec RYE May July. Sept. Dec. SOYBEANS May July Sept. . Nov. Jan. (API Open SM',-24 108',-tX 111', 1. 14-1411 116', I M 1 S6,-5S 1 SS,.4 1.43', 1.44',-lfc ,- S',.4, ss, 71', IH 1 JS-JI', iie, 131', 9 IS-IS a 26-15', 274-7S 1 SS',-SS iss-aot Clou l atJP m . ' im. alt, ls;S vuy Vbitnnries 1 S3',.l, ! M'fU 1S7 1 43-42', 1 4S',-', '.-. M'i 1IT 1 sn', 1 134 3 IJ',-U J I'a-I9', ITS IS7-ST', ID-It', British Mission Asked to Leave Saudi Arabia ROME UT -Britain has pulled its desert locust control mission nut of Saudi Arabia, and the I N Food and Agriculture Organisation 'FAO has bet'ti asked to raise new non-British (earns to carry on the work there. A spokesman at FAO headquar- !90 (i I ters here said Thursday the new iwi o, teams had been requested by the JJJJiSaudi Arabian government, which i63 S 'ne unnrrsiooa also Had asked the ii s I British mission, centered at Jidda, Mrs. Aaf u,ta Ansel At a local hospital April 30, late raeident of Its W. Miller. Survived hy husband. Oscar Ansel. Salem. Daughters, Mrs. Avery Lash. Lois Ion Ore., Mrs Mary Hawlev. Eu fenV Ore, Miss Helen Anel. 8alem, Mr, Betty McDouaL Salem, Mrs Joan Ansel. Salem; sons, itohert Aikel, Oscar Ansel Jr.. William Anel. Michael Ansel all o! tMlem: 1 fraidchlldren, S sisters and t brother all in the East. Service, will be heir1 Frldiy.' May 4 at 10:30 m. In the Chanel of the Virell T. C.o'den Co. Rev E H. Becker will officiate. Interment will be City View Cemetery. Stki At ISf.Ti US I Dow Joih'h Averages N'KW YORK i API - Dow Jones cltxcinji; stink avei.ixes: ())en Hich Low Clone mind,. 51:172 Jilt 37 311 4.1 SI4 03 20 RHs. 175 8.1 178 41 I75 4S 178 III 15 I'tl' 111 14 ti.3 5B 65 00 SS.4S ti5 Stks. Il 76 !H:i:i2 IS1.15 185 7 Reasons (or the action were not known. Mrs. I! Iile Marsarel Klllla At a local nurslnf home M.iy J. Late resident of tei Spruce street. Survived by daughters, Mrs. Atnes Carbaugh of Salem. Three sisters, Mrs. Agnes Paynt of Pendleton. Mrs. Susie Nicholson of Portland. Mrs. Cecilia Wamsley of Ran Fran cisco. Seven grandchildren. Mrs. Dolores Bauer or Salem, Mrs Marie Pendergrait, Klamath Falls. Miri Donna Carhaugh o( Salem. Chester W. Carhaugh of Salem, Stanley S. Carhaugh of Corvallif. Victor J. Car baugh of Salem. Harold E Carbauah. US. Navy. Sin Diego. Calif Ten great-grandchildren Rosary will he held Friday. May 4 at S p.m In the Claugh-Barrlck Chapel Funeral service will be held In tht St. Vin cent d Paul CethohY Church Sat urday. May 1 at 10 a m. Interment Sacred Heart Cemetery, Gervais. Anna Aschenbrenaee In this city. May 1. Late resident of Snso N. 17th street. Salem, at tht agt of St years. Mother of Mrs. George F. Kraus of SUverton and Mrs. Hannah Rau of Salem. Also survived by four grandchildren. Harlan Kraut of Silverton. Ronald Kraus of Salem. Delno Rau of teat tie, Wish- LaMar Rau of Salem One great grandson. Daniel Jog Kraus of Salem. Sister of Gtrags Bernhardt of Colorado. FuneraJ frvlces will be held Saturday, Ma) S at g p ro. in trie Chapel of tht W T. RtKlon Co. Coneludtnt serv' Ices at Belcreat Memorial Park. Dr. Brooks H. Moore will offllcatt. "No txeum now! Vosi'm off got your CANNON foot ckth$r 8un, Morn! Thtrt's an inaidt every Regular sis bos of Brtwta, tht prvmium detergent for family waah, disbea, daintitt, loo. 122', Chicago livestock vital reason for this The U. S. Government is a corporation with fWirite apse's, including about one fourth of all the real estat" in the I n'tod S:ates! I understand that an inventrrv of these federal h'lr!"""; t :n he securer) frnm Senator Hayien of Arri.n:' Th:' renort shovts that the novenwr.ert h-s oipg 400.0flfl.oio acres ef tanr'. about 4' l l-i':l' rh'ch ct'-t over 1 OOO.OOO.OO' v-r- ' -lfah'e i 'incr.