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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1956)
18-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore", Fri., May 4, 06 Sen. Kefauver 'Smear' Tactic VIM AMI PTTV n URSn. Estei Kefauver uyi what be af!a MtmHr Mmfuin" mif h shaping up against him in Flor ida. Thm Tmiikui apnainr tftM utiinM Winputav it cevfTll towns in northwest Florida that he had heard a rumor to the ef fect that he had said recently he wnnlH fnvnr the use of federal troops to enforce integration in public schools. . Both Kefauver and Adlai Ste venson are seeking Florida's sup democratic presidential nomina port in their campaigns for the tion. slate of delegates wjth 28 votes at the democratic national convention will be chosen in the state's presidential preference primary May 29. Kefauver sairl he wanted to keep the Florida primary contest on a truthful level, ana aaaea: "I assume that my opponent ifocnii hit intemnerate remarks after his initial defeats in the primaries this year would also rather keep the campaign on a truthful level. "However, since he would be the direct beneficiary of any smear campaign on me, he must shoulder his part of the responsi bility." Kefauver said he would oppose the use of federal troops in the matter of integration. (In California, where Steven son was campaigning, his cam- noiffn manaeer Rcfier Tllbbv said U.rfnPsHav nieht "the eovemor does not know what Senator Ke fauver is referring to." Tubby also said that Stevenson "would not participate in spreading false rumors about the senator.") Mental Ills Treated With Social Group LOS ANGELES - A Navy psychiatrist says a method of us- ;., cwiol nrpurp can be helpful miK .u. - - . in the t r e a t m e n i 01 mvmm disease. Cmdr. Harrv A. Wilmer of the V S Naval Hospital at Oakland. Calif , said Wednesday the pa tients were formed intd groups of not more than 34 persons. The groups themselves constituted the social system which kept each of Its members from "getting out of line,' he said. Nearly 1,000 Navy men and Ma rines took part in the process, he told the California Medical Assn. Some of the men were insane. Others were suffering from milder forms of mental disorder r emo tional disturbance. Each man was told on entering the 34-bed ward there would be no solitary confinement, no strait jackets or "irons," and that he would be treated with politeness and sympathy and would be ex pected In behave. Pr. Wilmer said men with rec ords of murder and other forms of 1 violence, including insane tan trams krnt themselves under con trol because the group as a whole vnerled them to do SO. Patients accustomed to getting sleeping pills voluntarily renounced them when they saw that others in the group were doing without them, he said. v? r- 1 rMH (Jricf-Strieken Widow Kills Self After Mate Dies VIENNA ijP Orief-slritkcn Mrs. Rfchard Sallaba committed sui cide Thursday a few hours after hor opera singer husband died suddenly of a cerebral hemor rhage. Police said the 46-year-old wom ti opened the gas jets in her apartment during the night Neigh bors smelled the gas this morn ing and called the fire depart ment, but Mrs. Sallaba could not be; revived. Sallaba, 51, was a well known Vfennese singer. Grocery Gerks Authorize Strike PORTLAND -Grocery clerks reported Wednesday their union negotiators have been authorized to; call a strike if contract agree ment is not reached soon with employers, who include most inde pendents and the store chains. The clerks, seeking a weekly Increase of $7.50, turned down an offer ranging up to $2.40. SCHAEFER'S Antacid Powder for the palliative relief of the Ai.mffirt nf H v D f racidity Jsour stomach), Belching, fleartburn or r niuicmr w - Wt .in t Gastric Acidity. .krr' Antacid Powder is prepared under the Schaefer standard ol runiyoi mirn- ill and mfg. sum, as eviaen Jyd by more than fifty years f successful service to the fublic. 