The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1956, Page 14, Image 14

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    Albany Lands
Police Parley
JM-Siizzer Date Chosen
, For Santiara Bean Festival
' - lulraui Ntwi Srrir " '
STAYTO.V - Tk 195 Santiam Beoa Festival Is scheduled for
July SI througa August 4, the festival association announced Thursday.
- The celebration will feelers traditional events. Including a queea
selection, amateur blent show, act aad grunt grades, horse thaw,
"beaa bole teed" and a dance, according to Harmon DrusheUa, asso
ciation president.
A tiara, to be provided by Gene
Teague, will be present to this
year'a queen.
The following committee were
Pet parade.. Lm Odea thai j
Charles Warriner. Marjorie Ker
ber; grand parade. L Cotsforth, j
Bract Pbilippi, Joyce Chriatenara, j
Anna Benedict; amateur program,
Ed J. Bell, Eva Humphrey.
Queen contest. L H. Wright
Mabel Odenthal, Donna Sanders, j
Shirley Darby; hone show. Gene!
Teague. Jerry Coffman. Tony Mia-
den. Wanda O'Brien: home show1
display, B. G. Woods, Gilbert
Wourns: dance. El via Thomas,!
Raymond Kerber.
Solicitations, Gale Christensen,
Mrs. C. L. SUndley, William Swan
son, Blynn Humphreys; lighting.
John Sullivan, R. G. Woods. Luther
Guest. Joe Samek: dance. Elvin
Thomas, Raymond Kerber; bands.
John Brand, Gene Teague; conces
i ions, Ruth Wood. Lyle Sanders,
Matt Bevier, Marie Cole; grounds,
DeMoIay members: pubucitv, Har
ry Noah. Robert Smith. Florence
Bell Tolls for Monmouth
ALBA.YY This tity wfll be host
' to the 1957 coBventioa of the Ore-
foa Association of City Police Of
' ficers. Albany Police Chief Ray H.
Maddy announced Thursday
Albany made a bid for the con
vention at the recent 1956 conven
tion at Bend. The parley Is ex
pected to bring some tot police
men and their whrea to Albany.
ChUd Education
Association Will
Give Scnolarsnip
IUIW Xrw tervtre ...
MONMOLTH The Associa
tion for Childhood Educstloa
met at Atrue Bcnow, wun m
teachers, Mrs. Bonnie McClin
tick aad Mrs. Illreda Evans, as
' hostesses. Mrt, Jessie Hill re
viewed her recent atendance at
the ACE study conference in
Wsshington, D.C,
Officers re-elected for the com
ing year were; Mrs. Hill, presi
dent; Mrs. Wilms Harding, vice
president (newly elected), snd
Mrs. lone Yeo, secretary. Mrs.
Gwea PirutM wss elected to suc
ceed Mildred Xsne as publica
tions director.
The group discussed Its project
for the year, buying a scholarship
to Oregon College of Education
for deserving graduate of a
Polk County high school To raise
funds, a silver tea will be given
this summer to which mothers of
high school students will be ln
eitedU .... ......,
Real Estate
Transfer Told
. . jutina Hews Mrvtce .
rOUR CORNERS A three-way
real estate transfer was completed
this week when Mr. and Mrs.
William Taycea and son Glenn ac-
ouired the Andy Cowan residence
at MS S. Elma Ave. Mrs. Toycen
Is on the faculty of Four Corners
School .
Mr. and Mrs. Gowaa aad three
daughters moved to La Grande,
where he was transferred by the
First National Bask of Portland.
The new owners of the Toycen
property at CIS Macleay Rd. are
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew uowan, par
ents, of the , Andy Cowans who
moved to La Grande' The elder
Cowans hart been residing in this
J,; .
CI n wt on a 171ol
Rlrs. VanQeave
' Mateaaaa Naws SarvWa
VanCleave Is the new president
Of Labish Meadows Garden Club.
Mrs. Ralph Gilbert and Mrs.
Ed Zielinski comprised the nomi
nating committee, and other or
ficers elected were Mrs. Wsldo
Lowery as vice president; Mrs.
A, B. Wiesner, recording secre
tary; and Ms. Dorothy Zielinski
financial secretary,
Twenty-two members and three
guests answered roll-call by nam
ing their most important garden
project for the season. The group
will meet st the borne ot Mrs.
Joe Henny on May 4 when Mr.
snd Mrs. Joe VsnGeave of Sa
lem will entertain.
