U.S. Urged to Allow More Sales to Red By SEYMOUR TOPPING PARIS Ifl Britaia Dressed the United States anew Thursday to al low easing of Western bans on sale of strategic goods to Soviet Russia and Red China. ' Responsible diplomatic inform ants uid British Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd raised hte issuea political hot potato in this U. S. presidential election year in a conference with U.S. Secretary of Mate Dulles. j British and American delegation spokesmen said the two also dis cussed the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) council meet ing opening here Friday and re sults of the April visit to Britain of Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin and C o m m u a i 1 1 Chief Nikita Khrushchev. The Kremlin leaders dangled be fore the trade-hungry British a package offer to buy up to $2.0, 000,000 worth of goods, both stra tegic and unrestricted, over the next five years. Prime Minister Eden's government spurned the part of the offer dealing with stra tegic supplies. , More Prrsiure But Lloyd came to Paris with instructions to review the trade embargo with Dulles and to ex plain that mounting pressure is felt from British businessmen and legislators for more business with the Communist world. On other matters, British and American informants said Dulles and Lloyd agreed that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization i NATO) must be givtn a quick shot in the arm through expansion of its economic and political tunc tions. To Cranier Russians The two statesmen indorsed the view, now apparently common to the members of the 15-nation alli ance, that NATO must adjust tac tics to meet Russia's worldwide ' trade and aid" offensive in neu tralist areas of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Dulles and Lloyd will put their ideas before the council tomorrow. It is likely the council will turn over sll the proposals submitted along these lines to s subcommit tee of three to five foreign minis ters. This committee would have instructions to report back in he fall with a practieal policy. The informants said the United States, Britain and France are agreed NATO should be used to harmonize aid policies, but actual delivery of help to underdeveloped countries should be left to outside agencies. TilTr3 (1 (r1 ri J 11 VaiU Va U I t ' ... Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri, May 4, 56 (Sec. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M- OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. If II I . . n- n n n s? r n SfflnOno onlxlf .7' " m. ... ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma - - m SMI!! HiW0ll ' r- mi - w.'' - ,r"cV' - in ! ! ' if- ' SV- If .! " popular colors: frost, Danube blue, mint green, jet gray, matador red, cedar tan, Burma brown. 3o different styles and sizes: week enders, overnight cases, pullman cases, train cases, wardrobes, hat and shoe cases, tote-all. Men's and women's styles. Convicts Have Wide Choice Of Reading INDIANAPOLIS I - The state is making sure that convicts at the Indiana State prison have a wide choice of reading matter. In fart, the inmates will soon have at their disposal, "Healthy Babies Are Happy Babies." That's one of 100 books to be pur chased for the prison library. Other volumes are "How To Make a Success of Your Marriage and "Psychology of Sex." And then there's !'Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies . Ranging farther afield, there will he books about the birds and the bees plus "The Life of the Spider," "How to Know Wild Flowers," and "Handybook of Gardening " Anoth er book tells the inmates "How To Know and Predict the Weather " But one volume may be particu larly interesting to convicts who are none too happy behind prison bars. It's called "Flight Into Space." The prison is st Michigan City. District of Columbia 'Home Rule' Urpecl WASHINGTON -Rep. Polly i R Wash i asked Democrats and Republican house members this week to join him in an effort to force from committee a bill to grant "home rule" for the Dis trict of Columbia, He said the bill is being held In the House District committee by "Southern reactionary Demo cratic members." In signing a petition to take the bill from committee, Pelly said he considered his action "sym bolic" inasmuch as it was taken on the day when district residents went to the election polls for the (irst time in 82 years to vote for i delegates to national political con ventions. JOINTS CLOSED BHOPAL, India - Policemen now blow the whistle at midnight --daiMg-girJsd-Jheiriiuji-1 tomers in Bhopal I red light dis trict. The girls are protesting the new quitting time, contending the joints don't start jumping until midnight. u f Hr 1 I X t 1 1 ftmmi4 g g W g I J? ij-";.'' --;"T i , ' i I s: . .f XI --1 I I, . J I r r'v . - J 7"jKt., Vv it N W:L $50,000.00 worth ---a full carload to sell at 8.87 to $26.38 reg. $17.75 to $52.75 One of the greatest luggage events the Northwest has ever known . . . timed right at the beginning of the vacation season ... a terrific special purchase from one of the country's best known, nationally advertised makers of popular light weight luggage. Newest styles, including regular and the recently introduced "soft sided'' luggage. Minute imperfections . . . difficult for an expert to detect i . . . in no way impair the beauty or durability of this luggage. Finest construction: top quality chrome hardware; smart interiors pf Cela nese taffeta in harmonizing colors; convenient pockets for packing small articles. Buy matched sets: most sizes and styles are available in all seven fashion colors . . . shop early and you can get a complete set in matching style and color ... or complete the set you now have with matching pieces. No Mail or Phone Orders LUGGAGE-STREET FLOOR (o)(o)c (o)(o) ' iK I r a I .. V reg. $1.89 BEACH BAGS reg. $1.49 SHOE RACK 88 88 A huge assortment of styles and colors to complement your summer outfits and piay clothes. Door style shoe rack of sturdy metal construction. Holds 6 pairs of men's or women's shoes. reg. $1.00 BLOUSE RACK 88 Swinging arm metal rack . . . holds a half dozen women's blouses or men's shirts with out crushing. reg. $1.29 TV STOOL 88 Children and adults like this wooden stool for watching TV, Removable legs for easy storing. MOTHER'S DAY BOX CHOCOLATES l20 . 500 Johnston and Societe SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Daily 7:30 a. m. to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. 135 NORTH COMMERCIAL NOTIONS-STREET FLOOR mlel 9 Joz-ficlureAdndom upto-26Jeeiuide! DACRONTRISCILLAS With fabulous Dacron you can have the lush beauty of be-ruffled priscillas with out a worry about tedious ironing. Here are crisp curtains that stay crisp through out tubbing after tubbing . . . and never need more than the merest touch of an iron.. Sun-resistant, quick-drying. Extra full ruffles, 8Vj inches deep for ihe look of sheer luxury. Soft, all-white color. Easy-on-your-budget sale prices' tilt, tath tltlt r- P""' F,ir '" " "' 65"x81" $10.98 . $6.99 1 63"x8 1 " $39.98 $29.99 92"x81" $19.98 11.99 202"x81" $54.98 $39.99 125"x81" $27.98 17.99 260"x81" $69.98 $54.99 - i FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS i' :'t u ssMaWsllMkesWilHsaaf -jt0tiidt" j reg. 75c PANTS CREASER 2 prs. for 88C All steel, polished, tarnish proof Child s or adults, ad lustable Creases trousers without ironing. reg. $1.69 SHOE BAG A'trar ve quilted plastic shot bags, assortment of color. Holds 6 pairs women's or chil dren i shoes.