-il right i ryyvrV" ! v.a'er p'""'. ami many other o' t-'. Furll-enr"''!'. 'here are v.-rious wav, nf fi"u'"r"' the "ue'nn'.eit debt A' " ! v'utt .n to i'n pnvter to t.t .'if' titf r. ''I to nr'n! mot:t-t . which no othe;- rorpnr.Hion has. the l ie'T.-l ('. . "rnrtent keep-, bt'tiks in a very conservative manner. For mst.'i'j' if a n Post Ofice is huilt in yt.iir comniuritv, it is not li-'"d m Ihe Cal:i! Account, every private corporation would do. but is charged to Operating Expenses. "THK FI.V IX THF. OINTMENT" Although there is no lack of security for (iovernmen1 Bonds snd no fear of present outstanding I' S Government Bonds defaulting on Iheir tounons, such bonds could suffer from inflation 1 refer to the (act that the interest payment on Government Bonds is fixed. Hence, if the value nf Ihe dollar declines, the price of long-term Government Bonds might decline correspondingly Thi danger on largely be offset, however, by buying short-term Government Bonds. Inlatinn is a danger which all investors should carefully watch and f:ht This is especially true in a democracy like ours, where ('4grMUfn ?nd Senators vote for mfbt'onar? treasures list tt net reelected Such politicians are selling our country "down the river," or, as the Bible says, "fcr t mess of put age " 1 kn-i- roih n- abt.t tiie porsibillties nf' World III. but if it comes, I forecast that our (iollar will no to thirty tents. In that cae. most Government 1'iond holtlfi-. e investors, cntpiovcrs, wagt-workers. and houM wive, too u til sutler. rows, ZO.OU-au.uu: utility. 28 00: canner and cutters. .tf.00. Beef cuts 'choice steers' Hind quarters. 41O0-4C ()0: rounds 33 03-42 00; full loins, trimmed. A10II-4M.09; forecwrter. 2S 00- :'i eo: c'tuks, 2" 00-11 00: ribs, '2 C0-4fi 00 I'm . tu:' Loin, choice. 8 10 ll'S. 4." OO-IS.U : .shoulder . l'i lbs. diun, 21.00-28.03. sparenbs, 38 00 tLOfl: (tesh hams, 10-14 lbs. 4".0O .")0 on. 'eal and calves Good-choice, al weights. .3:1.00-49 00, commer cial, 2D 00-41.00 Spring lamb Choice-prime, 40 50 lbs. 41 00-44 00. I.ambs Choice, 4o-.',0 lbs. 39 00 41 00; good, 35 00-38 00 Wool Nominal, clean basis. ', blood 1.00-05 lb; blord. 1 0MI3 lb, blood, 1.12-18; fine. 1.17 23. (ounlrv -dressed Meats, l o b. Portlcd: ulility. 21-22 lb. quality, litrhiweight, heavies, 2-25 light h'orktTs, 23-21; Aircraft, Rail I Stocks Jump i;W YORK If -Well founded slren'h in aircr.ifts and railroads Thursday formed the basis for a moderate rise in the stock mxrkt-t. The Associated Press average of fifl stocks was up 90 rents at $190 no The railroads component ol Ihe average added $1 W at $152.50, highest since 1929. Indus trials were up 60 cents and utilities gained 10 cents The market broadened to include 1 201 individual issues of which 584 Old Soybean Price Drops CHICAGO F-Old crop .soybeans again slid sharplv lower on the Board of Trade Thursday but new crop months finished with only small price changes. Soybeans continued to dominate trade at'cnlion In other cereals wheat had a weak undertone but corn, oats and rye firmed. Wheat closed 1 J lower to l higher, corn 1 t higher, oats 't-'s higher, rye 1 to 3 'i higher, soybeans 9 '? ower to 1 ', hisher and lard 15 cents lower to 35 cents were higher and 397 lower with 86 j Bet '- Cow cu'lers. 10 21 Veal Top 33-37; rough Hog Best Ic.