60 l SCHAEFER'S I DRUG STORE Open Daily, 7:39 A.M. to ; s p. m. "Sundays, S a. m. to S p. m. 1J5 N. Commercial MOT 1, Lino YOU BUY WITH CONFIDENCE WH EN YOU BUY CRAFTSMAN, THE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED NAME YOU CAN TRUST! Reg. 69 CRAFTSMAN 18 in. Rotary compare with other mowers selling up to $95.00! TOUGH! BRIGHT! MILDEW-RESISTANT SELF-CLEANING! End tiresome hand mowing engine starts easily, has 2 horsepower fJ .Ed,ir.,.m.hodm.wina-.n,in. m I7TI Tnl I UAIIISE BAHMY j it iw . . ... . . II I I I I I II I i ii i m- HUUJ K. IT 1X1 II II XI II I 3ME- ..i- I starts easily, nas i norsepowr I I I I I I I U I I " I m ivwvh - . - " fvT v A w u J WrA 1 n n- fj vfiCk Automatic governor maintains I V I jl """il I j , ri UJ constant speed V U (J RQ. V iSS Lightweight ... weighs only 44 I J JiSj fTCi Wh mftV pounds 1T U Oal JJJT ONLY 6.00 DOWN: 19-IN. ROTARY 21-IH. ROTARY DUNUP ROTARY j Down I Down i I Master Mixed 2 H P. 2-cyclo gas engine - Height of cut adjustable Trims closely along walls, flower beds. Also cuts banks and terraces without scalping. Blade shielded by, guards. 1-piece aluminum housing, smooth rubber tires. End hand mowing, clipping with this Craftsman. Adjusts Vi to 3 inches - 2 H.P. 2-yclt engine Automatic rewind starter. Weighs only 69 lbs. Trims closer to trees, shrubbery. Exclusive side discharge. Rugged Pow er Products engine. Buy now. Here's your chance to brighten your home, increase its value at Sears lowest paint prices of the yearl Long-wearing, mildew resistant, self -cleaning. White and 14 colors. Guaranteed quality. Contains finest oils and pigmentsl ( I mvTV vw I flat Daint r So taiy to us - ind you get professions! like results every timel Washes off hendi, tools with plain waterl Power Products engine - Blade shielded by guards Rugged 1.5 hp, 2ycle gas mower; blade of austempered steel for faster cutting. Sturdy steel housing; plastic grip, and rubber tires. i lF' " t,fTJMI1, 2MN. MOWER 18-IM. REEL TYPE 1 f J J 10.00 Down Reg. 115.95 Down Heavy duty type. Height adjusts from 1 to 3 inches without tipping. Automatic recoil starter, automatic governor control. Trims close due to recessed wheels. Lgihtweight 2 hp. 4- cycle engine. With safety clutch. "Maaic Control"-raise handle to start, lower to stop. Pow erful 1 hp. Briggs & Stratton engine runs up to 4 hours per quart of gas. 18-in. cut. Hardened blaaes resist nicking Automatic recoil starter. rlNv Vi Horsepower (Jl I w'r Overload v V Protector v i I i 1 'l SERO-GLO 1 ,,tiB , lw, -S I miu Iiiie enamel I qt. I sttr-U-"5-" A perfect trim for la- i ' ' I m.mmm". tex. Resists stains . . '. 9 cleans easy. ' I ELECTRIC ROTARY 43 95 3)2J . Down V f 4 Spray Outfit Plus Sever Big ixtras-Usually 72.13 Spraying Kit Down Perfect balance; quiet and efficient. Tool steel blade cuts to 5 heights. Side chute scatters cuttings. Operates on 1 1 2 volts, 60 cycle AC. 75-ft. Extension Cord 6 00 Save $12 on complete kit Craftsman 'i-H.P. Spray Outfit Plus Seven Big Extras - Usually 72.13 Includes sprayer, cart, gun, hose, dropcloth, masking tape, tirpoiene, paint pot, tire chuck, viscosimeter, "How to Spray book. All paiked in one easy-to-carry package. Save on complete spraying kit. LAST 2 BM "SEM DAYS" SALE DAYS-1 HBBBBBBBBeiBBBBsH Scgft&g wxf fad ' SEARS 550 N. CAPITOL - 39191 i- ,.-A. .,j- A X.