Fishers Buy
Zena Home
lUMnui Nw Scrvlrt
ZENA Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schol
tus have recently sold their Zena
home to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
The Fischers moved to Salem
from Nans. Idaho about a year
ago. Mr. Fisher is emploved at the
Albert Dickenson Seed Co. Tbev
will move into their new home in
May. j
Mr. and Mrs. Scholtus are mov
ing to Alpena. Michigan in. June
where Mr. Scholtus will teach ac
counting and economics at Alpena
Community College in the fall. Mr.
Scholtus is presently teaching at
South Salem High School.
I ;-, . ,.'4
-r "A f"i
mi w V , .A Ik U
Keizer Grange
25 Year Old
Colonist at
Aurora Die3
SUUnua News Strvtn
AURORA Final rites for Emma
J. Snyder, M, daughter of an origi
nal Aurora colonist, will be held
at 1 p m. Friday at the Aurora
Chapel of Everhart and Kent Mor
tuary. The deceased was born Aug. I,
1I7J, at Aurora, a daughter of
Sutruuo N mt tcrritt
KEIZER Keizer Grante cele
brated Its 2Sth anniversary with a
program honoring charter and 23
year members, who were Intro
duced by Grange Master Clifford
I The following received recogni
tion, W. E. Savage, Alwilda Sa
jvate, H. S. Keefer. Fred S. Mc-
Call, John P. Zielinski. Mrs. Lena
Zielinski and Mrs. Nan Francisco, j Charles and Christina Schuele Sny-
u aoaiiion to charter members der. Her father came to Aurora
who have been continuous patrons, with - the colonists from Bethel
the following were presented SU-lMo.. ia 1SSS and ber mother came
yer Certificate hv Stat Wlrv I in imn
Wildred Norman and -year pins Miss Snyder had been assistant
oy to orange: postmaster at Aurora and was a
Rosalie Allen, Burr BUck, F.laa charter member of Una Temple, i
Black Ada Borden, WilUam Bon-: Pythian Sisters. She was a past :
nett, Archie Oaggett. Anns Clag-rand chief and past rand secre
gett, George Durham, Helen Dur-'tary of the Pythian Sisters of Ore
ham, and Fannie McCsll. !on
i i j j a""-
n fiuxmni oi uamcj ana music
Statesman, Sale, Ce ?., May 4, 58 (Sec. II)-i9
Veteran Albany Banker Retiring
SUIruum Nt trnkt
ALBANY Dan H. Brenneman.
manager of the Albany Branch of
First National Bank of Portland,
is retiring, the bank announced
Brenneman has beea a banker
here since 1917, starting as a clerk
for the First National Bank of Albany.
MONMOUTH The peal of MaamMth's hlsterie stmI be efflrlally
peaed this city's centennial celebraUoa daring the bmi bear Thar
day. Haaer bell-riager was Mayw Howard Mariaa (left), assisted
au nMSMlul T.l;.n a
Suniving are a brother. Ernest
Marshall and Toni
pieUlelQC. I ,,,: ,. i' i ii ,:,i
dances; E. J. Savase, Marilyn Sa- ... Auror.' '
vage aad Inice Goldsby. piano e-;alL tMt .
lections; Peace in the Valley quar-' E,rl Bnk. P'r ' Au
tet and Mrs. Mad? Wiluw iyw-i rora Presbyterian Church will
Jefferson Pupils
Hold Election
SUttiMa Nti Ifrvlrt
JEFFERSON Joe Marcum has i Teeln Mr- p BUK snd wu
officiate at the service. Vault in
terment will follow in . Aurora
McMINNVILLE - Twenty - five
citizens have organized the Mc
Minnville Committee for Better
ay W. I MasM (ceater) aad E. M. Ebhert Mason h Maamaath's ' been elected grade school student 1 lard Cushing are co-chairmen. Pur-
eldest native rtstdeal while Ekaert baa beea as baatoeas here hMger
than aay ether aaerchaat.
Jefferson P-TA
To Seat Officers
Statmma Ntws Brrlr
JEFFERSON Officers will be
installed at the final meeting of,
Jefferson PTA on Thursday, May;
10. The meeting will be in the
high school library at t p.m. i
To be installed are Mrs. Burton
Ferguson, president; Mrs. Elton
Higbee, vice-president; Mrs. Don
Turnidge, secretary, and Mrs. Phi
lip Dimick. treasurer. A speaker
from Marioa Ceoaty Planning
Commission will talk. '
derson fell while waxing her kit
chen floor recently, shattering the
bones ia her right wrist.'