-i li"ht sows, 17-18 Lambs G.'od yearlings, .l-VIM. Million L'?htwe:ght ewes :nd wethers, 12-14; rough heavies, 8-10. F resh Produce Onions Oregon Danvcrs. No. 1 med. 2 25 50: Texas yellow, Ige. 4 00-50. Potatoes Central Ore Russets. No. 1A, 100 lbs. 3 00-6 00: No. 2. 30 lhs. I 75 2 10; bales. No. Is. 5-10 lbs, 2 75-3 00, Klamath district Russets. No. 1A, 6 00-50; Idaho Russets, 100 lbs. 6 00-50. some to 7.25; bales 5-10 lbs, 3.50 4 00.. Hay New crop. No. 2 ?reen alfalfa, baled, fob. Portland, 43 00-47 00 ton, some sales higher. PORTLAND UP 'CSnAl-Cattle salable 150; fed steers, heifers not adequately tested; quotable steady at weak-50 cent lower trend; bulk choict fed steers this week 19.50 20. SO; top early in week 2100 for around three leads; truck lots high 25.00-: good 766 lb heifers.. 18S1.;. canner-, 22 00- cutter cows largely 9.00-11.00, few to 11.50; few utility cows 12 00- 13.00; utility bulls salable around 15.0O-lfi.5O. Calves s.'i'able 25: scattered sales about steady, good vea'trs 2"0J-2(r1; r'lo ce .m-V.M: culls S' hib'e d ..'. ru ar(l lo 9 00 I'o-s '!.:' 1.0. niarkc' modtr ate'y ."cti.c. abtiut s'eady; sorit l lots 1 S. No 1-2 butchers 180 235 lbs 17 25 75. X -. 3 butchers 16.2.V.:0. sows 300-500 lbs listed at 11.50-14.50. Sheep salable 350; market ac tive, steady-strong; lew lots and prime spring slaughter lambs 25 00: odd head good 21 00: 199 head lot good-choice 88 lb old crop slaughter lamb: carrying No. pells 17.50, sorted 10 p-r cent 15 00; ore Id good shorn im, 5 00: c;ill -utility eves listed al 1 . ,1-4 .50. Salem Quotations i Al of lat yeMrranyt HI TTtRFAT Premium No I Ill TIER vV ho, Malt Rptail tGGI (Buylm) tWholesalt pricei range from I to. I cejiti ovtr Duytn ortcel LarttK A led ii it. A Simp! Co' rcd I.rrhftr-i liens Iiivestnicnt Trusts i i ka Si.iiitlirr A.' Co loc I I CHICAGO lAPl-il'SDA - Hofs i 10IHHI, week to 29 lov.c . mixed No. 1 In 3 1IKI-270 lhs butchers 14.74 115.25. lop 13 80. Nil. 2 and 3 2'0-3IO 'lbs 1125-15(10. kui 11 50-13 75 i Cattle 2. Mo. calves 2ii; slrers and heiters we.ik. cowii and bulls steady to 23 lower, vealets steady; stockers and feeders steady; a few prime 1.150 lbs. steers 21 50; most good to low choice steers 111.75-19-25; choice under 1 ."00 lhs. IP 50-2O 25: some utility and commercial Holstein steers M. 00-1500; cooice heiters 16 75-20 25; food to low choice helfeni 16 25-1S50; mo?t utility ' and commercial cow 11 00-13.90; cnnerR and cutters 800-11 '.5: bulls 14 oo-it! 00: a few choice and prime vciilcrs ?HCir moht rood an1 choice :i iH-2.1 i.l 1'ii'id 1 ."i(-l 740 lhs vear lim: o,k f;e-.s IS00 antl 18 S eeo 5011. stca.-Jv to we,ik; niostly Ci.iid slur ii l.imh; No 1 to 3 pelts 21' .'.o-:'! ,')i t, i 'oi.l and choice w.iM'ecl' lis 2153-2.15(1: most cull t, ,.w re ' li.inl-1 14 C't-20-M: shorn i u. .- tr . -lion, oi'd l ead wiwled t-f (i 00 d iwn (Ihiravo Onions A I f i : l . I e J Fund C.imdiu.'i Fund t'crturv S'inrep Tru&t Cheimciil Fund Delaware Fund I)i. c; lnvei--l Fund I J i . c! - n ri Sharf Faton K H Hal Cas Ind Croui' l'ubauo lncnrp Investors K"v Coat. Fund: n-.i 11-4 Bid .. 20 19 72 24 37 17.79 11 2 SS Fund 22 65 14 S2 4 411 20 47 Portland (.'rain PORTLAND f - Coarse grains. 1 5-day sir; irent, bulk, co?; deliv ery: bats 'No. 2. 311 lb white 58.50. Barley M. 2. 45 lb !'. W. 49.00. Coin No. 2, K. Y. shipment 71.30. No wheat transactions Car receipts: Klour 5, corn 4. mill feed 4. Nail In, Fund Trust ilond 111 Sec Serie -I li. Sa"Mta ,r ; Sc: ics l S.urk Series tl 11. v Series N.i .i Pioneer Ford Icl.-tl'f Fund Vilue Line lm- Fund V. eliinrtun Fund 11 14 .. iii m .. ti.SS 12 83 . 1C 7S S 8 .15 D3 li 4.'. B US IM . 4 17 t; 17 14 2t 12 II li 2d l:i 89 Atked B 71 21 34 2 35 . Ill 24 1 12 tW ' Jan 10 511 3 17 24 21 15 ItS 4 83 22 13 211 SS it u: 1(1 54 14 00 t: 73 8115 38 E I 7 05 80 I H C8 i 5 4t ; CHICAGO I API Onions Open lilKtl Low Close Nov told) 1 55 Nov. (new 1 fit) 1 ti9 1 14 1 h.i 1 86 1 HH 1 85 1 HOFFMAN'S MEATS .TSSm- W Fcofur U.S. Govrnmn Graded and Iniptcted Mo U.S. Good Grodo BontUu Endi A Pitctt Sviss Ernie Bacon CHOPS Lb.1 Now-I4$pe,f H1 600D6MDf LAMB BEEF ROAST Utrtu-An BNEKGY ERNIBJ by I 15 V. Ill M i: u Markets at Glance NFW (lliiciifjo BuUfr-Egps iAP i it'SDAi I'uttir sclllni! pr ! up sriii p 5'' '.'."i-riti A 57-37 5. C UK id 23- rHICARO Sltd(l U . (l'i chanced A A 92 39-511 5. H Stl. 75. EltRS sIp.hIn to firn.; split nf prices ululisniied to hlflhei inlnimuiTi 60 pr--extra larsi .in -40 5. extras 36 5-37 standards 37 5-37 75 35 .'.nlcsale lj! cent ent Al medium checks YORK i A I'. Sto. I: Hijhei , i.i.l an. I i,ll rallv I.,, ids liiunei utilities ,v intlu--ti.dia aovdiice Cottnn Mixed, linuicl.i; (un ) s.ioit co er,r C'lltC'ACiO Wne.:: F.,i.s . see liiip-med Clop pi .ispecls Corn -f'li in; may hike some sup P"it nriii-s t:at Finn v.illi i in n Snv -,i ails (lid imp cry weak ni. iicp steacl Hors- Rutchers down 25 cents; top Jl.i.flt Cat le Steeis, heifers weak; lop i $21 SO V KJLLEZ.Ar'iiit5O0N r4 IO60AH0 HEeVPIN' XV-T Y SCXKjL J W' WAT MEJZSy)l7 " II ITr"Tl5i55 ?CCZE5 A KiOU V 'tl (tWil ' LeTMETrtiNKOF Y i Jml SlyrtSW r e p" a hundred pounds higher Wheat eased on an estimate by f. (ialvin, crop statistician for Francis 1 du Pont It Co.. that winter wheat production would total 720.435.000 bushels. This was op a bit from the government's April 1 estimate of 716.477.000 new highs for the year and 3R new lows. Volume came to 2,640.000 shares, a comfortable expansion with rising prices. That compares with 2 440.000 shares traded Wednesday when prices on average were lower. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 11 12 14 IS 1. Kettle 4 Knock 7 Ready money 9 Cuckoos 10 Wide mouthed Jr Prickling sensation on skin Reprove mildly Esker Marshy meadow 17 The patella 19 Hewing tool 20 Lair 21 Brntlt-lik organ Kvil Exclama tion of disgust Filmy covering on top of liquid 2 Fuel 27 From i prefix) 29 A statistical book 31 Disfigurt 32. Note of the Kale 33 Subsidising 35 Length of walking step 37 French river 38 Ornamental knob 39 Decays 40 Large worm 41. Upward curving o( i MM Tfiwu; DOWN 1 Capital of the Balearic islands 2 Capital I Nor 1 3. Kxpressed gratitude 4 Lift 5 Full bloom 6 A peak IF ) 7. A manuscript book 9 Young hog 12 A wing 13 Wayside tavern i 1 Mineral spring 18 Letter of the 20 Capi tal i Syria) 22 Drunk- loafer I. slang) I'.l Agents 24 Man's nickname 25 Paper fasteners 26 Gun I slang I 27. People of Denmark Yrstrrds)'s Aier 28 Unit of work 30 Requires 31 Foggy 34 King of beasts 34 Devoured 22 23 24 si r r b m " i" i m - ""11" wM I w Wa K Y Mills Festival J lr vlV ft) Here arc a few of wonderful waytyeni' II en joy fJgTJ J n Mayflower Milk products. Serve them often f y0Uf am''ir m0re 'C AT TOUR DOOR OR AT YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT GROCER Phone 3-9205 )