- 11 no sas-iamj-4 aagaaasBBBBBl
y I
. ,-w----"..3-s,. a
body president for next ichooliP01 ' t0 Kive information about
year. Other officers chosen were fluoridation of the water supply to
vice president. Susan Hart; secre- voters of the city
lary treasurer. Uclenc CurRU
rich: sergeant -at -arms and fire
chief, Steven Miller.
oarosra r rey irom (.alifornia Tanimp(uinUaaM.btn.
and Sharon Morris, Richland. i bw"dwwnioio(i
Wash., are new nunik in lh fourth T.1 T s
grade taught by Hannah Wright.
Shirley Morris is new in the fifth
thin. Mthinf. cuahioaum
MONMOUTH A few raladreps as eeateaalal speaed feaad Mrs. Ea
geae Brewa prepared .U protect her 1171 vlatage aarses aalform
with ambrella. Opeamg day foaad aient adalls and many children
la 1Mb eeatary CMtumes. (Statesman Phataal
HANGOVER MEDICINE ' medicine against hangover but we
STOCKHOLM UP The faculty are not yet ready to lift the veil.
of medicine, which awards the says Dr. Leonard Goldberg. He is
Nobel prises in medicine and phys- an expert on the effects of al
iology, has developed "an efficient cohol
eak. anaaw
Here's your chance to
gel a fine buy on slacks
Flannels, worsted, gabardines,
erepes and navelties. All sixes.
If perfect, would sell as hih as
I15.M. If taken as taey are . . .
Kay Woolen Mill Store
260 S. 12th
Across from Willamette Campus
and VLJLji'JW W ynW IT II
, :MW&) Colgate Celebrates
1 ffoJ$ft?W' its Anniversary
wTr7fW ' with this
iiilulll REGULAR
IMllllM i J2 294TUBES 7 What's New in Colgati Dental Cream
MMlf Ir i nnhf i'cy ln every ot',er 'ea(lin8 Ap0'
fc,,iiC- I I I'"' ardol! And Colat's with Gardol fies up lo
'i,1 "'i-.'' aw U C' f'mct longer protection atfainit Moth drear and a
""". " cleaner, reher breath all tlav with jmt one brmhina!
2$1 C a, aPOAlf A I IIP kw And right now ou can get wolarte-siW-cenl tubes
for IJ 7 Vail III? ofColnate Dental Cream ithOardol for only 43f! But
Zm hurry! Tim money-saving offer u for a ery limited
7 . . time only! Get Colgate Dental Cream today. Remtm-
gt V f lS (learn Your Breath while it Ouards Your Tretk!
100 Vkgli Waal
lun and comfort
m -
irmSSsSK for vour children!
i r if 1 1 i
At Vallty Hospitals
SUtraua Ntws Srvtct
8DLVERT0N To Mr. and Mrs.
James Cole, Portland, a daughter,
Apra 39, at the Silverton Hospital
To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomp
son, YYoodburn, a son, April 30,
at the Silverton Hospital.
To Mr. and Mrs. James Brad
shaw, Molalla, a son. May 1, at
the Silverton Hospital
STAYT0N - To Mr. and Mrs
Donald Zuber, Sublimity route I,
a daughter, May 1, at Santiam
Memorial Hospital.
To Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Mc
Dowell, Lyons route 1, a son, May
1, at Santiam Memorial Hospital.
Perry's Rexall
Drug Store
lit Sorth Commertlsl Street
,wr n D ? f I ' Cf ' , Walt Disney
. Tr4de M,rk
I Sizt rtngt
I I 4 to S infintt
Children's TV favorilei - uonald, Pluto,
Mickey in color on the film-strip strap
Biltwel quality with genuine leather uppers
and durable, , lightweight, Sesrofoam soles
Cool for summerl Open sandal style catches
every breeze yet it's sturdy and fits firmly
Just say, "Charge It" on Sears Revolving Charge, 6 Months fo Pay - Small Service Charge
Phone 3-9191
550 N. Capitol
tiffin -1BJiSgi6y!ffc "ROLL-EASY" lisMni
REG. $49M REG. $69" f(l fm
Ml (CIJ $ J88 I $ J8W WA
wim easy imsM
Rolls easily, cleans easily stores COMPLETE SET OF SCVX Rolls anywhere easily on its giant
easily. Complete with extra-large ATTACHMENTS ,2 lnth hee'1' evtn UP nd dow
Throw-Away" Bag, set of tools Z,V ,,airs! ComPlet Wlth M of tool
Including handy 2-in-l rug and i.du.i,. l 1. t i. c VrZf including handy 2-in-l rug and floor
Boor attachment. Powerful de- ! , . n . S) Z4 attachment, extra-large "Throw-
ptndable G-E motor. -U tl, 0.. f ft Aay-Bae.
$3.99 $5.15 ISL $5.78 $5.21
'TIL 9 P.M.